The most interesting about the polar bear. Interesting facts about polar bears

Today in the world is the International Polar Bear Day (International Polar Bear Day) or in a more familiar Russian version - the day of the polar bear. White bears exist more than 200 thousand years, and it is known that they were several times more than now. It is believed that they originated from the brown bears, which were separated by glaciers near Siberia. In order to adapt to new conditions, their bodies have undergone evolutionary changes, and they finally began to look like they look today. Now the habitat of polar bears is the entire Arctic region in the indoor regions of the North. Interesting facts are collected here about this wonderful animal.

1. Polar bears - the world's largest land predators, separating first place with the Bear of Kadyak. The weight of adult males can reach from 250 to 770 kilograms, and the length (from the nose to the tail) is 2.5-3 meters. Adult females are two times less: 90-300 kg and 1.8-2.5 meters, respectively.

2. Despite the fact that you see in the photos, white bears are not at all white. Their wool is colorless, since the wool hollow and transparent. They reflect the light and seem white. Under the fur hides black leather necessary for better absorption of solar heat.

3. In prolonged winter hibernation (up to two months and longer), only pregnant females lie. And males continue to hunt throughout the winter.

4. Scientific name of polar bears - Ursus Maritimus (translated from Latin "Sea Bears").

5. Newborn cubs of polar bears are much smaller in size than newborn children of man. Their mass is about 500 grams with growth of 30-35 centimeters.

6. Although the temperature in the Arctic can descend to -45 ° C, white bears usually have problems not with freezing, but with overheating. Especially during running. And all this due to the physiological features of the bear responsible for the preservation of heat. Therefore, bears prefer to move slowly and measured.

7. White bears are excellent swimmers. Thanks to the structure of the paws, they are elegantly and swim quite quickly. The average speed is 10 km / h. And sailing 161 kilometers without stopping bears will not be any difficulty. Floating, white bears use large front paws to move along the water, and the rear - for control. By the way, they spend so much time in water that some scientists belong to these animals to the marine mammal.

8. White bears are characterized by an excellent sense of smell. They can teach the seal at a distance of 32 kilometers.

9. When the bears turns to sleep, they close the nose with a paw to keep warm.

10. White bears - large cleaning. After eating, they spend about 20 minutes, clearing themselves. They need to make sure that there are no food residues left in the wool, which can reduce its thermal insulation properties.

11. It is known that white bears can be exposed to flashes of anger. More than once it was noticed how the bear scattered huge pieces of ice and leaned loudly in despair after a failed attempt to grab his victim.

12. Only polar bear predator. All other bears are omnivorous.

13. If during the cold season, they lack food, polar bears can be starved for several months. These are their natural ability used for survival.

14. White bears is the only view of the bears, which is a marine mammal.

15. Polar bears have 9677 hair per square inch.

16. While most bears have barefoot legs, the paws have white bears on the bases and between the fingers. It is necessary to reduce heat loss on cold ice.

17. White bears are single animals. Exceptions is the period when they are ready for mating.

18. Thanks to the rough surface on the pads of paws, white bears do not slide on the ice.

19. At the polar bear 42 tooth.

20. Because of the adaptability to the cold, white bears may disappear in the case of global warming. Created by man, greenhouse gases are heated by land, as a result of which the ice began to melting, putting a threat to the existence of a white bear population.

21. There are 19 species of polar bears defined and classified by scientists. Currently, 5 of them are on the verge of extinction.

22. The most beloved meal of polar bears are ringed nerves, but in winter predators eat everything that can catch. In the summer, they are tagged with berries, leaves and algae.

23. Adult polar bear usually eats one seal in 6-7 days.

24. Right your young on land, white bears then hold a predominant part of his life in water. Most people mistakenly believe that polar bears are terrestrial animals, although they are classified as marine mammals.

25. For a long time, the myth was disseminated that white bears - left-handed. This question has not yet been removed by scientists, and it is unlikely that it will ever be found an answer. Bears use both paws and in order to grab their prey, and in order to dig. Unlike people, they do not use only one hand.

26. Despite the fact that the northern bears have a reputation as terrible hunters, their successful hunt is less than 2%. White bears, which are the most carnivores from the family of bears, spend a lot of energy in the process of hunting. Time and energy that they spend in search of food, over time only increase, since the naval arctic ice disappears, and the animals are becoming more difficult to look for her prey (mainly seals). Polar bears can eat more than 25 kilograms of meat for one sitting.

27. Habitat area of \u200b\u200bpolar bears: Russia, Canada, USA, Greenland, Arctic Islands of Norway.

28. On average, the polar bears live in the wild of 17 years.

29. The bear is rarely given, once every two three years. In one litter it can be up to three cubs.

30. Single living beings that threaten bears, these are people.

And finally, the mystery:

Why white bears do not eat penguins?

Depression? The bear lives on the North Pole, and the penguin on the south.
Fly, far :)

Based on materials and

The polar bear is one of the largest predators of the planet and a real mystery of nature. We will tell when he appeared, why does he need white color, and why it is counted for maritime mammals.

Riddle of origin

The origin of polar bears is still a mystery for scientists. Earlier it was believed that polar bears were separated from the brown about 45 thousand years ago, somewhere on the shores of Ireland. The proximity of the species was confirmed, including the possibility of the appearance of fertil offspring as a result of crossing, which rarely occurs if parents are "distant relatives". In 2011, scientists, based on genetic studies, moved the date of the white bear on a hundred thousand years ago. Then zoologists, under the leadership of Frank Hilera, reported that the ancestor of polar bears was a kind of brown bear, who lived about 150 thousand years ago in Late Pleistocene. Moreover, according to the results of the study, the form was formed rather quickly, which was explained by the next cooling and the need to survive in Arctic conditions. But already a year later, a group of researchers from the German Research Center of Biodiversity and Climate (BIK-F) refuted all previous versions. After analyzing nuclear DNA 45 not only white, but also brown and black bears (Baribals), they found out that the brown and white bears were once separated from the overall ancestor Ursus Etruscus. So, the polar bear is not a "modification" of the brown, and his native brother. According to this theory, the polar bear appeared 600 thousand years ago, and therefore came out the winner already from several ice and interleden periods. True, this version also has a lot of opponents, and the question of the origin of polar bears still remains open.

Hibernation not in habit

White bears, in contrast to their brown female, do not fall into the hibernation. In winter, they sleep more than in summer, but still it is not a hibernation. During the last life of the body practically stops: the heart beats weakly, the body temperature is reduced. White bears have breathing and temperature remain normal, as long as he could sleep. In good weather, they often leave Berloga to hunt ice on Nerpen - inaccessible prey on warm seasons. The situation is the situation with pregnant females. Young beasts that appear in the middle of winter, at birth, no more human, and the Arctic winter do not survive them. Therefore, the female lies in Berlogue when ice melts and hunt becomes difficult. Bear is usually born in November-January, and in Berorgan stay until February-March. Male and idle females lay down in a hibernation for a short time and not every year.

Prison for bears

The main enemy of the polar bear is a man. But for our "kind", a meeting with the largest mammal predator on earth often ends the tragedy. In recent decades, white bears have become frequent guests in cities for the polar circle. They are attracted to "easy prey" - garbage, pets. So, in the vicinity of the Canadian city, Churchill may wander up to 1000 individuals. Previously, animals were shooting, today the death penalty was replaced by the conclusion - in the place of the former military base for violators of the order, a prison was built. The term of conclusion is usually from two to 30 days, however, in the event of a re-catching of the same bear - the term increases. The prison diet is quite stronger - only water gives the beasts. The essence of the method is to develop a feeling of fear from the beast when approaching the city. Release "criminals" closer to winter, when ice appears on the Gudsonian waters, and with him simplifies hunting.

Marine mammals
The scientific name of the White Bear - Ursus Maritimus, that is, the Sea Bear. White bears are excellent swimmers, they can swim hundreds of kilometers without stopping at an average speed of 10 km / h, which is much faster than their non-refinery and measured step on land. The record swim polar bear was recorded in 2011, when a bear in search of food overcame 687 kilometers in 9 days without stopping. These animals spend so much time in water, which in some classifications they are referred to maritime mammals, along with whales, seals and wizens.

White Color - Salvation from Cold

Studying the life of polar bears, they involuntarily sympathize with them - how can you live in such conditions at all, where the temperature can decrease to up to - 70 degrees. However, in the white bears themselves, the problems usually occur not with freezing, but with overheating. Especially during running. And all this due to the physiological features of the bear responsible for the preservation of heat. One of the main secrets of polar closures is a white color. It's all about one of the main ways to transfer heat - infrared radiation, which is dissipated between the numerous layers of the fluff or fur of light colors and slows down the cooling. According to researchers, such a blocking of the thermal transfer, which formed in the process of evolution at the inhabitants of the polar regions, provides effective thermal insulation. That is why polar bears are white - so warmer.

In risk area

White bears today - extinct view. And it's not even in poachers, but in climate change. According to the Canadian biologist Ian Sterling: "Iceshop in the Hudson Gulf begins about two weeks earlier than twenty years ago." It deprives bears of the opportunity to score the necessary fat reserves before warm months when the whole hunting is "no". The main mining of white bears - seals and their young, whom they usually get from the ice when the sacrifice sails to the hole, "bull" oxygen. In open water, there are no chances in the clums. Therefore, together with warming and melting of glaciers, the population of polar bears is reduced. According to researchers, since 1980, the birth rate and the average weight of these animals decreased by about ten percent. In search of food they have to overcome all the large and long distances. For an example mentioned above, a nine-day record swimming of a bear, 687 kilometers long, was caused by the need to find food for her and his one year old. The latter so exhaust swimming was not able to. According to preliminary forecasts, if ice cover continues to decline with the same speed, by the end of the century, white bears will repeat the fate of their extinct relatives.

Polar bear for children

This article is devoted to all boys and girls who love bears just like me! Here are some interesting facts about polar bears for children.

White bears are one of the most magnificent, beautiful and dangerous creatures on Earth. Those of you who saw the film "Golden Compass" will remember Jorek Burnson, Prince polar bears. Although Iorpek talks to the movies, and the real white bears - no, at least, not at the royal English or other human language! Real polar bears are less cruel, much more friendly than Ioruk, but the same strong and bold, like he. In this article I collected some amazing facts for children about polar bears. Each fact about the polar bears is unique and incredible. Get ready to surprise the lives and times of polar bears.

Interesting facts about the polar bear for children

Polar bears are known for the scientific name Ursus Maratimus. Inuit called polar bears "Nanuky". Today around the world there are about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears. But the promised facts about polar bears for children presented in ascending order of surprise!

Arctic - My home!

White bears live near the North Pole, behind the northern polar circle, which is one of the coldest places on the ground. They live on the shears of ice and cold land located around the polar circle. They live in the coastal part of Alaska, Canada, Russia, Norway and Greenland. Normal temperature in these regions is minus 55 degrees Celsius and the wind here blows at an average speed of 48 kilometers per hour! Read more about this in the section "Where White Bears live".

I love to swim!

White bears Champions among swimmers! They can swim at a speed of 9.5 kilometers per hour in sea water, under negative temperatures. Neither one of our swimmers-gold medalists will not have chances to stand against a polar bear. White bears, as you know, float 160 kilometers without stopping, quickly, sometimes leaning on ice shields.

I am a giant!

White bears - the largest bears on the ground. Newborn bears are small as rats, but when they begin to grow, they stretch three meters in height and weigh more than 635 kilograms! They are one of the largest predators on Earth. White bears live up to 25 years, maximum up to 30.

I have thick wool!

Now you can be surprised how polar bears were able to remain warm and alive at such temperatures. The reason is the thick layer of subcutaneous fat. It acts as a layer of isolation that protects them from the cold, helping them to keep the body temperature.

Tests are delicious!

What do polar bears eat, what helps them grow to such huge sizes? They hunt for seals, fish, deer and birds. They can sit in the hole for several hours to pounce on seal. Sometimes they even eat whale meat. In the summer, they go to a vegetarian diet, and feed on berries. They are the kings of the polar circle that have no analogues in their strength and endurance.

I have a sensitive nose!

Polar bears have a very sharp scent, which can teach such a sacrifice as a seal, even at a distance of 20 kilometers or at a depth of one meter under the ice.

My wool reflects white!

Now, the next one of the most interesting facts about the polar bears for children is that the wool of the polar bear is not white, although it may seem like that! Each hairs in the wool of a polar bear is actually transparent. Wool look white, as it reflects white ice color. The polar bear wool is fat and pushes water, so it can easily stay dry.

My house melts! Help!

Global warming negatively affects the white bears, the shears of the Arctic ice, which are their floating houses and hunting grounds, are melted very quickly. White bears also present value for a person because of their meat. Today they are classified as vulnerable animals. Read more about it in more detail, in the article "Polar bears are under threat of disappearance." As you can see, each of the facts about polar bears will not compare with any other animal on Earth. Polar bear is adapted to survive in the conditions of the Arctic and Waters. We hope that these interesting facts about the polar bear for children left you delighted with these majestic creatures of the ice.

Guzel Abdulna
An abstract of classes on the ecology "What we know about a white bear" (senior group)

Prepared: Educator senior group MBDOU # 22 Abdulina Gusel Inkarovna, g. Leninogorsk, RT.


Give kids knowledge about white bear: appearance, lifestyle, habits and methods of hunting in winter and summer.

To form ideas about the lifestyle of animals in the North Pole, about the adaptation to the habitat.

Develop the ability to search activity.

Continue to acquaint children with white medvedia, the ability to adapt to the habitat.

Intensify speech using games and exercises.

Forming interested, careful attitude to white medvedes.

Wordwork: Enrichment of the dictionary in words: "Arctic", "predator"; Activation drug: "Mining", "wool","Paws", "den", "seal", "Tyulenina".

Preliminary work:

Reading and viewing illustrations about white bear in the journal about the life of wildlife; View cartoon "Umka"; Listening to audio recordings "Lullaby mesmen» (From cartoon "Umka"): viewing paintings with the image of white bears; Drawing on White Stencils bears.

Materials for classes: Multimedia; the globe; Illustrations of animals (brown and white bears) ; notebook; a pen; the envelope.

Travel course:

(Children play in game corners, knock on the door. The tutor goes to believe and brings an envelope in his hands.)

Guys, look, ka here, we have a letter, let's look into the envelope, which is inside.

(gets a letter and a card with a mystery)

We sent a letter, but in order to find out from whom it is, we must guess riddle:

Swim over the blue sea

On the ice floe is huge

Strong, predatory beast

In the fur coat snow-white.

What do you think who is it? (children's responses)

Well done, right. Well, let's read the letter. (opens the letter)

"Hello children! You write white bear. I want to tell you about yourself, about whites bear. In the north, in the Arctic where only snow and ice, we live, whites the Bears. Our habits are like Burya habits bears: We are in the winter in Berrod from ice and snow, we love to swim and catch fish. Medleang Our kids will first feed with milk, and when they grow up feeding fish and seal meat.

We are adapted to life in hard conditions: we have thick, warm, wool, including on the soles of the paws, she saves us from frost, white masking wool painting makes us imperceptible snow, we can dive well and swim, hide, quietly sneak to mining, we have severe paws With sharp claws, claws help us quickly and deftly catch fish in the water, and we have strong teeth. I want to add, we, whites the BearsMade into the Red Book.

I would like to make friends with you, wait from you a response letter. Respect, white bear

That's what letter we got. Let us find the Arctic on the globe. Where is he is - self.

(looking for together and find)

So, it turns out where the Arctic is located! In the Arctic around the snow and ice, therefore on the globe it is marked with white.

And now let's see the illustration bears: White and brown. Look what they look like and what they differ. (children's responses)

Where does it live? (children's responses)

What saves it from the cold? (children's responses)

Can you swim? (children's responses)

How does it make me food? (children's responses)

What helps him hunt? (children's responses)

Than feed bear Medshonka? (children's responses)

Yes, right, she feeds the kid with milk, then when it is growing with fish and seal meat. The meat of seal is called Tulenina. Bears hunt and on them.

Now let's play the game with you « Messenger»

Messenger In more often, they rushed and cool head

They circled their heads.

Like this (2 times)- They circled their heads.

Bear Möd searched. Perform the movements for

A friendly tree swing the tutor. (Looking for honey and

Like this (2 times)- A friendly tree swung. Swing trees.)

Bearing water saw(Imitation movements)

For each friend went. Drink a water and go to each other

Like this (2 times)- friend.

For each other all went.

Bear danced(Imitation movements)

Upstairs paws raised poured on the spot and

Like this (2 times)- Left paws up. Raise hands up.

Well done, played nicely!

And now, let's write a white off letter medvedes.

Address: Arctic, country of eternal ice and snow, a big snowdrift.

KOM: White bear.

Hello, dear white bear!

We got your letter. Thank you, thanks to you we learned who are so white medlestia where they live.

Come to visit us from the distant Arctic! We treat you delicious fish. Are looking forward to!

If you can't come to us, we are waiting for a letter from you.

With respect to white bears Children of the senior group kindergarten number 22 Leninogorsk, RT.

Here, now we will seal the envelope and remains only to send a letter. In the evening, let's go home, put it in the mailbox and we will wait for the answer.

A. classes drawing we paint white bears with sponge, foam rubber. We arrange the exhibition "Arctic, a distant country of perpetual ice."

A message about a polar bear can be used in preparation for the lesson. A story about a polar bear for children can be complemented by interesting facts.

Report on the topic "White Bear" grade 4

The polar bear is one of the largest predators on the ground. These are residents of harsh and snow-covered arctic belts, their southern habitat is the tundra zone.

Description of the White Medved

The White Bear has a cargo, massive torso and large, powerful paws.

Its weight ranges from 300 to 800 kg, and the length can reach up to three meters. The color of the fur coats can be from white to yellowish. In the summer, the fur can turn yellow due to the constant effects of sunlight. The wool stores the subcutaneous fat and protects well from the cold, so animals will not be frozen on land, nor under water. The tail of the polar bear is very short, has a length of 7 to 13 cm and is almost impaired from under dense fur.

Interestingly, the skin of a bear under the coarse wool, like the nose.

Their feet have an unusual oblong form, which allows them not to fall under the snow and overcome distances of 30 kilometers. Through partitions between the fingers, animals swim well and hunt under water.

What do bears eat?

They feed on fish, seals, and sometimes young walruses. Bears can do a long time without food, but when they catch prey, they eat up to 10 kg of meat at a time. In summer, there may be plants. Predators are very deft, despite the huge weight and thick skin. They have a well developed smelling and vision. They can see and honor their victim for kilometers. And after having stopped prey, they stun her with a paw blow.

Lifestyle of polar bears

Basically, these animals are single, but in the spring are defined in pairs to create offspring. In small families, they master the new territory, but do not delay on it for a long time. The females of polar bears during the nursery of the young almost do not leave the shelter and lose weight by 2 times. After the birth of babies (usually one or two), the Medvedian spends several months with them in a specially dug burglar, because they are not yet adapted to the cold. Newborn Mother's Baby teaches them to hunt and survive in difficult conditions.