Honeysuckle for pregnant women reviews. Eating honeysuckle, benefits and harms to the human body

Why is honeysuckle so prized among people? It contains vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins C, A, B;
  • organic acids;
  • glucose;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese.

It is the chemical composition of honeysuckle that is useful for humans. The sour taste tells about the significant content of ascorbic acid. Bitterness - that the fruits are rich in tannins, glycosides. In hot climates, the plant has sweeter berries. In the north of honeysuckle, the benefits lie in the significant content of vitamin C.

The medicinal properties are due to the content of bioflavonoids in honeysuckle. Malic and citric acids prevail among the acids. The content of oxalic and succinic acids is lower. Of bioflavonoids, it is worth highlighting:

  • leukoanthocyanins;
  • catechins;
  • anthocyanins.

The healing properties of parts of honeysuckle

Fruits during pregnancy and not only are recommended for use with:

  • edema;
  • exhaustion;
  • fevers;
  • loss of appetite.

Edible honeysuckle is also an excellent diuretic, but if used incorrectly, it can cause significant harm to the body. However, there are more advantages from eating a juicy fruit than disadvantages. The berry helps prevent atherosclerosis. The fruits are excellent for strengthening the immune system.

What else are they used for? Berries are a natural first aid kit for many diseases:

  • obesity;
  • anemia;
  • constipation;
  • hypertension;
  • glaucoma;
  • colds;
  • malaria.

There are practically no contraindications for admission. One handful of fruits a day is enough to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. An infusion of dried or fresh berries will improve digestion and reduce fever during acute respiratory infections, sore throats and flu.

Decoctions and infusions

Not only honeysuckle berries are useful for the body, but also jam, jam or compote made from them. Roots, leaves, flowers and bark are used for the production of infusions and decoctions, there are contraindications, but if everything is done correctly, the effect will be good. You can use parts of honeysuckle both externally and internally.

For the health of the body, honeysuckle has been used for a long time. She was known even during Avicenna's lifetime. During World War II, the plant was used to create dressings. With the help of a decoction made from the branches, gastric disorders and dysentery were treated. The harm from taking the drug is noted only if it is used incorrectly.

Both infusions and compresses have healing properties. They slow down aging, help get rid of ulcers, eczema and shingles.

Bitter honeysuckle, the beneficial properties of which are beyond doubt, is used to treat the kidneys and urinary tract during pregnancy and beyond. In this case, the broth should be taken orally. With conjunctivitis and sore throat, wash the eyes with infusion and rinse the throat. It is useful to use the infusion for gastrointestinal disorders, since it is able to normalize the stool.

Useful properties of honeysuckle (video)

Applying bark and fresh juice

There are also medicinal substances in the bark. Baths based on it help with gout, rheumatism and other skin diseases. The broth can also be used to rinse the hair. In this case, they will start to grow faster.

A decoction from the bark is taken orally during an illness of the urinary system, with edema and diarrhea. It's easy to prepare it:

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of minced bark or honeysuckle leaves.
  2. Pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over.
  3. Wait 2 hours.

Reception: 3 times a day before meals, 2 tablespoons.

The broth can be used for digestive disorders, colitis, sore throat. For cooking, take 20 grams of crushed bark. A glass of water is added to it. Cook for 15 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and filtered. The remedy should be taken in a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. The harm from the product is noted only if used incorrectly.

What is the plant sap used for? With the help of it, all sorts of skin diseases are treated. Just lubricate the affected areas with juice.

A little more about the fruits

The fruit is also great for weight loss. Nutritionists say that sometimes you should create fasting days for yourself, on which it is customary to eat only honeysuckle.

How else can honeysuckle help?

The medicinal properties of the plant are actively used for:

  • cure dropsy (decoction of roots and branches);
  • from gout and rheumatism (baths from the branches of a young plant);
  • infusion of leaves is an excellent diuretic;
  • the medicinal properties of berries help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, with indigestion, increased blood pressure, anemia;
  • the healing properties of berries help to strengthen the walls of the capillaries.

Berry harm

The harm from honeysuckle manifests itself only if it is misused. In view of this, before using the fruits, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Use for small children

Honeysuckle can be given to children. There are contraindications in this case, but not much. So, the use of too large a dose can provoke the appearance of secondary erythrocytosis. In small children, in some cases, stool disorder and diathesis are observed.

Honeysuckle during pregnancy

The plant is approved for use during pregnancy. However, it is worthwhile to act carefully in this case. Despite the medicinal properties of honeysuckle, you can consume no more than 30 grams of berries per day. In some cases, they are ground with sugar. If the plant is consumed as a grated berry, anemia and high blood pressure can be avoided during pregnancy.

A decoction of the leaves of the plant is used to treat the common cold and sore throat. For pregnant women, the reception changes somewhat - the sinuses or throat are treated with a decoction. It is important that in this case the agent does not enter the body.

Use for weight loss

Honeysuckle can also be used for weight loss. Berries are useful both after heat treatment and without it. When they are included in the daily diet, the secretion of gastric juice is significantly improved. Among other things, salts of heavy metals begin to be excreted from the body, and the walls of the vessels are strengthened.

Fresh and frozen honeysuckle is actively used for weight loss. Berries also help to recover from a serious illness. One cup of fresh fruit contains your daily requirement for iron and B vitamins.

Honeysuckle for diabetes

With diabetes, honeysuckle berries will also be of invaluable help. In addition, it is recommended to use them for joint diseases and metabolic disorders.

Harm from fruits and berries with a disease can be noted only in one case - if you are carried away. Therefore, it is necessary to act without fanaticism within reasonable limits.

Expert opinion

For children and during pregnancy, use honeysuckle with caution. It is important to consider the likelihood of developing a fetal allergy. It often looks like a rash (despite the fact that in practice the leaves of the plant are used to treat skin conditions). Using decoctions and infusions, it is also worth observing the norm.

Contraindications- individual intolerance to the substances of honeysuckle and the fact that the remedy has a strong diuretic and choleretic effect. If pregnant, consult a doctor before use.

Honeysuckle: planting and care (video)

The harm from honeysuckle is observed only if it is used incorrectly.

Honeysuckle, which has many beneficial properties, is popular with healthy people. It is recognized in folk and official medicine, cosmetology, cooking and even landscape design. Some of the health benefits of honeysuckle during pregnancy are very relevant.

Honeysuckle is a tall, beautiful bush that can be found in forests, parks, and summer cottages. About 250 of its species are known. Depending on the species, the color of the berries can be different. If the berries of the plant are orange or red, they cannot be eaten - they are poisonous. And the blue, dull, blueberry-like fruits are healthy and tasty.

Honeysuckle contains many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances:

  • organic acids (malic, oxalic, citric, succinic) - are involved in digestion and metabolic processes;
  • pectins and tannins - remove toxins from the body and eliminate the influence of harmful microorganisms;
  • esters - natural immunomodulators and antioxidants;
  • glycosides - regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, reduce blood pressure;
  • bioflavonoids - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase resistance to diseases, slow down the growth of tumors;
  • vitamin C - helps a weakened immune system to fight viral infections;
  • silicon - strengthens blood vessels, bones and cartilage, nails and hair, prevents skin fading.

One glass of fresh or dried honeysuckle fruit contains the daily requirement of iron and B vitamins, which makes it possible to recommend honeysuckle for pregnant women.

Doctors allow the use of honeysuckle during pregnancy as a useful and general tonic, but not more than 30 grams per day. The substances contained in it have a positive effect on both the expectant mother and the baby in the womb.

Honeysuckle fruits have a diuretic effect. Thanks to this, the use of honeysuckle helps to reduce the swelling that many expectant mothers suffer in the second half of pregnancy. In addition, berries can be used to treat and prevent kidney disease. The presence of fiber and pectins in the composition helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation - another common problem in the second and third trimesters.

Most often, pregnant women are advised to use honeysuckle in the form of fresh berries, infusions and drinks from dried fruits. Alcohol tincture of honeysuckle is used for joint diseases, while pregnancy is not a contraindication. Honeysuckle tincture does not have a specific effect on the body of pregnant women.

Honeysuckle should not be consumed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • low pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

If you eat too many of the plant's berries, you may experience stomach pains, skin rashes, diarrhea, or cramps.

The area of ​​application of honeysuckle is wide.

Honeysuckle is a good cosmetic product, which is why it is often used in folk “recipes for krastota”:

  • decoction of the stems treats acne and acne;
  • face masks saturate the skin with vitamins;
  • rinsing with broth strengthens the hair.

From berries, flowers, leaves and branches of the plant, infusions are prepared, which are used not only inside. They are used to lubricate wounds, bites or irritations on the skin, as well as gargle and rinse the nose.

Honeysuckle berries are eaten fresh - this is how they bring the most benefits. In addition, they are frozen, dried, preparations are made for the winter: jam, jelly, compotes are cooked, and ground with sugar.

The fruits of the plant are suitable for preparing compote, decoction and infusion. They quench thirst and help with swelling. It is this property that makes it possible to recommend honeysuckle during pregnancy.


  • broth - 20 grams of dry berries, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 4 hours;
  • compote - pour the berries with water and sugar and cook in a water bath for 20 minutes;
  • infusion - pour a tablespoon of bark with boiling water and let it brew.

Honeysuckle during pregnancy, when used correctly, is very beneficial. If you follow the norm and the doctor's recommendations, the expectant mother will receive excellent vitamin support for herself and her baby.

Honeysuckle, which has many beneficial properties, is popular with healthy people. It is recognized in folk and official medicine, cosmetology, cooking and even landscape design. Some of the health benefits of honeysuckle during pregnancy are very relevant.

Properties and composition of the plant

Honeysuckle is a tall, beautiful bush that can be found in forests, parks, and summer cottages. About 250 of its species are known.

Depending on the species, the color of the berries can be different. If the berries of the plant are orange or red, they cannot be eaten - they are poisonous.

And the blue, dull, blueberry-like fruits are healthy and tasty.

Vitamins and other plant components

Honeysuckle contains many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances:

  • organic acids (malic, oxalic, citric, succinic) - are involved in digestion and metabolic processes;
  • pectins and tannins - remove toxins from the body and eliminate the influence of harmful microorganisms;
  • esters - natural immunomodulators and antioxidants;
  • glycosides - regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, reduce blood pressure;
  • bioflavonoids - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase resistance to diseases, slow down the growth of tumors;
  • vitamin C - helps a weakened immune system to fight viral infections;
  • silicon - strengthens blood vessels, bones and cartilage, nails and hair, prevents skin fading.

Honeysuckle variety with orange berries used as an ornamental plant

One glass of fresh or dried honeysuckle fruit contains the daily requirement of iron and B vitamins, which makes it possible to recommend honeysuckle for pregnant women.

Is honeysuckle possible during pregnancy

Doctors allow the use of honeysuckle during pregnancy as a useful and general tonic, but not more than 30 grams per day. The substances contained in it have a positive effect on both the expectant mother and the baby in the womb.

Honeysuckle berries are one of the first to ripen - you can eat them already in late May-early June

The benefits of berries in the early and late stages

Honeysuckle fruits have a diuretic effect. Thanks to this, the use of honeysuckle helps to reduce the swelling that many expectant mothers suffer in the second half of pregnancy.

In addition, berries can be used to treat and prevent kidney disease.

The presence of fiber and pectins in the composition helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation - another common problem in the second and third trimesters.

Alcohol tincture of honeysuckle is used for joint diseases, while pregnancy is not a contraindication.

Honeysuckle tincture does not have a specific effect on the body of pregnant women.

Contraindications and possible harm during pregnancy

Honeysuckle should not be consumed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • low pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

If you eat too many of the plant's berries, you may experience stomach pains, skin rashes, diarrhea, or cramps.

Areas of use

The area of ​​application of honeysuckle is wide.


Honeysuckle is a good cosmetic product, which is why it is often used in folk “recipes for krastota”:

  • decoction of the stems treats acne and acne;
  • face masks saturate the skin with vitamins;
  • rinsing with broth strengthens the hair.

From berries, flowers, leaves and branches of the plant, infusions are prepared, which are used not only inside. They are used to lubricate wounds, bites or irritations on the skin, as well as gargle and rinse the nose.


Honeysuckle berries are eaten fresh - this is how they bring the most benefits. In addition, they are frozen, dried, preparations are made for the winter: jam, jelly, compotes are cooked, and ground with sugar.

Photo Gallery: Honeysuckle Desserts

Honeysuckle compote has a diuretic effect

Honeysuckle drinks

The fruits of the plant are suitable for preparing compote, decoction and infusion. They quench thirst and help with swelling. It is this property that makes it possible to recommend honeysuckle during pregnancy.


  • broth - 20 grams of dry berries, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 4 hours;
  • compote - pour the berries with water and sugar and cook in a water bath for 20 minutes;
  • infusion - pour a tablespoon of bark with boiling water and let it brew.

Photo Gallery: Honeysuckle Drinks

Honeysuckle compote quenches thirst and refreshes Honeysuckle tea has a diuretic effect Assorted honeysuckle compote saturates the body with vitamins

: how to make honeysuckle jam

Reviews of pregnant women

Honeysuckle during pregnancy, when used correctly, is very beneficial. If you follow the norm and the doctor's recommendations, the expectant mother will receive excellent vitamin support for herself and her baby.

  • Elina Rozhko
  • Print

Source: http://zhdumalisha.ru/beremennost/mozhno-li-beremennyim-zhimolost.html

In Japan, since ancient times, these berries have been considered a golden means of eternal youth and longevity.

In Russia, they have been used for a long time as an element of the decoration of parks and gardens, and their healing properties were discovered only at the end of the 16th century. It's about honeysuckle.

What valuable qualities does it possess and how does it affect the body during pregnancy?

Unknown berry

Recently, an increasing number of scientists, on the basis of many experiments, are inclined to believe that berries are the most useful food product for the human body.

Honeysuckle is not a favorite of many. Some residents of Russia have not only not tried this unprepossessing at first glance blue fruit, but even hear its name for the first time.

Honeysuckle is a shrub that sometimes reaches two meters in height. Kamchatka, Eastern Siberia and Asia are considered its homeland, but today this useful and unpretentious plant is grown in all regions of Russia.

The Japanese consider honeysuckle to be a berry of eternal youth and longevity.

In modern horticulture, there are approximately 200 varieties of this plant. Edible honeysuckle, Turchaninov's honeysuckle, Altai honeysuckle and some others are considered suitable for food.

Their berries are oval in shape with a pronounced homogeneous structure and a dense skin, which is covered with a bluish bloom.

But there are also round fruits, colored in bright orange or red (wolf berries), they are not edible.

The taste and chemical composition of honeysuckle depends on the variety and place of growth of the shrub.

Berries can be sweet, with a pleasant sourness, sour, and some have an original bitterness.

Grown in a dry and rather hot climate, the fruits of the plant are most often bitter, but in humid climates they acquire a sweetish taste.

Nutritional value of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle fruits are a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements, biologically active components.

The chemical composition of honeysuckle in comparison with other berries - table

In terms of the content of nutrients, honeysuckle is in no way inferior to berries popular in Russia, and in some indicators even surpasses them.

In addition, expectant mothers often experience allergic reactions to cherries and strawberries, and subsequently to their babies.

In this case, purple fruits can replace allergenic sources of vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of honeysuckle for the human body

Honeysuckle attracted attention for its exceptional nutritional and medicinal properties.

Honeysuckle berries - a source of vitamins and minerals

Due to the extensive list of biologically active substances, honeysuckle has been used for a long time as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in folk medicine.

For the first time, mention of the healing qualities of these fruits was found in ancient Chinese manuscripts, which describe the ability of the plant to help in the fight against dysentery, tuberculosis, and also to stop the action of poisons.

After the collapse of the USSR, no one is engaged in serious scientific work in this area in Russia. But in the countries of Europe, Canada, Japan, such studies are being conducted quite successfully.

From the point of view of doctors, leaves, buds, inflorescences and bark of a bush also have a healing effect.

  1. The first special benefit of this amazing berry is its early ripening. When the trees are still blooming, and the garden strawberries are just gaining color, the fruits of honeysuckle appear on the branches of the bush, protecting against vitamin deficiency. Usually this period begins in late May - early June.
  2. Not so long ago, researchers found specific compounds in the composition of berries that have the ability to remove radionuclides, toxic elements, heavy metals and other harmful substances. This is especially true for residents of large metropolitan areas.
  3. It is important to note that doctors, together with scientists, have established a high level of antioxidant activity in honeysuckle.
  4. Due to its astringent properties, the fruits of the plant are used for diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive system.
  5. According to experts, the anthocyanins, which are part of honeysuckle, improve the circulation of blood and tissue fluids in the retina, thereby helping to fight inflammation and fatigue of the organ of vision. They are invaluable for those people who constantly work at the computer.
  6. The effect of purple berries on the cardiovascular system is enormous. They are able to improve blood circulation, make the walls of blood vessels and capillaries more elastic, lower pressure and raise the level of iron in the body.
  7. Honeysuckle has been considered an excellent folk remedy for dizziness and headaches for a long time.
  8. The fruits of this plant are also significant for those people who suffer from diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as they have a choleretic effect.
  9. Decoctions or infusions can be prepared from the leaves of the shrub, which are successfully used to treat and prevent inflammatory processes, have an antimicrobial effect and can prevent and reduce the appearance of edema. The same means gargle with sore throat and stomatitis, and with conjunctivitis, rub the eyes.
  10. Juice, infusion and decoction of leaves, fruits and flowers have disinfecting properties, therefore it is effective in the treatment of skin diseases and injuries: burns, injuries, acne, eczema and psoriasis.

On the unique properties of honeysuckle for early and late pregnancy

According to doctors, honeysuckle has a positive effect on the body of a woman carrying a child due to its diverse composition. It is possible to distinguish such predominant features of the plant in a difficult period of pregnancy.

  1. Purple fruits are used as a fortifying agent, since, according to doctors, they serve as an additional source of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals.
  2. The ability to reduce blood pressure is an important property of honeysuckle for expectant mothers, because a large number of pregnant women face hypertension.
  3. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may occur during gestation. The presence of fiber, pectins in the composition of berries helps to increase gastric secretion, improve digestion, prevent constipation, and stimulate appetite.
  4. The second and third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of edema in expectant mothers. According to doctors, honeysuckle has a strong diuretic effect, which can alleviate this problem, as well as be used in the treatment and prevention of kidney disease.
  5. Prevention of anemia with the use of honeysuckle is possible due to the inclusion of iron in the composition of the berries.
  6. The beneficial effect on immunity allows using the plant to fight colds and viral infections, which are especially common in the cold season.

A decoction of honeysuckle leaves has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping a pregnant woman to cope with colds and SARS

Ways to preserve valuable qualities

Unfortunately, our summer is very short, and the period when the garden pleases with fresh fruits is even shorter. Therefore, people have long learned to preserve the gifts of nature in various ways, trying to preserve their healing properties as much as possible.

Juices, preserves, jams are prepared from honeysuckle, berries are dried and frozen. If the processing was carried out correctly, many of the beneficial substances of the berries retain their biological activity.

Honeysuckle juice

Honeysuckle juice has a very beautiful dark ruby ​​color.

It can be prepared using a regular juicer, hand press, or heavy cloth.

During pregnancy, to get a drink, you need to take no more than 30-50 g of berries, provided that you will not eat fresh fruits that day.

Honeysuckle juice can be combined with other juices, less pronounced in color, but no less useful

In the juice, vitamins are preserved as much as possible, especially of group B. It is better to drink it immediately after preparation, since vitamin C is rapidly destroyed under the influence of oxygen.

Jam and jam

Honeysuckle preserves and jams are a favorite delicacy. And in this form, many people like the berry more than fresh. Especially if it's a five-minute jam.

When you cook it, the gentle processing mode provides less loss of nutrients than when cooking jam in the usual way.

B vitamins and minerals are perfectly preserved due to the short exposure to high temperatures.

During heat treatment, the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruits do not disappear, which is why the jam from honeysuckle berries during the period of flu and colds can be an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis, ARVI and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Honeysuckle jam perfectly retains its beneficial properties

It is very easy to prepare five-minute jam, but you will be provided with a supply of vitamins and minerals in a difficult winter period. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • honeysuckle - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking technology:

  1. Choose ripe honeysuckle with no signs of spoilage.
  2. Mix them well with the indicated amount of sugar. The fruits can be left intact, or you can grind with a blender (but remember that the finer the product is chopped, the greater the loss of vitamins and minerals).
  3. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Chill the finished jam and pour it into the jars.

Since the heat treatment of this jam is minimal, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

Dried and frozen berries

According to gourmets, frozen honeysuckle melts in the mouth, its skin and pulp completely dissolve on the tongue, and the seeds absolutely do not feel like other berries. This property of purple fruits was appreciated by ice cream producers. In Europe, for example, they began to make a cold dessert with a raspberry-red hue.

When dried, honeysuckle berries retain almost all the beneficial properties

In frozen honeysuckle, after six months, the amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), sugars, pectin and tannins decreases, but acidity increases. Doctors do not recommend it to expectant mothers who suffer from high acidity of the stomach.

Drying berries is a difficult process, if done correctly, the activity of a significant part of biologically valuable substances does not disappear.

The fact is that honeysuckle retains its taste at an air temperature of 300C, and a stronger thermal effect is detrimental to them.

Heating above 400C leads to the destruction of vitamins, organic acids and other useful components.

A fly in the ointment, or the harm of berries

The inclusion of honeysuckle in your diet during pregnancy should be approached carefully. Scientists argue that moderate consumption of berries does not have serious contraindications, but nevertheless, doctors recommend observing the following rules.

  1. If you've never eaten honeysuckle before, then pregnancy is not the best time to experiment. Nobody knows how the body will react to the berry. Therefore, if you really want to try it, it is better to leave the realization of this desire until "better times".
  2. Useful fruits, like various garden and wild crops, can cause allergic reactions. According to research by scientists, honeysuckle does not have as many allergens as strawberries, but for any manifestation of allergies, it is worth excluding it from the diet.
  3. The substances that make up the berries are capable of lowering blood pressure, so people suffering from hypotension need to limit their use or completely exclude them from the list of products.
  4. Unripe fruits can cause indigestion and diarrhea. The same effect can be observed when eating ripe berries in large quantities.
  5. Without the necessary knowledge and experience, never harvest wild honeysuckle on your own in the natural environment.
  6. Doctors do not recommend eating berries with high stomach acidity.

Reviews of women about the use of honeysuckle during pregnancy

Due to its amazing properties, honeysuckle can rightfully be considered a unique plant.

This berry is the first to please us after winter and fills the body of the expectant mother with vitamins, minerals and other substances.

She has no serious contraindications, but before including beneficial fruits in your diet, you should consult a doctor. Health to you and your unborn baby!

  • Tatiana Podlegaeva
  • Print

Source: http://babyzzz.ru/pregnancy/16211.html

Honeysuckle during pregnancy

  • 1 Composition
  • 2 Useful properties
  • 3 Precautions
  • 4 Method of administration

Honeysuckle is a product excellent in its medicinal and taste qualities. Sweet and sour berries with a light piquant bitterness will be an excellent helper for the expectant mother in the fight against various ailments themselves.

Honeysuckle will be beneficial for the pathology of the digestive tract, diseases of the kidneys and large vessels.


The homeland of honeysuckle is considered to be the countries of Eastern Europe and the foothills of the Himalayas.

Wild trees can be found everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere (except in areas close to the Arctic Circle).

Currently, honeysuckle is grown in many countries with a temperate climate, including most regions of Russia.

The composition of honeysuckle berries contains the following useful elements:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, P;
  • mineral elements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iodine, zinc, iron;
  • organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, oxalic);
  • sugar (fructose, sucrose, galactose);
  • pectin and tannins.

The calorie content of honeysuckle is no more than 30 kcal per 100 g of product. Sweet and sour berries are considered a dietary food and will benefit all pregnant women.

The energy value of canned berries is much higher and amounts to about 220 kcal.

Beneficial features

Honeysuckle fruits have been used for a long time in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet and sour berries with a slight bitterness have a pronounced astringent, antacid and tonic effect.

Fresh and processed honeysuckle berries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive tract, including:

  • facilitate the digestion of food in the stomach;
  • reduce the production of gastric juice and protect the walls of the organ from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid;
  • increase the production of bile and its movement along the biliary tract;
  • activate the liver;
  • stimulate intestinal peristalsis;
  • cleanse the body of toxins.

Unlike many other berries, honeysuckle has an astringent and antacid effect, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and alleviates the condition of a woman.

A handful of sweet and sour berries in the morning will help to cope with nausea and vomiting, increase appetite and make it easier to digest other foods. You can eat fresh berries with sugar, make jam or compote from them - everything will benefit the expectant mother.

Fresh honeysuckle berries are indicated for edema in late pregnancy. Honeysuckle compote will help remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate swelling of the hands and feet.

Fresh berries have a diuretic and antiseptic effect, as well as relieve intoxication and stimulate the body's defenses to fight infection.

Other beneficial properties of honeysuckle:

  • stimulates the production of collagen in the skin (improves the condition of the skin and reduces the risk of stretch marks during pregnancy);
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the vascular wall and stimulates blood circulation in small vessels (including the placenta);
  • has a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • stimulates immunity;
  • has a calming and sedative effect, prevents the development of insomnia.

Honeysuckle is rich in B vitamins (including B9 - folic acid), provitamin A and ascorbic acid.

The vitamin complex, which is part of fresh berries, creates conditions for a favorable course of pregnancy from the moment of conception to the very birth.

Honeysuckle will also be beneficial after the birth of a child during lactation (provided that it is well tolerated).

Precautionary measures

Overeating honeysuckle can cause stool to rupture up to diarrhea with severe abdominal pain and flatulence.

Pregnant women should not get too carried away with fresh and canned berries. Half a glass a day is enough to meet the body's need for vitamins and other nutrients.

If the berries are well tolerated, the proportion of honeysuckle in the diet can be gradually increased.

Method of use

Fresh berries are the best choice for a pregnant woman. Frozen honeysuckle retains almost all of its useful properties and can be used for making fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Fresh and frozen berries also serve as a filling for pies, are used as an additive to cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks. You can add honeysuckle to a variety of fruit and berry salads and desserts.

Honeysuckle is the first berry that ripens in garden plots at the very beginning of summer. With a reasonable approach, sweet and sour berries will become a valuable source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the favorable development of the fetus.

obstetrician-gynecologist Ekaterina Sibileva

Source: http://spuzom.com/zhimolost-pri-beremennosti.html

Is honeysuckle possible during pregnancy: contraindications and beneficial properties of berries in the late and early stages + photos and reviews

Pregnancy for a woman is an exciting time. Nine months are filled with worries about their own health and the state of the developing baby.

Honeysuckle has many medicinal properties, but how safe is it while waiting for a baby?

Why is honeysuckle so useful?

Honeysuckle is a blue or dark blue juicy berry. They can taste sweet, sour or bitter.

You can enjoy the fruits of honeysuckle in mid-June

The nutritional value of honeysuckle berries is only 40 kcal. They are rich in minerals, fruits contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins.

Honeysuckle has many medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antibacterial;
  • pain reliever;
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • fortifying;
  • tonic.

The listed properties have a significant effect on the human body.

  1. Vitamin C protects blood vessels, normalizes a person's condition, gives strength, vigor, and improves mood. For colds, it can help reduce fever and strengthen immunity.
  2. Honeysuckle contains another vitamin - vitamin A, which is responsible for proper metabolism and normalization of vision.
  3. Strengthening of blood vessels occurs due to the action of vitamin R.
  4. Silicon is responsible for the absorption of calcium and prevents tooth decay.
  5. For hypertension and regular headaches, fruits can help normalize blood pressure and neutralize side effects, including nosebleeds.
  6. With daily consumption of berries, digestion improves.
  7. Honeysuckle acts as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

It is important to note that most of the healing properties of honeysuckle are preserved even in dried berries, which are almost as useful as fresh ones.

Honeysuckle in the diet of the expectant mother in the early and late stages

The use of honeysuckle should be approached wisely. Pregnant women are advised to eat 30 g of berries per day. If desired, you can grind them with sugar, cook compote, jam or preserves from them.

Honeysuckle is a source of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the expectant mother and fetus

Honeysuckle is beneficial for expectant mothers for a number of reasons.

  1. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman is overcome by an unpleasant sensation of nausea - toxicosis. It is accompanied by an exacerbation of the sense of smell and impaired appetite. Expectant mothers may feel dizzy. Honeysuckle is able to normalize metabolism and relieve unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.
  2. In the last trimester, a pregnant woman is worried about heartburn. Honeysuckle can be used as a means of neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which is part of gastric juice. For this purpose, berries can be eaten on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, a woman's immunity is weakened, which increases the likelihood of contracting ARVI. Honeysuckle is a good prevention of viral infections and a folk remedy for the treatment of colds.
  4. Berries help the expectant mother to normalize blood pressure, digestion, kidney and circulatory system, which are under increased stress during all 9 months of pregnancy.

Contraindications and restrictions on use

According to doctors, if there is honeysuckle without exceeding the norms, then there will be no negative consequences for the body. However, it should be borne in mind that when eating a large number of fruits, negative reactions may appear.

  1. Although honeysuckle is considered a low-allergenic berry and is recommended for allergy sufferers, there is still a risk of developing reactions. If you have never tasted these fruits before pregnancy and do not know how your body will react to them, then it is better not to risk it.
  2. With gastritis, ulcers of the digestive system, the use of honeysuckle should be abandoned.
  3. Honeysuckle lowers blood pressure, making it unsafe for women suffering from hypotension.

Before consuming honeysuckle during pregnancy, be sure to consult with your gynecologist

However, you should not use honeysuckle before bedtime, these berries have a very strong diuretic properties.

Honeysuckle recipes for pregnant women

The pleasant taste of honeysuckle is used in cooking.

It is added to a variety of dishes, but it is most widely used in the preparation of desserts.

But the period of time when you can enjoy the berry is very short, so the fruits are dried and canned to be able to eat them all 12 months of the year.

Honeysuckle compote for the winter

Honeysuckle can be used to make a delicious compote. Thanks to its sour taste, it is an excellent thirst quencher.

Honeysuckle compote will delight you throughout the winter

In order to prepare honeysuckle compote, you must follow these steps.

  1. Wash and dry the berries.
  2. Boil the syrup: boil 1 liter of water with 400 g of sugar for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour 2/3 of the jar with berries, then pour in the syrup.
  4. Close the jars with lids, sterilize for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Roll up.

Sugar-coated berries

This is a great recipe for preserving whole honeysuckle berries so that you can indulge yourself in their wonderful taste in winter. Would need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

A Simple Recipe for Canning Whole Honeysuckle Berries

  1. Honeysuckle berries gently, trying not to crush, mix with 1 kg of sugar.
  2. Put the mixture in glass jars, cover with the remaining sugar and close with nylon lids. Keep refrigerated.

Many have heard of the medicinal properties of honeysuckle berries. But, few people know that there are more than 250 species of this plant in the world and only a few of them are suitable for consumption and have medicinal properties. These species grow on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Eastern Siberia.

The fruits of this climbing shrub are consumed only if they are black and blue. Various sweets are prepared from them, all kinds of alcoholic tinctures and drinks are made, they are widely used as a medicine in alternative medicine and are used as ornamental plants for landscaping gardens and parks.

What is honeysuckle?

Honeysuckle is a perennial plant. It is a rather tall, curly, evergreen shrub, sometimes reaching a height of 2.5 meters. Honeysuckle is prized for its unique biochemical composition and many gardeners cultivate this crop for medicinal purposes.

Edible honeysuckle differs from its poisonous "counterparts" in the color of the fruit. They are dark blue and black. The taste is reminiscent of blueberries with a spicy bitterness. Some artificially bred varieties of this plant taste like strawberries and pineapple.

All usable species are descended from Kamchatka honeysuckle, here are some of them: Leningrad Giant, Avacha, Souvenir, Amphora, Malvina, Nymph and others.

In the Far East, this is the first early berry. The plant can withstand extremely low temperatures and its chemical composition changes depending on the climate in which it grows.

It is noteworthy that one bush can bring from 2 to 5 kg of harvest.

The fruiting season is not long, and the disadvantage is that the berries, when ripe, quickly crumble. The shelf life of freshly harvested honeysuckle is also very short. After two days, the berry begins to deteriorate, so it should be processed as soon as possible.

Chemical composition and calorie content

To date, the study of edible honeysuckle and its chemical composition is still being carried out. Full research has brought us information about the beneficial substances in the fruits of this plant, but flowers, leaves and shoots have not yet been fully studied. They are known to contain tannins, saponins and flavonoids.

As for the fruits of the plant, it can be noted that the taste depends on the ratio of the content of organic acids and sugars in them, which, in turn, depend on the area of ​​growth of the plant.

Honeysuckle fruits are low in calories. Energy value is only 42.5 kcal.

Below is the chemical composition of the plant per 100 g of fruit.


  • B1 and B2 - 0.018 mg each;
  • C - 30 mg;
  • A - 50 mcg;
  • B9 - 102 mg;
  • Beta-Carotene - 0.3 mg;
  • Complex of P-active polyphenols - 1856 mg.

Trace elements:

  • Copper, Strontium, Aluminum - 90 mcg each;
  • Iron - 0.8 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.09 mg;
  • Iodine - 1 mcg.


  • Sodium and Phosphorus - 35 mg each;
  • Magnesium - 21 mg;
  • Silicon -10 mg;
  • Calcium - 19 mg;
  • Potassium - 70 mg.
  • Sahara;
  • Organic acids;
  • Polyphenols;
  • Pectin substances;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils.

Beneficial features

Based on its rich biochemical composition, edible honeysuckle is used as an effective remedy for various diseases. It is a powerful immunomodulator that allows you to normalize all processes in the body. Eating only 200 grams of honeysuckle fruits covers the daily requirement of essential vitamins, macro and microelements.

Let's consider the most significant properties of edible honeysuckle:

  • It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. They are used for colds such as ARVI and ARI. Means made on the basis of the plant relieve fever and cough, also eliminate inflammation;
  • Antihistamine . Often used for skin rashes and dermatitis;
  • The B vitamins and ascorbic acid included in the composition affect the improvement of brain activity;
  • Contains a number of vitamins and minerals that are needed for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These include vitamins B1, A and C, as well as minerals - potassium, calcium and magnesium;
  • Acts as an effective enterosorbent capable of removing toxins from the body;
  • Used as an antidepressant. Honeysuckle relieves stress, anxiety, irritation and;
  • It is a prophylactic agent against cardiovascular diseases. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol;
  • Honeysuckle essential oil is used in aromatherapy and massage;
  • It is used in cosmetology to create various antibacterial and anti-aging masks, creams and lotions.

The use of honeysuckle in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, almost all parts of honeysuckle are used to treat. Teas, decoctions, tinctures, compresses and lotions are made from flowers, leaves, roots and bark. Juices, compotes, mashed potatoes, preserves are made from berries, and they are also dried and frozen. Also, all parts of honeysuckle are used in the manufacture of cosmetics at home.

Infusions and decoctions of honeysuckle leaves and flowers help with a number of diseases:

  • Helps with gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea;
  • Used to treat the genitourinary system as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic;
  • It is used as a gargle for stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Decoction of shoots and bark used mainly externally:

  • For washing the eyes with conjunctivitis;
  • Use as mouth and throat rinse;
  • As a hair rinse to prevent seborrhea;
  • The broth is used to treat dermatitis, wounds and ulcers;
  • Added to baths for the treatment of joint diseases and radiculitis.

Honeysuckle fruit have a very wide range of applications in alternative medicine. Here is some of them:

  • Bradycardia, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension and hypotension;
  • Avitaminosis, decreased immunity, anemia;
  • Dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, obesity, flatulence, metabolic disorders, low acidity;
  • Diseases of the urinary system;
  • Colds, acute respiratory infections, asthma;
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system associated with joints;
  • With psoriasis and eczema;
  • For problems with the liver and gallbladder;
  • With diabetes.

For skin diseases

Honeysuckle has been successfully used in the treatment of skin lesions. Since the plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and anti-allergic effect, the prepared decoctions, compresses and other dosage forms effectively help in the fight against acne and allergic rashes, eczema, psoriasis, lichen, atopic and contact dermatitis. Also, honeysuckle is used for burns and frostbite, since its beneficial properties contribute to the early healing of wounds.

For the treatment of skin pathologies, it is used fresh juice from honeysuckle. For cooking, it is necessary to squeeze juice from 250 g of fruit. Moisten a gauze bandage folded several times and apply to problem areas for 15-20 minutes.

Also, you can rub the juice into problem areas. The procedures are recommended to be repeated three to eight times a day for two weeks.

With ailments of the cardiovascular system

Various diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypertension and atherosclerosis, are most often associated with impaired lipid metabolism and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This impairs blood circulation, leads to the formation of blood clots and puts a negative strain on the heart.

Honeysuckle copes with this problem, thanks to the content of useful biologically active substances that can dissolve cholesterol plaques and remove “bad” cholesterol from the body.

For the treatment of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to use infusion of honeysuckle berries. To do this, pour 250 grams of fresh or frozen berries with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to brew for 4 hours in a jar under a tightly closed lid (you can use a thermos). Consume 80 ml 3 times a day.

Honeysuckle is used as a natural enterosorbent capable of removing toxins from the body. This is especially important in the treatment of liver pathologies, since it is the main “filter” in the body, which passes all the blood through itself, cleansing it of toxins, heavy metals and other substances that negatively affect the body. And as you know, "filters" also need to be cleaned. For the prevention of liver diseases, you can use compotes, fruit drinks and honeysuckle jam. The beneficial properties of the plant do not disappear during heat treatment.

In order to normalize liver function they use a decoction of dried fruits of honeysuckle. To do this, take 100 grams of dried berries and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. Insist for 3 hours and consume 150 ml 1 hour before each meal.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, various parts of honeysuckle are used. For example, fruits contribute to the weakening of the intestines, while the bark and leaves, on the contrary, have a strengthening effect. Also, berries improve digestion and help get rid of intestinal infections due to their antibacterial action.

In order to eliminate pain in the stomach and intestines, take tincture of honeysuckle twigs and leaves... To do this, chop the leaves and branches. 1 tsp crushed raw materials are poured with 250 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Then filter and take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.

For colds

Due to its high content of vitamin C, honeysuckle has a positive effect in the treatment of colds, as well as in their prevention. The plant is used in various forms. For example, a decoction of flowers is used as a gargle for sore throat. Berry juice is used for rhinitis by instilling it into the nose, and inhalation is done based on the oil extract.

All acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are accompanied by inflammatory processes and intoxication, which honeysuckle effectively copes with. When treating sore throat, it is recommended to drink decoction of leaves... To do this, you need to take 50 grams of crushed raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Then bring to a boil over low heat and let cool. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day. You can also use this broth as a gargle.

With a decrease in immunity

As a general tonic, honeysuckle fruits are used to increase immunity and tone. They contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals required by the body. You can eat berries both fresh and make mashed potatoes, preserves, jams, compotes and vitamin teas from them. Any of the shapes will work. Of course, it will be more useful to eat it raw, but this berry retains its useful properties during heat treatment.

We offer to cook delicious and healthy immunostimulating jelly from honeysuckle.
To do this, we need 1.5 kg of fruits, rinse and cook them, pouring 2 liters of water. After 10 minutes of cooking, add 6 tbsp. sugar and continue to cook. Then we dissolve 70 g of potato starch in cold water and pour into the jelly. Stir and let it boil.

The use of honeysuckle during pregnancy

The fruits of edible honeysuckle are especially useful and are recommended for use by women during the prenatal period and during lactation. The berry is hypoallergenic, and therefore, nursing mothers can introduce it into their diet when the baby is 3 months old.

During pregnancy, the fetus, while developing, receives all the necessary macro and microelements, as well as vitamins. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is especially important, which contributes to the proper formation of the nervous system.

Berries are able to stimulate the mammary glands, thereby improving the production of breast milk. In addition, they relieve stress, fatigue and insomnia, which is extremely important for young mothers.

Also, pregnant women can resort to aromatherapy. The oil extract of the plant perfectly relieves physical and psychological stress and allows you to relax.

During pregnancy, the use or use of various herbs, medicines and products should be agreed with the doctor.


Any medicinal plant, like drugs, can cause a number of negative effects. Honeysuckle also has its own contraindications for use. Should not be used by people with:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Hypotension;
  • Acute and chronic renal failure;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • High acidity;
  • Children under three years old.

Breastfeeding and pregnant women should not consume any part of honeysuckle other than the fruit.

Flowers, leaves, branches can cause intoxication due to the content of a large amount of tannins. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea and allergic skin rashes, as well as fever.

The edible varieties of honeysuckle can be distinguished from the poisonous fruit in color. You can only eat black and blue berries, since red and orange are poisonous.

Honeysuckle has not only excellent taste, but also many medicinal properties. The berries have a sweet taste, but with a sour tint and a slight bitterness. For a pregnant woman, this product will become a real find in the fight against various problems that may arise during this period. It will help fight disorders in the functioning of the digestive system, kidneys and large blood vessels. Honeysuckle can be eaten throughout pregnancy. This applies even to the first and last days.


This berry comes from eastern Europe and the Himalayan foothills. It can be found throughout the northern hemisphere of our planet. The only exceptions will be the areas closest to the Arctic Circle. Trees are grown in many countries with a temperate climate. The berry can be seen in almost all Russian regions. They are rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals.

  • These are vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, P;
  • They also contain useful trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium and zinc.
  • Amber, citric and other organic acids.
  • Fructose and sucrose.
  • Tannins.

Honeysuckle can be called a low-calorie food. It is 30 kcal per 100 g of berries. For pregnant women, honeysuckle is a great snack option. The berries are best consumed fresh. Since canned ones will contain several times more calories. Jam from these berries contains too much sugar. It is contraindicated for people prone to obesity, diabetes and various metabolic disorders.


Since ancient times, honeysuckle berries have been used by traditional healers in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. They act as an astringent and tonic. If you eat fresh honeysuckle, you can get rid of many problems associated with digestion.

  1. Berries help the stomach to digest food.
  2. Protect the stomach from the inside from the strong effects of acid at high acidity. They are able to reduce the formation of gastric juice.
  3. They activate the production of bile in the body and activate its movement.
  4. Promotes the activation of the liver.
  5. Stimulates bowel function.
  6. Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins.

Due to these properties, experts advise regularly using this product for those who suffer from gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system. In the second half of this period, many pregnant women experience heartburn, flatulence, and often constipation. In this case, honeysuckle will also come to the rescue.

In the first months of pregnancy, many are tormented by toxicosis. Honeysuckle berries, due to their astringent and antacid action, will relieve the condition. They normalize the work of the stomach, which will help to improve well-being during this difficult period. Doctors advise eating some of these healthy berries every morning. As a result, food is digested better, nausea disappears, and appetite increases. If the taste seems too sour, you can add a little sugar, boil compote or jam.

If swelling appears in the later stages, honeysuckle will be an irreplaceable assistant in this problem. With edema of the extremities, it is recommended to regularly consume fresh fruit compote. This will promote the removal of excess fluid from the body, as a result of which the swelling will subside.

If you suffer from kidney diseases, then the diuretic property of the product will come to the rescue. With these diseases, you should use fruit drinks and honeysuckle compotes. They will not only act as a diuretic, but will also kill harmful bacteria and help remove toxins from the body. Drinking these drinks will strengthen the body's immune system.

In addition to the above useful properties, honeysuckle has several more:

  1. It activates collagen production. As a result, there will be fewer stretch marks on the body during and after pregnancy.
  2. Normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood flow in the capillaries and placenta.
  4. Relieves inflammation, kills pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Increases the protective functions of the body.
  6. Has a sedative effect, fights insomnia.

The berry is rich in folic and ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin A. This composition of the product helps to ensure the normal operation of all processes in the woman's body throughout the entire period of pregnancy, as well as during lactation.

Precautionary measures

Do not eat berries in large quantities, this can lead to digestive upset and diarrhea. Flatulence may occur, accompanied by severe pain. Do not abuse both fresh and canned berries. In order to get all the benefits of this product and provide yourself with the necessary substances, it is enough to eat a handful of berries a day. If the product is well tolerated, then the portion can be gradually increased.

How to use

Fresh berries will be most useful for pregnant women. It is very convenient to freeze the product and then prepare various drinks from it. When frozen, all the benefits of berries are preserved. In addition to drinks with honeysuckle, you can cook pastries, add to dairy products. It can be a component of desserts or fruit and berry salads.

This berry ripens in the garden earlier than others. It can be eaten at the beginning of summer. The main thing is to use it wisely. In this case, the use of honeysuckle will help the pregnant woman to alleviate most of the problems and inconveniences that arise during this period. In addition, the berry will provide the body with minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the health of the mother and the unborn child.


When picking berries outside your garden, it is very important to be able to distinguish between poisonous and edible plants. Poisonous honeysuckle in nature is much more common than that which is suitable for consumption. If you collect honeysuckle without figuring out in advance how to distinguish an edible berry, there is a risk of causing considerable harm to your health. Never pick poisonous berries.

The main contraindication to the use of honeysuckle is an allergy to the product. It manifests itself in the form of skin rashes. If you have this reaction, you can try eating small amounts of honeysuckle to determine how much is appropriate for you.

It is very important to consult your doctor before consuming berries. This is especially true for pregnant women. Indeed, during this period, a woman is responsible not only for her personal health, but also for the health of the unborn child. If the doctor gave the go-ahead, you can safely eat honeysuckle daily. The main thing is that the daily dose should be moderate. In any case, regular consumption of honeysuckle berries will not only improve the health of the expectant mother and the child growing inside her, but also reduce many of the unpleasant consequences that a woman faces during this wonderful period of her life.

Video: useful properties of honeysuckle