Photos of the face. Who is Face? What is he famous for? What is his real name? Biography and creativity of the young rapper

Today we will tell you who Ivan Dremin is. His biography will be discussed further. He was born in Ufa. His weight is 70 kg and his height is 176 cm. According to his zodiac sign, this person is Aries.

General information

Ivan Dremin is a rapper who achieved fame under the pseudonym Face. He attracted special attention after he released a video for the track “Gosha Rubchinsky”. To answer the question of how old Ivan Dremin is, you should know that he was born in 1997, on April 8. His work is filled with internet culture and parody humor. Ivan’s style belongs to a special genre of meme-rap.

early years

Ivan Dremin did not study very well at school, to put it mildly. He fought with his classmates and got bad marks. At some point, he even became a member of a street gang. The teenager ended up in the police station many times for extortion and robbery.

After finishing his studies at the local lyceum, Ivan was going to become a university student, but he did not get enough points on the Unified State Examination in order to enter the budget. The parents did not have the money to pay for their son’s studies, so the young man had to get a job.

Quite soon, Ivan realized that he was not satisfied with such a life, he decided to quit and then get serious about music. Before gaining fame, he often had problems with the law.


From an early age, Ivan Dremin was interested in the work of famous performers. Among them: Slipknot, Zemfira, “The King and the Clown”, Rammstein. However, he himself chose the rap style. At first he worked under the nickname Punk Face. However, his older brother advised him to shorten his pseudonym. So Punk Face turned into simply Face, which is translated into Russian as “Face”.


Ivan Dremin believes that his nickname was chosen perfectly. It fully characterizes the diversity of the musician’s creative views. The rapper also used the pseudonyms Black Forest and Lil Montana. As already mentioned, Face gained fame thanks to a video called “Gosh Rubchinsky.” The artist’s first full-fledged release took place in October 2015. The album “Cursed Seal” consists of 6 tracks.

Among them there is the song “Gosha Rubchinsky”. Creating a video for it cost the performer 200 rubles. This song was named after a streetwear designer from Russia. She brought the rapper unexpected popularity. Later, the performer admitted that Rubchinsky was his inspiration and role model. A year later, Ivan recorded a mini-album called Vlone.

A few days later, the artist’s fans were able to appreciate his video clip, shot for the song “Megan Fox.” This song was recorded together with Enique, a Moscow artist who chose the R&B style. This was followed by a pair of mini-albums, Mayhem and Playboy. Soon another video was released. Next, a joint song was recorded with Lizer, a Moscow rapper.

In terms of the rapid growth of its popularity, Face even surpassed the group “Mushrooms”. In 2017, viewers saw the artist’s video for the song “I Don’t Give a F**k.” This work was edited by an American video director named Cole Bennett. Soon another album of the musician called Revenge was published. Next came the track “Flow”. This work was recorded jointly with Markul and Yanix.

Face notes that it shows the life of young people as it really is in our country. The musician's next release was released soon. We are talking about a full-length Hatelove album. This work was the seventh in a row and includes 17 compositions. The artist admitted that this brainchild of his was created during a difficult period for him; at that time he was on antidepressants, as there were many situations in his life that led to stress and panic attacks.

After this, the musician presented another track called “I’m Dropping the West.” This phrase has become something of a meme in the rap community. A few months later, Oksimiron used this phrase to express his impressions of the battle with his American colleague Dizaster. He tweeted: "I'm dropping the West, ooh." Then the performer delighted fans with the song “Believe,” which was recorded together with Yanix.

This work is devoted to the theme of mercantile love. Then the rapper released his first video for the song “Burger,” which was shot professionally. And although not everyone who saw this work on YouTube perceived it positively, the track received quotes. The most famous of them was the phrase “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg.”

This is not surprising, since the specified phrase made up about half of the entire track. The performer managed to break the record set by the group “Mushrooms” with a project called “House on Wheels, Part 1.”

Personal life

Ivan Dremin doesn't talk much about himself. His album Hatelove contains a composition named after Lisa. The specified name also appears in other songs of the artist. In an interview, the artist admitted that the composition is dedicated to Elizaveta Semina, a girl who studied with him at the same school in a parallel class. The musician was incredibly in love with her. Ivan chose a photo of this girl as the album cover. The artist wrote on Twitter that Lisa does not love him. The rapper once admitted that he had relationships with about 150 girls, among them were fans of his work.

Dremin confirmed speculation about an affair with a video blogger named Maryana Ro. She used to be the girlfriend of YouTuber Ivangay. The lovers created a common Instagram page for the toy crocodile. Ivan gave it to his girlfriend on their first date. More than 50,000 users managed to subscribe to the toy’s page. In 2017, Face got tattoos on his face - the words Love and Hate under the eyes, as well as the inscription Numb above the right eyebrow.

Present tense

Face released an album in 2017 called No Love, which consists of 9 tracks. Half of this work was done in the daring style traditional for the artist, the rest of the compositions surprised fans with their lyricism. More than 27,000 users of the VKontakte network reposted the news about the release of the record. Now you know who Ivan Dremin is. His photo is attached to this material.

Real name: Ivan Dremin
Date of birth: 04/08/1997
Place of birth: Ufa

Ivan Dremin, aka rapper FACE, is an eccentric representative of the new school of Russian rap. Thanks to its atypical style, FACE became a discovery of 2017. Thanks to his work and mainstream creativity, the guy managed to achieve popularity among teenagers.

Biography of Ivan Dremin

Vanya FACE was born in the capital of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa. Even from kindergarten, it was noticeable that the boy was growing up as a hyperactive prankster. Since the parents of other children often complained about little Vanya, the boy’s father decided to hire a nanny for his son. Dremin Jr. did not stay under the tutelage of a nanny for long, about six months, after which the boy was enrolled in the first grade of school No. 71.

Introduction to rap

In 9th grade, FACE began to get involved in rap culture. At that time, she just gained particular popularity. Before that, Dremin listened to emocore and was a fan of the band Tokio Hotel. Of the rappers, the guy most highlighted the work of Lil Pump. Vanya tried to imitate Western rappers and often went to Ufa second-hand stores in search of branded items.

After finishing 11th grade, the guy was faced with a choice - what to do next. Without thinking twice, FACE refused to enroll in a university, preferring idleness. Vanya started hanging out with guys from the area, drinking beer in the hallways in the evenings and wandering around his native streets. One day, Dremin nevertheless attempted to get a job as an assistant manager at a hotel, but when he learned about the salary awaiting him, he left his post.

Creativity FACE

First attempts to express yourself

In 2015, 3 months after graduating from school, Ivan Dremin decides to start a rapper career. First, it was necessary to choose a creative pseudonym; Dremin settled on the FACE option. Later, the guy came up with a decoding for his nickname: “FACE is the face of youth.”
The guy’s first work was called “Cursed Seal,” but this release did not receive much success. Then, at the beginning of 2016, FACE filmed the video “Gosha Rubchinsky”, in which he praises the clothes and Rubchinsky himself, while simultaneously drinking beer and dancing in the entrance. It was from this work that Vanya’s popularity gradually began to creep up.

Creative success FACE

Dremin realized that he couldn’t stop. The guy began recording tracks, copying the style of Western rappers. And it bore fruit. The video work “Face, here you are flexing” brought a new batch of fans to the young Ufa rapper.

In 2016, FACE released 3 albums at once - Vlone, Mayhem and Playboy. But all of them did not appeal to fans as much as the 2 popular clips. Then FACE decides to record a truly high-quality album. As a result, after the “warm-up” release at the beginning of 2017 “Revenge”, in April FACE will present the lyrical album “Hate love”, dedicated to his first unrequited love - his girlfriend Valeria. In September 2017, FACE released the album “No love”.

FACE – the face of youth

The released tracks “I'm Dropping the West” and “Burger” finally take Face to the top of the hype. Hundreds of thousands of teenagers are beginning to get acquainted with the works of the Ufa rapper. Vanya begins to organize the first major concerts, which are mostly attended by teenagers from 14 to 18 years old. Then Vanya Dremin comes up with a slogan for himself related to his pseudonym - Vanya calls himself the face of youth.

Relationship between FACE and Maryana Ro

In the summer, FACE begins to pay special attention to the popular video blogger Maryana Ro. First, he compliments her and declares his love on Maryana’s Instagram broadcast. Then he actively courtes at the Vidfest video bloggers event, where Dremin was invited to speak by the festival organizers. Maryana Ro accepted FACE's courtship and now the young people are in a relationship. Sometimes, FACE posts photos with his beloved on his Instagram.

Together with this artist, we look through biographies:

People don't really understand things while you're alive. They want a dead hero - they want me to die at 27. Then they will take my very first track, where I was absolutely wild, and find some meaning in it. They will say: “Wow, how brilliant. Face is alive!

Real name: Ivan Dremin
Nickname: Face
Date of Birth: 08.04.1997
Sign zodiac: Aries
City: Ufa
Nationality: Russian
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 70 kg

Drop the West - ;

Feed the girls burgers -;

Become a star by spending 200 rubles -.

This is what the checklist looked like Feisa (Ivan Dremin) a year and a half ago, when younga guy from Ufa decided to turn the game aroundand become the main rock star in Russia. And it went off.

If you are not yet familiar with Face’s work, the following video is what you need:

Face - the real face of youth, who are not afraid of prohibitions and attention. Hevoices the thoughts of teenagers, not shying away from the dirtiest expressions, putting into them a satire on modern society. The guy who spent his whole life hearing about his worthlessness, but continuedtrust only yourself. Now Face a subject of inspiration and adoration for millions of teenagers throughout the CIS. And his music, according to the artist himself, reflects the darkness that happens to children every day.

Face Biography – Childhood

City on Belaya. No, these are not the names of Vanya’s album, but just the place where he was born - Ufa.Face was released at the turn of the millennium, when the country was ruled by the mafia, and there was practically no work.

“Everyone is to blame: parents do not raise their children, and it all goes on in a chain. Of course, small pensions, small salaries - such things also have a strong impact. We have a specific state.”

Hard times have given rise to crisis and despair, especially in regions far from the center. Despite Ivan's modern publicity, he never said who exactly his parents were. It is known thatFeisa There is an older brother, Bogdan, who had a positive influence on his life, helping with guidance and advice. And now he is also Ivan’s concert DJ.

Interesting fact about Face:

Vanya used to be very fond of anime, preferring Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul and the first season of Naruto.

For some reason, Faith’s parents did not have time to fully educate him, as a result of which they transferred this responsibility to his grandparents. But older people simply physically could not follow the explosiveIvan's character.

Face at School

Having entered the 4th lyceum,Vanya became an outcast among his classmates. The views of other children were alien to him, so he found himself in music. From early childhood, taste preferences in Face's audiowere akin to protest.

While young people listened to underground rap, Ivan quoted his fellow countrywomanZemfira, King and Jester, German pop-rock Tokio Hotel and titans Rammstein , which caused even greater rejection from his peers. At some point, he even tried on the emo subculture that was fashionable at that time. Then we added to our favorite groupsAMATORY and STIGMATA.

Face - Iremel and Aurora / Face - Gangs

Ivan jumped from one extreme to another, replacing the emo subculture with a radically different vector, becoming a street hooligan. According toFeisa , he occupied leading positions in two Ufa groups “Iremel" And " Aurora”, where young guys beat people, stole phones and did whatever they wanted. In one of his songsFaceadmits that he was thenfan of AK-47 music.

Face Tattoos

Face has several tattoos on his face. Lettering tattoos under the eyes HATE(hatred) and LOVE(Love). Next to the inscription HATE there are two tears, in the style of an American gangster tattoo. And next to the inscription LOVE, there is a heart and a dagger (a sign that love strikes into the very heart, and sometimes can hurt). .

Face and Crime

Thanks to his hooligan companiesFeis was often brought to justice.The rapper was a regular visitor to the police children's room at the Kirovsky District Department of Internal Affairs.

“I was prosecuted for beatings and for extortion - two charges for a typical troubled Russian child.”

Interesting fact about Face:

According to Feis, he once even inflicted stabbing wounds, after which he came to his senses and distanced himself from such a thing.

This had an extremely negative impact on the guy’s academic performance. Moreover,Face started using marijuana and MDMA.The situation escalated so much that Face was on the verge of ending up in an orphanage, but somehow the bad weather passed him by.

“I want to convey to people that suicide is not an option, I want to convey to people that chemical drugs are evil!”

Face - University

Having somehow reached the finals of the long-suffering school, beforeFace was faced with the question of his future fate. At that time, he had already moved away from criminal matters, realizing that if you want to achieve something, then be kind -find a way to stand out.

Listening more and more to the foreign trap scene, he began to imitate his idols -Lil Pump and Chief Keef . Sweatpants are gradually changing to skinnies, and Adidas to burnt Gucci sweatshirts. The guy's image becomes more like an androgen (a full-fledged man, in whose features there are inclusions of femininity) , which invariably attracted my attention.

As Face himself admits, this did not bother himpunch someone in the face if necessary.

“I’m not a white-collar person at all, I’ve always been a rebel. Already in the tenth grade I wanted to quit school, I just didn’t have the opportunity to move from my place of registration.”

Facedoes not pass the Unified State Exam poorly, realizing that education at public expense is no longer necessary. Nevertheless, he takes documents to many universities.

In this case, the fairy tale did not happen. Parents were unable to pay for education, andFace decided that he did not need university.

Interesting fact about Face:

Having given up drugs, Faith suffered from panic attacks and bouts of depression. Was treated.

Ivan spent some time at home doing nothing. Parents began to remind him that food did not appear in the refrigerator on its own, persuading Ivan to work.

He started going to interviewsdeliberately spoiling the results. But one day he finally got a job as an assistant administrator at a hotel for 16 thousand rubles a month.I worked there for one day...and sent everyone to...

Face - Early work

After school, Face realized that he did not want to be an office plankton, devoting himself entirely to music. I didn’t have to guess for a long time about the genre - trap became it. The guy chose a pseudonym for himself, among which were such nicknames asLil Montana, Black Forest, PunkFace , but in the end my brother advised me to simplify everything toFace . It's very symbolic, becausein the future he will truly become the face of youth.

Face - First track / First Song - EP “Cursed Seal”

Taking minimal instrumentals as the basis for his creativity,Facerecords his first track -Webpunk . It is worth noting that this was a worthy start for a debut work.

Following what Face releases the first online release “Cursed Seal”, which, as expected, was just a test of the pen. It brought neither money nor success.

Face Branded items – Face Gucci

It is not difficult to notice that creativityFeisa is largely basedon fashionable trap attributes - expensive clothing brands, among which the central positionoccupies Gucci.

Face explains such love as the struggle between the wild desire to have them and the lack of money to purchase them in adolescence. But now, when concerts bring him millions of rubles, his youthful dream has come true, and the rapper is wearing things starting from 200 thousand rubles each.

On this matter, Ivan also has a philosophical position that runs like a red thread through all of his work.

“Despite the fact that I wear designer clothes and love them, I am well aware that it is all vanity and that it all costs just zero. It doesn't cost anything, it doesn't weigh anything, it's just rags. What is much more important is what you carry inside of you. What emotions do you carry within yourself? Your inner bow, not your outer one.”

Face — Gosha Rubchinsky

In 2016, Face released his first high-profile work - a tribute to Russian designer Gosha Rybchinsky under the same name.

Interesting fact about Face:

The budget for the video was 200 rubles for a couple of cans of Baltika.

The clip goes viral and spreads across the Internet.The designer himself thanked the young talent in his VK profile.

Face - First Success

After the sensational clipFace gives outthree small albums at once “Vlone" 2016, "Mayhem" 2016 and "Playboy"” 2016 . But all this was just preparation for a loud takeoff.

In 2017, Face released a video under the loud title “I don't give a fuck”, which talks about his attitude towards topics taboo in society.

Interesting fact about Face:

The rapper dedicated many of his songs to a certain Lisa. As it turned out later, the girl had been his unrequited love since the 4th grade.

Face — Album “HATELOVE” 2016

Further Facepresents the album “HATELOVE ”, and then the now legendary clip “Burger" Millions of fans are replenished with thousands of haters, for whom“Burger” was the pinnacle of degradation. But this only added interest to his scandalous person.

“I don’t particularly like to look at my music as a business, but I have to, because, whatever one may say, it feeds me.”

According to the rapper, in the album “HATELOVE“he collected all his experiences that had accumulated in him for almost two decades, and poured them out into creativity.

Interesting fact about Face:

Face believes that it was thanks to Pharaoh that the country was swept by a wave of young rap that has something to say.

If you take the tracks literally, then there reignsnihilism and sadomy of modern society. But in the interview Face has stated more than once, that in this way he presents to his young audience that there is no need to do this. Whether they understand it, time will tell.

Face - Album “No Love” 2016

Already in the fall Face gives out the next record, which finally secures the titlerockstar. After this, a series of concerts throughout the CIS begins.

Without a doubt, this was a new phenomenon, still unknown in Russia.

Twenty year old Face tears up the stage with his youthful energy. He becomes the object of attention of top media. The artist gives an interviewThe Village, L’Officiel and Yuri Dudu.

There is a strong duality in Face’s work, because it is unlikely that such a tandem of lyrical and frankly cruel tracks can be found anywhere else.

Interesting fact about Face:

On average, it takes 2-3 weeks to create an album.

Face - The End of Childhood

Most recently in my Instagram storyFaceannounced that from now on he will carry a more serious message, moving away from “kindergarten and branded eshkere”,announced a new album “Public Enemy”.

“No more faceguccigang and eschkere please. It was a cool period in my life and creativity, but I outgrew it all. I am glad that I am the voice of youth, this is very important to me, and I feel my responsibility. Now that I have the opportunity to change the future of this country through our youth - it's time to lead you in the right direction, it's time to open your eyes.

I leave this clowning to all my rap kids who benefit from the foundation laid by Pharaoh and Face. Now everyone can read their own rap, trap and become famous through VK! I wish them all success, nothing but love from me.

The youth of this country, at my concerts I will let you speak out on all the issues that bother you, don’t hesitate. As a person who went through all this, I’m telling you: drugs (including nicotine and alcohol), depression, suicidal thoughts, searching for oneself in crime and a salary of 20 thousand rubles a month are not what we need, n** Fuck this!<….>If I succeeded, it means you can do it too. Don’t forget that I was a simple kid from Ufa without a future, there are such boys and girls here all over the country, it would seem that we all have no future at all, but for that matter, why not build it together?”

We can conclude that the perception of his tracks is fundamentally different from the thoughts he conveys in interviews. And in order to level the bar, Face revised his approach to personal creativity. Perhaps the guy has far-reaching plans and ambitions to try himself in politics?

Face - Personal Life

What is happening on the other side of the stage is no less interesting than his work. At the end of summer, the artist met a famous bloggerMaryana Ro (6 million subscribers on YouTube), after which the couple began a relationship.

Face says he has never been so happy. She made him feel true love.

Interesting fact about Face:

Face's first gift to Maryana was a kinder crocodile. Now this crocodile has more than 50,000 followers on Instagram.

Face - Parents

As for the attitude of parents towards the work of their son, everything is surprisingly good here.As soon as Ivan showed that he was earning good money,and at the same time, without going into crime or drugs, this immediately removed all the parents’ fears.

Embarrassments only happen with grandma. From time to time she calls Face to delete a certain track due to the abundance of obscenities. Grandmothers are always right!

Face - Conflict with Kizaru

At the end of 2017, a Twitter scandal broke out between two new school rappers. In his album “No Love"Face made a reference to Kizar, using his reading and the rapper's life story.started throwing mud at Face, after which Face replied that he was ready to sort it out personally. The story continues to this day.

Face Today

Ivan Dremov (Face)- an artist who knows his worth and has a clear goal. Every day his tweets show a more mature attitude, and his music carries a deeper message! It should be noted that Ivan himself has matured. Perhaps Face will do more for young people in the future than many others, sothe site will continue to monitor the artist’s work,not for a second doubting that the new star will light up as a powerful quasar!

Interesting fact about Face:

In 2018, Face released his own clothing line “No Love”.

“There are no second Kurts, Tsois, Tupakovs and so on, you don’t even suspect how original each talented person is in himself
plus you need to realize that many of these idols, and in general almost all of them, are overrated due to early death.”

Feis has not received higher education and has no plans yet. He is also categorical about work: “If you don’t do what you want and do what you don’t want, then you will be unhappy.” The rapper himself worked only once in order to earn at least some money for the further development of his musical activities. He got a job as an administrative assistant at a hotel, but the workday lasted only one day, and on the second day, our hero simply did not show up to the workplace. He explained this by saying that he did not like the conditions of payment. And at these very moments he understands that his calling is not work, but entirely music.


The takeoff in Face’s creative activity begins with the track “ Gosha Rubchinsky”, which is based on a collection called “The Cursed Seal”. The video shot for this song with a budget of 200~ rubles gains a huge number of views and goes viral.

The clip appears on YouTube on January 3, 2016. In two years it gets 7 million views.

The rapper himself says that he made this video on the wave of hype associated with Gosha Rubchinsky and it went in. However, Ivan regrets that he did not receive feedback from Gosha himself for the additional flow of hype on his part towards the brand.

Creative activity does not stop there and an EP album is released on March 7, 2016 (mini) - “VLONE”, and a few days later the joint work on the composition “ Megan Fox"with rapper ENIQUE.

In the summer of the same year, the rapper delighted his fans with two mini-albums “MAYHEM” and “PLAYBOY”, and already in September another video that became popular was released - “FACE - Bl### Face Here You Are Flexing”.

2017 comes and immediately (January 3rd) Face illuminates his fan base with a new creative video - “FACE - I Don’t Give a Fuck”, which, by the way, was filmed by a popular Western video clip - Cole Bennett. FACE contacted him through friends in a general conference where Western rappers with similar creativity communicate. Ivan did not pay any money for this clip, because... video director Cole Bennett said that “we are working on a common cause,” however, what is characteristic is that the video was released on the Cole Bennett channel. In the same month (January 14), a new solo album is released, which takes the name “REVENGE”.

The REVENGE album has many parallels to Asian culture.

April 9, 2017 - Face uploads an album called “HATELOVE” online, which plays a significant role in his work and also attracts new listeners.

August 6, 2017 - the video “FACE - BURGER” appears on the rapper’s YouTube channel, which has a huge number of views in just a couple of days.

The new video "Burger" was received ambiguously. In addition to satisfied fans, there were also those who began to hate the face.

The Russian rapper, known under the pseudonym Face, turned 20 in 2017. Despite such a young age, he managed to win a lot of fans and gain worldwide popularity. He breaks records among listening sessions on the social network VKontakte. In just one day, one of his albums received more than 27,000 reposts and 160,000 likes. The young artist’s community has more than 450,000 fans. The hooligan appearance of rapper Face, as can be seen from the photo, matches his eccentric character.

The musician has a standard build: rapper Face’s height is 176 cm, weight is 70 kg.

Biography of rapper Face: childhood and youth

What is the name of rapper Face? Face's real name is Ivan Dremin. He was born on April 8, 1997 in the city of Ufa. His family was not rich, so the boy did not count on great prospects in life since childhood.

The biography of the Russian rapper Face does not stand out in anything remarkable. From an early age, Dremin was interested in music. His favorite performers were the King and the Jester, Zemfira, Rick Ross and others. As a child, the future rapper Face dreamed of seriously pursuing musical creativity.

Ivan studied at the lyceum of his hometown, did not perform well, and was not friends with his classmates. He grew up as a hooligan, engaged in robbery and extortion, which is why he was registered with the police. When Dremin received a certificate of secondary education, his Unified State Examination scores were not enough to enter a university on a budget place. Since there was no money for paid training, he periodically worked in small positions in local organizations. Vanya didn’t like this kind of life, the work was boring, so soon the guy decided to take up music, giving up everything. Thus, Dremin radically changed his life.

On a note! At first Ivan came up with a pseudonym for himselfPunkFace, but the future rapper’s older brother convinced him to change his nickname to Face. Translated from English, this means “Face,” which accurately characterizes the musician’s many faces.

Creativity and popularity

His young age did not stop rapper Face from writing music on his own. He gained popularity after the video “Gosha Rubchinsky”. It was then that people started talking about the musician as a rapper. A full release took place only in the fall of 2015. The album “Cursed Seal” was created, consisting of 6 compositions. These included the song “Gosha Rubchinsky”. From that moment on, users of Instagram, VK and other social networks began to actively discuss the life and work of the famous rapper Face.

On a note! It is worth noting that the video for the song “Gosha Rubchinsky,” which provided the rapper with such wide popularity, cost the musician only 200 rubles.

A little later, the rapper admitted to his fans that Gosha Rubchinsky, a streetwear designer, is his idol and role model. He inspires the musician to create new songs.

In March 2016, the album Vlone was released, and then a few days later fans were able to watch the video filmed for the song “Megan Fox.” It was recorded together with R&B artist Enique from Moscow.

Further, the creative activity of rapper Face continued to develop, more and more network users recognized his face, and today almost all young people know what the famous musician looks like. Members of VK groups actively discussed his new songs and image. Some social network users even put a photo of rapper Face in a tattoo on his “ava”.

On a note! On the rapper's faceFaceI have two tattoos - the English words Love and Hate. Translated into Russian, this means “I hate love.” There is also a tattoo on his hands in the form of a swear word.

Shortly after Vlone, two more albums were released: Mayhem and Playboy. Then a new video and song were released, performed together with the famous rapper Lizer. Face's popularity has increased so much that he even surpassed the Mushrooms group. Some may consider the musician too rude and dissolute, however, as rapper Face himself claims, he shows young people real life, as it is.

On the Internet you can see many pictures depicting rapper Face, made in art studios.

In April 2017, Face's seventh release was released. It was an album called Hatelove, which consisted of 17 tracks. According to the rapper himself, the period of creating the release turned out to be difficult for him. He often took antidepressants. From time to time I panicked and wanted to quit everything. But the artist pulled himself together and, as it turned out, not in vain. Already in July, a new track called “I’m Dropping the West” was presented to the public. He became a real meme in the rapper community. A few months later, Oxymeron uttered this phrase, expressing his impression of the battle. That's what he tweeted.

After this, fans of rapper Face were once again pleasantly surprised by the release of a song performed together with Yanix, as evidenced by the many comments under the photo on the idol’s “ava” on the social network Instagram. Next came a video for the song “Burger,” which was shot professionally for the first time. True, not every fan liked it; some received the video clip with criticism. The track was broken down into quotes, one of which is “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg.” This phrase made up half of the song.

Personal life

Ivan Dremin has a composition that is named after some Lisa. The girl's name can be heard in other songs by rapper Face. In one of the interviews, the artist admitted that Lisa Semina is a girl from a parallel class. During his school years, Ivan was in love with her. Perhaps love has not passed for so many years, otherwise how can we explain the fact that the photo of Lisa, which rapper Face took from his personal Instagram page, became the cover for the album? This begs a completely reasonable question: why aren’t they together? As the musician himself admits, his feelings are not mutual. Elizaveta Semina, who now works as an architect, never loved Ivan.

Despite the fact that the artist still has feelings for the girl, whose love began in childhood, this did not stop him from having relationships with numerous fans. As rapper Face admitted in an interview on one of the sites, he had about 150 girls in total. It is worth recognizing that this is more than respectable, given his age.

At the beginning of autumn, rumors appeared that video blogger Maryana Ro was dating a famous rapper. Ivan recently confirmed them. The couple started a common Instagram page for a crocodile toy, which was given to the girl upon her first meeting with the rapper. This page already has about 50,000 subscribers. As for Maryana herself, she does not confirm that she is dating Face, and generally prefers to remain silent about the details of her personal life.

Rapper Face now

Recently, rapper Face released another album called No Love. It included 9 compositions. After listening to half the tracks, you can immediately identify the musician’s daring style, to which his fans have already become accustomed. The second half is performed in an unusual manner for the rapper, which came as a surprise to fans. Some songs surprised us with their lyricism. Many users perceived this turn in the musician’s creative activity with a grin - what can you do, the guy fell in love. But no one can say for sure what exactly were the reasons that prompted him to change his style.

Recently, Ivan Dremin took part in Sergei Druzhko’s show, visited the Comedy Club, and gave an interview to journalist Yuri Dudu. All this indicates that Face’s creative activity is actively developing, and his popularity is steadily growing. A video was specially made for him, lasting 50 minutes. In it, the rapper told how he feels about drugs, music, tattoos, and told the audience about his past and personal life.

On a note! The zodiac sign of rapper Face is Aries. Perhaps it was the stubbornness inherent in this constellation that helped the musician make such a career in such a short time.

Despite his popularity, the rapper claims that he receives small fees. But he is not going to stop there and plans to become quite wealthy in the future.