Why do double-glazed windows fog up in the apartment? Why do plastic windows sweat and how can it be eliminated? What you need to do to avoid sweating windows with wooden frames

Plastic windows are becoming more popular from year to year due to their many positive qualities. They insulate the rooms of the apartment from street noise, retain heat well, do not require complex maintenance measures, have a presentable appearance and, at present, have an affordable price.

However, like all elements of home improvement, it also has its drawbacks, which include the appearance of moisture on the glass during a temperature drop. Why do plastic windows fog up inside and can it be avoided? This issue worries many homeowners in which double-glazed windows are installed, since such manifestations lead to mold manifestations around the frame, and they can subsequently spread to the rest of the wall decoration.

Consequences of excessive dampness - mold spots on slopes and walls

Causes of the problem

As you know, heated indoor air rises up, therefore, most often dampness, and then fungus, occurs in the upper corners of the frame. This happens due to the temperature difference between warm air coming from the apartment and cold air coming from the street. The most pronounced difference between the two is created precisely at the top of the frame. When they "collide" and condensation occurs, but only when there are no elements that contribute to the constant weathering of moisture. This manifestation can be described as the formation of a "dew point", that is, a temperature is created at which the moisture in the air turns into condensation, which flows down the glass from above. By the way, it can also actively form in the lower part of the window.

There are a number of other reasons that contribute to the formation of condensation at the "dew point":

  • Abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure, usually accompanied by equally abrupt changes in weather. It is clear that a person cannot influence this.
  • Increased dampness in the room, for example, coming from basements, especially in apartments located on the first floors of multi-storey buildings.
  • Excessive humidity resulting from cooking or long-term steam intake - this mainly affects the kitchen and bathroom areas in private houses, where small PVC windows are often installed.
  • High temperature in the rooms of the house, with very low outside the window. In such cases, it may even occur on the glass windows icing - freezing condensation at the bottom of the window.

  • The tightness of a double-glazed window is considered its indisputable advantage, but it also makes it impossible for the materials to "breathe", which is also the reason for the fogging of the glass.
  • A large number of indoor flowers can also cause condensation to form on windows. Plants require periodic watering, which gives a certain amount of wet vapors, and they, having no outlet due to the tightness of the structure, settle on the glass windows. In addition, if the flowers are placed close to the windowsill, they block the flow of warm air from the batteries to the frame and glass of the window, which also causes temperature changes and leads to the formation of condensation.

  • The presence of condensation on window frames can also be caused by the fact that a too wide window sill blocks the flow of warm air from the battery to the window, directing it towards the room. According to the rules, heated air should be directed upwards along the window, creating a thermal curtain, preventing cold air from entering the room from the window, and at the same time actively ventilating the window surface.
  • Domestic reasons, such as carrying out repair work using solutions and glue, as well as drying clothes in an apartment in winter, are also the reasons for the formation of moisture drops on plastic windows.
  • It is impossible not to mention the mistakes that may have been made during the work during the installation of the frames. They are very often the cause of condensation. To the most widespread installation defects include:

- glass blocks made with deviations from the production technology, which do not correspond to the declared quality and characteristics, and therefore are unable to protect the house from cold, draft and noise;

PVC windows ventilation

In order to ensure proper ventilation of plastic windows, their manufacturers have introduced several devices, which should not be discarded when choosing a model.

  • "Comb" installed on the frame, which will allow the sash to open to the required distance .

Clamp - "comb" for setting the required window clearance when airing
  • The usual window provided by the design of the window.

  • A sash that can open in two positions - completely and for ventilation, with the opening of the opening by 10 ÷ 15 cm.
  • A comparative novelty in the construction of windows is slot ventilation, when the sash moves away from the frame by literally a few millimeters.

  • A ventilation valve capable of regulating the air flow into the room.

  • Self-regulating ventilation, which carries out air exchange as needed, using channels in the profile chambers or special climatic valves. The valve is a plastic box in which a special movable plastic nib is installed. It controls the incoming air by reacting to the intensity of the air flow. Thus, when the wind on the street intensifies, the feather covers itself, and in its absence, the valve is open, so there are no drafts in the room.

The climatic valve is installed in the upper section of the frame. If the window area is large enough, then a set consisting of two valves is installed.

Well-designed ventilation will solve most of the problems associated with the formation of condensation on the windows.

Ventilation valve installation

The valve for ventilation in a PVC window is installed quite simply, and the whole process does not take much time. The kit with the clapan includes everything you need to install it. From the tools you will need a construction knife and a screwdriver with a cross head.

This element is mounted on the top panel of a balcony door or any opening sash of the window. The key is to choose the correct valve size.

  • First, the flap is opened and the valve is applied to the planned installation site in order to mark the length of the rubber seal to be removed. Later, its place will be taken by the seal that comes with the valve.
  • Next, the seal is carefully cut out. In the places of its cut, next to the remaining seal and in the middle of the gap formed in the groove where the rubber band was previously installed, special devices are attached - plugs with holes for the self-tapping screw. Through them, the valve will be screwed into the sash.
  • Then a valve is installed on the leaf. It has a layer of double-sided tape on the lower plane. It is necessary to remove the protective film and glue the housing to the upper edge of the sash in the desired place. Then self-tapping screws are inserted into the lugs with holes and screwed into the previously installed plugs. This ensures a reliable connection between the valve and the window sash.
  • The kit necessarily includes two pieces of gasket, which are inserted into the grooves of the valve between the screwed in self-tapping screws
  • Having finished with the sash, you can proceed to work with the frame seal. It also marks the length of the elastic to be cut. This part to be removed must be located exactly opposite the valve installed on the leaf.
  • Instead of the removed seal, a new one is installed from the kit.

This completes the work. One has only to close the flap and move the valve regulator to the desired side, to the closed or open position.

Video - Self-installation of the simplest ventilation valve

This work can be carried out by any owner or even the owner of the apartment, since there is nothing complicated and heavy in this process, no.

Prices for window supply valves

Window inlet valve

Installation problem

In the event that, after installing the valve and regular ventilation, condensate continues to collect, and mold does not come off the walls, the reason should be sought in the correctness of the overall or in the quality of the product itself.

It is quite possible that the window was installed by "would-be masters" who made a lot of mistakes

To identify the reason in this case, you need to invite a specialist who will audit the glass unit and the quality of its installation. After carrying out the check, the master will be able to give a qualified opinion on whether it is possible to correct the current situation by eliminating the flaws of an incorrect installation, or it will still have to be done with a new one.

It will not be difficult to get rid of condensation on the window if the problem is insufficient ventilation in the room. You need to carry out a number of simple and affordable activities, and you can forget about unpleasant puddles on the windowsill or ice on the glass.

It will be more difficult to solve the problems if the manufacturer and installer of the insulating glass unit got caught unscrupulous, and carried out the installation process somehow. In this case, sometimes only drastic measures will help to cope with the occurrence of condensation.

Video: how to install an automatic supply ventilation valve

Windows, a problem often faced by people who have installed modern double-glazed windows in their apartments. Condensation flowing down the frames is unsafe, if it occurs, you should start looking for the cause and eliminate it in a timely manner. Otherwise, dampness will grow in the house, which will cause mold, mildew, harmful to human health.

Sweat windows - causes and solutions to the problem

Should plastic windows perspire? Unfortunately, this trend began to actively develop with the creation of the first PVC structures, which were distinguished by complete tightness. Water appeared due to the fact that the air cannot retain moisture, especially when its temperature drops below 20 degrees Celsius.

This surplus settles on a chilled glass surface, which double-glazed windows protrude from in the apartment, which makes the windows sweat.

The consequences of this process are negative:

  • violation of the microclimate of the room (an increase in the percentage of humidity over 60%), which harms the health of family members;
  • the likelihood of the development of molds, other pathogenic microorganisms that settle on furniture, walls, tiles, wallpaper;
  • collection of moisture in the cracks at the window sill, which will lead to a reduction in the life of the structure.

The situation when the window systems are fogged up occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Interior that interferes with proper air circulation: curtains, screens covering batteries.
  2. Wide window sill that prevents air flow.
  3. Lack of ventilation: windows that never open, lack of deflectors, hoods, non-functioning ventilation shaft.
  4. Violations of the optimal temperature regime: switching off the heating devices when they should be working, insufficient heating of the room.
  5. Incorrectly mounted double-glazed windows: poor quality sealing, improper finishing of slopes, use of inoperative fittings.
  6. Sources of high humidity in the room: indoor plants, laundry that is dried in rooms, waterlogged soil in flower pots, aquariums, pipe or ceiling leaks.

Having figured out why condensation occurs, he proceeds to recommendations on what to do to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Temperature increase

When the euro windows fog up due to the low outside temperature, the surface in contact with the air from the inside should be warmed up. This is required to increase the performance of the inner glass above the so-called "dew point".

If plastic windows sweat a lot, you need:

  • flush the radiators, or replace them with new ones;
  • remove air from the heating system;
  • put the split system on the heating program;
  • remove blackout curtains, remove unnecessary items from the windowsill in order to organize the access of warm air to the frame.

Decrease in humidity

Misting of plastic windows requires a mandatory decrease in the general indicators of room humidity. For this, dry street air is mixed with what is inside the apartment. The easiest way to implement this idea is airing.

According to the laws of physics, there are indicators of relative and absolute humidity, which are determined by special formulas. This indicator is divided into the actual, as well as the maximum possible at a given air temperature.

The reasons why metal-plastic windows fog up are solved in a simple way: by regularly opening the sash for a period of up to 15 minutes. Unfortunately, this method is not always convenient, especially if it is very cold outside. Ventilation can lead to freezing of the seal, malfunction of the fittings.

Organization of air flow

Why do plastic windows sweat? These structures start to fog up when people refuse to ventilate rooms. The main thing is to carry out the procedure according to all the rules.

Methods for organizing air inflow:

  • restoration of natural ventilation, which goes through intake of fresh air and removal of exhaust air by means of an exhaust hood;
  • installation of supply valves, organizing dosed blowing, operating in automatic or manual modes.

How can we organize the flow of fresh air into the apartment?

Having understood the reasons for fogging, having determined that double-glazed windows are sweating due to the lack of constant ventilation of the apartment, the question arises of how to organize its flow.

The air that comes from the batteries, when mixed with what was in the room, loses the necessary level of humidity. To solve the problem, you need to "depressurize" the apartment by organizing the flow of air into it from the outside. You should not be afraid that solving the problem of why the windows are sweating, you can freeze in the apartment.

This air flow will be minimal, it will not be able to cool the premises to a strong extent. The maximum that the indoor air temperature can drop is by 2 degrees.

Important! When the indoor temperature is at 20 degrees Celsius, you should not worry, if it is lower (about 15 degrees), you should take care of alternative heat sources.

You can organize the air flow as follows:

  • through the window supply valve;
  • by means of a wall inlet valve.

The air conditioner is not suitable for this purpose, it works only with the air that is inside the room, without supplying it from the outside.

Wall valves

Battery covered by a window sill

Why do plastic windows fog up in the apartment? From the fact that the surface is deprived of constant blowing with warm air coming from the heating system. The windows get sweaty when you return this flow to them, remove the objects that have accumulated on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, you should reduce the depth of the window sill, remove the battery to the side, choose an alternative glass heating option.

Ventilation in the room does not work well

The plastic window sweats due to the fact that the grilles intended for ventilation are clogged with debris, dust, insects. Therefore, they cease to cope with their task, the suction of humid air from the apartment (this is the only way the glass gets sweaty).

What can be done? Clean the grates, rinse them thoroughly with an old toothbrush and soapy water. Or purchase and install new ones. When the problem has not been solved from this, the plastic window sweats anyway, you should check the ventilation itself, perhaps it was it that clogged.

Flowers on the windowsill

When PVC windows sweat, the main prerequisite may be the accumulation of indoor plants on the windowsill. As you know, they actively release moisture, which settles on the glass, forming condensation.

One has only to remove the pots from this place, as the problem is solved by itself.

Windows not switched to winter mode

Why do plastic windows sweat in the apartment? Sometimes the owners forget to switch them to winter mode with the onset of the cold season. This is what causes the plastic window to sweat. Due to this situation, the inside of the bag cools more, which leads to the appearance of condensation.

It is enough to set the desired mode, as the condensate will cease to form.

The room is ventilated less than 10 minutes a day

Regardless of what type of window systems are in the apartment, they should be opened regularly to let in fresh air. The micro-ventilation mode, which is equipped with some frames, works very well. Such procedures should be carried out several times a day:

  • in the morning;
  • before bedtime;
  • throughout the day for 10-15 minutes.

Errors made during installation

When the window system after installation sweats a lot from the inside, the problem may lie in improper installation work. Also, the reason is the incorrect installation of the slopes, which leads to blowing the room, lowering the air temperature inside and the formation of condensation.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to eliminate the unauthorized influx of cold.

Condensation often occurs in the kitchen, this is due to the high level of humidity coming from the kettle, pots, and a working oven. It is especially important here to install double-glazed windows that prevent condensation.

You decided to change the windows to plastic ones and after installing them you were very pleased, as the rooms with them changed noticeably, and besides, the apartment became much warmer and quieter. But with the arrival of the first autumn cold weather, the windows began to fog up, and in winter, water flows through them altogether. What to do in such a situation? Why do plastic windows sweat? - We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Before proceeding directly to the reasons for the formation of moisture on plastic windows, it is worth noting that fogging is a fairly common situation. As for whether plastic windows should sweat is a relative question, plastic windows should not sweat due to external factors, and it is quite natural that they will fog up due to some internal factors. Now let's look at what causes plastic windows to sweat.

Reasons for fogging plastic windows

High humidity in the apartment

The most important and frequent reason why plastic windows sweat is high humidity in the apartment.

The reasons for high humidity can be very diverse. Quite often, the reason for the high humidity in the apartment is poor sealing of the room, when it is cool outside, and the batteries barely warm up, the window gets very cold and because of this condensation forms on it.

The second reason is food preparation. When you cook food, especially when you boil, all the steam from the kitchen is converted to moisture, and because of this, the humidity in the entire apartment rises.

Another reason for fogging windows is washing. Once you've washed your laundry and hung them around the apartment, again, they increase the humidity in the room, which leads to the appearance of moisture on the windows.

Incorrect circulation of heat from a heating source

This can include both the lack of normal heating, and simply an incorrect system of heat circulation from the heating source. If there is no normal heating, then the room will accordingly be cool, and it is clear that the windows will fog up. It's another matter when the batteries are very hot and the windows are still wet. The explanation is very simple. The specificity of heating a room with a battery is such that the heat emanating from it rises up and from there warm air circulates around the room. Despite the fact that the battery is near the window, the heat from it may simply not flow to the window itself. Because of this, a "cold zone" is formed in the lower part of the plastic window, where the window does not warm up, but remains cold and sometimes freezes. Most often, this is due to a too protruding window sill, which prevents the passage of heat from the battery to the window. This can also include the decorative finish of the batteries, when the battery is completely hidden in a specially constructed niche and a grill is made there, thus, heat does not come to the window at all.

If you do not have centralized and autonomous heating, and you heat the apartment with electric heaters, then you yourself understand that they cannot fully ensure the correct circulation of warm air in the room, therefore, the windows will fog up.

Poor window installation

Very often, in order to save money, many order the installation of windows by an unqualified team of installers, or you simply were out of luck and you came across negligent craftsmen who either, due to negligence, or due to their carelessness, installed the wrong window, that is, not according to the standards. If this happens, then the first echoes of this will be found in a few months, and maybe days, after installation. As for how poor-quality window installation can affect windows fogging, there are a lot of options.

The most common "jamb" that installers admit is poor sealing of the gaps between the window opening and the window. Thus, due to the lack of tightness, cold from the street passes through the cracks, so moisture forms on the window.

Often, due to improper installation of a plastic window, it distorts, which is why the window itself begins to let the cold through. Due to the skewing of the window, the sash does not adhere tightly to the profile, which leads to depressurization.

As a result of improper installation of the window sill, both under it and on it, moisture can form, due, again, to the lack of sealing.

Poor quality window

The reason for the fogging of the windows may be the window itself. Here, of course, first of all, one can name low-quality fittings - a mechanism that is responsible for the movement of the sash: opening and closing. If the hardware itself, due to its malfunction, cannot firmly press the sash to the profile, the same depressurization occurs.

In addition to faulty fittings, defective glass holders, which do not press the glass unit tightly to the profile, can also be attributed to poor-quality window elements - another reason for depressurization.

Incorrect modification of the window relative to the room

You probably know that plastic windows come in various modifications. In the window profile itself there are so-called chambers, which are responsible for the thermal insulation of the profile itself and the glass unit chamber. The number of profile chambers and glazing plays a very important role when you exercise. Conscientious installers, before you order plastic windows, had to take into account a large number of factors:

  • Which side do the windows face (south or north);

  • What is the heating in the house;

  • Number of windows in the room;

  • The size of this room.

If the window profile is chosen incorrectly, that is, without taking into account the above factors, then moisture will form on the window.

Unadjusted transoms

As a result of temperature changes, the window profile can narrow and expand. That is why it is necessary to adjust the sash. If this is not done, then the sash will not press tightly against the profile, because of which it will be blown out.

Worn rubber seal

A rubber seal is inserted in the plastic windows along the perimeter of the sash and window opening. It provides a snug fit of the sash and an airtight seal. If the seal wears out, becomes hard, and not elastic, then it does not provide a high-quality seal.

Drainage holes are clogged

When you open the sash, there are small holes in the profile at the bottom. These are the holes of the drainage system, due to which, during ventilation, water flowing from the outside through the glass enters the drainage hole and flows out. If the drainage hole or the entire drainage system is clogged, then the water will simply flow from under the sash.

How to prevent windows from fogging up

First of all, solve the problem with heating the apartment, and then ensure the correct circulation of heat from the heating source.

Then start fighting the humidity in your apartment. Install a good range hood above your stove that will draw all steam and moisture out of the vent. Very useful in this situation will be moisture-absorbing devices that absorb the moisture formed in the apartment. Ventilate the room at least once every three hours.

Be sure to 2 times a year, at the beginning of summer and at the beginning of winter, switch the windows to winter mode in order to extend the service life of the fittings and keep the seal on the windows. The windows are adjusted by turning the hold-down latches: in the summer they turn vertically to loosen the sash clamp, in winter, on the contrary, horizontally in order to press the sash tightly to the profile. If the transom has become loosely attached to the profile due to the wear of the rubber seal, then replace it. Remember to clean the drain holes when cleaning windows. this is not a recommended but a mandatory procedure.

Seal the cracks in the opening between the profile and the wall using polyurethane foam. Sealing needs to be done not only on the sides and top of the window, but also below, for this you will need to remove the drain, which is attached to the profile with screws. We blow out all existing voids with foam, when it is swollen and dry, we cut off its excess.

For the rest of the reasons for the fogging of the window, you cannot do anything on your own, only a specialist can help you with this.

Owners of premises with PVC windows often face the problem of fogging up in winter. To eliminate it, you need to figure out why the plastic windows are sweating from the inside in the apartment and what is the reason. You can also use proven folk methods and get rid of an unpleasant situation in a short time.

Causes and consequences of fogging windows

It is not difficult to find out why the windows in the apartment are sweating. However, to obtain accurate information, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the tightness of the glass unit.

Unlike wood products, PVC windows are airtight and are not able to pass air well from the outside or release it from the inside. Together with insufficient ventilation or problems in the operation of the heating system, they are subject to fogging.

Condensation on the glass surface occurs when the internal temperature drops below +18 ° C. In most cases, this is noticed after turning on the heating systems.

In addition to the tightness and specifics of the heating system and air convection, there are several other reasons explaining the fogging of the glass from the inside:

  1. Inappropriate indoor climate.
  2. Making mistakes at the stage of installation and production of windows.

The key reason plastic windows fog up is related to the physical characteristics of the water. If it remains in a gaseous state, it cannot be seen. However, as the temperature decreases, the vapor takes on the form of a liquid and settles on surfaces.

If condensation appears on the glass from the inside, the possibility of a glass unit breakage is not excluded. The loss of its tightness entails a number of negative consequences, and for restoration it will be necessary to purchase a new double-glazed unit.

If the problem affects only the outer part, you should familiarize yourself with the following reasons:

  1. The building has a single-chamber double-glazed window that does not provide the required thermal insulation.
  2. High humidity is noticed in the room, due to which a large amount of steam accumulates in the air.
  3. Insufficient heating of windows. The problem appears when using wide window sills.
  4. Poor ventilation. Only with good air exchange will excess liquid escape from the building. Ventilation problems will stop this process.
  5. Deviation from the technology of installing windows. Most systems are installed with a sealed gap, and all voids are sealed with construction foam. If you deviate from the technology, the apartment will be exposed to drafts and the penetration of a cold air stream.
  6. Lack or poor quality of the slopes. If these structures are not properly finished, they will interrupt the flow of cold air.
  7. Defective fittings. Due to such a problem, the double-glazed window loses its normal performance and becomes leaky.
  8. Adjustment problems or damaged gum. Against the background of such problems, street air begins to penetrate into the room and provoke fogging.

If a double-glazed window sweats, this not only impairs the view through the window, but also entails the following consequences:

  1. Glasses freeze and become covered with ice.
  2. As a result of high humidity in the room, mold, mildew and rot are formed.
  3. Under the influence of water and low temperatures, the foam in the gap is destroyed and the tightness is lost.


You can get rid of fogging in a variety of ways. The main thing is to know what led to the appearance of the problem and how to fix it with minimal cost.

Adjusting windows

To determine the incorrect adjustment of the windows, it is enough to visually inspect them. First of all, it is worth checking whether the doors close normally, guided by the following principles:

  1. Run your hand along the glass surface. If you feel a draft, there is an adjustment problem.
  2. Light a candle or a match and bring it to the window - in case of loss of tightness, the flame will fluctuate.
  3. Place paper in the sash and close the window. If there are no problems, it will be possible to pull out the sheet without effort.

If any defects are found, start the adjustment process. First you need to set the sash horizontally and vertically using the screws from the bottom hinge.

The pressure intensity can be adjusted using eccentrics at the end of the windows or using pressure plates that tighten. It is also necessary to carry out seasonal adjustment of the windows, turning the regulators with a marker inward for the summer period and towards the street with the arrival of the winter season.

Window sills

Window fogging occurs due to problems with air circulation during cold periods. If wide window sills are installed in the building, they will block the passage of warm air masses to the glass unit. To restore air exchange, it is enough to make a couple of holes in the structure.

You should also evaluate the placement of the radiator grilles. They often stop circulation, causing condensation to build up.

Slope finishing

If, during the installation of the window, deviations from the technology were allowed, the gaps became leaks or the frame was displaced, it is better to use the services of specialists who will fix the problem.

If you try to restore the tightness yourself, you can only aggravate the problem.

As for the slopes, people often make mistakes when finishing them, which leads to damage to the construction foam in the gaps. To combat condensation, it is necessary to correctly insulate the structure using the following insulating materials:

  1. Styrofoam.
  2. Penoplex.
  3. Mineral wool.


Perhaps plastic windows are sweating and leaking due to hardware problems. If the moving mechanisms are worn out or disabled, they will not be able to open and close the sash normally. To assess their condition, an inspection of the seal should be performed. A high-quality rubber band should not have cracks or damage. Otherwise, you will need to replace it.


The arrangement of the ventilation system should be approached with special responsibility. Increased requirements for such units are imposed in rooms with high humidity, which include:

  1. The kitchen.
  2. Bathroom.
  3. Bathroom.

PVC double-glazed windows completely isolate the building from the ambient air, which leads to the accumulation of condensate. To make sure that the system is working effectively, light a candle near the ventilation outlets. If the fire burns evenly and without deviations, then the hood is turned off or malfunctions. The grate must be removed and cleaned from dirt.

There are powerful supply systems that are installed in the window handle and do not impair the aesthetic appeal of the interior. At the same time, they fill the building with the required amount of fresh air and ensure uninterrupted ventilation.

Thermal insulation

In non-residential buildings, it is customary to install single-chamber double-glazed windows. If used in a room where people live, the problem of heat loss and condensation will be exacerbated. To get rid of it, it is enough to insulate the slopes and apply an energy-saving film to the glass surface.

Optimizing humidity levels

To eliminate the problem due to which plastic windows fog up, you need to take care of good ventilation of the rooms. In the absence of positive results, you will have to install moisture-absorbing devices under the windowsill. They are relatively inexpensive but provide effective moisture management.

Condensation often accumulates in a building after a recent renovation. Large finished areas evaporate a lot of moisture, and even advanced ventilation systems are not able to get it out.

How to get rid of condensation using folk methods

If the windows in a private house are sweating, you can use proven folk methods to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Saline anti-fogging solution

To prepare an anti-fogging saline solution, follow these instructions:

  1. We create the solution itself using 4 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. We wash the glass with soap and evenly apply the solution to its surface.

If you use more salt than required, unpleasant streaks may remain on the surfaces after treatment and the action will have to be performed first.

Glycerin solution

A glycerine solution is highly effective in combating condensation. It can be prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. We take alcohol and glycerin and stir them in a 10/1 ratio.
  2. The composition must be applied to a prepared glass surface and kept there for a couple of minutes. When the alcohol wears off, the glycerin will coat the glass and form a protective film.

Potassium oil, glycerin and turpentine

The tool is created according to this recipe:

  1. First you need to take 40 g of potassium oil.
  2. Then it must be mixed with 4 g of turpentine and 20 g of glycerin.

If the recipe is followed, the consistency should be thick. It should be applied to the treated glass with a sponge, spreading evenly. The glass surface must be polished to a high gloss.

Newspaper method

For a long time, people used crumpled newspapers to wipe down window surfaces. With their help, you can remove any dirt or traces of soap solutions. At the same time, a proven folk remedy endows glass with water-repellent properties. To use it, you need to wash the windows with soap and start polishing.


Chalk powder must be diluted in water and applied to a plastic window. After the procedure, the surface must be rinsed to prevent the formation of streaks.

Anti-fogging chemicals

If plastic windows at home fog up, and folk remedies do not give positive results, you can turn to household chemicals for help. Most of the formulations that are available on the market work in a similar way. They need to be applied to the surface and held there for a couple of minutes. Next, the window is wiped dry with a lint-free cloth. Among the best chemicals are:

  1. "Li-lo". Designed to combat fogging or freezing of windows. The composition is highly concentrated, therefore, requires the use of personal protective equipment. It is sold in many stores and is applied in a thin layer to glass. A sponge is used to wash off the composition. Li-Lo is diluted 10/1 without washing off the previous coat.
  2. "Second". This solution is supplied in aerosol form and is easy to apply. It can be sprayed evenly over the glass surface in a couple of layers, then wiped off with newspaper.

There are many ways to deal with condensation on a plastic window, but correct and efficient ventilation is the most effective. To ensure good air circulation, you can install windows with a vent, equip micro-ventilation or fix combs on the windows.

To create forced ventilation, a fan can be placed near the window. People also use convection screens to direct a warm stream. Electrical devices that are installed around the perimeter and have a voltage of 12-24 watts fight well with condensation. Knowing why plastic windows in a private house sweat, you can get rid of the problem without the help of a specialist.

Replacing old wooden windows with pleasant-looking snow-white plastic structures has recently been a dream for many people. After all, the latter do not need to be pasted over before the cold weather, they close silently, isolate the owners of the house from street noise. But it turned out that plastic windows are not without a drawback - they fog up.

Why does condensate collect on the windows, under what conditions, how to deal with it, and is it possible to solve the problem on your own? Yes, after understanding the physics of the process and finding out its source in a particular house.

Reasons for fogging window structures

Condensation can collect on the outside, inside of the structure and inside the glass unit. This causes disappointment for the owners and something worse - dampness, the consequence of which is mold and mildew. And this is already a threat to the repair and health of residents.

Condensation occurs due to temperature differences. Windows and end walls are the coldest parts of the house, which explains the accumulation of excess moisture on their surfaces.

It is necessary to act by the method of elimination, having determined where the condensate most often collects.

If the plastic windows sweat from the inside, that is, in the house, then the possible reason for the process:

  • Decreased natural ventilation.
  • Clogged perfume.
  • Low temperature outside, high - in the house.
  • Window sills protruding above the batteries.
  • Regularly watered indoor flowers.
  • Single-chamber double-glazed window.
  • Repair.
  • Stove heating.

Decreased natural ventilation

An imperfect air circulation system leads to the fact that sealed plastic structures, unlike "wobbly" wooden windows, become an obstacle to removing excess moisture.

The situation is aggravated in apartments where an entrance door with a seal is installed.

Clogged perfume

If windows sweat most often in the kitchen during cooking, then the problem is in the clogged heating ventilation system. It is easy to check this: place a candle in the perfume or lean a piece of paper. Does the flame vibrate? Did the sheet "stick" to the grate? If not, you need to remove the blockage.

Low outdoor temperature, high indoor temperature

The situation is typical for winter, when plastic windows from the inside sweat almost every day, because they cannot warm up;

Window sills protruding above the batteries. They become an obstacle to normal air circulation.

Regularly watered indoor flowers

During the heating season, the earth evaporates no less moisture than in summer, and all this condensate settles on the glass.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

Installed single-chamber double-glazed windows, poorly retaining heat. Result: the window did not warm up to the desired temperature and fogged up.


Newly applied building materials release a lot of moisture during the drying process.

Stove heating

If there is one in a private house. Windows sweat a lot due to the rapid heating of the room after cooling - the temperature inside wood-heated rooms is not constant, which provokes fluctuations in the level of humidity.

IMPORTANT: If condensation collects inside the window structure, then there is only one reason - a defective glass unit. The problem must be rectified by the manufacturer as it is covered by the warranty claims.

Poor installation, poor fittings and gaskets, lack of heat-insulating slopes, proper sealing - all this is the responsibility of the company that installed windows in the house.

How to deal with condensation on windows

If it turns out that the windows are sweating due to the fault of the installers, then this problem needs to be solved with them. In other cases, you can cope on your own:

  • During the cooking process, turn on the hood to remove as much humid air as possible from the room.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • It is also necessary to ventilate in winter, since the inflow of fresh air will not only get rid of moisture on the glass, but will also be useful for residents.
  • Alternatively, room air conditioning can be used.
  • Cutting the window sill, installing convection grilles into it or moving the battery to the side.
  • Insulation of the outer wall and sealing of slopes. Actions are aimed at keeping warm and combating fogging windows.
  • Clean ventilation ducts.

If such a problem is observed in a house rebuilt in the last century, then the problem is solved more difficult due to the device of the ventilation system. Most likely, the only way out will be to buy a forced ventilation valve, which ensures the penetration of air from the street into the room.

All this allows you to fight sweating glasses, normalizing the flow of warm air.

INTERESTING: If none of these options is suitable or the tenants simply do not want to complicate their lives with unnecessary worries, then you can "cheat" a little by using special water-repellent compounds for glass processing.

Before applying the hydrophobic preparation, it is necessary to wash the window with a degreasing agent and wipe it dry. Apply the purchased water-repellent compound, wipe it evenly with paper or dry cloth. The result: no more drips on the glass.

How to prevent the problem of "sweating windows"

When it is planned to change the window structures, but it is not clear what to do if they suddenly start to sweat, then this issue is discussed in advance with the installers. Pay attention to discussing the following details:

  • Number of cameras.
  • The quality of the fittings.
  • Installation of a metal-plastic structure.

When the windows sweat in an apartment, people who have chosen single-chamber double-glazed windows that are not distinguished by high energy-saving characteristics begin to think about what to do. It is better to spend once on a two-chamber vacuum glass unit than to wipe the puddles on the windowsills later.

Often the answer to the questions of why plastic windows sweat, what to do with this problem lies in poor fittings, which require premature or planned replacement.

If well-installed and sealed windows sweat, then the reason may be the most commonplace - they were not transferred to the winter operating mode. In the summer operating mode, the window allows a minimum amount of air to pass through, in the winter it does not. If the structure is not transferred to the mode corresponding to the coming season, then at a high temperature inside the room, it will be "blown" by frosty street air, which, of course, will provoke drips on the glass.

The window frame must be sealed in, the slopes and the ebb are properly insulated.

Sweating windows in apartments and private houses are a potential threat to human health. It must be solved immediately, as soon as the regular deposition of condensate on the glass was noted.