Painting the kitchen wall. We make a childhood dream come true - we paint on the walls: wall creative in the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen in an apartment is not only a place for preparing food. In most cases, this is also the dining area. The whole family gathers at a common table, where they share their impressions, problems, communicate, and, of course, eat.

Therefore, the decor of the kitchen is important and necessary, because it is here, in this part of the house or apartment, where guests are welcomed at the table, new tastes are born here, and traditional dishes sometimes acquire a new name.

If you decide to decorate the kitchen with your own hands, then you can do this using:

  • Pictures, photos, panels;
  • Subject wallpaper (photo wallpaper) or tiles;
  • Vinyl stickers;
  • Collages (frame combined with tableware, fancy-shaped bottles, barrels);
  • Decorative plates;
  • Artistic painting, etc.

It should be said that DIY wall decor in the kitchen provides a lot of room for creativity and the disclosure of artistic talents. And even if you do not have a pronounced talent of an artist, then, subject to the basic rules and with a certain amount of patience and accuracy, you can paint the wall under a stencil with acrylic paint in a very original way or buy a wonderful vinyl sticker in the form of a funny kitten or a cup of steaming coffee.

Such a picture or a sticker on the wall will be guaranteed to cheer up everyone entering the kitchen.

In addition, as components of wall decor in the kitchen, you can use everyday items at hand - old tableware (spoons, forks), your own successful photos, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, embroidery, panels of dried plant flowers, etc.

DIY wall decoration (video)

Choosing a location for decorative elements

Of course, so that the kitchen in the process of decoration does not become like a small store full of variegated little things, you should not overload this room with decor. The best option is to choose one area to decorate, such as a dining area. As a last resort, you can decorate two zones - a work and a dining area, however, in this case, the decor should be subordinate to the general leitmotif (i.e. the plot and coloristic solution should be the same).

When choosing decoration options, you should, first of all, take into account the material of the surface on which the decor is planned to be applied and its functional purpose.

In general, for the walls in the kitchen, you should choose decoration options that will be easily washed and cleaned and at the same time not lose their appearance. So, for the working area, plot ceramic tiles are relevant. For dining areas with washable wallpaper or plastic (wood) panels - drawings with waterproof paints, etc. Another option for decorating is to decorate the refrigerator with a mural or vinyl decal. A similar ornament or plot can be repeated on heating equipment - a boiler or a column.

As for the choice of a plot for a wall painting in the kitchen, then, naturally, natural colors and shades and a kitchen theme are preferred here - vegetables, fruits, dishes, in general, everything related to food and increases appetite. But there is one unspoken rule here - the drawing must correspond to the general design of the kitchen.

Drawings on the walls in the kitchen: options

If the decor is chosen in the form of drawings on the walls in the kitchen, then they can be performed in the form of artistic painting or stencil painting. Of course, you should take up painting the walls if you have certain drawing skills. If there are none, you can safely try your hand at painting under a stencil. For both painting options - with and without a stencil - acrylic paints (including balloon paints), epoxy paints, incl. balloon and alkyd paints.

The choice of paint is also determined by the surface on which the coloring pigment is planned to be applied.

So, if the base is paper, plastic or wood, then paste-like acrylic, vinyl or latex paint can be used as paint, and if ceramics or glass are used as the base, then epoxy enamel is needed. Alkyd paints are suitable for painting metal surfaces.

Drawings with acrylic paints using a stencil

If a picture using a stencil for the wall is chosen as a decor in the kitchen, then, as a rule, washable smooth wallpaper, as well as wooden or plastic panels, act as a basis.

First you need to purchase or make a stencil. The following materials are suitable for this - thick paper (whatman paper is suitable), cardboard, foam board. Other options are also possible - fabric, foil, film, plain paper.

On the chosen basis, it is necessary to draw a drawing on the chosen kitchen theme:

  1. The contours of a cup of steaming tea or coffee;
  2. Fruits, flowers, butterflies;
  3. Funny animals - kittens, puppies, etc.

In addition, the motives of an expanding "stream" or "vortex", for example, a swarm of butterflies, flowers, etc., are always relevant as wall paintings. As a rule, such drawings are monochromatic - black on a light background, i.e. the drawing itself is a monochrome silhouette. Color options are also possible.

When making large stencils (formats A0, A1), cardboard or whatman paper of different formats is suitable. Draw a drawing on them, and then cut it along the contour. To make a small stencil (approximately A4 size), you can use plain paper (not cardboard).

Then you need to cut out the contours of the drawing, then glue the work path with tape (you can on both sides), and then cut all the contours with the blade again. Scotch tape is needed so that the stencil is reusable and its surface is smooth. After that, you should attach the stencil to the wall using masking tape or spray glue (aerosol glue).

The best option for wall covering for applying acrylic paints is wood, plastic or paper, i.e. plastic, wood panels or wallpaper. To avoid ink flowing under the stencil, it is necessary to use masking tape or contact aerosol glue (spray glue), for example, Spirit 5 spray glue, etc., which allows the stencil to be fixed several times. Spray glue should be used according to the instructions for use. To remove the adhesive, you will need a suitable solvent (type "Spirit 6").

For coloring stencils, both acrylic pasty and water-dispersion acrylate paints are suitable.

However, acrylic pastes are more convenient to use. To work with pasty acrylic paint, you will need a set of brushes or sponges, possibly a roller, spatula, plastic plates. The paint is first squeezed onto a plate or spatula, then the brush is dipped into the paint with a corner. Excess dye should be blotted on a clean part of a plate or spatula. When working with a stencil, paint over small details with thin brushes, and large ones with large ones.

If the area to be painted is significant, a roller must be used. Excess paint from the roller should be removed by pressing it against an inclined surface so that the paint is glass. The main method of staining is from the edges of the stencil to the middle. The strokes should be applied smoothly and smoothly. The stencil should be removed after the paint has dried. If the paint is still numb under the stencil, then you should wait until it dries, and only then use a universal solvent to correct the pattern.

How to apply a drawing on a wall using a stencil (video)

Drawings in the kitchen with other types of paints

In addition to acrylic pastes or water-based paints, you can use more expensive aerosol spray paints. If the surface of the base is ceramic, glass or metal, then the base must be cleaned and degreased with alcohol before applying spray paint.

If the base is wood, plastic or washable wallpaper, then the surface just needs to be cleaned of dirt. When working with aerosol paints, use paint goggles, rubber gloves and a respirator. In addition, turn off all heating appliances in the kitchen and open windows. It is necessary to apply paint from a distance of 25 cm perpendicular to the surface.

If it is necessary to apply a second layer, you must wait until the first one dries. And, of course, to create a picture, it is necessary that the paint fits well on the base, i.e. was designed to be applied to a specific type of surface.

Drawing on the kitchen on the wall (video)

Drawings on the walls of the kitchen (photo examples)

Fashion designers, like ancient artists, embody their creative ideas not only on canvases, but also on walls. The most expensive wallpapers and exclusive tiles cannot compete with handmade. A talented painter, creating drawings on the walls, will select such a plot or motive that fits perfectly into the design of the kitchen, nursery or hallway. At the same time, he will take into account the proportions and illumination of the room, and also listen to the wishes of the customer.

The main types and methods of applying a wall drawing

The first artistic creations of man, rock paintings, were magical amulets and a way of transmitting information. Today, painting on the ceiling or on the wall serves as a decorative function or disguises surface defects.

Types of decorative painting:

  • monochrome or multicolor;
  • flat or volumetric image (drawing with stucco elements);
  • ornament;
  • glowing pattern;
  • an image with a "trick" effect;
  • imitation of famous art canvases.

You can make drawings on the walls with your own hands with water-based and oil paints. Alkyd and acrylic are suitable for the kitchen, they are not afraid of moisture. If you want to get a glowing effect, you need a fluorescent dye. Traditionally, tools are sponges, brushes, airbrushes, stamps. The master can paint the wall directly on site or mount the finished canvas with the image on the wall.

Three-dimensional images look especially impressive. Drawings on the wall, smoothly blending into the ceiling, expand the boundaries of space, create the effect of real presence.

For small rooms, zoning is often used. In this case, the room is divided using partitions and ceiling structures. A drawing made in the right place will visually separate the workplace area from the recreation area, or the food preparation area from the dining area.

Drawings on the walls with your own hands

  • Black and white drawing. This option is stricter and more austere than a multi-colored image. This option is suitable as a decor for almost any room, it will look especially harmonious in a room decorated in a minimalist style.

Important! The larger the black pattern on the wall, the smaller the room will appear.

Philosophical drawings are often created in black and white. At the same time, the room becomes mysterious, extravagant. Together with the black and white image on the wall, furniture with bright colored upholstery is successfully combined.

One more detail: it is a black and white drawing that can convey shadows and halftones as accurately as possible. Contrast technique can be used here, for example, against the background of rainy gray London, a bright red bus is passing by.

Advice. Do not overdo it with the design in black and white, you risk getting a gloomy, depressing environment.

  • Flowers, trees, forest meadow - a room decorated in a landscape style looks natural, has a positive effect on the psyche, while the green color relaxes the eyes and the nervous system. Drawings with flowers, tulips, hyacinths or dandelions bring a powerful positive attitude, give a spring mood and a sense of celebration.

  • Abstraction. This art movement originated in New York in the middle of the 20th century. Abstract artists refused to comply with any logical laws when creating their canvases. Spontaneous thoughts, fantasies, emotions - all this was displayed in the form of very chaotic forms. Such paintings are a continuous stream of consciousness, they do not carry a large semantic load, but at the same time they can perfectly cope with the decorative function. This design option is suitable for a high-tech room.

Stencil painting

If you do not have an art education, but have a great desire to decorate the wall with a geometric pattern, the image of a sakura branch or an Amur tiger, use stencils. It is convenient to draw elements of the picture with a stencil, but it is more often used to create an ornament. A sense of beauty is sure to tell you where is the best place to apply the image: above the mirror, at the electrical outlet, or next to the bedside table.

A stencil can be bought at a hardware store, or it can be made from cardboard, plastic wrap, or plastic. For work, you will also need a stationery knife, a marker, scotch tape, tracing paper, acrylic paint.

Important! You can use spray paint, spray it 30 cm from the wall, taking care not to stain the area outside the template. Use a roller for large stencils.

  • Remove the stencil and paint the borders with a thin brush.

Advice. In a building materials store, you can purchase a durable and convenient polymer stencil.

Volumetric images

To create volume, you will need a spatula and acrylic putty, it has plasticity and water-repellent properties. If necessary, the putty is diluted with a solvent. It is necessary to apply the material in several layers, the optimal thickness of the finished image is 3 mm. The stencil is not removed immediately, but after a few minutes, otherwise the ornament may be damaged. Then they paint the drawing on the wall with their own hands.

The ornament is applied with putty through a stencil

Important. In the process of work, the stencil may move, so that this does not happen, use aerosol glue. To prevent the paint from leaking under the stencil, you need to take a minimum amount of it.

If the surface turns out to be uneven, you can remove the roughness with a fine sandpaper.

A panel painting may contain bas-reliefs. Use an acrylic primer, it creates a roughened surface for better adhesion of the applied materials.


Painting on decorative plaster

Decorative plaster can be made at home from premium lime. It is quenched in a large amount of water, and then defended. River sand, brick chips, flax fibers are suitable as a filler. All of these components will prevent the coating from drying out too quickly, making it easier for the artist to work with the material. There should be a minimum amount of water in the finished mixture. They check it this way: if the spatula comes out of the mix dry, the plaster is of high quality, plastic, after application it will not crumble and collapse.

  • Prepare the surface. Remove old coating, dust, dirt.
  • Dampen the wall with water. The plaster is applied in 2-3 layers with drying breaks. After each layer, it is required to clean the wall from irregularities with a spatula.
  • Before painting on wet plaster, you need to make a sketch on paper at a scale of 1: 1. If the drawing is large, it can be divided into parts. The dividing line is usually made along the contour of the parts.
  • The consistency must be such that the paint can penetrate deep layers of the plaster. Apply paint to the central part, shade towards the edges.
  • By printing or piercing, the pattern is transferred to the surface. You can also transfer the motive using tracing paper. Trace the outline of the drawing using sepia. Place tracing paper on the wall, trace the outline, the drawing will be printed.

Important. Sepia is a colorant used by artists to tint surfaces. Available in crayons and pencils.

A textured surface can be made from plastic decorative plaster

  • Shade the drawing with ultramarine paint. Highlight the main elements with a dry brush.

Advice. First, light tones are applied to the wall, then medium and dark.

Painting on raw plaster is an ancient type of painting

  • When the fresco is dry, it is sanded and waxed or varnished to give it strength.

Important. To create a contour, you will need a marker; use oil paints to draw small details. When painting, the wall must be damp, so painting the fresco must be quick.

You can draw large elements of the composition using an airbrush

The best drawings on the walls in the apartment - photo ideas

Not sure how to zon a room? Do you want to visually raise the ceiling and push the walls apart, making the room unusual and trendy? Create drawings on the walls in the apartment with your own hands, you will see photos of the most successful solutions below.

The patterns are easy to make with stamps. Acrylic paint is diluted with water in a tray, dipped in a stamp and applied to the wall. Small details are drawn with a brush. You can also use improvised means, for example, it is convenient to draw blades of grass with a plastic hair comb.

Spring warm and joyful

Shelf branches are beautiful and functional


Popular pictures on the wall for the kitchen - village landscapes, still lifes, flower arrangements, kitchen utensils. Small and medium-sized images are more appropriate on the wall of a small room. A drawing with large elements can narrow the space. When decorating a wall, be laconic. Everything is good in moderation, do not fill the whole room with painting.

To make a 3D drawing on a wall, you need structured paint and plaster. If there is a defect on the wall, a well-executed decor will help correct the situation.

The kitchen decorated with artistic painting will become the pride of the hostess

Ancient Greek palaces and villas of the Roman patricians were decorated with expensive frescoes and intricate bas-reliefs. The more paintings on the walls and ceiling, the richer and more majestic the house was considered. Now the drawing on the kitchen wall or the painting on the living room wall tells not even about the status of the owner of the house, but about his character, habits and hobbies.

How realistic a "shelf with kitchen utensils" or "a gate leading to an abandoned garden" will look depends on the choice of colors and on the artist's ability to create shadows, partial shades and highlights. Creating a picture on a wall requires experience and professional knowledge. A talented artist will be able to bring your wildest ideas to life.

An interesting puzzle on painting kitchen our new customer, a traveler, gave us a throw. A fan of beautiful landscapes, he asked us to turn his cuisine into a real paradise, where the northern part of Italy, along with neat streets, tiny brick houses and lake views, turns into the beautiful and majestic Swiss mountains.

Before proceeding with the task of painting the kitchen, our team made a sketch, taking into account the peculiarities of the layout of the room. We used three planes to create the picture: front (wall), right (door and tabletop) and left (window). On the whole, the work was interesting, the difficulty was caused only by the fact that the space itself was small, and, keeping within its dimensions, we had to create a beautiful panorama and arrange individual sections of the drawing in such a way that the whole picture looked complete. We made an effort and were able to create a 3D drawing effect, thus visually increasing the space with the help of kitchen mural.

After we started to complete the task, we encountered another difficulty: marble tiles on the floor, into which the drawing was supposed to flow. We didn’t know how we should combine this simple floor with the theme of our image. Having suppressed disappointment, our team still managed to find a way out and beat everything with the help of painted stones on the wall, which, as you can see, look quite natural.

In general, the drawing looks like this: on the main wall there is a landscape, which depicts Italian houses, the intersection of streets, a lake and mountains in the background. The right wall - painted stones, complemented by images of plants, which also looks very lively and natural.

The most difficult decision for us was the cast iron battery, which was completely out of place in this beautiful new kitchen. We racked our brains for a long time over how to deal with this part of the interior, which did not fit into any concept. As a result, the decision came. With the help of the creativity and talent of our artist, we were able to make beautiful plaster balusters out of the battery, which perfectly fit the atmosphere of the whole picture and kitchen mural.

We used a spray gun and airbrush to paint the kitchen to apply the initial drawing, after which each element and curl was carefully hand-drawn by us using brushes and acrylic paint.

The result left not only the owner of the kitchen satisfied, but also ourselves.

We are not supporters of conservative views on decorating the interior of the kitchen: not only still lifes of vegetables and fruits can be painted on its walls, but your wildest ideas can be embodied. Check out the airbrushed kitchens by our artists and the photos will help you make sure of it.

Decorating the walls in the kitchen using artistic painting

Painting the walls in the kitchen is becoming more widespread, and such an interior design should carry a charge of positive emotions for the whole day, since in this room they not only eat delicious food, but also make important decisions. The drawing itself is created in several stages. First you need to describe your vision of the painting to the artist, explain in what colors and themes it should be done.

You can look for inspiration among pictures of kitchens with completed works. Do not limit yourself in ideas, attaching yourself to photos with classic images that are associated exclusively with food, but suggest any ideas: our experienced craftsmen will help you to competently implement them. If necessary, you can make your own adjustments to the sketch, the masters will start working only after the final approval. Also, do not hold back your imagination when choosing the location of the picture: it can decorate both a small space above the dining table and the entire wall, harmoniously fitting into the overall interior of the room.

Paints used for painting walls in the interior of the kitchen

The image is made with moisture-resistant paints, often acrylic or tempera: they are not afraid of kitchen soot and grease, and the drawings will not fade even after repeated wet cleaning.

Painting the walls in the interior of the kitchen from the studio "Aron Honore" is the best solution if you want to add a touch of sophistication to your everyday life. Such decor will make any room unique, organically complement the interior and bring certain accents into it. In our albums you will find examples of wall painting in the kitchen; these photos confirm that our masters are professionals who will help in creating a real masterpiece.