How can you close the old Soviet batteries. How to close a heating battery: interesting ideas

How can you close heating radiators after repair - everyone is puzzled by this question if they do not like the appearance of the batteries. Well, how to close the radiators so that it is beautiful, elegant and at the same time without losing heat transfer - today we will talk about this.

The principle of operation of any radiators is achieved due to the movement of air - cold comes to them from below, and warm rises up. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly assemble the heating network, ensuring correct convection.

Even the most modern radiators do not look very attractive, often standing out against a wallpapered or painted wall. Another component is children's safety: screens that cover radiators help prevent burns in babies, protect from injury.

How to avoid heat loss

To begin with, before determining how to close the radiators, it is worth understanding what is possible and what is not, since any wrong action will lead to a violation of the circulation of warm air and cooling the room.

Firstly, you cannot completely cover the radiator, even with the most modern heat-conducting materials.

Secondly, heat loss also increases when using a solid cover with a minimum number of holes (for example, a glass screen).

Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account that warm air rises up, and a box or a too wide window sill will certainly close this part, which will lead to a deterioration in heat transfer. And no matter what the foremen or window sill manufacturers say, perforation does not help keep warm, simply because there are not enough holes.

A little trick: to increase the amount of warm air entering the room, place a reflective screen made of ordinary foil behind the radiator.

Another option for removing warm air from under the windowsill is to install a special visor that directs warm air outward.

The key to good heat transfer is the use of maximally perforated screens with holes on the sides, below for cold air inlet, and on top for warm air outlet.

How to Safely Close Batteries

Preserving heat transfer is not the most important, albeit important, task. No less exciting is the issue of the availability of the radiator itself and the pipes suitable for it.

Even the newest radiator can leak, not only due to old pipes or poor quality piping. Defective materials, water hammer, the human factor in the form of improper installation - all this can become a problem for residents, both of this apartment and the room below.

Also, the quality of the water that fills the heating system of the house leaves much to be desired, and it may happen that in order to increase heat transfer, the battery will have to be removed and washed, which will become impossible when access is closed.

Therefore, it is more practical to use attached or removable structures for decorating and closing batteries, without rigid attachment.

Tip: if you plan to sew a radiator into a plasterboard box with an overhead perforated panel as a decor, an inspection hatch should be left at the junction of the pipes to the batteries (as in bathrooms) so that you can check for leaks at any time.

How to beautifully decorate heating batteries

Installation of a decorative box for closing heating radiators is not the only solution, and not everyone can think of and do something on their own. There are several more ways how and how to decorate the radiators under the window.

Radiator painting

One of the important issues in the design of a room is the combination of colors. Well, how can a white radiator look, for example, on a dark wall? Although it is for some reason that white is considered ideal for batteries ...

The choice of heat-resistant paints in the modern construction market is huge, all that remains is to choose the right shade and tint the white base. Even if you don't guess with a shade of two or three tones, it's okay, such a difference seems to be completely invisible. But it will still be better than just white. Well, if you wish, you can also manually paint the batteries, especially if there is an ornament on the wallpaper. You can use a stencil to make your work easier.

Remember: if you decide to paint the radiators in the apartment, buy only heat-resistant paints.

By the way, you can paint not only ordinary cast-iron radiators, but also steel, and bimetallic, and aluminum.

Another decor option is sewing and attaching a fabric screen-screen. This camouflage method has been tested and is quite effective in terms of minimal heat loss, since the fabric, even the densest, still allows warm air to pass through (unlike a hard screen).

Previously, when heavy curtains were in vogue, they hid all the batteries and pipes suitable for them behind them. And now, when Roman or roll-up curtains that do not reach the floor are widely used, you have to invent something. A practical solution is to attach the Velcro to the bottom of the window sill, and the other half of the adhesive tape is sewn to the fabric to create a removable fabric screen. You can choose the material for it according to your taste and financial capabilities - from a thin curtain, to natural linen or cotton, or vertical strips of blinds. The only condition is that the fabric can withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees.

Well, having arranged the space under the window in this way, you can already choose roll curtains or blinds on the windows as protection from the sun, without worrying about the unsightly appearance of the radiators.

Radiator box

Most often, such structures are either mounted on the wall, or are attached, facilitating the maintenance of communications. Such boxes are made mainly from MDF, chipboard, wood or plywood. The first option is the most practical, since MDF does not dry out and is not exposed to temperature changes, and any shape can be given to it.

A prerequisite for such a structure is the presence of perforations (holes), and the larger, the more heat will enter the room. At the bottom, there is a hole for the flow of cold air, and at the top, for the warm air coming out.

As a frame for the box, you can use ordinary wooden bars, and having the skills of a carpenter, you can build a box according to individual dimensions: it can be either a structure covering the entire width of the room, covering both the radiator and pipes, or a box covering only the radiator.

Usually, the installation of the box that hides the radiators is accompanied by dusty work, so you need to think over the design and create a sketch at the beginning of the repair. A decorative box can not only hide inconspicuous radiators unnecessary to the eye, but also become an element of interior decoration.

Hard screen

The most common (but, unfortunately, not the most practical) solution is to equip a hard screen; hardware stores even offer ready-made solutions from a variety of materials. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages over the others.

  • Made of metal... For production, as a rule, stainless steel is used with subsequent painting or chrome elements. Such designs look like ordinary mesh boxes. Of course, a metal object under the window is not suitable for every room; a high-tech or loft is the ideal style for such a solution. But this design perfectly conducts heat and will last a long time.
  • Made of wood... Wood has always been considered a win-win option, as it fits into almost any interior. Wooden screens are a structure in the form of wooden lamella panels, horizontal or vertical, located at a sufficient distance from each other. Thanks to good perforation, such a grill does not interfere with proper convection; a wooden screen for a radiator will be a reasonable solution. The only condition is that it must fit perfectly into the environment. This can be achieved by making a custom design with furniture tint.
  • From glass fits perfectly into the interior of any room. Glass can be either frosted or colored, almost completely covering the radiator, or it can have a pattern that matches the style of the room. However, along with the elegant and airy appearance, there is one huge drawback - the heat loss in the absence of perforation will almost double. Even the thermal gap at the top and bottom of the screen does not help the situation. It is possible to improve air circulation by using not solid glass, but glass panels located at some distance from each other.
  • Drywall... Of course, we are talking, rather, about drywall as the basis of the screen itself, and with the help of other materials, you can make a decorative panel-overlay that covers the batteries flush with the box itself. When installing such a structure, you must remember all the laws of heat engineering and safety, leaving access to communications in the event of a leak or the need to replace batteries.

Radiator metal shield

The battery can be covered with a wooden grate

Mounting the radiator into the wall

This option is possible only at the stage of construction or overhaul due to the many dusty and dirty work. All pipes suitable for the radiator are sewn into the wall, leaving only small areas for connecting radiators. By the way, they can also be sewn into the wall, leaving a hole for convection, which is closed with a decorative grill. This solution is not without its drawbacks: in addition to reducing the usable area of ​​the room itself, heat loss inevitably follows, however, all this is compensated for by an elegant and beautiful appearance. If such heating is not enough, then you will have to take care of warm floors as an additional source of heat.

How to make a drywall box for masking radiators - step by step instructions

Since such solutions are becoming more and more popular and universal, let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to make a drywall screen with our own hands. To equip the structure, we need the following materials and tools:

  • A sheet of drywall of the required size and thickness (it is better to take no thinner than 10 mm);
  • UD and CD profile;
  • Galvanized sheet or foil sheet for thermal insulation of the wall behind the radiator;
  • PVA glue for construction;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws for metal;
  • Pencil;
  • Stationery or construction knife;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Fine to medium grit sandpaper;
  • Construction level;
  • Decorative overhead lattice.

The installation of the box begins with preparatory work. Firstly, we need to process the drywall sheet itself a couple of times with PVA glue - this will give the sheet resistance to moisture and temperature changes, the gypsum will not dry out and crumble. Secondly, you need to make all the necessary measurements and mark the future box on the wall with a pencil.

Build the frame of the future box from a metal profile. Use a building level and a window sill when working - so that the structure is not skewed.
Cut the screen out of the galvanized sheet and fix it behind the radiator - this technique will allow the heat not to go into the wall, but to direct it inside the room.

Attention! The lower part of the box must be left open for the flow of cold air.

Sew up the sides of the box with drywall. In principle, you can stop at this if the size of the lattice matches the size of the box. But we will also sew the front part around the perimeter. Putty and paint the finished box. From above, you can attach a beautiful grille.

You can buy a ready-made grille for masking a radiator, or you can make it yourself from a picture baguette or door trims, sawn down at an angle of 45 degrees. The center of the decorative grille can be made of non-combustible fabric, rattan or metal mesh.

In general, the appearance of the box depends only on your imagination and financial capabilities.

How to close the heating pipes

All communications suitable for radiators also often have an unpleasant appearance and the property to stand out on a painted or wallpaper-pasted wall. If you do not plan to decorate the window with curtains that cover all the pipes, then the question certainly arises: how and with what to close the pipes, or at least mask them?

The first way, which suggests itself due to its simplicity, is to paint the pipes in the color of the walls. Of course, in this way they will still remain visible, but will be less noticeable. You also need to buy a radiator paint, heat-resistant and tint it in the desired color.

Pipes can be hidden behind a box or sewn into the wall only after they have been completely replaced in order to avoid leaks and flooding of neighbors. The pipe box is made in the same way as the plasterboard box for radiators is mounted (see above). Subsequently, it can be painted or pasted over with the same wallpaper as the entire room.

You can try to decorate the pipes, for example, by wrapping them with a jute bundle or twine. However, this option will reduce heat transfer and will not suit every room style.

If the pipes that go to the radiator itself pass from below, then they can be hidden under the floor plinth. But with a riser, this will not work.

Well, now, as promised, we present a photo selection of beautiful and original screens for the radiator.

In any case, whichever method you choose, it is possible to hide the heating radiator, it all depends on your imagination, availability of free time and desire to change something. However, it is not worth thinking about how to hide pipes and radiators when it comes to old houses and poorly heated apartments, as this will inevitably lead to a deterioration in heat transfer.

For those who decided to save time and money on renovating the heating system and replacing cast-iron radiators with modern ones, we offer several ways to hide, disguise, decorate and update old unsightly batteries. You will be surprised how much these "cast-iron heavyweights" in a transformed form are able to refresh the interior.

Successful camouflage is a simple but effective idea for eye-catching heating radiators. It is enough to choose paint to match the walls and paint the battery with it. Alkyd and acrylic enamels, as well as water-based paints are best suited.

And you can do the opposite - with the help of paint, not to disguise the battery, but to focus on it.

In the midst of the heating season, a radiator can become a potentially dangerous item in your home. So that the child does not accidentally touch the hot metal, special screens were invented that prevent direct contact with the battery and play a decorative role in the interior.

In addition, the screen will prevent dust and dirt from entering the battery. So cleaning will not be so burdensome anymore.

The easiest way to fit the batteries into the interior of the room is to hide them in a drywall box and close them with a decorative grill. Of course, the decoration must be done so as not to disrupt the operation of the heating system.

Special perforated MDF panels are the most versatile of radiator screens. A wide variety of shapes, shades and textures allows you to choose them for any interior. Such screens are lightweight, compact, moisture resistant, environmentally friendly.

The screen of strict forms is also considered a classic.

In a modern interior, laconic wooden models of screens without pretentious decor will look good.

You will definitely not want to hide such a decorative metal frame for a radiator behind curtains. Because it will definitely attract the eyes of guests and will become the undeniable "highlight of the program".

If you have carpentry skills, the idea of ​​a decorative screen for a radiator can be developed into an impromptu rack, console, cabinet. Functional furniture is worth its weight in gold in small homes.

Glass can also turn out not just screens for a radiator, but also beautiful elements of functional furniture.

Some have guessed to use a battery covered by a screen as an additional resting place. Warm, cozy, beautiful.

A radiator and heated towel rail can be made an art object. Sometimes it is difficult to guess what a heating system looks like.

The yellow square is not a picture, but a battery.

We suggest trying to solve the problem of unaesthetic batteries on your own, for example, using decoupage. Thoroughly wash the battery, make its surface smooth - it is not necessary to completely remove the old paint. Paint it with regular white enamel first. While the battery will dry for a day, take a decoupage card with a pattern that you like. Measure the width of the outer surface of the battery section, cut the card into strips of the desired size. With PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1x1, glue the motif so that it is located exactly in the middle of the battery. Paint the remaining part without a picture with acrylic paints. When the paint is dry, the entire battery must be covered with a heat-resistant varnish.

You can cover the battery in an original way with a folding frame, inside which strips of fabric are intertwined.

Needlewomen can sew some funny cover for the radiator. For example, let an unaesthetic metal battery turn into a lamb or some other cute animal. Children will definitely be delighted.

A radiator screen is a good alternative if you don't want to use bulky frame screens. For a decorative curtain, choose a fabric that matches your decor. Sew one part of the fabric Velcro to the top of the curtain, and glue the other to the bottom of the window sill above the battery. You can make several curtains and change them depending on your mood.

A simple and original way to mask the battery is with a curved sheet of plywood 4 mm thick. The panel is fixed to the wall with 4 screw hooks at a distance of at least 5 cm from the window sill so as not to interfere with normal air circulation. In order to obtain a beautiful bend, the panel should be twice as long as the radiator, and its center should be placed strictly in the middle. Apply decorative self-adhesive furniture film to the front side of the panel.

It is easy to make a universal retractable panel from a fiberboard sheet, which, if necessary, can be easily transferred to another room. It is installed behind the carcass frame. For the frame, boards made of fiberboard with a thickness of 1.6 cm and a width of 8 cm are needed. The horizontal and vertical parts of the frame are glued together.

If the masking board is first coated with dark paint and then varnish, you will get a drawing board and notes for children. Also, the panel can be decorated with an applique, a picture or a school of fish cut out in it.

In one of the Moscow apartments there is such a fake plywood fireplace made by hand. It covers an old cast-iron battery.

The transformation took place like this. The "face" of the fireplace with a window for the firebox and a firebox with the image of bricks were built from plywood. Then the floor and cornice decor was made from polyurethane skirting boards. A long LED lamp was placed in the firebox. The lamp casing was stained with orange and red paint. The coals represent large stones from the hardware store.

Great interior design can be seriously affected by the appearance of radiators. After all, most of them do not differ at all in aesthetics. Therefore, apartment owners often have a question: how to close There are many ways to disguise. But before choosing one of them, you should carefully analyze how appropriate such a decision is. After all, any errors in the installation of the structure can seriously reduce heat transfer.

Decor for radiators

Before you start going through the best options than close, consider the alternative proposals presented by the designers:

  1. Using curtains. A regular curtain made of cotton fabric will perfectly close the radiator. But this method can be applied only if the battery is in a niche. Blinds can be a great alternative to curtains.
  2. Painting. The radiator can become a real highlight of the interior. Of course, the painting method can only be applied to modern aluminum products. Old cast iron, even in a painted form, will stand out strongly against the general background. It is possible to arrange radiators in the same range, corresponding to the general tone of the design. The applied drawings look great. If you don't have artistic talent, it doesn't matter. You can always use stencils.
  3. Decoupage. This method does not require serious investment from you. You only need PVA glue plus beautiful napkins. After cutting out the original elements from the selected material, paste over the surface of the radiator. On top of the decor, a special one is applied in several layers.

If decorating radiators is impossible, then consider how to close the radiators. The photos posted in the article will allow you to get acquainted with some of the options offered by specialists.

Important conditions

Thinking over how to close the heating batteries, it is necessary to take into account several points:

  1. The air flow must circulate freely. This will ensure uniform heating of the room and protect the windows from fogging up.
  2. All adjusting parts must remain accessible for sudden repairs. To do this, you can create a removable structure or provide windows in the places of threaded connections.

Hinged screen

This is the easiest method. When planning how to close the radiator in a room, you can experiment with a hinged screen or use a conventional grate. Such structures are most often made of metal.

This battery masking tool has several advantages:

  1. A hinged screen or grill does not disturb heat transfer at all. Air currents can circulate freely.
  2. The design is easy to install. You just need to hang the screen on the battery.
  3. Lattices are completely safe, because their corners are usually rounded.

But, unfortunately, the hinged screen is not without its drawbacks. The most important disadvantage of such camouflage is the lack of aesthetics. In other words, the appearance of the screen is far from the concept of "beauty". To remedy the situation, you can paint and paint the structure.

Glass screens

This is an excellent solution for those owners who are interested in how beautifully to close the radiators. Refractory thick glass will be an original option for a modern interior. Such a screen is often decorated with stained glass patterns or photo printing.

Installing the structure is not difficult at all. It is secured with special screw holders that provide elastic spacers to protect the glass surface. To fix the screen, it is enough to make just a couple of holes in the wall.

Glass screens can be purchased from design workshops. But the disadvantage of such a disguise is the high cost of the material.

Wooden frame

How to close the heating batteries? Wooden frames look great. They can be a harmonious addition to any interior. They will fit especially organically into a room furnished with wooden furniture. The ideal solution would be a frame that matches the headset in texture, shape and color. In this case, it will be one piece with all the furniture.

Masking a battery in wood has a significant advantage. Such a frame, depending on the design, can become an excellent rack, shelf, table, stand for various utensils. If it is small, it can be equipped with an additional seat, such as a bench. In addition, by connecting all your imagination, you can create a completely unique frame for the radiator.

However, wooden structures are not without drawbacks. Exposure to high temperatures can adversely affect the shape of the framework. The tree is capable of deforming.

Built in furniture

This is a very original solution. Heating batteries can be masked with furniture. A chest of drawers or a small wardrobe will look great. Such furniture is often made to order. But if you own at least the initial skills in working with wood, then easily carry out such a construction yourself.

In this case, you can use any other material. It can be drywall, MDF, laminate, chipboard or plywood.

Many owners are happy to use plastic to make the frame. This is a simple, cheap material that can fit perfectly into the interior. But when planning plastic structures, it is necessary to take into account the following minus of the material. When heated, some species are capable of emitting poisonous vapors into the air.

How to close radiators and pipes with drywall

But the most popular coating remains drywall. The installation of such material is simple and not laborious. Drywall is affordable and does not cause any particular problems with the purchase. But at the same time, it opens up ample opportunities for the implementation of the most daring design decisions.

So, let's look at how to close the heating battery with drywall. Designers come up with some great ideas:

  1. Continuation of the window sill or false wall. But remember that several small windows must be provided for free air circulation. When choosing drywall for such purposes, be sure to choose a heat-resistant material. It should be noted that most varieties can withstand fairly high temperatures. The construction is not difficult at all. Initially, you need to install metal guides. Drywall itself is attached to them. Be sure to provide windows into which the original grilles are inserted.
  2. Fireplace creation. The appearance of the room will greatly benefit from such an interior item. A false fireplace will fill the room with an extraordinary homely atmosphere and make it cozy. In this case, the design can be made in any style.


When you are faced with an acute question of how to deal with standard radiators and disguise boring radiators, be sure to analyze several solutions. Consider what options the designers are proposing. And only then choose the method you like the most. Perhaps your batteries will benefit greatly from an original paint job? Or, having designed a drywall frame, you can create a wonderful shelf for trinkets dear to your heart.

The radiator as an element of the heating system does not always meet the aesthetic expectations of the owners of the house or apartment. Many people want to decorate such structures, smoothing out their influence on the interior as a whole. However, before closing the battery, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, because an incorrectly installed structure can significantly reduce heat transfer.


The battery does not need to be covered. There are several alternative ways to hide radiators if they don't fit into the interior.


It is enough to remove the old coating during the repair and paint the surface again. To do this, use a special paint that is resistant to high temperatures. The color must be matched to the tone of the interior of the room. True, this option is best used with modern aluminum batteries. Painted cast iron products will stand out a lot.

It is not necessary to make the radiators monochromatic; they can be decorated with various patterns. This is especially true in the children's room or in the kitchen. If artistic skills are completely absent, you can use special stencils.


You can close the radiator with a cotton curtain. True, this option is only suitable for products installed in a niche. You can attach the curtain to the windowsill using Velcro, the fabric should be matched to the wallpaper. Alternatively, blinds can be used.


Using ordinary napkins and PVA glue, you can also decorate the heater. It is easy to do it with your own hands, special skills and expensive materials are not required. It is enough to pick up napkins to match, cut out the necessary elements and paste over the radiator with them. On top you can apply a special heat-resistant varnish.


If decorating heating devices for some reason does not suit you, you can hide them under special gratings or perforated screens. Such devices are made from a wide variety of materials, have a variety of shapes and designs.

When choosing a screen, it is worth remembering that the better the perforation is made, the more heat from the radiator will enter the room. Blind side and top bars severely reduce battery efficiency.


Screens made of thick glass will successfully hide the heater. You can purchase options with photo printing or whole glass paintings, such products look beautiful and very stylish. Glass screens cover only the outside of the battery. They are fixed using screw holders with elastic protective pads.


You can hide radiators using hinged grilles. Most often, such products are used for those located in a niche under the windowsill. Everyone can also cope with the installation - you just need to hang the structure on the heater.


Best suited for rooms with a classic design. In addition, wood products can be used as a stand. However, there is also a drawback to such a screen. It lies in the short shelf life of products. Alas, wood, regardless of quality, sooner or later deforms under the influence of high temperature and simply crumbles.

What can you do yourself?

Now there are many opportunities to design screens for heating devices with your own hands. The easiest way is to cover the radiator with plasterboard. This versatile option is suitable for any room, from the living room to the kitchen.

Required materials and tools

  • pencil and tape measure;
  • puncher and screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal and a stationery knife;
  • level, stapler, sandpaper;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drywall, UD and CD profiles;
  • lattice.


In order to cover the radiator with drywall, you need to make a frame. For this, the guide UD profiles are fixed to the underside of the window sill, walls and floor with self-tapping screws. The front edge of the resulting frame is deepened by 13 mm so that after sheathing with plasterboard, the surface of the screen coincides with the wall.

Then the CD profiles are screwed vertically, and the distance between them should be slightly larger than the lattice dimensions.


Using a knife, blanks of the required size are cut out of a plasterboard sheet. Then the drywall is screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws. The screw heads should not be deeply recessed, otherwise the sheet may break and the structure will not be securely fixed. At the last stage, the decorative lattice is fixed.

Plasterboard structures fit perfectly into the interior, but significantly reduce the efficiency of the radiator. The small space for the warm air flow makes convection difficult. Therefore, when choosing a screen or decorative design, you need to find a balance between aesthetics and a minimum reduction in heat transfer from the radiator.

Radiators are undoubtedly important for every room intended for people to stay. As a rule, the location of heating radiators is always in sight. Therefore, their appearance significantly affects the overall appearance of the room. During the repair process or preparing for it, the issue with the appearance of the heating batteries should be carefully thought out. Does your next life plan include repairs? - it doesn't matter, there are solutions in this case too. Thanks to the availability of information, as well as the possibility of purchasing a variety of materials, decorating various interior items has become available for everyone, regardless of finances and abilities for needlework.

The correct approach to decorating a battery is based not only on the aesthetic component, the functional purpose of the heater is also important.

A very unfortunate solution - the movement of warm air is almost completely blocked

Possible decor options for heating batteries are selected according to a number of parameters. In order to please the result of the work, when deciding on the choice of finishing heating radiators, one should proceed from the following initial data:

  • the initial properties of the object of decoration itself;
  • the style of the room in which the batteries are located;
  • the color scheme of the room and the style of its design;
  • functional purpose of the room.

It's great if by reading this article you already know exactly what you want. If you have not yet decided what is the best way to proceed, then perhaps after reading it, several great ideas will nevertheless appear. You will only have to choose a method for converting heating batteries, which is suitable in terms of means and possibilities of execution, if you want to decorate a heating battery with your own hands.

When overhauling the premises, you can, of course, hide the battery in the wall using a niche device made of plasterboard, chipboard or plastic. Ventilation of heat and its removal from the battery, in this case, is carried out through a grate, which must be arranged in such a niche. As a rule, such niches are decorated with a chipboard or wood lattice. It is possible to select both the lattice itself and its frame in the required color scheme. These grilles are sold in a large assortment, they are durable and pass heat well.

Reading bench above the battery

In addition, the issue of converting heating batteries can be solved by covering them with special decorative screens. Such devices can be installed directly in front of the radiators or carried out in a hinged form.

Hinged screen made of thin wooden slats

Simple wood grille painted to match the wall decoration

Hinged metal screen slightly reduces heat transfer, is inexpensive and easy to install

These solutions are not always optimal, since a very large part of the heat generated by the battery is wasted in this case. The effect is close to that which would be achieved by hiding the battery behind the curtains.

Metal screen with openwork design

Any screen design must provide access to the heating battery

At the same time, closing the heating radiators serves the function of protecting small children from burns. Screens, boxes and niches are beautiful, they can be matched to any interior. This type of decor is used, as a rule, in living rooms and is an ideal stylistic solution for them. Covering batteries in children's rooms with boxes and screens is the best solution for both safety and decorative purposes. A panel made of wood or chipboard can be decorated with bright patterns and used as a playful element.

Screen Idea for High Battery

An old wooden bench in the role of a battery box in the hallway of a village house

DIY screen

However, you can make a screen for the battery yourself. Materials such as wood, chipboard or plywood are best suited for these purposes. It is advisable to paint these materials in the color of the room. In addition, plexiglass is perfect for these purposes. This material is safe. You can also apply suitable images with paint or decorate it using decoupage technique.

The easiest way to make a screen is from wood.

Having decided to make a panel for a battery yourself, you should remember the need to make holes in it. They are necessary for the passage of warm air from the battery into the room.

The front panel of the screen is made of 16 mm thick boards

It is convenient to use a perforated fiberboard panel as a lattice, which can be purchased at any hypermarket of building materials.

A frame needs to be installed in front of the battery

The front panel of the screen is fixed with self-tapping screws

The result is a very attractive design.

The best kitchen solutions

The design of kitchens, which is not as strict as is customary for living rooms, gives free rein to imagination. In addition to the above methods to hide heating batteries, in the rooms where culinary masterpieces are created, design delights are also created to decorate heating radiators. The battery and the pipe connecting it to the heat source can be painted in the color of the walls, you can decorate using the decoupage technique, or you can combine these two methods.

A battery painted to match the walls will be less conspicuous

Even more effect can be achieved if the battery is painted to match the wallpaper.

The battery can be displayed as part of an artistic composition

Lots of ideas are available on the web. Taking them as a basis, you can independently create a masterpiece without much labor and time, decorating the external elements of the heating system with an elegant or cheerful pattern. Decoupage of a battery is a transfer of a drawing from a carrier onto a metal surface of a radiator. When decorating using the decoupage technique, batteries can be decorated using ready-made drawings made on thin paper (both rice paper and ordinary decorative napkins are suitable). There are a lot of design options: flowers, wood-like design, geometric patterns.

Battery rainbow

Khokhloma painting on the heating battery

If you have artistic ability, then you can do without ready-made solutions and apply images with paint directly to the surface. For such work, you will need heat-resistant paints and varnish. The latter is necessary for those who decide to decoupage the battery on their own. You will also need glue for decoupage, ordinary PVA will do.

Battery decoration in the bathroom

Not every bathroom has separate batteries, except for the one that acts as a heated towel rail. Modern products are quite aesthetic. The need for decoration arises if the battery has not been replaced for a long time, due to which it has lost its appearance. The easiest way to give the heater a presentable appearance is to paint it. The color of the paint is selected according to the color of the room. Of course, the product to be painted is thoroughly cleaned. However, decoupage in the bathroom is also appropriate.

An example of successful use of a battery as a bright accent

In addition, it is possible to close the battery in the bathroom with a net, which can act as a storage system.

Protective screen with storage shelves

The battery can be hidden in a stylish locker

Or leave it in plain sight, covering it with a shelf

Summing up, it should be noted that decorating a radiator is a creative process. When choosing a way to transform heating radiators, the main thing is not to overdo it with decorative elements, maintaining the general style of room decoration. It is also important to take into account that the main functional purpose of the radiator should not be affected - heating the room in the cold season.

They decorate both old cast-iron batteries and modern products made of aluminum and bimetal. The latter are especially malleable for drawing, since the external design consists of flat plates on which it is convenient to apply a drawing.

When choosing a painting, it should be remembered that special paints are produced for heating radiators that can withstand high temperatures.

Video: heating radiator painting technique