Whether plasterboard insulates. Wall insulation from within Minvata Plus Plasterboard: Step-by-Step Description of Action

Wall insulation with plasterboard - a reliable and simple option to keep warm in its home. You can independently produce insulation of walls from the inside with plasterboard as a skeleton method and frameless. In the first case, the insulation is attached to a metal crate or wood, and in the second - directly on the wall with the help of adhesive mastic or putty. For any option, you will easily select all the necessary components in the store.

Frameless fastening method

In this way, you can mount the sheets of plasterboard on concrete, brick, isolated from plaster blocks and other walls in private houses or apartments. The only condition, the execution of which is necessary for the use of this technology, is that the height of the insulation sheets should not be less than the permissible height of the room.

Before the start of operation, the walls are very thoroughly cleaned from any dirt, dust, fat spots, and then treated with primer. Choose the type of primer, which is suitable for specific walls with a certain hygroscopicity. The mastic, which will be attached to the insulation, buy ready-made in the store or do it yourself.

From the ready-made can be purchased, for example, the mounting plaster glue glue "KNAUF-PERLFIX", the gypsum spacing "KNAUF-FUGEN GW" or gypsum glue "Volma-mounting". To prepare adhesive mastic with your own hands, it is necessary to mix 4 parts of the plaster of construction with 1 part of wood sawdust, and then pour the glue solution into the mixture, prepared at the rate of 25 g of glue mass on 3 liters of water. Gypsopilic mastic is well settled, literally after 30 minutes, it also gives excellent grip with a wall with a sheet of drywall.

The insulation sheets are mounted in such a way that they move away from the surface of the floor or ceiling by 10-20 mm. After these gaps can be sealing with sealant, mineral wool strips or any other insulating material.

Immediately sticking is carried out as follows: The glue mixture on the plasterboard plate is applied with a spatula with 3-5 mm with solid strips of 50-100 mm, then it is added to the wall and pressed the rule. The installation always monitors the seams between adjacent sheets as already as possible.

Unfortunately, the walls are not always smooth, they can have curvature and drops on the surface. Then apply the technique of glitting of drywall to the support beaches. This process is quite time consuming, consisting of several stages. But there is a simpler way to create a curvilinear surface. In this case, the sheet of drywall is covered with a rough wet cloth (burlap) and withstand about 10-12 hours, after which the insulation will repeat all the irregularities of the wall.

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Frame mounting methods

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Fastening on a wooden frame

When the ceilings indoors are very high, more than 3 m, and the walls are strongly uneven, then the skeleton method of cladding walls will be more reliable. On the entire surface of the wall, a wooden lamp is installed, consisting of vertical and horizontal rails, pre-treated with an antiseptic type of sodium fluoride. The risks are 40 mm thick most convenient.

The wooden frame is attached to the wall with dowels or "liquid nails", and its facial surface must be in one vertical plane. It is easily checked using a level or plumb. The crate is placed in such a way that the heads of the plasterboard leaf lay on two vertical rails and closed their front side entirely. For sheets with a width of more than 50 cm, it is necessary to make an additional vertical rail in the middle. If the junction of two adjacent plates falls on the front of the rail, then its minimum width is allowed 80 mm. In the field of adjustment to the floor and the ceiling, horizontal rails are installed.

The insulation plates are fixed with screws or galvanized nails around the perimeter. 15-20 mm retreat from the edges, and between the mounts make a distance of 400 mm. To notice the sheet, in the middle, fasteners are driven with a distance of 600 mm. The fasteners should be dried slightly in the drywall, so that then it was possible to sharpen.

The insulation of the walls of the plasterboard from the inside is one of the ways that it is possible to keep the heat is best. With it, it does not arise the need to lay an additional insulation, as the sheets of plasterboard sheets are very well kept warmly. In this article, I will tell you that you will be useful and how to insulate the walls with plasterboard.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside has its advantages, but also a significant minus: the useful area of \u200b\u200byour apartment decreases. However, this method is quite common.

You need to choose it in cases where:

  • there is no technical possibility to insulate outside;
  • outdoor insulation is available, but it does not provide a proper effect.

A question can be asked: what warning can we talk about if the plasterboard itself does not apply to insulation? So it is, but at the same time smooth and smooth sheets of plasterboard are ideal from the point of view of laying on them of any heat insulating material.

True, I can say that the plasterboard itself indirectly also plays a latter role in the insulation of the premises. This is due to the fact that a "airbag" is formed between it and the insulation, which is very poorly transmitting heat.

Required tool and material

Before you begin to work, you need to prepare tools and materials in order not to be distracted in the process.

So you will need:

  1. polyfoam (its thickness will depend on the degree of insulation that you need);
  2. glue composition (if you work the frameless method);
  3. spatula-rowing;
  4. primer emulsion;
  5. level;
  6. rule;
  7. drill;
  8. nozzle called "Mixer";
  9. dowel for fastening foam (if insulation is performed by screwing);
  10. self-dowel;
  11. playproof film;
  12. plaster grid;
  13. suspended plates;
  14. metal profiles to strengthen the frame or the insulation of the walls, if the mineral wool is used.

Choosing an internal insulation

Let's talk about the insulation for plasterboard sheets. Basically use three types of insulating materials that are well suited for this case. This includes:

  1. basalt wool;
  2. glass gaming;
  3. styrofoam.

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Due to the permanent disputes of experts on the topic, how dangerous to health foam and expanded foam, their use is now not so wide as it was before.

The external similarity of basalt and glass cotton wool is indisputable, but at the same time they have many differences that you need to pay attention to. The first is, of course, the composition. The base of glass gambles - glass fibers, the base of basalt wool - the rock of magmatic origin. Second: thermal conductivity coefficient. Basalt wool this figure is lower than that of the "opponent", so the maintenance of heat is much better.

A significant difference between these two materials is still visible in terms of refractoriness. Glasswater when exposed to fire and high temperature is simply sintered into a single mass, and basalt wool remains virtually unchanged.

In the work again - basalt wool is more convenient glass. Very thin fiber glass wool can cause an unpleasant itching, so it is necessary to take care of protective clothing, glasses, gloves and a respirator. When working with basalt cotton, it is enough to wear only gloves.

Important! If the fibers hit the fibers on the skin, it is necessary to wash them off with water. It is impossible to use the washcloth!

If we talk about savings, then the scale of the scales is definitely inclined in favor of glass gambles, which is among the most cheaper than basalt three times. But at the same time, you should not forget that you need to lay the glass wool in two, and even in three layers.

Manufacturers offer to buy insulation both in stoves and rolls. Plates are much more convenient because in the process of insulation they do not need to cut them. Usually their width does not exceed 60 cm, which makes it possible to attach them between the racks of the so-called skeleton without any problems.

If you still have doubts, it will not be superfluous to view a couple of video clips that will help to imagine what and how.

Stages of isolation

First you need to clean the wall. In this case, do not listen only to the advice: cleaning-drying washing. This, of course, is blatant, but, unfortunately, not all. The more carefully the work surface will be prepared, the better the result will be.

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You need to trace so that moisture does not fall on the wall. It is this factor that will allow you not to worry about the state of the basis under the insulation quite a decent time.

After cleaning, heave the walls with antiseptics or anti-epires - with special impregnating solutions. (With the wood such work must be made required!)

The wall must be aligned if it has significant bugs, and also to pay attention to not there are cracks and cracks. Because all this will pass warmly, without giving the insulation to perform its task.

Construction of carcass

Many thermal insulation materials can be glued right in place. However, do not forget that you still need to mount outdoor sheets. Therefore, for this you need to make a carrier frame, on which the plasterboard itself can be fixed on the rails.

Traditionally, the frame is mounted from wood, however, in my opinion, there are two significant minuses here:

  1. The weight of the designed frame can exit quite decent. Provided that the walls are made of cellular concrete may arise serious difficulties with the fastening.
  2. The framework is made taking into account the technical indicators of the selected insulation. The design is again extremely severe and only adds problems.

Therefore, experts advise to buy profiles specifically for laying under plasterboard, it will save time and strength. The best option is galvanized. Profiles from this material can be cut even with scissors.

When attaching profiles, you need to look at the size of the sheets of plasterboard. Profiles themselves can be mounted as horizontally and vertically. Before laying profiles you need to stick a special ribbon on the frame. It will turn well on the sealing of the joints, reduce heat exchange and can help avoid deformation of the regions.

Control the alignment is needed by vertical and horizontal, it will give a guarantee of a flat surface.

Laying insulation

When you already have a framework, you can lay material in the formed "cells". Details of styling depend on the type of insulation that you have chosen. If you work with foam, do not forget about the fixation of the dowels.

Important! All joints must be sealed! The joints of the slabs are punctured by construction scotch, and between the plates and the ceiling to treat with a construction sealant.

At this stage, I will advise you to watch a video that will bring concretps for your material.

Make the thermal insulation of a multi-storey house is not easy, special equipment will be required. But the insulation of the walls inside with mineral wool or plasterboard gives a good effect. With proper installation, heat losses decrease by 20-30%. The main thing is that the insulating layer in the room corresponds to the technology. How to properly carry out insulation of walls from within the residential room by plasterboard, we will tell in this article.

Types of plasterboard and its use

Plasterboard can be used for insulation of walls inside the construction. Use either moisture resistant or wall.

Moisture-resistant can be used on dachas or for rooms with a high degree of humidity: bathrooms and kitchens.

Important! Moisture-resistant plasterboard, the best solution for the premises where heating is not provided.

This material does not threaten cyclic leaps of temperature. It is only necessary after mounting the sheets to apply waterproof primer or protective paint on the front part. It should also be done with antiseptic drywall processing that allows you to kill harmful microbes and bacteria.

Wall types are suitable for residential rooms, where humidity no more than 70%. Sheets are marked with blue on a gray surface.

As for the size of the sheets, it is best to purchase products of 2.5-3 meters long, and 1.2 width. The thickness is perfectly suitable for 12.5 mm (9.5 mm - it is a ceiling view).

  • normal;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • moisture and windproof;
  • reinforced strength;
  • fire resistant.

Frame method of insulation

There are 3 insulation methods:

  1. Adhesive method. Sheets are attached directly to the wall with the help of gypsum or polymer cement glue. With this finishing, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not become less. The only minus of this method is that it is impossible to make a gasket of thermal insulation, and the walls must be durable.
  2. Frame method with thermal insulator.
  3. Frame method without insulation.

The last two methods of mounting drywall are most often used. In order not only to insulate the room, but also to achieve good sound insulation indicators, you will need to apply the profile. The only drawback is that the room decreases significantly in size.

Types of insulation

The insulation of the surface under plasterboard is better carried out with the help of mineral wool or foam. You can also use isolon or penplex. These insulators differ in installation methods, cost, strength.

According to research, a foam on a par with polystyrene is harmful to health. In the residential premises, it is used rarely. Another minus - some types of foam eating rodents. But it has a low cost, as well as available in many densities and sizes.

Example Warming with plasterboard and mineral wool

As for mineral wool, the benefits include low weight (especially relevant for the isolation of old buildings), as well as low thermal conductivity. Significant minus mineral wool is only one - hygroscopicity. Therefore, in the heat insulation of partitions and walls, it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of condensate. To do this, use steam insulation.

There are several types of mineral wool. All of them differ between production method, composition and technical indicators. Among those types of wool, which are presented in the market, the most popular basalt wool based on fiberglass. Like other types of insulation, they have both advantages and disadvantages.

The main negative sides are glass gambles:

  1. The thermal conductivity indicator is greater than the stone, respectively, disappears heat faster.
  2. With an enlarged temperature, forms solid glass mass.
  3. It is inconvenient when working (fiber glass wool can cause itching, requires the use of protective glasses, gloves, respirator, dressing of a dense costume).

Important! For greater efficiency, put the minvatu in 2-3 layers.

Despite the external similarity, basalt and glass wool differ significantly. The glass gamble is made of very thin fiberglass, and basalt - from the mountain volcanic rock. They also refuse the thermal conductivity indicator, which is smaller at the basalt, and, therefore, and the heat it saves better.

The cost of materials for insulation:

  1. The cheapest way will be insulated the walls of the house with foam, the price of which fluctuates in the range of 70-90 p. For 1 square. m.
  2. As for Minvati, it costs somewhat more expensive - 90-150 rubles. The price of the material depends on its density, thickness and manufacturer.
  3. Penoplex, which is an extruded foam, but with high strength and density costs for 1 square meters. meter about 200 rubles.

Also, an insulator can serve as isol (foamed polyethylene). Its cost will be 280-300 rubles per 1 square m.

Steps of thermal insulation walls

In order for the work process quickly and properly, you should prepare the necessary tool. This will accelerate the work on protecting the insulation of the walls.

The following materials will be required:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • self-adhesive tape;
  • insulation;
  • membrane to ensure the maximum degree of vaporizolation;
  • self-tapping screws; nails;
  • hammer, screwdriver, saw-knife;
  • yardstick;
  • metal profiles or wooden slats for the design of the frame;
  • fasteners.

For 1 sheet, approximately 30 pieces of self-tapping screws are necessary. It is best to buy screws 20 mm long.

As for the manufacture of the framework, the profile must take 2 types: with the CD and UD marking. Length is selected based on the size of the room.

Design of carcass

It lies in the battery of the perimeter and thinking, as the framework on the wall will be located. Pretty simple pencil and construction level.

Tip! For the best effect of the insulator, the design must be arranged from the wall by 3-10 cm.

  • surface stripping;
  • align all irregularities and sharpen chicks and deepening;
  • drying heater or construction device;
  • getting rid of mold and fungus.

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the processing of walls with a special waterproofing putty to prevent the occurrence of dampness. First, the layer is applied vertically, then horizontally.

Construction of carcass

According to the labels in advance, you need to mount the framework. To avoid contacting the metal constructions with the wall on the sole of the profile glue prepared in advance to the ribbon. Fastening the framework parts to the wall is carried out using self-tapping and dowels.

Before laying the insulator, the surface is prepared in advance. Remove or restore fragile plaster sections. To eliminate the possibility of formation of fungus and mold, it is necessary to make the processing of primer with an antiseptic.

Plasterboard sheets are installed on a frame of metal products or wood. Metal frame will serve significantly longer than from the bar.

In the area of \u200b\u200bbattery location, where the installation of thermal insulation is difficult, can be used by foam.

Under plasterboard, you can make a frame from bars

Collect the frame starts from installing guides created from the UD profile. Reiki are attached to the ceiling and a floor with an indentation from the walls of 50-60 mm. The segment of the rack profile is inserted into the guides. Ends are fixed with small self-tapping screws ("flea"). From the sides, the edges of the suspensions are harvested and connected with the slats. The step between profiles must be respected so that 3-4 rails accounted for 1 sheet.

Important! When the frame is designed, begin to lay the insulator.

To improve the stiffness of the structure, it is necessary to make transverse jumpers from the CD profile. Cut the profile in such a way that its length blocked the neighboring rails half. Shelves are cut off the shelves. Then the workpiece is fixed by "flews" on the frame.

Device of vaporizolation

Often, the vapor insulation is used by Penophol. Before fixing it, you need to make sure that the face of the material with the foil is addressed inside the room.

As for the vapor barrier material, which has a rough surface, then its uneven side should also be directed into the room.

The insulation should be chopped into pieces, the size of which must coincide with the parameters of the frames of the framework.

If you use foam as thermal insulation material, it should be attached to a specialty, prepared with the water additive. Each piece should be tightly docked with the surface. If the lumens appeared between parts, they are filled with mounting foam. After drying the glue, foaming the foam of the dowel-umbrellas. It is necessary to place a dowel at the corners of the sheet and one in the center.

Important! If the spaces between the metal frame and the wall almost no (3 mm), then it is advisable to use mineral wool. To do this, you will first need to make it radius.

After laying the inner heat insulation, it is started to skew frames from plasterboard sheets.

When screwed down, his hat should be slightly thusset, 1-1.5 mm, but not breaking the cardboard. To simplify fixation it is better to buy bits with a limiter.

After the walls are completely covered with plasterboard sheets, the surface is separated by any familiar way. Also insulated walls can be punished with wallpaper or apply paint.

Wall insulation balcony

As for the insulation of balconies and loggias, such structures require compliance with certain rules.

Material for thermal insulation should be:

  • waterproof (since on the balcony there is a high probability of water appearance);
  • plasterboard need to buy only moisture resistant;
  • walls should be treated with antiseptic.

For insulation of balconies, a frameless method is used. This is due to the fact that such space has both a small area. The insulator creates a higher degree of reliability of the design, despite different impacts: tension, humidity and other loads.

Initially, the walls are prepared under the fastening of sheets. All fragile areas are restored, and the surface is treated with an antiseptic matter.

As soon as the walls are prepared, proceed to the installation of sheets. Initially, they need to cut into the necessary pieces. Crying sheets are not immediately recommended, it is better to do it in the process of work.

As soon as the material is prepared, it can be proceeded for its fixation. It should be done with the help of adhesive composition. This is the easiest way to attach GLC. When carrying out such work, you need to ensure that the layer of the mixture is the same everywhere.

The thermal insulation allows you to protect the house from damp, drafts and provide a favorable and comfortable microclimate. After all, insulation, as a shield, can be burned from the harmful effect of the environment.

Source: Znatoktepla.ru.

The effectiveness of the insulation of the walls of the house or apartment indoors: how to entee insulation from the inside under plasterboard?

To create comfortable conditions in the room, it is important not only to choose a suitable heating system, but also to warm the walls. Then the heat will be maintained in the room, which will allow you to maintain a favorable microclimate and save on energy for heating.

How to make the insulation of walls inside under drywall

More often the walls are insulated using drywall, because:

  • this material has thermal conductivity lower than that of reinforced concrete, 10 times - therefore, even just pasted on the wall, gives a tangible thermal insulation effect;
  • since it requires smooth surfaces for its stickers, then when they have defects, they have to install sheets on special frames, which creates an air layer between plasterboard and wall - this also contributes to the preservation of heat in the room;
  • the space between the plasterboard and the wall is rational, if they make heat-insulating materials between them, which will increase the possibility of maintaining heat in the house.
  • in the summer, such thermal insulation will not miss the heat into the room from the heated walls;
  • the ideal geometry of the material allows simultaneously with the improvement of the microclimate to perform and another task - to align the surface of the walls, hide defects and communication settings.

When wall insulation is required indoors

The most efficient version of the insulation of the walls is the installation of thermal insulation outside on the facade. But this can afford only owners of private houses. This method is also expensive.

In apartment buildings, if they are not insulated outside thermal insulation materials, tenants have only one choice for self-insulation of walls - internal heat insulation. Private homeowners also often choose this option as economical.

Plasterboard prefer to use for wall shearing, because it has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  • easy and convenient in processing;
  • has thermal insulation properties;
  • allows you to quickly create perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • under such a coating can be placed any kinds of insulation, even soft;
  • its cost is not high.

What materials can be used inside for warming under GLC

Initially, you need to choose a suitable brand of drywall, because not all suitable for this purpose.

Plasterboard happens:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • fire-resistant;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • reinforced gypsumolock;
  • moisture-resistant gypsumolock.

For insulation of walls, wall moisture resistant, with high strength, fire-resistant gypsummock brands are suitable. Acquisition of products from well-known manufacturers - Warranty of the quality of materials.

The thermal insulation properties of walls and material expenses depend on the selection of insulation. Insulating products are used in different density, thickness, solid and soft, having different thermal conductivity indicators.

List of best materials

For insulation of walls under plasterboard, such insulation are used:

They differ in technical characteristics and cost. Therefore, it is important to decide in advance which material will suit more.

Granulated polystyrene-based material. It has low density and light weight. Produced in plates of different thickness. It is often used because of the low cost, convenience of installation, you can buy it in any construction store. The minuses include:

  • low noise insulation;
  • the material is not "breathing" (additional ventilation is needed);
  • due to fragility is easily damaged;
  • it loves rodents (because of the holes that appeared will be driving warm air and have to dismantle the trim, replace the insulation).


Soft, flexible material, relatively thin (less "eats" spaces), has a low thermal conductivity, attractive cheap cost. But it is very specific and can harm health when installing.

Glass fibers, getting on the skin and mucous, cause itching, burning. Therefore, installation work must be carried out in overalls, respirator, gloves, protective glasses. Because of these inconvenience, glass gamble is in low demand.

A new type of insulation, obtained by the method of foaming polyethylene propane. It has a small weight, low density due to air bubbles in its composition. It retains heat well, it has a high sound insulation and has a small thickness that allows you to save the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Some of its brands are produced with a steam-protected foil layer. If it is not, then you can attach the usual construction foil with glue.

Basalt Wat.

More expensive foam and glass gamble, but has many advantages. It is manufactured from natural natural materials - molten rocks. It has environmentally friendly, hypoallergenia, strength, fire resistance. It consists of a plurality of thin stone fibers, between which the air layers create an excellent heat insulator. Unlike other types of mineral wool, basalt does not absorb moisture, fully maintaining thermal insulation properties in conditions of high humidity. The minuses include only high costs and a large stove thickness.

How to shelter insulation under GCL inside the house do it yourself

Internal insulation of walls under plasterboard can be made independently. It is only important to perform all stages of work, to comply with technology and recommendations.

  1. Preparation of walls. In order not to soon dismantle the drywall and make repairs, you need to take care in advance so that the walls are dry, clean, without fungi, cracks, cracks and holes. If there are even small spots of mold, they must be completely removed, and then process the walls with a special antiseptic, antifungal composition. All cracks and cracks need to sharpen to avoid heat leakage, moisture penetration outside. The coated layer of plaster will be an additional protection against dampness, but the antiseptic must also be used. Because in the future, insufficient ventilation under the insulation layer, in the absence of a protective coating, may cause mold formation.
  2. Fastening the root. To create fasteners under plasterboard, there is a doomle of metal profiles or wooden plates. The advantages of metal products are that over time it is not deformed. Wooden rails have good thermal insulating properties, but are affected by drying, which can affect the quality of the trim. To create a metallic or wooden rail bags are mounted on a wall perimeter, and then vertical slats are installed at a distance of about 60 cm (it is necessary to take into account the width of the insulation slabs so that it takes place tightly into the space between the slats).
  3. Installation of insulation. Methods for fastening the insulation depend on the type of material. Plates from foam plastic are attached to the wall with glue and special dowels. All the joints between them are additionally sampled by building scotch, and the gaps between the plates and the ceiling (floor) are silicone sealant. Mineral wool is attached to special glue-foam, which is applied around the perimeter of the plate and a couple of stripes in the middle.
  4. Finishing the surface of the insulation. To ensure good vaporizolation, it is necessary to apply a protective layer from the construction foil or polyethylene film from above. Only after that you can finish with plasterboard.
  5. Installation of plasterboard. Sheets of plasterboard are attached to the shapper with self-drawing. Then all the cracks are sweeping, are cleaned with sandpaper sandpaper, covered on top with a special ribbon or paintwork to prevent cracking on the seams.

How long will the insulation last

The service life of the insulation depends on its variety. Cheap materials on average are suitable for 20-30 years. Some expensive brands have in technical characteristics to use up to 50 years (but it is not always verified in practice).

Over time, the agening of the substance occurs, the structure of the material is destroyed, it dries or dries, more than 1/3 loses its thermal insulation properties. Most of the types of insulation are recommended to be changed at no less than 35 years.

To create a healthy, favorable microclimate in the house, you can independently perform work on the insulation of the inner walls. For this, light, comfortable materials are applied. With their help, it is possible even without vocational training, using the tools available to the tools do it yourself make high-quality wall repairs.

Useful video

Source: Otdelkasten.com.

What insulation to use under drywall: comparison of materials

By laying the insulation under plasterboard, you can solve two tasks at once - equip the optimal heat-insulating pie and improve the geometry of the walls. Sheets of the skin initially have low thermal conductivity, if you add them to protective materials, it is possible to effectively prevent heat leakage.

Features of thermal insulation plasterboard

Advantages of cladding GLC from the point of view of insulation of walls in the apartment:

  • low panel conducting abilities;
  • installation is made only on smooth surfaces, most often the sheets are installed on the crate - such a frame forms the air layer between the wall and the trim, which has a positive effect on the preservation of heat indoors;
  • free space (cells in the crate) can be fill in materials with high ability to hold thermal energy;
  • in the summer, in such premises it will be cooler due to the fact that additional layers will not allow heat from the outside.

Installation of insulation under plasterboard is made only on smooth surfaces.

Internal insulation is more available in apartment buildings than outer, drywall is one of its most economical options. The panels are simple in processing and undemanding in service, you can apply any kind of finishing finish, they form a perfectly smooth surface, without taking care of the structures. GKC is combined with most types of insulating (solid, soft) and finishing materials, which is important when drawing up interior design.

Types of suitable insulation, their properties

The insulating structure is selected according to the brand of plasterboard panels, they can be:

  • wall
  • fire-resistant
  • hypusolocon reinforced
  • ceiling
  • moisture-resistant
  • hypusolocon moisture resistant.

For insulation of partitions and supporting structures, moisture-resistant wall variations, fire-resistant, having increased strengths. Additional insulators differ in density, consistency, thermal conductivity indicators, thickness.

For the walls, slab materials are optimal, compared to rolled insulation, they are much easier to lay them. Product parameters are suitable for accommodation in the grooves of the crate, you can not waste time for fitting. It is only important that the plates are located closely, without gaps. On the walls under plasterboard can be mounted glass wool, basalt wool, foam, isolon.

The granulated substance is based on polystyrene, is characterized by a slight weight and low density, mounted in a stove, differing in thickness. The popularity of the solution is caused by simplicity of installation and low cost, disadvantages are fragility and insufficient noise insulation, the need for additional ventilation. The material is the interest of rodents, they will need additional protective measures.

Polyfoam - insulation under plasterboard

Basalt wool is more expensive than glass gamble and foam, but it is very in demand due to optimal performance properties. The natural insulating resource is made from molten rocks, characterized by hypoallergenicity, fire resistance, environmental friendliness and durability. The texture is formed from thin stone fibers alternating with air layers, due to which the ability to be thermal insulation is ensured.

Unlike other categories, the minvati basalt does not absorb water, so it can be used in rooms with high humidity. In addition to the price, the disadvantage is considered the large thickness of the plates, "eating" the useful space.


Flexible, soft solution with a small thickness, keeps in the budget segment, has low thermal conductivity. This option is dangerous for use in everyday life, as glass fibers in contact with mucosa and skin provoke strong burning, itching. During the installation, you need to use the respirator, overalls, safety glasses, gloves.

Glasswater - insulation under plasterboard

One of the new variants of the insulation, formed as a result of polyethylene foaming under the influence of propane. It is characterized by a small density and weight, as it is saturated with air bubbles. Isolon protects perfectly from heat leaks, exhibits high sound insulation at an acceptable thickness, it can be saved with a useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. Separate brands have foil steam protection.

What is the way to choose - from the inside or outside?

If the thermal insulation material is located outside, that is, it is insulated directly the facade of the house, the dew point (for this border, the formation of condensate occurs during the temperature difference) accounts for an additional layer. Thus, the effects of temperature drops and changes in air humidity on the carrier wall are levied, as a result, the operational resource of the structure is extended.

If insulation is made from the inside with the help of minvati, the covered GCL or similar cladding, the dew point is moved. Usually this border passes between the wall and insulation, in such conditions the risk of growing fungi and mold is great. If the internal thermal insulation of partitions and walls in the apartment is produced, two conditions must be taken into account - the presence of a protective layer from the facade and the total thickness of the wall. The optimal option is to strengthen the bearing structures on both sides.

Mounting technology for plasterboard

As a result of the preliminary preparation of the walls, clean, dry surfaces flown from any irregularities in the form of holes, cracks and fungal lesions should be formed. The foci of mold is cleaned and treated with antiseptic, the defects are carefully shipped.

The billets are fixed with plates at the walls of the wall, then mount vertical rails with a step of 60 cm (the insulation must be tightly entering the formed grooves).

The method of fixing the material depends on its essence. Foam plates are installed using special dowels and glue, the joints are additionally strengthened with construction tape, the slots in the pairing zone with horizontal surfaces need to be filled with silicone sealant. To secure mineral wool, you will need foamy glue: it is distributed around the perimeter of the plate and apply a bit in the center.

The vapor insulation layer can be formed from a dense polyethylene film or a construction foil. Next, begin to cover the cake with plasterboard with screws. The cracks are filled with putty, are cleaned, to prevent cracking of the smelting, it is covered with paint or a special tape from above. If the basis of the metallopilly lamp was laid in order to prevent the occurrence of cold bridges, it is necessary to place ribbons from the main heat insulator in its cavity.

The service life of the considered solution is determined by the type of insulation involved. On average, it varies within 20-30 years. As agrees, the material for a third loses its beneficial properties due to the helling and drying, so it should be changed in a timely manner.

Source: pechiexpert.ru.

Step-by-step instructions for the insulation of wooden and brick walls from the inside of Minvata plus plasterboard

Wall insulation is a necessary procedure aimed at maintaining heat in a house for a comfortable stay.

It has been proven that in the cold season, about 30% of all heat loss occurs due to laptile, or incorrectly insulated walls.

Whatever powerful and modern is the heating system, without proper insulation of the walls, the effect of its use will be minimal.

You can warm the house in two ways - outside and from the inside.

Internal insulation applies in cases where the initial appearance of the building is required (for example, an apartment in a high-rise building, or a unique house facade). One of the most efficient materials for insulation is mineral wool.

If for any reason the Ministry of Service does not fit, you can choose the insulation from these materials:

Features of internal insulation

Unfortunately, internal insulation is not as effective as the outer insulation of the premises, however, with the right approach, it is capable of becoming a good output from the situation. The main problem with this method becomes the fact that the carrier wall itself, bordering the street, does not become warmer.

At the same time, with their minuses, the insulation of the walls from the inside has its own positive parties:

  • such work can be carried out with your own hands;
  • the insulation of the inner walls of mineral wool can be performed at any time and with any weather;
  • there is no need to complete all the work immediately - it can be carried out gradually;
  • warming with such a device plays the role of sound insulation and prevents foreign street sound penetration into the housing.

Pros and cons of insulation methods

Mineral wool

Mineral wool as a building material used for insulation, known for a long time.

Made of natural basalt fibers, it is environmentally friendly and well kept warm inside a wooden or brick house.

Mix 3 main types of mineral wool, depending on the target use:

  • lungs. Used in frame insulation. Their density ranges from 10 to 90 kg. / M.Kub.;
  • heavy. Such cotton wool facades of buildings. Its density is 90 kg / m.Kub;
  • technical. Used mainly for the insulation of industrial premises and equipment, where elevated and reduced temperatures are observed.

Mineral wool also has several types:

  • glasswater - Manufactured by melting quartz sand or broken glass into thin fibers. When adding binders acquires the usual yellowish color. Such a material is not lit, and does not change its properties when moisture in it gets into it;
  • shagkovat - It is made of waste industrial slags. The use of such a wool in the insulation of residential premises is unsafe from an ecological point of view;
  • basalt Wat. - The most common material for the insulation of houses. It has an increased thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • stone Vata. - One most technological options. Practically deprived of flaws and is often used in construction, it is this option is recommended With internal insulation.

Comparative characteristics of insulation

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool

The spread of mineral wool is due, primarily its advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • nonseasing;
  • mechanical stability - does not change its properties when exposed to it;
  • soundproofing characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature deformation;
  • biochemical resistance;
  • convenience and simplicity mount.

However, despite the impressive list of advantages, construction standards do not recommend using conventional mineral wool for insulation of premises. It is caused by the presence in its composition phenol, which destructively affects human health. With internal insulation, the wizard advise to use eco-friendly or stone wool.

With incorrect installation, open areas of mineral wool are in contact with the ventilation system, as a result of which hazardous particles turn out to be in the surrounding air.


Today it is difficult to imagine repair without using drywall. It is multifunctional, used for wall decoration, ceiling, creating partitions, various decorative elements.

Some species, due to water-repellent properties, are applied when finishing bathrooms, bathrooms.

Before using drywall, it is necessary to deal with its positive and negative characteristics in order to imagine the specifics of handling it.

Advantages of plasterboard:

  • Flexibility and ease. The use of this material allows you to implement the most courageous design solutions. It is easy to make various geometric shapes - from banal rectangular to complex semicircles, arches, columns;
  • Heat insulating properties;
  • Fireproof. Plasterboard does not burn. When exposed to fire, only the upper paper layer suffers.
  • Water resistance. Special types of GLCs have been developed, recommended for use in rooms characterized by high humidity.

Disadvantages of plasterboard:

  • The main disadvantage is his fragility. Sheet of drywall can easily be injured during transportation, installation, subsequent operation;
  • Soundproofing characteristics. Plasterboard does not have sound insulation properties. All sounds will be heard on the simple partition from GLC.

Device of a wall cake from the inside

In construction, the totality of all elements of the design is customary to call the cake. As applied to insulated from the inside walls, construction cake looks like this:

  • external bearing wall;
  • waterproofing;
  • layer of insulation - mineral wool;
  • vapor insulation membrane;
  • frame for drywall;
  • finishing sheets of plasterboard;
  • finish finishing material.

Parosolation - Description and Installation

An important step in the process of internal insulation of the walls of the mineral wool is the installation of vaporizolation. During the operation of a residential building, there is a constant selection of steam in the process of cooking, use the bathroom, the operation of the kettle.

In this case, the steam easily penetrates through the layer of plasterboard inside the insulated partition. If the surface of mineral wool does not cover the vaporizolizing membrane, you can face the fact that the insulation, which has absorbed a large amount of moisture, will become a permanent source of dampness and mold.

Installation of vaporizolation is made on top of a frame with a layer of insulation. There are 2 types of material designed to create vapor barrier under plasterboard, the first one is polyethylene film. Is the most budget option. However, in addition to holding the steam, it does not give air to penetrate into a partition space, which is fraught with the formation of a greenhouse effect and the final reference of the drywall.

Membrane film - innovative material in this plan. Such a film easily holds moisture, but at the same time does not prevent air ventilation. "Works" the membrane film is only in one direction. It is important to consider when installing it.

The entire surface of the finished partition is covered with film. The canvases should be placed in flashes, joints to smoke with assembly scotch.

Dome of Minvatu and Plasterton - Features and Installation

Traditionally create a fastening partition crate plasterboard can be from two materials:

  • wooden plates;
  • galvanized profile.

Wooden frame with the massiveness, the bulky structures. Before mounting, wooden rails are processed by an antiseptic to prevent the possibility of rotting.

When installing plasterboard, it is more expedient to use special galvanized profiles.

They are designed for fastening each other, in addition, for them, they are provided for fastening mechanisms to the walls, with which it is possible to adjust the thickness of the partition.

A brief installation scheme of the GLC clamps can be represented in the following form:

  1. the thickness of the partition is determined depending on the chosen thickness of the insulation;
  2. on the sides of the vertical adjacent walls, the guide profile is mounted on the floor and the ceiling;
  3. determined by the region, from which the installation of plasterboard sheets will be carried out;
  4. considering the width of the sheets in 120 cm, marking every 40 (or 60) centimeters;
  5. along the markup with an interval of 50 cm., P-shaped brackets are attached;
  6. bearing racks are inserted into the guide profile in accordance with the markup;
  7. with the help of a stretched twine, the bearing racks align and fasten them with brackets;
  8. cross racks are fastened with transverse racks to provide stiffness of the structure;

Dome of Minvatu

Under the resulting plane lay insulation.

Wall insulation from within Minvata Plus Plasterboard

All irregularities and depressions need to be launched and supper. Walls that are subject to insulation are treated with anti-flap preparations and ground.

Warming of a brick wall from the inside of Minvata:

  1. The method discussed above is created in addition to fixing carriers of racks;
  2. the insulation is prepared. From how mineral wool has to deal, it depends on the method of its attachment. Watts in the form of mats it is convenient to ride the brackets installed in the wall. Stacking should be carried out so that there are no cracks between mats. ;
  3. after filling the walls, the insulation is mounted carrier racks;
  4. if the mineral wool is purchased in rolls, it can be accomplished after mounting the racks. It is easy to fill the space between the racks and the wall;
  5. the surface of the insulation and the crates is covered with the rolls of the vapor insulating membrane. Membrane joints are sampled by assembly or plumbing scotch.

Thus, there is a prepared surface under the installation of sheets of plasterboard.


The need for waterproofing occurs in wooden houses with log walls with slots and cracks. In order to prevent outdoor air contact with a layer of insulation, wooden walls are covered with a layer of hydro and windproof membrane.

Such a film reliably protects the layer of insulation from moisture from the street. It is fastened with a stapler and brackets, the joints are punctured.

Installation of plasterboard sheets

Plasterboard installation scheme is simple:

  • Fastening sheets to the frame is carried out with the help of metal screws. The standard GLC is 250 cm. In case the height of the room is greater, a piece of the desired piece is cut from a new sheet. In this case, the installation of sheets is carried out in the disintegration - so that the position of the segments alternate.
  • If necessary, a sewing of the second layer of hypsesteon is carried out.
  • The finishing of drywall is performed.

Useful video

Laying mineral wool under drywall in video instructions below (do not forget about vapor and waterproofing):


Despite the skeptical ratio of the majority to inner warming, it is reliable, efficient and convenient. It is widely used in apartments and offices. The main thing is to select high-quality materials and follow construction standards and rules.

Wall insulation from within Minvata Plus Plasterboard - an extremely popular way of thermal insulation, haunted at once 2 goals: maintaining heat in the house and the preparation of walls for further finish.

Variants of insulation of brick and wooden houses

Thermal insulation of the room from the inside

House insulation can be done in different ways:

  • by filling the air suspection of the brick wall with foam crumb or mounting foam;
  • by external sheaving the facade of polystyrene foam and minvata;
  • by means of internal heat insulation.

Both in stone and wooden private houses, there should be not only internal thermal insulation, but also external, for only together they can provide reliable and high-quality insulation of the house. Nevertheless, there are cases when there is no possibility to produce external thermal insulation, in this case, the only option may be the inner warning of the walls of minvata with plasterboard with drywall.

The reasons for the developers resort to thermal insulation from the inside of the building may be as follows:

  • insufficient distance between individual buildings;
  • the ban on changes in the appearance of the facade (if, for example, the house has historical or any other value);
  • fastener facade defects;
  • the adjacent of the walls of the facade to non-residential premises of a technical nature (elevators, stairways).

Mineral Wat: Features, Dignity and Disadvantages of Material

Mineral wool is the most frequently used heat-insulating material. Such popularity is due to the high level of thermal insulation material material on the background of its low cost.

Reliable and efficient thermal insulation

Material has many advantages:

  • structure of minvati fiber, i.e. It has air layers that improve heat insulation;
  • mineral wool prevents the penetration of noise and vibrations from the street;
  • this is "breathable" material;
  • unlike foamflast, Minvatu does not like rodents;
  • he has an easy weight, which makes it work with it simple and fast;
  • minvata is produced in both rolls and stoves, in addition, the structure allows you to lay it at once into several layers, which, in turn, significantly increases thermal insulation characteristics;
  • if, along with the internal warming of the Minvata, external insulation of the wall was produced, then it is possible not to lay waterproofing;
  • no need to apply a special fastening, because the slab can be simply inserted into the frame.

Among the disadvantages of the material, it is possible to select toxins during heating, as well as the need to apply special respirators and protective clothing during styling, because its smallest particles can injure the mucous membranes.

Features of cladding and insulation of walls at home by plasterboard

Using GLC easy to level the walls

Using plasterboard sheets for cladding walls, you can simultaneously achieve the perfect microclimate in a wooden or any other private house, as well as leveling the surface of the walls under the finish finish.

Surprisingly, but even by themselves, without insulation material, plasterboard sheets are capable of insulating the house (naturally, only under the condition that they are highly reinforced and there are no gaps between sheets). This property is inherent in drywall for the reason that it has a low thermal conductivity - 8-10 times less than, for example, a stove of reinforced concrete.

If not limited to one plasterboard, and strengthen it on the metal frame and in the interval between the wall and sheet to additionally install the mineral wool plate, then the heat-insulating properties will rise several times.

Additional materials

In addition to plasterboard and mineral wool, in order to insulate the wooden house, we will need:

  • a vaporizing film (or an ordinary polyethylene film);
  • breathable membrane or a dual-layer film that holds moisture;
  • the antiseptic solution required to process the wooden frame surfaces (if a wooden, and not a metal frame) and walls are selected;
  • the profile of metal or wood (for drywall is better fit metallic, for the tree is unnecessarily susceptible to rotting);
  • fastening elements: dowels, self-tapping screws for profile fixation;
  • scotch for dusting of the parobacker, as well as brackets and staplers for its attachment.

Technology of work

The whole process of thermal insulation can be divided into several steps, each of which is described below.

Preparation of walls and treatment with antiseptic, antifungal solution (but on the wall surface there is already a mold, it must be laundered with special solutions, and then dry the construction hairdryer).

Creating a frame. The frame can be both metallic (metal galvanized profile) and made of wooden bars. Plasterboard is better attached to a metal profile. The main thing is that the thickness of the metal profile is identical to the thickness of the insulation. In addition, the distance between horizontal and vertical slats should be equal to the size of the plates or roll of Minvati.

Laying mineral wool into the space between profile slats (it is best to choose a slab in advance if you take a roll, then it will have to pre-cut into pieces of suitable size, with a small margin in case of further shrinkage).

Installation of insulation

On top of the mineral wool lies a layer of vapor insulation.

Installation of a vapor barrier film

Plasterboard attached, after which all the joints between sheets are carefully sealed.

Finishing plasterboard

Thus, the insulation of the home mineral wool and plasterboard is a very simple procedure, which can be simply following the instructions below.

Minvata in combination with plasterboard significantly reduces the noise level, which will significantly facilitate life in houses located in close proximity to entertainment points: bars, restaurants, metro branches.

In addition, the upper plasterboard layer is an ideal base for almost any finishing finish.

By laying the insulation under plasterboard, you can solve two tasks at once - equip the optimal heat-insulating pie and improve the geometry of the walls. Sheets of the skin initially have low thermal conductivity, if you add them to protective materials, it is possible to effectively prevent heat leakage.

Advantages of cladding GLC from the point of view of insulation of walls in the apartment:

  • low panel conducting abilities;
  • installation is made only on smooth surfaces, most often the sheets are installed on the crate - such a frame forms the air layer between the wall and the trim, which has a positive effect on the preservation of heat indoors;
  • free space (cells in the crate) can be fill in materials with high ability to hold thermal energy;
  • in the summer, in such premises it will be cooler due to the fact that additional layers will not allow heat from the outside.

Internal insulation is more available in apartment buildings than outer, drywall is one of its most economical options. The panels are simple in processing and undemanding in service, you can apply any kind of finishing finish, they form a perfectly smooth surface, without taking care of the structures. GKC is combined with most types of insulating (solid, soft) and finishing materials, which is important when drawing up interior design.

Types of suitable insulation, their properties

The insulating structure is selected according to the brand of plasterboard panels, they can be:

  • wall
  • fire-resistant
  • hypusolocon reinforced
  • ceiling
  • moisture-resistant
  • hypusolocon moisture resistant.

For insulation of partitions and supporting structures, moisture-resistant wall variations, fire-resistant, having increased strengths. Additional insulators differ in density, consistency, thermal conductivity indicators, thickness.

For the walls, slab materials are optimal, compared to rolled insulation, they are much easier to lay them. Product parameters are suitable for accommodation in the grooves of the crate, you can not waste time for fitting. It is only important that the plates are located closely, without gaps. On the walls under plasterboard can be mounted glass wool, basalt wool, foam, isolon.


The granulated substance is based on polystyrene, is characterized by a slight weight and low density, mounted in a stove, differing in thickness. The popularity of the solution is caused by simplicity of installation and low cost, disadvantages are fragility and insufficient noise insulation, the need for additional ventilation. The material is the interest of rodents, they will need additional protective measures.

Polyfoam - insulation under plasterboard


Basalt wool is more expensive than glass gamble and foam, but it is very in demand due to optimal performance properties. The natural insulating resource is made from molten rocks, characterized by hypoallergenicity, fire resistance, environmental friendliness and durability. The texture is formed from thin stone fibers alternating with air layers, due to which the ability to be thermal insulation is ensured.

Unlike other categories, the minvati basalt does not absorb water, so it can be used in rooms with high humidity. In addition to the price, the disadvantage is considered the large thickness of the plates, "eating" the useful space.


Flexible, soft solution with a small thickness, keeps in the budget segment, has low thermal conductivity. This option is dangerous for use in everyday life, as glass fibers in contact with mucosa and skin provoke strong burning, itching. During the installation, you need to use the respirator, overalls, safety glasses, gloves.

Glasswater - insulation under plasterboard


One of the new variants of the insulation, formed as a result of polyethylene foaming under the influence of propane. It is characterized by a small density and weight, as it is saturated with air bubbles. Isolon protects perfectly from heat leaks, exhibits high sound insulation at an acceptable thickness, it can be saved with a useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. Separate brands have foil steam protection.

What is the way to choose - from the inside or outside?

If the thermal insulation material is located outside, that is, it is insulated directly the facade of the house, the dew point (for this border, the formation of condensate occurs during the temperature difference) accounts for an additional layer. Thus, the effects of temperature drops and changes in air humidity on the carrier wall are levied, as a result, the operational resource of the structure is extended.

If insulation is made from the inside with the help of minvati, the covered GCL or similar cladding, the dew point is moved. Usually this border passes between the wall and insulation, in such conditions the risk of growing fungi and mold is great. If the internal thermal insulation of partitions and walls in the apartment is produced, two conditions must be taken into account - the presence of a protective layer from the facade and the total thickness of the wall. The optimal option is to strengthen the bearing structures on both sides.

Mounting technology for plasterboard

As a result of the preliminary preparation of the walls, clean, dry surfaces flown from any irregularities in the form of holes, cracks and fungal lesions should be formed. The foci of mold is cleaned and treated with antiseptic, the defects are carefully shipped.

Wooden rails or metal profiles can be involved for assembling the crates. The first attracts with high thermal insulation properties, but they need to be protected from drying out, the second is not subject to deformation, but vulnerable to corrosion.

The billets are fixed with plates at the walls of the wall, then mount vertical rails with a step of 60 cm (the insulation must be tightly entering the formed grooves).

The method of fixing the material depends on its essence. Foam plates are installed using special dowels and glue, the joints are additionally strengthened with construction tape, the slots in the pairing zone with horizontal surfaces need to be filled with silicone sealant. To secure mineral wool, you will need foamy glue: it is distributed around the perimeter of the plate and apply a bit in the center.

The vapor insulation layer can be formed from a dense polyethylene film or a construction foil. Next, begin to cover the cake with plasterboard with screws. The cracks are filled with putty, are cleaned, to prevent cracking of the smelting, it is covered with paint or a special tape from above. If the basis of the metallopilly lamp was laid in order to prevent the occurrence of cold bridges, it is necessary to place ribbons from the main heat insulator in its cavity.

The service life of the considered solution is determined by the type of insulation involved. On average, it varies within 20-30 years. As agrees, the material for a third loses its beneficial properties due to the helling and drying, so it should be changed in a timely manner.