The most unusual money. And you know which of the cash bills is the most ancient

In fact, each country has its own unique currency. On money, portraits of famous people, attractions or illustrations for historical events are usually depicted. But there are very unusual monetary signs. Our review contains 16 coins and bills that are the dream of each numismat.

1. Silver coin with fragments of meteorite, Fiji

In 2012, the Republic of Fiji issued a limited series of 999 10-dollar coins made of silver, which contained pieces of this Meteorite Neuschwanstein, who fell on Earth on April 6, 2002 near Neuschwanstein castle, located on the border of Germany and Austria.

2. Pets with animals, Belarus

While most countries depict historically important people and symbols on their banknotes, in Belarusian banknote in 50 kopecks depicted protein, 1 ruble is decorated with a hare, and on a 3-ruble banknote you can find a couple of beavers. Higher nominal banknotes contain images of wolves, fish, salmon, bears and bison. True, the Belarusian "bunnies" are already displayed.

3. 100-franc coin with marijuana, Benin

The world's first silver coin depicting marijuana was issued by the Government of the West African Republic of Benin. On the back of the coin there is a bright green leaf of cannabis. If you lose it, the sheet makes a clear aroma of marijuana, which is produced by synthetic additives

4. Banknote in 50 Pfennigov, Germany

The Germans portrayed real social advertising on money. Images on the banknotes were diverse - from the romantic folklore to social satire, but everything is very well transmitted by the spirit of culture of this period in the history of Germany. Scary images, such as a banknote of 50 panenigs, were no exception.

5. Coin with fossil remains of Mammoth, Côte d "Ivoire

Côte d "Ivoire released a limited edition of 1000-franc coins with tiny fragmen of the remains of mammoths.

Banknote in 100 trillion dollars, Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe at the time of the country's exit from the Second War in Congo (1998 - 2003), the confiscation of personal land possessions of white farmers began. This led to hyperinflation, whose peak is estimated at 79,600 million in November 2008. At that time, the National Bank issued a bill with a par value of 100 trillion dollars.

7. Talking coin, Mongolia

Coins with a face value of 500 tugres, released in 2007 in Mongolia, were equipped with a button, when the famous speech "I am Berlinets" sounded, John F. Kennedy was sounded.

8. Wooden banknote, Germany

Germany plunged into a deep financial crisis after the First World War. This led to the fact that the Germans began to produce their own informal currency called "Notgeld" (money for an emergency). Germany city printed currency on the only possible - on a tree, aluminum foil, playing cards, in an attempt to bypass the depreciating cost of the German brand.

9. Commemorative coin in honor of the Virgin Mary, Republic of Palau

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the first phenomenon of the Virgin Mary of Saint Bernadette in the town of Lourdes in the south of France in 2008, the Republic of Palau (Western Pacific) released a memorable coin. It has a built-in capsule with water from Lourdes.

10. The oldest banknote, China

Paper money was first used by the Chinese, who began to introduce bills during the Tan dynasty (618-907 AD). They were used mainly for private bills. Paper bills went to China more than 500 years before they started to take up in Europe in about 17th century. Chinese Quang 1380 is the oldest of the world famous banknotes.

11. Banknote in 100 million billion Penga, Hungary

The currency of Hungary, Penga, suffered from the highest level of hyperinflation in history. In 1946, the Hungarian Bank issued a banknote of 100 million billion Pengone, which cost only about 20 American cents. In July 1946, the country changed the currency with Penga to Forinth.

12. Coin with statuette, Easter Island

The most famous sight of Easter island was depicted on a coin in a very original way. The silver coin was designed in such a way that the miniature statuettes of idols can be inserted vertically in the slots on the coins, creating a three-dimensional version of the famous monuments on Easter Island.

13. Coin with Pearl, Republic of Palau

Another original coin of a complex design was the coin released in the Republic of Palau, in which the green freshwater pearl is built - the local symbol of good luck and happiness. Coins that were released by a limited series are also decorated with various types of marine shells.

14. Coin with a particle of heat shield "Concord", Tristan yes-kunya

Tristan-da-kunya, the British territory, located on remote volcanic islands in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, published a special series of coins in honor of the 20th anniversary of the famous Concord aircraft in 2009. Each coin is the gilded and contains a tiny piece of the titanium alloy of the Concord heat shield.

15. Biggest banknote, Philippines

The 100,000 Pesos banknote was issued by the Central Bank of the Philippines in honor of the celebration of the country's century in 1998. The banknote in the size of 22x35.5 cm was listed in the Guinness Book as the largest banknote in the world, which is a legitimate payment facility.

16. Leather money, Alaska

In 1799, the Russian-American company created on Alaska to master the natural wealth of these lands, produced leather money. Marks Rate 25, 10, 5, 1 ruble and 50, 25 and 10 kopecks in color resembled Russian appliances issued by Ekaterina II 1768 and 1787.

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I do not even remember how such a huge number is called. But this is not fiction, but a real monetary sign of the now state of Yugoslavia. Hyperinflation struck Yugoslavia in 1989, until the reforms in 1994. In 1988, this banknaire was printed. Unfortunately, I do not know what it was possible to buy for such money. Loaf bread?

Concentration Camp Banknote

This money was created by the NATS for the Jews in the concentration camp from Czechoslovakia. This camp served as an exemplary critic and other organizations who came to check the living conditions of people living here.

The Nazis created in this school camp for children, conducted cultural and educational events for prisoners, and even released monetary signs for internal circulation.

In fact, about 30 thousand people died in this camp, and about 90 thousand from the inhabitants of the "Paradise" concentration camp were sent in other places, even more terrible.

The bills themselves were presented to the Red Cross, but in fact never used, and had no price.

A hundred trillion dollars (Zimbabwe)

Another bill of huge nominal used in Zimbabwe in 2009. There, as the economic anarchy is well known, and the paper money even take into the waste paper. Sometimes the weight of paper money for which you can buy loaf of bread, exceeds the weight of the loaf.

One hundred million billion Pego (Hungary)

Yes, in this country the maximum hyperinflation from all possible was recorded. It happened in 1946, so this is not a consequence of modern economic shocks. So, one hundred million billion is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. It is clear that zeros did not fit on the bill, so they were not printed, registering with the words numbers. In July 1946, Pengo was replaced by Forints, currency, still being the official currency of Hungary.

The oldest bill is 1380

This bill is the most ancient of all preserved. She was released in 1380, although paper money was used in China for another 800 of our era.

Notgeld (Germany)

This money is something like coupons that were used everywhere in Ukraine, after the collapse of the USSR. By the way, Notgeld can be considered the most unusual of all "emergency" currencies produced as a substitute for ordinary money. As you can see, the decoration of the money is not just unusual, but very unusual. I wonder how a similar thing was allowed to turn around?

Banknote with Einstein

In 1952, the Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion proposed to use the face of Albert Einstein as a detail of a new Israeli bill, a monetary sign in 5 units, Lirot. Specifically, this bill was released in 1968.

Many argue that the money has become one of the most important inventions of humanity. With their help, we learned to exchange goods. As a result, today we have the opportunity to get anything in the world, they would have enough of these most belly paper or zeros on the account. The bulk of money on Earth has a rather traditional appearance. They are made or in the form of paper bills, or in the form of metal coins. For a long time, the times have passed when it was possible to acquire anything for the mirror, yes beads. Nevertheless, today in the turnover of some countries of the world are very strange money.

Vietnamese green brands. This currency takes the tenth place in our ranking. Surprisingly, such money, the inhabitants of Vietnam will not be able to pay for any product. For these brands you can buy only some quite concrete things. The thing is that each banknote from the edge has tear-off coupons. Each of them can be exchanged for the thing that is indicated on the money. For example, a green brand can issue clothes. At the same time, the tearless coupons make it possible to purchase only pants, coats, socks and other similar things. At the same time, the coupons of a certain nominal stand out for each thing.

Sentinnelia. These were the world's only wooden money. At one time, they were in walking in the city of Mus-Joe, which is located in the Canadian province Saskatchewan. The fact is that after World War II, Germany tried to raise his Reichsbank because of inflation with all their forces. After all, it was necessary to pay compensation to all affected countries. In those days, the Germans printed money on everything that was just suitable for these purposes. But it was the tree that became the most unusual material. Such money was reworked by Canadians for their needs, their designations were applied to their surface.

Pound Lewis. This money was named after the British Town of the same name. At one time, mayor there was a cunning entrepreneur Michael Chartier. He came up with how to better develop small traditional shops of his town. For this, the mayor introduced its own currency in his possessions, which was called - Pound Lewis. These money, citizens could pay for any product within Lewis, as well as paying bills. This example was followed by the city of Brikston in South London. There would be a local brikston pound.

Disney dollar. Disney created a whole fabulous world. And what about the world without your own currency? Disney dollar is equal to the nominal to the US dollar. Available bills in 1, 5, 10 and 50 units. But it is possible to use them only in thematic Disney parks, in resorts, cruise ships and on the private island of Disney, Castaway Cay. This currency was created in 1987. At bills, instead of traditional presidents for America, multiplication heroes - Mickey Mouse, Gufthfi and mini are depicted.

Chilean Peso. Who can tell this currency today? To understand this, it is necessary to return to the non-farm from us 2008. Then everything becomes clear, and the currency will really seem unusual and funny. After all, then an annoying error was allowed to make a coin on the engravings. As a result, about 50 million coins are worthy of 50 peso with the inscription "Republic of Chii" (Republica de Chiie). The head of the coin court was arranged, and the coins themselves became the object of hunting numismatons. For them today are asking for a double nominal.

Recycled money of the Caribbean countries. The term recycled does not mean that this money was made of recycling or old paper. The secret should be sought in the middle of the XIX century. Then there was no own currency on the Caribbean Islands. So it was decided to overpay foreign coins, and from the resulting metal it is more coined for your money. Hence the name for recycled money appeared. The most unusual of them were in circulation in the Dominican Republic. There in the center of each coin existed a hole in the company of the heart.

Space pound sterling. It is curious that this currency on Earth has never appealed, although already exists. This money is only waiting for the development of technology to become common and uniform over time. Interestingly, the currency is designed for large overloads that will occur during interstellar flights. These coins are deprived of sharp corners, and the material from which they are created is absolutely safe for the human body. Space pound created not at all enthusiasts, but by scientists from the National Space Center and Leicester University. This money will have to replace electronic money transfers, which in space will cease to be relevant.

Silver dollar Palau. In 2007, these islands, which are also one of the smallest countries of the world, released their own currency. She came out rather unusual. It was a silver dollar, which was depicted by Virgin Mary. But a small tank was still attached to the coin. It contained holy water from a grotto in French Lourdes. A year later, the second series of coins appeared, which was timed to the 150th anniversary of the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary in that Grotto.

Stones Rai. This money can be considered the most strange, and this title is not going to give. Yes, and it is hard to do it, because even shifting the grave stones of Rai hard. Amazing is that in our age of space and electronic technologies, someone continues to use old money. They are residents of the PJ island, which is part of the Solomon Islands, began to use even the dawn of commodity and money relations. Their currency became huge stone discs with a hole inside. The more circles at the size, the more appreciated. The currency price also determines the number of people who died during the transportation of such a "coin" on the island. After all, on the very island of Yap, such stones simply do not. So forced the aborigines to swim on their canoes on the neighboring island of Palau, where there are many such money. Then heavy discs with great difficulty are delivered home. Residents of Palau Island are looking at these speeds ironic. In the soul, they are happy that there is already such a currency on the island, and there is no need for it somewhere to sail. I am glad and the fact that there are no capitalism on these islands. There is simply no inflation in the country. And therefore, there is no need from year to year to deliver home all the big and large stones of Rai.

The most ancient banknotes in the world dated to the VIII century. It was the money of the Tang Chinese Dynasty.

Today, in the era of the ubiquitous use of plastic cards, we are still not ready to abandon the use of paper money. At the same time, the technology of manufacturing banks is becoming more perfect, protecting money from fake. And sometimes the dennauna acquire a rather unusual form due to the use of new materials, color and graphic solutions. In today's selection we offer the most interesting, beautiful and unusual bills of the world.

Australia's money as if symbolizing the celebration of gender equality. On one side of the banknote depicted the greatest men in the history of the continent, on the other - no less wonderful women. And only five-dollar bills decorate the portrait of Queen Elizabeth, who did not find a worthy pair.

Noteworthy is a banknote worth 5000 crowns. At the bill depicted a skillful seamstress Ragnheidur Jounsdottir. Woman's head decorates a very unusual headdress. By the way, Iceland orders its banknotes in the UK, where they are printed in the royal printing house.

The most interesting is the banknote of 100 thousand Philippine pesos. This bill is the largest in the world in terms of size - it is greater than the A4 sheet. For such outstanding the size of the banknote is entered into Guinness Book.

This monetary unit is non-convertible and has a walking on Cook Islands, along with the New Zealand dollar. Noteworthy banknotes in the way that only three-tetlar bills remained in the go, and they promise to come out soon.

Banknotes of different denominations differ sharply among themselves the size and color decision. At all bills of Kazakhstan on the front side, Astana-Baiterek is depicted - the monument erected in honor of the independence of the country.

Banknote Dignity 1000 Comorior francs won in 2006 in a kind of monetary beauty contest from International Bank Note Society. At bills depicted a fisherman floating on a canoe. No less colorful and other banknotes, which depict flowers, animals and local uncomplicated architecture.

In 2009, the banknote of 2 dollars was awarded the title of the best bills of the world in the competition, conducted by International Bank Note Society (IBNS). Bermuda reflects the wealth of the animal world of the archipelago. At bills depicted a blue bird, a frog, blue marlin and other inhabitants of Bermud.

The most interesting design has bills with the advantage of 20 tals, on which the Sapaga waterfall is depicted. On other banknotes you can see the palm thickets and a piece of the coastal strip of the island state of Samoa.

Swiss banknotes are among the most colorful in the world. Along with the color palette, a multitude of degrees of protection applies. Since 1976, not a single case of a successful fake of the Swiss franc was not recorded.

Banknotes from polymeric materials are known as "plastic" dollars. It is believed that they are almost impossible to fake. By analogy with the Canadian authorities, the money from polymers is produced by about 50 countries of the world. But the International Association of Currencies is the Canadian dollars in 2013 awarded the awards "Best New Banknote Series".

Film about money

The biggest and heavy coin

The largest of the nominal and size of the coin - the advantage of one million dollars, created by the artist Stanley Whitten. It is made from the purest gold of 999.99 samples and is minted by Canada by the Royal Mint. On one side of the coin depicts the portrait of the head of Canada Queen Elizabeth II, on the other side - the maple leaf. Each coin was made manually to eight weeks. Coin weight about 100 kilograms, or rather 99.95 kilograms or 221 pounds, diameter - 20 inches or 50.8 cm., Thickness - 1 inch or 2.5 cm. Before it was made, the heaviest was considered a coin from Austria The advantage of 100,000 euros, the weight of which was 31.1 kilograms. The coins were released 15 pieces and they were separated by collections in less than a month. Wooden coins of Africa

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2005, the first wooden (made of maple) coin was made, which is the official payment agent. The advantage of the coin 5 francs. It shows the gorilla and written in French "Protect the animal world". The mass of coins is 2.4 grams, diameter - 40 mm.
The smallest and easiest coin in the world

This is a silver coin of 1/4 Dzhava and 1/4 of Dzhava was released in Nepal in 1740. Its mass is only 0.002 grams.
The smallest banknote

Romanian 10 baths printed at the beginning of the 20th century are considered the smallest banknote in the world. It was released in 1917 by the Ministry of Finance Romania. Banknote Nominal 10 Ban Boy had dimensions of 27.5 per 38 millimeters.

Biggest paper banknote

The 1 Guan banknote was released between 1368 and 1399 by the rulers of the Mine dynasty in China. It has a size of 23 by 33 cm, this is more than a sheet of format A4. And the largest modern banknotes are the bill issued in 2007 in Thailand. It represents three banknotes with rates in one, five and ten bays combined with one payment sheet, whose size is 147 by 228 mm. This bill, in addition, is the largest bill in 16 baht in its size, which is a payment and currently.
The most expensive coin in the world

The "double golden eagle" coin is a dignity of $ 20 released in 1933. Immediately after the cessation of its release, the coins sold earlier were bought from the population for the price of 2.5 times more than the denomination. All coins were redeemed, except for three pieces. Two are now in the museum, the third stole and there was no longer known about it. Only in 1996 the coin surfaced from a private Egyptian collector. In 2008, the coin was sold at auction in New York for 7 million 590 thousand dollars to the buyer who wished to remain unknown.
The largest largest banknote of the world

Such is considered the monetary bill of Hungary, released after the Second World War - Sextillion (billion trillion) of Hungarian Penga 1946. Penga, the Monetary Unit of Hungary from 1945 to 1946, "noted" the highest of the entire world history of circulation of monetary signs of inflation.
The largest current billing on its purchasing power

This is a bill of 10,000 US dollars, produced from the end of the XIX century. Of course, these banknotes that were printed since the 80th of the XIX century, then had an incredibly large purchasing power, a few tens of times higher than now. But today, more than a hundred years, these have already many times increasing banknotes still have the greatest purchasing power on Earth. True, this bill of billing is only in the United States.
The largest bills for purchasing power for the country's domestic calculations

This is 1 million pounds sterling. At the moment, the bills are removed from the turnover. It was printed for the work of calculations within the Bank of England. To date, only 2 such bills have private collectors. Its auction value for 2008 was 78,000 pounds sterling. But the bill of 100,000 US dollars is used and understood. It only acts in the calculations between banks, the treasury of the United States and the Fed. Target collectors are not for sale.
The most beautiful coin

The most beautiful on the planet is the Mexican coin, released in 2005 from silver with images of the national coat of arms Mexico and the Aztec tribe calendar. The decision on the assignment of such status of the coin was adopted by members of the World Conference of Mint, which took place in May 2008 in South Korea. The cost of the coin is not specified. This wonderful coin attracted the attention of the jury not only by its amazing beauty, but also the complexity of the execution technique. After all, in all details, you can depict the monolith of the Stone of the Sun Weighing 24 tons in a small coin, which is still called the "calendar", you will agree, very difficult.
Money brand

These are the incomplete stamps, the purpose of which is to replace the exchange coin during its lack. First issued in the United States during the war between the North and South in 1861-1865. Sometimes used as postage stamps, but it was rare. Usually there is no adhesive layer on the back of the grades-money. And in Russia, the real boom release of brands-money fell on the years of the First World and Civil Wars.

But in the principality of Monaco still produced brands that are accepted as a means of payment. This is due to the fact that the internal mail is free there, and the stamps on postal sections are used only when it comes to foreign correspondence.

This is the colloquial name of the checks produced by the Arkhangelian Department of the State Bank in 1918 - 1920 and served as a payment tool in the northern region. In relation to Pound Sterling, Arkhangelsk checks had a course of 40 rubles for 1 pound.

The need for local banknotes was caused by an acute lack of credit tickets with a par with a par less than 500 rubles. To solve this problem in February 1918, Gosbank issued a formal permission to issue money signs 3, 5, 10 and 25 rubles. Thanks to the image of a polar bear and a walrus among the snow and ice floes on the front side of the twenty-five-fold check, which was different from the rest of the checks with a large size.
Siamese silver bullet coins

They were produced in Thailand, who had previously called Siam's country, one of the most powerful states of Indochina, from 1782 to 1868.

The bullets were used in Thailand instead of money until the end of the XIX century. Such coins did, bending the small ingot of silver into the ball, on which the name of the king released the coin was minted, and the name of the dynasty to which he belonged. 1 coin weighs about 15 grams, the diameter of it is about 14 mm.
Colored coins

Most often, colored coins are released for collectors. But there are similar monetary signs that serve as a payment facility. So, in 2004, the Canadian Mint released about 30 million silver coins in 25 cents, in the middle of which the red poppy is depicted against the background of the maple leaf. Coins were issued in honor of the 117 thousand Canadians who died during World War II. After all, in Canada Mac - a symbol of memory.

In 2006, Canada had a second edition of non-ferrous coins. A coin of 25 cents was intended to increase the level of knowledge about breast cancer. Reverse coins contains an image of a pink ribbon in the center. The Queen of Elizabeth is depicted on the obverse.
Oval coins

Most fountains from copper times of the kings of England Yakov I (1566-1625) and Karl I (1600 - 1649) had the form of oval. These extraordinarily light coins of 15 mm long served by exchange money from 1534 to 1700.

But such money was distributed not only in Europe. Before the currency of Japan was called Jena, the coins of this island state had oval, rectangular and other forms. One of them, Coban - the Golden Coin of the Edo period, was equal to one tenth of the Oban. Yes, and Jena, as you know, received its name because of the appearance of coins having a round shape, since "En" translated from the Japanese - "round".
Wine Money Yakutia

Wine labels after the October Revolution played the role of money in Yakutia in 1919-1921. They were produced Alexey Semenov, who in the future became the People's Commissices of the Republic.
The history of the creation of this money is satisfied interesting. In pre-revolutionary Russia, wine was poured without labels, they were given separately as confirmation of the quality of the drink. Therefore, for the illiterate population of Yakutia, multi-colored papers, which Semenov found on one local warehouse, quite fit. The authenticity of the bill was confirmed by the painting and seal of Alexey Semenov.