Turkish bath hamam design. Expanded polystyrene loungers and hammam seats Turkish bath ventilation

Massage table for hamam Producer Ruspanel. Enjoy to the fullest

Hamam furniture

Inexpensive high-quality furniture for the hamam is made of polystyrene: loungers, seats, benches, massage tables. Ruspanel is an ideal material for making products of this kind. The shape and size can be any, the same applies to colors.

The furniture is "warm" due to the low thermal conductivity of the foamy polymer. It does not require a long warm-up before relaxing in the hamam or before starting massage procedures. It is pleasant to sit and lie on it, touching a naked body to a smooth surface.

Furniture selection

For a classic massage, a flat massage table is suitable. Its smooth edges do not prevent the relaxed person from lying down and getting up. The plate is a reliable support when the masseur presses with force from top to bottom. The pressure is evenly distributed, and the person lying on the table does not experience painful sensations. The best relaxation of muscles is achieved, they can be properly stretched and blood flow is ensured.

Sun beds are made with and without bumpers; it is comfortable to sit on furniture with a rounded edge. The height of the backrest varies, as does the angle of inclination. If the backrest is almost absent, the lounger turns into a bench. They rest on curved sunbeds, in a reclining position, their shape follows the contours of the human body in a state of greatest relaxation. Bends under the shoulders, pelvis and knees are expressed to varying degrees.

A complete set of furniture from Ruspanel will satisfy any visitor to the hamam. Custom-made products differ from standard ones in that the customer himself determines their parameters. For yourself, you can order the most suitable anatomical furniture, for clients - universal, with a minimum number of bends and size restrictions.

Ruspanel's advantages

In the hamam, furniture must be strong: the massage therapist uses considerable force, performing up to several dozen procedures a day. Extruded polystyrene foam provides strength and sufficient elasticity to products. They retain their properties even after many years of regular use. But the material is light, microscopic air bubbles make up most of its volume. Accordingly, the prices for furniture are affordable.

The polymer is completely impervious to moisture. The cladding of living quarters requires good ventilation, but in a hammam or sauna this property of polystyrene is only beneficial. In terms of fire safety, synthetic furniture is noticeably superior to wood. Even at high steam temperatures, polystyrene foam does not melt on contact with it.

weight = 45 kg

  1. Products are made from a single piece of polystyrene
  2. Fragment dimensions 1000 x 1200 x 2000 mm
  3. The maximum dimensions of the products are not limited
  4. Any configuration
  5. Production time is five working days
  6. Low cost
  7. Fast assembly
  8. Any design
  • Uniform water heating system
  • Uniform electrical heating system
  • Facing with a reinforcing and waterproofing layer
  • Drank under uniform heating
  • Sopro Tile Adhesive is ideal for installing mosaics and ceramic tiles on panels. For grouting mosaics and ceramic tiles, use a high quality grout.

Attention! It is forbidden to copy the site materials in full or in part without first obtaining the permission of the owners of the online store.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: Hamam is a Turkish type of bath, which is based on the principle of gradual and gentle heating of the body, and then the same gradual cooling.

Hamam is a Turkish type of bath, which is based on the principle of gradual and gentle heating of the body, and then the same gradual cooling. Traditional Turkish hammams usually have two or three rooms, with temperatures ranging from 35 to 60 degrees Celsius. Also, a distinctive feature of the hamam from, for example, a Russian bath is the way of heating the room - if the Russian bath involves a stove, then heat is supplied to the hamam in the form of warm steam through pipes, and the steam itself is created by a steam generator.

Useful properties of hamam

First of all, the hamam is the only sauna that is useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Due to the gradual and not so aggressive heating, as well as the absence of stressful actions such as hot steam and whipping with brooms, such a bath will be very comfortable for everyone.

In addition, the hamam normalizes the digestive system and intestines, calms the nerves, relaxes, and has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. Promotes the release of toxins and toxins from the body.

Choosing a place to build a hamam

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to thoughtfully design the future Turkish bath: remember that for a private hamam, you need to make two rooms - a steam room and a technical room. Just as in the construction of an ordinary bath, you will need to find a place for laying utilities - water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating, steam pipes and a ventilation system.

The dimensions of the bath room are limited only by the size of the site, your personal preferences and imagination. You can see the approximate dimensions of the bath in the following figure:

But as for the technical department, this room may be the smallest, but only so that a steam generator, an aroma generator, purification filters, ventilation systems and a heating control panel must fit into it.

About materials

Traditionally, natural stone - marble and granite - was used in the construction and decoration of hamams. The stone always maintains a comfortable temperature, is pleasant to the body, waterproof and durable. But, unfortunately, completely decorating the hamam with stone is a rather expensive decision.

In this case, either an artificial stone, or a ceramic tile, or a smalt mosaic, which looks just great and emphasizes the national flavor of the room, comes to our aid. The main criteria when choosing materials are their thermal stability, low incandescence and moisture resistance.

Light and warm

The heating of the hamam can be either water heating - with laid pipes through which hot water circulates, or electric - in fact, it is a "warm floor" type system with a control panel and the ability to regulate heat. A classic hammam is built so that heating is on almost all surfaces - on the floor, walls, benches and tables.

The lighting in the Turkish bath should be good, moderately bright, but not annoying. Heat-resistant lamps and lampshades with matt milky light are ideal. Remember that all electrical devices and wiring should be protected as much as possible from hot steam and moisture, and the voltage should not exceed 25 volts.

Required attributes

No Turkish bath is complete without such wonderful things as a kurna and a massage table. Kurna is a bowl for washing, which is a large vat with two taps - cold and hot water. For greater authenticity and harmony of the interior of the hamam, the kurna is made in an oriental style, for example, in the form of a carved bowl, jug or shell.

The massage table, as well as the benches for sitting in the hamam, must be heated. A relaxing massage table with copious lather is usually made of stone - no wood in a Turkish bath! In the classic, traditional hammam, massage tables are made large enough to accommodate four to six people. We can get by with a mosaic-tiled massage table for one person, whose height above the floor is 80 centimeters.

Ceiling and floor

The floor and ceiling in the hammam also have their own characteristics. As for the floor, here it is necessary to provide, in addition to heating, also a slope for draining water, as well as a device for removing odors from the sewer. Usually the floor in the hamam is made of two layers of cement and sand screed, and between them there is a waterproofing and a heating system - pipes or wires.

The ceiling in the hamam can be of any shape, but not straight! The Turks believe that the condensation that forms on the ceiling and falls downward interferes with the complete relaxation and harmony to which the hammam space so disposes. The shape of the ceiling can be domed, vaulted, triangular. But there is one important requirement - the total height of the room should be more than two and a half meters.

Currently, unlike Russian baths and Finnish saunas, the hamam is much less popular for settling in a country house or cottage - and it is completely in vain, because this is an amazingly nice thing. And not very expensive, by the way. You can try it yourself! published

If you have the skills of a professional builder in many specialties, then it will not be difficult for you. It is necessary to own plaster, metal structures, power and low current electrics, plumbing, finishing work and ventilation. If these skills are not present, it is better to turn to specialists. And one more rule. Hamam should be built by one performer \ as they say, turnkey hamam \, from beginning to end. Only in this case you will receive a quality product.

I think I will not reveal the terrible secret of all the builders of hammams, that in Russia no one builds REAL hammams. Everyone is building steam baths. They are distinguished from the truly Turkish ones by the heating temperature of the floor and benches - 45-50 degrees. Walking on such surfaces and sitting, in my opinion, is not very pleasant. The real hammam \ historical \ even had special wooden shoes. Steam was formed there due to evaporation from heated surfaces and its amount was noticeably lower than in "our" hammams. Nevertheless, our hammams are pleasant and helpful.

Ventilation for Turkish bath

The issue of ventilation is very important in the construction of a Turkish bath. As a rule, this causes a "stupor" among ventilators and customers. With high humidity and the absence of supply and exhaust ventilation, being in the bath is not comfortable, and just harmful. Specific requirements for the ventilation line - 100% moisture resistance to the vertical shaft of the exhaust shaft and as few straight sections as possible. Moisture resistance will ensure that there are no leaks along the route itself. The optimal solution is an individual discharge of the used air. Discharge height above the roof according to the general requirements of the flue ducts. A steam separator will not interfere. If a fan is required, access to it must be provided and the fan itself must be moisture resistant. The ideal solution is to lay a canal to a vertical shaft, with sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 mm, with a slope towards the hamam. A drip is also needed to drain condensate from the ventilation system.

Turkish bath lighting

Lighting for a Turkish bath hammam must meet the main requirement - electrical safety, therefore, lamps with a voltage of no higher than 24 V are used and have a degree of protection not lower than IP 65. Lamps of the "starry sky" type lead to an increase in the cost of construction, they themselves are not cheap and the work is laborious \, are installed after finishing and require installation in the ceiling-mounted space, and for my "taste" is a very controversial lighting option. There are special LED spotlights,

which, in addition to light, also make the ceiling more attractive, due to the shadows.

Well, as an option, these are regular and RGB LED strips. The result is very cool, if in the choice of the mosaic you made a little mistake \ so it happens, they choose one thing, and when you put it down, it's completely wrong \, then these tapes will fix everything and create stunning effects, and moreover, you get pure light therapy, but .... All manufacturers write the operating temperature up to 40 degrees C ... So, in the final version, luck, no luck. Of course, I want to surprise the Customer with something, but in reality it is necessary to clearly understand, this applies to all tapes, even to IP 67 ..., therefore, lighting a hamam is always a sore point and a headache. And no one knows how long the LED strip will last. This problem should be treated as a consumable - burned out light bulbs, you change - so with the tape.

In general, moisture-resistant lamps are a sore point. The choice of such is extremely small, so you need to look for its own lighting solutions for each bath. Alternatively, see the section "Moroccan trinkets".

But if you search in "non-core" places, you can find many options for solving this problem.

Hammam walls

Originally, the walls of the hammam represent a multi-layer structure. The initial material of the walls is solid brick \ desirable \ and, as an option, foam concrete, tongue-and-groove slabs 80 -100 mm. Many Customers put ceramic slotted bricks and there are enough problems with it - there are a lot of mechanical fasteners in the wall structure, but there is practically nothing to fasten to. Walls must be plastered with cement mixtures strictly vertically and in corners, any deviations lead to difficulties in installing wall insulation. Insulation Penoplex, LUX element, WEDI panels, Russpanel are applied to the plastered walls, and to be honest, any insulation can be used, up to the "grandmother's" old coats, as long as it gives the given heat capacity of the wall. The best of them is the LUX element \ in my opinion \, the possibilities of this material are almost endless. All details on this material can be found on the manufacturer's website. On top of the insulation, a thermal loop made of plastic pipes \ Rehau type \ or an electric heating cable is applied, then a steel mesh, which becomes a heat shield, which evenly distributes heat over the surface, does not give a "zebra" effect and a supporting base for subsequent plastering. The use of steel mesh is mandatory, since the average load per 1 m2 of the wall is about 100 - 150 kg. And this plaster needs to be done with a particularly high quality, since all the "punctures" on the plaster will "come out" during the finishing work with a mosaic.

By the way, there is one more little used material. This material, especially good in timber houses, can greatly simplify the life of builders and save space. This is foam glass. Regarding environmental friendliness and fire safety, this is generally ..., i.e. there are almost no analogues. We erect walls from this material and on it immediately heating pipes or an electric heating cable, plaster, waterproofing and everything .., the only drawback is the "poor" list of material thicknesses, well, the price tag for it is slightly off scale. Well, the dome is again, only LuxElements type expanded polystyrene.

Turkish bath benches and table

The main requirement for benches, in my opinion, is their height -450 mm and width - 600 mm. At this size, you can sit and lie down. This is the optimum minimum size, but in general, if there is an opportunity to make it wider, then feel free to do it. In the hamam, they mostly sit "with their feet" on a bench or lie, so there will be no unnecessary things. These dimensions provide a comfortable sitting environment and are sufficient for lying down. From the point of view of "design", I like it better when the benches are "airy" - they have niches and light under their feet. Chest-type shops are boring and cumbersome. Also, I personally don’t like the "anatomical" type benches - this is a purely domestic invention. You can sit on such a bench only in one position, and if there is no water drain, then just in a puddle ... and naturally, lying on such a bench will not work. The very design of the benches repeats the design of the walls, the same layering and thermal contour. Well, the massage table, in my opinion, should be large, single or double, and should not be located in the steam room. Such tables require a lot of space and are mainly suitable for hamams of more than 9 m2 on the floor, and this "whim" leads to an additional rise in the cost of construction. In the "real" hammam, in the steam room itself, there is no massage table, it is present in the "common" room, and this is where the massage takes place. But! ... If there is a possibility of space and money, then such a table is good to use as a large lounger, on which you can freely lie back. Everything is fine in the hamam, but lying a little hard, especially with your head on the marble. There is a solution - Turkish pillows under the head for the hamam. They are moisture resistant, bright and comfortable.

Turkish bath ceiling

The ceiling, or rather the dome of the Turkish bath, is the highlight of the hamam. The main requirement for the ceiling \ dome \ is the absence of flat parts \ horizontal planes \. They "give" drops, which is very annoying.

The structure of the dome can be frame, frameless, cast from concrete. The basis of 1 and 2 variants of LUX ELEMENTS, WEDI \ production Germany \, Russpanel. The shape of the dome is limited by the imagination of the "designer" and the skill of the performer. A very skilled plasterer is required. The shape can be - Wagon, Sphere, Ellipsoid, Skullcap and variations on these themes, you can come up with about 10 forms of domes, but the final version can be taken only after examining the premises. In addition to a cool plasterer, you also need the same cool installer of metal structures and, of course, the designer himself to come up with all this, and he forgot about the mosaicist. After plastering works, waterproofing is performed and then finishing. For me, the frame system gives both rigidity and shape and manufacturability. This is how the dome looks like before the Sphere thermal insulation.

Finish hammam

Fine finishing is the imagination of the Customer and the art of the mosaicist. You can use tiles, mosaics, marble, glass, ceramics, and of course marble itself in the form of slabs. In my opinion, it is better to cover the benches with marble slabs. The floor covering must be non-slippery, so the use of polished marble is not advisable. The possibilities of "my mosaicist" you can see in his photo gallery. The glue should be naturally moisture resistant and white \ color \, as the mosaic is translucent. I prefer the Mapey-Kerakrate two-component adhesive, but recently I started using Litokol with latex. The glue is time-tested and reliable. But the grout, only Mapei \ for my taste \ - they are tough and do not wash out. Epoxy grouting is not recommended due to the strong heating of the surfaces, although Mapei guarantees heating its grout up to 80 gr. according to S. But the price of this "pleasure" ..... greatly upsets the Customers.

Kurna in the hamam

According to history, kurna is a bowl for ablution, it is a whole marble bowl without a centralized drain. Today, the kurna can be in the form of a solid marble bowl or a cast bowl of arbitrary shape made of concrete. I recommend from LUX ELEMENTA, in wall decoration material, the shape is arbitrary. Kurna turns out to be individual, in the singular. And if you add oriental tiles or tile panoramas to the interior, it will turn out to be very presentable. Such a kurna must be equipped with a drain so as not to scoop out the water with your hands.

Turkish bath equipment (hamam)

On the market of equipment for Turkish baths, hammam there are: steam generators from TYLO - Sweden, HELO, SAWO, HARVIA-Finland, KLAFS, EOS, Hygromatik-Germany, Korea, Italy, Americans began to appear. My recommendation is TYLO. Time-tested, reliable, of high quality and relatively inexpensive. After the last equipment upgrade in 2007, they have the opportunity to replace the tens. This is a very reliable equipment, for the entire time of working with this equipment, I have not encountered any failures, or I must try very hard to break them. The only requirement that must be met rigorously is “soft” water, but this applies to all manufacturers of steam generators. Steam generators of the German company Hugromatic appeared, and of two types - electrode and ten. The first ones are good for "bad" water, but the electrodes "walk" \ life time \ in different ways and can fly out after 3 months, but in general, as luck would have it, in short, you need to get used to that this is a consumable and not make a tragedy out of it. But the first and second in relation to TYLO are twice as expensive, so it's up to you to decide. There are also "Germans" EOS, but they are even more expensive.

Steam generators TYLO

Choosing a room for a hamam.

As a rule, the choice of the premises is carried out by the architect-designer according to the residual principle, while some “designers” do not imagine what a hammam is, and without consultation with specialists it can greatly complicate the “life” of everyone. Any specialist in Turkish baths issues technical requirements for the hammam room and the technical room where the hammam equipment is located. Approximate dimensions for this room 1000x300x Height to the ceiling of the room \ WxDxH \ in mm. All technical highways are brought here, and this "cabinet" can be placed horizontally and "drive" it to the ceiling, freeing up the much needed space at the level of hands and eyes. Correctly drawn up technical conditions are a guarantee of reliable operation of the entire structure as a whole.

Hamam doors

For hamam any a glass door will not work. The door must meet the requirements for safety, heat resistance, functionality, well, and not cause aesthetic irritation. The TYLO door meets all these qualities. If you really want to have a matte door, then TYLO realizes this desire, albeit to order.

The range of doors is sufficient for any premises. The rest of the doors are cheaper, but the look and functionality .... but this is again my opinion and nothing more. And more. If you have a sauna and a hamam nearby, then TYLO offers two identical doors in design, but different in functionality.

Heating in a Turkish bath

The hammam must have heated surfaces in contact with the person. These are walls, floors, benches and a massage table. It is better that the heating of these surfaces is separate. Heating is carried out in 2 ways - water and electric cable. I recommend in all cases - water. The heat carrier is present in 90% of the baths under construction. To regulate the heating, I use the system of "underfloor heating preparation", which makes it possible to visually control the heating by dial thermometers, it is convenient and reliable. Regulation is carried out "according to the quality" of the coolant, i.e. by temperature, not "by quantity". As a rule, the adjustment is carried out once at the start of the hamam and no longer climb there.

When the hammam is configured "hammam above the technical room" \ one above the other \, there may be a problem with the air in the heating system. It is necessary to provide valves for bleeding air in the serviced space.

In the case when the hammam is being built in a city apartment, where there are always problems with heating, there are always two solutions - you can use an autonomous heating unit on electric boilers and heating with an electric cable. Both are autonomous, safe and make it possible not to depend on an external coolant. Tenovye boilers require attention \ as this is also a "kettle with a computer" \ - scale and of course the location and additional electrical power. A third solution appeared in the apartment - an autonomous water electric unit for 2 kW 220 V, i.e. heating the hamam with water that heats up in the unit itself. Very compact and reliable.

Induction vortex boilers have recently appeared. What makes me happy about them is the absence of scale. Heating is carried out by eddy currents, i.e. the coolant does not come into direct contact with the heating elements. True, you have to pay for convenience and reliability ... They cost half as much as ten.

Cable heating requires very careful installation, excellent plastering, especially on vertical surfaces, since the voids in the plaster will cause local overheating of the cable and, as a result, the dismantling of the finished surface and its restoration is horror.


The sewage system in the bath should be equipped with a drain with a locking device against the penetration of odor, the so-called drain with a dry seal. Kurna baths should not have a direct drain into the sewer, I recommend pouring the kurna onto the floor, all for the same reason - the penetration of smell. Ladders type HL, VEIGA.

Waterproofing and thermal insulation

Waterproofing, like thermal insulation, is carried out over the entire inner surface of the bath. The waterproofing must meet the requirements of the pool. Not expensive waterproofing is not a hammam solution. Thermal insulation expanded polystyrene building boards, for example LuxElements.

Steam generator nozzles

Firstly, in each steam generator, there are two nozzles included in the set \ only applies to TYLO \. Moreover, they are safe - there will be no burns in contact with them. I mean, many people offer to buy nozzles made of polished stainless steel \ it certainly shines, but it heats up to the temperature of the steam jet, which is 100 degrees ... \. Well, the last thing is the placement of the nozzle. Wherever they are placed ... I am especially surprised by the "obsessive" idea of ​​placing nozzles in shops, in such square "holes". Sitting near them is simply dangerous, the temperature of the steam jet sometimes even destroys the benches themselves over time, if these "holes" are made poorly. Designers have no idea about them at all. My recipe is to put in the least accessible place, not a walk-through.

Massage table - 1

Manufacturer: Own production
Country of origin: Russia

Classic massage table for hammam. It is convenient to lie on it, it is convenient to walk around it when you are doing a massage. While resting, you will get maximum pleasure.

Dimensions and installation
Standard sizes of oval massage table:
Length 2000 mm
Width 800 mm
Height 800 mm

It can be placed both in the middle of the room and tight against the wall. We will change the part that will be at the wall so that there are no unnecessary openings and voids. You can change the length and width of the product at your request. The cost of the modified design depends on the size and complexity of manufacturing, check with your consultant.

Manufacturing materials
"Massage table -1" for the Turkish bath is made of hard foam. Polyfoam is ideal for use in rooms with high humidity, it does not rot, does not absorb moisture, and is vapor-proof. All you have to do is install sun loungers in the room of the future hammam, lay insulation in them, reinforce and decorate with mosaics or marble. Reinforcement and a slab under a warm floor distribute the load on the foam so that it will not slip, even if a very heavy person flops onto the lounger from its full swing. Another plus of foam is ease of processing. After all, if you need to round or process corners, make cuts or holes, then this is easily done with an ordinary carpentry tool and a mesh sandpaper for plaster.
We will make a drink under the warm floor for free. A 45 mm recess is provided for water heating, and 25 mm for electric heating.

Steam nozzle tunnel
The manufacture of tunnels for steam nozzles is paid additionally, the cost is 500 rubles / piece. Usually they order a tunnel in a lounger near the floor, measuring 250 by 250 mm. The exact location of the tunnel is indicated by you, depending on where you have a steam line outlet from the steam generator.

1. Pickup
available from the cities: Moscow, Saratov, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Barnaul. Immediately after production, our consultant will contact you and tell you the address from where you can pick up your table.
2. Delivery to all cities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan is carried out by transport companies (term: 3-7 days). Knowing the volume, weight and dimensions of your order, our consultant will be able to calculate the cost of delivery to your city.

Need a table of your own design?
Relaxing in the hammam is comfortable if time-tested materials and technologies are used during its construction. Your or your designer's imagination can be fully realized, because in our production we will make those designs that you have conceived.

Order a miscalculation of non-standard furniture for hamam

Where use
In the Turkish bath (hammam), by the pools, in the spa salons.

Download "Hamam Installation Instructions"

Why buy from us?
Own production, highly qualified specialists, many years of experience, proven technologies, proven materials. With us, you will receive professional advice and assistance in the planning of the premises and the selection of suitable furniture for the Turkish bath. Our consultants are always in touch and will give comprehensive information on what, how and in what sequence to do when building a hammam. Together with massage table No. 1, you will receive detailed installation instructions and installation supervision by phone at all stages of the Turkish bath construction.
LLC "Vostok Capital" - everything for the construction of Turkish baths, hamams and saunas: benches, benches, shelves, sun loungers, massage tables.

In order for the Turkish bath to be truly comfortable, you need to buy a lounger for the hamam. This section presents several interesting models of sun loungers and seats. Here you can also study the characteristics and purchase a massage table.
Due to the increase in demand, entrepreneurs are more often interested in the idea of ​​oriental design of a steam room. Moreover, such a holiday has its own characteristic features.

Why the price of a sunbed for a Turkish bath is increasing every year

Everyone knows the fashionable boom in oriental flavor that came to Europe several decades ago. He also reached Turkey, where Russian tourists travel so often. On the stranger's side, it is often possible to borrow something close to the heart, for example, a bathhouse. And even less often - to bring it to life. Fortunately, the cost of a polystyrene foam lounger allows you to embody the most daring ideas.
Earlier, pronouncing the word "hamam", people could not think that it was, and the eastern steam room was something unusual and inaccessible. However, in our time, only a stingy man will not send his beloved lady to the hamam so that she can put her skin and health in order. And he himself would be happy to keep her company.
If you are the owner of a commercial establishment, then it makes sense to buy a massage table for a hamam not in one, but in several copies.

Turkish steam room equipment

There are extravagant personalities on the planet who arrange hammams right in their country houses. They motivate this with health problems. But the passion for the fashion movement plays an important role in this process. A steam room with oriental traditions differs from Russian and Finnish. If in those there is a frequent heartbeat, and the air is dry and hot, then there is a wonderful atmosphere, the skin does not dry out, and the temperature is ideal even for people with cardiac diseases.
In addition, you can equip the room to your liking and capabilities. The cost of the hamam seat presented in our catalog is quite reasonable for this level of quality.

History of origin

Having been selling seats for Turkish baths for a long time, we understand that the reason does not matter at all, whether it is popularity or health is not important, but this type of bath is gaining momentum in the northern regions and is becoming more and more popular.
Let's talk about how such a design was born. The beginning was laid in antiquity, when public baths were invented by the Roman people. Evaporation was obtained by pouring boiling water onto the stone floor. He contributed to the elimination of harmful substances from the body. Today, when the sale of seats made of polystyrene foam and other fixtures is put on stream, construction has become much easier.

Operating principle

A similar system is used in the classic hamam: it does not contribute to loss of consciousness and scalding, but serves as a good way to relax and spend time with pleasure. The temperature is lower, the humidity is higher. Such conditions are much easier to bear than the classic Russian bath. One has only to properly equip the place: build round ceilings, think over the heating system, buy a massage table for the hamam, and receive guests!

Why the cost of a lounger made of expanded polystyrene is quite justified

The bath effectively warms up and heals the body due to the combination of low temperature with high humidity. How to arrange such an overseas miracle in your salon or out of town?

It doesn't cost anything to think out, experiment and read a bunch of books to create something new. Everything has already been tested by the oriental people, the Fitorodnik company and hundreds of satisfied customers. You just need to study this section of the catalog in order to understand it. The cost of a hammam seat does not compare to the profit you can get by directing a stream of customers there.


Before starting the construction of the eastern steam room, you need to see if it is possible to place it, whether the area allows.
First comes the dressing room, in which the temperature reaches thirty-five degrees. It prepares for blissful pleasure in the steam room. After that, the main part is located, where the temperature is high, and you need to stay here a little longer. That is why we are not only dealing with couches, but also selling Turkish bath seats.
Further, the transition to a special depression is carried out, where the temperature rise is observed up to one hundred degrees. Then comes the compartment with cooler air in order to cool down a little. Naturally, in each of the described spaces, a zealous owner will need sun loungers to accommodate guests.

End of session

At the end of the procedure, they go to the rest room, and then everything, as elsewhere, is washed. At the end, the client is provided with massage therapy on a warm bed. In this room, it makes sense to place a specialized massage table for a Turkish bath, the price of which is highlighted in our catalog. A steamed and relaxed body will best accept massage treatments, they will have a greater effect.
Usually a hammam includes three types of water tanks, each of which has a specific water temperature. We are engaged not only in the sale of polystyrene foam seats, but also fonts, steam generators and related products. You can buy a balanced set of equipment for full-fledged work from us.

Hamam features

We understand: everything that was listed above, plus the pools - at least not the whole site took such pleasure. At the same time, the price of a massage table for a Turkish bath is a trifle. Naturally, no one builds huge structures, since this is highly impractical. Usually the building is much more modest, but it retains all the advantages. During construction, you need to learn about some of the features. Such as the fact that the ceiling in the steam room should have the shape of a dome, and it is inevitable that the drops formed from such a temperature do not drip on the head, but flow down the walls. You should lay pipes with warm air to heat the floor, and of course, you should provide decent steam and buy a lounger for the hamam.

What accessories, in addition to a lounger for a Turkish bath, will be needed

Currently, there is equipment called a steam generator, it creates the right steam and the right amount. The power of the generator reaches fourteen kilowatts, and the amount of steam depends on the size of the steam room. You can find out the price of such a device by the indicated phones or by going to another section of our catalog.