Technological calculation of cast iron radiators in the apartment. Calculation of heating radiators: options and methods

For every home owner, it is very important to carry out the correct calculation of heating radiators. An insufficient number of sections will prevent the radiators from heating the room in the most efficient and optimal way. If you buy radiators with too many sections, then the heating system will be very uneconomical, using the extra power of the heating radiators.

If you need to change the heating system or install a new one, then calculating the number of heating radiator sections will play a very important role. If the premises in your house or apartment are of a standard type, then simpler calculations will do. However, sometimes, in order to obtain the best result, it is necessary to observe some features and nuances concerning such parameters as the power of the heating radiator per room and the pressure in the heating batteries.

Calculation based on the area of ​​the room

Let's figure out how to calculate heating batteries. Focusing on such parameters as the total area of ​​the room, it is possible to carry out a preliminary calculation of the heating batteries for the area. This calculation is pretty straightforward. However, if you have high ceilings in your room, then you cannot take it as a basis. For each square meter of area, about 100 watts of power per hour will be required. Thus, the calculation of sections of heating batteries will allow you to calculate how much heat will be needed to heat the entire room.

How to calculate the number of heating radiators? For example, the area of ​​our premises is 25 sq. meters. We multiply the total area of ​​the room by 100 watts and we get the power of the heating battery at 2500 watts. That is, 2.5 kW per hour is needed to heat a room with an area of ​​25 sq. meters. We divide the result obtained by the heat value that one section of the heating radiator is capable of emitting. For example, the documentation of the heater indicates that one section emits 180 watts of heat per hour.

Thus, the calculation of the power of heating radiators will look like this: 2500 W / 180 W = 13.88. We round the obtained result and get the figure 14. So, for heating a room of 25 sq. meters, a radiator with 14 sections is required.

You will also need to take into account various heat losses. A room in the corner of a house or a room with a balcony will heat up more slowly and give off heat faster. In this case, the calculation of the heat transfer of the radiator of the heating batteries should be made with a certain margin. It is desirable that such a reserve be about 20%.

The calculation of heating batteries can be made taking into account the volume of the room. In this case, not only the total area of ​​the room plays a role, but also the height of the ceilings. How to calculate heating radiators? The calculation is made in approximately the same way as in the previous situation. First, you need to identify how much heat will be needed, as well as how to calculate the number of heating batteries and their sections.

For example, you need to calculate the amount of heat needed for a room that has an area of ​​20 square meters. meters, and the height of the ceilings in it is 3 meters. We multiply 20 sq. meters by 3 meters in height and we get 60 cubic meters of the total volume of the room. For each cubic meter, about 41 W of heat is needed - this is what the data and recommendations of SNIP say.

We calculate the power of the heating batteries further. We multiply 60 sq. meters by 41 W and we get 2460 W. We also divide this figure by the heat output that one section of the heating radiator emits. For example, the documentation of the heater indicates that one section emits about 170 W of heat per hour.

Divide 2460 W by 170 W and get 14.47. We also round it off, thus, to heat a room with a volume of 60 cubic meters, we need a 15-section heating radiator.

You can make the most accurate calculation of the number of heating radiators. This may be needed for private houses with non-standard premises and rooms.

CT = 100W / sq.m. x P x K1 x K2 x K3 x K4 x K5 x K6 x K7

CT is the amount of heat that is needed for a particular room;

P is the total area of ​​the room;

K1 is a coefficient that takes into account how glazed the openings for windows.

If the window is with double glazing, then kf. is 1.27.

For a double-glazed window - 1.00.

For triple glazing kf. is 0.87.

K2 is kf. wall insulation.

If the thermal insulation is rather low, then kf is taken. at 1.27.

For good thermal insulation - kf. = 1.0.

For excellent thermal insulation kf. equals 0.85.

K3 is the ratio of the floor area and the area of ​​the windows in the room.

For 50%, it will be 1.2.

For 40% - 1.1.

For 30% - 1.0.

For 20% - 0.9.

For 10% - 0.8.

K4 is kph., Taking into account the average indoor temperature during the coldest week of the year.

For a temperature of -35 degrees, it will be equal to a value of 1.5.

For -25 - cf. = 1.3.

For -20 - 1.1.

For -15 - 0.9.

For -10 - 0.7.

K5 is a coefficient that will help to identify the need for heat, taking into account how many external walls the room has.

For rooms with one wall kf. is 1.1.

Two walls - 1.2.

Three walls 1.3.

K6 - takes into account the type of premises that are located above our premises.

If the attic is not heated, then it is 1.0.

If the attic is heated, then kf. is 0.9.

If a dwelling is located above, which is heated, then the base is taken as a basis. at 0.7.

K7 is a consideration of the height of the ceilings in the room.

For a ceiling height of 2.5 m, kf. will be 1.0.

With a ceiling height of 3 meters, KF. is equal to 1.05.

If the height of the ceilings is 3.5 meters, then the cf is taken as the basis. at 1.1.

At 4 meters - 1.15.

The result calculated according to this formula must be divided by the heat, which is produced by one section of the heating radiator, and the result that we have obtained must be rounded up.

The correct calculation of heating radiator sections is a rather important task for every homeowner. If an insufficient number of sections are used, the room will not warm up during the winter cold, and the purchase and operation of too large radiators will entail unreasonably high heating costs.

For standard rooms, you can use the simplest calculations, but sometimes it becomes necessary to take into account various nuances in order to get the most accurate result.

To perform calculations, you need to know certain parameters.

  • Dimensions of the room to be heated;
  • Battery type, material of its manufacture;
  • The power of each section or solid battery, depending on its type;
  • The maximum number of sections allowed;

According to the material of manufacture, the radiators are divided as follows:

  • Steel. These radiators have thin walls and a very elegant design, but they are not popular due to numerous shortcomings. These include low heat capacity, rapid heating and cooling. With water hammer, leaks often occur at the joints, and cheap models quickly rust and do not work for long. Usually they are solid, not divided into sections, the capacity of the steel batteries is indicated in the passport.
  • Cast-iron radiators are familiar to every person since childhood; this is a traditional material from which batteries are made of durable and excellent technical characteristics. Each section of a Soviet-era cast-iron accordion gave out 160 watts of heat output. This is a prefabricated structure, the number of sections in it is not limited by anything. They can be both modern and vintage designs. Cast iron perfectly keeps heat, is not subject to corrosion, abrasive wear, compatible with any heat transfer fluids.
  • Aluminum batteries are lightweight, modern, have a high heat transfer, thanks to their advantages, they are becoming more and more popular with buyers. The heat transfer of one section reaches 200 W; they are also produced in one-piece designs. Of the minuses, oxygen corrosion can be noted, but this problem is solved with the help of anodic oxidation of the metal.
  • Bimetallic radiators consist of internal headers and an external heat exchanger. The inside is made of steel and the outside is made of aluminum. High heat transfer rates, up to 200 W, are combined with excellent wear resistance. The relative disadvantage of these batteries is their high price compared to other types.

Radiator materials differ in their characteristics, which affects the calculations

How to calculate the number of heating radiator sections for a room

Calculations can be made in several ways, each of which uses certain parameters.

By the area of ​​the room

A preliminary calculation can be made, focusing on the area of ​​the room for which radiators are purchased. This is a very simple calculation and is suitable for rooms with low ceilings (2.40-2.60 m). According to building codes, 100 W of heating power will be required for each square meter of the room.

We calculate the amount of heat that will be needed for the entire room. To do this, we multiply the area by 100 W, that is, for a room of 20 square meters. m, the calculated thermal power will be 2,000 W (20 sq. m * 100 W) or 2 kW.

The correct calculation of heating radiators is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of heat in the house.

This result must be divided by the heat transfer of one section, as indicated by the manufacturer. For example, if it is 170 W, then in our case the required number of radiator sections will be: 2,000 W / 170 W = 11.76, i.e. 12, since the result should be rounded to the nearest whole number. Rounding is usually carried out upwards, however, for rooms in which heat loss is below average, for example, for a kitchen, it can be rounded down.

It is imperative to take into account the possible heat loss, depending on the specific situation. Of course, a room with a balcony or located in the corner of a building loses heat faster. In this case, the value of the calculated heat output for the room should be increased by 20%. It is worth increasing the calculations by about 15-20% if you plan to hide the radiators behind the screen or mount them in a niche.

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By volume

More accurate data can be obtained by calculating the sections of heating radiators taking into account the height of the ceiling, that is, by the volume of the room. The principle here is about the same as in the previous case. First, the total heat demand is calculated, then the number of radiator sections is calculated.

If the radiator is hidden by a screen, it is necessary to increase the room's demand for thermal energy by 15-20%

According to the SNIP recommendations, 41 W of thermal power is required for heating each cubic meter of living space in a panel house. Multiplying the area of ​​the room by the height of the ceiling, we get the total volume, which we multiply by this standard value. For apartments with modern double-glazed windows and external insulation, less heat is needed, only 34 W per cubic meter.

For example, let's calculate the required amount of heat for a room with an area of ​​20 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3 meters. The volume of the room will be 60 cubic meters. m (20 sq. m * 3 m). The calculated thermal power in this case will be equal to 2,460 W (60 cubic meters * 41 W).

How to calculate the number of heating radiators? To do this, you need to divide the obtained data into the heat transfer of one section indicated by the manufacturer. If we take, as in the previous example, 170 W, then the room will need: 2,460 W / 170 W = 14.47, that is, 15 radiator sections.

Manufacturers tend to indicate overestimated heat transfer rates of their products, assuming that the temperature of the coolant in the system will be maximum. In real conditions, this requirement is rarely met, therefore, one should focus on the minimum heat transfer rates of one section, which are reflected in the product passport. This will make the calculations more realistic and accurate.

If the room is non-standard

Unfortunately, not every apartment can be considered standard. This applies even more to private residential buildings. How to make calculations taking into account the individual conditions of their operation? To do this, you will need to take into account many different factors.

When calculating the number of heating sections, you need to take into account the height of the ceiling, the number and size of windows, the presence of wall insulation, etc.

The peculiarity of this method is that when calculating the required amount of heat, a number of coefficients are used that take into account the characteristics of a particular room, which can affect its ability to store or give off thermal energy.

The calculation formula looks like this:

CT = 100 W / sq. m * P * K1 * K2 * K3 * K4 * K5 * K6 * K7, where

CT is the amount of heat required for a particular room;
P is the area of ​​the room, sq. m;
K1 - coefficient taking into account the glazing of window openings:

  • for windows with conventional double glazing - 1.27;
  • for windows with double glazing - 1.0;
  • for windows with triple glazing - 0.85.

K2 - coefficient of thermal insulation of walls:

  • low degree of thermal insulation - 1.27;
  • good thermal insulation (laying in two bricks or a layer of insulation) - 1.0;
  • high degree of thermal insulation - 0.85.

K3 - the ratio of the area of ​​windows and floor in the room:

  • 50% - 1,2;
  • 40% - 1,1;
  • 30% - 1,0;
  • 20% - 0,9;
  • 10% - 0,8.

K4 is a coefficient that allows you to take into account the average air temperature in the coldest week of the year:

  • for -35 degrees - 1.5;
  • for -25 degrees - 1.3;
  • for -20 degrees - 1.1;
  • for -15 degrees - 0.9;
  • for -10 degrees - 0.7.

K5 - adjusts the heat demand taking into account the number of external walls:

  • one wall - 1.1;
  • two walls - 1.2;
  • three walls - 1.3;
  • four walls - 1.4.

K6 - accounting for the type of premises that is located above:

  • cold attic - 1.0;
  • heated attic - 0.9;
  • heated living quarters - 0.8

K7 - coefficient taking into account the height of the ceilings:

  • at 2.5 m - 1.0;
  • at 3.0 m - 1.05;
  • at 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • at 4.0 m - 1.15;
  • at 4.5 m - 1.2.

It remains to divide the obtained result by the value of the heat transfer of one section of the radiator and round the result to an integer.

Expert opinion

Victor Kaplouhy

Thanks to my versatile hobbies, I write on various topics, but my favorites are engineering, technology and construction.

When installing new radiators, you can focus on how effective the old heating system was. If you were satisfied with its work, it means that the heat transfer was optimal - it is precisely these data that should be relied on in the calculations. First of all, it is necessary to find in the Network the value of the thermal efficiency of one section of the radiator that needs to be replaced. By multiplying the found value by the number of cells that the used battery consisted of, data is obtained on the amount of thermal energy, which was enough for a comfortable stay. It is enough to divide the result obtained by the heat transfer of the new section (this information is indicated in the technical data sheet for the product), and you will receive accurate information on how many cells are needed to install a radiator with the same thermal efficiency. If earlier the heating could not cope with heating the room, or vice versa, it was necessary to open the windows due to constant heat, then the heat transfer of the new radiator is corrected by adding or reducing the number of sections.

For example, earlier you had a common cast-iron battery MC-140 of 8 sections, which pleased with its warmth, but did not suit from the aesthetic point of view. Paying tribute to fashion, you decided to replace it with a branded bimetallic radiator, assembled from separate sections with a heat transfer of 200 W each. The rated power of the used heating device is 160 W, however, over time, deposits have appeared on its walls, which reduce heat transfer by 10-15%. Therefore, the real heat transfer of one section of the old radiator is about 140 W, and its total thermal power is 140 * 8 = 1120 W. We divide this number by the heat transfer of one bimetallic cell and we get the number of sections of the new radiator: 1120/200 = 5.6 pcs. As you can see for yourself, in order to keep the heat transfer of the system at the same level, a bimetallic radiator of 6 sections will be enough.

How to take effective power into account

When determining the parameters of the heating system or its individual circuit, one of the most important parameters, namely the thermal head, should not be discounted. It often happens that the calculations are performed correctly, and the boiler heats well, but somehow it does not add up to the heat in the house. One of the reasons for the decrease in thermal efficiency may be the temperature regime of the coolant. The thing is that most manufacturers indicate the power value for a head of 60 ° C, which takes place in high-temperature systems with a coolant temperature of 80-90 ° C. In practice, it often turns out that the temperature in the heating circuits is in the range of 40-70 ° C, which means that the value of the temperature head does not rise above 30-50 ° C. For this reason, the heat transfer values ​​obtained in the previous sections should be multiplied by the real head, and then the resulting number should be divided by the value indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet. Of course, the figure obtained as a result of these calculations will be lower than that which was obtained when calculating according to the above formulas.

It remains to calculate the real temperature head. It can be found in tables in the vastness of the Network, or calculated independently using the formula ΔT = ½ x (Tn + Tk) - Tvn). In it, Тн is the initial temperature of the water at the inlet to the battery, Тк is the final temperature of the water at the outlet from the radiator, Тн is the temperature of the external environment. If we substitute in this formula the values ​​of Тн = 90 ° С (high-temperature heating system, which was mentioned above), Тк = 70 ° С and Тн = 20 ° С (room temperature), then it is easy to understand why the manufacturer focuses on this value of the thermal pressure ... Substituting these numbers into the formula for ΔT, we just get the "standard" value of 60 ° C.

Taking into account not the passport, but the real power of the heating equipment, it is possible to calculate the parameters of the system with an acceptable error. All that remains to be done is to make an amendment of 10-15% in case of abnormally low temperatures and to provide for the possibility of manual or automatic adjustment in the design of the heating system. In the first case, experts recommend putting ball valves on the bypass and the coolant supply line to the radiator, and in the second, installing thermostatic heads on the radiators. They will allow you to set the most comfortable temperature in each room, without letting heat out into the street.

How to correct calculation results

When calculating the number of sections, heat losses must also be taken into account. In a house, heat can go away in a fairly significant amount through walls and abutments, floor and basement, windows, roof, natural ventilation system.

Moreover, you can save money if you insulate the slopes of windows and doors or a loggia by removing 1-2 sections, heated towel rails and a stove in the kitchen also allow you to remove one section of the radiator. Using a fireplace and underfloor heating systems, proper insulation of walls and floors will minimize heat loss and also reduce the size of the battery.

Heat loss must be taken into account when calculating

The number of sections may vary depending on the operating mode of the heating system, as well as on the location of the batteries and the connection of the system to the heating circuit.

Autonomous heating is used in private houses, this system is more efficient than centralized, which is used in apartment buildings.

The way the radiators are connected also affects the heat transfer rates. The diagonal method, when the water is supplied from the top, is considered the most economical, and the lateral connection creates a loss of 22%.

The number of sections may depend on the mode of the heating system and the method of connecting radiators

For one-pipe systems, the end result is also subject to correction. If two-pipe radiators receive a coolant of the same temperature, then a one-pipe system works differently, and each subsequent section receives cooled water. In this case, first, a calculation is made for a two-pipe system, and the number of sections is increased with the top, taking into account heat losses.

The calculation scheme for a one-pipe heating system is presented below.

In the case of a one-pipe system, successive sections receive cooled water

If we have 15 kW at the input, then 12 kW remains at the output, which means that 3 kW is lost.

For a room with six batteries, the losses will average about 20%, which will necessitate the addition of two sections per battery. With this calculation, the last battery should be huge; to solve the problem, they use the installation of shut-off valves and connection through a bypass to regulate heat transfer.

Some manufacturers offer an easier way to get the answer. On their websites you can find a handy calculator specially designed to do these calculations. To use the program, you need to enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, after which the exact result will be given. Or you can use a special program.

Such a calculation of the number of heating radiators includes almost all the nuances and is based on a fairly accurate determination of the room's need for thermal energy.

The adjustments allow you to save on the purchase of extra sections and pay heating bills, ensure the economical and efficient operation of the heating system for many years, and also allow you to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere of warmth in a house or apartment.

Comfortable living conditions in winter are entirely dependent on an adequate supply of heat to living quarters. If this is a new building, for example, in a summer cottage or a personal plot, then you need to know how to calculate heating radiators for a private house.

All operations are reduced to calculating the number of radiator sections and are subject to a clear algorithm, so there is no need to be a qualified specialist - each person will be able to do a fairly accurate heat engineering calculation of his home.

Why accurate calculation is necessary

Heat transfer of heat supply devices depends on the material of manufacture and the area of ​​individual sections. Not only the heat in the house depends on correct calculations, but also the balance and efficiency of the system as a whole: an insufficient number of installed radiator sections will not provide adequate heat in the room, and an excessive number of sections will hit your pocket.

For calculations, it is necessary to determine the type of batteries and heat supply system. For example, the calculation of aluminum heat supply radiators for a private house differs from other elements of the system. Radiators are cast iron, steel, aluminum, anodized aluminum and bimetallic:

  • The best known are cast-iron batteries, the so-called "accordions". They are durable, resistant to corrosion, have a power of 160 W sections at a height of 50 cm and a water temperature of 70 degrees. A significant drawback of these devices is an unsightly appearance, but modern manufacturers produce smooth and quite aesthetic cast iron batteries, preserving all the advantages of the material and making them competitive.

  • Aluminum radiators surpass cast iron products in terms of thermal power, they are durable, have a light dead weight, which gives an advantage during installation. The only drawback is susceptibility to oxygen corrosion. To eliminate it, the production of anodized aluminum radiators has been adopted.

  • Steel appliances do not have sufficient thermal power, cannot be disassembled and sections enlarged if necessary, are subject to corrosion, and therefore are not popular.

  • Bimetallic heating radiators are a combination of steel and aluminum parts. Heat transfer media and fasteners in them are steel pipes and threaded joints, covered with an aluminum casing. The disadvantage is the rather high cost.

According to the type of heat supply system, one-pipe and two-pipe connection of heating elements are distinguished. In multi-storey residential buildings, a single-pipe heat supply system is mainly used. The disadvantage here is a rather significant difference in the temperature of the incoming and outgoing water at different ends of the system, which indicates the uneven distribution of thermal energy among battery devices.

For even distribution of heat energy in private houses, a two-pipe heat supply system can be used, when hot water is supplied through one pipe, and cooled water is removed through another.

In addition, the exact calculation of the number of heating batteries in a private house depends on the connection diagram of the devices, the height of the ceiling, the area of ​​the window openings, the number of external walls, the type of room, the enclosure of the devices with decorative panels and other factors.

Remember! It is necessary to correctly calculate the required number of heating radiators in a private house in order to guarantee a sufficient amount of heat in the room and ensure financial savings.

Types of heating calculations for a private house

The type of calculation of heating radiators for a private house depends on the goal, that is, how accurately you want to calculate heating radiators for a private house. Distinguish between simplified and accurate methods, as well as by area and volume of the calculated space.

According to a simplified or preliminary method, calculations are reduced to multiplying the area of ​​the room by 100 W: the standard value of sufficient thermal energy per meter squared, while the calculation formula will take the following form:

Q = S * 100, where

Q is the required heat power;

S is the estimated area of ​​the room;

The calculation of the required number of sections of collapsible radiators is carried out according to the formula:

N = Q / Qx, where

N is the required number of sections;

Qx is the specific power of the section according to the product passport.

Since these formulas are for a room height of 2.7 m, correction factors must be entered for other quantities. Calculations are reduced to determining the amount of heat per 1 m3 of the volume of the room. The simplified formula looks like this:

Q = S * h * Qy, where

H is the height of the room from floor to ceiling;

Qy is the average heat output depending on the type of fence, for brick walls it is 34 W / m3, for panel walls - 41 W / m3.

These formulas cannot guarantee a comfortable environment. Therefore, precise calculations are required, taking into account all the accompanying features of the building.

Accurate calculation of heating devices

The most accurate formula for the required heat output is as follows:

Q = S * 100 * (K1 * K2 * ... * Kn-1 * Kn), where

K1, K2… Kn - coefficients depending on various conditions.

What conditions affect the indoor climate? For an accurate calculation, up to 10 indicators are taken into account.

K1 is an indicator that depends on the number of external walls, the more the surface is in contact with the external environment, the greater the loss of thermal energy:

  • with one outer wall, the indicator is equal to one;
  • if there are two outer walls - 1.2;
  • if there are three external walls - 1.3;
  • if all four walls are external (i.e. one-room building) - 1.4.

K2 - takes into account the orientation of the building: it is believed that rooms warm up well if they are located in the south and west, here K2 = 1.0, and vice versa, it is not enough - when the windows face north or east - K2 = 1.1. One can argue with this: in the eastern direction, the room still warms up in the morning, so it is more expedient to apply a coefficient of 1.05.

K3 is an indicator of external wall insulation, depending on the material and the degree of thermal insulation:

  • for outer walls in two bricks, as well as when using insulation for non-insulated walls, the indicator is equal to one;
  • for non-insulated walls - K3 = 1.27;
  • when insulating a dwelling on the basis of heat engineering calculations according to SNiP - K3 = 0.85.

K4 is a coefficient that takes into account the lowest temperatures of the cold season for a particular region:

  • up to 35 ° C K4 = 1.5;
  • from 25 ° C to 35 ° C K4 = 1.3;
  • up to 20 ° C K4 = 1.1;
  • up to 15 ° C K4 = 0.9;
  • up to 10 ° C K4 = 0.7.

K5 - depends on the height of the room from floor to ceiling. The standard height is h = 2.7 m with an indicator equal to one. If the height of the room differs from the standard one, a correction factor is introduced:

  • 2.8-3.0 m - K5 = 1.05;
  • 3.1-3.5 m - K5 = 1.1;
  • 3.6-4.0 m - K5 = 1.15;
  • more than 4 m - K5 = 1.2.

K6 is an indicator that takes into account the nature of the room located above. The floors of residential buildings are always insulated, the rooms above can be heated or cold, and this will inevitably affect the microclimate of the calculated space:

  • for a cold attic, and also if the room is not heated from above, the indicator will be equal to one;
  • with a warmed attic or roof - K6 = 0.9;
  • if a heated room is located on top - K6 = 0.8.

K7 is an indicator that takes into account the type of window blocks. The design of the window has a significant effect on heat loss. In this case, the value of the coefficient K7 is determined as follows:

  • since wooden windows with double glazing do not sufficiently protect the room, the highest indicator is K7 = 1.27;
  • double-glazed windows have excellent properties of protection against heat loss, with a single-chamber double-glazed window of two glasses K7 is equal to one;
  • improved single-chamber glass unit with argon filling or double glass unit, consisting of three glasses K7 = 0.85.

K8 is a coefficient depending on the area of ​​glazing of window openings. Heat loss depends on the number and area of ​​the installed windows. The ratio of the area of ​​the windows to the area of ​​the room should be adjusted in such a way that the coefficient has the lowest values. Depending on the ratio of the area of ​​the windows to the area of ​​the room, the desired indicator is determined:

  • less than 0.1 - K8 = 0.8;
  • from 0.11 to 0.2 - K8 = 0.9;
  • from 0.21 to 0.3 - K8 = 1.0;
  • from 0.31 to 0.4 - K8 = 1.1;
  • from 0.41 to 0.5 - K8 = 1.2.

K9 - takes into account the device connection diagram. Heat dissipation depends on the method of connecting hot and cold water. This factor must be taken into account when installing and determining the required area of ​​heating devices. Taking into account the connection diagram:

  • with a diagonal arrangement of pipes, hot water is supplied from the top, the return flow is from the bottom on the other side of the battery, and the indicator is equal to one;
  • when connecting the supply and return from one side and from above and below one section K9 = 1.03;
  • the abutment of pipes on both sides implies both supply and return from below, while the coefficient K9 = 1.13;
  • variant of diagonal connection, when the flow is from the bottom, return from the top K9 = 1.25;
  • option of one-sided connection with bottom feed, top return and one-sided bottom connection K9 = 1.28.

K10 is a coefficient that depends on the degree of coverage of the devices with decorative panels. The openness of devices for the free exchange of heat with the space of the room is of no small importance, since the creation of artificial barriers reduces the heat transfer of the batteries.

Existing or artificially created barriers can significantly reduce the efficiency of the battery due to the deterioration in the exchange of heat with the room. Depending on these conditions, the coefficient is:

  • when the radiator is open on the wall from all sides 0.9;
  • if the device is covered from above by the unit;
  • when the radiators are covered on top of the wall niche 1.07;
  • if the device is covered with a window sill and a decorative element 1.12;
  • when the radiators are completely covered with a decorative casing 1.2.

In addition, there are special norms for the location of heating devices that must be observed. That is, place the battery at least on:

  • 10 cm from the bottom of the windowsill;
  • 12 cm from the floor;
  • 2 cm from the surface of the outer wall.

Substituting all the necessary indicators, you can get a fairly accurate value of the required thermal power of the room. By dividing the results obtained into the passport data of the heat transfer of one section of the selected device and rounding up to an integer, we obtain the number of required sections. Now you can, without fear of the consequences, select and install the necessary equipment with the required heat output.

Ways to simplify calculations

Despite the seeming simplicity of the formula, in fact, the practical calculation is not so simple, especially if the number of rooms to be calculated is large. To simplify the calculations will help the use of special calculators posted on the websites of some manufacturers. It is enough to enter all the necessary data in the appropriate fields, after which you can get an accurate result. You can also use the tabular method, since the calculation algorithm is quite simple and monotonous.

When living in a house for a long time, many people are faced with the need to replace the heating system. Some apartment owners at some point decide to replace a worn-out heating radiator. In order to ensure a warm atmosphere in the house after completing the necessary measures, it is necessary to correctly approach the problem of calculating heating for a house by the area of ​​the room. The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on this. To ensure this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of sections of the installed radiators. In this case, the heat transfer from them will be optimal.

If the number of sections is insufficient, then the necessary heating of the room will never occur. And due to the insufficient number of sections in the radiator, there will be a large heat consumption, which will negatively affect the budget of the apartment owner. You can determine the need for a particular room for heating if you make simple calculations. And in order for them to seem accurate, a number of additional parameters must be taken into account when performing them.

Simple area calculations

In order to correctly calculate heating radiators for a particular room, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the area of ​​the room. The easiest way - focus on plumbing standards, according to which for heating 1 sq. m. requires 100 watts of heating radiator power. It should also be remembered that this method can be used for rooms where the ceiling height is standard, that is, it varies from 2.5 to 2.7 meters. Performing calculations using this method allows you to get somewhat overestimated results. In addition, when using it, the following features are not taken into account:

  • the number of windows and the type of packages installed in the room;
  • the number of external walls located in the room;
  • wall materials and their thickness;
  • the type and thickness of the insulation used.

The heat that radiators should provide to create a comfortable atmosphere in the room: to obtain optimal calculations, it is necessary to take the area of ​​the room and multiply it by the heat output of the radiator.

Radiator calculation example

Let's say if the room has an area of ​​18 sq. m., then it will require a 1800 watt battery.

18 sq. mx 100 W = 1800 W.

Received the result must be divided by the amount of heat, which for an hour is allocated by one section of the heating radiator. If the product passport indicates that this indicator is 170 W, then further calculations will be as follows:

1800W / 170W = 10.59.

The result obtained must be rounded to the nearest whole. As a result, we get 11. This means that in a room with such an area, the optimal solution would be to install a heating radiator with eleven sections.

It should be said that this method is perfect only for rooms that receive heat from a centralized line, where a coolant circulates with a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius.

There is one more method that surpasses the previous ones in its simplicity. It can be used to calculate the amount of heating in apartments in panel houses. When using it, it is taken into account that one section is able to heat an area of ​​1.8 sq. m., that is, when performing calculations, the area of ​​the room should be divided by 1.8. If the room has an area of ​​25 sq. m., then 14 sections in the radiator will be required to ensure optimal heating.

25 sq. m. / 1.8 sq. m = 13.89.

However, this calculation method has one caveat. It cannot be used for low and high power devices. That is, for those radiators in which the output of one section varies in the range from 120 to 200 W.

Heating calculation method for rooms with high ceilings

If the ceilings in the room are more than 3 meters high, then the use of the above methods does not make it possible to correctly calculate the need for heating. In such cases, it is necessary to use a formula that takes into account the volume of the room. In accordance with SNiP standards, 41 watts of heat are required to heat one cubic meter of room volume.

Radiator calculation example

Based on this, for heating a room with an area of ​​24 sq. m., and the ceiling height is at least 3 meters, the calculations will be as follows:

24 sq. mx 3 m = 72 cubic meters m. As a result, we get the total volume of the room.

72 cc mx 41 W = 2952 W. The result obtained is the total power of the radiator, which will provide optimal heating of the room.

Now it is necessary to calculate the number of sections in the battery for a room of this size. In the event that the passport for the product indicates that the heat transfer of one section is 180 W, in the calculations it is necessary to divide the total battery power by this number.

As a result, we get 16.4. Then the result needs to be rounded. As a result, we have 17 sections. A battery with so many sections is enough to create a warm atmosphere in a 72 m 3 room. After performing simple calculations, we get the data we need.

Extra options

After completing the calculation, you should adjust the result taking into account the characteristics of the room. They should be considered as follows:

  • for a room that is a corner room with one window, when calculating, an additional 20% must be added to the battery power received;
  • if there are two windows in the room, then an adjustment must be made upwards by 30%;
  • in cases where the radiator is installed in a niche under the window, its heat transfer is somewhat reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to add 5% to its power;
  • in a room in which the windows face the north side, an additional 10% must be added to the battery power;
  • decorating the battery in your room with a special screen, you should know that it steals some heat energy from the radiator. Therefore, in addition, it is necessary to add 15% to the radiator.

Specificity and other features

The room for which the heating demand is calculated may have other specifics. The following indicators are becoming important:

Climatic zones

Everyone knows that every climate zone has its own heating needs. Therefore, when developing a project, it is necessary to take these indicators into account.

Each climate zone there are coefficients to be used in calculations.

For central Russia, this coefficient is 1. Therefore, it is not used in the calculations.

In the northern and eastern regions of the country, the coefficient is 1.6.

In the southern part of the country, this indicator ranges from 0.7 to 0.9.

When performing calculations, it is necessary to multiply the thermal power by this factor. And then divide the result by the heat transfer of one section.


The calculation of indoor heating is very important to ensure a warm atmosphere in the home during the winter. Usually, there are no big difficulties in performing calculations. therefore each owner can implement them independently without resorting to the services of specialists. It is enough to find the formulas that are used for the calculations.

In this case you can save on purchasing a radiator as you will be saved from having to pay for unnecessary sections. By installing them in the kitchen or living room, a comfortable atmosphere will reign in your home. If you are unsure of the accuracy of your calculations, because of which you will not find the best option, then you should contact the professionals. They will make the calculations correctly, and after that they will qualitatively install new heating radiators or competently carry out the installation of the heating system.

06/25/2019 at 16:49

When designing heating systems, a mandatory measure is to calculate the power of heating devices. The result obtained largely influences the choice of one or another equipment - heating radiators and heating boilers (if the project is carried out for private houses that are not connected to central heating systems).

The most popular at the moment are batteries made in the form of interconnected sections. In this article, we will just talk about how to calculate the number of radiator sections.

Methods for calculating the number of battery sections

In order to calculate the number of heating radiator sections, you can use three main methods. The first two are fairly light, but they give only an approximate result, which is suitable for typical multi-storey buildings. This includes the calculation of radiator sections by the area of ​​the room or by its volume. Those. in this case, it is enough to find out the required parameter (area or volume) of the room and insert it into the appropriate formula for calculation.

The third method involves the use for calculations of many different coefficients that determine the heat loss of the room. This includes the size and type of windows, floor, type of wall insulation, ceiling height and other criteria that affect heat loss. Heat loss can also occur for various reasons associated with mistakes and shortcomings in the construction of a house. For example, there is a cavity inside the walls, the insulation layer has cracks, defects in the building material, etc. Thus, the search for all causes of heat leakage is one of the prerequisites for performing an accurate calculation. For this, thermal imagers are used, displaying on the monitor the places of heat leakage from the room.

All this is done in order to select such a power of the radiators that compensates for the total value of heat loss. Let's consider each method of calculating battery sections separately and give an illustrative example for each of them.

Calculation of the number of heating radiator sections by the volume of the room calculator. Number of radiator sections

Section (heating radiator) - the smallest structural element of the radiator battery.

Usually it is a hollow, cast iron or aluminum double-tube structure, ribbed to improve thermal transfer by means of radiation and convection.

The heating radiator sections are connected to each other into batteries using radiator nipples, the supply and discharge of the coolant (steam or hot water) is made through screwed couplings, the excess (unused) holes are plugged with threaded plugs in which a tap is sometimes screwed to drain air from the heating system. The assembled battery is usually painted after assembly.

Calculator of the number of sections in heating radiators

Power of 1 section (W)

Room length

Room width

Thermal insulation of walls

High-quality modern insulation Brick (2 bricks) or insulation Poor insulation

Online calculator for calculating the required number of radiator sections for heating a given room with a known heat transfer

Formula for calculating the number of radiator sections

N = S / t * 100 * w * h * r

  • N is the number of radiator sections;
  • S is the area of ​​the room;
  • t is the amount of heat for heating the room;

The amount required to heat the room (t) is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​the room by 100 W. That is, to heat a room of 18 m 2, heat is needed 18 * 100 = 1800 W or 1.8 kW

Synonyms: radiator, heating, heat, battery, sections of the radiator, radiator.

Calculation of the number of sections of cast-iron heating radiators by the volume of the room. How to calculate the number of radiators

The calculation of the number of heating radiators can be done in three ways:

  1. Determination of the required heating system based on the area of ​​the heated room.
  2. Calculation of the required sections of the radiator based on the volume of the room.
  3. The most complex, but at the same time the most accurate calculation method, which takes into account the maximum number of factors affecting the creation of a comfortable room temperature.

Before dwelling on the above calculation methods, one cannot ignore the radiators themselves. Their ability to transfer thermal energy of the carrier to the environment, as well as power, depends on the material from which they are made. In addition, radiators differ in resistance (ability to resist corrosion), have different maximum permissible operating pressure and weight.

Since the battery consists of a set of sections, it is necessary to take into account the types of materials from which the radiators are made, to know their positive and negative qualities. The material chosen will determine how many battery sections you need to install. Now there are 4 types of heating radiators on the market. These are cast iron, aluminum, steel and bimetallic structures.

Cast iron radiators perfectly accumulate heat, withstand high pressure and have no restrictions on the type of coolant. But at the same time, they are heavy and require special attention to the fasteners. Steel radiators are lighter than cast iron, operate at any pressure and are the most affordable option, but their heat transfer coefficient is lower than that of all other batteries.

Aluminum radiators give off heat very well, they are light, have an affordable price, but they do not tolerate high pressure of the heating network poorly. Bimetallic radiators take the best from steel and aluminum radiators, but have the highest price among the options presented.

It is believed that the power of one section of a cast-iron battery is 145 W, an aluminum one - 190 W, a bimetallic one - 185 W and a steel one - 85 W.

The way in which the structure is connected to the heating network is of great importance. The calculation of the power of heating radiators directly depends on the methods of supply and removal of the coolant, and this factor also affects the number of heating radiator sections required for normal heating of a given room.

Video Calculation of heating radiators Part 1

A simple calculation does not take into account many factors. The result is curved data. Then some rooms remain cold, others too hot. The temperature can be controlled with shut-off valves, but it is better to calculate everything accurately in advance in order to use the right amount of materials.

Reducing and increasing thermal coefficients are used for accurate calculation. First, you should pay attention to the windows. For single glazing, a factor of 1.7 is used. No coefficient is needed for double windows. For triples, the indicator is 0.85.

If the windows are single, and there is no thermal insulation, then the heat loss will be quite large.

The calculations take into account the ratio of the area of ​​floors and windows. The ideal ratio is 30%. Then apply coefficient 1. When the ratio is increased by 10%, the coefficient is increased by 0.1.

Coefficients for different ceiling heights:

  • If the ceiling is below 2.7 m, the coefficient is not needed;
  • For indicators from 2.7 to 3.5 m, a coefficient of 1.1 is used;
  • When the height is 3.5-4.5m, a factor of 1.2 will be required.

In the presence of attics or upper floors, it also applies certain coefficients. With a warm attic, an indicator of 0.9 is used, a living room - 0.8. For unheated attics take 1.

The easiest way. Calculate the amount of heat required for heating, based on the area of ​​the room in which the radiators will be installed. You know the area of ​​each room, and the heat demand can be determined according to the building codes SNiP:

  • for the middle climatic zone, 60-100W is required for heating 1m 2 of living space;
  • for areas above 60 o, 150-200W are required.

Based on these norms, you can calculate how much heat your room will require. If the apartment / house is located in the middle climatic zone, 1600W of heat will be required to heat an area of ​​16m2 (16 * 100 = 1600). Since the norms are average, and the weather does not indulge in constancy, we believe that 100W is required. Although, if you live in the south of the middle climatic zone and your winters are mild, count 60W.

The calculation of heating radiators can be done according to SNiP standards

A power reserve in heating is needed, but not very large: with an increase in the amount of required power, the number of radiators increases. And the more radiators, the more coolant in the system. If for those who are connected to central heating this is uncritical, then for those who have or are planning individual heating, a large system volume means large (extra) costs for heating the coolant and a greater inertia of the system (the set temperature is less accurately maintained). And a logical question arises: "Why pay more?"

Having calculated the heat demand of the room, we can find out how many sections are required. Each of the heating devices can emit a certain amount of heat, which is indicated in the passport. They take the found heat demand and divide it by the radiator power. The result is the required number of sections to make up for losses.

Let's calculate the number of radiators for the same room. We have determined that 1600W is required. Let the power of one section be 170W. It turns out 1600/170 = 9.411 pcs. You can round up or down at your discretion. The smaller one can be rounded, for example, in the kitchen - there are enough additional sources of heat, and the larger one is better in a room with a balcony, a large window or in a corner room.

The system is simple, but the disadvantages are obvious: the height of the ceilings can be different, the material of the walls, windows, insulation and a number of other factors are not taken into account. So the calculation of the number of heating radiator sections according to SNiP is approximate. For an accurate result, you need to make adjustments.

Calculation of the number of heating radiator sections by area calculator. Selection of heating power

When selecting a heating scheme for a small private house, it is this indicator that is decisive.

To calculate the sections of bimetallic heating radiators by area, you need to determine the following parameters:

  • the amount of required compensation for heat losses;
  • the total area of ​​the heated room.

In construction practice, it is customary to use the first indicator in the given form as 1 kW of power per 10 square meters, i.e. 100 W / m2. Thus, the ratio for the calculation will be the following expression:

N = S x 100 x 1.45,

where S is the total area of ​​the heated room, 1.45 is the coefficient of possible heat losses.

If we consider using a specific example of calculating the heating power for a room of 4x5 meters, it will look like this:

  1. 5 x 4 = 20 (m 2);
  2. A typical place for installing a radiator is the space under the window, so we use two radiators of the same power of 1450 W. This indicator can be influenced by adding or reducing the number of sections installed in the battery. It should be borne in mind that the power of one of them is:

  • for bimetallic with a height of 50 centimeters - 180 watts;
  • for cast iron radiators - 130 watts.

Therefore, you will need to install: bimetallic - 1450: 180 = 8 x2 = 16 sections; cast iron: 1450: 130 = 11.

When using glass bags, heat loss on windows can be reduced by about 25%.

Calculation of sections of bimetallic heating radiators by area gives a clear initial idea of ​​their required number.

To determine the volume of a room, you will have to use indicators such as ceiling height, width and length. Having multiplied all the parameters and having received the volume, it should be multiplied by the power indicator determined by SNiP in the amount of 41 W.

For example, the area of ​​the room (width x length) is 16 m2, and the ceiling height is 2.7 m, which gives a volume (16x2.7) equal to 43 m3.

To determine the power of the radiator, the volume should be multiplied by the power indicator:

After that, the result obtained is also divided by the power of one section of the radiator. For example, it is equal to 160 W, which means that 11 sections will be required for a room with a volume of 43 m3 (1771: 160).

And such a calculation of bimetallic heating radiators per square meter will also not be accurate. To make sure how many sections are actually required in the battery, you need to make calculations using a more complex but accurate formula that takes into account all the nuances, up to the air temperature outside the window.

This formula looks like this:

S x 100 x k1 x k2 x k3 x k4 x k5 x k6 * k7 = radiator power, where K is the heat loss parameters:

k1 - type of glazing;

k2 - the quality of wall insulation;

k3 - window size;

k4 is the outdoor temperature;

k5 - external walls;

k6 is the room above the room;

k7 is the ceiling height.

If you are not too lazy and calculate all these parameters, then you can get the real number of bimetallic radiator sections per 1 m2.

It is not difficult to make such calculations, and even an approximate figure is better than buying a battery at random.

Bimetallic radiators are expensive and high-quality products, therefore, before purchasing and installing, you should carefully familiarize yourself not only with such parameters as thermal power and resistance to high pressures, but also with their device.

Each manufacturer has its own attractive "chips" for customers. You cannot buy batteries just for the sake of stock. A qualitative calculation of the thermal power of a bimetallic radiator will provide a room with heat for the next 20 to 30 years, which is much more attractive than a one-time discount.

Table for calculating the required number of sections depending on the area of ​​the heated room and the capacity of one section.

Calculating the number of sections of heating batteries using a calculator gives good results. Let's give the simplest example for heating a room with an area of ​​10 sq. m - if the room is not angular and double-glazed windows are installed in it, the required thermal power will be 1000 W. If we want to install aluminum batteries with a heat transfer of 180 W, we need 6 sections - we just divide the received power by the heat transfer of one section.

Accordingly, if you buy radiators with a heat transfer of one section of 200 W, then the number of sections will be 5 pcs. Will the room have high ceilings up to 3.5 m? Then the number of sections will increase to 6 pieces. Does the room have two outer walls (corner room)? In this case, you need to add one more section.

You also need to take into account the thermal power reserve in case of a too cold winter - it is 10-20% of the calculated one.

You can find out information about the heat transfer of batteries from their passport data. For example, the calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators is based on the calculation of the heat transfer of one section. The same applies to bimetallic radiators (and cast iron, although they are non-separable). When using steel radiators, the passport power of the entire device is taken (we gave examples above).

Calculation of heating radiators in a private house. Calculation of the number of radiators in a private house

If for apartments it is possible to take the averaged parameters of the consumed heat, since they are designed for the standard dimensions of the room, then in private construction this is wrong. After all, many owners build their houses with a ceiling height exceeding 2.8 meters, in addition, almost all private premises are corner rooms, so more power will be required to heat them. In this case, calculations based on taking into account the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room are not suitable: you need apply the formula taking into account the volume of the room and make adjustments by applying the coefficients for reducing or increasing heat transfer. The values ​​of the coefficients are as follows:
  • 0.2 - the resulting final power number is multiplied by this indicator, if multi-chamber plastic double-glazed windows are installed in the house.
  • 1.15 - if the boiler installed in the house is operating at the limit of its capacity. In this case, every 10 degrees of the heated coolant, the power of the radiators is reduced by 15%.
  • 1.8 is the magnification factor to be applied if the room is corner and has more than one window.
To calculate the power of radiators in a private house, the following formula is used:

P = V x 41, where

  • V is the volume of the room;
  • 41 - the average power required for heating 1 sq. m of a private house.
Calculation example If you have a room of 20 sq. m (4x5 m - wall length) with a ceiling height of 3 meters, then its volume can be easily calculated: 20 x 3 = 60 W The resulting value is multiplied by the power accepted according to the standards: 60 x 41 = 2460 W - so much heat is required to heat the area in question. The calculation of the number of radiators boils down to the following (if we take into account that one radiator section on average emits 160 W, and their exact data depend on the material from which the batteries are made): 2460/160 = 15.4 pieces Let's assume that a total of 16 sections is needed, then there is a need to purchase 4 radiators with 4 sections for each wall or 2 for 8 sections. In this case, one should not forget about the correction factors.

Types of steel radiators

Consider panel-type steel radiators, which differ in size and power. Devices can be composed of one, two or three panels. Another important structural element is ribbing (corrugated metal plates). Several combinations of panels and fins are used in the design of devices to obtain certain indicators of thermal efficiency. Before choosing the most suitable device for high-quality room heating, you must familiarize yourself with each type.

Basic types of steel radiators

Steel panel batteries are of the following types:

  • Type 10. Here the device is equipped with only one panel. These radiators are lightweight and have the lowest wattage.

Steel heating radiators type 10

  • Type 11. Consist of one panel and finning plate. The batteries have a slightly larger weight and dimensions than the previous type, they are distinguished by increased thermal power parameters.

Steel panel radiator type 11

  • Type 21. The radiator has two panels, between which there is a corrugated metal plate.
  • Type 22. The battery consists of two panels and two fins. The device is similar in size to type 21 radiators, however, in comparison with them, they have a higher thermal power.

Steel panel radiator type 22

  • Type 33. The structure consists of three panels. This class is the most powerful in terms of heat output and the largest in size. In its design, 3 finning plates are attached to three panels (hence the digital designation of the type - 33).

Steel panel radiator type 33

Each of the types presented can differ in the length of the device and its height. Based on these indicators, the thermal power of the device is formed. It is impossible to calculate this parameter on your own. However, each model of panel radiator passes the corresponding tests by the manufacturer, so all the results are recorded in special tables. According to them, it is very convenient to choose a suitable battery for heating various types of premises.