Strapping of a floor gas heating boiler. Heating boiler piping diagram

Greetings, comrades! Today we have to learn how to tie a gas boiler: what elements the piping should include, where to place them and how to mount them correctly. I will analyze several of the most popular schemes for different heating and water supply systems.


We have to analyze the following scenarios:

  • Wall-hung single-circuit boiler with electronic ignition in a radiator system with forced circulation;
  • Non-volatile wall-mounted or any floor-standing boiler in the same heating system;
  • Non-volatile boiler in an open circuit with natural circulation;
  • Heating systems modification for underfloor heating with their low coolant temperature;

  • Connection to a single-circuit boiler hot water supply systems;
  • Connecting a double-circuit boiler to heating and hot water supply systems;
  • Creation of a DHW circuit with water recirculation. The constant movement of water in the pipes allows you to keep heated towel rails connected to the hot water supply lines and provides extremely fast hot water supply to the mixers.

With a long length of DHW distribution without recirculation, the water has to be drained for a long time before it heats up. This is not only inconvenient, but also costly.

Strapping elements

What elements can the piping of the heating boiler include?

Image Name and function
Diaphragm expansion tank... Its task is to compensate for the increase in the volume of water or antifreeze in a closed heating circuit during heating. The tank is divided in half by an elastic membrane, and part of its volume is filled with air (or nitrogen protecting the walls from corrosion).

With an increase in the volume of the coolant, the gas is compressed, and the pressure in the circuit increases slightly. As a rule, the volume of the tank is taken equal to 10% of the amount of the coolant.

That, in turn, can be roughly estimated as 15 liters per kilowatt of heating boiler capacity.

Safety valve... Its function is to dump the excess coolant with a dangerous increase in pressure in the circuit, preventing rupture of pipes or batteries.

The water is discharged through the drainage pipe to the sewer. Frequent actuation of the valve indicates insufficient volume in the expansion tank.

Air vent... It serves for automatic discharge into the atmosphere of air locks remaining in the circuit after draining the coolant.

Air creates hydraulic noise and prevents normal circulation at low hydraulic heads.

Pressure gauge needed to control the operating pressure in the circuit. Sometimes a thermomanometer is used instead, showing pressure and temperature.

The scale of the device must be marked up to at least 4 atmospheres (bar, kgf / cm2).

Open expansion tank performs the functions of an expansion tank itself, an air vent and a safety valve in an open (that is, operating without excess pressure) heating system.

The tank is in communication with the atmosphere and is often connected by a tap to the cold water system to recharge the circuit.

Indirect heating boiler - insulated tank with heat exchanger for hot water preparation. The heat source is water or heating system antifreeze circulating through a heat exchanger.

Circulation pump provides forced circulation of the coolant through the heating circuit. The main characteristics of the pump are the pressure and performance it creates.

The power consumption of modern pumps is 50-200 watts and can be adjusted, which makes it possible to reduce and increase the speed of the coolant movement.

Hydrostrel - a tank with branch pipes for connecting several heating circuits, combining the supply and return pipelines.

Gidrostrelka allows you to connect circuits with different temperatures and circulation rates, minimizing their mutual influence.

Coarse filter - a sump with a filter mesh for water purification from coarse contaminants (primarily sand and scale). The filter protects the thin tubes of the gas boiler heat exchanger from clogging.

Two- and three-way thermostatic mixers provide recirculation of the coolant, allowing you to create an additional circuit with a temperature lower than the main circuit.

The mixer shutter is controlled by a thermal head - a device that changes the valve position depending on the temperature of the sensing element.


What pipes can be used to connect a gas boiler to the heating system and for wiring the coolant?

Let's use common sense. All parameters of a properly designed autonomous heating system are absolutely stable and controlled by the owner:

  • Temperature in convection (with radiators or convectors) circuits does not exceed 75-80 ° С, and warm floors even heat up to 25-35 ° С;

  • Pressure keeps within 1 - 2.5 kgf / cm2.

When the circulation pump is stopped, overheating and boiling of the coolant are completely excluded: the boiler thermostat will turn off the burner after a few seconds.

Conclusion: to connect the boiler and heating distribution, you can use polymer and metal-polymer, the price of which is several times lower than expensive and durable copper, galvanized and stainless steel.

  • Serial wiring radiators and boiler connection are usually performed with metal-plastic on press fittings or polypropylene with aluminum reinforcement;

Threaded fittings for metal-plastic are sensitive to the quality of the installation and when the O-rings are displaced, they leak after several heating-cooling cycles. Polypropylene without reinforcement or with fiberglass reinforcement has an excessively high elongation coefficient: when heated to 50 ° C, 6.5 and 3.1 mm will be added to its length for each meter of pipe, respectively. Therefore, it is better to refuse to use them for heating.

  • For radial distribution or underfloor heating use the same metal-plastic on press fittings, PE-X (cross-linked polyethylene) or PE-RT (thermally modified polyethylene) pipes.


Electronic ignition, radiators, forced circulation

The simplest scheme, allowing the installation of the boiler ... without piping.

How? Everything is very simple. The vast majority of boilers with electronic ignition are supplied with the following items:

  • Pump;

  • Expansion tank;
  • Automatic air vent;
  • The valve is set to a pressure of 2.5 kgf / cm2.

All piping elements are located in the housing, which turns the device into a full-fledged mini-boiler room.

At the request of the owner, the following can be installed in front of the boiler:

  1. Filter- at the inlet pipe;

The filter protects the heat exchanger from debris, but increases the hydraulic resistance of the circuit, reducing the circulation speed and creating additional stress on the pump.

  1. Ball Valves- at the entrance and exit. They will allow you to dismantle the heat exchanger or the entire boiler without completely dumping the heating circuit.

Piezo ignition or floor version, radiators, forced circulation

Piezo ignition boilers and floor-standing appliances are not mini-boiler rooms, but just heating devices that require the installation of external piping.

The elements:

  • Pump. Its capacity is selected according to the formula Q = 0.86R / Dt, where Q is the capacity in cubic meters per hour, R is the thermal power of the boiler or a separate circuit serviced by a pump, Dt is the temperature difference between supply and return.

Hint: convection heating systems with gas boilers operate at Dt = 20 ° C (75-80 in the flow and 55-60 in the return).

So, with a boiler power of 36 kW, a reasonable minimum of pump performance is 0.86 * 36/20 = 1.548 m3 / h.

  • Diaphragm expansion tank;
  • Safety valve;
  • Automatic air vent;
  • Pressure gauge.

Location: the safety group is installed at the boiler outlet, where the temperature and pressure are maximum. The pump is in front of the boiler, at the point with the minimum temperature of the coolant (its reduction will increase the resource of the impeller and rubber gaskets). Expansion vessel - anywhere in the circuit.

The expansion tank can be mounted no closer than two diameters of filling to the impeller when installed in front of the pump and no closer than eight diameters when installed after the pump. Moving away from the impeller will not allow the vortices that occur during its rotation to create constant pressure surges that reduce the life of the tank membrane.

To protect against the formation of condensation, a small circulation loop parallel to the main one is often mounted on the heat exchanger. At a low heating return temperature, it is diluted with a hotter heat carrier flowing through the mixing unit from the supply filling.

Piezo ignition, natural circulation

What does the piping of a gas heating boiler look like in the case of an open heating system with natural circulation?

Such a system is completely non-volatile and operates at atmospheric pressure.

The elements: All functions of the safety group are performed by an open expansion vessel. It is useful to equip the filling in front of the boiler heat exchanger with a vent to completely drain the water into the sewer or drainage well. A reset will be needed in case of a long trip or a gas cutoff and will prevent defrosting of the system.


  • The tank is installed at the top point of the contour;
  • In front of it, immediately after the boiler, the filling rises vertically or at a slight angle to the vertical. The so-called booster section allows the water heated in the heat exchanger to rise to the upper feeding point, from where it returns to the boiler by gravity;
  • The filling after the tank is laid with a constant slope. The slope provides the movement of the cooling coolant by gravity and allows air bubbles to float to the expansion tank;

  • The boiler is lowered as low as possible - into a pit, basement or basement. The difference in height between its heat exchanger and heating devices creates a hydraulic head, which sets the water in the circuit in motion.

A couple of subtleties of installing a gravitational heating system:

  • Inner diameter of filling must be at least 32 mm (for a plastic or metal-plastic pipe, this corresponds to an outer diameter of 40 mm). The large section compensates for the minimum hydraulic head that drives the coolant;
  • The gravity system can be equipped with a pump without losing its energy independence. The pump does not break the filling, but cuts in parallel to it; a check valve (exclusively ball, with a minimum hydraulic resistance) or a ball valve is mounted between the inserts. When the pump stops, the bypass is closed and the circuit continues to operate in natural circulation.

Warm floor

It can be connected in several ways.


The hydraulic arrow is a common element of two circuits:

  1. In the first, the coolant circulates between it and the boiler heat exchanger;
  2. The second one connects the hydraulic arrow to one or more heating circuits with different temperatures.

How it works?

  • Water with different temperatures can be taken from different terminals of the vertical hydraulic arrow: from above it will be hot, below it will be cold;
  • By taking water from the upper pair of nozzles, convection heating can be connected; the bottom pair is used for the trench circuit;
  • Below the connection level of the return pipe of the circuit connecting the hydraulic arrow to the boiler, the temperature of the coolant can drop noticeably below the return temperature.


A low-temperature circuit with a bypass and a three-way thermostatic valve is formed in parallel with the main radiator heating circuit or a small circuit between the boiler and the hydraulic switch.

The circulation pump makes the water circulate continuously through the pipes of the underfloor heating; new portions of the hot coolant are taken out by a three-way mixer from the supply only when the return of the warm floor is cooled below the set temperature.

Instead of a three-way mixer, a conventional thermostatic valve with an external temperature sensor (capillary or electric thermocouple) can be used. The sensor fits into a pocket on the underfloor heating return line. The valve opens when the coolant temperature drops below the threshold level.

Series connection with radiators

It is possible only when using a condensing gas boiler: classic boilers cannot work with a return flow colder than 55 degrees, since the cooling of the heat exchanger leads to loss on it. Gas combustion products contain, in addition to water and carbon dioxide, corrosive acids, which quickly destroy a steel or copper heat exchanger.

The condensing boiler has a different scheme of operation: the combustion products are intentionally condensed on a separate stainless steel heat exchanger (economizer), giving off additional heat and increasing the efficiency of the device. That is why a return temperature of 30-40 ° C is not just permissible; it is a prerequisite for the regular operation of the device.

The heating system includes two sequentially connected circuits - radiator and underfloor heating. The return of the first of them is used as the supply of the second.

One circuit, DHW

What should be the piping of a wall-mounted gas boiler, which allows you to power a hot water supply system from it?

The elements: in addition to the safety group, pump and expansion tank, the piping includes an indirect heating boiler. The heat carrier from the heating circuit serves as a heat source for heating water.


  1. Two coolant circulation circuits are formed - a large one (through the heating system) and a small one (through a boiler). Each circuit is equipped with shut-off valves and can be switched off independently of the other;

  1. Boiler breaks the feed pouring. Immediately after its insertion, a bypass with a tap on it is installed between the supply and return. In summer, when the heating is turned off, the coolant circulates through the indirect heating boiler and then through the bypass.

Two circuits, DHW

What should be the piping scheme for a double-circuit gas boiler?

Let's start with the basics. The double-circuit boiler is equipped with two heat exchangers - for heating and hot water supply. Both heat exchangers are flow-through and are controlled by thermostats.

On the practical side, this means that the DHW heat exchanger begins to heat water only when it flows through the tap. Overheating and uncontrolled pressure growth can be avoided; an expansion tank and a safety group for DHW are not needed.

The cold water supply is connected to the inlet of the water supply heat exchanger, to the outlet - hot water supply, which distributes it through the mixers.

Hot water circuit elements:

  • Filter for coarse water purification at the inlet to the DHW heat exchanger;
  • Ball valves at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger.

Heating circuit elements: the same as for a single-circuit boiler.

The installation of a small expansion tank for hot water supply is practiced when distributing hot water with metal pipes. All types of polymer pipes, due to the elasticity of the walls, perfectly compensate for the slight expansion of water when heated.

DHW with recirculation

How to organize the circulation of water in the DHW system?

The elements:

  • Hot water supply, forming a closed loop;

In apartment buildings, risers in hot water supply systems with continuous circulation are combined by 2-4 pieces by jumpers on the top floor or attic. Heated towel rails are installed in the break of the riser.

  • Circulation pump at any point in the supply line.


  • As a source of hot water, both a double-circuit and a single-circuit boiler with an indirect heating boiler can be used;

  • To reduce heat loss, hot water supply lines are insulated with foamed polyethylene (energy flex) or any other insulation.


I hope that I was able to suggest to the reader solutions to all the problems that may arise during the installation of a gas boiler. As usual, the video in this article will provide you with additional content. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

To correctly install the gas unit, you should study the piping diagrams of the floor gas boiler. Depending on the characteristics of the heating device: the number of circuits, the presence of a connection to electricity, the installation of additional systems, the diagrams may differ.

Consider what elements the piping of a floor gas heating boiler can include.

Expansion tank

A diaphragm expansion tank is required to compensate for the increased volume of water or antifreeze when they are heated. This element is divided into two parts by a membrane, one of which is filled with air or nitrogen. With an increase in the volume of the coolant, the gas is compressed, due to which the pressure in the heat exchanger does not increase significantly.

Note! The volume of the expansion tank must be at least 10% of the amount of the coolant.

Safety valve

The purpose of the safety valve is to dump the excess coolant with a large increase in pressure in the circuit in order to prevent rupture of pipes of heating systems. Excess fluid is discharged through the drainage tube into the sewer. If the valve operates frequently, this indicates an insufficient size of the diaphragm expansion vessel.

Pressure gauge

A pressure gauge is required to monitor the operating pressure in the circuit. Sometimes a thermomanometer is used instead, which measures not only pressure, but also temperature. The scale of such a device should reach at least 4 atmospheres.

Air vent

The air vent is designed to discharge air masses into the environment that remained after the coolant has been drained. The remaining air creates noise and acts as an obstacle to the normal circulation of the coolant.

Circulation pump

The pump ensures the circulation of the coolant forcibly. Its power can be changed, thereby adjusting the flow rate of the liquid in the heat exchanger.

Indirect heating boiler

A boiler is needed to provide hot water in the required volume. It is a heat-insulating tank that stores heated water.


Hydrostrelka is a container with branch pipes to which you can connect several circuits that combine supply and return. This element allows you to connect pipes in which the liquid has a different circulation rate and temperature.

Coarse filter

This element is a reservoir with a filter mesh for cleaning water from coarse debris. The filter protects the heat exchanger tube from clogging.


Many are interested in the question of which pipes can be used to strap a floor-standing gas boiler. The temperature in the circuit usually does not exceed 80 ° C, and in the underfloor heating system it does not exceed 35 ° C. The pressure is at the level of 1-2.5 kgf / cm2. When the pump is stopped, boiling of the coolant is excluded, since after a few seconds the burner stops working and the flame goes out. Based on the existing operating conditions, polymer and metal-polymer pipes, the cost of which is much lower than durable copper or galvanized counterparts, are quite suitable for piping a floor gas heating boiler.

Recommendations for the implementation of piping a floor boiler

The floor standing boiler must not be located at the highest point of the heating system. Otherwise, non-observance of this condition will lead to the accumulation of air masses in the pipes, which will negatively affect the quality of heating. The supply pipe without a venting device leaving the boiler must be vertical.

The sequential wiring of the radiators and the connection of the gas unit to the communications are performed using metal-plastic on press fittings or polypropylene with aluminum reinforcement. However, fittings are sensitive to the quality of installation and, when the seals are loose, they begin to leak quite quickly. Polypropylene pipes are more reliable and have many advantages:

  • allow you to create a system of any complexity;
  • are not afraid of exposure to high temperatures;
  • have a long service life;
  • no plaque reducing the diameter settles on the pipe walls;
  • withstand high pressure.

The strapping of the floor gas boiler with polypropylene is carried out by soldering, which makes it possible to give the system solidity.

Note! The creation of a heating system with many bends is not desirable, as this reduces the efficiency of the unit and complicates installation. The number of connections should also be kept to a minimum.

Features of the piping of the gas pipe

According to construction requirements, the connection of the gas line to the boiler must be rigid and ensured with a metal pipe and joining through a metal clamp or "American". For tightness, it is allowed to use only paronite gasket. It is prohibited to use rubber or tow.

Wiring diagrams for floor-standing gas boilers

Depending on the design of the unit, as well as the connected additional systems, the piping schemes for gas boilers may differ. Let's take a closer look at the most common options.

Connection of a single-circuit volatile boiler

Volatile floor-standing gas boilers with forced circulation of the coolant are usually equipped with all the necessary parts: an expansion tank, a circulation pump, a pressure gauge, etc. Such a system is the most flexible in management. You can program a separate temperature for each room, and the automation will maintain this mode constantly.

It is worth considering that a volatile system cannot work without electricity. In addition, to extend its service life, it will be necessary to purchase a voltage stabilizer.

The piping of a single-circuit floor-standing gas boiler includes the following connections:

  • gas main;
  • supply to the heating system;
  • return from radiators.

Connection of a single-circuit non-volatile boiler

Independent of electricity, floor-standing gas boilers do not have a circulation pump, and the coolant in such a system moves only according to the laws of physics. Do-it-yourself piping of a floor-standing gas boiler in this case is easier, however, in order for such a system to work effectively, many nuances should be taken into account:

  • the boiler must be placed as low as possible - in a pit or basement;
  • in front of the heat exchanger of the unit, it is useful to build a discharge into the sewer - this will be needed for a long trip;
  • any metal or plastic container connected to the filling can be used as an open expansion tank;
  • the tank should be installed at the top of the heating system;
  • the inner diameter of the pipe must not be less than 32 mm.

When installing pipes, they should be installed with a slight slope to the vertical in order to ensure free circulation of the coolant. The difference in height between the heat exchanger of the unit and the heating radiators provides a hydraulic head that makes the coolant move.

If desired, such a system can be supplemented with a pump, while it does not require an electrical connection. It is cut in parallel to the filling system, and a ball valve is mounted between the inserts.

Single-circuit unit with hot water supply

The piping of a single-circuit gas boiler capable of producing hot water additionally includes an indirect heating boiler. The water in it is heated from the coolant of the main circuit. It turns out that it goes through two schemes: a large one - through the heating system, a small one - through a boiler. Each of the two circuits is equipped with shut-off valves, which makes it possible to turn off each of them independently of the other.

An indirect heating boiler is connected to a small circulation loop through a three-way valve. Immediately after it, a tap is placed between the supply and return. This allows you to use warm water in the summer, when there is no need for heating.

Scheme of piping a floor-standing double-circuit boiler

The double-circuit floor-standing gas boiler is equipped with two heat exchangers: the main one for heating, the second one for providing hot water supply. Both are flowing. The hot water supply circuit begins to heat only when the tap is turned on, so overheating and pressure increase in it are excluded - an expansion tank is not needed in this case.

In addition to piping connections for a single-circuit heating system, the scheme of a double-circuit boiler provides for connecting cold water to the inlet of the DHW heat exchanger, and to the outlet pipe that distributes hot water through the mixers.

It is recommended to install a coarse filter on the cold water supply pipeline to the DHW circuit, as well as embed ball valves at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger.

Strapping a floor-standing gas boiler with underfloor heating

If you plan to connect underfloor heating to the gas heating system, then it should be borne in mind that in heating radiators the coolant heats up to 80ºC, and in the "warm floor" system - up to 35ºC. Therefore, they cannot be directly connected. A piping scheme for a floor-standing gas boiler with a hydrocollector, which will equalize pressure and temperature, is suitable here.

Note! Hydraulic levelers are included in the piping schemes for gas boilers with a capacity of 50 kW or more using several circuits.

The finished hydrocollector is connected to the boiler, and then the heating system and "warm floors" are connected to the pipes of the first one. The return from the heating radiators is stabilized in the hydrocollector and, already prepared, is supplied for floor heating.

The piping of the heating boiler is a mandatory procedure that will be required if you decide to mount the entire system yourself. This article will help you understand many of the nuances and take into account possible pitfalls. You should deal with various schemes and solutions.

What it is?

Simply put, this is a sequence of actions that includes the calculation and connection of various components. This is necessary so that the entire system functions smoothly, and the boiler can operate with the highest possible efficiency. This will contribute to high efficiency and economical energy consumption.

The set of components will depend on which type of system is chosen:

  • natural or gravitational circulation;
  • forced circulation;
  • mixed.

For the first option, it will be as follows:

  • Boiler. This is the heart of the whole mechanism. It is he who, heating the liquid, makes it act in accordance with the laws of physics - to rise up and pass along the entire circuit. Then, cooling down, it returns to its original point. For the variant of natural circulation, floor heating devices are used.
  • Pipes. For such a solution, metal pipes of large diameter will be relevant (in some cases, the supply pipe may be 2 ″). It is important that there is no resistance from the line for free circulation of water.
  • Expansion tank. It can be both open - in contact with the environment - and closed - not in contact with air. No additional membranes are used here, because there is no need to maintain the set pressure. It is mounted at the highest point of the entire system.
  • Batteries. Both cast iron and steel radiators can be used.
  • Mayevsky's crane. It is desirable that it be installed on all batteries where it is needed. In this case, it will be possible to bleed air from the battery at any time.
  • Fitting. The most commonly used metal threaded or welded corners, tees, bends and other connectors.

The advantages of such a system are ease of installation, availability of all components, and the possibility of self-installation. The disadvantages include the significant dimensions of the components, which greatly affects the appearance. Also, the other side of the coin is inertia or slow heating of the entire wiring.

For systems with forced circulation, the components will be as follows:

  • Boiler. In this case, you can use any option. The strapping of a wall-mounted device is fundamentally similar, but includes additional elements. Also, this type of heater is equipped with additional protective systems.
  • Pipes. With this implementation, both metal and all types of suitable plastic products can be used.
  • Expansion tank. Here it is of the membrane type. Inside it is a "pear", it allows you to maintain the pressure inside all circuits at the same level. Usually installed near the equipment.
  • Radiators. The same options can be applied as in the previous scheme. Steel will be more economical. They contain less water, so it heats up faster and uses less fuel.
  • Mayevsky's cranes. Installation is the same as in the previous version. In addition, a relief valve for air can be installed, which automatically removes it from the circuits.
  • Fittings are selected depending on which pipe is used for installation.
  • Circulation pump . Usually it is already installed in the heating appliance. If there are several circuits using a collector, additional units are mounted.
  • Hydraulic arrow. This is a very important element that makes it possible to create a balance between the different contours in the ray arrangement. It is designed to equalize pressure and ensure that hot media is delivered to every point on time.
  • Pressure gauge. Usually found in all modern equipment. If it is not there, then it is installed next to the heating device. It is necessary in order to control the constancy of pressure within the entire system.
  • Collector. The element from which the wiring of various circuits is carried out is supplied with a coolant.

The positive aspects of such a wiring are a high heating rate of the entire coolant, a more economical consumption of gas or electricity. With this option, it is possible to increase the length of the circuits in order to carry out the installation of a water-heated floor. The disadvantages usually include the high cost of work, a certain difficulty in maintenance and the impossibility of functioning in the absence of electrical energy.

In a mixed system, circulation can be carried out in two ways. The pump cuts parallel to the main circuit without breaking it. Two cranes are installed on the inlets to the device in order to cut it off at any time, as well as one locking mechanism on the main pipe under it. This valve closes when the pump is running. If you want the system to work in automatic mode, then instead of a tap, you need to install a check valve. The entire system usually also consists of metal pipes.

Plastic pipes are widespread. This is due to the affordable price, as well as versatility. Thanks to this solution, you can bypass any obstacles and complete a contour of any complexity. Joining of pipes is done using fittings and a soldering iron. If possible, it is best to try to get by with as few connections as possible. This is due to the fact that the inner diameter often narrows at the soldering points, and this creates unnecessary hydrostatic stress and lowers the efficiency. If the design allows, then it is better to use taps with a smooth transition, this will exclude sharp drops. Modern polypropylene can withstand media temperatures up to 95º without any problems, service life is up to 50 years without the need for serious maintenance.

Seat selection

For natural circulation systems, a floor-standing boiler is usually selected. There is one very important condition in relation to it - it must be at the lowest point of all contours. This is explained by the fact that air bubbles should not accumulate in it. Otherwise, the heat exchanger will burn out faster. Also, at the outlet there should be a pipe, which, after the transition, has a vertical arrangement, this is necessary so that the air can freely rise upward, and subsequently be removed through a special relief valve or through an open expansion tank.

In the case of installing a forced system, this condition may not be met. Wall samples can be installed both at the highest point in some cases, and at the lowest point when the heater is installed in the basement.

When piping a double-circuit boiler is performed , in addition, it is necessary to ensure its connection to the water supply system. This is necessary because it not only heats up the coolant for the heating system, but also heats running water, which will be used for domestic needs. For single-circuit, a similar scheme can also be implemented. But this can only be done when installing a secondary heat exchanger. A metal cylinder can act in its role, through which the supply pipe to the system is launched.

Nuances for a solid fuel boiler

Such equipment cannot be simply turned off, like gas or electric. If a download was carried out, then nothing will change until the fuel is completely burned out. Therefore, with such a strapping, it is necessary to provide for protection systems. They can be of several types:

  • Using tap liquid. To implement this option, a special device is purchased. In appearance, it resembles a heating element. It is built into the heat exchanger, some manufacturers specifically provide an additional input for such solutions. After that, running water is supplied, and the outlet pipe is lowered into the sewer. The essence of the method lies in the fact that when the circulation pump stops working due to a lack of electrical energy or a breakdown, a valve opens, which lets in cold water, it, passing through the coil, takes a part of the temperature, and then is discharged into the sewer. The process continues until the fuel is completely burned out. In some situations, this method will be ineffective, since when the light is turned off, the pressure in the water supply also disappears.
  • Uninterrupted power supply unit. Various options are available today. Most of them support the connection of external batteries. The duration of operation will depend on the selected battery capacity. In this case, the pump is connected to the mains via the UPS. As soon as the electrical energy is lost, a device comes into play, which maintains the pump's operation until the moment when the power supply to the house is restored or until the batteries are discharged.
  • Small gravity contour. It implies the circulation of the medium in a small circle, which does not require the use of a pump. It is made in compliance with all slopes and pipe diameters.
  • Additional gravity circuit. This option implies the presence of two full contours. At the same time, when an emergency situation arises and forced circulation disappears, hot water under the influence of physical laws continues to flow into the second circle, giving the temperature to heating devices.

These are additional components, which for the most part are already part of modern boilers.

  • Automatic relief valve. In appearance, it may resemble a valve-like structure or a small barrel with a nipple at the top. In order to find out if it is in the design of the device, you need to look at the design features of the connection pipes, usually it is located there.
  • Dirt trap. A special flask that allows you to remove unnecessary elements from the heating circuits that got there when filling the system. It is installed in front of the entrance to the boiler. It is necessary to clean it periodically.
  • Coarse filter. An ordinary tap is used. It is usually mounted at the inlet of the main line to the equipment.

Sequence of installation work

  • Mounting. If a solid fuel version of the boiler is used, care must be taken to ensure that there is a solid base under it that will be resistant to high temperatures. For the gas floor-standing and wall-mounted turbocharged version, a hole is made in the wall through which a branch pipe is drawn out for the discharge of exhaust gases and the supply of fresh air. For the chimney option and solid fuel equipment, it will be necessary to bring an additional pipe to the required height to create traction.
  • Chimney connection. For modern samples, a special pipe with two sleeves is provided, one goes inside the other. One is used to withdraw, the other is to be fed. In other embodiments, a clay solution is used to seal the joint. It is undesirable to use cement, as it will crack quickly.
  • Ensuring good air supply. For solid fuel, an additional supply valve can be supplied, with which it will be possible to regulate the incoming air and the combustion force.
  • Installation of piping. When the device is installed, it is easier to navigate how best to lay the line.
  • In parallel, the connection of systems that will ensure safety, as well as expansion tanks, is being carried out.
  • Install a circulation pump, if necessary.
  • Installation of additional temperature sensors.
  • Connection to the gas pipeline. It must be remembered that such a connection must be rigid without the use of flexible hoses.

In no case should you save on components and neglect protection systems. Which particular pipe routing method will be relevant in your case will depend on many factors, the main of which will be the device itself.


This video shows how the strapping is done.

The efficiency of its further operation and service life depend on how correctly the piping of the solid fuel boiler is made. In operation, wood and coal heat generators differ from units using other types of fuel, therefore they require a special approach.

It is proposed to consider in detail how, after installing the heating wiring, to connect a solid fuel boiler, including with your own hands. You can find a description of the various schemes for connecting a TT boiler to the heating system in this material.

What is the difference between solid fuel boilers

In addition to burning various types of solid fuels, heat generators have a number of differences from other heat sources. These features must be taken for granted and always taken into account when piping a solid fuel boiler with a water heating system. What are they:

  1. High inertia. At the moment, there are no ways to abruptly extinguish the burnt out solid fuel in the combustion chamber.
  2. Condensation formation in the firebox during warming up. The peculiarity is manifested due to the entry into the boiler tank of a coolant with a low temperature (below 50 ° C).

Note. The phenomenon of inertia is absent only in one type of solid fuel units - pellet boilers. They have a burner, where wood pellets are fed in metered doses, after stopping the supply, the flame goes out almost immediately.

Diagram of a TT-boiler for direct combustion with forced air injection

The inertia creates the danger of overheating of the heater's water jacket, as a result of which the coolant in it boils. Steam is generated, which creates a high pressure, bursting the housing of the unit and part of the supply line. As a result, there is a lot of water in the furnace room, a lot of steam and a solid fuel boiler unsuitable for further operation.

A similar situation can arise when the piping of the heat generator is not done correctly. Indeed, in fact, the normal operating mode of wood-burning boilers is maximum, it is at this time that the unit reaches its passport efficiency. When the thermostat reacts to the heating agent reaching a temperature of 85 ° C and closes the air damper, combustion and smoldering in the firebox still continues. The water temperature rises by another 2-4 ° C, or even more, before its growth stops.

In order to avoid overpressure and a subsequent accident, an important element is always involved in the piping of a solid fuel boiler - a safety group, more about it will be discussed below.

Another unpleasant feature of the unit's operation on wood is the appearance of condensation on the inner walls of the firebox due to the passage of an unheated coolant through the water jacket. This condensate is not God's dew at all, since it is an aggressive liquid, from which the steel walls of the combustion chamber quickly corrode. Then, mixing with the ash, the condensate turns into a sticky substance, it is not so easy to tear it off the surface. The problem is solved by installing a mixing unit in the piping of a solid fuel boiler.

Such a deposit serves as a heat insulator and reduces the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler.

For owners of heat generators with cast iron heat exchangers that are not afraid of corrosion, it is early to breathe a sigh of relief. They can expect another trouble - the possibility of destruction of cast iron from a temperature shock. Imagine that in a private house the electricity was turned off for 20-30 minutes and the circulation pump, which drives water through a solid fuel boiler, stopped. During this time, the water in the radiators has time to cool down, and in the heat exchanger - to heat up (due to the same inertia).

Electricity appears, the pump turns on and directs the cooled coolant from the closed heating system into the heated boiler. From a sharp temperature drop, a temperature shock occurs at the heat exchanger, the cast-iron section cracks, and water runs to the floor. It is very difficult to repair, it is not always possible to replace the section. So, even in this situation, the mixing unit will prevent an accident, which will be discussed later.

Emergency situations and their consequences are described not in order to scare users of solid fuel boilers or induce them to buy unnecessary elements of piping circuits. The description is based on practical experience that must always be considered. With the correct connection of the heating unit, the likelihood of such consequences is extremely low, almost the same as for heat generators using other types of fuel.

How to connect a solid fuel boiler

The canonical scheme for connecting a solid fuel boiler contains two main elements that allow it to function reliably in the heating system of a private house. This is a safety group and a mixing unit based on and a temperature sensor shown in the picture:

The always open outlet of the mixing valve (left branch pipe in the diagram) must be directed towards the pump and the heat generator, otherwise there will be no circulation in the small boiler circuit

Note. The expansion tank is not conventionally shown here - it must be connected to the return line of the heating system in front of the pump (in the direction of water flow).

The presented diagram shows how to connect the unit correctly and is used with any solid fuel boilers, including pellet ones. You can find various general heating schemes - with a heat accumulator, an indirect heating boiler or a hydraulic arrow, on which this unit is not shown, but it must be there. The method of protection against moisture loss in the firebox is discussed in detail in the video:

The task of the safety group, installed directly at the outlet of the supply pipe of a solid fuel boiler, is to automatically release the pressure in the network when it rises above the set value (usually - 3 Bar). It is engaged in this, and besides it, the element is equipped with a pressure gauge. The first releases the air that appears in the coolant, the second serves to control the pressure.

Attention! On the section of the pipeline between the safety group and the boiler, it is not allowed to install any shut-off valves. If you supplied a ball valve for cutting off and repairing group parts, remove the handle from the stem.

How the circuit works

The mixing unit, which protects the heat generator from condensate and temperature extremes, works according to the following algorithm, starting from kindling:

  1. The wood is just burning up, the pump is on, the valve on the side of the heating system is closed. The coolant circulates in a small circle through the bypass.
  2. When the temperature in the return pipeline rises to 50-55 ° C, where there is a remote-mounted sensor, the thermal head, at its command, begins to press on the stem of the three-way valve.
  3. The valve slowly opens and cold water gradually enters the boiler, mixing with hot water from the bypass.
  4. As all the radiators warm up, the total temperature rises and then the valve closes the bypass completely, passing the entire coolant through the heat exchanger of the unit.

An important nuance. Paired with a 3-way valve, a special head with a sensor and a capillary is installed, designed to regulate the water temperature in a certain range (for example, 40 ... 70 or 50 ... 80 degrees). A conventional radiator thermal head will not work.

This piping scheme is the simplest and most reliable, its installation can be easily done with your own hands and thus ensure the safe operation of a solid fuel boiler. There are a couple of recommendations regarding this, especially when tying a wood heater in a private house with polypropylene or other polymer pipes:

  1. Make the section of the pipe from the boiler to made of metal, and then lay the plastic.
  2. Thick-walled polypropylene does not conduct heat well, which is why the patch sensor will openly lie, and the three-way valve will lag behind. For the unit to work correctly, the section between the pump and the heat generator, where the copper bulb is located, must also be metal.

Connecting with copper pipes will not protect the polypropylene from destruction in case of overheating of the TT boiler. But it will allow the temperature sensor and safety valve to work correctly on the safety group

Another point is the location of the circulation pump. It is best for him to stand where he is shown in the diagram - on the return line in front of the wood-burning boiler. In general, you can put the pump on the supply, but remember what was mentioned above: in an emergency, steam may appear in the supply pipe.

The pump is unable to pump gases, therefore, when the chamber is filled with steam, the impeller will stop, the circulation of the coolant will stop. This will accelerate a possible explosion of the boiler, because it will not be cooled by the water flowing from the return.

A way to reduce the cost of strapping

The condensation protection circuit can be reduced in cost by installing a three-way mixing valve of a simplified design, which does not require the connection of a patch temperature sensor and thermal head. A thermostatic element is already installed in it, set to a fixed mixture temperature of 55 or 60 ° C, as shown in the figure:

Special 3-way valve for HERZ-Teplomix solid fuel heating units

Note. Many well-known brands such as Herz Armaturen, Danfoss, Regulus and others produce similar valves that maintain a fixed temperature of the mixed outlet water and are intended for installation in the primary circuit of a solid fuel boiler.

The installation of such an element definitely allows you to save on the piping of the TT-boiler. But at the same time, the possibility of changing the temperature of the coolant with the help of the thermal head is lost, and its deviation at the outlet can reach 1-2 ° C. In most cases, these disadvantages are insignificant.

Option of piping with a buffer tank

The presence of a buffer tank is highly desirable for the operation of a boiler on solid fuels and here's why. In order for the unit to function efficiently and produce heat with the efficiency declared in the passport (from 75 to 85% for different types), it must operate at maximum mode. When the air damper is closed in order to slow down the combustion, there is a lack of oxygen in the firebox and the efficiency of burning firewood decreases. At the same time, emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) into the atmosphere increase.

For reference. It is precisely because of emissions in most European countries that it is prohibited to operate solid fuel boilers without a buffer tank.

On the other hand, at maximum combustion, the temperature of the coolant in modern heat generators reaches 85 ° C, and one bookmark of firewood lasts only 4 hours. This does not suit many owners of private houses. The solution to the problem is to put a buffer tank and include it in the piping of the TT-boiler in such a way that it serves as a storage tank. Schematically it looks like this:

By measuring the temperature of T1 and T2, it is possible to adjust the layer-by-layer loading of the vessel with a balancing valve.

When the firebox is burning with might and main, the buffer tank accumulates heat (in technical language - it is loaded), and after damping it gives it to the heating system. To control the temperature of the coolant supplied to the radiators, a three-way mixing valve and a second pump are also installed on the other side of the storage tank. Now it is not at all necessary to run to the boiler every 4 hours, because after the firebox decays, the heating of the house will provide a buffer tank for some time. How long depends on its volume and heating temperature.

Reference. Based on practical experience, the capacity of the heat accumulator can be determined as follows: a private house with an area of ​​200 m² will need a tank with a volume of at least 1 m³.

There are a couple of important nuances. In order for the piping scheme to work safely, you need a solid fuel boiler, whose power will be enough for simultaneous heating and loading the buffer tank. This means that power is required 2 times higher than the calculated one. Another point is the selection of the pump capacity in such a way that the flow rate in the boiler circuit slightly exceeds the amount of flowing water in the heating circuit.

An interesting option for joining a TT-boiler with a home-made buffer tank (it is also an indirect heating boiler) without a pump is demonstrated by ours in the video:

Joint connection of two boilers

To increase the comfort of heating a private house, many owners install two or more heat sources operating on different energy sources. At the moment, the most relevant combinations of boilers for:

  • natural gas and wood;
  • solid fuels and electricity.

Accordingly, the gas and solid fuel boiler must be connected in such a way that the second automatically replaces the first one after burning the next portion of firewood. The same requirements are put forward for the strapping of an electric boiler with a wood-burning one. It is quite simple to do this when a buffer tank is involved in the piping scheme, since it simultaneously plays the role of a hydraulic arrow, which is shown in the figure.

Boiler supply lines are connected to the upper nozzles of the heat accumulator, return lines to the lower

Advice. You will find information on calculating the volume of the buffer tank.

As you can see, due to the presence of an intermediate storage tank, 2 different boilers can serve several distribution heating circuits at once - batteries and underfloor heating, and in addition load an indirect heating boiler. But not everyone installs a heat accumulator with a TT boiler, since it is not a cheap pleasure. For this case, there is a simple scheme, and you can assemble it yourself:

The scheme takes into account the peculiarity of the electric boiler - the built-in circulation pump always works

Note. The scheme is valid for both an electric and a gas heat generator operating together with a solid fuel one.

The main source of heat here is the wood-burning heater. After the firewood bookmark burns out, the air temperature in the house begins to drop, which is registered by the room thermostat sensor and immediately turns on the heating with an electric boiler. Without a new load of firewood, the temperature in the supply pipe decreases and the overhead mechanical thermostat turns off the pump of the solid fuel unit. If, after some time, you light it up, then everything will happen in the reverse order. Details about this method of joint connection are described in the video:

Strapping by the method of primary and secondary rings

There is another way of joint piping of a solid fuel boiler with an electric one to provide a large number of consumers. This is a method of primary and secondary circulation rings, which provides for hydraulic separation of flows, but without the use of a hydraulic arrow. Also, for reliable operation of the system, a minimum of electronics is required, and a controller is not needed at all, despite the apparent complexity of the circuit:

The trick is that all consumers and boilers are connected to one primary circulation ring both by the supply pipeline and by the return. Due to the small distance between the connections (up to 300 mm), the pressure drop is minimal compared to the head of the main circuit pump. Due to this, the movement of water in the primary ring does not depend on the operation of the pumps of the secondary rings. Only the temperature of the coolant changes.

Theoretically, any number of heat sources and secondary rings can be included in the main circuit. The main thing is to choose the right pipe diameters and the performance of the pumping units. The actual capacity of the main ring pump must exceed the flow in the most "voracious" secondary circuit.

To achieve this, it is necessary to perform a hydraulic calculation and only then it will be possible to select the right pumps, so that an ordinary homeowner cannot do without the help of specialists. In addition, it is necessary to link the work of solid fuel and electric boilers by installing shut-off thermostats, which is described in the following video:


As you can see, it is not so easy to correctly make the piping of a solid fuel boiler. The question must be treated responsibly and before performing installation and connection work, additionally consult with a specialist whose qualifications are beyond doubt. For example, with someone who gives explanations in the videos presented.

Autonomous heating allows you not to depend on the established consumption rates, the price policy of heat suppliers and their mood. That makes it possible to independently control the heating process and maintain the most comfortable temperature in the house, while saving resources.

And if you have a do-it-yourself heating boiler piping, then it will last longer, and will “take away” less financial resources, isn't it? But you have never been involved in strapping, and at first glance the word itself seems incomprehensible to you?

Do not be afraid of the abundance of pipes, devices and technological stages - after reading the article, you will be able to do this work. Here, strapping schemes for floor and wall types of heating equipment are considered, illustrative photos and recommendations of specialists for performing strapping at home are selected.

Heating boiler piping is a system of pipelines and equipment designed to provide radiators with a coolant. Simply put, this is everything except batteries.

The first step is the choice of a heating boiler, the performance of which must be determined in advance.

The calculation of the required power of the heating unit is influenced by many factors, these are:

  • the volume of the building;
  • number of windows and total glazing area;
  • the number and area of ​​doorways;
  • thermal conductivity of materials used in the construction of walls;
  • the degree of insulation of supporting structures;
  • average annual temperature in the construction region;
  • the location of the building, i.e. which of the cardinal points is the main, traditionally the most glazed, facade.

However, there is an average indicator that, without deep calculations, allows you to determine the required performance.

For the middle lane, 1 kW per 10 m² of heated area can be taken as a starting point (but not a guide to action!). It is imperative to add a margin of at least 20% to the calculated power of the heating boiler.

Heat for heating buildings is obtained by processing fuel in boilers that heat the heat carrier

Types of heating boilers

Conditionally, heating boilers can be divided into autonomous and manual loading.

Autonomous boilers, depending on the fuel used, are:

  • liquid fuel.

The order in the list determines the cost of heating depending on the type of fuel: gas boilers will be the cheapest to operate.

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