Rosemary cultivation in open soil and in the apartment. How to grow rosemary on the windowsill, landing and care at home when planting rosemary in open ground

Putting rosemary in a pot or in the courtyard, you will delight yourself with a freshness of the sea breeze and get fragrant seasoning to various dishes. How to plant and care for rosemary.

Rosmarinus is an evergreen long-term shrub of the Clanotkovy family (Lamiaceae) with narrow aromatic leaves, on top - green, and below - white, similar to coniferous needles, flowers with small blue-purple flower.

Rosemary medicinal is a very valuable plant. It is used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology. Rosemary's leaves contain essential oil with bactericidal, invalid properties.

Rosemary has the ability to remove toxic substances from the liver. It is also used as a diuretic plant, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. Tea and infusion of greenery Rosemary are used with headaches, for rinsing the throat.

Mediterranean cuisine is difficult to imagine without rosemary. He has a pleasant spicy sharp taste with a pleasant mustard. Fresh greens add to soups, hot dishes meat. Dried shoots and leaves can be added to various spicy compositions.

Rosemary in Landscape Design

In southern countries, rosemary is often used as a green fence. The decoration of rosemary of fences and walls from the south side is also a good design option. There are varieties of rosemary with flutter shoots. They are well suited for landscaping, steps. They are used for landscaping and strengthening the slopes.

Creating a garden in the Mediterranean style is impossible to do without roses, lavender and rosemary. But if among the huge amount of varieties you can always choose enough winter-hardy for almost any, then rosemary can be placed in the container. Classic garden vases will well fit into the design and emphasize style features.

Rosemary - the plant is quite hardy and does not require special care. Like lavender, rosemary - a light-lubricant drought-resistant plant. However, it is worth remembering that he does not withstand frosts.

In the northern regions with frosty winters the best way to grow rosemary - in summer in the open ground, in the winter - in the pot. In the open ground, it grows faster and looks much better, healthier. In the fall, the growth of new shoots stops, the plant is cut and transplanted with a lounge in a spacious pot. Watering is minimal, keep the whole winter in a cool room to 10 degrees of heat.

Light and landing. When growing in open soil, rosemary should be planted on solar (southern) places. Good grows on the southern slope. If it was in a pot, then they endure an open air when the threat of frosts. Sit into open ground after a short acclimatization period.

Watering.Rosemary is well tolerating drought, but it takes a good watering for active growth. In the spring and summer watered regularly. If the bush grows in the container, then it is necessary to ensure that there is no overflow, the wet soils rosemary does not like.

The soil. The soil for rosemary is needed loose, nutritious, with good aeration. In nature, grows on dry sandy and crushed stone soils. The root system is powerful, strongly developed, penetrates the soil deep enough. Does not make excessive moisturizing and acidic soil.

Trimming. Rosemary bushes need to form if you want them to be beautiful. Usually do it in March-April before starting active growth. Once in 7-8 years, bushes are cut to the soil level for rejuvenation.

In addition, in summer, young shoots are cut and used as seasoning. The harvesting of greenery is made in the fall, when the time comes to put plants into the house or greenhouse. When transplanting into a pot, shoots and rosemary roots are trimmed strong enough.

Reproduction and landing. It is possible to multiply rosemary in 4 ways: seeds, tanks, cuttings or the division of the bush.

It is not difficult to reproduce cuttings, after trimming the bush in the spring or summer, the cuttings are rooted in loose soil under the film. Cherenkov length should be 8-10 cm. The lower ends deepen into the ground under the tilt. Between the cuttings should be a distance of at least 10 cm. Rooted pretty quickly.

Seeds can be bought in the store, sow seeds already in February-March. The right time for sowing is 6-12 weeks before the onset of warm weather. Seeds are germinated at a temperature of +12 to +22 ° C.

Convenient to suck into transparent plastic containers with a lid for food. It is not necessary to repair or close it's not tight. The germination time is quite large, shoots appear unevenly. When most of the seeds sprouted, the lid is cleaned. Seedlings in a month can be searched in separate pots.

After the end of frosts, young plants planted into the ground. The distance between the bushes is about 50 cm. If we grow as a spice for cutting, then there will be a distance of 10 cm.

Fertilizer. Fertilizers are usually used only for plants wintering in soil. Complex mineral and organic fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen are suitable. Once a month is quite enough.

With winter wintering and subsequent transplantation to open ground, it is not necessary to fertilize if fertile soil contributes to the landing point.

Growing in the container requires regular feeding with a complex fertilizer.

Shelter for winter. In the soft climate (Crimea, Black Sea, the Caucasus) Rosemary is successful. If there are frosts up to -10 degrees - to stream it is necessary. Minus 5 - the temperature is destructive for rosemary.

Harvesting. What are they collecting and used as seasoning? Naturally, greens. It is desirable to do this in sunny weather. During the flowering period from rosemary, young shoots are cut off, thickly covered with leaves with flowers, dried them in the shade and crushed. That's ready fragrant seasoning to meat.

Rosemary - fragrant, spicy grass, her leaflets and branches contain a large number of essential oils saturated with useful trace elements. For this reason, the grass is used not only in cooking to impart sharp meat and fish dishes, but also in medicine. An infusion of leaves is applied in some diseases of the gallbladder, it is capable of removing colic, and the essential oil added to the shampoo will help grow long and thick hair. The cultivation of rosemary and care for it in conditions of moderately warm climate is sufficiently problematic. Even a small frost is about -6 ° C able to destroy the thermo-loving plant. However, professionals are advised not to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing rosemary, but remember a few simple rules.

Choosing a place on a rosemary growing area

In the wild state, Rosemary grows on the territory of the Mediterranean, however, cultivate it in Europe, Asia, in Central and South America. In Russia, it is grown mainly in the southern regions, but with the right approach, it is possible to successfully cultivate the culture and in the central part of the country.

There are several varieties of the plant, the rosemary ordinary (drug) is the greatest value, this species is cultivated around the world. Shrub can reach a height of 2 meters, the root system is powerful, goes into the deep layers of the soil. Such a feature of the structure complicates the care of rosemary and growing, as in the regions where frosty winter, gardeners prefer to dig a bush in the fall and plant it in the tub. Throughout the winter, the plant will be in a cool room, this technique allows you to maintain a perennial until next spring.

Rosemary loves heat and a lot of sunlight, it moves well to drought periods. For this reason, it is better to plant bushes on the slopes from the south side, there the soil will warm up faster, creating an optimal microclimate. Of great importance is the composition of the soil, it should be alkaline or neutral, there will be no green shrub in acidic soil. Lightweight, sandy substrates, well-pass moisture and air - ideal conditions for growing rosemary. Water in the ground should not be slaughtered, so before planting it is recommended to put drainage from rubble or fragments of bricks on the bottom of the pit.

Rosemary - Growing from seeds and cuttings

You can grow rosemary in several ways:

  • sowing seeds,
  • rooting cutting
  • division bush
  • sharing to land.

In horticulture, the first two ways are most common. You can simply buy seeds enough, you can visit a specialized store or order a cherished bag on the Internet, while the germination of seeds will be from 80% to 90%.

Sowing seeds

Rosemary - landing seeds is carried out from February 15 to March 10. Pre-processing or stratification is not required. A spacious wide drawer and a nutrient mixture are prepared by landing. You can take the earth from the greenhouse or peat and mix with small gravel in equal shares. Sowing it is desirable to produce often, and as the seedlings grow to ridate landing. The depth of seed seed should be no more than 3 mm. For a better germination, the box should be plastic, but to make several holes in it so that the air freely circulate and condensate is not formed.

The first shoots will have to wait long, they will appear not earlier than days after 25-30. The care and cultivation of rosemary from seeds will not require special skills, you need a timely watering and a little patience. When young plants are growing, they can be planted into separate pots, with a diameter of 10 cm. It will be possible to plant a landing in a garden late in the spring, after May 20, when the threat of night frosts. If several instances are planted, then between them is recommended to observe a distance of 80-100 cm.

Showing Chenka.

If the rosemary's bustice is already growing on the site or house, then it is not populated with the help of cuttings. Planting Rosemary in this way it is better to plan for September or the beginning of October. During this period, you can choose the strongest and developed annual shoots. The length of the cutting should be 10 cm, well, if it has 3 or 4 interstices, make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees, then drinking wood coal powder. In the southern regions, the cuttings are rooted immediately into the greenhouse, and in conditions of moderately warm climate - in plastic containers. When growing a seedling of the house, the cuttings can be placed in a jar with water, adding a drug that stimulates the root formation into it. Then, waiting for the appearance of roots, root into the substrate. As a rule, the first roots are formed by the 7th day.

Rosemary Sedo Landing in Garden

Heat-loving rosemary - landing in open ground will require special attention. It is necessary to prepare a planting pit with a size of 50x50x50 cm and replace the garden land to a more nutritious. The substrate is selected depending on the natural composition of the soil, but most often use the following components:

  • sheet land - 2 parts
  • peat - 1 part,
  • sand coarse-grained - 2 parts,
  • pucked chalk - 25 grams per 1 kg of finished substrate.

All components are thoroughly mixed and laid into the pit, drainage is placed on the bottom. After 3-4 days, when the soil falls a little, you can start landing seedlings. The plant is placed in the well to the level of dolly leaves, the land is sprinkled, and it is watered. For better rooting over the bed, a temporary greenhouse from polyethylene is built. After about 5 days, rosemary is acclimatized, and the shelter can be removed.

Roommary Care Features

Rosemary - Growing and care can bring a gardener a lot of difficulties, but as a remuneration he will receive fresh green twigs grown by independently.

Watering and making fertilizers

Watering a shrub is occasionally and only in a period of long drought. The plant will rather die from excess moisture than from its lack. Water is recommended to take warm, some time resistant in barrel. For good growth and the development of the beds are regularly stolen, and the soil is bass.

Fertilizers - an integral part of the leaving of rosemary. You can use both mineral compositions and the organic, alternating them. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers contribute in spring during the active growth of shoots. In the fall, focus on the compositions containing phosphorus, it favorably affects the cold resistance of the plant. From organic feeding, you can use the infusion of a reduced concentration cowboy (1:15) or a biohumus extract. In just season you can spend 5-7 feeding.

Rosemary Pruning and Preparation for Winter

Shrub reacts well to trimming. Cut the sprigs for eating or preparation of tinctures throughout the growing season. If the bush has grown a lot and more radical trimming is needed, then the procedure is carried out at the end of March or in April, before the start of active growth.

If frosts are installed in the region in the region below -12 ° C, the rosemary plant to open soil is undesirable. Even providing a good shelter, the shrub can die, as it is characterized by a low winter hardiness. In this case, the seedlings are encouraged to plant into bulk tubs, barrels, for the summer to pin them in the garden, and in September, to enter a little sheard, but a bright room. With this content of rosemary sprigs will be at hand all year round.

Video how to plant rosemary

In natural conditions, rosemary grows on the Mediterranean coast, collecting all his smells. The fragrance of this plant includes lemon, pine and eucalyptus notes, as well as barely caught lung breeze. But it is possible to grow in the cultivation of this exotic shrub not only by the seashore, but also in your country, for example, in the suburbs, as a result, to get extraordinary spices.

Mediterranean culture is not only a spice, enriching the taste of culinary dishes, but also an evergreen beautiful-circuit bush, which can be planted on household and summer cottages in decorative purposes. In this article we will try to deal with how to grow rosemary at the cottage in the conditions of open soil.

Description and varieties of rosemary

Evergreen Perennial is a relative of such plants like a dyeing, lavender, Melissa, Mint and Basil. Its a few varieties sometimes reach from 0.5 to 2 meters in height. Leaves of this culture have a needle-shaped form, externally resemble a hive. Rosemary has pretty small flowers that can be pink, white, bluish-purple. If we consider the plant in the photo or admire it from a long distance, you can take it for the carpet.

In nature, everything there are no more than 5 species of this wonderful shrub. Medicinal Rosemary is considered the most popular of this five. However, he has several varieties. Among those common in our country:

  • Vishnyakovsky Semyko;
  • Tenderness;
  • Dewdrop.

Foreign selection includes the following varieties:

  • Albiflorus;
  • Roseus;
  • Prostratus;
  • SEVERN SEA and others.

Rosemary: Growing in the open ground in the suburbs

It is necessary to choose such a landing place so that it is as highlighted as possible, but it has been protected from strong drafts. The recommended soil type is lime, while it should be easy and loose. Rosemary is a thermal-loving culture, so the plant on the street is recommended to plant only at that time of the year, when the threat of night frosts, then rosemary is good and will not be delivered to the excess care. The most favorable period for landing is considered the second half of May.

Features landing

If you want to grow large rosemary bushes, they are recommended to plant at least 0.5 m from each other. In all other cases, the minimum distance between cultures, which is 10 cm. After landing, it is necessary to pour shrubs.

Council. Rosemary can grow in one place for several years. If necessary, targeting the plant to occupy this area with vegetable crops, it is recommended to plant garlic, onion or carrots on this place.

Current care

Rosemary is considered a drought-resistant culture, but without proper irrigation, the plant will not live for a long time. Necessary observe the soil moisturize: When moisture deficiency, the plant will turn yellow, and with too abundant irrigation - will get rid of extra leaves.

It is recommended after each watering a little looser and be sure to remove weary grass. In April or even in March, make the enclosure of the bush crown. In the case when your green pet has for more than 7-8 years, it is necessary to rejuvenate a bush. To do this, it must be cut to the soil level.

All varieties of decorative culture do not carry cold, so they are destructive winter in the suburbs. If you grow rosemary in the middle lane of Russia, remember: it is impossible to fully care for this culture.If you do not comply with the elementary conditions for protection against frosts. The most faithful option remains to dig a plant and its complete transplantation for the winter period into the container. After that, the shrub is entered a warm bright room, in which the air temperature should not fall below the mark at 16 ° C.

If this is not possible, it is possible, then it is necessary to cut to the ground level of your green pet, then insulate the root system using a mulch from a layer of dry leaves or sawdust. Record is recommended to additionally build a small dome made of coniferous branches.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

In the period of active vegetation (spring-autumn), the plant must be regularly fertilized. Best fit mineral complex drugs, acquire which will not be much labor in specialized stores. In the spring, rosemary needs predominantly in nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall - in phosphate.

Some daches love to apply for fertilizer culture a cow manure: a organicer is divorced along with water in proportion 1: 5, but it is necessary to do this and risk, because even a small overdose of organic fertilizers can destructively affect the health of culture.

Methods of breeding

Nature provides four ways of reproduction of decorative culture:

  • seminal;
  • grains;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing bush.

The most preferred method rosemary reproduction is shillingSince it is highly reliable and has already been tested by many gardeners. In addition, it will be absolutely difficult to master it:

The first roots on young processions will appear approximately 30 days. After that, they will need to be searched into separate containers, each of these containers should not exceed 10 cm in diameter. A week later, a maximum of 10 days, pinch the tops - it activates the branching process.

Division bush - a slightly more complex method, which is mainly used for rosemary grown in room conditions.

The remaining two ways can be safely used for open soil. In the presence of sowing material (seeds) It must first be placed in the water for several hours so that the seeds are pretty swollen. Then hesitate them to a depth of 3-4 cm into wet sand, after which we cover with a film or glass to form a greenhouse effect. Do not forget to spray future shoots every day, as well as wiped off the glass from the glass accumulated condensate. Seedlings should be kept in warm conditions at a temperature of from 22 ° C to 25 ° C.

With proper care, the sprouts should be processed after a month and a half, a maximum of two. As soon as this happens, remove the film and install containers with young plants on a well-lit place.

Do not forget about regular watering, which need good water. The seedlings will be ready for landing in the conditions of open soil, as soon as the height of 7-8 centimeters has been achieved, but if there is an opportunity to hold them in room conditions for a long time, then be sure to use it.

Reproduction with chains as follows:

  • We til down the escape that grows closer than all to the ground, fixing it in this position using metal brackets or a large stone.
  • I chew on the top of the lands, leaving only his top.
  • Such escape must be watered along with the mother's bush.
  • As soon as the top will begin to grow up, it is necessary to separate the grooves from the parent plant and fall into the container or a bed.


Collect the harvest is suitable only during the flowering period of the plant. This time is famous for the fact that the perennial accumulates a rather large amount of essential oils to it.

The most valuable product is considered the sheet of ordinary (dosage) rosemary. In cooking can be used both fresh fragrant flowers and dried leaves, which are folded in the form of a tube.

The tops of the plants are elegantly looking, which are perfectly suitable as decoration when feeding dishes, the rest of the leaves are dried in the shade in order to make different spices of them. Even dried and crushed leaves have an incomparable smellwhich is preserved for several years. And in order to extend this period, it is recommended to store the seasoning in hermetically closed vessels made of glass.

Use in cooking and medicine

The rosemary's flavored palette includes lemon, ether, pine and camphor.

Use the products that were prepared with the participation of perennial is extremely useful for health, because Rosemary is capable of:

The main sources of use are camphor, resins and essential oils.

Rosemary is also able to provide other positive actions using its unique chemical composition:

  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • spasmolytic.

That is why now, as in the past time, infusions, decoctions and teas are enjoyable, made on the basis of rosemary leaves and other parts of this medicinal plant.

Diseases and pests

Amazing the fact that the plant has tremendous stability in the conditions of open soil to various pests and insects. Most dacnishers believe that such "immunity" is connected directly with a strong aromawhich comes from the shrub. The smell of this culture is able to scare most of the pests, with which it is quite difficult to fight when they are affecting other cultures: a wave, snails, slugs, a web tick, etc. Anyway, but such an indisputable advantage to a significant extent relieves care in conditions Open soil behind rosemary.

Note! If you grow rosemary not in the open soil, but, for example, at home on the windowsill, be prepared for the fact that the plant will need your protection against malieving dews or whiteflies.

Combination of rosemary with other cultures

When choosing a site for rosemary growing, you can stay at the place, next to which sharp peppers, onions, carrots are planted, various cabbage varieties, curly beans, peas and other legumes. There are a lot of successful options. Rosemary favorably affects the growth of vegetable crops And improves their taste. Also, you should not forget the fact that if you plant around the perimeter of the site is a decorative plant, then inside where the remaining vegetable crops grow, the wave, whiteberry, slugs and other pests are neglected. Avoiding a joint landing stands except with cucumbers that do not tolerate the neighborhood with fragrant herbs.

Rosemary is not easy to exotic decorative plant, reproduction and growing of which can be easily engaged in both open ground and houses on the windowsill. Spice will be useful in many diseases. And the plant was widely distributed in the field of cosmetology when creating hair care products and skin.

This fragrant grass can be added to the most different culinary ideas. Recipes such dishes can be found in large numbers with photos on thematic sites on the Internet or in culinary books. The most harmonious rosemary is combined with cheeses of various varietiesBut the combination with red vegetables is not always successful. Such a huge amount of advantages of this plant is nothing more than a good stimulus for planting and growing various varieties of rosemary at home.

Thanks to the beautiful aroma, rosemary sprigs for each other centuries are used in cooking for the preparation of many dishes. The substances contained in a spicy plant improve the mood, remove stress. In addition, rosemary is distinguished by essential oils that destroy pathogenic bacteria.

So why not get such a useful and beautiful greens in my apartment on the windowsill?

Unfortunately, this wonderful spicy thermo-loving plant is not able to endure frosty winter. To preserve Rosemary to spring, the gardeners have to carry it into the apartment and continue to grow in room conditions, and many as a result of it and leave at home on the windowsill.

Rosmarine multiply to start its cultivation in room conditions, in several ways:

  • sow and grow from seeds;
  • cut cuttings and then root;
  • buy ready-made bushes or young seedlings.

Naturally, it is easiest to buy it with a seedler and continue to grow on growing on the windowsill. But it is much more interesting to follow the growth of a spicy plant from scratch, especially in the apartment where you can observe his full formation. In addition, grow rosemary is not so difficult.

However, it is worth knowing That Rosemary is a perennial, and how all the perennials, in the initial period grows very slowly.

Video: Growing a straight green on the windowsill - how to multiply rosemary seeds and cuttings

What varieties of rosemary are suitable for growing in the apartment

And the most popular variety of rosemary is considered to be ROSInka.

How to plant rosemary on the windowsill - features, conditions and step-by-step instructions

Growing rosemary on the windowsill, it is important to comply with all agrotechnical requirements. Only a bush growing in a favorable environment will serve as an interior decoration, a storehouse of nutrients and give a unique fragrance with your dishes.

By the way!Rosemary, as a rule, plant in spring.

Place for growing: illumination and temperature

Before getting a spicy plant, you need to get acquainted in advance with its requirements under the conditions of cultivation.


The optimal temperature for growing rosemary at home in the summer - + 20 .... + 25 degrees.

But in the winter it is better to provide rosemary with a cool medium, preferably below 15 degrees (the range of 10-15 degrees is quite suitable.

Important! In order for Rosemary to bloom well, in winter, when the house keeps the house, it needs coolness, and even in some sources, even a temperature of 5-10 degrees is indicated.


So that rosemary is more active to form leaves, in winter, a light-loving plant needs to be put on the southern (or southwest or southeast), Western or Eastern window sill.

By the way! If you have a place only on the northern windowsill, there are simple techniques that increase sunlight into the room. For example, the slopes can be saved with mirrors or something brilliant. Plus it can always be done. illumination.

Indeed in winter without lighting the room greenery and vegetables can not do. For this, of course, phytolamba is best fit, but also more budgetary polispectral LED lamps are an excellent option. In the short winter days, Rosemary is gratefully reacting to the morning and evening reading.

By the way! The pot needs to be periodically rotated to the light of the one, then the other side. Thus, the deformation can be avoided when the plant is strifted in one direction of the light, which often happens during the cultivation of light-affiliated plants on the windowsill.

In the summer, the container with rosemary is transferred to the balcony (loggia): they simply take out to the garden or planted on the site (if it grown very much). And if you decide to leave the pot with a spiced greenery on the southern window, then it must necessarily follow penate a bright sunlight.

Pot for growing

Due to the fact that the root system of rosemary is strongly branched, the plant must be planted in spacious (preferably clay) pot. The optimal sizes of the landing capacity: height 15-20 cm, width 25 cm.

Tip! Initially, the seeds are better to sow in common containers, from where when 1-2 real leaves appear to dive into separate small containers. Then, as they grow to turn to a permanent place in a large beautiful pot.

At the bottom of the pot do not forget to post a small layer of drainage (clamzit, pebbles or vermiculitis), as well as make holes through which excess water will flow into the pallet.

Which soil is planted (substrate)

It is most convenient to purchase a universal soil (and it is best for seedling) in a garden store and then mix it with river sand or perlite (1/3 or 1/4) to make more loose.

Idea! You can add hydrogel in the soil mixture, then in summer and winter you do not have to watered.

Of course, the garden can be used instead of purchased soil. The main condition - the soil should be loose, moisture and air-permeable.

Tip!Any, even purchased land, it is recommended to disintegrate, spilling a solution of manganese or. Alternatively, you can disappear in the oven.

Preparation of seeds

Rosemary seeds for a very long time and poorly attend: seedlings make their way to the surface only after 2-4 weeks after sowing. To speed up the appearance of germs, it is advisable to pre-dock seeds (so that they are swollen) for 1-2 days, not forgetting to support the moisture content of napkins or cotton disks (of the material in which you usually do it).

By the way! If on a pack with seeds it is written that they do not require any preset preparation, then nothing needs to do! Immediately in the ground!

Preparation cuttings for landing, their extension

By the way! You can cut the cuttings yourself how to chop in the garden, if you grow rosemary, and buy in the supermarket or on the market (fresh), only be sure to cut the tip.

Cuttings are required Semi-respected.

The preparation of rosemary cuttings for subsequent cultivation on the windowsill is carried out in the following sequence:

Video: How to grow rosemary from cuttings at home (without germination in water)

Direct landing: seeds and further rooting cuttings

Rosemary is sown as follows:

  • Filled total soil tanks.
  • Seeds evenly scattered on a wet substrate.
  • Moisturized from the spray gun and everything!

Important! I don't need to fall asleep! Even 0.5 cm.

  • Next, the container with crops are covered with glass or film. And then put in a warm place where the temperature is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b+25 degrees.

Lighting at this stage does not matter, so you can put the container in a dark place, for example, on a closet or refrigerator.

  • As soon as the seedlings proceed, the film with landing capacity is removed and promptly rearranged into a bright (even bright) and a cooler place (degrees 18-20).

Video: How to plant rosemary from seeds - 4 secrets of successful germination

Landing germinated cherenkov Rosemary at home is carried out like this:

  • Cutlery to burst into wet ground (by 3 centimeters).
  • Pour.
  • Cover the package from above.

And don't forget to do small holes in mini-greenhouse, so that fresh air flows to the cutting tree. Either just periodically open for a few minutes.

Video: How to grow rosemary from cuttings

How to care for rosemary after landing and before harvesting

Note! If Rosemary is standing on a draft, then it can throw off the leaves.


The substrate in the pot must be constantly wet, but in no case is not wet. Better Rosmaryrin is preserved and allowing the short-term drying of the soil (the plant is southern, and therefore drought-resistant), rather than turn the soil mixture into the swamp. In other words, watering the plant, you need to stick to the golden middle. For rosemary, long-term dampness or excessive drought is extremely undesirable: in the first case, the roots will be rotted, and the plant will die, in the second - the leaves will yellow and fall, after which Rosemary dries.

It is necessary to water only the water temperature of room temperature.

During flowering and in the winter period, the amount of irrigation is reduced to a minimum. However, it is important to monitor the humidity in the winter when the batteries are dried air. But in summer it is necessary to water abundantly (at least 2 times a week).

At first, when Rosemary is only gaining green mass, it should be periodically sprayed. But an adult plant is already optional.


Fulfill Rosemary makes sense only in the initial growth period - a couple of times with periodicity per month. Liquid mineral fertilizers can be used as feeding.

As an option, you can feed with honey water (1 tsp by 0.5 liter of water).

Idea! Buy good fertile soil, which includes humus, compost or biohumus, and then you do not have to make any fertilizer into the soil.


You need to transplant young rosemary 1 time per year, preferably in the spring (somewhere in April). And the age of 5 years old - 1 time in 3-4 years, while it is desirable to change the upper layer of soil annually.

The transplant is carried out by transshipment:

  1. The plant along with an earthen room is removed from the old pot, and shortly before it is abundantly shed, so that the earthen comes can be convenient to get (so that it does not crumble).
  2. They roll up into a new pot and smash the missing soil, it is slightly tamped and watered.

Pruning (purchase)

In rosemary, it is necessary to periodically shorten the shoots, thereby forming a bush, giving it the desired form.

The haircut stimulates the plant to active growth, as a result of which Rosemary is growing many new shoots and becomes more lush and beautiful.

Important! Rosemary is well transferring pruning, if 2/3 will remain from young shoots. But the trimming to the old wood makes the plant weak and vulnerable, it can start sick.

Cropped twigs can be used in food or for cooking.

By the way!Over time, rosemary in a pot can be formal as a small tree (bonsai).

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, Rosemary is very loved weather tick (especially when dry air in the room) and the word. At home to get rid of pests, it is advisable to use exactly biopreparations (type phytodemer). In general, harmful insects perfectly distinguishes tobacco dust.

By the way! Due to the stagnation of air and the absence of ventilation, as well as too high humidity, mildewing dew may appear on rosemary.

Video: The whole truth about growing rosemary on the windowsill

Time to shoot and harvest rosemary

Subject to the creation of optimal conditions, the seedlings appear only after 2-4 weeks after sowing.

Naturally, the cuttings are rooted far faster.

But K. harvest The aromatic plant can be started soon.

  • Rosemary from seeds you need about a year to grow up, i.e. Full harvest you will receive only next year.
  • Therefore, much more practical to plant rosemary with cuttings, then you can harvest this year.

By the way! It is believed to use rosemary sprigs for seasoning, better during flowering, but it is optional.

The main thing in the cultivation of rosemary in the apartment on the windowsill is to create the right microclimate. For the concern, Rosemarin will certainly thank you with your beautiful view and aroma.

Video: Rosemary in the pot - the complexity of growing

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Among the spicy-aromatic plants, Rosemary is rightfully occupied by one of the first places. In most European countries, it is grown everywhere, both in large agrofirms and private possessions. And those who do not have their own land plot cultivate rosemary as a room plant to always have a favorite seasoning at hand. It only begins to acquire popularity, so many just do not know how to grow this valuable culture from seeds at home. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to do it, although you have to be patient.

Rosemary refers to the evergreen shrubs of the family of Clanotkov. Warranty representatives of this species are most common in the northern regions of Africa, the southern part of Europe, in Cyprus. It was brought to Russia at the beginning of the beginning of the century, and since then it grows here only in culture. In the wild form, rosemary in the territory of the Russian Federation is not found, because it does not tolerate the climatic conditions of the middle strip.

Rosemary - Description

The plant is a lush bush height from 50 to 200 cm (depending on the variety), with four-pointed flooded stems and small leaves similar to housing. Purple, slightly elongated flowers are collected at 5-10 pieces at the tips of short shoots. After flowering, smooth, small, rounded nuts of the brown color are formed. Rosemary blooms in April-May, seeds are matured in mid-September.

In the leaves are contained tubyl substances, alkaloids and acids, but the most valuable component is essential oil, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Depending on the growing region, the billet of raw materials receive from 0.3 to 1.2% of the oil from the total mass of the plant. The maximum content of essential oil is observed during abundant flowering and when swinging mature seeds.

Chemical composition of the elevated part of the plant

NameNumber of 100 g
Proteins4.88 g
Ascorbic acid61.2 mg
Tiamine0.514 mg
Riboflavin0.428 mg
Vitamin B6.1.74 mg
Potassium955 mg
Magnesium220 mg
Phosphorus70 mg
Iron29.25 mg
Selenium4.6 mg
Zinc3.23 mg

Growing from seeds

The cultivation of this culture from seeds requires a lot of time and patience, in contrast to reproduction with cuttings. But just to purchase seeds is much easier than to get good cuttings, if anywhere nearby Rosemary is not grown. The most optimal way to dilute the spice at home is to grow a bush from seeds, and then breed it vegetatively.

Preparation and seeding

The seeds of Rosemary have a property for a very long time, so it should be seized no later than a month and a half before the onset of stable heat. Usually it is the second half of February or the beginning of March, depending on the region. To speed up the process of germination, the seeds need to be properly prepared.

Step 1. Seeds are placed in a glass and poured with a small amount of warm water. Leave for swelling for 5-6 hours.

Step 2.. The soil substrate is prepared: 2 parts of the garden land with neutral acidity, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of the recovered compost. If you independently cook the soil is not possible, use the finished substrate for indoor plants.

Step 3. Take tanks for sowing up to 15 cm high, clamzite or fine pebbles for drainage are poured onto the bottom, fill in the prepared substrate.

Step 4. The swollen seeds are distributed over the surface, slightly sprinkle the ground (no more than 0.4 cm), moisturize the substrate with water from the spray.

Step 5. Capacities are covered with film or transparent lid and put in a warm place, for example, above the battery. The optimal temperature for germination is 25-30 degrees of heat.

The first sprouts will begin to appear not earlier than in a month, and for complete germs it will be necessary from 6 to 8 weeks. All this time is maintained a stable temperature, and periodically check the humidity of the substrate under the shelter. If necessary, the surface of the soil should be moistened with a sprayer. When shoots are shown, the film must be removed to avoid the death of delicate sprouts from the black leg.

Care for seedlings

The main condition for the normal development of seedlings is good lighting and heat. It is best to put a box with a seedle on the window sill on the south side, and in cloudy weather it also to be heated by phytolamma. The room temperature should not fall below 18 degrees. Watering is very moderate, through the sprayer, preferably in the morning.

If there is no less than 3 cm between seedlings, it is not necessary to dive them into separate containers. With sufficient light, they can be quite normal to grow for a month without thinning. If shoots are too thick, no dive can not do. As soon as two real leaves are formed, seedlings are in separate glasses or small pots with loose and nutritious soil.

When the sprouts reach a height of 3-4 cm, the seedlings can be gradually tempered. Choose a warm windless day for this and put rosemary from the open window for a few minutes. It is very important to avoid drafts, otherwise seedlings can die. Gradually, the time of hardening increases, you can make pots with plants on the balcony and leave on the street more and longer. Outdoors necessarily provide seedlings from wind, rain and direct sunlight. During this period, the plants are very vulnerable, so the care of them should be especially thorough.

Permanent landing

When seedlings are fixed enough and grow up to 7-8 cm in height, they can be resettled at a permanent place. It may be an open soil, and a large vase. If you are going to grow rosemary in the open ground, choose the place correctly for it: it should be a well-lit plot with a drained light soil, preferably with admixture of limestone. In the lowland, in the shade, the rosemary will not grow to grow, you will not waste strength and destroy the plant.

Step 1. The soil is well loose, make recesses for the roots, bring into each hole on the handstocks of overwhelmed organic matter and mix it with the ground.

Step 2. Seedlings are neatly separated and removed one along with a lump of land to minimize injury to the root system.

Step 3. Carefully omit every sprout into a separate hole, align and sprinkle with the soil from all sides. Water, again the soil is plundered and slightly tamper by his hands.

When landing in decorative purposes, the minimum distance between the bushes should be 10 cm. When landing, with a view to collecting raw materials between plants, it is no less than half a meter. If Rosemary is planted into the pots, everything is done almost the same way, but at first there are several small holes for drainage in the bottom. Instead of the usual soil, it is better to take a mixture of vermiculite and sand, so you can maintain optimal humidity in the vase. After transplanting vases for a couple of days put in light shadows so that plants make it easier to adapt in new conditions.

Care of plants

One of the most important conditions for care is the right watering. Earth in a pot or in a garden should not be wet, but also can not be rehabited. Carefully watch the plant: if the bottom leaves are glad, began to shut up, the roots lack water. If the leaves fall apart - this means an oversupply of moisture. Water should be pouring directly to the ground so that the leaves remain dry. Plants intended for use in food, it is necessary to feed only organic fertilizers, no more than once every 2 months.

Rosemary is distinguished by stability to most diseases and pests, but sometimes affected by a web tick, shield and spotting leaves. If the tick appeared on plants, it is enough to wash the leaves with a soap solution, and the pest will disappear. With a strong defeat, only insecticides will help, for example, "phytoverm" or "Agrantin". When defeated by spotty, the bushes need to make copper-containing drugs.

"Phytoverm", instruction

In room conditions, the plant needs to ensure maximum light. Periodically, the vase should be rotated to the window with the other side so that all shoots receive sufficient lighting.

Also do not forget to regularly venture bushes, exposing in warm weather to the balcony. Over time, rosemary is growing and requires forming trimming. It is necessary to do it at least twice a year - early in the spring and at the beginning of autumn.

With the onset of cold plants in vases should be added to the house. So that the bustice continue to develop normally in winter, the room temperature should not be higher than 16 and below 10 degrees of heat. Rosemary, lined in beds, in the southern and central regions can winter in the soil under the shelter. It is best to sprinkle the soil at the roots of a thick layer of sawdust or dry foliage, and you need to do it in front of the first frosts. So that thin shoots are not broken under the snow, you can hurt them to the ground and hide the neoplace.

Reproduction of cuttings

Already by the autumn bushes, grown from seed, can be multiplied with cuttings. By the way, this is an effective way to keep the plant for the next year.

Step 1. Choose the strongest shoots and cut the cuttings with a length of 9-10 cm.

Step 2. Prepare the soil: mix 1 part of the turf with 2 parts of sand and 1 part of the peat. The resulting substrate warms up at least an oven to destroy the harmful microorganisms.

Step 3.. Take a pot, pour a layer of ceramzit for drainage, then fill the soil, they are abundantly watered with water.

Step 4. The lower ends of the cuttings are cooled into the cornerstone or other stimulant of the root formation, and plant in the prepared capacity. Blowing cuttings into the soil by about 3-4 cm.

Step 5. Cover the pot with a transparent package, in which the holes are done for ventilation, and put on the windowsill with the south or west side. Be sure to shade from direct sunlight.

There will be about three weeks to roougs. All this time, follow the temperature in the room, do not allow the sharp drops of it. Carefully inspect the cuttings, immediately remove the winding twigs. When the root system is formed, you can proceed to the transplantation of plants into individual pots. Make everything as described above, but only the containers already take more so that the roots have enough space.

Rules for collecting and harvesting raw materials

Use rosemary to be used for the second year after landing. Kostik by this time will already grow up and grow up, and many useful substances accumulate in its leaves and young shoots. For drying and freezing, raw materials are collected during the flowering of the bush.

Only young healthy stems are cut off, both with flowers and without them. Cut shoots are decayed with a thin layer under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room with low humidity.

Sew rosemary is necessary separately from other fragrant herbs, so as not to mix odors. When the stems are dry, they can be crushed for convenience and store in glassware with a dense lid.

If you prefer to freeze the greens, and not dry, take clean plastic bags, fold dry and clean sprigs of rosemary in them, remove the surplus and close the air tightly. Now you can lay packets in the freezer. With this method, the greens are stored for several months without losing taste, but in a dry and hermetic container even longer - about 2 years. But best of all, of course, use fresh cut shoots, and rosemary growing in room conditions gives such an opportunity.

Video - growing rosemary from seeds at home

Video - Planting Rosemary in Open Ground