Fire dragon horoscope. Dragon Male Sexuality

Years of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Dragons according to the Chinese horoscope are smart, open, intelligent people. They are not petty, incapable of hypocrisy and backbiting. You can always rely on them. In most cases, Dragons look solid.

Dragon Chinese Zodiac: Astropsychological Characteristics

Since childhood, the Dragon, being a self-sufficient person, has been trying to defend his freedom and independence. He seeks to quickly break out of the parental nest and start an independent life.

Dragons according to the Chinese horoscope are favorites in any society. They instantly conquer those around them with their breadth of horizons, charm and ability for psychoanalysis. They are listened to, interesting, intelligent and influential. At the same time, they always know how to keep their distance, which only enhances their magical attractiveness.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons have great vitality and activity. If they cut off one head, two grow. Usually they accurately assess the situation in their environment (from a bird's eye view), and quickly and clearly solve all problems.

Dragons have a strong Spirit. Many of them are inclined towards philosophy, mysticism and religion. A brilliant mind and natural curiosity makes them think about the structure of the Universe and the great secrets of life. They are also attracted by magic.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon achieves everything in life with his talent, versatile abilities, finely thought out tactics of the game, good intuition and even cunning, if necessary. But in general, Dragons are honest, sincere people.

In dealing with Dragons, it should be borne in mind that they do not like indecisive, expectant, eternally hesitant people. They also dislike conservatives and bureaucrats. Dragons like the same bright, strong, outstanding personalities, like themselves. Among the Dragons there are many dreamers, romantics and couch potatoes. They are amazingly able to combine dreams with lying on the couch and do nothing to make them come true.

Most Dragons according to the Chinese horoscope are gullible (like all strong people), they can be easily deceived. If they find out about betrayal, they first fall into depression, and then pull themselves together and can incinerate the enemy. The dragon strikes mercilessly. Therefore, he practically does not have obvious enemies, and if there are any, then they act surreptitiously. Enemies are well aware that they will lose in a fair fight. The Dragon can only be defeated by a sophisticated cunning, luring him into a trap from which he cannot escape, that is, to cut off his escape routes.

Dragon Chinese zodiac: business qualities

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon is a purposeful person. Having set a goal, he goes to it, without deviating from the path and without exchanging for trifles. He tries to shift the small work to others, but he always reaps the fruits of success himself.

Most Dragons succeed in any business, they are easy-going and achieve everything they dreamed of. They are born to win and shine at the ball of life. Possessing an amazing ability to forge connections, both horizontally and vertically.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons can make a great career, make a decent fortune, in general, take one of the warmest places in the sun. Dragons are naturally endowed with many abilities. The pursuit of excellence makes them demanding of themselves and others. They themselves give much more and are willing to help.

Dragons are noble, generous, strong-willed people. They know how to feel fine, are easily excitable and emotional. Whatever they do, they strive to get to the heart of the matter. As talented leaders, they know how to listen (and hear), persuade and persuade. They love to be in sight, love to "show themselves", to show off their intelligence and wit.

Chinese zodiac dragon in a relationship

In matters of love, the Dragon usually picks up "cruising speed", and so it flies through life without bright flashes and falls. In his heart, of course, he understands that he sometimes lacks vivid love impressions and even worries about this, but his mind keeps him from reckless actions.

By their nature, Dragons according to the Chinese horoscope are cold (most of their energy is in the head, and there is not enough energy in the urogenital area), so many Dragons have problems in their sexual life.

Many women - Dragons unsuccessfully remove the "crown of celibacy" in magic salons, complain about their coldness, which creates many problems for them, not realizing that this is a feature of the dragon's energy. In general, the Dragon is a good family man and friend. He strives for marriage, prefers constancy and clarity in relationships. He always supports friends. He takes care of children.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the dragon in love and in life always strives for victory, he loves to impress others. And if he does not succeed on the move, he is very upset.

Dragon Weaknesses Chinese Zodiac

According to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons often suffer from dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives. Outwardly, they are invulnerable and proud, but in their hearts they worry a lot about trifles. They do not like to concentrate their attention on small things, so they lose sight of important things.

Selfishness, arrogance, inner nervousness and intolerance prevent them from seeing the value of other people. According to the Chinese horoscope, dragons want to lead, lead others, but they quickly fizzle out and need a respite. Therefore, the distances must be short.

Dragon Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

DRAGON - RAT. Harmonious union. Complete understanding. Energy compatible.

DRAGON - BULL. A completely hopeless relationship. Two strong personalities are fighting for power. The Dragon wins.

DRAGON - TIGER. Experiencing respect and sympathy for each other. Cooperation is possible, but the Dragon tries to use the Tiger, and the Tiger does not like to be used.

DRAGON - HARE. Strained relations. A difficult union. The dragon will be able to be the master of the situation and subdue the Hare.

DRAGON - DRAGON. A wonderful union of two strong people. Energy and psychological compatibility. Full understanding, but a fight for the championship is possible.

DRAGON - SNAKE. Average, even relationship, but hopeless.

DRAGON - HORSE. The relationship is hopeless, there is no understanding. Horses with a Dragon are not interesting.

DRAGON - GOAT. A very tense relationship. The dragon will work in the sweat of his brow, and the Goat will interfere with him in all his endeavors.

DRAGON - MONKEY. Energy compatible. Opposites complement each other. But many Dragons intuitively avoid the cunning Monkeys. But the Monkeys are always fascinated by the Dragon.

DRAGON - COCK. Smooth, calm relationship. The dragon will use the Rooster to his advantage.

DRAGON - DOG. Unpromising relationship, it is difficult for them to understand each other. But if necessary, the Dragon will force the Dog to serve him.

DRAGON - KABAN. They like each other, quickly find a common language. But watch out, Dragon! The boar will sit on your neck. Worst option for a Dragon.

Relationships for the Dragon Chinese zodiac

Ideal relationship - Dragon, Rat, Monkey. Comfortable relationship - Bull, Hare, Dog. Dangerous Relationship - Goat, Boar

Dragon Man according to Chinese zodiac

Individualist and thinker. They always pay attention to him. He himself believes that he was created for higher goals, prosaic studies do not attract him. He is completely absorbed in his work. He usually chooses a job where there is an opportunity to lead others. But in general, in life, he rarely does one thing. Such dispersion sometimes goes sideways for him.

Many consider the Dragon man according to the Chinese horoscope to be a bore, his behavior is often shocking. But with all this, he is a good friend. He loves computers, electronics, is interested in psychology and magic. Both in the family and in the team, he always strives to become a central figure.

According to the Chinese horoscope, in love, a man-Dragon is gallant, easily loses his head, but keeping his interest for a long time is almost an unrealistic task. If you want him to always be by your side, constantly instill in him that he is an exceptional man (there are no other such people). Be gentle, make him jealous from time to time.

A man - Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope, most often by calculation, marries and has mistresses. Women quickly begin to understand "what's what", but they still fall for the Dragon's bait. For a man - a Dragon, love is a true friendship, therefore it is impossible to say that he knows how to deeply and passionately feel.

Dragon Woman Chinese Zodiac

Has a complex nature. She is smart and practical. Sometimes she seems tough and strict, but this is only an appearance: she has a kind heart. At the same time, when you need to achieve something or protect your business, she will give everyone the heat and do as she sees fit. She knows how to fight for power, she is not afraid of word of mouth and criticism.

In life, a woman - a Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope is usually lucky. She is making a successful career, she has many friends and acquaintances. True, some consider her arrogant and cold, but other people's opinions do not bother her. At home, she establishes her own rules and requires that the household strictly obey them.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon woman willingly flirts with men, but she does it exceptionally tactfully towards her husband. Thanks to her showiness and good manners, she invariably enjoys great success with men. She immediately "swallows" a weak man.

Throughout her stormy life, she has been offered a hand and a heart more than once. All that remains is to make the right choice. Some Dragon women according to the Chinese horoscope have a psychological crown of celibacy. The reason is the male type of energy, a lot of logic and reason, few feelings.

Astromagic capabilities of the Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac

What a miracle, what a bird, how it flies in the clouds!

But wait, the bird doesn't have scales on its sides?

Three heads, one tail. He has a huge height!

He flies in the clouds. Who? Of course - the Dragon!

In all fairy tales and horoscopes, they write about the unprecedented possibilities of the Dragon. Is he really as scary as they write about him? Maybe he has amazing magical abilities and from birth he is a sorcerer?

Perhaps we will disappoint you. Yes, indeed, the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope is a strong personality. He does everything himself, but at the same time he is not devoid of kindness. If he is offended by a stranger, the Dragon will be upset, of course, but will forgive him and fly on about his business. The betrayal of a stranger will not hurt him.

But if a close person betrays the Dragon, the Dragon will be mortally offended and will never forgive. However, there are options here as well. According to the Chinese horoscope, if the Dragon still loves this person, he will not harm him, but simply stop communicating with him, delete him from his notebook and from life.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the dragon has a sober mind, desire and ability to control not only his own destiny, but also his environment. Almost always, the Dragon stands above the situation (it is better seen from a bird's eye view), so he soberly assesses the situation and gives practical advice.

People who have fallen under the magical charm of the Dragon try to follow all his instructions, because they feel that he is right. If desired, the Dragon is able to negotiate with any person, as it is distinguished by calmness, self-esteem and prudence.

Who doesn't like calm people? For all the significance of its figure, the Dragon does not seek to humiliate or offend the weakest. He builds communication so skillfully that without further ado, everyone understands "who is the boss in the house." Possessing such a set of strengths, the Dragon does not need to specially engage in magic, because he already succeeds.

But life is unpredictable, and even the Dragon has bad weather days. It is on such critical days that he can resort to the help of magic.

So, what magic is the Dragon capable of and what can you expect from it?

Outwardly, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragons are very personable and even formidable, many are wary of them. But at heart, the Dragons are good, so they will not engage in sacrifice and black magic. Not out of fear, but out of kindness.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons are very fond of any kind of fortune-telling, spiritualism, divination and any kind of mysticism. Some Dragons, possessing high intuition, freely read information even from maps, even from coffee grounds, even from the shape of clouds. It makes no difference to them.

Dragons are superstitious, they believe in omens, even if they have a technical education. They adore magic and subconsciously believe in Divine Providence. Dragons do not practice ritual magic. In the best case, they will think, calculate the options, and go on living without doing anything.

Charging talismans and amulets, conjuring up objects and products, energetic cleaning of premises and people - Dragons do not inspire according to the Chinese horoscope. For them, these are trifles. They need a scale, a field for action, a place where their talents and abilities could unfold.

And love magic could not take root among the Dragons. Most Dragons prefer to seek love not with love spells, but in fair competition with competitors.

Sex magic is not a dragon's business either. Sex is not their forte. According to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons are strong with their spectacular appearance, their ability to present themselves and their generally balanced energy. This is what they use to achieve their goals.

By the way, according to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons are rarely lucky with sexual partners, although they want not only platonic love, but also the most ordinary sex. Dragons are energy donors for their entire environment. They consider energetic vampirism a humiliating affair and never do it.

But Dragons master the highest magic perfectly. They will want to receive a "star from the sky" - and they will definitely receive it. Moreover, those around them themselves, without prompting, fulfill the requirements of the Dragons. Everything turns out by itself. If, for example, the Dragon does not like one of his subordinates, then he does not need to say: "You are fired."

In heaven, everything ties in by itself, and the poor fellow quits on any pretext. If the Dragon does not like his boss, then the same fate awaits him. The fact is that people who dislike the Dragon cannot withstand its strong negative energy and flee.

In general, according to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons are peace-loving creatures (no matter what kind of beast-lizard they are drawn). They can do a lot of good for their loved ones. And from an excess of feelings, they can generously give gifts to strangers who need help.

Dragons have extensive connections and it is better to be friends with them than to conflict. Dragon and Dragon at the North Pole. The flame of his anger will melt any ice and incinerate the tormentor. It would be good to remember this before starting any case against the Dragon.

From a magical point of view, the Fire Dragon is considered the most dangerous according to the Chinese horoscope. He does not accept deception even in small things and always punishes his enemy harshly. He does not hesitate to use even the most black magic. For him, there are no obstacles, and in the fight against the enemy he uses all the power of his fiery nature.

How to influence the Dragon with the help of psychology and magic

To begin with, the Dragon is not a butterfly, you just can't catch it (you live great), and you can't pluck its wings! Unscrew his head and ask neither name nor address.

In order to influence the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope with the help of magic, you must have a powerful personal energy (much more powerful than his). And such people, fortunately for the Dragon, are few. Therefore, if you feel that your energy potential is average or below average, then it is useless to do anything against the Dragon.

Mouse magic fiddling won't hurt him. As in the fairy tale about the Serpent Gorynych: instead of one severed head, the Dragon grows three new ones. In real life, everything happens exactly as in a fairy tale. The dragon has amazing vitality.

Moreover, the more circumstances or ill-wishers put pressure on him, the stronger he becomes. Paradoxical, isn't it? What an amazing person the Dragon is! According to the Chinese horoscope, the harder it is for him to survive, the better he lives!

The question may arise: "Does the Dragon have no weak point?"

Unfortunately for the Dragon - there is! Remember children's fairy tales: in a direct, fair battle, the Dragon is invulnerable and invincible according to the Chinese horoscope. But there is still a deeply hidden golden needle, which contains the life of the Dragon.

I found this needle, broke it - and the Dragon was gone! Such a golden needle is called the soul of the Dragon. And if we consider this issue purely physiologically, then the weak point of all Dragons is the heart, genitourinary system, kidneys, blood vessels.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon does not fly all the time. Like everyone else, from time to time he needs a rest at the "base", that is, in the circle of friends, people close to him. Therefore, the only people on Earth who are able to defeat the Dragon are those whom he loves and appreciates, in whom he has invested a lot of energy and, possibly, money.

He does not expect a blow from them. Only they can trample and destroy the Dragon's soul, and at the same time shorten his life. Thus, the most vulnerable point of the Dragon is his friends and close people. This is where the weak point of the Dragons manifests itself - the first and second chakras.

People familiar with psychology often use the following method in the Chinese horoscope war with Dragons (Dragons and Dragonlings, be careful!):

When the Dragon gets up to someone across the road and needs to "annoy" him, the potential enemy rubs his trust in him, tries to become his best friend. Dragons love flattery, appearance is very important to them. And the opponents of the Dragon successfully use this weakness against him.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the dragon is smart, he perfectly understands that he is being flattered, but he is pleased to hear the flattery. Having gained confidence in the Dragon, the enemies are in no hurry to inflict a decisive blow on him.

They understand that the Dragon can withstand the blow and give back. Therefore, ill-wishers act on the sly, surreptitiously. They put the necessary information on food, personal belongings of the Dragon, his apartment, car, etc. up to the application of the evil eye and damage.

Once a woman called a Dragon, the head of a medical institution, turned to us for help. The team decided to get rid of the principled, demanding leader. And since they could not get rid of her by honest means, they began to survive her with the help of magic.

Women (doctors and teachers!) Tried in practice all the magic recipes that they found in the books of different healers. They coded sugar and sweets (the collective practiced joint tea drinking), entered information into objects on the desktop, tossed rusty nails taken from the cemetery into the office.

The leader resisted for a long time, but could not withstand the massive magical blow (the effect accumulated gradually) and became seriously ill. It took a lot of effort for her to survive.

Most Chinese zodiac Dragons believe in all sorts of predictions. Some cunning confidants play on this, deliberately guessing the necessary events for the trusting Dragon. The Dragon has no secrets from his friends; his soul is always open for close people. It remains only to skillfully use his frankness.

At the same time, the detractors of the Dragon try to look "white and fluffy". They know that if the Dragon sees through their cunning, he will not give a second chance. Fighting with the Dragon can be compared to the work of a miner: one wrong move - and the soul goes to heaven!

There is another way of psychological impact on the Dragon. He does not like to be made a fool, to be laughed behind his back. Especially the people he trusts. This is intolerable for the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope.

Proud and vain, he does not tolerate any humiliation. This feature of the Dragon is used in some teams when they want to get rid of an intelligent and talented Dragon, realizing that they cannot compete with him in moving up the career ladder.

In general, when communicating with the Dragon, you need to remember that the invincible Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope is an illusion. The dragon is a carnival creature and, in fact, non-existent. All his gloss is just an external manifestation. Inside it is a balloon.

He loves to impress, loves to look better than he really is. He generally loves external effects. He can play a whole drama in front of you with great artistry, but inside he has nothing.

If you do not understand the essence of the Dragon, then you are more likely to fall into his trap yourself than to catch him.

The year of birth plays an important role in formation of character and temperament person. This is evidenced by the Eastern horoscope. Let's talk about the brightest representative of the eastern zodiac. So, who are Dragons and who is easy to make friends with.

Character traits

Without exaggeration, the Dragon can be considered one of the most concentrated signs. If any feature is present in his temperament, then it is very pronounced. There can be no golden mean in the dragon's gut, for if we are talking about love, then it is extremely passionate, if about hatred it is incinerating.

The dragon is a noble creature. He is characterized by the utmost honesty, justice and even intelligence. The fire sign in any situation is able to act as the standard of good breeding and decency.

However, the fire, constantly smoldering in the soul of the sign, sometimes gets out of control. He is ready to fight for beliefs so fiercely that he is able to offend any person. If the winged one has caught someone in a lie, then the liar will not find salvation. The same applies to hypocrisy, deceit and other "dual" traits that the fiery one does not tolerate in those around him.

Fiery horoscope representative very independent. He clearly understands his duties, desires and goals, so he carries his burden proudly and alone. Even in a team, he is able to keep aloof, because he does not like to entrust things to others. You can only rely on yourself in this dishonest world.

In amorous affairs, the Dragon appears before the public as a conqueror. The charming appearance pushes the bearer of the wings to numerous love stories. All these stories only prove to the flying sign its peculiarity and originality.

But all the inconstancy of the sign immediately disappears as soon as he meets a rather interesting person. A representative of the opposite sex must be versatile so that the Dragon does not get tired of "discovering" it even after years. Only the one who gives the sign a place for fantasy will be able to keep this airy character. Although in this case it is not necessary to hold it. Having fallen in love, the winged will devote himself to you without a trace. All that is required of you is a readiness for ardent love, because mediocrity is unusual for them in relationships.

If the Dragon had to break off relations, he will try leave as delicately as possible... Despite the raging fire, which will burn out not only the inner world of the sign, but everything around, this fire will not affect you. He leaves so that he will be loved for many years later.


The man under the sign of the Dragon is a star. He loves universal charm, bathes in the rays of glory and does not tolerate pressure. This is a free bird that does not fit in any cage.

As they say, one Dragon - three guys. They are all different and arise when necessary.

For a long time he prefers to remain single, so as not to limit the flow of universal adoration to the household routine. Routine, by the way, has a fatal effect on him. As soon as he gets bored in a relationship, his ardor will immediately begin to look for vivid emotions in nearby bonfires.


Charming, attractive and flirtatious, the Dragon lady becomes the target of a man in the first minutes of acquaintance. She is flattered by the attention, but she is in no hurry to give away her emotions. Only the most persistent gentlemen will be able to achieve location. As stated in the description of the book “Itari. A pair for a dragon ”, this is love that must be fought for.

The Dragon Woman in love and family is the keeper of the hearth. Her family is her everything. She is ready to rush at anyone who offends her loved ones, and at the same time will show far from feminine belligerence.

Zodiac sign combination

The character of a person is influenced not only by the year of birth, but also by the sign of the Zodiac, under which he was destined to be born. Consider what the various astrological symbols bring to the character of the Dragon:

Relationship compatibility

Each adult is a set of individual character traits, shades of temperament and lessons from life experience. All this adds up to a unique picture, identical to which it is impossible to find. That is why it often happens that it is easy to find a common language with one person, but almost impossible with another.

The same rules apply in building relationships. Consider with whom the fire-breathing will be comfortable, and what kind of society it is better to avoid.


Two Dragons are a strong union. There is no place for weakness and indecision in him. Relationships develop quickly and irrevocably. The love of two fiery representatives is like a flame - it is a bonfire, now smoldering, then flaring up. Both people need a regular flow of emotions and outbursts of feelings, so you need to throw wood into such a fire regularly. Fortunately, Dragons are not stingy with feelings. Being in a couple, both are sure that they are loved. There is no need to prove this.

The life of two representatives of an emotional sign cannot be called calm. In their relationship every now and then there are passionate quarrels, conflicts and stormy reconciliation. Frequent oversights can make a union fickle. Such pairs do not always withstand double fire, therefore they often disperse for a while. Such a regime does not suit the partner, but he prefers to restore vitality after a conflict alone.

Building a strong union two identical signs will need:

  • Mutual respect;
  • Tact;
  • Justice.

Once these people learn to be tolerant of each other, the need for quarrels will dry up.

In financial terms, the desire of both partners to surpass the half in success will be very positive. Under the influence of some rivalry in marriage, an impressive family budget will be built.

They are very fond of active pastime. This quality is worth using for reconciliation if disagreements arise too often. A joint trip, a trip or a simple exit "to the people" will help to hush up the disputes.

The union cannot be called simple, since two Dragons rarely decide on a relationship because of their fieryness and intolerance. If such a couple has developed, both of its members will make every effort to build a relationship. There are no lying stones in such burning unions.

Other signs

Now let's deal with the rest of the signs:

The dragon is a representative of the Eastern horoscope, personifying nobility, truthfulness and honesty. He will be comfortable only with someone who is truthful with himself and others. The sign loves strength and endurance, so it looks for a strong core in a partner.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dragon oriental horoscope: legend, character, career and money; dragon horoscope of compatibility; dragon - zodiac

1928 - earthen

1940 - metal

1952 - water

1964 - wooden

1976 - fiery

1988 - earthen

2000 - metal

2012 - water

2024 - wooden

Dragon: Legend

The dragon for China has a special meaning - it is the totem of the country, its symbol, therefore it is considered the most auspicious creature. According to Chinese legends, the Dragon is a huge monster covered with fish scales, with a bull's head, antlers, shrimp eyes, eagle's claws, a snake body and a lion's tail. The incarnation of the Dragon is considered to be the emperors who dress in "dragon clothes", their "dragon bodies" rested on "dragon chairs". The people of China consider themselves a descendant of the Dragon.

In the legend, the Dragon is the fifth animal that arrived at the invitation of the Buddha to his "feast", therefore it received the fifth year of reign in the twelve-year cycle.

Dragon oriental horoscope: character

The Dragon has good health, he is energetic, easily excitable, sometimes stubborn, harsh. Emotional, decisive, honest, you can count on him. Willful. Frank, his opinion is always justified. Possesses many abilities. He does not like to borrow money. Soft-hearted, allowing others to take over, only for a very short time, quickly getting rid of delusions. Marriage enters into either very early or very late (if at all).

He is loved by others. The dragon is a surprisingly bright, attractive, strong personality. His energy, imagination, non-standard views put him in the center of everyone's attention, in the thick of events, wherever he finds himself. The dragon holds up perfectly, speaking of anything, looks enthusiastic, confident. Possessing a wonderful sense of humor, he has a lot of jokes and incredible stories in store. "The soul of the company" - more often it is about him.

The dragon is incredibly curious, he has a variety of hobbies and hobbies, from collecting to extreme sports. Often he suddenly lights up with a new business, after all, he loves to be able to a lot, and then, having mastered a new skill, he also suddenly loses interest in it. Narrow boundaries are boring for him - even a hobby, even a permanent job - he can't wait to taste more new and interesting things.

The breadth of interests and horizons, a sharp mind, a creative approach, inner strength, confidence - these are the components of his success as a fascinating interlocutor, a person with charisma who is difficult to refuse a request. They unconsciously reach for the Dragon, easily falling under his charm. This opens many doors. Therefore, he is considered lucky, he does a lot "by itself", without effort. However, the Dragon does not use people with self-interest. His likes and dislikes are sincere, he does not make secret plans, often does not even know how to profit from his successes. It's just that he lives fully, brightly, richly, intuitively feeling that instead of lost opportunities and spent finances, new ones will definitely come. A strong personality, the Dragon calmly treats the smiles of fate, courageously endures difficulties.

However, despite the power of charm, the Dragon's relationships with other people are not very smooth. Often the Dragon is the object of envy, secret intrigue, deception, and his trusting sincerity prevents him from understanding this in time. The dragon is often too straightforward, unrestrained, provoking conflicts around him. But despite the tension, he is still able to build an excellent career in any of the areas he chooses.

Curious, charming, brave, wise, the Dragon knows how to live in the full sense. Its potential is so powerful that if you channel it, without squandering, in a single channel, the Dragon can make the most incredible ideas and dreams come true.

Dragon zodiac

Capricorn - Modest. Too invisible for the Dragon.

Aquarius is the Dragon Seer. Self-critical, like all Dragons.

Pisces is Super! Incomprehensible wisdom, inspiration. Maybe that's why I have to achieve a lot.

Aries - Oh! Super Dragon! So confident in victory that he will make his way to the goal with his eyes closed.

Taurus is a corny dragon. Calm family man.

Gemini - the Dragon is multicolored, rainbow. The holiday dragon, sparkling with lights.

Cancer is a Dragon hovering in the clouds. And castles will be built in the air!

Leo - Dragon is excessive, very tiring.

Virgo is the only Dragon that is not a chimera. Can trust. Exact Dragon.

Libra is a disappointing dragon. You shouldn't trust him, his appearance is very deceiving.

Scorpio - Thorn. It is easy to burn yourself.

Sagittarius - Absolutely calm. You can rely, for the Dragon he is too calm.

Dragon: money and career

The Dragon does not specifically seek to build a career. Setting a goal, striving for years is not for him. After all, life is so entertaining, diverse, exciting, you cannot subordinate it to something unique, all the more boring! However, the personality of the Dragon is so charismatic that he involuntarily attracts the sympathy of others, the mighty of this world - as well! Therefore, the Dragon often casually builds a brilliant career, causing the envy of boring careerists.

Relating to money is tantamount to building a career. The dragon often makes unexpected grand gestures: sudden, under the influence of an impulse, charitable transfers, purchases of unnecessary luxury items, and so on. The expenses of the Dragon are always bright, noticeable to everyone, but no one knows the truth about the variety of sources of his income. He himself is not fully aware of them. Therefore, it is surprising threefold that the Dragon is almost always with money, often rather big.

Famous Dragons

Friedrich Nietzsche, Immanuel Kant, John Lennon, Sigmund Freud, Placido Domingo, Frederick the Great, Gregory Peck, Nicholas II, Alexander Eiffel, Salvador Dali, Che Guevara, Lewis Carroll, Al Pacino, Andre Morois, Nikolai Berna-Korsakov, Marlene Dietrich, Vitaly Ginzburg, Jeanne d "Ark, Luis Corvalan, Michael Douglas, Tatiana Peltzer, Sarah Bernhardt, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Marcello Mastroianni, Robert Oppenheimer.

Dragon horoscope compatibility

Okay - Rat, Monkey, Snake, Rooster

Not bad - Horse, Boar (Pig), Sheep (Goat), Dragon

Bad - Tiger, Dog

The Rat in love with the Dragon will endure everything, even indifference. Of course, she will take whatever the Dragon gets, but she will share her critical mind, rational love of finance. The same applies to the Snake. In general, the Dragon man will always be attracted by the Snake woman with her beauty. The dragon will be proud of her. The fanatical Rooster will find a common language with the shining Dragon, picking up the crumbs of his success. The Monkey complements the Dragon in love and in affairs, enriching it with cunning, receiving power in return. Only the Dragon needs to be more careful: the Monkey alone among all the signs can make fun of the Dragon. Often, her humor softens Dragon's pride.

The connection with the Tiger is always troubled. And the most unsuitable for the Dragon is the Dog: a realist-pessimist, she does not believe in him.

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Years of birth of a person by the sign of the Dragon: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

For the peoples of the East, the Dragon at all times was the personification of strength, power and wisdom. Ancient astronomers associated the image of this mythical animal with stars and planets, through it, communication with celestial objects was carried out and the future was predicted.

General characteristics of the sign of the Year of the Dragon

A person born in the Year of the Dragon is surprisingly bright, strong, optimistic stylish and attractive.Wherever he is, whoever surrounds him, he cannot remain unnoticed.

Dragon - in the East it is a symbol of joy and good luck. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most beneficial astronomical influence. It symbolizes life and growth. The dragon brings four well-being: wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity. But each medal has its own reverse side, and if the Dragon has an impression of an easy fate, do not forget that this is just an illusion.

The Dragon shines daily, but its shine is not bright, it cannot blind, and its strong personality is only an appearance. The dragon is a chimerical animal. It does not really exist: it is a parade animal, serene and powerful. In accordance with all needs, he will spew fire, gold and water, but he will be burned after the holiday, and, like a phoenix, he will be reborn from the ashes for the next holiday.

The dragon always stands out from the crowd thanks to its energy, imagination, and original view of the world. He is always in the very center of attention and there are always a lot of jokes and entertaining stories in his arsenal. You can define a person born in the Year of the Dragon by his confidence, brilliance, and the expression "the soul of the company" suits him perfectly. These people have an increased curiosity. They tend to have many different hobbies. But, it often happens that, having caught fire with something, he can quickly lose interest in it. He does not like narrow boundaries, habitual hobbies, constant work. It's too boring for him.

The dragon always goes ahead and can achieve great success in a variety of activities. He can handle the career of an artist or priest, warrior or doctor, politician or miner. If he has to devote himself to a great cause, he will always achieve his goal. Unfortunately, he can just as well go for a bad deed and win: he is a born winner. The breadth of the Dragon's interests, his sharp mind, creativity, combined with confidence and inner strength, makes him a fascinating conversationalist and surprisingly charismatic person who finds it difficult to refuse a request. People subconsciously gravitate towards him and easily fall under his charm, thanks to which all secret locks and doors are opened in front of the Dragon. The dragon can rightfully be called a lucky and darling of fate. What for others is the ultimate dream, he does easily and without noticeable efforts, he does many things as if by themselves. Therefore, he is often envied and intrigued.

People born in the Year of the Dragon are optimistic and never get upset about little things. They live a vibrant, fulfilling life, knowing that new opportunities and money spent will soon be replaced by new ones. However, being a strong personality, the Dragon knows how not only to calmly relate to the gifts of fate, but also courageously endure difficulties and failures.

People born in the Year of the Dragon are very wise and courageous. They have great potential. If they do not scatter their attention to various little things, but direct their mighty energy in one single channel, they will be able to realize any, even the most fantastic dreams. The dragon is simply born to achieve the impossible.

In China, it is believed that the Dragon can count on wealth, strength, success and longevity. And communication with the Dragon can bring happiness to people. The dragon is naturally endowed with good health with a downright superhuman vitality and temperament. Conflicts and extreme situations, struggle, passions - everything that is beyond the power of a "mere mortal" - the element of the Dragon.

The dragon loves everything spectacular. Attaches great importance to its appearance. He is very sensitive. Often worried for false reasons. His drive for improvement makes him demanding of himself and others. He is scrupulous. Demands a lot, but brings much more.

The Year of the Dragon corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Dragon: 1940, 2000

People born during the Metal Dragon years are distinguished by their brightness and strong will. They are energetic, vain, sometimes even too harsh. The Metal Dragon says what he thinks and does not try to take into account the feelings of people and be objective in relations with others. If people do not support his ideas, he is not particularly upset and goes his own way alone. This is usually a person of high moral character, respected by friends and colleagues.

Water Dragon: 1952

The Water Dragon is easy-going and friendly with those around him. It is joyful, easy and pleasant to have common affairs with him. His wit, ability to feel the situation and the mood of people make him an excellent companion and the soul of the company.

The main disadvantage of people born in the year of the Water Dragon is the tendency to jump from one to another, the inability to concentrate on any one goal.

Wood Dragon: 1904, 1964

People born in the Year of the Wood Dragon are natural-born businessmen. They know how not only to theorize, but also to do practical actions. The inquisitive mind of the Wood Dragon goes into all the details of the case, he always has a lot of interesting ideas in store and he seeks to make all his dreams come true. Differs in generosity and generosity.

Fire Dragon: 1916.1976

People born in the Year of the Fire Dragon have an amazing ability to work. They try to succeed in whatever they take on. In the team, they are respected for their directness and honesty. They have innate leadership qualities and a strong will. They tend to rely only on their own feelings and judgments. The thoughts and interests of others are often overlooked. The Fire Dragon is characterized by isolation, which interferes with his life. Loves music and art.

Earth Dragon: 1928, 1988

People born in the years of the Earth Dragon are good businessmen and financiers. It is much easier for them than for other representatives of the Zodiacal circle to earn a solid fortune. They are calm and balanced, have versatile interests and are always aware of what is happening in the world. Earth Dragons set clear and precise goals for themselves, and, as a rule, they have no problems obtaining material or moral support from the outside.

Year of the Dragon - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Dragon personality

People born in the year of the Dragon, most often, have excellent health, an inexhaustible source of vitality, activity. They are clean and open, they do not know how to be petty and hypocritical. Gullible, so they are often deceived. They are also extremely sensitive and tend to worry about minor issues. Also, the Dragon is very demanding of both himself and others.

Negative sides of the Dragon personality

The disadvantages of people born in the year of the Dragon is their lack of restraint on the tongue. Their words are often ahead of thoughts. But, the Dragon always gives good advice, so it is worth listening to them, no matter if they put it well or not.

Dragon sign career and money

The dragon is not able to make a career in the usual sense of the word - that is, to set a goal for itself and strive for this goal for years. After all, life is so interesting and diverse that it simply cannot be subordinated to only one thing! Nevertheless, the charismatic personality of the Dragon literally attracts the sympathy of others, including the mighty of this world, so that most often the Dragon, even without deliberately striving for this, is able to make an excellent career - to the envy of any bore - a careerist.

In relation to money, the Dragon is capable of wide and often unexpected gestures. He can suddenly, succumbing to an impulse, transfer a tidy sum to charity or buy a luxury item that he does not need. Maybe, having no money for a return ticket, suddenly go to Somalia and return from there with a full wallet. In other words, his expenses are striking, and no one knows the whole truth about his diverse sources of income, not even himself. It is all the more surprising that usually the Dragon manages to be with the money - and considerable.

Dragon life periods

The Dragon will have little difficulties in the first phase of his life, because he will demand a lot from his loved ones.

His artistic temperament will cause many problems in the second phase of his life. A Dragon that is superior to its surroundings will often have a sense of incomprehension. In fact, he will be admired, he will be listened to, how little his sorrows are, so great is the success.

He has a difficult character, he will rarely be satisfied with his life. But he will be happy even if he is not aware of his happiness in the last phase of his life, which will bring whatever he wants.

Dragon stones: iridescent opal, sapphire, chalcedony, green chrysolite, amber and all synthetic stones

Plants: lotus, mandrake, sage.

Time of day: from 7 am to 9 am.

Season: Spring, April

Colors: gold (yellow), blue (cyan) and black.

As the eastern horoscope assures, the Dragon man loves himself more than anyone else in the world. This is a person who has all the qualities characteristic of his gender. On the one hand, he can be loyal, brave, caring and adventurous, on the other hand, a complete egoist, for whom the needs and feelings of women play a secondary role.

The temperament of the Dragon man can be safely called fiery, and most of his energy is spent on romance novels. He loves to seduce women, and I must say, he has an innate predisposition to this. Such a person always knows what tactics to use in order for a woman to succumb, even if from the very beginning he is faced with a decisive rebuff. And if it is especially difficult to conquer a lady, then he is even more attracted to her, and he will not leave the battlefield until he has achieved his goal.

Dragon man in love

Those born during these years of the Chinese zodiac are optimistic, sincere and very attractive. It is easy for this person to achieve reciprocity of feelings, and women who have fallen into his network know very well what a dragon man is in love - irresistible and damn charming, fiery and indomitable.

How does a dragon in love behave? The horoscope says that in communication he does without unnecessary sentimentality, his actions have little to do with manifestations of tender sympathy and love, because he does not need this, he does not strive for permanent relationships that would last for years. The feeling of deep love in a Dragon man is very rare. Much more he likes the process of conquest, the results of which he can boast in the circle of his closest friends and colleagues and increase his importance in their and his own eyes. In addition, he believes that temporary relationships, whatever their nature, do not cause any trouble - unlike a permanent relationship or, even worse, an official marriage, which the Dragon avoids for all his strength.

Representatives of this sign of the Chinese zodiac are very charismatic people, and often those around them are simply not able to resist them. A Dragon man in love is very fickle. Any woman who deals with such a boyfriend and hopes that his interest has some prospects feels very disappointed when, after a short but intense knowledge of her soul and body, he mercilessly leaves her in favor of a new victim. The environment often condemns him because of this, but this does not bother the rake at all. He likes the lifestyle that he leads, and the man is not going to change it. Such attempts on the part of loved ones are often fruitless and completely impossible. Because the freedom of the Dragon-man is his greatest treasure, and if he notices that someone is encroaching on her, he becomes a very unpleasant person and tries in every possible way to defend his independence.

Dragon man in sex

The Dragon man is very passionate, sensual, in bed, in physical love, he is a lover of experiments. However, neither passion nor love will be able to blind him. The mind, not the heart, guides him through life.

Horoscope Dragon man in a permanent relationship

Men of this sign of the Chinese horoscope generally cope well with loneliness. They are reluctant to part with their precious freedom, and it is not at all easy to put a wedding ring on their ring finger.

Born in these years is not one of those who blows away from love, and he makes very high demands on his partner. But, as the eastern horoscope claims, the Dragon man, on the other hand, so often rushes into the whirlpool of love adventures, because it over-idealizes a loved one, a life partner. When a Dragon man is in love, he does not see her flaws. But when he finally discovers her imperfection or ordinary human weaknesses, he feels deeply disappointed and seeks comfort from the next ideal object, which in the near future also turns out to be a mere mortal.

A man, who is a Dragon according to the eastern horoscope, in love is able to completely subjugate a partner - this is his strength and weakness at the same time. When he breaks the heart of a loved one, inflicting a painful blow on him, he does not always understand this. He easily establishes emotional contact, but it is difficult for him to find peace of mind in love, in a permanent relationship.

This is not to say that the Dragon man is jealous, he does not have the habit of making scenes, and being abandoned, the Dragon husbands do not take revenge for this and quickly forget about the loss.

What kind of woman would a Dragon Man like?

Clever. He likes it when a woman has something to say, when she can discuss various topics, surprise him with something. He is unlikely to pay attention to a girl who is interested exclusively in her nails and hair.

Confident. No angel woman or fatal lady can attract a guy born in the year of the Dragon to turn his head. He bypasses persons who are too timid and quiet, like mice. He is impressed by ladies who know their own worth, have certain goals, which they actively strive for.

Elegant. A woman must be well-groomed in order to successfully conquer a Dragon man and become his partner. It is important for him that everyone is jealous of his new prey. The horoscope warns that a lady who does not take care of herself and prefers old shirts and jeans to beautiful dresses is unlikely to make his eyes sparkle.

How to subdue the Dragon Man?

  • Love it. You can't even imagine how much he loves your compliments and admiration looks. The dragon, like any typical man, loves praise, expressing boundless admiration for his remarkable intellect, virtuoso ball control, scientific research and the repair of his magnificent car. Wanting to conquer the Dragon-man, you need to constantly praise him, say how highly you value him. Otherwise, he will be disappointed to see that you are not too smart if you did not see his singularity. In turn, praise not only reinforces his belief in himself, but also increases the strength of the feelings with which he endows you. The dragon wants to be a superman in your eyes. Achieve this - and he will be at your feet, you can be proud of that. That they conquered a man who was born in the year of the Dragon.
  • Follow him. Such a man really likes it when they listen to his advice, which, as a rule, is accurate and wise.
  • Be flexible. This worries him terribly. He loves when a woman obeys his will, whether in bed or in everyday or "social" life. By submitting to him in something, you will flatter his pride and, by the way, guarantee a successful night.
  • Take care of your intimate life. You don't have to be a virtuoso of sex to satisfy his desires. It is enough that you obey him and periodically offer something spicy. If you enjoy making love in various unusual places for the layman, the Dragon will be the perfect partner for you.

How to break up with a Dragon man?

  • At every step, especially in the circle of acquaintances, colleagues, say that this man is a mediocrity, not shining with talents. Instead of listening to his "projects", the fruits of a rich imagination, significantly twist your finger at your temple.
  • Rebuke him for every minute of being late and constantly remind him that as the future father of the family, he must discard all romantic and idealistic inclinations and get a job in the office for some calm and stable position.
  • Throw a tantrum and burst into tears at every opportunity. If you are interested in the Dragon man leaving, this will undoubtedly bring you closer to your goal, soon you will not see him again. He doesn't like melodramatic scenes. If you get too emotional or make a grandiose scene of jealousy, it will make him, flapping his wings, quickly disappear into the sky.