Stucco molding on the walls - as a way of decorative finishing. How to make a stucco molding from flowers on the wall with your own hands in an apartment: features of work at home DIY stucco decoration

How to make beautiful plaster stucco molding yourself - step by step instructions with video

Interiors in antique, classic, baroque styles require delicate details such as plaster moldings. Made by the hands of professional sculptors, it is incredibly beautiful, but making it is very expensive. With the help of simple devices, materials and a little artistic experience, you can make this decorative element with your own hands.

Gypsum has a lot of advantages - it is a natural, environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances and is resistant to fungi, so that products from it can be used in children's rooms and bedrooms. Of the shortcomings, only the large weight of the stucco molding and some fragility can be noted.

Materials and tools

Before creating stucco, you need to stock up on some equipment and supplies.

  1. To work, you need a table with an absolutely flat surface, since the decor will freeze on it, and even a slight bias will cause a marriage
  2. A dense film to protect the table and adjacent objects, since dry plaster is very dusty, and silicone sticks to surfaces
  3. A set of spatulas and tools for sculpting (stacks, knives), narrow brush, stationery knife
  4. Ruler or tape measure, measuring cup
  5. Plasticine, better for construction, or clay
  6. Plaster of paris, PVA glue, cement for large elements
  7. Silicone and silicone oil, release agent (found in construction and art stores, as well as places where everything for needlework, jewelry production and soap making is sold), you can use a "gun" for silicone
  8. Cement

If you have no experience with modeling, shapes and plaster, then first you need to practice creating small elements of plaster molding: small diameter rosettes, monograms, flowers, etc.


Before proceeding with the creation of stucco molding, you need to decide on its design and dimensions. To find a source of inspiration, you can turn to the Internet, design books, or history. The design and size of the stucco elements must harmoniously fit into the interior and correspond to the general style. The size should be chosen so that the decor does not look bulky and does not overlap outlets and other structures.

The selected sketch must be printed in full size and, using it, from plasticine or clay, sculpt a model of the future element of a slightly larger size than the decor itself is supposed to be. Those who are confident in their abilities or have an art education can make a sketch of the stucco molding entirely on their own. If experience is not enough, you can use polyurethane stucco molding as a model, a wide selection of which is available in hardware stores. Using just one element, you can create any number of your own plaster parts, and besides, the polyurethane sample can be easily modified by cutting off excess parts or adding parts using plasticine.

The form

When the model is ready, you can start creating a mold for casting future stucco. At home, it is optimal to make molds from silicone, they will cost a little more, but it is easier to work with them. The model is pretreated with a release agent so that the future form can easily move away from it.

For the mold, silicone and silicone oil are mixed to increase elasticity (for simple molds, this can be omitted). Then the silicone is applied with a brush to the model, avoiding gaps, smearing all the depressions and pores. The strokes should be smooth and soft so that no air bubbles remain under the silicone. Bubbles will lead to the fact that indentations remain on the form, which in the future will ruin all the stucco molding. After the first layer of silicone has been applied, you need to strengthen the form, for example, with gauze. It should fit snugly, but not tightly, it should, as it were, be imprinted into a layer of silicone.

After drying, apply a few more layers, letting each dry for 2-3 hours. The total thickness of the silicone layers should be about 3 mm. Where a large mass of gypsum is expected, the layers of silicone should be made thicker. In places where a seal is required, it is convenient to apply silicone using a "gun".

Large, complex and voluminous elements need a plaster base so that the form retains its intended appearance and does not "walk". To do this, a frame is constructed from boards or plywood according to the size of the shape or a suitable box is selected, in which the mold is attached to the silicone. Then PVA glue is mixed with water, adding gypsum and a little cement for strength, the mixture is slowly poured into the formwork, leveling with an improvised tool, leveling the surface and allowing to harden. After drying, the finished mold with the base can be easily removed from the model.

If you want to decorate a room with small decorative elements made of plaster, you should pay attention to ready-made silicone molds in stores offering handicraft goods. Among the molds for making soap, candles and even culinary products, you can find many options for rosettes, flowers, bows and borders.

Stucco molding

The finished form is carefully coated with a release agent, since in uncovered places, gypsum can adhere to silicone so that it will damage the form.

After that, the gypsum itself is prepared. It must be remembered that it solidifies very quickly, literally in 2-3 minutes losing its fluidity, and in 7-8 - plasticity, therefore it must be dissolved and poured into the mold quickly. If you dilute the gypsum with hot water, it will harden even faster. To prepare gypsum, 10 parts by volume of dry material are poured into 7 parts of water in small portions and mixed quickly, preferably with a drill with a mixer attachment. A small amount of PVA glue, previously dissolved in water, will make the mixture more plastic, and the finished stucco will not crack. The consistency of the mixture should be close to liquid sour cream.

The prepared solution is poured into the prepared form, evenly distributing gypsum over it with vibrating movements. This is done in order to release trapped air bubbles, which become the causes of "shells" on the surface of the stucco molding. The surface of the filled mold is carefully leveled with a wide spatula. A medium-sized product dries for 15-20 minutes.

The dried gypsum element is easily removed from the mold if it has been well smeared with a release agent. The plaster molding must be left for final drying at room temperature for 24 hours.

Finishing of stucco elements

When the gypsum stucco molding begins to turn white, you can assess the quality of the work and start fine-tuning and correction. At this stage, you can correct minor flaws, sand the unevenness and roughness with fine sandpaper, fill in small shells.

A mesh is applied to the back of the element for better adhesion to the wall, completely primed. You can paint the plaster stucco molding with water-based paint in 2-4 layers after the primer has completely dried.

Installation of stucco

It is better to install plaster moldings 2-3 days after casting. Ceiling or walls must be prepared before installation. To do this, first, the places for installing the decor are outlined, then the surface is moistened with water and coated with PVA. Stucco details are also moistened and coated with glue, and then rubbed against the wall or ceiling. Excess glue is removed with a cloth. Large stucco moldings are fixed with self-tapping screws. The joints between various stucco elements and surfaces are putty with plaster. Finally, the plaster stucco is covered with another coat of paint, preferably of the same brand as the ceiling or walls.

Plaster molding is not only a way to decorate your home, but also a great way to express yourself creatively.

Over time, interior design has become much simpler, since in the modern world people do not have enough time, and sometimes funds, to create or install ready-made complex decorative elements. It is easier to do with simple painting or gluing. Another factor that influenced the rejection of stucco decorations in the interior is the small areas of living quarters, as well as a low ceiling height.

Therefore, today stucco can be found more often in rich mansions, decorated in certain styles. However, if you correctly approach the choice of the relief and its location on the surfaces of the room, then an ordinary apartment can also be decorated with such voluminous

Briefly - about the history of the appearance of stucco decorations

We can safely say that the history of relief drawings used to decorate the walls of a dwelling began at the dawn of human civilization. Over time, architectural art arose, in which volumetric elements were actively used as decoration of walls and ceilings. Until now, ancient palaces and temples have survived, the front and inner walls of which are decorated with numerous stylized plant-themed ornaments, as well as scenes from ancient history and mythology.

The exact time of the appearance of the first stucco decorations is unknown, but the beginning of the modern art of stucco decoration was laid by ancient Egyptian architects and artists. At first, the reliefs were carved in stone, but this is a long process, which is why ceramic decor appeared, made from clay, which was then fired.

Somewhat later, the same Egyptian craftsmen found that it was easier to make embossed jewelry from alabaster powder obtained from gypsum stone, which, when mixed with water, hardens very quickly. Therefore, having made the mixture, they began to pour it into stone molds, which made it possible to significantly speed up the process.

However, stucco art reached its peak in the era of antiquity. It was during this period that the foundations of technology and aesthetic directions of relief decoration were formed in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Indeed, this direction received a "rebirth" in Europe during the Renaissance, when antique motifs began to dominate again in art and architecture. They remain classics to this day and are used in various styles.

Their motives were introduced into the art of stucco molding by different eras and emerging styles. In their own way, they manifested themselves in the "Gothic", "Renaissance", "Baroque", "Rococo", "Classicism", "Modern", "Empire" and other directions.

The history of decorative stucco molding in Russia is about three hundred years - such ornaments quickly became fashionable during the period of Europeanization, begun by Peter I. It is even difficult to find a city building, built in the 18th - 19th centuries, in the architecture of which stucco decorations would not be used.

In the last century, the use of stucco molding began to decline - other styles of home decoration came to replace. But, although pragmatism is gradually replacing "pretentiousness", stucco molding is still used for exclusive interior decors. Many home and apartment owners are looking for opportunities to decorate premises with similar elements.

Why not? The main thing is that it should be in moderation and not look kitsch.

Stucco molding materials

The word "stucco" speaks for itself. The embossed decorations were cast from plaster and attached to walls or ceilings, and sometimes even molded by hand directly in place.

However, today, with the advent of new technologies and materials, decorative elements are made not only from plaster. And even more often - not from it, but from some polymers. It is much simpler, and the decorative details themselves are much easier, that is, and easier to fasten.

Nevertheless, it is gypsum that remains the "classic".

Plaster molding

Gypsum is a traditional natural material for making decorative reliefs. However, it has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, which, perhaps, are capable of outweighing the positive aspects.

The advantages of gypsum are the absence of toxic impurities harmful to humans, resistance to temperature extremes, ease of priming and staining. In addition, indoor gypsum is a very good natural moisture regulator. That is, at high humidity, it is able to absorb it, and when it decreases, on the contrary, give it back to the atmosphere of the room.

The disadvantage of finished plaster stucco products is their considerable massiveness, which complicates installation work. Add fragility here - decorative details can be easily damaged or broken by accidentally dropping on the floor, or due to inexperience - without ensuring reliable fixation on the wall. Therefore, it is recommended to trust the installation of stucco molding from this material to professional craftsmen-finishers - only in this case you can guaranteed to get the expected result. Naturally, the cost of the material itself and the work of a specialist will not be cheap, especially since most often all the details of such a plaster decor are made to order.

Despite all this, natural plaster reliefs are a classic decor option, therefore they are in high demand in our time.

Stucco molding made of polyurethane and expanded polystyrene

New technologies make stucco molding elements lighter, easier to install, as well as affordable. Column capitals, pilasters, decorative rosettes, baseboards and other decorative details are made of these materials by casting. Products made of artificial materials are used for zoning a room, decorating walls and ceilings.
Most often, there are products made of polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene.

The advantages of polyurethane stucco molding include such material qualities as durability, strength, elasticity, lightness and the ability to paint elements in different shades.

Decorative pieces made of polyurethane are UV resistant, so they do not turn yellow or crack over time. In addition, the material perfectly tolerates temperature extremes. Due to the low weight of such stucco molding, its installation is carried out without much effort - it is easily glued to assembly glue or "liquid nails".

After installation and priming of polyurethane, it can be covered with gilding, which will completely hide the material of manufacture, giving the room a respectable appearance. If “aged bronze” is more suitable for the interior, then, before applying gilding, the stucco is painted with a “khaki” paint.

They also make stucco products from expanded polystyrene. At first glance, they look little different from polyurethane foam, and at the same time have a more affordable cost. However, expanded polystyrene has a number of significant disadvantages that complicate installation work. Although decorative elements are lightweight and easily fixed to surfaces, they, unlike polyurethane, do not have sufficient elasticity, therefore, they require a perfectly flat base. If the wall or ceiling has even slight curvatures, the products will not be able to take the shape of the surface, and with strong pressure they will simply break.

It is much more difficult to paint polystyrene, since it has a porous surface. When applying paint, the texture of the material itself may also appear. You have to apply several layers to make the toning completely even.

Stucco molding in interiors of various styles

As you know, stucco molding is used for interior decoration in different design styles. Therefore, deciding to use it to decorate rooms, you need to familiarize yourself with the style of the products offered for sale.

Despite the versatility of many elements used in reliefs, each of them is inherent in a certain direction. It should be noted that quite often the stucco relief becomes the final touch of interior decoration, which emphasizes its belonging to a particular style. Therefore, in order to create exactly the option that was conceived in the project, it is worth familiarizing yourself with which elements relate to which style to a greater extent.

Empire style

The Empire style emerged in the last decades of the 18th century. He is a clear embodiment of solemnity, pomp, splendor and splendor. Therefore, it was he who was used to decorate the large state rooms of palaces and large mansions. "Empire" is distinguished by classical severity, orderliness of elements, their symmetrical arrangement, balanced relief pattern.

When using the "Empire" style for the decoration of halls or offices, elements of a military theme are often used - these are shields, swords, crossed spears, wreaths of laurel leaves. In addition, this direction can be supported by animals of prey or birds - griffins, lions, eagles and other real or mythological animals.

Naturally, various stylized floral ornaments serve as framing for the central details. Similar elements can be used as separate reliefs, for example, when decorating residential premises. However, the chosen style is also supported by other interior details - curtains assembled in strict folds, furniture with legs characteristic of the Empire style and armrests in the form of lion paws.

Columns with capitals, cornices, pilasters with the reliefs mentioned above are also inherent in this direction.

Decor elements are often painted in pastel colors, covered with gilding or imitate bronze.

"Empire" was actively used in the design of buildings erected in Russia, and came to the taste and mood of the Russian nobility. Therefore, very quickly from the luxurious capital palaces spread throughout the country. So, it was actively used in noble estates, both for the design of facades and indoors. Many such architectural monuments have survived to this day.

Baroque style

"Baroque" originated in the late 17th - early 18th centuries, and was originally intended to show the wealth, power and high status of the owner of the house. Therefore, the style includes not only stucco molding, but also expensive natural materials, as well as interior elements such as massive grand staircases, columns with molded capitals, sculptures, relief rosettes and much more. An integral feature of the "baroque" is the obligatory "gilding" of stucco moldings, since gold has always been a sign of high prosperity and even wealth. Therefore, the more gold in the interior decorated in the Baroque style, the better.

Stylized elements of flora and fauna are actively used in stucco decoration made in this style - these are branches, leaves, fruits, flowers, shells, as well as birds. Most often, three-dimensional drawings have an asymmetrical arrangement, they are often dominated by ovals, semicircles, rectangles, as well as bay windows, stylized turrets, fancy roofs, balconies, and, of course, single sculptures or whole compositions.

At the same time, all the details used in the relief are not independent - they are necessarily subordinate to the general style direction and overlap with each other in their drawing. Thanks to this harmony, the result is striking in its grace, sophistication, splendor and luxury.


The Rococo style was born in France at the beginning of the 18th century, but is still used for interior decoration, as it is distinguished by its sophistication and sophistication.

The characteristic features of this style are the abundance of graceful elements woven into whimsical ornaments. It should be noted that not everyone will like this direction, since the interior decorated in "Rococo" looks somewhat overloaded with numerous reliefs of different formats. Some designers, when expressing their opinion about this style, say that it creates associations with powdered wigs, which were in fashion during its formative period.

The style got its name due to the main element of the ornament called "rocaille" - small shells, stones, corals. It has the shape of curls, from which the drawing is formed. Curved curved lines are dominant in Rococo ornaments and straight lines are practically absent. Straight lines can be used exclusively as a frame for an ornament, turning it into a border.

The details connecting the curls are flower garlands of rosebuds, which are not commonly used in other styles. In addition, curls can frame molded masks or shields. Some mythological or fairy-tale characters - satyrs, nymphs and cupids - can also become details of the relief.

Style "classicism"

"Classicism" originates in the 17th century and is used to decorate interiors and facades to this day. By the way, experts still consider it a model of absolute perfection and beauty. This is achieved by the fact that the style is based on principles such as restraint, calmness, straightforwardness of forms, symmetry, and, of course, general harmony.

Each of the architectural details of this style is executed in strict logic, solidity, clarity and monumentality. In "classicism" echoes of centuries-old cultural Greek and Roman traditions are seen, manifested in the forms of ornaments, as well as in the presence of such elements as sculptures and columns.

The stucco molding of "classicism" is distinguished by the imitation of ornate floral ornaments, which include flowers, laurel and acanthus leaves. In addition, the relief may include paired figurines of birds, lying lions and sphinxes. Any details of this trend emphasize the noble luxury of the interior, as well as the style preferences of the home owners.

Modern style

"Modern" is a style that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. It already differs markedly from all earlier trends in the reduction in the number of stucco elements and other decorative details. It can be called the first step towards modern styles of "minimalism", which are characterized by democracy, bold combinations of interior accessories and a desire to experiment.

However, "modern" is not yet completely devoid of grace and beauty, but already with a clear trend of practicality and simplicity of interior decoration.

The interior is mostly asymmetrical, and even stucco elements have a chaotic, at first glance, relief. Most often it consists of ribbons or bizarre "seaweed", from which certain shapes are formed.

In some design options, symmetrical ornaments are also formed from the same ribbons, framing the ceiling surfaces. However, the reliefs of "Art Nouveau" differ significantly from the styles described above in the simplicity and uncomplicated elements.

Quite often, in a complex with stucco molding, forged openwork gratings are used, which are installed as balusters on stairs leading to the second floor, as decorative accessories near fireplaces and even on window openings. The lattices also consist of elements that follow the shape of the stucco strips.

In addition to the curly "seaweed", in Art Nouveau ornaments, flowers such as irises and poppies, which are characteristic exclusively of this style, can be present. Another element that is often central is the relief of a woman's head with curly long hair. Lush folds can be located around floral and other volumetric patterns, imitating thin flowing fabrics.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that the main elements that form the ornaments in this style are smooth lines, in the absence of straight and sharp corners.

Style "romanticism"

The architectural style "romanticism" appeared in the 19th century and is still used in the design of modern interiors. This direction can be called both sublime and contradictory. The fact is that it often combines various furniture and decorative accessories.

"Romanticism", on the one hand, is positioned as a patriarchal style created to provide a comfortable atmosphere for a pleasant pastime with the family, which gathers in the evening around the fireplace, which is certainly decorated with stucco relief. On the other hand, "romanticism" is individualism and freedom of creative ideas, which means it can have an unpredictable character.

Paradoxically, such conflicting moods are in perfect harmony with each other. Thanks to such "unity and struggle of opposites" the interior acquires individuality. "Romanticism" is elegance and sophistication, plasticity and sophistication, and at the same time - restraint and noble beauty. It is dominated by pastel calm tones, as a rule, light shades, which can be supported by darker, but also softer colors, giving the interior some "weight".

"Romanticism" is characterized by the absence of angular elements. It is characterized by discreet geometric or floral embossed patterns, plant ornament in the form of twisting shoots, stylized leaves, as well as other natural motifs.

Eclectic style

Today, many styles have emerged in design art that combine classic and modern. One of them is “eclecticism”. However, it is not just a collection of different elements taken from different directions and placed in the same space. An indispensable condition should be a carefully thought-out combination of objects belonging to different eras.

This direction of interior design includes the best solutions and details of different styles, as a result of which a holistic, very organic picture is created. Quite often, designers call "eclecticism" a dialogue of different trends and cultures. There are practically no strict architectural canons in it, but everything that has always been considered comfortable and aesthetic in the previously formed styles is present.

However, despite the relative freedom of design and the absence of "cliches", "eclecticism" also has some rules. So, in this architectural direction, more than three closely related styles are never used, for example, "Empire", "Baroque" and "Classicism". But in the stucco reliefs of "eclecticism" elements, typical for "rococo" and monumental "empire", perfectly coexist, which bring an atmosphere of harmony and comfort to the interior.

Art Deco style

"Art Deco" is a style of French origin, like many others, since France has always been a trendsetter in architectural fashion.

The name of the style, translated from French, by the way, literally means decorative art. It appeared after the First World War and became a natural continuation of the Art Nouveau style, but with more simplified and clear forms. Therefore, stucco molding in "art deco" is a strict angular ornaments or even relief lines. Basically, ceiling plinths and others of different widths are used as stucco moldings.

In addition to them, ceilings in an art deco interior can be decorated with large geometric shapes - circles, triangles, stylized "suns" and other similar details.

Another distinctive feature of this style is the use of expensive materials that are designed to show the luxury and richness of the interior. Art Deco often uses bright color accents, as well as the use of metallic elements. Sometimes sculptural compositions and mosaics with modern themes can complement the interior design.

Bas-reliefs in interiors

Another trend in art, which can also be attributed to stucco molding, is the creation of bas-reliefs. Such a finish can be used to decorate any interior, making its design exclusive.

There are many techniques for applying volumetric drawings to the surface of the walls and even the ceiling. However, before taking on such work, you need to test your creativity by creating a small volumetric picture, for example, on a sheet of plywood. And for starters, you can try your talents using ordinary plasticine.

If the experiment is successful, you can move on to more complex materials that are used to create relief paintings on wall surfaces. Most often, gypsum is again used for this purpose. True, it is not easy to work with it, as it quickly thickens and hardens, so the process of creating a bas-relief must be done very quickly. However, there is another technique for making plaster bas-reliefs. It consists in the fact that at the first stage, a gypsum mass is applied to the wall, with the help of which the general shapes of the volumetric elements are determined. After the gypsum has solidified, its surfaces are processed with cutting tools until the desired shapes of the individual details of the picture are obtained.

When performing a bas-relief, the chosen style is rarely fully taken into account. The main criteria for its harmony with the rest of the interior is a well-chosen theme and color harmony.

The most common elements that are chosen for decorative reliefs are stylized plants, birds, animals, small neat landscapes with houses, etc.

Is it difficult to complete the bas-relief yourself?

Yes, such work cannot be called easy. And besides the ability to work with instruments, one cannot do without a pronounced "artistic streak". Read more about some of the techniques in a special publication on our portal.

* * * * * * *

If ready-made stucco elements are chosen for the design of modern interiors, then they can be made in any style. However, they should not be made fundamental elements of the decor - they should, as it were, complement the overall design direction. We can say that the details of the stucco molding of a certain style are required if the entire interior is planned to be designed in this direction.

We will conclude the publication with a short video review, which shows examples of the use of stucco molding for decorating rooms in various styles.

Video: Interesting examples of the use of stucco in the interior

Since ancient times, bas-reliefs have been used to decorate various kinds of products and structures. Today, such decorative elements have found application in a wide variety of areas.

Bas-relief in the interior

The use of bas-reliefs gives a fairly wide scope for interior decoration. For example, you can create a separate panel in the form of a picture to decorate an empty wall.

Often, bas-reliefs are used for. The bas-relief in combination with the original illumination creates a truly original picture - thanks to the illumination, all the protuberances of the image will be seen even more clearly.

Bas-reliefs are great for decorating all kinds of openings.

Unlike another popular option for interior design - decorative painting - bas-reliefs do not need additional highlighting.

In the absence of color highlighting, the volumetric pattern will appear due to the play of light with well-equipped artificial lighting. Thus, the owner has the opportunity to create accents on the decorative elements at the time he specifically needs - all he has to do is turn on the lighting.

In addition to purely decorative functions, bas-reliefs do an excellent job of all sorts of functional tasks. For example, volumetric decoration allows you to level uneven surfaces, decorate engineering communications, visually distort the space at the discretion of the owner, and create smooth transitions between different functional areas.

A competent combination of volumetric relief and decorative painting allows you to create truly original and incredible effects.

However, despite its many advantages, the bas-relief remains not such a popular option for decorating premises. The essence of the problem lies in the high cost of arranging such volumetric elements.

Uninformed people often make the mistake of believing that the bas-relief is a prefabricated structure cast from plaster. In reality, such decoration is hand-made and is inherently exclusive. Therefore, to arrange a beautiful bas-relief image, you will have to make a lot of effort, but if you really want to, you can cope with all the activities on your own.

General guide to creating a bas-relief

To create a bas-relief with your own hands, you can use a wide variety of materials: gypsum, plaster-based plaster, alabaster, clay, etc. It is easiest for beginners to work with gypsum and plaster based on it.

First step

Build a low-sided drawer with slats and plywood that looks more like a tray. In terms of its overall dimensions, the box must correspond to the dimensions of the future relief slab - there the bas-relief will be created.

Instead of a box, you can use other available tools, for example, a candy box or a frame of a suitable size, glued to the glass with adhesive tape.

Second step

Cover the mold with plastic. Straighten the film so that there are no wrinkles or there are as few of them as possible.

Third step

Follow the manufacturer's instructions and pour it into the mold.

If you plan to create an ornament with a high relief, insert a wire into the slab for additional reinforcement of the future composition.

Fourth step

Leave the poured mixture for the initial setting time. This indicator is individual for different materials, check in a separate order.

Fifth step

Start creating a bas-relief. First, you need to apply the outline of the decorative ornament being created to the slab, and then begin to build up the volume inside the decorated outline from the newly prepared mixture.

Build up the volume in layers, allowing each layer to harden a little.

It is quite convenient - while the material is wet, you can easily get rid of its surplus with a knife, and correct the ornament itself with a chisel and chisels for processing wood.

In addition, incompletely dried material is simply sanded down. It is much more difficult to carry out the necessary processing of the hardened surface.

If you plan to create an in-depth image, you can solve the problem in two ways.

  1. The background layer is built up around the image, as a result of which the elements of the ornament appear in a certain depression. Finally, the plane of the background is sanded.
  2. The images are deepened by sampling some of the base material using the chisels and incisors you are already familiar with.

Find out how and check out the basic techniques in our new article.

Prices for popular types of plaster


Bas-relief on specific examples

To make the process of creating a bas-relief more understandable, you should consider the procedure for arranging such a decor using specific examples. Two of the most popular options are offered to your attention - "lilies" and "tulips". Having mastered the order of their arrangement, you can cope with the creation of decorative bas-reliefs of almost any complexity.


Bas-relief "Lily"

First step. Protect the base to be decorated by covering the required space with masking tape.

Second step. Cover the base with putty, let it dry and apply a primer. It is best to use a primer paint. This composition is notable for the fact that after drying, the grains of sand included in the mixture remain on the base. Due to the roughness created, the subsequent layers of finish are held as firmly as possible. On average, paint-primer dries within 2-3 hours.

Third step. Using to apply a starter coat of Marseilles wax to the surface. This material hardens quickly enough, on average within 3-4 hours at room temperature.

Fourth step. Peel back the film and paint in the details of the bas-relief. To do this, you need to fix a transparent plastic wrap on top of the working surface for its entire length and width. At the same time, you do not need to fix the lower edge - you should have the opportunity to bend it freely.

Fifth step. With a marker, apply a sketch of future "lilies" - stems, leaves, buds on a plastic wrap.

Sixth step. After completing the sketch, proceed to apply the Marseilles wax under the plastic wrap according to the sketch. First use a trowel to work, and then a palette knife.

The Marseilles wax used is white. To make the decor you create more visible, cover the finish with a suitable compound. For example, you can use water that has been lightly tinted with a cotton pad. This kind of composition can only be applied to a dried surface.

After touching up, you will once see in which places the finishing material needs to be given the outlines of stems, flowers, etc.

Your task is to make the planned bas-relief as realistic as possible and corresponding to the sketch. This will take you a very long time, so there is no need to rush to finish everything as quickly as possible. Work carefully, deliberately, and gradually.

Bas-relief "Lilies" after the final decoration

After giving the bas-relief the required shape, let the composition harden and proceed with the application of the second layer of decorative finish - the desired color.

Prepare paint according to the manufacturer's instructions. On average, such paints and varnishes dry for 5-8 hours. Specify the exact time in the description of the paint used.

In the end, you just need to apply a finishing layer of finishing - honed or another composition with similar properties. Armed with a wide brush, apply a sharpened double layer over the entire area of ​​the wall to be decorated. The second layer can only be applied after the first has dried. On average, this takes 1-3 hours. You must carefully paint over every element of the composition.

To give the composition additional visual volume and expressiveness, apply a white sharpened to certain areas of the bas-relief.


And directly the work on creating "tulips" is carried out according to the scheme already familiar to you, namely:

Read on for a practical guide in our new article.

Creating a bas-relief with your own hands is a rather complicated, painstaking, lengthy and costly undertaking. However, with the right approach, you can give the interior of your home a unique look.

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Video - Do-it-yourself bas-relief on the wall

Stucco molding from plaster for many centuries has not yielded its positions in interior design. It is difficult to imagine an exquisite and expensive style without bas-reliefs and plaster sculptures. The history of the appearance goes far back to Ancient Greece, where the majestic castles were almost completely made of them.

Until the 20th century, gypsum had no analogues, only with the advent of new technologies it was replaced by polyurethane and foam. The hand-made elements found during archaeological excavations were available only to the pharaohs.

Now the cost is not as high as 5000 BC, but it does not belong to a number of budget options for finishing materials, like polyurethane stucco molding.

In what style of interior is plaster molding admissible ?!

For the harmonious use of modeling in interior design, it is necessary to carefully consider the style and concept of the room. Exquisite moldings, figurines and picture frames will not go well with every room design. Country, Provence or Scandinavian styles generally do not allow such elements in their interior. They will be quite provocative in such designs as loft, minimalism and hi-tech.

Modeling in the listed projects will look pretentious and completely tasteless, like the remaining elements of the past decor. But there are a lot of other design solutions, where plaster elements will come in handy.

Roman style

The Roman style consists almost entirely of stucco molding, and in this case it is impossible to overdo it. Absolutely everything can have carved details, be it the ceiling, walls, cornices, rosettes and niches, everything will fit perfectly into the image. The main thing is that the ornament is suitable and consistent in a single spirit.

Art Deco

Art Deco is the option when a combination of something completely incompatible at first glance is permissible. Creative execution can include all kinds of chic items.

It is not necessary to adhere to any single type of plaster elements, you can combine the classic pattern on vases and niches with modern figurines.

Usually this style is preferred by people with an active lifestyle who value comfort and luxury in one set.

Empire style

Empire style is a style in which decorative stucco molding acquires solidity and key importance. The status of a room in the spirit of Empire is sometimes breathtaking, and the owner of such a room feels like a true pharaoh of our time.

The gypsum elements here are massive and monumental. Small stucco elements can only add mood.


Rococo style implies light and flirty elements. Lush, but at the same time weightless forms give the room a romanticism and a sense of heavenly stay.

Asymmetry and pretentious crimp perfectly complement the image of such a design. Great importance is attached to painting the elements with gold or patina.

Renaissance and romanticism

Renaissance and Romanticism are somewhat similar to each other, as they allow multi-level ceilings and walls with numerous niches. If the Renaissance also needs figurines, then romanticism is distinguished by the ease and individuality of its owner.

Plaster molding for ceiling decoration

When viewing the catalog of photos of plaster moldings, most of it is devoted to the design of the ceiling. Perhaps this is due to its area in relation to other surfaces in the interior, which allows you to unfold your imagination and embody the creative idea in full.

The time has passed when modeling was relevant only in expensive estates, in majestic halls and palaces, now more and more people are inclined towards luxury and classics, introducing it in the halls and even bedrooms of apartments.

Not always plaster molding on the ceiling has a classic white look. More and more often, painting techniques are used to diversify and give individuality to the room. It is very important to use the correct coloring composition, then the beautifully designed stucco molding becomes even more elegant.

Gold remains the most popular color; it is used to cover the most prominent parts of the bas-relief. Along with this, artistic painting is used with full-fledged paintings in the chosen style. Filling the modeling with beige shades looks very stylish and natural.

DIY plaster molding

The variety of choices in shops and decor shops will not leave anyone indifferent, but sometimes you really want to create something with your own hands, because the result will become a true source of pride for its owner. Decorative plaster molding is a creative and very exciting business, but laborious and requires certain skills.

Solution preparation:

  • grind gypsum well to powder and sift through a sieve;
  • pour into a container with sufficiently high edges;
  • gradually pour in water in small portions until the consistency of kefir;
  • stir with a special nozzle with a drill, this will avoid the formation of unwanted lumps.

Making figures

Any shape is suitable for casting elements; for the convenience of extracting the finished sample, it is better to give preference to silicone ones. They are sold at any hardware store or on numerous websites. The cost is not high, all the more it will be enough to acquire just a few, because the gypsum quickly hardens.

From the moment of dilution of the composition to its casting into molds, no more than 2-3 minutes can pass, otherwise plasticity and fluidity are lost.

Adding a 25% glue solution will give the gypsum strength, but drying at temperatures above 16 degrees Celsius will make the element brittle and brittle.

Fill rules:

  • carefully prepare the form by covering it with soapy water (any soap will do);
  • pour gypsum in layers, thoroughly tamping each previous one;
  • exclude the formation of cavities when pouring;
  • leave for 1-2 hours until the solution solidifies completely;
  • remove the element and sandpaper to remove roughness;
  • cover with a primer.

Installation of plaster elements is simple. Massive and heavy elements are attached with self-tapping screws, small and light ones can be planted on PVA glue, liquid nails, or even use putty.

After the adhesive has completely hardened, the finished decorated element must be coated with a universal paint or a special composition for plaster. Only then can you start decorative painting.

Stucco molding in the interior can be used as moldings, cornices and decorative picture frames or rosettes. With the right style, all these elements will fit perfectly and fit into the overall concept. Regardless of whether these are solid decorative elements or unobtrusive finishing, the interior will receive chic, sophistication and uniqueness.

Photo of plaster molding