Virhov than known. Rudolf Virch

(1821-1902) german biologist, doctor and public figure

Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virhov was born in a small town in Polaria in a police officer. After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the medical faculty of the University of Berlin, but from the third course he moved to the Military Medical Institute. Interestingly, the future largest German physiologist G. Helmgoltz studied in the same group with Virchov.

After graduating from the Institute, Virhov was offered to become a doctor in the famous Berlin clinic clinic. However, he preferred to serve as a transceller, which made it possible to engage in scientific work.

Two years later, for the first time in World Science, Virhov described BELOKROE (leukemia). After the protection of the doctoral dissertation, he becomes an associate professor of the Department of Pathology of the University of Berlin.

Virhov had to combine scientific work and practical activities of the doctor. In 1847, the scientist examined the hospital in Silesia and for the first time officially recorded cases of abdominal typhoid.

After the publication of the report of Virhov was dismissed, since the medical authorities regarded his observations as offensive. However, his fame as a scientist was already so broad that he almost immediately received an invitation from the University of Würzburg Rector.

Especially for Virhov there was organized the first department of pathological anatomy in Germany. On her, the scientist worked seven years, and it was the period of the most fruitful research.

Wirchov studies were built on innovative ideas about the nature of the disease. The scientist first described the main pathological processes and introduced the concept of inflammation, blockage of blood vessels and tissue regeneration. In the future, the results of the observations were summarized by them in the fundamental labor "Cellular pathology", published in two volumes.

The scientist spoke out against the homoral theory of origin of the disease at the time of the humoral theory. Its adherents argued that any painful process is caused by changes in the composition of the fluids in the body. Virhov showed that the majority of diseases lie in the cellular level. Practically, he introduced the first to the history of science, the classification of pathological processes and a system of terms that continue to be used and currently - thrombosis, embolism, cell rebirth, leukemia.

The Book of Virchova was immediately translated into almost all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world. For decades, she was a desktop reference for many generations of biologists and doctors.

Virhov believed that the cell is the main element of the human body and it is the processes that occur in it lead to one or another diseases. His motto was the peculiar formula "Omnis Cellula E Cellula" (each cell - from the cell).

In 1856, the leadership of the University of Berlin finally realized what mistake did, driven by a world-famous scientist. Virhov was invited to Berlin, where the first institute of pathological anatomy was created specifically for him. In his walls of Virhov and worked until the end of life.

Unlike many other scientists, he never closed within his specialty, for many years actively participated in the public life of the country. Having moved to Berlin, Virhov becomes a member of the city council and is responsible for organizing health in the city - many reforms are connected with its activities.

Soon he is elected to the secret council of Prussia, and a little later - a deputy of Reichstag. When Bismarck was elected German Chancellor, Virhov headed the parliamentary opposition and became the leader of one of the political parties - then his like-minded people even received the nickname of the "free-holders". True, in recent years of life, the scientist moved to the more right political positions. It is significant that he opposed Darwin's evolutionary teaching.

Another area of \u200b\u200binterests of the scientist was associated with archaeology. In Berlin, he organized the society of anthropologists, archaeologists and ethnographers and before the death itself was his permanent president. Using connections, the scientist organized fundraising, and two new major museums appeared in Berlin - ethnographic and folk art.

One of the nearest friends of Virchov was the famous archaeologist Schliman, who opened an ancient Troy. Virhov repeatedly visited the archaeological excavations conducted by the Shlmian and even wrote two books about finds in the Trojan Kurgan.

It was Vivov for the first time that the method of scientific description of archaeological excavations was proposed, in particular, he developed a technique of accurate topographic fixation of each find.

And yet, the main thing is the physiology - the teachings of Virchov about the cage determined the development of biology and medicine for many decades ahead.

Rudolf Virch

Virhov, Rudolf Ludwig Carl (Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl) (1821-1902), German pathologist, anthropologist, archaeologist and politician.

Born on October 13, 1821 in Shifelbein (Pomerania; now Swwwigin in Poland). Primary education received in the family and in private schools. At the age of 14, he entered the fourth class of gymnasium in Keshlin.

In 1839 he entered the University of Berlin, while choosing the topic of the composition "Life, fulfilled labor and struggle, there is no yoke, but blessing." In 1843 he defended his doctoral dissertation, in the same year she went to work in the clinic Share in Berlin. In 1846 he became a prosector, and in 1847, a professor at the University of Berlin. In the same year, he founded the magazine "Archive of pathological anatomy and clinical medicine" ("Archiv FR Pathologische Anatomie und FR Klinische Medizin"), which became one of the main printed organs in the field of theoretical medicine.

In winter, 1848 Virhov was sent to Silesia to study the title epidemic. Among his recommendations to combat the epidemic was this: to give light and democracy to impoverish and abrade diseases. This trip had great importance for Virchov. 53 years later, he wrote that it was then that he came to the conviction of the relationship of practical medicine issues with social reforms.

From these positions, he tried to cover medical problems in a long-standing medical reform published by him. In 1849, in connection with the antimonarchical activities of Virhov, a place was lost in the clinic and was forced to move from Berlin to Würzburg (Bavaria), where he headed the Department of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Würzburg.

In 1856, he accepted the offer of the University of Berlin to take the newly created department of pathological anatomy; At the same time, he became the director of the Institute of Pathological Anatomy.

In 1958, Virchov lectures were published in 1958 a separate book called Cellular pathology (Die CellularPathologie), in which the main pathological processes were systematized on the basis of structural and functional changes in individual cells or their groups (cellular pathology), and any organism was presented as "a set of living cells organized Like the state. " "Personification" of cells, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe body as a "cell federation", the "amount of individual cells" was dismissed with views on the body as a holistic system and met numerous objections.

An unacceptable was also denial of the role of humoral and nerve factors in pathology. Despite this, Virchov's materials about the morphological foundations of disease played an important role in the development of ideas about their nature and further laid the foundation for modern pathological studies.

A large number of Wirchova's works are written on wholebiological topics. Its studies of the pathology and epidemiology of infectious diseases are known, many articles are devoted to the pathological anatomy, the methodology of opening. It is also the author of the theory of the continuity of the germinal plasma.

Virhov was known as a public figure. Being a member of the Berlin municipality, he actively sought a number of sanitary and hygienic measures (water supply, sewage, etc.). In 1861, Virhov became a member of the Prussian Sejm (Landtag). After the Franco-Prussian war, he moved away from politics for a while, although he remained a member of the Landtag. He was engaged in educational activities: for 33 years, scientifically popular collections on ethnology, anthropology and archeology were published. Together with the famous German archaeologist G. Shliman Virhov participated in the excavations of the Troy and conducted a systematization of the skulls found there. He was the editor of the ethnological journal, and in 1873 he participated in the foundation of the German anthropological society, the Berlin society of anthropology, ethnology and ancient history. In 1876 published the results of the survey of 7 million schoolchildren, designed to bury the myth of blond and blue-eyed Aryans. From 1880 to 1893 Virhov was a member of the Reichstag. Died Virhov in Berlin on September 5, 1902.

In 1843 he graduated from the Berlin Medical Institute of Friedrich-Wilhelm, then worked in the famous Berlin clinic "Sharite". In 1847, he founded the magazine "Archive of pathological anatomy and physiology" (now known as the Virkhov archive). In 1848 he participated in the liberation movement, but the scientific activity was not interrupted. Then he headed the Department of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Würzburg. In 1856-1902, he served as director of the newly established pathological institute in Berlin.

In 1855, in his journal "Archive ..." published an article "Cellular pathology", and in 1858 under the same name - a book in which the cell theory should be distributed from the field of histology and normal physiology also on pathology (therefore, the body's disease - This is a disease of the components of its cells) that the Cellide-Schwann theory of cell formation is erroneous, since the cells occur only by reproduction - not their shell plays the greatest value in the vital activity of the cells, as the content, i.e. protoplasm and core. But along with this, the teachings of Virchov contained and erroneous allegations. So, he believed that cells are independent individuals, and thus came to the denial of the integrity of the organism built from cells, taking it for the amount of autonomous units. Such an approach of the scientist has adversely affected the development of medicine, since diseases of various organs were often treated in the separation from the state of the body as a whole.

The cells of Virchov quickly spread and became generally accepted in biology (morphology and physiology), and in medicine. His work "Cellular pathology" was immediately translated into many languages \u200b\u200b(in 1859 its Russian translation was released).

In 1858, the scientist issued his theory of cell pathology, which was based on the physiological independence of each cell separately. Despite the erroneousness of some provisions, the work of Virchov has significantly advanced the cellular theory and marked the beginning of numerous studies in medicine.

The theory of "continuity of germinal plasma" is also associated with the name of the scientist. Continuity, as a scientist argued, exists only between germ cells, because only they have a germ plasma, invariably transmitting offspring in the process of heredity, all other cell cells play the role of a certain "case" for the germinal plasma.

The detention of the theory of evolution and the doctrine of Darwin, Virhov tried to disprove the facts known in his time belonging to the evolution of a person. Fossil remains of primitive people (Peteitrontrop, Neanderthal, etc.) he referred to pathological forms.

Virhov also known for its work on the study of diseases caused by deprivation and hunger, with its participation in the hospital device, schools, etc. Great place in his life occupied socio-political activities, he took an active part in the municipal government of Berlin, was repeatedly elected by a member of parliament, with The stands of which performed on the most acute social and political issues. Russian scientists doctors are particularly much obliged to Virhov and his institute.

| Site collection
| Julius Germanovich Malis
| Rudolf Virch. His life, scientific and social activities

Biographical essay of Yu. Malisa
With a portrait of Virchova, engraved in Leipzig Gedan

// - Childhood of Virchova. - Gymnasium in Keslin. - Medical and Surgery Institute of Friedrich Wilhelm. - New currents in German medicine. - University teachers Virchov. - Physiologist Johann Muller. - Clinician Shehenlayin. - Doctoral dissertation --//
Rudolf Wirch comes from a poor merchant family. His father was engaged in trade in Shiphelbein, a small town of Prussian province of Pomerania, where he was born on October 13, 1821, one of the most prominent representatives of modern medical science.
The childhood of Virhov spent in his hometown, where he visited a national school, and then, after additional home training, he received thirteen years in classical gymnasium in Keslin. Thanks to its outstanding abilities, they have already spoken early, Virhov, when entering the gymnasium, possessed very founder knowledge for its years in ancient languages, especially in Latin. Latin's knowledge gained him the favor of the director of the Keslinsky gymnasium, Otto Muller, a large connoisseur of Latin classics. Opposite, the teacher of the Greek language, some Mushroom, Nevzlubilil Virchova, despite its no less good training and on this subject. The second preacher of the town engaged in the Vivov Greek language in the ciphelbein was fundamentally against memorizing the grammatical rules, and he tried that the boy learned this rules to be unnoticed, practically, as a result of which he forced his student to translate a lot to Greek. As a result of this method of teaching, the young classic learned the whole revolutions of speech and applied them unmistakably in class exercises, in the so-called EXTEMPORALIA, such memorable to everyone who passed through the system of the routine classical education system. The gymnasic teacher in Keslin, on the contrary, demanded, first of all, knowledge by heart the grammatical rules. Not satisfying this requirement of Mribena Virhov, and meanwhile his translations to the Greek language were always very well and correctly written. The honorable teacher should be treated, therefore, with distrust of the knowledge of Virchov and first suspected him in the Salt. When the mushroom, despite all the rigor of the control, could not see Wirchs to resort to any unauthorized means, he began to feed some hostile feeling towards innocent young man. This hostility of the teacher to the student could have, as it is completely, it happens, the fateful value for Virhov.

At the final exam, although Virhov and went well in Greek language, the stubborn teacher nevertheless declared that he was given a voice against Virhov, who, in his opinion, does not have sufficient moral maturity, which is required for admission to the university. The opposition of the venerable Hellenist did not, fortunately, no effect. Virhov not only received a certificate of maturity, but his name was brought first of the eight-graduated list with him, in March 1839, the course in the Keslin gymnasium. It does not prevent noting that Virhov then was 17 and a half years.
From the student of the Keslinsky gymnasium personnel, a talented teacher of history, Buits, was especially beneficial and developing influence on their students. Thanks to him in Virhov, an interest in the history, which he was engaged in hobbies. Under the influence of such enthusiasm, in all likelihood, this resident of the public was already opened in the young man, which subsequently beat such a strong jet in the "Cabinet" scientist who had a prominent place in the ranks of the members of the Berlin municipality and the Prussian Parliament.
Already on the gymnasic bench, Virhov decided to devote himself to studying medicine and even before the end of the high school year, he filed a statement about the adoption of him among the students of the Medical and Surgery Institute of Friedrich-Wilhelm.
Spring and summer at the end of the gymnasium Virhov spent in his homeland. He took advantage of, by the way, this free time to explore, without any assistance, Italian. In general, Virchova had a big tendency and remarkable ability to study languages. Being in the last grade of the gymnasium, he accurately visited the lessons of the Jewish language and at the issue, although he already knew what he was dedicated to medical sciences, she even passed the Jewish language exam, - the exam that had the meaning only for future theologians.
In the autumn of 1839, Virhov left his hometown and went to the capital, Berlin, for admission to the Medical and Surgery Institute.
The Medical and Surgery Institute of Friedrich-Wilhelm in Berlin was established at the very end of the XVIII century in order to prepare a delometric doctors for the Prussian army. This Institute is arranged on a sample of higher military-educational institutions, his pupils were casinic, which lived in the institute itself. For a four years of course, they listened to lectures of the Professors of the Berlin Medical Faculty on a par with university students. The institute had an excellent anatomical museum, museum on military field surgery, a museum of surgical instruments and apparatuses, physical and chemical offices, a collection of pharmacological (drugs) drugs, and, which is especially important, an extremely rich medical library containing about 50 thousand volumes. Military doctors consisting of institute are engaged in pupils as tutoring. Thanks to all this, the Surgical Institute gives the full possibility of untenual young people to receive excellent medical education. From this institution came out a whole phalanx of the corneus of German medicine. We will call only the companion of Virhov, Helmholtz, the famous physiologist and physics, Leiden, professor of internal diseases in the University of Berlin, and the Lotnamel, which occupies the same department in Vienna.
At that time, Vibel stood at the head of the Surgery Institute, "Old Vibel", as everyone called him. It was, by definition of Virhov, "a man of moderate knowledge, but with a big tact that the heart was on a proper place." Especially follow the study part and lead the studies of pupils lay on the responsibilities of the assistant chief of the institute, Grimma. The latter was distinguished by the breadth of the look, knew how to notice the special abilities of each pupil separately and accordingly direct them.
Already soon, by adopting Virchov, the pupils of the Gramm Institute drew attention to the outstanding abilities of the newcomer and the passion, with which our young Medic was given to the study of his science.
At that time, German medicine entered the new phase. The Chinese wall, separating German medicine from French and English with their positive destination, is a wall that created by the worship of the Germans in front of various philosophical systems, finally collapsed. The last philosophical system subordinated to his influence medicine was the teaching of Schelling - his natural philosophy. Outstanding representatives of natural science and medicine of the first quarter of the XIX century stood under the banner of natural philosophy. This passion contributed to a large extent, the idealism of the teachings of Schelling, who preached high views on the tasks of science and life. The German historian of Medicine Heger sees even a well-known relationship between the national revival of Germany and the widespread spread of natural philosophy. The brilliant period of this teaching just coincided with the wars for liberation, and "the best and bright personalities among the Germans belonged to Prosvestors of Naturophilosophy." Naturophilosophical school of medicine has built its system on the basics of sillying philosophy; For her, the logical hypothesis was a completely legal equivalent of observation. Following this way, this notorious "philosophy of nature" reached such fantastic fabrications, where there was no longer a trace or philosophy. Such extremes naturally caused a reaction. German doctors realized that the Union with a similar philosophy was infertile. They realized that medicine, this science about a person, about a living organism, cannot be studied on dead books that theories and fantasies created in the Cabinet's silence must give way to reality and the facts that the lively sources of medicine should be sought in the natural sciences. Observation, as natural science understands, is the motto of the so-called natural historical school, who replaced the former natural philosophical. French medicine has adopted such a direction much earlier, and a new medical school in Germany remained transferring scientific acquisitions of neighbors to its soil. Indeed, from this point in German clinics, the exact wavelength is poured the exact method of clinical research, as he practiced from the French and the British. Of course, the "natural historical" school could not immediately shook the fog of natural philosophy, this irreverating passion for hasty generalizations and to dubious systematization. The theoretical building of medicine was even pretty much on the hypotheses and the analogies.
In the development of German healthcare, the new school served as a transition from natural philosophical to modern natural science views on medicine. In the era described by us, the scary of the natural science era has already been engaged in medicine for Germany. The natural scientific method is in full, with its mighty levers - observation and experience, - began to be applied by German doctors. To survive all these stages they accounted for a relatively short time.
We will find Virharov on a student bench when the victory was far from the side of new trends. The struggle was conducted throughout the line, Sturm- und Drangperiode German medicine was far from end.
Among the professors of the University of Berlin, there were exactly two representatives of medical science who played a paramount role in the revival of German medicine, - the famous physiologist Johann Muller and the brilliant clinician Shenglein, head of natural historical school. Thanks to this happy circumstance of Virhov, he could first familiarize himself with new scientific trends. He did not have to regret that, attached as a pupil of the Medical and Surgical Institute for Berlin, he was deprived of the opportunity to follow the commendable and useful custom of German students who, not limited to staying in anyone at the university, seek to visit the university course in several universities. To listen to in every corneury professors in various sectors of the corresponding cycle of sciences.
In the life of each educated person, the impressions that he survived on the university bench, the influence or, or rather, the influences that outstanding professors on their audience are influenced. For future scientists, these influences often determine the direction and nature of further independent scientific activity. You can fully apply the well-known French saying to a scientific actor, a somewhat parable by it, namely: "Tell me who are your teachers, and I will tell you who you are."
Who were the teachers of Rudolf Virchova?
From university teachers for the scientific development of young Virhov had a special influence of Johann Muller - "One of the greatest biologists of all times," as he was subsequently characterized, and then the clinician-therapist Shenglein - "a brilliant doctor who connected the real direction with bold theories", by defining our The Great Surgeon-thinker Pirogov.
The son of a shoemaker in Koblenz, Johann Muller, with very unfavorable conditions, held a university course at the medical faculties of Bonn and Berlin. Being a student only the fourth semester, the Great Handicapped 19-year-old young man received a medical premium of the University of Bonn for experimental work on embryology. In Berlin, under the influence of Professor of Anatomy and Physiology Rudolfi, Muller so radically reached from the naturophilosophical inclinations perceived in Bonn, which later ZEG everything, which he just fell into hand, copies of their first works. The participation and support of the influential member of the Prussian Ministry of Folk Enlightenment was given Muller the opportunity at the end of the course quietly to engage in further scientific papers. Soon Muller received a professorship in the University of Bonn, from where it was not quite ordinary, he moved to Berlin. When in 1833, the Department of Anatomy was released in the University of Berlin and went about who to appoint, the Minister of Folk Enlightenment was completely unexpectedly received a statement from Bonn Professor I. Muller. In his letter, Johann Müller demanded that the liberated department would be given to him as the most appropriate candidate; Only one person was ready to give up, namely the famous pathologist Johann Friedrich Mecckel at that time. This is a famous letter transferred to the Minister of all the same patron of Mullera Member of the Ministry, breathed in his own pure love for science and a deep sense of self-esteem; It made a very strong impression on the minister, and Muller took the department in Berlin.
The brilliant mind of a scientist who had an extraordinary look of view and extensive information on all biological sciences, the original and highly independent character and, finally, a completely special, impression appearance, resembling the appearance of the Roman warrior, all this in Müller was irresistible on his listeners. Our famous surgeon, N. I. Pirogov, who studied at the same time in Berlin, speaking about Muller, also stops at his appearance. "The face of Johanna Muller," Pirogov writes, "hesitated you with his classic profile, a high friend and two interhorry furrows, who attached his view of a stern look and made a somewhat harsh insightful look of his expressive eyes. As in the sun, the newcomer was embarrassing right in the face of Muller. "
Johann Muller was not the head of the scientific school in the ordinary sense of the word. He did not build his views on infallible dogmas, mandatory for his students as followers of a famous school. "It does not exist," said Virhov later (1858), "Muller's schools in the sense of dogmas, as he did not teach them - but only in the sense of the method. The natural scientific school, which he formed, does not know the generality of the famous teaching, but only the community of firmly established facts and even more - the generality of the method. " This method is "accurate", the natural science method, which is based on observation and experience and which puts its task - the solid establishment of the facts. "One person," says Helmholts in his beautiful speech "Thinking in medicine" ("Das Denken in Der Median"), "the advantage gave us enthusiasm to work in a true scientific direction, namely - the physiologist Johann Muller. All theories were for him only hypothesis, which are subject to testing by facts and which are solved only and only one facts. "
From the famous physiological triumvirata of Muller's students - Helmholtz, Trunk and Dubois Reimon - the latter paints us alive and cute paints, as Johann Muller influenced his disciples.
"As he himself, Dubua Raymon writes," he was on his own legs everywhere, and he demanded his disciples to help themselves help themselves. He put the tasks and gave impetus; In the rest, he was satisfied, using a chemical comparison, some kind of catalytic effect. More and not required. He acted as, in the expression Goethe, the beauty acts, - only by his presence. He was surrounded, in the eyes of students, some demonic charm, like Napoleon I in the eyes of his warriors, and "Soldats, L" Empere Ur A L "Oeil Sur Vous" was enough for us to excite the highest voltage of strength. If I try to analyze this charm, then it seems to me that anyone who was near him experienced, consciously or unconsciously and every one in his own way, who fascizes the influence of a mighty person, who herself, coming by all sorts of other considerations, Life pleasures, all sorts of amenities, pursued an ideal goal with seriousness, which bordered with the sullenness and with all-adopting passion. The highest award for us was when Muller was forgotten by a moment, left his severe seriousness and started in universal conversations and jokes. Muller abstained from the impact on the course of the studies initiated by him, but he provided his student the greatest freedom in their development and inclinations. He respected any independence. This is explained that among his students there are those who followed his most characteristic aspirations in physiology, could be in deep and openly pronounced contradiction with him, and for mutual relations established between Muller and them, it never threw the slightest shadow. Thus, Muller, not at all trying on whether neither verbally, not exposing himself to the teacher, never consumed, the word "student", in fact, and truly founded not alone, but several schools of the study of organic nature, respectively, own versatility. Muller's schools, continuing to work in completely different directions, have nothing to do, except that the fire they cares and support, for the first time appeared from His Mountain, that all these schools ask nature in his sense. "
As all really outstanding scientists who love their science, Johann Muller, in general, extremely discreet, willingly walked towards any manifestation of interest and love for science from his listeners. With the foresight of the great mind, he learned the most capable of scientific research. Virhov belonged to those few elected Par Exellence, which Müller especially brought to himself and with which he was directly communicating. The relations of Virchov's student at the student bench with his "unforgettable teacher" were subsequently transferred to friendship, not interrupted until Muller's death. "Slightly, as me," says not without fair pride of Werkhov, "fell to each important stage of his scientific development to see himself beside our teacher. His hand guided the first steps of a novice, his mouth as dean was awarded to me was a doctoral degree, his warm glance met, when, again, in his decancing, I read my first public lecture as a private associate professor. From a large number of his students, I was the only one was called, on his own proposal, take a seat next to him in a close circle of the faculty, and he voluntarily provided the important area of \u200b\u200bits original possessions. "
Another university teacher who had a strong influence on student Virchov was a professor of internal diseases - Shehenlayin. If Johann Muller owns a high merit of restoration in the main medical science, in physiology, holding the rights of strictly scientific observation and experiment, - rights, with various philosophical schools, then Shenlayin, in turn, took one of the most prominent places among German clinicians by introducing German clinical medicine more accurate research methods, which are based on natural sciences - physics and chemistry. In the Sheng Clinic for the first time in Germany began to apply tapping and listening. At the time when, in other German clinics, cardiac and pulmonary suffering were still determined by the pulse and other so-called "rational" symptoms, Shenlein sought by an accurate study to find out the state of the organs themselves. With the help of a microscope and chemical reagents, he investigated painful discharge, blood and tissue. Changes in organs found in the openings, he brought in connection with the clinical picture of the disease, as she was observed during life. Section table data It was talented by the patient's bed for purposes possible more accurate diagnosis. "Pathological anatomy," says Virchov about Shengin, "he became the basis of his diagnosis, and the latter - the basis of His Glory." And Schuhenna Glory thundered throughout Germany and far beyond. Schuhenlee's clinic, first in Würzburg, then in Zurich and, finally, in Berlin, was a real Mecca for students and doctors who flocked on his lectures from all sides. Here, not the last role was also played by the fact that Shenlein has expressed his lectures in an extremely fascinating and vibrant form. He understood the true meaning of the "living word" of the teacher and a huge advantage of him before the "deadly book" of the book. This may be partly explained why Shenlein wrote so little. His lectures were repeatedly published by his listeners, - which, due to the inevitable distortion, delivered Shenlein more grieving than pleasure, and translated into foreign languages. Comrade Pirogov in the Professor Institute in Take, Professor of Moscow University G. I. Sokolsky, former Shenlein's listener in Zurich, published his lectures (in 1841) in Russian. Meanwhile, Shenlein himself over the forty years of his professorship printed two articles that occupy no more than three printed pages. And this is in Germany, whose scientists are distinguished by amazing fecundity! Nevertheless, according to the fair remark of Pirogov, "few of the best figures of medical science have earned such a name as Shenlayin, without leaving any essays, except for carelessly compiled lectures." By the clutch of many "scientists", the history of science in its assessment does not take effect on the calculation of the printed essays.
Shenlein moved to Berlin from Zurich at Easter 1839, just when Virhov graduated from the course of the gymnasium.
"Since I," says Virhov, "studied medicine in Berlin, then I had the happiness to listen to a new professor in his very brightest time, and I admit it with gratitude that he had a hurry effect on me."
On Virchova, who with basic medical sciences - anatomy, physiology and pathological anatomy, his future specialty, - introduced Muller, and who penetrates the brain of bones by the natural science direction of the latter, such a clinician, like Shenlayin, and only such a clinician could have been huge influence. In Shehenlein Virhov saw as if the second Muller, but Muller, who pulled out of the laboratory to the clinic, to the sick bed.
Theoretical lectures on private pathology and therapy (for internal diseases) Werkhov listened to Shenglein in the 1841/42 academic year. He himself recorded a professor and led these notes with all sorts of care. Back in 1865, Virhov saved these notes. A trainee in Schuhenin Virhov clinics was during the winter semester of 1842/43.
In the last year of his student, in the summer of 1843, Virhov performed the duties of the younger alternator in the eye clinic of Professor Yungkena. This circumstance served him by the reason to take the topic of the doctoral dissertation question from the field of eye diseases.
On October 21, 1843, a public protection was held by the Virchov's dissertation "On inflammation of mainly cornea" under the chairmanship of the dean of the medical faculty of Johann Muller.
Already in this first scientist, the work was brightly discovered how vivhov penetrates the new natural science direction in medicine. In the introduction to his work, the young scientist expresses regret that there were no other methods to study the eye diseases that medicine in the newest time is obliged to natural sciences. To appreciate all the goodness and justice of this reproach, it should be remembered which coup in ophthalmology has subsequently produced the invention (in 1851) the Helmholz of the Eye Mirror, the device that gave the opportunity to directly observe the inner of the eyeball (the eye bottom). Due to the application of the laws of physical optics to the study of the structure and work of our organ of vision, in other words, due to the development of physiological optics, ophthalmology has become one of the most complete and elegant medical knowledge pages. Focused on the ideas of his teachers, Muller and Shenglein, Virhov, with sadness, notes that natural scientific research methods do not find themselves applying in the area of \u200b\u200bmedicine where they are most appropriate.

Whether we can observe this or that fact depends on what theory we use. The theory determines which facts we will observe. During the first fifty years after the adoption of the Copernicus system, astronomers discovered extremely many celestial bodies, although the observation methods remained the same. The new theory helped notice what they did not notice earlier at the time of the old theory. It is not much in the history of medicine of her ministers who created promising theories. Such medicine reformers rightly belongs to the German pathologist Virhov. After the appearance of its cellulular theory, medicine saw a pathological process in a new way.

The father of the "cellulular theory" Rudolf Virchow (R. Virchow) is a reformer of scientific and practical medicine, the founder of modern pathological anatomy, the founder of the scientific direction in medicine that has entered the history of science under the name of cellulular or cellular pathology, was born on October 13, 1821 in Shifelbein, Pomerania, in a poor merchant family. In March 1839, Seventeen and a half years old, Rudolf graduated from Keslin Gymnasium and in the same year came to the Berlin Medical and Surgery Institute of Friedrich-Wilhelm, becoming a student, like Helmholtz, an outstanding physiologist I.P. Muller.

At the end in 1843, the university and protection of the doctoral dissertation for the next year Virchov appointed a researcher under the clinic of a ball and an assistant with a pathoanatomy laboratory. From the very first days, Dr. Virhov, with great enthusiasm, took over the study of cellular materials, he did not move away from the microscope. The work threatened to him with blindness. As a result of such a dedicated work, he found in 1846 the cells of the glill, of which the brain consists.

Cells of Glia turned out to be unpopular brain characters. They were not lucky because only the work of the neuron traditionally explained all the abilities of the brain, and all the techniques were aimed and adapted to the neuron - listening to its impulsive speech and the release of mediators, tracking the leading paths and regulation of peripheral organs. Glya is devoid of all this. And therefore, when R. Galambos proposed that these are glial cells, and neurons make up the basis of the most complex abilities of the brain: acquired behavior, training, memory, his thought seemed completely fantastic, and seriously, none of the scientists accepted her. Rudolf Virhov found glius with a support skeleton and a "cellular cement" supporting and fastening the nervous tissue. Hence the name: Translated from the ancient Greek "Glion" - glue. Further study of Glia cells brought many surprises.

Having received the title of Privat-Dovert in 1847, the whirlwind left his head into pathological anatomy: it was focused on the clarification of the changes that occur in the material substrate in various diseases. He gave the incomparable descriptions of the microscopic picture of various patients with tissues and visited his lens in every dirty bouncer twenty-six thousand corpses. Virchova, a fertious scientist who published a thousand works on a variety of medical topics, elect a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences in the same year.

Together with Reikerdt in 1847, Virhov founded the magician "Archive of pathological anatomy, physiology and clinical medicine", known as the "Virhov archive" (Virchow`s Und Physiologie Undklinische Medezin), in which he printed his works; The magazine continues to be published and today.

In connection with political events in Europe (revolution of 1848) and participation in them, Virchov as a progressive figure, he was forced to leave Berlin to Würzburg, where he was elected a professor at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Local University. It takes time, full of hard work, and Virhov finally in 1856 receives a long-awaited proposal to take a specially established department of pathological anatomy, general pathology and therapy in Berlin University. At the same time, he creates a pathoanatomy institute and a museum; He becomes director of the Institute of Pathology. In this position he works until the end of life. Let's look carefully, what's the merit of Virchov.

Virchow's views on the disease were primitive-abstract. By definition of Plato, "Disease - disorder of elements determining the harmony of a healthy person", Paracels put forward the concept of "healing" forces of nature (Via Medicatrix Naturae) and considered the course and outcome of the disease, depending on the outcome of the struggle of the disease forces with the healing forces of the body. In the era of the ancient Roman culture, K. Celsius believed that the emergence of the disease was associated with the impact on the body of a special pathogenic idea (IDEA Morbosa). The essence of the disease was seen in violation of the harmony of the body caused by the action of spirits ("Archeiews") in the stomach (Paracels), violating the metabolism and the activities of enzymes (Van Gelmont) and mental balance (stall).

After the works of Virchov, it became generally accepted division of the history of medicine for two periods - Devirkhovsky and Postgrades. In the last period, medicine was under the enormous influence of ideas and Virchov's authority. Virchov's views were recognized by the leading theory of medicine with almost all of his contemporaries, including the largest representative of the humoral directions by the Austrian Anatoma Karl Rokitansky.

Rudolf Virch - little growth, with good eyes and with such a sincere expression of curiosity, which is the talented people, already in the early years of its activities openly opposed the homoral direction in the pathology that took its beginning from the hippocracy and proceeded from that The provisions that the basis of any painful process is the changes in the composition of the fluids of the body (blood, lymphs). He gave the first to their work in such important pathological processes as blockage of vessels, inflammation, regeneration. Its studies were built on completely new reasons for that time, with a new approach to the analysis of painful processes, in the future developed in the teaching - cellulular pathology.

Professor Virhov summarized his scientific views in 1855 and outlined them in his magazine in an article titled "Cellular Pathology". In 1858, his theory enters a separate book (2 volumes) entitled "Cellular pathology as a doctrine based on physiological and pathological histology." At the same time, its systematic lectures were published, in which for the first time in a certain order was given a characteristic of all major pathological processes under the new angle of view, a new terminology was introduced for a number of processes, preserved and until now ("thrombosis", "embolism", "amyloid rebirth "," Leukemia ", etc.). This book, which has enormous influence on the further development of medicine, was immediately translated from almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world; In Russia, the first edition of the "cellular pathology" was published in 1859. Since then, it has been regularly reprinted in almost all countries and for decades has been the basis for theoretical thinking of many generations of doctors.

Cellular pathology Virchova had a huge impact on the further development of medicine; According to the theory of cellulular pathology, the pathological process is the amount of violations of the vital activity of individual cells. Virhov described the pathomorphology and explained the pathogenesis of the main utility processes. Cellular pathology is a wide theoretical system covering all the main aspects of the life of the body in normal and pathological conditions. In general views on complex organisms, Virhov proceeded from the teaching on the cellular structure of organisms formed at the time. According to Virhov, the cell is the only carrier of life, the body, equipped with everything necessary for independent existence. He argued that "the cell really represents the last morphological element of all the living" ... and that "this activity still comes from the cell as a whole, and the cell is active only as long as it really represents an independent and one-piece element." He approved the continuity of cell formation in its own, which became the famous formula: "Any cell from the cell (Omnis Cellula E Cellula)".

Professor Virhov destroyed the mystical ideas about the nature of the disease that had existed before him and showed that the disease is also a manifestation of life, but flowing in the conditions of disturbed vital activity of the body, that is, he threw the bridge between physiology and pathology. Virhov belongs to the most brief of the known definitions of the disease, as "life with abnormal conditions". In accordance with its common ideas, the material substrate, he made a cell: "The cell is tangible substrate of pathological physiology, it is the cornerstone in solid scientific medicine." "All our pathological information needs to be keenly localized, reduced to change in elementary parts of tissues, in cells."

The general theoretical views of Virhov met a number of objections. Especially criticized "Personification" of cells, an idea of \u200b\u200ba complex organism as a "cell federation", as about the "amount of life units": the decomposition of the body to the "districts and territories", sharply dispersed with the ideas of I.M. Sechenov about the holistic organism and the role of the nervous system, which regulates the activities of which is carried out this integrity. Sechenov talked about the main thing: Virhov tears the body from the medium. Disease cannot be considered as a simple violation of the vital functions of any group, the sum of individual cells. "The cellular pathology of Virchova ... as the principle of false," said Sechenov. By the way, S.P. Botkin remained a fan of the theory of Virchov.

In accordance with this, for modern science, the narrow localism of cellular pathology is unacceptable, according to which the disease is reduced to the affect of certain cellular territories and its emergence is the result of the immediate effect of the pathogenic agent for these territories. Unacceptable for modern science is also underestimating the role of nervous and humoral factors in the development of the disease. A number of general provisions of cellular pathology are currently only historical interest, which does not reject the huge, revolutionizing its importance in medicine and biology.

Virchov's materials about the morphological basis of diseases were crucial in the development of modern ideas about their nature. The general method of studying the disease introduced by them was further developed and is the basis of modern pathologists-anatomical studies. In the Virchov method, there was a new one for that time from speculative arguments and the rationale for any position with the objective data of morphology.

Professor Virhov engaged in the study of almost everyone known in that period of human painful processes and published numerous works in which he gave a pathoanatomic characteristic and explained the mechanism of development (pathogenesis) of the most important human diseases and a number of utilities (tumors, regeneration processes, inflammation, tuberculosis, etc.) . A number of Virharov articles are devoted to the pathology and epidemiology of infectious diseases at an angle of view of its general principal theoretical concepts. During the rapid bloom of the microbiology of Virhov, it was rejected the possibility of an exhaustive disclosure of the nature of infectious disease with the discovery of its pathogen and argued that in the development of this disease, the main role belongs to the body's reactions - a look that has fully confirmed in all subsequent development of infectiology.

Many Virharov articles are devoted to teaching pathological anatomy, the methodology of the opening and general methodology of the proactory case, its role and place in the system of therapeutic medicine. In all its multifaceted activities, Vihov consistently conducted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of theory and practice. "Practical medicine is the applied theoretical medicine," the Virchov proclaimed in the first issue of his "archive". He always put forward a need for a pathologist to be in close contact with the clinic, figuratively formulating this requirement as follows: "The pathologist in its material instead of death should see life." These ideas have retained their importance to the present and found their further development in a pronounced clinical and anatomical direction of pathological anatomy developed by modern scientists.

A significant number of works by Rudolf Virchova is devoted to the generalist topics. In addition, there are special issues of anthropology and ethnography in his works, as well as archeology. He had an interest in these issues in his early years, and, together with the famous German archaeologist, Schliman participated in the excavations of Troy. Works in the field of anthropology led to the systematization of types of skulls and their notation.

In the Obskiological view of Virhov, originally stood on the basis of the evolutionary teaching and adjusted to the teachings of Darwin, later there was a change that coincided with the variable of its general political views after the Paris commune. In the second period of his life, he performed as an enemy of an evolutionary teaching. By the way, he had many like-minded people: among Russian scientists - Lesgal, French - Brock, etc.

Throughout his life, Virhov took an active part in the public life of Germany. In the first period, he was a persistent and active champion of social reforms, improving the material situation of people, arguing on the basis of its epidemiological studies of the social nature of many diseases. Together with Leibuscher published the magazine "Reform of Medicine", which conducted these ideas. As a member of the Berlin municipality, a number of sanitary and hygienic measures was actively sought (in particular in matters of water supply, sewage, etc.). He emphasized the great importance of medicine as social science and the role of health events for lifting the overall material welfare of the population.

Rudolf Virchov was one of the founders and leaders of the progressive party of the Berlin City Assembly of Deputies, formed in 1861 and representing the left wing of the bourgeois opposition in relation to the Government of Bismarck; There was a member of the Prussian Landtag (from 1862) and the German Reichstag (1880-1893). In connection with the 70th anniversary, he was awarded the title and diploma of an honorary citizen of the city of Berlin. On October 15, 1892, Wirch entered the position of Rector of the University of Berlin. The great scientist and public figure Rudolf Virhov died on September 5, 1902.