Seasoning zoom What to do is an instruction to eliminate a blockage. What to do if the sewage system is clogged

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Called sewage: what to do

The emergence of an emergency in the sewage highway obliges the owner of the apartment:

  • overlapping the water supply to the apartment, and if necessary and on the whole house;
  • notify the tenants of the house about the situation that has arisen and cause emergency service. The use of sewage must be discontinued until the sewage network is eliminated.

If the sewage clogging can be eliminated independently, then you can attract other residents at home.

The responsibility of all property owners includes compliance with the rules for using the sewage network.

A communal service, in turn, is obliged to contain a system of workable, for which preventive and repair work should be carried out in a timely manner.

Signs of clogging sewer pipes

The first sign of clogging of the sewer pipe is a slow flow of water into the system. If pure water and the situation does not change - this is a sure sign that it is necessary to take measures to clean the sewage.

The second feature is the spread of an unpleasant smell. If you do not give this circumstance to this circumstance, it is soon not to do without a call for emergency services utilities or a management company.

Causes and their consequences

Attention! To clog the sewer system leads:

  • in the construction process, the requirements for the installation of sewage pipes of the required diameter were violated. That is, the system was mounted from smaller diameter pipes than the project was provided;
  • ordinary wear of pipes as a result of long-term operation;
  • the horizontal sections of the sewer highway were laid with violation of technology. That is, the slope is not met at the rate of two centimeters for each meter of the pipe;
  • during the installation of the toilet bowl, the drain was narrowed by the solution, as a result of which the sewage passage would be difficult. And this, in turn, will contribute to the systematic clogging of the sewage in the apartment;
  • violation of the installation of sewer pipes, as a result of which the requirements for the tightness of the compounds are not met. As a result, a different garbage can fall into the sewer system, which will score the pipe;
  • education of growths and deposits as a result of discharge into the sewage of fats from dishwashers and kitchen sinks. For a long period of operation, such waste is constantly accumulated on the walls of the pipes, frozen and crystallized. The diameter of the sewer pipe is constantly narrowing and in a certain time stops to skip discharges.

The main reason for which the sewage zone occurs in an apartmently residential building is the negligence of tenants. The sewer system is designed in such a way that the drains are discharged from each apartment to the lower part of the house. In the future, they move to high-diameter highways, which are pumped into sewage treatment facilities.

The use of sewage creation as a garbage plant with separate non-paint tenants leads to the fact that it is clogged with various rags, household garbage, personal hygiene.

If the shabby is small, utilities will cope with it fast enough. However, it happens that the sewage stops flood the basements of houses, and then poured into the local area. In such cases, the residents of the first floor suffer the most.

If the sewage zoom occurred in the apartment, then the wastewater will start climbing the riser. As a result, it will begin to flow out of the toilet bowls, baths, washbasins and pour the surface of the floors of the apartment.

To eliminate the blocking will take some time lapse. However, this will be enough so that the drains filled with an unpleasant smell the whole apartment, led sexual coating, furniture. And as a result is the need for overhaul of the apartment, the replacement of furniture and other unforeseen expenses.

Types of sewer blocks

Important! Before embarking on the elimination of the crash pipe in an apartmently residential building, it should be understood which types of blockages are:

  • operational. Appear as a result of long-term sewage operation. The reasons for clogging are the accumulation of microscopic particles on the walls of the pipe. Sign - Slow flow drain from toilet bowl, bathroom, kitchen in the sewer pipe;
  • mechanical. Appears as a result of foreign objects to the sewer tube. They create an obstacle in the promotion of drains along the drainage system. Elimination is possible by dismantling the old pipe and installing new;
  • technological. First - disorders during construction. Pipes of smaller diameter were installed than necessary. The second is the wear of sewage pipes;
  • siphon. The sewer system is equipped in such a way that water is constantly located in the siphons, which does not allow penetration into the housing of odors from the system. For various reasons, these elements of the sewer system are clogged and cease to pass wastewater. Cleaning or replacing the siphon will eliminate the sewer tube.

Thus, by setting the cause of the sewage blocking in an apartment building, you can proceed to eliminate the emergency.

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The main methods of elimination of a seasalization

Knowledge of the reasons for which the sewage system will occur, contributes to the use of measures to eliminate them.

The most common of them are:

  • systematic audit of the sewer system. As a cardinal solution, you should apply the tuning of sewage. It should be resorted to with frequent stamps of the drainage system;
  • mechanical removal of the zero during the formation of a solid focus in the sewer pipe;
  • cleaning sewer pipes with chemical solutions that destroy the layers on the inner surface of the pipe.

However, if the sewer is properly operated, it is not necessary to resort to the elimination of blockages, since they simply can be avoided.

Where to turn, and who is to blame

Depending on the emergency in the sewage system of an apartment building, you should contact the appropriate services:

  • the toilet bundled, the drain pipe broke through, the sewage inter-storey riser does not miss wastewater, waste fills the basement or the first floors of the residential building - should immediately contact the housing and operational office or the control company to direct the duty lock;
  • if the drains began to be poured onto the surface through the sewer wells, it should be caused by water, since this is the zone of their maintenance;
  • if the wastewater poured the floor of a residential building - the emergency services of municipal enterprises should cause emergency services. Telephone numbers are indicated in receipts for paying utilities.

It should be known that the passive waiting for the arrival of the team of specialists is not welcome. The accident can make more trouble, unless otherwise do anything.

Therefore, each owner of the apartment, which discovered signs of emergency with the sewage system, is obliged to warn other tenants about the danger, take measures to stop the flow of water.

If the sewage zoom occurs constantly, then the reason for this is:

  • the negligence attitude of utilities to conducting revisions and cleaning sewer pipes;
  • the use of sewage as a garbage plant with separate residential homes.

The search for the guilty and conducting the proceedings about the causes of the sewage blocking in an apartment building may take a long time.

ATTENTION! See the completed application of the application to the prosecutor's office for the management company due to frequent sewage breakup:

Watch the video. Sewer has been hammered than to clean:

What to do for prevention

Attention! In order for the sewage system in an apartment building, all owners of apartments must adhere to the following rules:

  • on the outlet holes of baths, washbasins, shower, kitchen sink, you need to install special meshes. They prevent foreign objects of human livelihoods in the waste pipe;
  • sewage to use according to its intended purpose, and not in the form of a garbage tree. Food waste and garbage to assemble in a special capacity (bucket with a lid);
  • fat utensil to wash in hot water. This will prevent the formation of fatty traffic jams in the sewage riser;
  • drain washing machine to equip as much as possible from the riser. Soap water with each drain from the machine will wash the entire sewage system installed inside the apartment;
  • with independent installation of the sewage inside the apartment pipe to lay with a constant slope. Places with confouction guarantee constant blockages.

Sooner or later everyone faces a question: how to clean the sewer in a private house? This problem should be suitable with all seriousness and use a comprehensive solution. Elimination of pipes can occur in several ways, each of which is recommended to be applied in a specific case.

The causes of the occurrence of blockages

Clearing sewage in a private house is necessary if there is an unpleasant smell of the sink. Also, the need for such work indicates a decrease in the water drainage rate in plumbing devices.

Basically, sewer pipes are capable of clogging due to several reasons:

  • Items. Fit into the drain of a large object, which blocked the current fluid over the pipeline.
  • Waste organic. Due to clogging of the sewer tube with organic and inorganic waste, which settle on their walls.
  • Soap. His particles, getting into the drain, mix with other waste and settled on the walls. As a result, they quickly solidify and provoke a serious blockage.
  • Fat. It is able to accumulate on the walls, gradually reducing their bandwidth.
  • Hair. Over time, it accumulates a lot of them, which provokes a blockage, which can be eliminated only mechanically or chemically.

Errors with a sewer system. It is unable to function normally, and frequent blockages are guaranteed.

Rigid water. It provokes the appearance of a dense fly on the walls of the pipes, which is a frequent cause of blockages.

Cast iron pipes. They are clogged, as they are subject to corrosion, which leads to the appearance on the walls of irregularities, where fat and other household waste are stuck. When using plastic pipes, such a problem can be avoided.

Hydrodynamic method of cleaning

What to do if the sewage system was hammered in a private house, and the masters call no possibility? All plumbers recommend cleaning pipes with special devices - hydromechanical devices, high pressure pumps, homemade power supplies. They allow you to remove the gaps of any complexity. They are recommended to use for pipelines whose diameter does not exceed 30 cm. Special nozzles are also additionally used to clean the sewage. They allow you to better spend all the work with the individual characteristics of the existing system.

How to clean the pipeline in this case? The principle of operation of the equipment is simple - a flushing head of the apparatus is sent to the drain of the problem of the problem, which supplies water under high pressure. In this way, even the most dense blocks are pierced, which is difficult to achieve in other ways. If there is no possibility to use a special hydromechanical installation, you can apply the usual garden hose. It is connected to the sewage and water injected with the help.

The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of its conduct. To eliminate sewage breakups, partial disassembly of the system is required, which is not always comfortable.

Application of cable

How to break the sewer pipes if they clogged? The best device in this case will be a sanitary cable, which is also called a flexible shaft. It is made of durable steel wire. This device works on the principle of the spring capable of bend well. At the end of the cable, a spiral is installed on which you can install various tools - nozzles (scrapers, races, hooks). On the other hand, the flexible shaft is present. It greatly facilitates the work with the tool.

The process of cleaning the sewage in a private house with the help of a plumbing cable as follows:

  1. It is recommended to partially disassemble the closed plumbing device (you need to remove the siphon).
  2. The working part of the cable should be entered as much as possible in the sewer.
  3. By producing rotational movements with a handle, you need to try to push the cable forward.
  4. When the block is detected, the speed of rotation should be increased. This will help him quickly push.
  5. In parallel with the movement of the cable, you can turn on hot water or use chemical compositions. This will help make sewage cleaning more efficiently.

Cable for cleaning sewage

Application of canvas for sewage

Vanatuz can be used to clean the sewage pipes in the bathroom, toilet or sink. This is a very effective tool acting on a double principle. It creates pressure, which allows you to move the formed plug, and destroys it. As a result, they are easily removed from the sewage under the flow of water.

The use of the canuza should occur by the following technology:

  • In the presence of a plug, designed to filter the effluent, it should be deleted.
  • It is necessary to procure in any way the overflowing hole.
  • Vanatuz lubricates vaseline or fat, which will improve its grip with the surface of the sink.
  • The sink or bath is filled with water so that when using the ventilator, it has been completely covered with liquid.
  • The tool is placed above the drain hole and tightly pressed. Vatuzom makes 15 sharp movements top and down, after which it is broken. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that water has not been registered under the bowl, which will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • If necessary, all manipulations repeat again until it is possible to completely eliminate the blockage.

Cleaning sewage boiling water

If the plot in the pipeline is small and has a local character (placed only in one pipe), it can be eliminated by boiling water. This is especially true when the problem arose in the kitchen, where frozen fat accumulates in the sewer.

For cleaning the system, a large amount of boiling water is poured into the drain. On average, 6 l fluid is needed for the procedure. If water begins to leave and is not stored in the sink, it means that the block is eliminated.

Application of primary means to eliminate sewage breakup

If it is not possible to apply a professional, you can use some remedies:

  • The drain hole is cleaned of the accumulated garbage and flooding a liter of boiling water. After 15 minutes, 200 g of food soda fall asleep in the sewer. After that, the same amount of boiling water is poured. The procedure is repeated several times until it is possible to eliminate the blockage. The use of soda allows you to create an alkaline medium in sewage, which contributes to its cleansing.
  • It is necessary to fall asleep 150 g of soda, then pour 150 ml of table vinegar. A chemical reaction will go to the formation of foam. The drain hole is closed with a plug and wait a few hours. At the last stage of purification of pipes, they are washed with boiling water to remove blockages.
  • 130 g of soda and salts are poured into the drain hole. There also poured a small amount of boiling water. Drain necessarily closes the plug and wait 8 hours. This time is enough to split the plaque on the walls of the pipes, which led to the interface.
  • To prevent blocks, it is recommended to periodically fall asleep a specially prepared mixture. It consists of the following components - table salt, soda, wine stone (4: 4: 1). After frowning this mixture, the sewer was washed with boiling water.

Chemical sewage cleaning method

To clean the sewer system, which clogged, there are many means. They are sold at any economic store. Such means contain in their composition aggressive chemical compounds that can split deposits on the walls by pipeline. Most Popular:

The majority of finished liquids or powders include caustic nat. Therefore, all the work on cleaning sewage must be carried out in rubber gloves and respirator. If you get on the skin, they cause thermal burn. Also, when using such agents, they are categorically forbidden to mix each other. As a result, they can highlight toxic substances that are extremely dangerous to humans.

After the bay in the sewer of the finished liquid, it is recommended for some time not to use a plumbing device. This is necessary to complete the chemical reaction and complete sewage cleansing.

Video: Sewer clogged - how to clean

All household drains go through the sewer pipes. Everyone everybody falls into the water, hair and other trash. All this becomes the cause of the cloth even in smooth plastic pipes. Alone to cope with the situation will help the tips, how to clean the sewage system at home.

Crashing stock in the kitchen - common situation

What provokes the appearance of a blockage?

Water standing in the sink or bathroom, the appearance of an unpleasant smell is signs of the formation of a blockage in the sewer tube. Common causes of its appearance are:

  • operation of kitchen sink without mesh;
  • entering large garbage in the toilet;
  • fat accumulations in pipes;
  • insufficient slope of the sewer highway.
  • in the autonomous system, freezing of the pipe section or damage to the system can occur.

During the operation of cast iron pipes over time, there is a significant decrease in their diameter due to deposits and corrosion on the walls. The line with a cross section is less than necessary quickly clogs and requires solid cleaners.

Attention. Frequent clogged areas include: Outers of kitchen sink, bathtubs and toilet bowls.

Simple ways to combat blockage

Called sewage in a private house, what should I do to restore her work faster? This question periodically arises from everyone. Eliminating the trash plug does not always require the use of complex methods and special tools, it is worth trying to solve the problem with simple and affordable means.


This common plumbing tool is in every family. It consists of a smooth wooden handle and a rubber bowl at the end. Cleaning sewer pipes by VATUZ is performed according to the following scheme:

  • If there is not enough water in the sink, then it should be gained to the height of the bowl.
  • The device is pressed against the drain hole, and progressive movements are performed up and down.
  • Next, Vanutuz rises sharply if the water is fast glass into the hole, it means that the work is over. If you need to move the device repeated several times.

Pressure created by Vanatuz, makes garbage to move away and continue the movement along the pipe.

Punching by Valaum Vodo in Toilet

Council. If there is overflow, you need a hole to close the plug, otherwise it will not be possible to create pressure in the system.

Digging boiling water

The main reason for clogging pipes in the kitchen is a large amount of fat deposited on the walls. Hot water effectively dissolves such sediments, so it is worth opening a hot tap and try to rinse the system.

The fills will help dissolve the folk remedy - a solution of soda and vinegar. This method is very simple and everything you need in the kitchen. Before you clean the sewage and vinegar, you need to prepare a rig for pluming. To work, you will need:

  • glass of soda;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • bung.

In the dry stock of the shell, the soda falls asleep and vinegar floods. The hole quickly closes the cooked object. Substances come into a rapid reaction, in the process of which deposits on the walls of pipes are split. A lemonic acid that gives an active response when interacting with soda will be equally effective. After some time, the sewer washed with hot water.

Pipe cleaning methods

All activities for cleaning pipes from clogging are carried out in one of three ways:

  • mechanical cleaner - performed using a special tool;
  • chemical cleaners - active reagents in the form of powder, solution or gel decompose garbage;
  • hydrodynamic purification - acts using water pressure under pressure.

Tools for mechanical method

The use of vanza, also refer to mechanical cleaning, if its use does not give the result, go to the plumbing cable. It allows you to cope with the trash cork accumulated at a high distance from the drain. Cable for cleaning sewage is made independently made of metal wire. The factory version is performed from a flexible helix and ends with a handle. You can enter it through the line of revision, or removing the siphon under the sink.

Plumbing cables differ in diameter and length, for use in a private house there is enough tool with a cross section of 6-9 mm and a length of 5-6 meters. To increase the efficiency of use to the cable, nozzles for the toilet are offered, in the form of a brush or hook. Work is performed in a specific sequence:

  1. It is necessary to close the floor at the place of work with a polyethylene film, and put on the hands of the gloves. Preparatory activities will protect against contamination by uncleans that can flow out of the pipe.
  2. The tip of the cable is inserted into the pipe and carefully pushed inside. In the process of movement, the tool rotate in one direction.
  3. Upon reaching the obstacle to the protruding movements, they try to destroy it into individual fragments.
  4. With a large cloud, the cable is getting up and cleaned. Mechanical cleaning cleaner ends with a hollow with a large amount of hot water.

Council. For cleaning plastic pipes, a soft spring cable is suitable, it will not hurt the pipeline wall.

Cleaning pipes

There are electrical cables with which the sewage pipes are cleaned with their own hands in difficult situations. The device has a drum, a pistol-type handle and a set of nozzles. The device is placed in the pipe and works like a drill, destroying any blockage.

Drugs for chemical cleaners

Sewer barns are divided into several types:

  • mechanical - arise as a result of hitting a large garbage;
  • technological - appear when wearing pipes or design errors;
  • operational - accumulate in the process of using the pipeline.

If an object that has fallen into the system can be obtained only by a mechanical way, the operational blockage is amenable to the action of special means. Usually it occurs because of the sediment on the walls of the fat, attracting and holding a different small garbage.

Alkaline drugs

Cleaning sewer pipes at home is possible without the use of tools and promotion of fittings. To do this, it is necessary to use one of the chemicals presented in a huge amount. Preparations have a different consistency:

  • powder - dry matter is easily falling asleep inside the pipe;
  • gel - economical and efficient means covering the entire surface of the walls and slowly flowing;
  • liquid - used for complex blockages.

Any chemical agent is aggressively, before using it is worth putting on the gloves and leave the room after applying, so as not to inhale the pairs.

Council. It is impossible to leave the drug in the pipes longer than the manufacturer recommends. The active substance may damage the sewage material. After applying the highway is washed with water.

To eliminate traffic jams, acids and alkalis are used, one of these substances is caustic soda used to clean the sewage. It easily corps organic compounds, so it should be treated carefully. The drug can cause a chemical burn. They work with it in gloves and glasses, and the room should be constant access of fresh air. Soda cleansing technology is very simple: two spoons of caustic are falling asleep into the drain and poured a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours the flow is washed with water.

The popular cleaner for the sewer pipes "Mole" is made on the basis of caustic soda. It is used to remove deposits and prevention. Treatment of 1-2 times a month will save pipes from fat and food residues.

Safe alkali falling asleep

Granulated funds

"FLUP" - the drug in the form of granules, produced by two types: for use with cold and hot water. Powder falls asleep into the draining in the recommended amount and poured with water. The time of action is 3-15 minutes, the pipe field is washed with plenty of water. The drug removes lime flask, fibers and food residues.

"Potechan" is a potent preparation that dissolves paper, hair, fat. You can not allow it to hit the skin, clothing and surrounding items. Powder falls asleep in dry drain and after 3 minutes poured with hot water. After another 3 minutes, the pipe is washed with warm water.

Choosing a chemical to clear the blockage in the sewage pipes, recommendations should be taken into account for use for various materials.

Sealing gels

Among gel preparations, Mr. Muskul and Tiret uses popularity. Both means are universal, they can be used for plastic and metal pipelines. Geli is effective with minor stamps and as prevention.

An effective method for removing plaque and garbage plugs is a sewage cleaning with a hydrodynamic method. To perform it, you must send a hose with a metal tip and nozzles. In high pressure, water is supplied under high pressure, which through the nozzles is sent to the walls of the pipes. For work, a pump is needed, inserting up to 190 MPa. The nozzle movement is carried out at the expense of jet jets, directed in the opposite direction. The nozzle pierces the sewage, and the water removes deposits.

The efficiency of using the hydrodynamic method

Council. The hydrodynamic method is safe and productive, it is suitable for any type of pipes.

Perform the hydrodynamic troubleshooting allows you to purchase a sewage cleaning machine. Such an aggregate has different sizes and modifications:

  • manual - work as a household pump with a hose;
  • gasoline - powerful and efficient devices copble with a blockage in pipes of large diameter;
  • drums - work from electricity, used for internal and external sewage networks.

Regular prevention of sewage pipes will save from the need to deal with a blockage.

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Seasoning canalization can for various reasons

The question of what to do if the sewage was hammered, any person living in a private, even in an apartment building. Of course, the answer is simple: to ask her. And how exactly it is to do, depends on the cause of the formed blockage and location of the plug. With small clogging, you can cope with your own hands without causing specialists.

Seasoning zoom - indivance phenomenon. If this happened, it is necessary to immediately overlap water and take certain actions to eliminate traffic jams. But before it should be understood why this happened.

Sewerage may be clogged due to pipe worn

Causes of plugs in the sewer tube:

  • Worn pipes or their incorrect installation - blockages will appear until the water supply system is set as needed;
  • The use of corrugated hoses, as well as their gears - can be eliminated the problem by rearring the tube so as to avoid sharp bends;
  • The absence of giroslavl and the wrong form of drainage lattices, as a result of which the pipes fall into the pipe and fat lumps are formed;
  • The leakage of the sewer system and the absence of a good water pressure in it;
  • Fitting into the sewage system of various large insoluble items: solid household waste, cellophane, cloths, paper products and similar things.

To properly select a way to eliminate a blockage, you should understand where it was formed. To do this, you need to drain the water at all points in turn, and if the liquid does not leave only in one of them, it means that the siphon clogged or that section of the pipe, which is up to the intersection with the main tap.

If the water does not leave everywhere, and even overflow from one plumbing device to another, it means that the general sewage clogged. Without the help of the master here you can not do.

As for the private house, it should be checked if the septic tank or a waste pit was overflowed. If everything is in order with them, it means that the problem is in the drain or pipes.

Simple cleaning methods

If it was found that the siphon was hampered, it was easier to correct the problem easier. It is enough to promote and remove its lower part, remove the garbage that is located there, rinse all the elements with a detergent and collect everything back. Before unscrewing the siphon, it is worth putting some container under it, as water can be water.

To clean the sewage can be used both purchased tools and apply folk methods.

Folk remedies for the fight against clouds:

  1. Boiling water - helps to get rid of fatty deposits in the pipe. It is enough to boil 2 liters of water and a thin jet slowly pour it into the drain of the shell. It is necessary to act very carefully to not burn. After half an hour, the procedure should be repeated or used to clean the vehicle.
  2. Cooking salt - in a drain hole, you need to pour a pack of cook salt, and after 5 minutes to pour it with boiled water. Here you need an ordinary salt of large grinding. Small peeled is not suitable.
  3. Food soda - it is necessary to pour a pack of the product into the drain of the sink and pour from above 1-1.5 liters boiled views. After a few hours, rinse the pipe with water.
  4. Soda and vinegar - at first approximately 200 g of soda, and then as much as a ml of ordinary table vinegar. The mixture should act on the ground for an hour and a half. If this did not happen, you can repeat the procedure.

You can use soda not only with cutlery vinegar, but also with citric acid solution or dishwashed detergent. The proportions should be 1: 1.

Before using solutions with soda, the plug must soften with boiling water.

Application of stores

If the sewer tube is clogged, it can be cleaned with the help of funds purchased in the store. The main thing is to choose the drug.

The most convenient are substances produced in the form of liquids that can be poured immediately into the pipe, or portion packages with granules.

The optimal option to combat fatty traffic jams in the kitchen is considered alkaline compositions, but acidic substances are used for blocks in the bathroom.

What means can be cleared by sewer:

  1. "Mole" - besides the ability to clean the pipes from clogging, this substance is still struggling with microbes and harmful bacteria. The disadvantage of this tool can only be called a long expectation of the result that can last up to several hours.
  2. Tiret is quite expensive, but a very effective means to eliminate traffic jams. In addition, it is also easy to use. It is enough just to pour the composition into the drain and wait about 15-20 minutes, after which you can rinse the pipes with hot water.
  3. Mr. Muskul is another good preparation for cleaning the sewerage. Using the tool clearly according to the instructions, you can get rid of the zero for 40-50 minutes.
  4. "FLUP" is inexpensive, but an effective drug that can get rid of sewage clogging.
  5. "Numbers" - this composition that recently appeared on the market has already managed to find its buyers. The cost is quite accessible, and at the same time it copes quite quickly with traffic jams and fights with harmful bacteria.

By choosing any of these funds, you can cope with the blocking pipe that appears in the plumbing pipes.

Work with vehicle and cable

If the zoom is below the siphon, you can use mechanical tools and try to get rid of traffic jams using a vestion or a plumbing cable.

Vantuz is a fixture in the form of a stick with a rubber bowl. It can be used both separately and after applying the cleaning composition.

You can quickly and effectively clean the sewer with a cable and vanza

How to use Vanatuz:

  • Before starting work, you need to close overflows in the sink and bathroom, which are located above the drain point;
  • Next, the bowl must be tightly pressing the drain hole of the sink;
  • Then to open some water into the sink;
  • Start quickly make strong progressive movements down-up vehicle of the vehicle;
  • It usually happens 3-4 shots with a small interval.

By the way, new pneumatic devices have now appeared on sale, which to enjoy much easier. It is enough to put the device into the center of the drain hole, push the device valve and sharply shine it back. Attachment in this case, it is necessary to apply much less, and the impact force turns out more, the blocking breaks more efficiently.

Also, except for the vanza, you can use a flexible cable. It is usually used when the plug is formed at a distance of 1.5-2.5 m from the drain. A cable is introduced into the pipe, which is moving until it is stored in a blockage. After that, it needs to be slowly rotated clockwise, thereby wreating the dirt on the cable. Then it remains to pull the device together with the mud.

Working with a cable is better in gloves and dirty clothes. Throw rags to the floor, since the likelihood of liquid splashing is large during such work.

As can be seen, the ways to eliminate the zoom in the sewage is quite a lot. Your right to choose which one to take advantage of. If nothing helps, it remains only to call specialists who make the sewage riser and water pipes.

Residents of private houses, and urban apartments have repeatedly come across the dried sewer. The reason for this can be the only trifle, but this inconvenience this problem delivers a lot. Therefore, the question is how to clean - if the sewage has been hammered, it remains relevant so far.

Why calerage is clogged?

Before you begin to solve the problem, you need to find out why it originated, the procedure will depend on it.

Most often, the sewer pipeline is clogged for the following reasons:

  • if the pipes are metallic, they simply could rosure or deposit on their walls over the years of operation was narrowed by the diameter of the pipeline and simply lack bandwidth;

  • foreign objects of both organic and inorganic nature could enter the sewage;
  • when laying a pipeline, errors could be made, for example, too many turns at a large angle or insufficient bias of pipes;

You do not need to rush around the house and think what to do: if the sewer tube has been hampered, in most cases the problem can be solved on their own. Although, if errors were allowed when designing sewerage or pipes, they simply dismissed their own, then the scope of work will be significant.

Eliminate the problem

There are many ways to solve the problem of the dried sewage.

Most often with this problem are struggling with such paths:

  • with the help of various liquids. At the same time, you need to try to soften or even partially dissolve the tube formed in the pipe;
  • if there is confidence that the blockage occurred in the siphon, then it can simply disassemble and clean it manually;

  • in the case of miscalculations in the design or violation of the tubing technology in the channel, you will have to either regularly clean the sewage system, or open the problem areas and eliminate the shortcomings;
  • do not discount and folk methods of fighting remedies. In an emergency situation, this can be a real salvation, and the price of solving the problem will be minimal.

Using liquids - Method 1

Immediately it must be said that this approach is effective only if the plug formed in the pipe is not very powerful. The choice of the type of fluid depends on what caused the clogging of the sewage.

So, if the reason was the frozen fat (a fairly frequent problem in the kitchens), then it is possible to solve the problem even with the help of conventional boiling water. The entire instruction comes down to pour 1-2 liters of hot water into the pipe, the cork simply melts.

With the same purpose, you can use purchased alkaline fluids. They also effectively affect fat and quickly remove the jam.

If the pipe clogged including solid household waste, then you can try the acid. It partially dissolves solid inclusions, and the plug is quickly absorbed.

It is impossible to use alkali and acid together, as a result of the neutralization reaction, the effectiveness of liquids will become zero.

Mechanical Clearing Clearing Method - Method 2

What if the sewage is scored, and the purchased liquids turned out to be powerless? In this case, you need to arm a vacuum and try to solve the problem with the help of physical strength.

It is necessary to work with vehicles as follows:

  • fill the plumbing device with water;
  • attach the rubber bowl to the hole and try to push the water into the pipe, there is a chance that the plug collapses.

For greater efficiency, you can combine the use of vanza and liquids.
Sometimes, these ways are not triggered, but together give a good result.

Plumbing cable - a more serious device for cleaning, and the mechanical impact will be rendered directly on the tap. It looks like this tool as a thin flexible cable, which needs to be neatly entering into the pipeline until light resistance is feeling.

The end of the cable may continue to the joint of the pipeline so as not to damage the pipes need a little "back" and again try to promote the cable forward.
If the resistance remains, then, most likely, the cable rested into the jam.

Return-translational movements need to destroy the cork. When the resistance begins to weaken, success needs to be fastened with boiling water or purchased liquids.

The advantages of such a cleaning method include what the cable is flexible, which means without any problems will be pregnant until any congestion. Even with a remote clogging, all the work can be done with your own hands.

People's methods to combat sewage clogging - Method 3

Of the many non-traditional ways to combat interlocks, you can allocate several of the most efficient:

  • using an ordinary pump;
  • with hose;
  • creating pressure in sewage.

With the help of an ordinary pump, air is injected into the pipeline. According to the principle of action, almost a complete analogue of working with vehicles with the difference is that the possible pressure is limited to the power of the pump and the strength of the pipeline.

It is not necessary too much, after creating overpressure if the cork has not collapsed immediately, you need to sharply open the pipe so that the pressure is leveled. After that, the process repeat, thanks to this swinging sooner or later the pipe is cleaned.

The hose is used instead of a plumbing cable. The advantage of the hose in this case is that it can be supplied through it a jet of water under pressure. Thanks to this, the plug in the pipe will simply light up, and the problem will disappear.

Seasoning pressure can be enhanced by another original way, for this you will have to use several people. Corks are inserted into all plumbing devices and water is recruited. Then synchronously open the traffic jams and. In fairness it is worth saying that the effectiveness of this method is low.

Challenge specialists - 4 ways

This is, first of all, the issue of value. If the family budget without any problems withstand unplanned costs, then, of course, the challenge of specialists is the optimal option. In this case, you do not have to spend money on special fluids and equipment.

As for where to call if the sewage was clogged, you can contact the local emergency service, or in some particular private organization that is engaged in association activities. Private offices are even preferable because they work around the clock.


To the question of what to do: if the sewage system was hammered in a private house - each person chooses his answer. Some, not honey for a second, call in the relevant services, others do not even consider such an option and do everything alone. In any case, the advice given in this article will allow a high degree of probability to solve the problem and without the help of specialists.

The video in this article shows the techniques used to clean the sewage.