Extracurricular event: "Safe Internet - a good Internet. Scenario of a single class hour "Safe Internet Information Security for Children Script

Extracurricular event on computer science for schoolchildren of primary school "Safe Internet"

purpose: Education of the competent and responsible user of the Internet, familiarity with children with the rules of safe use of the Internet.

Event flow:

Teacher: Hello guys! I now make a riddle, solved her, you will say what theme of our event is:
There is such a network in the world
She does not catch fish.
Even children come to her
To communicate, Ile play.
Information draws
And what is just not here!
How is the network that call?
Well, of course ...
the Internet
Well done! The topic of our event "Safe Internet".
Today we will talk about the rules of safe behavior on the network.
(Knock on the door. Music will run away Masha and the Bear)
Teacher: Look who came to visit us.
Masha and Misha: Hello guys.
Misha: Masha is already a schoolgirl. She learned to read and write. Today she has a birthday and I decided to make her a gift.
(Gets big boxes)
(Masha opens boxes, pulls out a laptop):
- It's all for me?
- What is it?
- What is it for?
- Can I click on the button?
Children as you think
What a miracle aggregate
Can do everything in a row -
Sing, play, read, count
The best friend to become?
A computer.
Thank you so much. And I connected me the internet?
Why is it needed?
Mishe, how much is what?
Where to find a friend Olya?
Read what was in school?
And learn about everything in the world?
Well, of course, on the Internet!
There museums, books, games,
Music, Live Tigers!
You can all, friends, find
In this fabulous network.
Guys, tell me and you, why do you need the Internet?
(Children sing a song)
How much elephant weighs (3 r.) -
Where to find out the answer? It weighs five tons, (3 r.)
Will say the Internet.
To send Hi, (3 p)
And get an answer, write letters we (3 p),
Through the Internet.
We are waiting for help (3r),
And no drive! Put the route
Will help the Internet.
What when and where?
We need an answer!
Everything, always, everywhere
Knows the Internet!
You see, I really need him, please, please, please!
Well, okay, now everything is plugged.
(Inserts the modem into the computer)
Music is playing. Masha is sitting at the computer, and Misha walks around looks at the watch
I remember a wonderful moment
I connected it the Internet
And after that moment
Its in real life is not.
Masha does not eat
Masha is not sleeping
For all day on the Internet sits
- Masha, it's time for you to school
- Will not go
- Masha, let's go, play.
- I do not want.
- I brought you candy, let's go tea.
- I do not want, you see, I'm busy. And in general, I will not be friends with you now I will not have a new friend Mikhail from Italy. We are on the Internet in the games together playing.
What should I do now? Tell me, help me back to me.
Misha, and you told Masha about the rules of safe behavior on the Internet.
Not. I only heard about the rules of safety on the roads, the rules of behavior on the water, but the first time I hear about the rules of behavior on the Internet. What such rules really have?
Of course, there are now we will tell you about them. Yes, guys, help our Misha pull the mashe of their network of internet?
But before the children tell you, you must turn off the Internet so that Masha also listened and remember.
(Disables modem)
Oh, as I have not seen you for a long time. What was with me?
Masha, you urgently need to disable the Internet. You fell into the dependence of this terrible cobweb. The Internet is dangerous for you.
Guys, let's help our friends understand.
I propose to hold our discussion in the form of a court of security of the Internet, and together come to the conclusion. You will need to be divided into two groups, and transfer one way to those who will defend Masha and its interests, and in another prosecutors, who will be on the side of Misha.
And so, the consideration of the case on the negative impact of the Internet on the development of children begins.
I believe that Masha from the Internet draws a lot of negative information, often faces sites that contain material of harmful nature, sprouting children's psyche.

What will the defense say about this?
On the Internet there are sites -
It is impossible to hide eye.
There and games, and cartoons,
Both studies and cinema ...
Just suddenly you find there
Sometimes not at all.
To not torture
And then not to be upset
We need a filter search
And computer cut!
You say to parents:
Filters are always needed here!
In order to receive only useful information from the Internet, you just need to install the filters to your computer that will select the contents, and your problem will be solved.
Good, and what you say about this situation. One day, Masha decided to make me a surprise, went on the Internet and wanted to send me a gift, the number of my phone was demanded there. I didn't get a gift, but everyone was removed from my account to a penny.
Guys, did you have this?
The word is provided to prosecutors
(Children talk about situations from life)
Protection, you word.
Sometimes you online
Suddenly they are granted.
Promise everything in the world
Present for free children:
Phone, puppy, iPod
And a trip to the resort.
Their conditions are not difficult:
SMS can be sent
From the phone dad, mom -
And already you are on the bugs.
You do not believe fraudsters
Check information.
If you rush to offer
That deception can be.
You can not leave your phone number, or personal data, on unfamiliar sites, or sites with a dubious reputation.
Good with this everything is clear. And what can you say about the fact that Masha has started a lot of virtual friends with whom plays games.
Yes Yes Yes. And for me completely forgot (crying)
How to all children are interesting
Play with friends together
On the Internet, too, you can also
You need to be just careful.
On the Internet a lot of developing and teaching games for children. The main thing is not to forget about the rules. And you, Misha, you can also play with her.
What you have shook the Internet Internet. Not obedient this Internet. I wanted somehow for Masha cake bake, and I forgot the recipe. Went to the computer and said: "Internet, tell
Recipe pies for Masha. And what do you think he answered me? Never mind.
Of course, he did not answer you, because you again confused everything and forgot that all your requests need to be entered into the search engine, which will help you find answers to questions.
How not to get back to us from the way?
Where and that in the network to find?
We will help us without fail
Search system.
Here is another case of the influence of the Internet not only on the child, but also on the computer. Masha was looking for verse on the Internet, began to move on the proposed links, and suddenly her computer stopped listening. After that, even the masters had to call.
Suddenly from the slot between the lines
Cracks worm.
Innocuous it is in appearance
But in yourself the beat of the tath.
Can files he wash
Can steal money
Invites us new clothes
Virus - Masking Wizard!
I do not want to get into trouble,
Antivirus head!
In order for, evil viruses do not penetrate your computer and did not harm him, you need to install an antivirus program.
What is antivirus?
These are such programs that interfere with viruses and bad information penetrate your computer.
Misha, soon the autumn holidays are already beginning, Masha will certainly leave for parents. How will you communicate with her?
Misha (upset):
Yes, I will be very bored on it.
And the Internet can help you solve this problem.
Distances of the Internet
Absolutely not terrible.
In a second he will deliver
Message at least from the moon.
Not sad if suddenly
Far away friend.
Connect the Internet -
No distance!
VMIG DOM accurate to him.
Well, video call
Reduce separation time.
I can even see her?
Of course, you can.
And parents for the North Pole will be able to call?
Even on the North Pole.
How great is it.
See, Misha, the defense proved to you that the Internet can also be useful, only the main thing is that it is safe, and for this you need to learn the rules.
Speech of children and presentation
We want the Internet to
"There was a friend for you for many years!
You will know the seven rules of these -
Boldly float on the Internet! "

"If something is incomprehensible
scary or unpleasant
Quickly adult hurry,
Tell me and show. "

"Like everywhere on the planet,
There is a danger on the Internet.
We exclude danger,
If you connect filters. "

"I don't want to get into trouble -
Antivirus head!
Everyone who goes online
Our advice will be useful. "

"Sometimes you online
Suddenly they are granted.
You do not believe fraudsters
Information Check! "

"Evil people on the Internet
Set their networks.
With strangers
You are not going to meet! "

"With grubean online
The conversation does not start.
Well, and do not stare -
Do not hurt anyone. "

"So that the thief does not come to us,
And someone else did not find us
Your phone, address, photo
On the Internet do not put
And others do not tell. "

(View video Social Roller "Safe Internet Children", conversation for this situation)

So we remembered the basic security rules on the Internet. I think that after this lesson Masha with Misha, and you, children, never get into trouble, on the Internet. It's time to say goodbye! Today we worked well with you! In order for you better remember the rules, I will give you leaflets with them. Let's all together repeat these words that will be the outcome of our meeting:
We are all for your secure Internet,
Viruses, spam, fraudsters,
Let's say we are friendly:
Not! Not! Not!
(listed leaflets with slogan)
Thank you very much, for such a useful lesson. Now we will no longer quarrel with Masha because of the Internet. It will become for us another and assistant.
That's about, and I will never get into the Internet dependence, and I will give more time to real communication.
To new meetings!

Class hour "Safe Internet"

Class: 5-in, Cool leader: Fokina Yu.R.

purpose : To introduce students with the dangers that lie on the Internet. Systematize and summarize information on the safe work of the students of junior classes on the network.


  • informing students about the types of information capable of harming the health and development of younger students, as well as the negative consequences of the dissemination of such information;
  • education of children by the rules of the responsible and safe use of Internet services, including ways to protect against hazardous encroachments in networks, in particular, from such ways to devastating the impact on the psyche of children, like cyberbulling (cruel treatment of children in a virtual environment);
  • prevention of formation of Internet-dependence student and game dependence;
  • warning of execution of offenses with ICT technologies.

The equipment depends on the venue, it can be both a regular blackboard and an electronic board or computer with a projector.

As a result of classes, students must learn how to make a safer and useful stay on the Internet.

Event flow

Teacher: guess the riddle:

Network web

opolen whole white light

do not pass the kids by.

What is this? (The Internet )

The theme of our class "Safe Internet".

Today we will talk about the rules of safe behavior on the Internet.

Teacher: We live in society, and a lot in our behavior is due to the rules. There are rules for behavior on the street and at school, transport, the rules of etiquette. Do you need to perform them? (Of course, it is necessary.)

What happens if the rules are violated? Give examples. (Children answer and give examples.)

Teacher: Among the many rules there are special rules - "SAFETY REGULATIONS" There are dangers in the world that can not only spoil our life, but even take it from us. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to be able to foresee these dangers and know how to avoid them. After all, folk wisdom reads: "Beware of troubles, while they are not!".

What do you know Safety regulationsAnd what will happen if they do not observe?(Children answer: Fire safety rules, road behavior, water, etc.).

Teacher: We conclude: To avoid dangerous situations, you should listen to advice of adults and act according to the rules of security.

Teacher: And what are the safety rules need to be observed when working on the Internet? The Internet is an interesting and multifaceted world that allows you to learn a lot of new things, communicate with people at different ends of the world, play games and share with your other photos. What do you think, what dangers can wait for us on the Internet? (Children answer).

Teacher: Let's select the basic rules that we need to follow when working on the Internet.

"We want the Internet to

Was a friend for many years!

You will know the seven rules of these -

Boldly float on the Internet. "

Rule 1. Never publish online and do not inform your real name, address, school, class, phone number. If you post too much information about yourself, it can get into the hands of such strangers who want to offend you.

"If someone is unfamiliar

You will ask you to tell

School information

About friends and telephone,

Il to the access page to give -

We will not answer it

We will keep everything secret! "

Rule 2. Never agree to a personal meeting with the people with whom you met on the Internet; Under the mask of a virtual friend can hide an evil person. Tell your parents immediately about such proposals.

"Evil people on the Internet

Set their networks.

With strangers

You are not going to meet! "

Rule 3. Do not inform your passwords to anyone, do not send SMS in response to letters from unknown people.Be careful with attachments and links to email messages.

"Sometimes you online

Suddenly they are granted.

Promise everything in the world

Present for free children:

Phone, puppy, iPod

and a trip to the resort.

Their conditions are not difficult:

SMS can be sent

From the phone dad, mom

- And already you are on the bugs.

You do not believe fraudsters

Check information. "

Rule 4. Always report adults about all cases on the Internet that caused an embarrassment or anxiety.

"If something is incomprehensible,

Scary or unpleasant

Quickly adult hurry,

Tell me and show.

Have problems on the Internet?

Adults and children together

Can always solve

Without much difficulty. "

Rule 5. In order to avoid meeting with unpleasant information on the Internet, install the filter on your browser or ask you to make it adults - then you can safely travel on your interesting pages.

"Like everywhere on the planet

There is a danger on the Internet.

We exclude danger,

If you connect filters. "

Rule 6. Do not download and do not open unfamiliar files without asking the permission of parents or teachers. If you decide to download something, check the file using the antivirus program before opening it.

"I don't want to get into trouble -

Antivirus head!

Everyone who goes online

Our advice will be useful. "

Rule 7. When communicating on the Internet, you must be friendly with other users. In no case should not write and speak offensive words, it is impossible to publish in the network of other photos and information without the permission of the owner.

"With grubean online

The conversation does not start.

Well, and do not stare -

Do not hurt anyone. "

Teacher: Guys, if you comply with these rules, the Internet will be the right assistant for you, because you can search for information, read books, attend virtual museums, play, communicate with friends and of course, learn.

You can show the cartoon fixtures: "Internet"

Teacher: Now check how well you learned the rules of safe behavior on the Internet. Separate the commands and try formulating the basic rules using well-known fairy tales. For each correct answer, the team gets on emoticon. A team will win, scoring more of the number of emoticons.

The teacher demonstrates pictures from fairy tales, students formulate rules.

  • « Little Red Riding Hood"(Do not talk to strangers).
  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats" (Under the mask of a virtual friend can hide an evil person).
  • "Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino"(Fear scammers.Do not tell anyone your passwords, do not send SMS in response to letters from unknown people).
  • Moydodyr (Check the computer to viruses, use antivirus programs).
  • "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka"(When meeting with unpleasant (dirty) information on the network, leave the Internet).
  • "Morozko" (Be polite when communicating on the network, do not grieve, then they will be treated as well as).


  1. What were we talking about in a class hour today?
  2. What do you think will help the knowledge gained today in your life?
  3. Nowadays there are special services that come to help people at the time of danger, phones of these services are familiar to us - 01, 02, 03.

Today there is a new free All-Russian Counseling Service for children and adults on the issues of safe use of the Internet and mobile communications - 8,800 25 000 15.

Homework. Remember the rules of safe behavior on the Internet, discuss them with parents. Make a poster pattern dedicated to one of these rules.


Fairy tale "Kolobok to a new way"

Tale of a safe internet.

Our event I want to start with a small questionnaire.

You need to choose only one of the suggested answers. You do not need to sign questionnaires.

Test questionnaire.

1. Do you have a computer?

A) yes;

B) no;

2. Do you have access to the Internet?

(Mobile phone, computer)

A) yes;

B) no;

3. How much time do you spend on the Internet?

A) I do not go online;

B) less than 1 hour;

C) 1-2 hours;

D) more than 2 hours;

4. What do you think - the Internet is dangerous or not?

A) yes;

B) no;

5. What do you do on the Internet?

A) learning;

C) downloading the program;

D) I use e-mail;

E) I play on-line games;

E) watch TV, movies;

6. Do you get pleasure from working on the Internet?

A) yes;

B) no;

7. Did you ever have threats, unlawful calls onlineThe Internet?

A) yes;

B) no;

8. How do parents treat your work on the Internet?

A) allowed freely;

B) set the time mode;

C) allowed to enter their presence;

D) prohibit use;

E) do not know that I'm going to the Internet.

I think you have already guessed, what will we talk about today at our lesson? Of course, about the Internet. And not just about the Internet, but about the dangers that he in himself is tatt.

So, the Internet helps us to communicate, find out new, shopping, enter into deals, and of course pays a lot of dangers.

And to get acquainted with some of them, we want to offer you to look at the fairy tale to the new way "Fairy Tale Kolobok and Safe Internet".

1. Introducing:

There were an old man with an old woman. So the old man says:

Old man:

Catering the old woman in the box of the village, they feel sully.

Will the flour on a kolobok scrape?

2. Verifying:

The old woman went, kneading the dough on sour cream, concreted the bunchel and put it on the window.

Kolobok flew-flew, took, and she rolled. A bunker rolls on the road, sees the hare sits, browsing the web pages.

And suddenly…

The hare was frightened. But it's good that Kolobok was near. He calmed the hare and told him:

1. Kolobok:

On the Internet there are sites

It is impossible to hide eye.

There and games, and cartoons,

Both studies and cinema.

Just suddenly you find there

Sometimes not at all.

To not torture

And then not to be upset

We need filters search

And the computer is to cut.

You tell parents

Filters are always needed here.

3. Video by:

Good bang nearby. He helped to establish a wolf two magic programs - "Antivirus" and "Parental Control".

These are such programs that interfere with viruses and bad information penetrate the computer.

And he told him:

2. Kolobok:

Suddenly from the gaps, between the lines

Worm carries out.

Innocuous it is in appearance

But in yourself the beat of the tath.

Can files he wash

Can steal money.

Invites us new clothes

Virus master masking.

I do not want to get into trouble,

Antivirus head.

4. Embody:

And rolled along the road, only the wolf saw him.

Kolobok rolls, sees a bear sits. And on the screen of his laptop Message: "You won a million to get it, send an SMS to the room ..."

The bear was delighted and wanted to take the phone, write an SMS-ku. But a good kolobok was near, did not make it stupid to him. And said these words:

3. Kolobok:

Sometimes you online

Suddenly they are granted.

Promise everything in the world.

Present for free children

Phone, puppy, iPod

And a trip to the resort.

Their conditions are not difficult

SMS can be sent

From the phone dad, mom.

And already you are on the bugs.

You do not believe fraudsters.

Check information.

If you rush to offer

Too deception can be.

5. Watching:

And rolled the bun, only the bear saw him.

Kolobok rolls, to meet him Lisa. Frightened. She told him what happened.

1. Lisa:

I am very sociable and want me to have many friends. Once I started myself a profile in the LIS Connect network, where he told about her hobbies, and he is looking for friends. And waited for letters. This is what letter I received:

Hi, fox!

So we got acquainted with the main dangers that the Internet pays.

To understand what you remember. I suggest you draw a joint poster that will be called "Safe Internet". And choose a person in a group that will present your work. (Working in groups) Presentation of posters.

And I want to finish our event with a small souvenir. Which will not only remind you of security rules on the Internet, but also help secure on the roads. After all, from January 1, the law entered into force, which states that each child on clothes or portfolio should have a light reflector.

Now our characters will give you a kolobok-light reproducer.

And all guests will also receive a symbolic bun.

I suggest you fly the sticker and glue it to the portfolio.

On this note, we finish our event.

Oksana Alekseeva
Scenario of the event "Safe and Useful Internet"

Scenario Events« Safe and Useful Internet»

For children of senior preschool age

Goal: Pay attention to the children of senior preschool age on safety and risks when using network the Internet. Explain about useful features of the Internet for education, development, communication and leisure.

Tasks: - Select the advantages and disadvantages of the network the Internet;

Formulate rules of network etiquette;

Explain about the correct behavior of the child when entering unpleasant situations in Internet.

Materials, equipment: Computer, Projector, Screen, Electronic Media Media, Sports Inventory, Tablet (Waste, Music Player.

Musical repertoire: "Song of friends" S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadovsky; "Multicolored glass" Text author (words): Rubalskaya L. Composer (music): Saveliev B., "The Bremen Town Musicians", Author of the text (words): Yuri Entin Composer (music): Gennady Gladkov

Characters, characters: Bear Misha, Masha, guys

(Children stand in a semicircle near the educator)

Educator: Guys, I will make you a riddle, and you guess, what we will talk about today:

Network web

opolen whole white light

do not pass the kids by.

What is this?

Children: the Internet

Educator: Right! Today we will talk about internet. And what do you think, internet - our friend or enemy?

Answers children

Educator: Guys, today, you wanted to visit us to visit us and the Bear, it is those from the cartoon, they will help us to figure out. And here they are (Enters the Bear)

Bear: Hello, boys and girls! Do you have not seen Masha? We agreed to meet her here. Something she is late ...

Under the music "Song of friends" (S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadovsky) Masha enters the tablet in hand. Without noticing anyone, sits on the chair, continuing to play.

Bear: - Hello, Masha.

Masha: - Yeah.

Bear: - Why are you late? I thought you came up with contests, games.

Masha: - Mmm.

Bear: - Masha, what's wrong with you? What are you doing?

Suitable to Masha and peeks over the shoulder.

bear: - All clear. You are passionate Internet. Guys, do you have computers at home? Do you also play computer games? (Listends the options for answering children).

Bear: - And you know what the Internet It can not always be safe!

Masha: - A-aa. What happened? Everything disappeared, flashed, something jumped out on the screen!

Bear: - Well, Masha met with the first nuisance, which is called a computer virus!

Masha: - Hello guys. Sorry, I began to play and forgot about you. My toy broke! Aaa! What is a virus?

Bear: - This is a harmful program that can penetrate your computer, tablet, phone and bring harm!

Masha: - How to fix everything?

Bear: - It was necessary to first install the antivirus program! It helps the computer to recover from the virus, or do not give it to penetrate your computer! Guys, I suggest you play the game, and help get rid of the virus on the tablet Masha.

The game "Viruses" (guys are divided into two teams, in the hands of two colors envelopes - Folee files and dangerous. During a certain time, you need to try, as soon as possible, decompose envelopes in color in the boxes).

Bear: - Well, that's all your tablet in order. The antivirus program deleted a malicious program. There are some more troubles with which you can meet in Internet.

Masha: - Which for example?

Bear: - There are some sites that contain coarse and terrible pictures, you can get frightened.

Bear: - Well, what warned. Today on one site I found friends. We talked, told jokes. And someone began writing different rudeness. I was hurt and I also wrote to him inquiries. Here!

Bear: - You missed yourself wrong. It was necessary to immediately inform the adult about it, and just leave this site. And it is wrong to be sad. Come on with the guys you will demonstrate you as you need to behave.

The game "Say a compliment" (The guys get into the circle and transmit, a beautifully decorated box, a neighbor on the right, while they say a compliment).

After the game guys are sitting on the chairs

Masha: - And I know another game. It is called "Mood". I will show my mood, and you try to guess what I depict.

The game "Mood" (Masha shows various facial expressions, and the guys are trying to guess: joy, sadness, anger, etc.; You can invite children to demonstrate their mood).

Masha: - I liked the guys with you. And today I found in Internet game.But to play me to play I needed to pay money. Another you need to specify your name and password. I was upset that I could not play this game, because I had no money.

Bear: - Masha, and even very good that you have no money to pay for the game, otherwise such things have done such affairs!

Masha: - What for example?

Bear: - You apparently do not know anything about spyware, about spam and the dangers that you lie in Internet. Both in any fairy tale there are good and evil and in Internet There are evil robbers - programs that can remember your passwords, phone numbers. And then apply evil. For example, send letters for you, about which you will not even know. May disappear money from the account. And different troubles can be involved.

Masha: - And how to be in this situation?

Bear: - In such cases you need to immediately inform the adult, and close this site. Well, something we are all about sad, let's play!

Masha: - And let's go to my favorite game ? Call guys!.

The game "Nobody talk about our secret" (guys get up and under musical accompaniment "Multicolored glass" Text author (words): Rubalskaya L. Composer (music): Saveliev B.

all stand in a circle. After the game guys are sitting on the chairs)

Masha: - Thank you guys for the game! The mood rose! You, the bear so much today told about internet. But I remembered that he is dangerous and pays a lot of unexpected. And what good can you tell about the net the Internet?

Bear: - Let's first remember that we learned today!


1. I do not want to get into trouble -

Antivirus head!

Everyone who goes to the Internet,

Our advice will be useful.

2. With grubes online

The conversation does not start.

Well, and do not stare -

Do not hurt anyone.

3. If something is incomprehensible

Scary or unpleasant

Quickly adult hurry,

Tell me and show.

4. So that the thief does not come to us,

And someone else did not find us

Your phone, address, photo

IN internet do not put

And others do not tell.

5. B. internet sites are

It is impossible to hide eye.

There and games, and cartoons,

And study, and movies,

Just suddenly you find there

Sometimes not at all ...

(A source http://detionline.com/mts/rules)

Bear: - Well done, Masha! The basic rules you remember. As in any fairy tale - good wins evil. There are online Internet and good moments:

1. Where to find friends?

Find the sea of \u200b\u200bideas?

And learn about everything in the world?

Well, of course, in Internet!

There museums, books, games,

Music, Live Tigers!

You can all, friends, find

In this fabulous network.

2. How not to get to us from the way?

Where and that in the network to find?

We will help us without fail

Search system.

We want the Internet

Was a friend for many years!

(Source "Appendix 4. Rules".)

Masha: - You know, bear, I realized that the Internet Good for information, you can see a kind cartoon watch, find pictures, listen to music. You can find friends, but only with them will not be so fun, like with you. And you called me for games and contests. So let's play the game "Snake"!

The game "Snake" (For music from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians", Author of the text (words): Yuri Entin Composer (music): Gennady Gladkov. The first participant convenes friends and creates a chain)

After the game, the guys are sitting on the chairs.

Masha: - Guys, and let's see a small cartoon.

Viewing a social roller « Safe Internet Children» .

(A source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dFXJWPAQX8VU)

Masha: - Well, guys, it's time to say goodbye. No the Internet Does not replace the joy of communicating with you. And you, the Bear, thank you very much for the advice. I realized that I still need to learn a lot and figure out. Goodbye friends!

masha and the Bear leave, the guys with the teacher are returned to the group.

A source. http://detionline.com/mts/rules

A source. "Appendix 4. Rules safe use of internet in verse»

A source. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dFXJWPAQX8VU.

A source. Dohckolonok.ru.