Changes in the body in middle age. Age-related changes - almost everything gets smaller as you age

And people are its smallest components, cells. Such an organism has 6 billion cells. How many real cells does an individual have?

Cells are the living building blocks of our body. They breathe, feed, grow and divide. Due to division, their number and body weight increase. On the fifth day, a small organism already consists of 128 cells, by the time of birth there will be 800 billion of them, and at the height of maturity, from 20 to 30 years, about 50,000 billion). There are about 200 types of cells in the human body. Some form muscles, others - bones, and others - the nervous system.

Scientists have shown that our cells have very limited reproductive ability. First, cells age, and then, as a consequence, the human body ages.

So age-related changes in a person begin with individual cells. Moreover, aging is manifested not only in humans, but also in domestic animals or animals living in zoos, which we have taken under our protection. In wild animals, aging is very short-lived, as they quickly fall prey to diseases and predators. Rarely do wild animals live to old age. As soon as their body begins to age, their running speed or ability to jump instantly fades away. Such individuals become victims of predators. Like ancient warriors, they die not from old age, but from their wounds.

The physical development of a person takes place according to its own laws, like any living being. With age, it changes with the ability to sense, smell, see, think.

From the very first moments of life, feelings and physical strength begin to develop in a person and a person reaches his heyday by 20-30 years. It is known that the brain of a newborn child weighs 5 times less than the brain of an adult. Its development is completed by the age of 6, but it reaches maturity only by the 9-10th grade.

A child's strength doubles from 3 to 11 years old. Boys' athletic achievements grow from 5 to 17 years old. In childhood, the physical activity of boys and girls is almost the same.

Changes in some indicators of a person's physical development from birth to adulthood. Until the beginning of the seventh decade, the decrease in sensory and psychomotor abilities does not, on average, exceed 10%.

The famous American psychologist A. Gesell believes that both 11-year-olds and 15-year-olds are rebellious and quarrelsome, while 12-year-olds and 16-year-olds are quite balanced. The onset of maturity, which occurs between the 20th and 30th years of life, is characterized by the highest levels of indicators such as muscle strength, responsiveness, agility and endurance.

The first half is the period of accumulation of vitality and energy, the second is the period of its consumption. We know that the human skeleton finishes forming at the age of 18-20. This is how much nature allowed primitive people to live. The remaining years, if we take the average life expectancy of 75 years, a person, as it were, uses his natural bowels. Some do it completely predatory, excessively consuming alcohol and drugs, exposing themselves to nervous stress and physical trauma, eating poorly or irrationally.

The first third of human life is the accumulation of vital energy, the second third is the maintenance of the balance of energy, the last third is its weakening. A person consumes two thirds of his life what he has accumulated during one third of his life.

If you look at the aging processes taking place in the human body, it becomes clear that after 30 years, the activity of all its organs and systems begins to slowly but steadily weaken. Thus, until the age of 18-20, a person accumulates vital energy, from 20 to 30 years of age, the functional abilities of a person continue to remain high and only after 30 begin to slowly but steadily decline. Professional footballers, hockey players and basketball players leave the sport after 30 years, when a person reaches the peak of skill, but his abilities are clearly deteriorating.

The ages of human life are like links in a golden chain. But take one or two links out of the chain and not much will change. It just gets a little shorter. But its essence has not changed. It happens quite differently in our life. Each age is unique and irreplaceable in its own way. He solves his problems, those that are not able to fulfill another, albeit more mature, complex, developed.

In infancy and until about 15 years of age, a person does not have any precise goals. The child lives in the present and has a very vague idea of ​​the future. During this period, mainly the development of physical and mental abilities occurs.

The period from 15 to 20 years old corresponds to adolescence and youth. At this stage, a person is aware of his needs, abilities and interests. He nurtures great plans related to the choice of a profession, a partner and, in general, the meaning of his own life.

The next, third, phase lasts from 25 to 40-45 years and corresponds to maturity until its flowering. This is the richest period of life. It is characterized by the setting of clear goals. At this time, they achieve success in their chosen profession, decisions are made related to the creation and strengthening of their own family and the birth of children.

The fourth stage lasts from 45 to 65 years. This is a respectable age when a person takes stock of his life and his accomplishments. From now on, looking into the future, a person is forced to revise his goals, taking into account his professional position, physical condition and family life.

The final, fifth, phase begins at an advanced age - at 65-70 years. During this period, many people stop pursuing the goals that they set for themselves in their youth. They spend the rest of their strength on various forms of leisure, traveling or just having a pleasant time, quietly living the last years of their lives.


Indicate at what age you experienced the following sensations or the following events:

began to independently determine how and what to wear ...

Indicate how long the following processes took:

mom dressed you ...
Mom did not wear, but it was mainly she who decided what to wear ...

Thus, the chain of human life located in time is not made up of separate links, but of successive stages. You cannot jump over one of them and immediately find yourself on the next.

Isn't that what happens in the life of society? Every society, be it American, Russian or French, must go through the stages of infancy, adolescence, maturity and old age in its development. In infancy, it is still just learning everything, adopting scientific and technical achievements from other countries. In adolescence, it tries to create something of its own, experiments a little, goes from one extreme to another. Often it imitates someone else's fashion, trying to behave not as it follows from its own nature, but as it is fashionable abroad.

Test your knowledge

1. What periods of life does a person go through? What are the features of each period?

2. Think about what you like and what you don't like your age.

3. Do you agree with the statement that “every age is good in its own way”?

4. In a fantasy story, a 10-year-old boy was magically transformed into an adult. What difficulties do you think he faced and why?

5. Explain the meaning of the words: childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age, teenager.

6. Consider why in ancient times the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger was more important than it is now.

Kravchenko A.I., Social studies: textbook for grade 5 / A.I. Kravchenko. - 9th ed. - M .: OOO "Russian word - textbook", 2011. - 112 p.

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In the process of aging, regular structural and functional changes develop in the body, which are found at all levels of organization - organismic, organ, tissue, cellular, subcellular, molecular.

Table 2.

Comparative characteristics of primary and secondary aging. Examples of primary age-related changes and manifestations of age-related diseases

System, organs



Primary age-related changes

Secondary Aging Factors (Disease and Temporal Factors)

The appearance of wrinkles, itching, dryness, hair loss and graying.

Atrophy (hl. Obr. Subcutaneous adipose tissue), weakening of the function of sweat and sebaceous glands; reduction of hair growth, reduction in the content of hair pigment.

Solar irradiation; chemical substances.

Hearing impairment: a decrease in the ability to distinguish between sounds. Decreased sense of balance-dizziness.

Weakening of the function of the vestibular apparatus.

Trauma, toxic effects of drugs.

Nose and mouth

Deterioration in the perception of taste, diminished pleasure from eating, dry mouth.

Deterioration of smell, a decrease in the number of taste buds, a decrease in the level of taste sensations, a decrease in salivation.

Medicines; zinc deficiency, periodontitis, decreased food signals

Musculoskeletal system

Decreased growth, tendency to fracture, ossification and inflammation of the joints

Decrease in the content of minerals in bones, decrease in the amount of muscle fibers; increased ossification of the connective tissue tendons; decrease in articular cartilage, impairment of bone formation.

Vitamin D deficiency, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and drug abuse; violation of the diet; smoking; trauma

Respiratory system-

Decrease in lung capacity, maximum respiratory capacity.

Weakening of the elasticity of the lung tissue, weakening of the respiratory muscles

Secondary chronic lung diseases as a result of smoking and adverse environmental conditions; secondary weakening of the respiratory muscles as a result of insufficient work.

The immune system

Increased susceptibility to infections and malignant growth; impaired immune response, increased levels of autoantibodies

Decreased cellular immunity, decreased antibody production, increased levels of pathological immunoglobulins and autoimmune processes

Nutritional deficiency. Autoimmune diseases (thyrotoxicosis, thyroiditis, malignant anemia).

System changes

The appearance, psyche, human behavior, all functions are changing. The skin becomes thinner, its elasticity decreases, wrinkles and age spots appear; hair turns gray, becomes sparse; the eyes lose their luster, senile ectropion (eversion of the eyelid) and ptosis appear. Human growth may decrease, kyphosis often develops, joint mobility is limited; muscle atrophy is observed, their strength decreases, and efficiency decreases.

In the nervous system, the number of nerve cells decreases, the weight of the brain, its volume, the linear dimensions of the cortex and ganglia decrease, the convolutions become thinner, and the glial elements increase. Nissl's substance decreases, senile chromatolysis develops. "Senile plaques" (changes in neutrofibrils, brain amyloidosis) appear in the brain tissue. Along with atrophy and destruction of individual neurons - compensatory hypertrophy of other cells, their nuclei, mitochondria, etc. In peripheral nerves - foci of demyelination, fragmentation, thinning of the pulp. The speed of the impulse along the nerves decreases, the synthesis of neurotransmitters is weakened, and reflex activity decreases. Changes in the psyche, shifts in behavioral and emotional reactions are also associated with age-related changes in the central nervous system; memory impairment; the pace of mental activity is weakened, mechanical memorization suffers while maintaining the semantic; decreases creativity, learning ability. At the same time, the total amount of knowledge, common sense, and vocabulary change little. Many secondary changes in the body are associated with primary changes in the central nervous system.

The endocrine system suffers significantly. The secretory function of the thyroid, pancreas, gonads, adrenal cortex decreases, their hypothalamic ~ pituitary regulation is disrupted, as well as the relationship in the pituitary-adrenal system, which, apparently, is associated with a decrease in resistance to stress factors; atrophic and sclerotic changes in the endocrine glands develop. From the moment of puberty, the size and functional activity of the thymus gland steadily decrease, its structure changes, in particular, the number of lymphocytes decreases, especially in the cortex of the organ. All this significantly affects the function of the immune system. Along with this, adaptive reactions are also revealed - an increase in the sensitivity of a number of endocrine glands to the action of tropic hormones of the pituitary gland, as well as target tissues to the action of hormones, a decrease in the content of the bound form of a number of hormones while maintaining the amount of free, etc.

Changes in the immune system are characterized by the development of immune deficiency, which manifests itself in a decrease in the response to foreign antigens. In addition, immune reactions appear against their own antigens - autoimmunity, leading to damage by immune complexes of cells and tissues.

The limitation of the adaptive capabilities of the aging organism is largely due to changes in the cardiovascular system. After 60 years, the weight of the heart decreases, its rhythm is disturbed, the minute and stroke volume of the heart, the cardiac index, and the duration of the phases of the cardiac cycle decrease. The ECG shows signs of myocardial hypoxia, conduction disturbances; the heart is less capable of hypertrophy; total peripheral resistance increases, blood pressure rises, the number of functioning capillaries decreases, "baldness fields" (areas devoid of capillaries) are formed. Reflex reactions of the cardiovascular system are more inert, humoral - protracted; adrenergic and cholinergic nervous control weakens, blood pressure shifts become stagnant, which contributes to the development of arterial hypertension.

With age, the amount of lipids and lipid-like compounds, cholesterol, is disturbed in the blood. The amount of low and very low density lipids (atherogenic) is increasing; decreases the amount of high density lipoproteins and cholesterol (antiatherogenic). The coefficient of atherogenicity increases. All these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. The adaptive capabilities of the respiratory system also decrease, the breathing rhythm becomes more frequent and disrupted, the vital capacity of the lungs, the reserves of inhalation and exhalation, ventilation decreases, the diffusion capacity of the lungs decreases, the Hering-Breuer reflex is weakened; respiratory hypoxia develops.

Changes in the digestive system are manifested in a decrease in the secretion of all digestive juices, disturbances in motor activity, peristalsis is weakened, senile constipation occurs; the detoxification function of the liver, the evacuation-motor function of the gallbladder decreases.

Weakening of function is observed in other systems as well. Reduced excretory and excretory functions of the kidneys, renal plasma and blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, tubular reabsorption, release of electrolytes; the boundaries of the adaptability of the excretory system are narrowed.

The regenerative capacity of the hematopoietic organs deteriorates; the function of analyzers, muscle strength decreases, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis develop.

Significant changes occur in all components of the connective tissue; the content of structural glycoproteins and proteoglycans decreases; sclerotic changes develop in all organs.

In contact with


The human body is an extremely strong and stable system. Why do some live to 80-90 years, while others die at 30-40? It is believed that the peak of maturity occurs in 25-30 years. It is at this moment in time that the body reaches the maximum of its physical abilities, and then the processes of natural decline follow. One can partly agree with this, but only partly.

When we say that problems come with age, we mean that we have less and less desire and strength to take care of our health. Think of retirees who can run a marathon, and immediately think of 25-year-olds struggling to climb the stairs to the 5th floor. In most people, age-related changes initially affect the "weakest points", while something that has not been used to the maximum may go unnoticed. For example, if you are not a professional musician, then the decrease in the distinction of high sound tones will go unnoticed for you initially. Over time, of course, as you grow, you will notice changes, but this will not be the worst thing.

All organs and tissues are affected. The body's ability to retain water decreases, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, dry mouth, and a decrease in the amount of saliva. The strength decreases and the amount of adipose tissue increases. The quality of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal system decreases.

The endocrine system undergoes serious changes - women experience menopause, and men have a decrease in the amount of male hormones. This means that the quality of your sex life drops noticeably.

The changes affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Vessels become fragile, the heart and brain are less supplied with oxygen and nutrients, the ability to maintain concentration decreases, reflexes slow down, memory deteriorates, etc.

Age-related changes do not bypass sight, smell and touch. The metabolism deteriorates, vitamins and minerals are absorbed worse. Bones become more fragile.

Is it so bad? On the one hand, there are a lot of really negative changes. On the other hand, each person has a real opportunity to combat age-related changes - for this you need to take care of your health.

There are different theories regarding the causes of aging:

  • It is assumed that there is a "biological clock" according to which cells can divide a certain number of times.
  • According to another theory, after each cell division, errors occur, which accumulate over the years and at some point become fatal. These errors are provoked, among other things, by viruses and bacteria.
  • It is also assumed that the "ultimate strength" of cells is genetically laid down, upon reaching which they begin to break down.
  • A popular theory is that free radicals, which are produced in cells as a result of chemical reactions, gradually accumulate and then kill the cells.

No scientist today can give a simple and clear answer about the causes of aging, so you shouldn't think about it. Much more important is what each of us can do today in order to keep our body in good shape for as long as possible. Even if you are an admirer of fatalism and think that each person will live as long as it is "written in his family", this does not negate the fact that it is you who can influence how he will live the years allotted to him. I repeat once again - you can run marathons at 60, or you can barely drag your feet at 30.

Over the years, many are taking more and more medications - they drink painkillers, diuretics, sedatives, hormonal, heart and many other drugs. In the fight against age-related changes, one cannot do without vitamins, minerals and various dietary supplements (biologically active additives). This is not always dictated by necessity. Taking pills is easier than following the daily routine, proper nutrition, playing sports, and thanks to this, you can regain your former enthusiasm. Exercise helps manage stress because contribute to the production of pleasure hormones. Next, positive changes will affect all organs and systems, which will make you feel cheerful. And for the courage of the body will come pep, and age-related changes will not be so terrible.

A woman feels changes in the body, starting at the age of 40. And not everyone is ready to easily accept these changes. The first wrinkles and excess weight appear. It is hard for a woman to come to terms with the loss of her former beauty. In addition, memory and intelligence suffer. It becomes difficult to memorize all the plans for the day. Concentration falls, the woman is poorly trained in new skills. Does everything seem tragic?


We live in progressive times! The Ministry of Health has approved a new age classification. Now youth lasts up to 44 years. There are ways that we will focus on in the article.

When do age-related changes begin in women?

The threshold of 40 years is conditional. The peculiarities of the female body are different for everyone, for some people the first signs of premenopause may appear after 37 years, for others - after 50. The reconstruction takes about 4-5 years. In Europe, the average age at menopause is 51.

What do women pay attention to after 40-45 years old?

The level of estrogen in the blood decreases due to the fact that the ovaries produce less and less of it. This hormone is very important. Age-related changes are closely related to a sharp change in its amount.

How menopause occurs:

In a premenopausal woman, a woman's periods become abundant or too scarce. It is no longer possible to predict exactly when they will begin. Even an unplanned pregnancy is possible, so much attention should be paid to contraception. Fatigue, anxiety, and drowsiness appear. Cells renew themselves slowly. The number of wrinkles increases, excessive sweating and hot flashes appear. Another delicate problem is becoming typical - urinary incontinence. Especially if you are lifting weights.

Menopause is the complete cessation of estrogen production and the final stop of reproductive function. Decreases in bone strength. , libido decreases, discomfort during sex may appear due to atrophy of the mucous membranes. At this time, it is better to start using it. A trusting relationship with a husband and children is very important.

Postmenopause occurs after the last menstrual period. At this time, most of the unpleasant manifestations pass. But the problem of increased bone fragility still remains. The risk of injury increases, especially if the woman has never played sports. The condition of hair, nails and teeth deteriorates. Visit your dentist for preventive examinations, calcium from the teeth is very intensively washed out in the first years of postmenopause.

Menopause medications

They are prescribed by a gynecologist. The following groups of drugs are used:

Preparations for hormone replacement therapy. They can contain both natural and synthetic estrogen. But in some patients, despite the effectiveness of estrogen replacement therapy, there are some side effects, the most serious of which is thrombosis. There may be appetite disorders, migraines. Therefore, such drugs are rarely prescribed, for example, with early menopause (up to 45 years).

Non-hormonal drugs are various dietary supplements with calcium. An overdose of calcium is very harmful to the heart, so you need to be careful with these drugs. Ask your doctor for advice, get a blood calcium test before starting treatment.

Phytopreparations of soy and licorice are distinguished by a milder action. Self-medication is completely unacceptable. Since plant phytohormones have a more gentle effect, the effect is not observed immediately.

Non-drug therapy for menopause

Diet and exercise play an additional role. It is better to start practicing at the age of 38 in order to feel the positive impact on yourself. physical activity:

  • Improving mood and accelerating metabolism.
  • Exercise supports muscles and bones. Swimming and cycling are useful.

It is better to feed yourself with carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, rather than from sweet rolls and muffins. Fats are best obtained from vegetable oils and nuts. Vegetables and berries in the diet can help reduce hot flashes.

What can you do to improve the quality of life with menopause?

Premenopause cannot be considered the "beginning of the end" and because of it, you cannot become depressed. Famous actresses and TV presenters have long crossed the 40-year mark, but they still remain beautiful and charming. They live an active life, go in for sports, visit cosmetologists. If you feel unwell psychologically, try hiking, consulting a psychologist and stylist. Premenopause should be treated as the beginning of a new stage of life, just more calm and measured. It is desirable to eliminate stress as much as possible. Ask your children for help. Build contacts with friends. Don't let negative thoughts lodge in your head.

How to help bones and joints with menopause?

The flexibility of the body and the mobility of the joints decrease, so you cannot do without yoga or any other gymnastics. Jelly and bone broths can be added to your diet. The pharmacy sells special dietary supplements with glucosamine and chondroitin for the prevention of arthrosis. Also try not to get hurt. The problem of hip fractures becomes relevant with age.

To reduce this risk, be sure to add eggs, salmon and herring to your diet. To keep the muscles strong, it is worth including more meat in the diet. Only meat contains connective tissue proteins. Liver, brains, tongue, scar and especially liver rich in collagen can also be consumed. Without collagen, a person ages very quickly. The liver is a source of iron. Therefore, during premenopause, when menstrual bleeding can be very intense, it is important to consume more of it. So your hemoglobin level in the blood will return to normal. We should not forget about such a delicious product as the tongue - it is significantly superior in value to other offal.

As a result of the accumulation of "breakdowns" in genes, a violation of cell division can be observed. It is worth mentioning the importance of visiting a gynecologist - at this age, the risk of developing cancer of the cervix, uterus, ovaries and breast is very high. Routine examinations in the chair, mammograms and special tests will show if everything is in order. The kidneys feel worse at this age. Watch their work, drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, eat watermelons and cucumbers.

Buy fish oil to keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Be sure to add fish and seafood dishes to your menu. You may also notice that it has become more difficult to see things up close. To solve eye problems, eat blueberries and carrots, do not hesitate to contact your optometrist to prescribe glasses or lenses. It is very useful to do gymnastics for the eyes. If you are suffering from weakness, as if you have not slept all night, then the reason may be a lack of calcium. In addition to the drugs that the doctor prescribes, you need to add kefir and cottage cheese to your menu.

Be careful about your weight. After 40 years, the metabolism slows down, so you need to eat much less than before. Eat fractionally, in small portions. This will also serve the stomach and intestines. We also recommend replacing regular bread with yeast-free bread.

Psychological aspects of age-related changes in the female body

It has been proven that the severity of menopause depends on how the woman herself relates to it. Aging occurs faster in those who do not want to put up with the natural course of life and take everything to heart. It is important not only to organize a diet, play sports, but also find an interesting business that will not allow you to get hung up on the negative aspects of adulthood. Be sure to find an active hobby. Maturity is therefore called so, that a woman begins to relate to herself more wisely.

The theories of aging that exist in scientific circles today are highly controversial. One thing is certain - the number of damaged DNA molecules increases with age. If scientists learn to repair the genome, then humanity will take the path of immortality. Now the number of women who give birth to children after 42 years old with the help of reproductive technologies (IVF) has increased significantly. Modern medicine is the guardian of women's health. Every year, new methods appear to help with menopause.


Starting from the so-called middle age, it becomes more difficult for the body to cope with daily stress, physical and sometimes mental abilities begin to gradually weaken. In developed countries, the average life expectancy is over 70 years. In fact, a person can live for 120 years, but this is hampered by failures in the work of various body systems that occur in the second half of life. Age-related changes lead to chronic and, in some cases, fatal diseases. The most vulnerable are the cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous and reproductive systems. Common “senile” diseases are Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression and coronary heart disease.


The peak of growth and maturation of the human body occurs at about 25 years. Then comes maturity and aging - natural processes following the rapid flowering of youth. Some age-related changes are difficult to bear, but they do not always turn a person into a frail old man. The peculiarities of the aging process are determined by the state of health, lifestyle and genetic predisposition. With age, the following changes are most often observed:

  • Hearing impairment (perception of high tones especially suffers).
  • Increase in the amount of adipose tissue in relation to muscle (the ratio can increase by almost 30%). The layer of subcutaneous fat, which was previously evenly distributed throughout the body, now becomes thinner, and fat accumulates in the abdomen. A person loses the ability to intensively consume fats (including cholesterol and fat-soluble substances), and they begin to accumulate in the body.
  • Decrease in water content in the body. This leads to a deterioration in the absorption of water-soluble substances. The body produces less saliva and other moisturizing fluids.
  • Deterioration of liver and kidney function. Because of this, harmful metabolic products begin to accumulate.
  • Deterioration of digestion due to a decrease in the production of gastric juice.
  • Weakening of the muscles, impaired coordination of movements, decreased mobility, agility and flexibility.
  • Decrease in the production of sex hormones, attenuation of sexual function.
  • Gradual weakening of taste and smell.
  • Changes in the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems lead to a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various organs and systems of the body.
  • Deterioration of the nervous system. The signals from the brain are no longer transmitted as efficiently. Reflexes slow down, memory and ability to perceive new information deteriorate.
  • Decreased bone density and bone strength.
  • A gradual decrease in the production of hormones, especially the thyroid and gonads.
  • Decreased vision, increased risk of developing eye diseases (eg, macular degeneration).
  • Deterioration of natural vitamin D production by exposure to sunlight.
  • Decrease in protein formation, decrease in musculoskeletal mass, increased risk of osteoporosis.

Causes and symptoms

There are several theories to explain the aging process. In each specific case, the leading role is assigned to a certain factor (or their combination).

  • Programmed aging ("biological clock theory"). Cell aging is genetically programmed. The number of possible divisions is laid down once and for all. When cells begin to die off faster than they can be restored, the organs cease to cope with the vital functions assigned to them.
  • Genetic theory. The cells contain substances that destroy them at the chromosomal level.
  • Structural theory. With age, the condition of the connective tissue deteriorates: due to the fact that it becomes less strong and elastic, irreversible changes occur.
  • Free radical theory. The most popular theory is that, as a result of chemical reactions in the cells of the body, free radicals are formed, which cause damage and death of cells. Over time, the number of dead and non-functioning cells grows. Because of this, the work of the whole organism is disrupted.
  • Immunological theory. As we age, the immune system wears out. The body becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases and disorders, which ultimately lead to death. In addition, due to the weakening of the immune system, autoimmune reactions are triggered: the body recognizes its own cells as foreign and destroys them itself.


Numerous diseases are associated with age-related changes. There is no single method for identifying them, but examination of the patient, general and biochemical blood tests help to identify problem areas. In older people, diseases at first often run in an erased form. An examination must be prescribed in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • decreased appetite
  • weight loss
  • fall cases


Doctors almost always prescribe symptomatic treatment for age-related diseases. Approximately two thirds of people over 65 years of age (more women than men) use medication. Older adults are most likely to take pain relievers, diuretics, sedatives, and psychotropic medications, as well as cardiovascular medications and antibiotics.

Expected results

Elderly people are advised to take high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes. In old age, there is often a deficiency of B vitamins, vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, chromium and other trace elements. Since the production of gastric juice decreases in old age, it is better to take vitamins in gelatin capsules that are easily absorbed. Some vitamin complexes contain enzymes to improve digestion.

Antioxidants help to reverse the damage done by free radicals, which are considered to be one of the causes of aging. Antioxidants are also useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer, cataracts, and glaucoma.

List of substances that are antioxidants:

  • Vitamin E (daily intake - 400-1000 IU). Protects cell membranes from damage. Possibly helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • Selenium (the recommended dose is 50 mcg 2 times a day). Possibly lowers the risk of cancer.
  • Beta-carotene (daily value - 25,000-40,000 IU). It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of cancer, colds, flu, arthritis, as well as to strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamin C (1000-2000 mg per day). May cause diarrhea in high doses. Reduce dosage if side effects occur.
  • Other useful supplements for age-related conditions:
  • Complex of vitamins B 12 / B. Vitamin B 12 has been shown to improve memory and alleviate mental problems (confusion and depression), according to research.
  • Coenzyme Q10. Effective for treating heart disease. 3/4 of patients with heart disease are deficient in this enzyme.

Hormonal drugs

The hormonal drugs listed below are used to prevent and treat diseases associated with aging. Before using, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Dehydroepiandrosterone normalizes hormones, helps restore muscle mass, strengthen bone tissue and prevent heart disease.

Melatonin is used to treat insomnia, sexual dysfunction, viral and bacterial infections. Taking this hormone reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Eleutherococcus ( Eleutherococcus senticosus) stimulates the adrenal glands and the immune system. There is evidence that it can help alleviate stress-related problems. Siberian ginseng enhances mental and physical activity, prevents memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction.

The source of proanthocyanides are pine bark, seeds and grape skins. These substances are useful in the prevention of eye cancer and diseases.

To increase life expectancy and improve its quality in old age, you need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress and give up bad habits. Exercise strengthens bone tissue, improves appetite,