Star Wars Planet Hot. What are mentioned in the films "Star Wars" Planets: titles, descriptions, interesting facts

Fortystaist often master demiurges - the creators of the worlds. But do they have on this moral right? Of course, in the age of the existence of the NF, not one and not two thousand "original and unique" worlds were invented - however, most of them turn out to be banal clones of Mother Earth with minor changes. Particularly resourceful authors are held on the second, even easier ways - borrowing worlds from ancient mythology (so, for example, the deep-maintained Terry Pratchett came with his "flat world"). And really original and unique NF-"scenery" appear rarely - nevertheless, they often live and develop already completely independently of the work that threacked them.

It is precisely such a "elite" category, the universe of "Star Wars" universe can be attributed to George Lucas. Familiar to us on the film screen of the planet got a second life in computer, desktop and video games, on the pages of books and comics. Here - in the so-called extended universe - we first met many other worlds, often no less interesting than shown in films.

Galactic coordinates

Answer the question where all this wealth is, at first glance, simply: in one distant-distant galaxy. But every diversified galaxy should share something, otherwise it will not be confused in it. In the "Star Wars" the structure of the Universe constitutes conditional concentric rings.

In the very center of the Galaxy, its core is a place, almost unsuitable for life due to the huge concentration of stars and their instability. Nevertheless, after the fall of the Galactic Empire, it was here that were hiding unfinished by the rebels of the army and fleets.

Around the kernel are located Central worlds, or worlds Inner ring - The cradle of human and not only civilization. From here, the colonization of the galaxy began, there were managers of the empire and both republics - old and new.

Between Internal and Middle rings Located so-called Expansion region - Tight cluster of favorable planets and systems that fell victim to the first millennium of active colonization of space.

Finally, on the outskirts of the cosmos are worldwide External ring. Due to the distance from the main trade routes, these territories are practically insulated - many residents of the center do not even suspect their existence, and foreign expensive respondents to them. It is not surprising that the rebels launched their activities here - as well as numerous smugglers, hired killers, pirates and other interesting personalities.

There are small territorial units: sectors, clusters. For example, Space Hattov Fully controlled by criminal bosses Hatti. Corporate sector - The area of \u200b\u200bfree entrepreneurship from thousands of star systems with their board. Hayepan cluster also has state sovereignty. A huge piece of galaxy wears a proud name Unexplored regions - by a completely understandable reason.


The most famous filmcene planet, Tatooin, rotates around a double star in the outer ring. Obviously, this planet arose under the impression of saga about the dune. Here you and the freamis - j.but you from tusken raiders, and sandy worms - Great Sarlakk From "Jedi's Return". Tatooin is a typical sandy planet: a constant lack of moisture, looking at all the fingers of the official authorities and "sand mafia".

Indigenous intelligent species on Tatoo only two. Java - small, bad smelling humanoids, possibly inorganic origin, which are collected in the desert of lost droids, broken starlips and all garbage. They wear long brown chlamydes with large hoods, from which only they are visible with brightly sparkling eyes. Dukes - the opposite of peace-loving javam. Suffice it to say that they received their name after the brutal massacre in the forte of the colonists in Tsusten, randomly built on the "Holy Land" of these thugs. Tusken raiders mostly live worker and robbery.

On planet there are few cities: the majority of the population lives on moisture farms scattered in the desert. The largest cosmoport Mos Aisli is an attractive place for various criminals, smugglers and fraudsters. Up to the sixth episode, Gangster Jabba Hatt was the mainly changing of all dark cases of the planet. With his own light paw on Tatoo, the famous karakh races flourished, one of whose winners was the little Anakin Skywalker.


The planet with a moderate subtropical climate in the system of the same name, which is located on the border of the outer ring. A radical reason here is one - amphibian guests.

The most interesting feature of Nabu is the lack of core in the usual understanding of this word. The inside of the planet is seized with caves and filled with water. As we could see in the "hidden threat", the voids in the nucleus of Nabu are inherent in huge and extremely dangerous monsters.

But on the surface of Nabu - a surprisingly peaceful planet, therefore, the colonizing people, most of them, are extreme pacifists. Despite the high education, the natives are somewhat naive and consider their pleasant life to be born in law. They are almost unable to protect against external aggression.

Saduans installed the electoral monarchy, developed science and art. The planet became a respected member of the republic, and its leaders were widely known. It was Nabu who became the goal of aggression of the Trade Federation. On the surface of the planet and there has been several large-scale battles over it, the last of which the young pilot Anakin Skywalker completed the latter.


This planet is indicated on galactic maps as zero coordinates, reference point. Here, the government bodies of both republics and the empire were located, and the Jedi Temple was also located. The construction of Coruscanta began at the dawn of the old Republic, and since then the Goligan city has grown over the entire surface of the planet - both styling and drove, and deep into. Sea and oceans Coruscant have long been dry, and residents produce water from the Ice caps of the planet.

Many fans of "Star Wars" consider Coruscant to the warning of mankind. Having gried in an endless race of technology and occurring on the throat nature, people can turn the land into the semblance of Coruscant, where even in the sky do not pass through the transport, and residents are forced to wear special raincoats and helmets to protect against pollution.

After the death of Palpatine Coruszant was under the rule of rulers who tried to stop the destruction of the empire. However, the new republic soon realized that he could rule the Coruscant - it means to rule the galaxy, and as a result of devastating wars, in the end, we took possession of the planet.


Ice Planet Although it is in the outer ring next to the same asteroid belt. Fauna Khota leaves only a few species, including wild snow monster threshers and humble driving tonsons. Dangers of hotted are not limited to low temperatures: the surface of the planet regularly shakes meteorite rains. Despite these troubles, and possibly thanks to them, the insurgents alliance chose a place of his database "Echo." Constructed for two years in a giant ice cave, it consisted of seven levels and accommodated most of the rebel forces. During the battle for although the base "Echo" was destroyed by imperial troops.

Endor and Kashiik

Initially, the planet Endor and Kashiik were one world. In the original version of the sixth episode against the Empire, the uprising of the Vuki tribes was to be raised - and then by unknown reasons, Lucas redid them in cute "bearish". But there is a lot of common between two planets.

Cashian.- Planet on the middle ring covered with jungle and high trees wrochir.The roots of trees are hidden hordes of dangerous predators, while the shaggy humanoids of the Vuki inhabit the upper tiers. Their cities are extensive complexes built on the branches and in the trunks of the trees of the temple. In these settlements there are spaceports, hotels, cantines ... one of these cities, a rocrorro, stretched to a whole kilometer.

Endor - Silver gas giant, located in the remote sector Modelle (external ring). Endora has nine moon, the largest of which is a reserved moon (or just Endor), a planet with violent vegetation. The Endor's system is hard toothy, as it is poorly studied, and the gas giant throws away a powerful gravitational shadow. Due to the isolation of Endora Empire chose his orbit for the construction of the second "Star Death".

In the reserve moon, a wide variety of animals are found, ranging from humble endoric pony and ending with evil kabani wolves. The most common sensible view of the Endor is the semi-dog "Winnipuhi" -evoki. It was the reserved moon that became the shared of the final battle of Sagi.


The fourth moon of the Giant Yavin Giant Planet in the Outer Ring. The most famous as the base of the rebels during their struggle against the first "star of death" and the location of the Jedi Skywalker's academy.

Yavin-4 is a hot tropical world. On the planet there is a wet and dry seasons, and every few months over the surface rushes fierce hurricanes. At times, unique rainbow storms are observed when the Sun goes back to the gas giant of Javin and the light is refracted in ice crystals high in the atmosphere. The life of the jungle is diverse: from semi-limited vulamand to mucous salamander and purple spiders.

The history of Lord Sith, named Niga Sadou, is closely connected with Javin. At the time of the old Republic, he fled here with his followers to calmly engage in dark alchemy. The result of Sadou experiments became numerous monsters who have repeatedly violated the peace of the Jedi Academy.


And on the fireily, it is always raining.

Undoubtedly, covered with water Camino - one of the most stylish planets "Star Wars". She appears only in the "attack of clones". Highly over the raging waves are lonely gray cities on huge stilts. The end of the glacial period, when the firewood and turned into one solid ocean, became a turning point for its inhabitants. Once on the verge of extinction, Kaminoan brought to perfection of cloning technology and took the reproduction under control. A permanent fear of death made a fireily race of askets from the people, for which perfection lies in simplicity. Externally, courtesy, residents of this planet will not suffer imperfections: they see a threat to an ideal gene pool.

For a very long time, the republic almost did not know anything about this planet: the information was removed from the archives by an attacker. Yes, and the Kaminoan themselves, the least aspired to external contacts.


Due to its unique buildings of the radiance in the outer ring, one of the few gas giants on which life exists. In the center of the planet there is a solid metal core coated with a thick layer of molten metal. The layer of colorful clouds has a height of about a thousand kilometers. Inside it is located a zone of life - a thirty-thousand metering interlayer of air suitable for breathing. There are whole colonies of soaring algae, as well as many types of living beings.

Although construction in the beplace atmosphere is extremely difficult and dangerous for Tibann's gas production, which is widely used in cooling systems, several soaring colonies are built here. The main attraction of the Burena is a grand cloudy city, a giant megalopolis, literally soaring in heaven.

Creating a distant galaxy

Team of visual effects of Lucas - INDUSTRIAL LIGHT & MAGIC- I had to work pretty to play on the screen of the "starryovsky" worlds on the screen. Of course, technical progress did not stand still, and the scenery of the original trilogy was completely different than in the covers.

Tatooin from the fourth and sixth episodes was filmed in the deserts of Tunisia. There were no large-scale scenery, but the heat and the omnipresent sand were greatly blocked by the nerves of the film crew. Relax from the heat the actors and staff were able to in the snowy Norway, where the landscapes of cold cock were captured.

Yavin-4 was lucky enough to be taken in the jungle Guatemala, in the National Park "Tikal". In the role of abandoned Sith temples were the ancient ruins of Maya.

For the filming of Endor's species from space, many drawings were created, as well as a semisphere model. The forests of the Moon Reserve were removed in the vicinity of California Crescent City, on the shore of the Pacific Ocean.

The role of the cloud city on the cane played layouts and many drawings on the glass, and impressive scenery were built for interior. During filming, they were kept in pristine purity: special pads were attached to the soles of the shoes of actors and staff.

Many species of planets were improved in a special edition of the original trilogy. In particular, the scenes of the festivities on the occasion of the fall of the empire appeared here, for example, on Coruscant.

Sad fireno is the only planet of the saga, created entirely on the computer. All other worlds feathers (new Tatooine, Nabu, Jeonozis) were created using foam models, miniatures and digital graphics.

Above the external appearance of almost all the planets of the "Star Wars" worked the artist Decorator Ralph Mcquorry. It is to him that we owe the stunning magnificence of Coruscant, a cloud city, Hot, Endora - and the lion's share of the visual series of cosmic saga.

* * *

The universe of "Star Wars" is limitless. At its expanses you can meet hundreds and thousands of unique planets - worlds, which are created by real demiurges. I would like to remember the words "Father Half-Life" Geiba Newvell, who suggested that aliens really exist. They just have long already known the infinity of the fictional universe - and explore it, because it is much more interesting than real life.

Something like this happens here ... The universe in which you can dive to infinity, where you can live life again and again - and they will never repeat.

See you at the cosmic expanses!



Desert Ice Planet on the very edge of a famous galaxy. Fauna Khota leaves only a few species, including wild snow people vamp and humble tonons. Nature itself is a threat to life: the entire planet is claimed in snow and ice, and meteors fall on its surface with frightening constancy. Despite these troubles, the alliance rebels chose hot place the database "Echo". However, the rebels were discovered by the Imperial Droid Probe, and followed the destructive battle for although.

Location: The sixth planet in the system of the same name in the outside worlds, next to the Asteroid belt of Hot.

Come ones: Toothtones, snow people vamp and ice worms.

Climate: Extremely cold: Even by the equator, the average temperature of the day is -320c, and the night - -750c.

Landscape: Ice fields and caves.

Sights: Base "Echo", Ice Caves Vamp, Underground cavities and ice geysers.


Hotch is the sixth planet in the system with the same name located near the Zeon corridor at the edges of civilized places. The surface of the planet is solid ice and snow, occasionally replaced by frozen ridges and glaciers. Curiously, its both main species is very large, despite the obvious lack of food. Towntown - fur reptile-like creature covered with thick hair and eating lichen, which is located in many icy hot caves. Unfortunately, for the Towntoune, his main enemy also lives in these caves. The fierce vamp has massive claws and teeth, in growth reaches almost 2 meters. Due to the hostile landscape and fauna, hots are not even listed on most of the star sky cards, which makes it an excellent choice to create the rebel base.

The remote location of Hotha, which was detected by Lyuk Skyvake promised privacy and safety for the rebels. After a long search for the galaxy, they finally settled in the snow caves of hot and natural tunnels, receiving food and reserves through smugglers and pirates, one of them was Dash Rendar. But soon after arrival, the rebels constantly started to attack the vamp. Responsive Droid R2D2 found a solution: the sound bait was used to intimidate and capture of these creatures. Unfortunately, some of the thies still wandered on the plains and exactly one of them, attacked Skywalker and his Tountoutaun. Soon, after the hatch recovered, the intelligence droid of the empire discovered them and transferred this information to Darta Vader. Lord Darkness has developed an immediate invasion plan.

In the universe "Star Wars", the heroes on their stars are attended by all sorts of icy, water and desert planets. Now we can say with confidence that the existence of such planets becomes something big than just science fiction. The fact is that some exoplans found in the stars in our Milky Way can be very similar, for example, on dry tatooin, or on a tropical chain, and even on the ice planet.

For example, exploring information about more than 3400 confirmed exoplanets, scientists, with the help of complex computer modeling methods, try to determine their color, lighting environment, sunrises and sunset stars. In a word, they are trying to understand what the people see these worlds if they were there. Some of these distant exoplanets look even more strange than in the famous Epopea "Star Wars", while others, on the contrary, look too similar to the planets in one distant galaxy.

Planets with double sun

Tatooin - Planet with two stars. Source: Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM.

The actually existing exoplanet in our galaxy reminded scientists about the hometown of Skywalker's hometown called Tatooin. The officially discovered planet is the name KEPLER-16B, its size is comparable to Saturn's sizes, and it is located at a distance of 200 light years in the winned constellation. The reality of the existence of the planet with two stars was so amazing that George Lucas himself agreed to give her such an unofficial name.

"It was the first in the history of space research a real planetary system, in which the sunset could be observed immediately from two suns," - Lawrence Doyle, Astrophysicist, who discovered this exoplanet using the Kepler telescope in 2011.

Presentation of the artist about the exoplanet KEPLER-16B. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech

A person would have two shadows on Kepler-16B, during the rain there would be two rainbows in the sky. And each sunset would be unique, because the stars all change their location relative to each other. Solar clock construction on such a planet would require certain efforts.

Astronomers found out that approximately half of the stars in our Milky Way are binary systems, and not solitary objects as our sun. Thus, while KEPLER-16B is most likely too cold and gaseous to become a real homeland for life, it is a good omnant that somewhere there in the galaxy can really exist with a complete twin Tatina.

Planets desert

Jack, Jed

Desert Planet Jack. Source: David James / Disney / Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM.

George Lucas has a definite thrust for desert planets, and at least one scientist fully supports it and believes that he is on the right track, since such planets can well describe the galaxy in which we live.

"The existence of planets-desert is possible. Look right to us in the solar system, we have Mars. We believe that such planets elsewhere could be even more suitable for a red planet. The repeating the theme of the desert worlds in the "Star Wars" is really interesting, since we have some studies indicating that such exoplans could be suitable for living in places. "

Desert planets may not only be real, but also very widespread. They can be hot, like Tatooin and Jacq, or cold, like Mars and Jeda from the new movie "ONE".

"The lack of water on the planet can be exactly what makes it suitable for colonization. Water enhances the greenhouse effect and climate change and can force the planet to become very hot as Venus, or very cold, like a satellite Europe. "

Ice planets


In our galaxy, there is its own Ice Planet, like the planet Although from the "Star Wars". This ice supersay was discovered in 2006. Naturally, this frozen world immediately reminded scientists about the base of the rebels located in the snow and in the ice from the film "The Empire inflicts a return kick." Scientific name exoplanets - OKLE 2005-BLG-390L.

Planet Although from our galaxy is very cold, so that at least some life can exist on it. In any case, scientists are so suggesting, based on modern data. However, life can develop under the ice in general any planet or satellite, even in our solar system. On Earth, life was discovered inside volcanoes, deep in the oceans and even in frozen arctic soil.

NASA is currently engaged in designing a mission that goes to look for life under the crust of the icy satellite of Jupiter Europe. A satellite Saturn Enzeld also contains an underground ocean, which can warp alien bacteria.

Ocean worlds

Camino, Charbon

Obi-Van Kenobi lands on the firebike planet. Source: Disney / Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM.

For scientists who characterize exoplans, the most important planet of this type is the Earth - the only planet with the presence of life. And life on Earth began in the ocean.

"We need to develop a good climate science on Earth to help understand the inhabitancy and potential diversity of life on an exoparta", - Astrobiologist Nancy Kiang from the Ordirdrad Space Research Institute. As an astobologist, her work is to simulate the type of plant life, which could exist on the planets around other stars.

Imperial attack aircraft wander in the water of one of the planets from the new movie "ONE". Source: Disney / Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM.

Until now, the existence of the ocean world with permanent rain, as a firebike in the "attack of clones", or the planet with the ocean, as the tropical world of the Logon from the "ONE" is the tropical world. However, scientists were discovered by frozen ocean worlds in our solar system on europe satellites and Encelada. In not such a distant future, we will even be able to look at the oceans on other exoplanets.

The ocean can be well noted at a high distance due to reflections from its surface. Such phenomena were originally found on the liquid methane seas of Titan - the largest satellite of Saturn.

Forest Mira

Endor, Takodana

The ship Khan Solo millennial Falcon flies on the planet takodan.



Region: External Ring

Sector: Anato


Satellites : 3

Coordinates: K-18.

Rotation period (day):

23 standard hours

Orbital period (year):

549 local days

(526 standard)

Physical data:

Class : Earth Type

Diameter : 7,200 km

Atmosphere : Oxygen

Climate: Frosty

Gravity: Strong

Landscape: Ostlyland


mountains, tundra, canyons,

outcast plains

Social data

Primary language: Not

Population: Ice scrabbles (32%),

Towntasins (23%),

Thus (11%), others (34%)


- Scheli.

- Enchanting the Empire Sith

--Accident for restoring the republic

-Galactic empire

- Restored Empire

- Sack of the Empire

-Extellers Ragnosa

-New republic

-Galactic federation

free alliances

Detailed description:

Hot - the sixth planet in the remote system with the same name. This is the world of snow and ice, surrounded by numerous satellites. Although it is located next to the Isonic corridor in the Anatic sector, about 50,250 light years from the center of the Galaxy. Five small planets of lifeless, and the only remaining orbit in the system occupies a wide asteroid belt. Although it is unlikely to seem hospitable, the tilt of the axis, the orbital position and the atmosphere forces the world to immerse themselves in a negative temperature. Daytime temperatures of the planet usually ranges from -32 degrees, and at night the temperature often drops to -60, although the gusty wind frost is even stronger.

Although the entire surface of the hoth is covered with ice, in different places of the planet there are volcanic cracks, where rocky rocks and minerals are often broken, forming dark areas on the planes of the glacier. On want several mountain chains cover the shelf glaciers, which are often geologically active. Along Equator Hot passes a deep crack in the shelf glaciers, reaching hundreds of meters. In this place, never seeing the blue-white rays of the planet's sun, there is a Tyach Lumny-Spice - a rare drug, according to the galaxies appreciated by the criminal world. Before the rebels founded the base in the northern hemisphere, the leader of Pirates Raskar tried to take possession of a cache, but in the end he was forced to escape because of the clash with a creature known as "dragon slimber".

In the southern hemisphere hot, the massive ocean is foaming under the pressure of the ice. The force of attraction of three nameless moons causes cracks in the ice layers, sending ocean water fountains in the glacial air of the planet. A strong cold freezes these jets, turning them into the blocks of ice, and having suspended ocean algae in these high columns. One of the types of ringed worms - ice worms - drive their way through the ice to get to their feed - algae, leaving behind the tiny holes. This snowy world has opened a lot of life forms, including ice vamp and tountoutaunov. Correctly dressed people can transfer the daytime cold of the planet, but the nights of the hoth are too cruel even for local creatures.

Luke would certainly died during a snow storm if it were not for good young woman named Frying, who was stuck on a hot, along with her father. Later Skywalker learned that Frying and her father, the imperial governor, in fact were human-like robots - traps created by the empire. Even later, he contacted the Alliance command, recommending hot, as a possible place to accommodate the base.
Khan Solo was already familiar with the planet, thanks to his smugglest past. Solo, Skywalker, Chubakka and Droids, conducting the intelligence of Hot, stumbled upon the mon-Kalamari smuggler Salmakka and his team. The rebels came out winners from a short battle and declared her new home.

The new headquarters of the Alliance wore the code name "Echo base" and was commanded by General Riekan. Temperature extremes required the huge efforts of technicians to preserve the necessary supplies.

When the rebels set the base on Hot, Skywoke and Captain Solo was charged with the attention of the imperial patrols from the planet. They used X-Wings to search for the planet with the jungle like Yavin to convince the Imperials: Alliance is looking for a planet - jungle, not an ice world.

The imperial probe, one of the thousands sent in the galaxy, in the end, found hot. The rebels quickly discovered the probe and began an urgent evacuation. Soon the imperial squadron of death arrived on the planet.

History testifies, the battle for hot is the most colossal retreat, produced by the Union of Rebels. The rebels hardly managed to leave the planet and escape from the persecution of the Imperial Fleet.

Transfer: Dmit


It is hardly every person who has never heard of the Urbasy Star Wars. The planets presented in Saga are caused by all its fans. Tatooine, Nabu, Hot, Coruscant - What are the most famous worlds of fictional galaxy, what fantastic creatures are inhabited by them? Answers to these questions are given below.

List of star wars planets: the most famous

So, what worlds of the fantastic movie epopsychie are most memorable to her fans? The list of Star Wars Planets, presented below, will help you get closer to the cult franchise of George Lucas.

  • Nabu;
  • Corrussant;
  • Tatooine;
  • Cashian;
  • Endor;
  • Yavin-4;
  • Bespin;
  • Camino.

A detailed story about each of these fantastic worlds is given below.


Acquaintance with the planets of "Star Wars" is worth starting with Nabu. It is located on the border of the outer ring. For this world, a moderate subtropical climate is characteristic. Amnere Guungans are the only ones among its fantastic inhabitants.

Planet Nabu surprises that she does not have a kernel in the traditional understanding of this word. Its interior is filled with water, seized by caves. The "hidden threat" is an episode, thanks to which the audience learn that emptiness in the core of the planet is chosen for life with huge monsters, which pose a threat to anyone who faces them.

The surface of the planet Naba from "Star Wars" looks quite different. It is inhabited by the creatures that adhere to the ideals of the pacifism. Indigenous people are characterized by friendliness, vividly interested in art and science. Amphibian Gungers become helpless when the need to protect against external aggression appears. It is not surprising that this planet elected the aggressive trading federation as a goal.


What other fantastic worlds will introduce the spectators of Cino "Star Wars"? Planet Tatinuin is also part of the outer ring, rotates around a double star. Sandy earth constantly suffers from lack of moisture, characterized by a small number of cities. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the world elected moisture farms for living, scattered everywhere. It is impossible not to mention the largest cosmoport of Mos Aisli, where the criminals of all the masters are tightened.

The indigenous inhabitants of Tatina are dim and java. Militant humanoids who deserved a bad reputation are dim. These thugs are mainly producing robbery and slave trade. Dzhava are the exact opposite of their cruel neighbors. For representatives of this race, a small growth is characteristic, a bad smell. It is assumed that they have inorganic origin. Traditionally, Dzava is clothed in brown long chlamydes with huge hoods that allow you to see only their sparkling eyes.


Coruscant - the name of the planet from the "Star Wars", which also managed to make a big impression on the audience. Her rivers, the sea and oceans dried many years ago, residents learned how to get water from the ice caps of the planet. Corusport Science of Centuries serves as a place of deployment of government bodies of both republics, here is the famous

Reasonable inhabitants of Coruscant were mired in the race technology. They do not care about the preservation of nature, are only interested in technical progress. The inhabitants of the planet are forced to fall into special helmets and raincoats that allow them to escape from hazardous emissions.


Planet Although "Star Wars" also deserves a detailed description. This ice earth is located in the outer ring, adjacent to the same asteroid belt. Conditions for life can not be called comfortable here. The inhabitants of the planet are forced to put up not only with low temperatures, but also with meteorite rains.

Fauna Khota is not distinguished by a variety, typical of many other fantastic competitions of the Skyopopeia. Here you can meet wild snowy mandes, which are called vaps. The planet elected an alliance of rebels for his base "Echo", it was located in a huge ice cave, had seven levels. Imperial troops destroyed the construction during the battle for although.


Kashiik - a fantastic planet located on the middle ring, which is famous for its impassable jungle. In the shade of trees, cruel predators are hidden, constantly attackers on their other inhabitants.

The wise racial of Cashiak is the shaggy humanoids of the WOOD. They build their cities on the branches of trees. One of these settlements weighing the name of the Riocrrorro, occupies a whole kilometer.


Endor is another world that can not be mentioned by lizing the planet of "Star Wars". Initially, he and cashiology were one world, then separation occurred. This silver gas giant is in the outer ring, has nine moons, discarding the strongest gravitational shadow. For most of the endora, brown vegetation is characteristic. It was this planet that was elected to build the second "Star Death".

Fauna Endora is distinguished by a variety. On this earth you can meet bloodthirsty kaban wolves, innocuous pony. The intelligent race are the semi-trivial euroka. Interestingly, the final battle of the KinoPopoeia took place on this planet.


I will introduce the audience with other interesting planets of the movie "Star Wars". Planet clones Camino - one of them. It can be called the most stylish peaceopopic world, in many respects due to the fact that this earth is completely covered with water. To admire the firewood fans of George Lucas, the fans of George Lucas got the opportunity due to the fascinating episode of the "attack of clones."

Gray cities located on huge piles are high above the raging waves. The planet of the clones is a fireily called due to the fact that it was here that was brought to perfection cloning. The inhabitants of the planet were before the threat of extinction, which prompted them to control the reproduction. The world is populated askets who cannot get rid of fear of death. At first glance, humanoids may seem peaceful and courteous, but they are ready to fight with any danger to impeccable gene pool. Residents of the fireyo do not seek contacts with the inhabitants of other planets.


Yavin is a planet giant, which is in the outer ring. Her fourth moon was the greatest fame - Yavin-4. She was elected for his base the rebels, fought from the first "star of death". It is there that the famous Academy of Jedi.

For this moon, a sultry tropical climate is characteristic. The dry season is replaced by a wet, typical phenomenon - frantic hurricanes. Also, the inhabitants of Yavin-4 from time to time faced with rainbow storms, during which the sun rises behind the gas giant.

For the fauna of the planet is characterized by a variety. There are jumping purple spiders, mucous salamandres, semi-unified Wulamandras. It was on Yavin-4 that he spent his dark experiments by Alchemist Neaga Sadou, because of which various monsters appeared on her territory, to fight the Jedi Academy.


What other planets "Star Wars" smelled into the soul fans of saga? Bemps - a gas giant located in the outer ring. In the center of the planet there is a solid metal core, the surface of which is coated with a layer of molten metal. Life zone is located in a layer of multi-colored clouds whose height is about 1000 kilometers. It is a thirty-cellular air layer.

The inhabitants of the Buret specialize in the production of Tibann Gaza, this substance is actively used in the cooling systems. Small soaring colonies, and the main attraction is the majestic cloudy city. It is a huge megalopolis soaring in the clouds.

The planets of "Star Wars" are amazed by their beauty and realism, how did the creators of the film epopsychia achieve this? The role of Planet Tatuene brilliantly performed the deserts of Tunisia, the grand scenery was not required, but the film crew is tired of sand and heat. In Snowy Norway, episodes were removed in which the landscapes of cold cocks appear. Jungle Guatemala played the role of Yavin-4, special drawings were created for the filming of the beauty of Endor. Types of sad planet Camino clones - result of computer graphics.