Writing personal endings. How to write personal endings for verbs correctly

The greatest difficulties for students when studying a morphology course are caused by 1st and 2nd conjugations. They are very often confused with each other, and a rather large list of exceptions is forgotten. How to quickly and efficiently study this topic? Let's try to figure it out further.

Verb as part of speech

Before you start studying the ending, you need to understand some subtleties.

What makes our speech “move”, make inanimate objects come to life, be dynamic? Of course,

Our language is simply impossible to imagine without it. It would be difficult for us if this part of speech suddenly disappeared. Even when describing a static object, we still use it. In fiction, verbs are used as an effective means of artistic imagery and expressiveness.

For example, personification, which animates objects, can never do without a verb. Let's compare: The clock hand moves in a circle. The clock is ticking. When does our imagination begin to play? Undoubtedly, in the second. The language becomes more “alive” and bright. Of course, the clock has no legs, but, nevertheless, it is on the similarity of movement that the personification is built. Examples include: the river rushes, the wind howls, the storm rages.

It is thanks to verbs that such a figurative, expressive feeling is created.

Conjugation is...

When starting to study the endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations, we need to find out what this term means.

Almost every part of speech can change in its own way. Nouns, for example, are divided into cases and numbers. Adjectives, in addition to this, also change according to gender. What about the verb? It can be changed by persons as well as numbers. This is what is called conjugation. Each of them has its own set. They are often confused with each other. And we will find out how to remember these nuances well and no longer make written and oral mistakes.

It is worth recalling another important rule, which includes verb conjugation. 1, 2, 3 - there is only declination! And the verb has only two conjugations. Let's talk about them in more detail.

1 conjugation

The largest number of questions in the parts of speech course are related to the endings of verb conjugations. They should be identified by the infinitive. The first category usually includes those that in the initial form end in -ot (flog), -at (break), -et (sick), -yat (walk) and others .

But, as in any rule, there are exception verbs 1 2 conjugations.

So, the first also includes two more words ending in - it: shave and lay. This is explained by historical changes in these forms.

How will we determine the conjugation? It’s very simple: put the word in its initial form. It answers the question “what should I do?”

For example: The students are doing their homework. Verb do bring to the initial form - do. Let's see where it ends. In this case, it's -at. Accordingly, we will classify such a word as the first conjugation.

2 conjugation

The endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations are very similar to each other. But if you know how to correctly distinguish them, there will be no difficulties.

The second conjugation usually includes those that end in -it: speak, build, come. As mentioned above, this list does not include the words shave, and lay.

In this case there are many more exceptions than in the first conjugation. We will include as many as eleven more exception words to the second.

These are seven verbs -to: offend (kitten), twirl (ball), depend (on circumstances), see (beauty), hate (impudence), watch (film), endure (bullying). We will also include here four words for -at: drive (in the neck), hold (in hands), breathe (quickly), hear (song).

When determining the endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations, you need to know the list of exceptions in advance.

Finding out which of them the word refers to is not difficult.

Example: The baby is very dependent on the mother.

Verb depends put it in the initial form - depend. It would seem that everything is simple, it ends with -there are, and therefore there should be 1 reference. But, remembering the exceptions, we will change our point of view: he, after all, is on this list and belongs to 2 references.

One more example: Workers are building a new house.

In the initial form of the verb build ends with -it. He is no exception, and therefore we will boldly classify him as the second conjugation. Therefore, be careful when starting the task.

The table will help you remember 1 and 2 verb conjugations better.

With its help, information becomes more structured and better remembered.

Change by person

Now we know, Personal endings of verbs are the next stage that needs to be studied.

As we have already noted, this part of speech has the ability to change according to persons.

Let us remind you: in order to determine whether a verb belongs to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person, it is necessary to substitute the appropriate pronouns for it.

In the first person the word I (singular) or we (plural): I ask, we write.

For the second you need to substitute you (singular) or you (plural): you say, look.

To the third - he (it or she) or they (plural): shines, they think.

Those endings that result from this are called personal.

Conjugating verbs using stressed endings

Not in all cases will we doubt how to correctly write the word given to us. If the stress in a verb falls on the ending, we will use it correctly without hesitation.

For example: They say they are flying, you will come.

In this situation, the endings are in a strong position, which does not cause any difficulties.

Be careful if the word is in the infinitive. Sometimes emphasis can only be misleading. For example, the verb “to live”. It ends with -it, which is shock. But at the same time, in the personal plural form the word has the ending -ut(live). This means that it must be classified as the first conjugation. Therefore, make sure that the emphasis falls on the ending only when the word is only in the personal form.

Complex cases

What to do when the ending is unstressed? For such a case, there is a special set of personal endings, by which we learn about the conjugation.

The first conjugation always has the letter “e” in the singular: You try, you disappear, you eat, you chat. In the plural there are always endings either -ut, or -yut: they fight, they show themselves.

They are difficult to define in an unstressed position, but in this case the infinitive will come to the rescue.

The 2 conjugations are different: in the singular we write the letter “and”: It depends, it drives. In plurals it is necessary to use endings -at or -yat: They build, they keep.

Remember that in an unstressed position the ending is more vulnerable and causes difficulties in writing. For this reason, it is necessary to put the word in the initial form and use it to determine whether it is 1st or 2nd reference. it relates.


We managed to cope with the difficult task and point out the subtleties of determining the endings of verbs. Take your time when a word is challenging you. Remember that the infinitive 1st sentence has an ending -ot, -et, -yat etc., and in the second only -it. Add to this rule a rather long list of exceptions. In order to remember all these words, there are many poems consisting only of them.

Just learn personal endings, it's not difficult at all. Then you will not have problems spelling them. In case of difficulties, you can always refer to our article to refresh your knowledge on this issue.

What determines the spelling of unstressed endings of verbs? Only from their belonging to the first or second conjugation.

Determining the conjugation is not difficult. There are only two of them. This can be done in different ways.

If the ending of a verb is in a strong position (under stress), then the conjugation is easy to determine “by ear.” You just need to remember that the first includes all verbs that have the letters “u” or “yu” in the third person at the end, and the second includes those that have the letters “a” or “i”

To sit - they sit, to lie - they lie, to stand - they stand, to scream - they scream. This is the second conjugation.

To write - they write, to draw - they draw. This is the first conjugation.

If the verbs do not fall under stress, then you will have to follow the rule. I will present it not as in textbooks, but somewhat shorter.

So, the second conjugation will include all those verbs that in the infinitive end in “-it” (or “-it”), and 11 exceptions, which you will have to learn by heart. In elementary school I was taught this rhyme:

Drive, hold, look and see,

Breathe, hear, hate,

And offend, and endure, and depend, and twist.

Remember, friends: you can’t write them in -e!

The words “shave” and “lay” do not belong to this conjugation: they change according to type 1 of the conjugation: shave - shave - shave. Lay - lay - lay.

If the personal endings of verbs contain any other vowel at the end (except “and”), then they are included in the category related to the first conjugation.

Let's try to figure it out in practice.

The words are given: write, fly, draw, swing, sit, wear. Since the personal endings of verbs are in a strong position (under stress), we put them in They write - 1 reference, fly - 1 reference, draw - 1 reference, swing - 1 reference, sit - 2 references, wear - 2 Ref.

Let's try to determine the conjugation of other verbs: draw, serve, dye, wear, cry, shave. Let us immediately pay attention to the verb “shave”. This is an exception to the 2nd conjugation, its endings will be similar to the 1st conjugation: I shave, I shave, I shave.

The unstressed personal endings of the verbs “draw”, “serve” and “cry” end in “-at” and, therefore, belong to the first conjugation. The verbs “to paint” and “to wear” end in “-it”. They are not exceptions, therefore - the second conjugation.

In our language there are verbs whose endings can contain different vowels. They are considered differently conjugated. From the name we can conclude that the personal endings of verbs of this kind will be different: part - as in the first conjugation, the other - as in the second.

Examples: want - want, want, but wants, want.

It's glimmering, but it's glimmering.

To run - you run, but they run.

The verb “to torture” is very interesting. In Russian, it can refer to both the first (torture - torment - torment) and the second conjugation: torment - torment - torment).

It is difficult to determine the conjugation of verbs with the prefix you-. To make the task easier, this part of the word should simply be discarded.

Example. Get enough sleep - sleep (stressed ending) - sleep - 2nd conjugation.

Sometimes imperative verbs
those in the second person are similar in sound to those in (for example, knock and knock). To correctly write or use personal endings of verbs in this case, we first determine the mood. The first verb is in the imperative, the second in the indicative. The imperative is written with the suffix -i-, and the ending of the verb in the indicative mood depends on the conjugation. We define it: knock - knock - ut - 1 conjugation.

As you can see, there are few difficulties in choosing endings wisely. You just need to learn the rule properly and use the algorithm. If you practice, you will very soon begin to write correctly, without thinking.


What students should know to complete the task correctly:
1. Spelling personal endings of verbs

· The spelling of personal endings of verbs depends on the conjugation of the verb.

· To determine the conjugation of a verb, you need to find out whether it is stressed or unstressed
his personal ending.

· To do this, put the verb in the third person singular (he, she, it) and
see which vowel is clearly heard:

· If the vowel letter E is clearly heard, this is a verb of the first conjugation: to swim -

· If the vowel letter I is clearly heard, then this is a verb of the second conjugation: fly -

· If a verb has an unstressed personal ending, then its conjugation is determined by the infinitive.



1. Verbs - exceptions: SHAVE, STEEL,

2. All verbs that do not end in initial form-IT (except verbs DRIVE, HOLD, BREATHE, DEPEND, SEE, HEAR, OFFEND, TOLERATE, TURN, HATE, WATCH)

REMEMBER:SOW, WINDOW, CULTURE, MELT, BARK, REPENT, ROAR, BLAT, START, COUGH, SMELL, HOPE (these verbs are often mistakenly classified as verbs II conjugations, because when pronounced, yat sounds like it) .

1. Verbs ending in initial
form in -IT (except for the verbs SHAVE,
LAY, LAY - they belong to I

2. Exceptional verbs: DRIVE, HOLD,

· If we have determined that the verb belongs to the I conjugation, the vowels E, U, Yu are written in its unstressed personal endings:




1st person (I) -U, -Yu

(we) -EAT

2nd person (you) -EAT

(you) -ETE

3rd person (he, she, it) -ET

(they) -UT, -YUT

· If we have determined that the verb refers to II conjugation, in its unstressed personal
The vowels I, A, Z are written at the endings:




1st person (I) -U, -Yu

(we) -IM

2nd person (you) -ISH

(you) -ITE

3rd person (he, she, it) -IT

(they) -AT, YAT


v the verb SCREAM has a stressed ending in which the letter I is clearly heard (he screams), therefore, it is a verb of the second conjugation, in the endings of which the vowels I and A are written.

v FIGHT - this verb has an unstressed personal ending (In the 3rd person singular it is not clearly heard which vowel letter should be written at its ending: E ​​or I). Knowing the conjugation of this verb will allow you to choose the correct spelling.
The conjugation of a verb with an unstressed personal ending is determined by the initial
form. What to do? - fight, does not end in IT, is not one of the exception verbs of the second conjugation (DRIVE, HOLD, BREATHE, DEPEND, SEE, HEAR, OFFEND, TOLERATE, TURN, HATE, WATCH), therefore this verb of the first conjugation, in unstressed personal the endings of which
the vowels E, U, Yu are written: you fight, you fight, you fight, you fight, you fight.

v The verb GLEIT is a verb with an unstressed personal ending (in the 3rd person singular it is not clearly heard which vowel letter should be written at its ending: E ​​or I). Knowing the conjugation of this verb will allow you to choose the correct spelling. The conjugation of a verb with an unstressed personal ending is determined by the initial form. What to do? - glue, ends in -IT. Therefore, this verb of the second conjugation, in the unstressed personal endings of which the vowels I, I are written (remember the password word for verbs of the second conjugation - donkey IA): glue,
glue, glue, glue, glue.

Notes e :

1 . The reason for the incorrect spelling of personal endings of a verb is often an arbitrary change in the form of the verb in question. You must be able to distinguish between aspect pairs of a verb, since depending on the type of initial form of the verb, its conjugation may change.
Remember that all forms of the verb in question must be of only one type.

Console (what to do?): I console, you console, he consoles, we console, you console, they console.

Comfort (what to do?): I will console, you will console, I will console, I will console, I will console, I will console.
Decide - decide

offend - offend

distinguish - distinguish,

let go - let go,

leave - leave,

give in - give in

announce - announce

commit - commit,

listen - hear,

drive - drive,

force - force,

separate - separate,

stop - stop

expand - expand, etc.

2. Pay attention to the verb to grind, which is often found in task A 16, relating to the first conjugation:


2. Spelling of participle suffixes

1. Spelling of the suffixes of participles -УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -ЭМ-, -ИМ- depends
from the conjugation of the original verb from which they are formed.

Original verb

Active participles onworth the time

Passive participles onworth the time




Formed from the base of the present

current tense of the original verb

na using suffixes



Whisper (l conjugation) - whisperUT - whispering;

Lay (1 conjugation) - stelYUT - creeping

Formed from

bases of the present tense of the original verb

using a suffix

EM- (-OM-)

Vesti (1 conjugation) - vedUT -




Formed from the stem of the infinitive of the original verb using suffixes

АШ-, -ЯШ-.

Breathe (2 conjugation) - breathing,

Paint (2 conjugation) -

Formed from the stem of the infinitive of the original verb using the suffix -IM-

See (2 conjugation) - visible

Exception: movable

2. Spelling a vowel before past participle suffixes
-VSH-, -NN-

The vowel before the suffix -ВШ-
active past participles

The vowel before the suffix -НН-
passive past participles

Before the suffix -ВШ- the same vowel is written as before Ть in the initial form of the verb:

see - having seen,

hear - the one who has heard,

melt - melted.

If the original verb ends in -AT or -YAT in the initial form, then the vowel
the letter A, I is preserved before NN in suffering
corporal past participles:
heard At - heard,

sow - sown.

If the original verb ends in -IT or -ET, then only

see - seen,
build - built

3. Spelling the vowel before the suffix -L- of the past tense of the verb.

Before the suffix -L- the same vowel is written as in the infinitive before -T: depend-depend.

Algorithm for completing the task

1) Find out in which part of the word the vowel is missing:

· at the end

· in the suffix

2) If the vowel letter is missing at the end, then use the indefinite form to establish
verb conjugations:

  • in the personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation the vowels E, U are written, YU.

· in the personal endings of verbs of the second conjugation the vowels I, A, I.

3) If a vowel is missing in the suffix, then analyze the nature of the spelling:

· a vowel is missing in the suffixes of participles - УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -
IM-, -EM-.

· a vowel is missing before the suffix of the participles -ВШ- and -НН-.

4) Spelling of participle suffixes - УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -ИМ-, -ЭМ- depends
from the conjugation of the original verb:

· in participles formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, suffixes are written
-USH-, -YUSH-, -EM-;

· in participles formed from verbs of 2 conjugations, suffixes are written
-ASH-, -YASH-, -IM-;

5) The spelling of the vowel letter before the suffixes of the participles -ВШ- and -НН- depends
from this, the initial form of the original verb ends in AT, YAT, ITE ИJIИ ЭТ:

· if the original verb ends in -AT or -YAT in the initial form, then
the vowel letter A, I is preserved before NN in passive past participles:

· if the original verb ends in -ITE or -ET, then it is written before НН
E only;

· before the suffix -ВШ- and –Л- the same vowel is retained as before the ending Ть in the initial form.

All verbs are usually divided into two groups: verbs that belong to the first conjugation, and verbs that belong to the second conjugation. The second conjugation includes all verbs in –it (exceptions are “shave”, “lay”, “”), as well as exception verbs in –et and –at (“drive”, “breathe”, “look”, “ see”, “hear”, “turn”, “offend”, “endure”, “depend”, “hate”, “hold”). All other verbs are usually classified as first conjugation.

Note: there are several differently conjugated verbs that cannot be classified as either the first or the second conjugation: “give”, “create”, “eat”, “run”, “want”.

If a verb has the prefix obes-, ob-transitive, it is in the second conjugation, otherwise – in the first conjugation.

If the verb of the first conjugation is in the future tense, then the ending is –ete. If you put such a verb in , the ending changes to -ite. For example: “You will send a letter this week,” but “Send the documents urgently.”

Soft sign(s) in verbs

Mild in several cases. The first is the initial form of the verb. The second is when the verb is put in the imperative mood. The third is in the endings of second person singular verbs in the present and simple future tenses. The fourth is in reflexive verbs.

For example: “write”, “correct”, “choose”, “bent”.

The soft sign is not written in the third person singular present or simple future tense.

For example: “washes his face.”

Spelling suffixes

Verbs with the suffixes –ыва- and –iva-, which have the meaning of the imperfect form, are written with the vowels –ы- and –и-.

For example: “smear”, “beg”, “insist”, “roll up”, “fill up”, “throw out”.

Imperfective verbs with suffixes –va-, which are in the first person form, can be checked by writing the vowel before the letter “v”.

For example: “zast-a-va-t - zast-a-t.”

Note: in some exception verbs, the suffix –eva- is written in –vat in place of an unchecked unstressed vowel: “eclipse-eva-t - to overshadow”; “extend - extend”; “vstr-eva-t - butt in”; “bur-eva-t - clean up”, etc.

There are also verbs ending in -et and -it. Verbs ending in –et are intransitive verbs of the 1st conjugation. They mean “to acquire someone’s attribute, to become something.”

For example: “to become more severe”, i.e. “become harsh”; “to weaken”, i.e. "to become powerless"; “de-soul”, i.e. “become soulless”, etc.

Verbs that end in -it are transitive verbs of the second conjugation. They mean “to endow with some attribute, to make an object something.”

For example: “numb the pain”, i.e. “stop the pain”; “to weaken”, i.e. “to deprive of strength”; “to neutralize, i.e. stop the harm”, etc.

Verbs that end in -enet and -enit, in their spelling, do not agree with the corresponding relative adjectives in which the letter “I” is written in the suffix, for example: “blood”, “herbal”, “wooden”, etc. The exception is the verbs “crimson” and “crimson”, in which the letter “ya” is written in the same way as in the adjective “crimson”.

The number and person of verbs is determined by their personal ending, the spelling of which directly depends on their conjugation and mood. The article describes in detail various ways to check stressed and unstressed personal endings of verbs, and provides a table with illustrative examples.

Spelling personal endings of verbs

Personal verb endings- a system of endings for conjugated forms of verbs, indicating the person and number of the verb. The spelling of the personal endings of verbs depends on their conjugation - the personal endings of the I and II conjugations, as well as the endings of the indicative and imperative moods, differ.

Examples of personal verb endings in the table:

Indicative Imperative mood
I conjugation II conjugation
Unit number Mn. number Unit number Mn. number Unit number Mn. number
1st person Managing Yu;
Select at
Managing eat;
Select eat
Dispute Yu;
Liked it Yu sya
Dispute them;
Liked it them Xia
Let's manage;
Let's like it
2nd person Managing eat;
Select eat
Managing yeah;
Select yeah
Dispute look;
Liked it look Xia
Dispute ite;
Liked it ite sya
Like it
3rd person Managing no
Select no
Managing ut;
Select ut
Dispute it;
Liked it it Xia
Dispute yat;
Liked it yat Xia
Let him rule;
Let him like it
Let them manage;
Let them like it

Unstressed personal endings of verbs

Personal endings of verbs can be stressed or unstressed. Drums do not require spell checking, their conjugation is determined immediately (sings, I dare tsya) . Unstressed personal endings are checked by the infinitive of the verb.

The 2nd conjugation includes verbs:

TOP 3 articleswho are reading along with this

  • With the infinitive to -it(exceptions: shave, build, lay);
  • Seven verbs with an infinitive -there are: twist, endure, offend, watch, see, hate, depend;
  • Four verbs with an infinitive -at: hear, drive, hold, breathe.

All other verbs belong to 1 conjugation. If you are not sure about the conjugation and spelling of unstressed personal endings of a verb, we recommend that you consult a dictionary.

Spelling of differently conjugated verbs

Some verbs have personal endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations: want, run, honor(and derivatives from them).

There are also two verbs that are conjugated according to the archaic type: eat, give(and derivatives from them).