How to paste over an arch with wallpaper: the choice of wallpaper, technology, design. Arch finishing options: materials and technological nuances

Everyone wants to create comfort and coziness in their home. There are many ways to do this. If you decide to renovate your apartment and completely renew its style, one of the options may be to create an arch in the interior openings. The arch visually divides the room into functional zones, it will look beautiful in the openings of rooms adjacent to the kitchen, corridor, living room.

Decorating the arch will help to decorate the interior of the apartment

What are the arches

You can buy an arch ready-made, and then simply mount it at the planned location. In this case, the difficulty will be in the selection of the arch, since it is necessary that it matches the planned design. In this case, the renovation of the apartment should be started with the choice of the arch.

Another option for making an arch is to make and install it yourself. For the manufacture of arches, drywall is used. It is a modern building material, flexible, practical, easy to cut and install. It should also be borne in mind that when moistened, this material can take a curved shape. Plasterboard installation cannot be the final stage. After construction work, the arch is decorated to your liking: pasted over with wallpaper, painted with acrylic paints, finished with tiles or decorative stone to give your apartment a unique look and personality. Before making an arch, you need to decide on its shape. The most common and most commonly used arches:

  1. Classic
  2. Modern
  3. Elliptical
  4. Romantic.

After the installation work on the installation of arches is completed, you can start finishing work. The decoration of the arch must be chosen according to the style in which the rooms are made. One of the most common ways is considered - wallpaper decoration. This method is the simplest, least expensive, because wallpaper can be changed more often than other types of finishes.

Drywall arch

Wallpaper selection

Before proceeding with wallpapering the arch, you need to make the appropriate measurements, calculate the required amount of wallpaper, and purchase glue and brushes. After that, the main task is to choose the right wallpaper.

Considering that the arches are placed in the openings of the transitions from one room to another and there is the most movement of the members of the apartment, the wallpaper in this place will become dirty more often, the walls of the arch will be more susceptible to mechanical stress.

Therefore, it is better to choose a higher quality wallpaper, non-woven or vinyl, so that you can clean them with a damp cloth.

Care should be taken when choosing wallpaper with a pattern. If you want to paste over both the wall of the arch and the inner opening with the same wallpaper, then they should be chosen without a pattern or with a small pattern that does not need to be joined. You can also paste over the inner side of the arch with wallpaper without a pattern to match the main wallpaper or paint it with acrylic paint. Modern wallpaper manufacturers offer an innovation: wallpapers are companions that have different patterns with a common background. When choosing a wallpaper color, you should take into account the color scheme of the room's interior.

Decorating the arch with wallpaper is a simple but stylish option


In order to properly paste over the wallpaper with wallpaper, you need to get acquainted with some rules and try to use them in your work.

Before gluing the wallpaper, putty should be applied to the drywall surface. For plasterboard putty, special dry mixtures are used: cement, gypsum, polymer. Before applying the filler, the surface is covered with a primer. For this, water-soluble mixtures are suitable, which soak only the top layer of plaster, and do not penetrate inside. It is not recommended to use alkyd primers, as they cause deformation of the drywall. If you ignore this step, the putty can peel off, respectively, the wallpaper will peel off. After the primer has dried, all cracks and corners are sealed. Then the plaster and putty are applied alternately to the surface, intermittently to dry each applied layer. The surface is leveled with a putty. Then, when all the applied layers of primer and putty have already dried, the surface is rubbed with sandpaper, removing all irregularities, after which the last layer of putty is applied. Only after the last layer of putty has dried can you proceed to wallpapering.

Now you know what wallpaper you can paste over the arch and how to do it. We really hope that you will be able to cope with the task at hand and there will be no difficulties during the pasting of the arch.

". After all, renovation is a complex emotional event, which many "stretch" for several years. Recently, more and more families are inserting an arch into doorways. This makes the room look more modern and the interior more spacious. How to paste over an arch with wallpaper in a house or apartment? Let us examine such an important question "bit by bit".


Arched structures are home-made and "factory". At the same time, it is pointless to list their advantages and disadvantages, since each specific owner of a living space chooses an arch according to his desire and capabilities.

Decorate a similar design element with:

  • paints;
  • wallpaper;
  • plaster;
  • other finishing materials (tiles, stone, etc.).

For example, a structure pasted over with wallpaper or overlaid with mirror tiles will best "fit" into a classic design. An arch decorated with plaster or wood-like finishing material will look most appropriate in the "loft".

And the Art Nouveau style will complement the arched element, painted with paint or decorated with wallpaper with a geometric print.

It is better to start gluing wallpaper from the side of the window... If there is no such opening in the room or it is far away, then the finishing materials are glued to the arch from left to right.

What finishing materials to choose to glue into the apartment?

In hardware stores, there are several types of moisture-resistant and non-moisture-resistant wallpaper materials:

  1. paper;
  2. vinyl (?);
  3. non-woven (?);
  4. textile;
  5. liquid (and care for them?);
  6. exclusive (metallized, cork, etc.).

To choose the right wallpaper for the arch, do not pay attention only to the price of such rolls. After all, the color, texture and technical characteristics of the finishing material are more important (read how to distinguish different types of wall coverings and determine which is better).

  • The first landmark is color and texture... Wallpaper canvases for an arched structure must completely match in shade and pattern with previously pasted materials. The texture of the new coatings must also match the texture of the old ones.

    If you do not fit the arch into the existing interior, and the goal is to make an independent design element out of it, then it is better to choose materials that differ noticeably in color and texture from the previously pasted canvases.

  • The second reference point is the "ability" of the wallpaper to resist moisture... If the arch is next to a bathroom or kitchen, then this characteristic is very useful.
  • Last, but not least, is durability.... If an arched structure is pasted over with canvases, which is subjected to physical stress, then it is still better to choose more "strong" finishing materials.

Tools for the job

In order for the selected building and finishing materials to beautifully frame the arched structure, you need to choose them thoughtfully, but also use the right tool when gluing.

To work with paper, vinyl, textile and exclusive canvases, you need:

  1. wallpaper glue for gluing a specific type of material (how to cook, use, read where to store the paste);
  2. several brushes of different sizes;
  3. roller for (about why bubbles appear and how to glue wallpaper without swollen areas, read);
  4. scissors;
  5. pencil;
  6. tape measure or long ruler.

If the arched structure will be decorated with liquid wallpaper, then you will need:

  • spatulas made from different materials;
  • trowels;
  • rollers.

In advance, you will need to worry about the "container" in which the silk plaster will be diluted.

Instructions for beginners: how to properly finish an arched structure?

The arched structure is most often made of drywall., but there are wooden models on sale.

But since wood products usually do not require additional design, we will take plasterboard design elements as a basis.

Why putty drywall under the wallpaper and how to do it with our own hands, we told in.

This is done not so much for aesthetics as for leveling the walls, preparing a good "base" for further work.

In addition, if the arch will be pasted over with dense, poorly shaped canvases, then it is recommended to paint the corners of the structure in advance with paint, the tone of which completely coincides with the color of the main material. This will help to hide small "flaws" of the pasting, and make the picture more complete.

How to paste correctly:

  1. the first wallpaper sheet measured along the length is glued next to the material previously glued on the wall - end-to-end or overlap (?);
  2. the second canvas, cut along the arch with a margin of 5-10 cm, is glued next to the first;
  3. the third and subsequent strips of wallpaper are glued in the same way.

It is difficult to give the newly glued building and finishing materials the desired shape, because the canvases impregnated with glue tear when interacting with scissors. therefore first, the glue is allowed to dry, and only then the excess is cut off from the wallpaper.

Then the surplus is cut off from each wallpaper sheet, but a stock of 2-3 centimeters remains. This allowance along the entire length is notched with short, vertical lines, which are separated by a distance of 4-5 cm.

This is done so that any wallpaper sheets can be easily glued to the inside of the arch.

The next stage is the design of the inner part of the arched structure.... For this:

  1. a strip is cut from the wallpaper along the width of the structure;
  2. the material is glued onto the design element.

Such a strip can be cut into two parts, then docked at the highest part of the arch.


If the corners are pre-painted with paint, then you can cut the wallpaper fragment exactly to the size of the structure, without any stock.

There are several important rules that help to quickly and beautifully decorate the arch, even for those who first started gluing.

  • Rule # 1: Avoid paper canvases.

    Paper wallpaper is the cheapest option for finishing materials. But behind the low price, which is logical, low quality is hidden.

    It is difficult to work with such a building and finishing material, because it does not stick to the "bare" drywall. And several times to paste over the surface, first with white paper or newspapers, and then with paper strips is not particularly rational.

    It is worth decorating the arched structure in the doorway with paper wallpaper if all neighboring walls are covered with the same coating.

  • Rule # 2: don't choose a complex wallpaper pattern.
  • Rule number 3: glue the inside of the arched opening with companion materials.

    In this case, everything is simple: the brighter and more original the print on the canvas, which are glued to the walls, the calmer the so-called interior wallpaper should be. This will help to visually add depth to the arched structure, create a beautiful color transition.

    As companion wallpaper, coverings are usually used, the shade of which is in the same color spectrum with the main wallpaper.

  • Rule # 4: distribute tasks among all family members.

    In order for such a difficult business, connected with the design of an arched opening, to end peacefully, you need to immediately, still “on the shore”, to distribute responsibilities. For example, who glues, who cuts the roll, who removes excess glue, etc.

    If each of the relatives is responsible only for their own scope of work, then things will go faster, and the family atmosphere will remain positive.

An arch installed in a house or apartment transforms the interior, making it more noble and stylish. However, so that this feeling does not disappear immediately after pasting the structure, all recommendations must be taken into account.

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How to paste over an arch with wallpaper.

He writes a lot about how to glue wallpaper on walls or on the ceiling, but how to paste over an arch with wallpaper, there are few places where you can find. Therefore, I decided to tell you in this article how to do it. There are several methods for wallpapering an arch. We will talk about all these methods now.

Sticking wallpaper on the arch. Method 1.

This is how our scheme for gluing wallpaper on the arch will look like. We glue the wallpaper canvases on the wall so that they go over the arched opening.

Without waiting for the wallpaper to dry immediately, cut off the canvas from the back so that it fits into the arched opening by about 5 cm.Then we glue another canvas and cut it off and so on until we glue the entire arch around.

After that, on the canvas that goes into the arched opening, we make many cuts with an assembly knife or scissors. And we bend the edges to the inside of the arch. But for better adhesion, brush the wallpaper glue again onto the canvas.

Then we glue the wallpaper on the inside of the arch. To do this, the blade is cut 10cm wider and longer than it should be. After gluing, cut off the excess.

There are two major drawbacks to this method. One of them is that the canvas that is glued to the inside of the arch will constantly peel off. It will peel off not because he wants it so much, but because the edges of the canvas will constantly touch.

Another disadvantage is that when the web lies on the second, a bulge is formed. Many people do not pay attention to this, but there are people who wish that they did not have this. Then, in this case, read how to paste over the arch in other ways.

Decorating the arch with wallpaper. Method 2.

The second method is to trim the wallpaper at the corners of the arch so that the arched painting corner is visible. This is a corner that is glued to the arch during the puttying process. Here is a photo:

In this method, you must first glue the wallpaper to the inner surface of the arch and trim off the excess. Then the canvases are glued to the outer part of the arch, and the excess is cut off again.

You need to cut off without a margin, and so that the canvas repeats the exact shape of the arch. To make the arched corner better visible, it is necessary to sand the edges of the wallpaper with sanding paper. And this is what you should get:

It is also not a bad method for wallpapering an arch, but it is rarely used. After that, the white corner can be painted in any color.

Finishing the corners of the arch with a plastic flexible corner. Method 3.

Now I will tell you about the simplest and most reliable method of pasting an arch with wallpaper. It consists in glueing the wallpaper on the inside of the arch and cutting off the excess. And glue the wallpaper on the outside of the arch. Then a plastic flexible arched corner is glued to this not very beautiful corner. This is not the one that goes under the putty, but the special one. You can buy it at many major home improvement stores.

Thus, the corner of the arch will look good in you, and you will protect the wallpaper from mechanical damage. The corners will not be damaged or peeled off. And you will make your job much easier.

All these methods of wallpapering the arch have their own advantages and disadvantages. How to decorate your arch is up to you.

How to paste over an arch with wallpaper - technology and design

If your house has an arched doorway or niche, they look very beautiful. But during the next cosmetic repairs, you will surely face the question of how to paste over the arch with wallpaper so that it looks spectacular and neat.

Arched structures give the interior a special style (see Arches in the interior), which can vary depending on the finish. You can decorate them with wood, acrylic mirrors, decorative plaster and, of course, wallpaper. The last option is the simplest and cheapest, but at the same time one of the most common. Unlike other finishes, wallpaper can be changed and varied as often as desired.

Despite the seeming simplicity, wallpapering the arch should be carried out in compliance with certain rules so that the result of the work is pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on how to glue wallpaper on an arch.

Wallpaper selection

It would seem that the question of choosing wallpaper for the arch should not arise at all: what's the difference, what will be the pattern, color, texture? However, it should be remembered that it is quite difficult to dock curved boundaries with each other, and if at the same time it is necessary to combine the drawing, then the task becomes even more complicated.

The shape of the arch is such that it is impossible to match the pattern on its front and side sides. Therefore, if you want to decorate the entire arch with the same wallpaper, choose canvases without a pattern (plain), or with an abstract or small pattern that does not require combination.

It will be easier to choose wallpaper for the arch if its inner surface is pasted over with completely different color-compatible wallpaper or painted. In this case, the pattern on the main wall can be anything, but inside the arch it is better to make it solid.

Now on sale very often you can find companion wallpapers with a common background and different patterns. They are ideal for finishing arched openings. If you use patterned wallpaper for pasting the outer wall, then the arch opening itself can be trimmed with plain or striped wallpaper.

A few words should be said about the quality of the selected wallpaper. If you have an opening between rooms in the form of an arch, then this zone will experience a rather large load.

The walls of the arch must be cleanable and resistant to mechanical stress. This means that paper wallpapers are not suitable here. Better to choose glass wallpaper, bamboo wallpaper, or at least thick non-woven or vinyl, which can be wiped with a damp sponge.

Not so strict requirements for arched niches in the wall, especially if they are located at some distance from the floor.

Work order

If you search on the Internet for an answer to the question of how to paste over an arch with wallpaper, you will come across the same instructions everywhere. It has a right to exist and is quite acceptable for getting acquainted with the technology of this work.

But it seems that this instruction was written several decades ago, when no other types of wallpaper, except paper, existed. In any case, in our country. Many resources even suggest gluing wallpaper on paste.

Pasting the facade of the arch

You will understand what this is about when you read this manual. We will also briefly describe it, because in the case of smooth paper wallpapers, it may well be applied.

  • Getting down to pasting that wall... in which there is an arched opening. calculate that the edge of the last in front of the arch of the canvas is not too close to the opening. The wider the wallpaper strip, the easier it will be for you to work.
  • Glue the next canvas as usual, without cutting it out along the arch... After gluing with sharp scissors, cut off that part of the canvas that went beyond the opening, but not exactly along its contour, but backing off by 2–2.5 cm.
  • NS cut that free strip of wallpaper every 2-3 cm perpendicular to the line of the opening, wrap the resulting tabs inward and glue.
  • Cover the top and the other side of the arched opening in the same way.
  • Measure the depth of the opening and the total length of the arch from one bottom point to the other. Cut a strip of the desired length from the wallpaper, but make it a couple of millimeters less wide. If the arch is very long, make the strip a little longer and cut it in half.
  • Stick the strip in the opening from bottom to top.
  • As you yourself understand, if you fold modern thick or textured wallpapers into the opening, you simply won't be able to stick another layer on them.

    Therefore, experienced finishers answer the question of how to glue the arch with wallpaper, like this:

    • First paint the edges of the arch with paint to match the wallpaper.
    • After it dries, paste over the facade. as described in the first two paragraphs of the instructions. But do not glue the wallpaper inside the opening, but wait until the glue dries, and carefully cut off the excess with a sharp knife, pressing it to the edge of the opening.
    • Cutting out a strip for interior decoration. make it a little wider than necessary. Glue, aligning the factory edge of the wallpaper with one of the edges. And after drying, also carefully cut off the excess paper.

    How to paste over an arch and a doorway with wallpaper in 4 easy steps
    Wallpaper selection

    What should be the wallpaper for the arch. The question is not idle, since the opening is actively used - the edges wear out, crumble, especially if the structure is made of thin drywall. The roof covering must be strong and durable. Suitable options can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • Classic paper. The type includes structural, embossed, smooth, photo wallpaper. Anyone can paste over the arch in the apartment - they are the lightest, do not require a "monolithic" binder to hold the weight of the paper on the arch.
  • Practical washable. This includes silk-screen printing and vinyl varieties - frothy, heavy, flat. They are durable, and a variety of colors allows you to finish the doorway for every taste. With them, the arch looks clean and well-groomed. Decorative corners for framing are best held on such wallpapers.
  • Two-layer - textile, non-woven, bamboo. The first option is paper with a layer of fabric, the second is cellulose and polymer, the third is eco-material and fabric. The latter option requires a special ethnic style of the countries of the East, if the doors are decorated with bamboo wallpaper in rooms that do not correspond to this, then dissonance cannot be avoided. The appearance of the material is impeccable, the structure is durable due to the multi-layer. Absolutely environmentally friendly.
  • The liquid wallpaper. It is quite simple to paste over the arch with them. There are several options - cellulose fibers, decorative plaster. Both types are diluted with water to a certain consistency and are gradually put on the surface of the opening. The advantage is the instant replaceability of a damaged or obsolete area - the piece is simply removed, and a new portion of the liquid mass is put in its place. The disadvantage is that they wear out quickly.
  • The complexity of the choice lies in balancing the decor of the walls and vault - wallpaper with a pattern will not look harmonious in the arch, it is almost impossible to adjust the exact coincidence of the lines. Therefore, it is important to choose plain materials or with small inclusions, for example, companion wallpaper that combines one background and a different pattern. Paste over the arch with wallpaper of this type is the right decision.

    How to do it right

    For the result to please, before starting work, you should prepare tools and materials, as well as prepare the walls and an arched opening. You will need:

    • Tape measure, square, scissors, pencil or marker.
    • Special glue and PVA composition for proportional mixing - glue wallpaper at the doors and inside the vault, you need a reliable mass.
    • Corners - leveling, decorative.
    • Soft brush, roller, spatula.

    Depending on the type of wallpaper, a clean rag may be useful to smooth out the stripes. Stages of work:

    Opening preparation

    In order to properly paste over the wallpaper, the future arch should be carefully prepared. For this, leveling and decorative corners are proposed. The first is a strip of plastic or metal with "petals". It is installed exclusively under plaster, fastened with self-tapping screws or with glue. The second is fixed after finishing the arch.

    The plasterboard structure, before being pasted over with decorative material, is cleaned of dust and covered with base plaster. Without waiting for complete drying, fix the corner, smeared on the inside with glue, rubbing the squeezed out mass over the perforation with a spatula. Steel decor is immediately installed in a dry opening on self-tapping screws, since it has much more weight and will not hold on to one putty.

    It is important not to overdo it with fixing - the caps of the fasteners must be flush with the surface of the arched opening, otherwise the corner will go in waves and a lot of plaster will be required for alignment. The finished surface is covered with a finishing compound and allowed to dry completely. Then they clean the surface with an emery cloth - this is the key to good adhesion of drywall with a primer, glue and wallpaper. Linseed oil is chosen as a base, its layer is given time to absorb and dry.

    Pasting the opening

    First, the adhesive is prepared. Ordinary wallpaper can fail, especially if wallpaper is glued in doorways from above - the arch is facing downward, and the weight of the wet strip is impressive. If the material is selected multi-layer - for example, non-woven, then a mixture of glue with PVA will give a good result. The composition is kneaded in a ratio of 2/1 - two parts of glue, one - PVA and left to stand. When the glue swells and increases in volume, work begins.

    To paste over an arch with wallpaper in an apartment, you will need 2-3 strips of material for a standard size. The process of pasting a wall starts from the windows. The number of sheets should be calculated in such a way that the last one in front of the arch does not reach 25 cm. Now the area is coated with prepared glue, left to soak for 15 minutes. Do the same with a paper strip.

    Important! You cannot cut the opening out of paper right away - there is a risk of not getting into the dimensions at all.

    Glue the strip and cut out the contour of the arch along it, reducing it by 2.5 cm.The edges are trimmed similarly to the arched corner with a step of 3 cm and fixed to the inside. For reliability, smear the arch over the wallpaper with a wide brush. Form the edges with your fingers, even out the shifts. Now you can glue the wallpaper over the door. The second side is decorated in the same way. The openings are left to dry.

    If ordinary paper wallpaper was used, then when it dries, it begins to wrinkle - this is normal. The glue will eventually stretch the canvas. With non-woven fabrics it is more difficult - you cannot grind them, only carefully roll them with a roller.

    Pasting the arch

    It remains to glue the strip to the arch. Its width is 3-5 mm less than its actual size. They act as follows:

  • The inner surface and the strip of wallpaper are coated with glue. Leave them to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  • The strip is fixed at the bottom and carefully guided to the end. If the length is large, that is, there is a risk of bevelling the vault, so it is cut into two parts and the arch is decorated with wallpaper in two stages - the strip joins at the central point of the vault.
  • It is recommended to glue the wallpaper at the baseboards of the doorways to the floor. With a spatula, mark the places of separation, cut off the excess.
  • The work is almost finished. Now it remains to wait until it is completely dry, and then continue to decorate the walls - you may have to re-wallpaper the doorway if the result seems unsatisfactory. But subject to all the rules, alteration is excluded.

    Decorating the arch with a corner

    A thin plastic corner will beautifully frame the arch if you choose it in a contrasting color with the wallpaper. A neutral shade that goes with everything - white. It is not difficult for them to paste over the contours, since the form has already been prepared. For work, use PVA glue or liquid nails of medium fixation - a strong one corrodes plastic, leaves sloppy spots on the surface. To securely fix the corner, masking tape comes in handy - the oiled decor is pressed to the contour and the strips are carefully applied, clinging them to the wall. After drying, remove.

    Thus, you can paste over doorways with wallpaper with anything - fabric, vinyl, even foil-coated metal strip options. It's all about the observance of the technique and the proportions of the adhesive composition.

    03.09.2016 58338

    The least financially expensive way to decorate is to paste over it with wallpaper. The variety of products makes the result attractive. There are difficulties in the process, so it is important to follow the detailed instructions. All about the right choice of material and stages of work - below.

    Wallpaper selection

    What should be the wallpaper? The question is not idle, since the opening is actively used - the edges wear out, crumble, especially if the structure is made of thin drywall. The roof covering must be strong and durable. Suitable options can be classified according to the following criteria:

    1. Classic paper. The type includes structural, embossed, smooth, photo wallpaper. Anyone can paste over the arch in the apartment - they are the lightest, do not require a "monolithic" binder to hold the weight of the paper on the arch.
    2. Practical washable. This includes silk-screen printing and frothy, heavy, flat. They are durable, and a variety of colors allows you to finish for every taste. With them, the arch looks clean and well-groomed. Decorative corners for framing are best held on such wallpapers.
    3. Two-layer - textile, non-woven, bamboo. The first option is paper with a layer of fabric, the second is cellulose and polymer, the third is eco-material and fabric. The latter option requires a special ethnic style of the countries of the East, if the decoration is done in rooms that do not correspond to this, then dissonance cannot be avoided. The appearance of the material is impeccable, the structure is durable due to the multi-layer. Absolutely environmentally friendly.
    4. The liquid wallpaper. It is quite simple to paste over the arch with them. There are several options - cellulose fibers, decorative plaster. Both types are diluted with water to a certain consistency and are gradually put on the surface of the opening. The advantage is the instant replaceability of a damaged or obsolete area - the piece is simply removed, and a new portion of the liquid mass is put in its place. The disadvantage is that they wear out quickly.

    The complexity of the choice lies in balancing the decor of the walls and vault - wallpaper with a pattern will not look harmonious in the arch, it is almost impossible to adjust the exact coincidence of the lines. Therefore, it is important to choose plain materials or with small inclusions, for example, companion wallpaper that combines one background and a different pattern. Paste over the arch with wallpaper of this type is the right decision.

    How to do it right

    For the result to please, before starting work, you should prepare tools and materials, as well as prepare the walls and an arched opening. You will need:

    • Tape measure, square, scissors, pencil or marker.
    • Special glue and PVA composition for proportional mixing - glue wallpaper at the doors and inside the vault, you need a reliable mass.
    • Corners - leveling, decorative.
    • Soft brush, roller, spatula.

    Depending on the type of wallpaper, a clean rag may be useful to smooth out the stripes. Stages of work:

    Opening preparation

    In order to properly paste over the wallpaper, the future arch should be carefully prepared. For this, leveling and decorative corners are proposed. The first is a strip of plastic or metal with "petals". It is installed exclusively under plaster, fastened with self-tapping screws or with glue. The second is fixed after finishing the arch.

    The plasterboard structure, before being pasted over with decorative material, is cleaned of dust and covered with base plaster. Without waiting for complete drying, fix the corner, smeared on the inside with glue, rubbing the squeezed out mass over the perforation with a spatula. Steel decor is immediately installed in a dry opening on self-tapping screws, since it has much more weight and will not hold on to one putty.

    It is important not to overdo it with fixing - the caps of the fasteners should be flush with the surface, they will go in waves and a lot of plaster will be required to align. The finished surface is covered with a finishing compound and allowed to dry completely. Then they clean the surface with an emery cloth - this is the key to good adhesion of drywall with a primer, glue and wallpaper. Linseed oil is chosen as a base, its layer is given time to absorb and dry.

    Pasting the opening

    First, the adhesive is prepared. Ordinary wallpaper can fail, especially if wallpaper is glued in doorways from above - the arch is facing downward, and the weight of the wet strip is impressive. If the material is selected multi-layer - for example, non-woven, then a mixture of glue with PVA will give a good result. The composition is kneaded in a ratio of 2/1 - two parts of glue, one - PVA and left to stand. When the glue swells and increases in volume, work begins.

    To paste over an arch with wallpaper in an apartment, you will need 2-3 strips of material for a standard size. The process of pasting a wall starts from the windows. The number of sheets should be calculated in such a way that the last one in front of the arch does not reach 25 cm. Now the area is coated with prepared glue, left to soak for 15 minutes. Do the same with a paper strip.

    Important! You cannot cut the opening out of paper right away - there is a risk of not getting into the dimensions at all.

    Glue the strip and cut out the contour of the arch along it, reducing it by 2.5 cm.The edges are trimmed similarly to the arched corner with a step of 3 cm and fixed to the inside. For reliability, smear the arch over the wallpaper with a wide brush. Form the edges with your fingers, even out the shifts. Now you can glue the wallpaper. The second side is decorated in the same way. The openings are left to dry.

    If ordinary paper wallpaper was used, then when it dries, it begins to wrinkle - this is normal. The glue will eventually stretch the canvas. With non-woven fabrics it is more difficult - you cannot grind them, only carefully roll them with a roller.

    Pasting the arch

    It remains to glue the strip to the arch. Its width is 3-5 mm less than its actual size. They act as follows:

    1. The inner surface and the strip of wallpaper are coated with glue. Leave them to soak for 10-15 minutes.
    2. The strip is fixed at the bottom and carefully guided to the end. If the length is large, that is, there is a risk of bevelling the vault, so it is cut into two parts and the arch is decorated with wallpaper in two stages - the strip joins at the central point of the vault.
    3. It is recommended to glue the wallpaper at the baseboards of the doorways to the floor. With a spatula, mark the places of separation, cut off the excess.

    The work is almost finished. Now it remains to wait until it is completely dry, and then continue to decorate the walls - you may have to re-wallpaper the doorway if the result seems unsatisfactory. But subject to all the rules, alteration is excluded.

    Decorating the arch with a corner

    A thin plastic corner will beautifully frame the arch if you choose it in a contrasting color with the wallpaper. A neutral shade that goes with everything - white. It is not difficult for them to paste over the contours, since the form has already been prepared. For work, use PVA glue or liquid nails of medium fixation - a strong one corrodes plastic, leaves sloppy spots on the surface. To securely fix the corner, masking tape comes in handy - the oiled decor is pressed to the contour and the strips are carefully applied, clinging them to the wall. After drying, remove.

    Thus, you can paste over doorways with wallpaper with anything - fabric, vinyl, even foil-coated metal strip options. It's all about the observance of the technique and the proportions of the adhesive composition.

    If your apartment or house has an arched opening, then it certainly becomes the center of attention for those who visit your home for the first time. But when carrying out cosmetic repairs, the arch can become a place that is rather difficult to decorate. For this, wallpaper is usually used, but even with such a simple material, it can be difficult to achieve a decent result.

    Before wallpapering the arch, you must choose a finishing material. This issue must be taken seriously, because the arched shape makes it impossible to match the pattern on the side and front sides. If you want to decorate the entire arch with the same wallpaper, then they should be monochromatic or have an abstract small pattern that does not require matching.

    The choice of wallpaper will be simplified if you paste over the inner surface with canvases that are compatible in color. You can also paint this part of the wall. At the same time, absolutely any pattern can be on the main wall, but the inner surface is made monochromatic.

    If you are thinking about the question of how to paste over the wallpaper with wallpaper, then you should also pay attention to the companion canvases, which have a different pattern, but a common background. This solution is ideal for arched openings. In this case, the outer wall can be pasted over with canvases with a pattern, while the opening can be lined with plain or striped wallpaper. This will create a stylish contrast.

    Expensive and beautiful

    Wall murals are often used for the arch. But the price of such a repair can be quite high, because the wallpaper is made to order, taking into account the size of the arch. The quality of the finish should not be overlooked either. If the opening is in the form of an arch, then this zone will be subjected to loads during operation. The coating must be resistant to mechanical stress, carry the sink, because it will constantly touch when walking.

    In this regard, you will have to periodically wash the walls in this area. For this reason, paper canvases cannot be the best solution here. A much more profitable option would be glass wallpaper, bamboo, non-woven or vinyl canvases, which can be wiped or washed with a sponge and a mild soapy solution.

    Preparatory work

    Before you paste over the wallpaper with wallpaper, you must prepare tools and materials, among them you should highlight:

    • wallpaper glue;
    • scissors;
    • ruler;
    • pencil;
    • brush.

    Work begins with the preparation of the glue. It should be made slightly thicker than in the case of wall decoration. This is necessary in order to ensure slow drying. A thicker consistency will also allow you to move the stripes along the wall, achieving a pattern match, if necessary.

    Step by step description of the process

    Step 1. After the walls are prepared, you need to start laying the sheets. This must be done so that the last one-piece sheet in front of the arch is located 25 cm from the opening. Next, the next sheet is glued. It should not be cut out in advance of the shape of the opening. It is rather unlikely that you will be able to calculate everything accurately. This can take a long time.

    Step 2. With the help of sharp scissors, you should cut off the part of the canvas that extends beyond the opening. However, this should not be done along the contour. It is necessary to retreat about 2.5 cm.If you are interested in the question of how to paste over an arch with wallpaper, then you should know that at the next stage, along the indent every 3 cm, it is necessary to make cuts that will be located perpendicular to the opening line. These tabs fold inward and are glued to the inside of the arch. By the same principle, it is necessary to act with the other side.

    Step 3. For a standard one, about 3 canvases will be enough. It is also important to measure the depth of the opening, namely the width of the inner side. You must define the length of the arch from the lowest point to the opposite side. According to these dimensions, a strip of the required length is cut, and its width should be several millimeters less. If the arch has an impressive length, the inner surface should be pasted over with two strips that will converge at the top point.

    Methods of work

    The strip is coated with glue and attached from bottom to top around the opening. Quite often, novice home craftsmen think about how to paste over an arch with wallpaper in an apartment. At the same time, you should take into account that it will be difficult to bend the edges of textured canvases inward. Therefore, the material should be chosen rather thin and durable.

    Other finishes and decorations

    One of the popular options for finishing the arch is paint. Here you can show your imagination and draw a unique ornament, inscription or drawing. You must prepare your brushes and remember that the skills of an artist are not the last thing in this business. If you do not have the appropriate gift, then it is better to use the help of a specialist.

    Thinking about the question of how to decorate and decorate a drywall arch, you should take into account that this finishing option can be quite expensive. In addition, the resulting coating can be easily damaged by children or pets. Decorative plaster is also an excellent solution. But at the same time, it must be combined with the design of the room so that the arch does not stand out too much, otherwise it will seem that the opening was borrowed from another apartment. One of the disadvantages of this solution is the tendency to crack and brittleness. Otherwise, this material is very good, it is not too expensive, it is durable and suits almost all interior styles.

    You can also use decorative stone. It can be fixed to any surface with construction adhesive. But the working material should not provide for the use of natural stone, since it has an impressive weight. One of the disadvantages may be the complexity of installation, because masonry takes a lot of time and effort. The mosaic also looks great in the opening. It is unpretentious and practical, and is also suitable for wet rooms.

    Surface preparation

    If you want to know how to paste over an arch with wallpaper with your own hands, then first you should take an interest in the technology of surface preparation. For this, decorative or leveling corners are usually used. The latter are mounted under the plaster and fixed with glue or using self-tapping screws. As for the decorative corners, they are installed after finishing work.

    Before gluing the surface, it is necessary to clean the base from dust and cover the arch with basic plaster. While it dries, you should fix the corner by treating its inner side with glue. If you use a steel product, it is installed on self-tapping screws, because the weight of such a decor is greater. After that, the surface is treated with another layer of putty. As soon as the solution is dry, work can be continued.

    If you are among those who wondered how to properly paste over the wallpaper with wallpaper, then you should know that work must be started from the window. It is important to calculate the number of sheets so that about 25 cm of non-glued space remains in front of the arch. Next, the remaining area and a piece of wallpaper are treated with glue and allow the materials to soak for 15 minutes.

    If you decide to use paper wallpaper, you may notice that after gluing the material began to wrinkle. You should not be afraid of this, over time the canvases will smooth out. If you are deciding how to paste over an arch with wallpaper during repair, you should know that it is impossible to grind non-woven canvases. For their better fixing on the surface, it should be carried out with a roller.

    Features of the work

    The joints of the edges must be re-coated with glue and remove excess mixture so that after drying, white spots do not form on the surface. If you wish, you can treat the arch with a decorative corner, but it is matched to the wallpaper.

    If you decide to purchase plastic products, you can glue them on PVA glue. When preparing the glue, it is stirred with a drill and mixer. In this case, the mass is homogeneous and does not have lumps. After that, the glue is left to mature for 5 minutes. Once you stir it again, it is ready to use.


    Now you know how to properly paste over the wallpaper in the apartment. But there are a few more nuances. For example, when mixing glue, less water is added to the dry composition than is stated by the manufacturer on the package. This will give you a thicker consistency that takes longer to dry. In this case, the canvas easily lends itself to moving along the plane of the arch, and you get a more reliable gluing of the sheets.

    The arch must first be inspected for cracks and irregularities. After that, it is covered with plaster. Once the layer is dry, putty must be applied. With this approach, the surface is ideally smooth, suitable for wallpapering.