How to punish an offender using runes. Stakes for punishment

"Raffaello" - sweet revenge

"Raffaello" - sweet revenge
Once tested - working.
I'll tell you a little about the history of creation. There is one dirty man who caused a lot of grief and trouble to one family, almost driving them to despair. His name is Rafik... that's where the name came from. The task was to force him to switch to his own affairs and problems, which he managed to do. Now for a description, and about the results of the work below..

Composition: Composition Manaz + æsingur + Kaun + Kalk

Now it’s funny:

We write manaz.. This is the rabbit itself, I did not highlight the rune with color.. you know how it is written..
Then we hang ESINGER on his head, it’s red...
The name of this rune is æsingur (which means rage and confusion) - “this is dirt and hysterical crying, and a death sentence” - is used for damage to death and despair, for curses of the family.
The rune is used mainly to damage the home, family, to induce despair and damage to children, it is also used to induce a “scandalous life”, for quarrels, for gossip, for swearing, it is also used in damage to health, more often to spoil appearance, maybe combined with runes of both black and white series. With the help of a rune you can also punish a person with a “general set” of troubles. For damage and curses, the rune is often used with Kaun to enhance the negative effect. The meaning of the rune is mainly negative.

Next we write the KAUN rune on top of ESINGER, it is highlighted in green
Runa Kaun (which means “sore”, “illness”) is the enemy of children, the consequences of a fight (rollback), a trace of rotting.
The rune is used to spoil diseases, to spoil children, causes infertility, is used for damage to death as an addition or as the main rune, and is also used both for transferring a rollback and for punishing with a rollback. But most often it was used to damage diseases. With the help of a rune, you can cause any disease, but 1) practitioner protection is required 2) it makes no sense to name the modern names of diseases without adding explanations.

Well, on his feet there is a direct path to Hel.. Rune Kalk... blue color
Calc is a symbol of Death. Literally its name means Chalk, but in design it more closely resembles an inverted ritual bowl.
Calc destroys everything that contributes to life as such - natural (and artificial) defenses,
The will to live, positivity, moral and physical strength.
It can be used to weaken the enemy and completely destroy him.
The rune is especially good when working against a magician, because it easily bypasses defenses and all the built-in tricks. Just turning them over and breaking them.

This is tough damage! Destroys all aspects and directions of life. If you don’t stipulate that all this happiness goes to a specific person, then troubles fall on the entire rabbit’s family and in a planned manner. Before he has time to raise his head from one problem, another one immediately appears and he simply has no time for you... he suffers to the fullest, and we enjoy revenge)))

Feedback from the one at whose request it was created:
I used this stave with performing a ritual and offering gifts. 8 days later, Rafik had a stroke, his entire right side gave out, and on the same day his wife’s legs gave out and she was taken to the hospital by ambulance. On the evening of the same day, the son caused an accident in his car. After 10 days, Rafik found out that his close friend had cheated him out of money for 15 thousand euros... Gradually he moved away from our family, as he was busy with his own problems. 3-4 months have passed, we have peace and quiet in the family, but he has problems after problem. Yesterday we learned that his father was diagnosed with an incurable disease like blood cancer.

As a result, I can say that it became outrageously simple, but it copes with its task.. Unfortunately, contact with the tester was lost and there is no way to find out what ultimately happened with Rafik. I hope Hel accepted him into her possessions)).

Raffaello - damage worth a thousand words!


Becoming “For body kit, shortchange, deception, your pocket will lose weight!” -

The idea came after I bought sausage in my store yesterday, the seller assured me it was fresh. At home I put it in the refrigerator without unwrapping it from the film. In the evening, my son started cutting, the sausage was spoiled. We have lived in one place for many years, we know all the sellers and they know us, we buy bread and milk every day. They constantly count you if you only take food by weight. Each time 20-30 rubles. Making a scandal is more important to your health. I decided to write becoming. She chose Barter as her basis, sharpening it for dishonest trade.
She called it “For body kit, shortchange, deception, your pocket will suffer.”

Manas and Fehu, it's me and my money.
8 Perto who catch deception and negativity in material terms from Manas (sellers who want to snatch money from me) and
8 Eyvazov, who forcibly take away Vunya’s luck and Fehu’s money, 10 times more than they wanted to take from me.
Geiruruner runes are spear runes, create a rollback, send our negativity, a headache, distracting from the moment of pulling luck and money from dishonest sellers.
b - to speed up the effect of the spell, to create a rollback. This is where headaches, insomnia and nightmares come in.
Dim runir
S – rune is intended for obtaining material well-being and success at the expense of dishonest sellers.
X - the rune is intended to achieve any goal, punishing dishonest sellers and protecting one’s financial situation.
Y – the rune is intended to cast a spell on a situation where dishonest sellers take away luck and money, 10 times more than they wanted to take from me dishonestly.
Letters of a beggar tramp
I - the letter is intended to protect against negative influence on luck, it signals an attempt to influence your luck, with a certain algorithm of actions, that is, when trying
on the part of dishonest sellers to take my money in an unfair way. As a punishment, the action of this letter is the selection of luck from the one who is trying to harm, plus the letter acts in such a way that it instills fear in the opponent, the letter can cause bad dreams and visions.
J - the letter is intended to prevent negative impacts on the material sphere, the letter, like other letters of this series, acts under a certain pattern of actions on the part of the subject, in the sphere of its influence, both magical harm that is going to be caused to property, as well as the most ordinary one, the letter also commands about punishment.
The breadwinner (Coptic magical alphabet) becomes a magnet for money.
Control (Coptic magical alphabet), the sign controls the entire process.
Fraudulent letters are a hassle
X is a letter for revealing the truth, with the help of this letter you can find out any lie or remove any confusion from documents, for example, or from papers, as a letter for removing it, it is used to detect lies in any form. The letter is the trigger for the action of the stav in the event of underweight, shortchanging and deceiving me by dishonest sellers.
At the corners of the magical Manas grid, with Algiz inverted and Fehu inverted, these are our dishonest sellers.

Punishment of dishonest sellers for short-change and low-quality goods.
Becoming reads the minds of sellers, stops stealing money from me dishonestly, and takes 10 times more money from them, takes away luck, plus gives me problems with headaches, insomnia and nightmares..

A person is multifaceted; he has both positive and negative character traits. During your life you have to deal with people who are unpleasant to communicate with. These could be former friends who have turned into rivals or enemies, two-faced colleagues who are jealous of their rapid career growth. There are a huge number of reasons for hostility.

Often ill-wishers try to set up intrigues that ruin life. Is it possible to protect yourself and your family from the negativity of enemies and ill-wishers?

It is possible to stop the flow of negative energy with the help of runes.

Runes of protection work against hostile people and they are divided into several types:

  • Protective formulas.
  • Formulas that send negative energy back to the sender. A person who wants to harm will receive all the negativity back.
  • Stats that stop enemy attacks. They create difficulties around the ill-wisher, and he no longer cares about the object of attack.

Often runologists with little experience are interested in the moral side of this issue. If you do not want to harm the offender, then it is better to look for another way. For a serious person, runescripts will be useful. But before you apply them, you should remember that the actions taken have consequences that may affect you in the future.

The combination of signs is applied to the photo of the offender, then they are specified individually or in full. You can activate it in any suitable way. When the action weakens, it is allowed to update by circling the signs.


Runes for protection from negativity and enemies will help remove bad luck from areas of life. The most popular method is mirror. The point is that any evil thought will be automatically cut off from the operator and returned to the owner, working according to the “boomerang” method. The method will quickly identify the offender, since he will be in poor health and will be plagued by sheer bad luck in business.

Mirror protection

Mirror protection will help repel a targeted action (evil eye, curse). It works according to the "reflective surface" principle. The negative energy sent will be cut off and redirected to the person who wants to harm.

The combination of Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz makes it possible to eliminate any magical influence. When drawing up a reservation, you must indicate the areas of life that need protection from negative energy with runes. Before installation, be sure to find out how to specify the formula.

Signs used in mirror protection

To install a “mirror” amulet with a reservation, the magic letters must be in strict sequence. Often used signs when creating a mirror shield are:

  • Isa is a symbol of ice. It has a wide range of uses: it freezes negative actions, stops the progression of illnesses, repels external attacks, and reduces the manifestation of rage.
  • Kenaz enhances the operator’s sensitivity and sharpens intuition. The main task is to cut off negative attachments with the help of self-confidence. Maintains excellent physical health.
  • Halagaz means "hail" in Scandinavian. It carries the strongest destructive energy, which is aimed at eliminating any negativity coming from enemies. The runic symbol is multifaceted, so it is advisable to use it in extreme cases.

Protection rates with return

Runic staves with return will help protect family or loved ones and punish the offender.


The purpose of the formula is to save the operator from the hassle of a backlash that will be directed at the ill-wisher. It includes:

  • Algiz;
  • Turisaz;
  • Evaz;
  • Inguz;
  • Nautiz;
  • Soulu.

Elven runes with Irish letters and signs of trouble enhance the effect. The northern sun is depicted in the middle, foreshadowing prosperity regardless of the area of ​​​​life. Suitable for weakened people. You can activate it simply by saying what you want to receive and supporting it with the phrase: “So be it.”

The formula must be fully specified. There is no need to activate each one, since they miss the operator’s magic.


The impact of a combination of runic symbols is manifested in the breaking of incoming negativity and striking back. The combination works great over long distances.

The runic diagram consists of the following magical letters:

  • Teyvaz and Algiz are protection and counterattack.
  • The Stunginn Iss branch, which is an Icelandic rune, creates impenetrability and conceals the operator from prying eyes.
  • Halagaz in conjunction with Ur has a strong backlash aimed at the offender.
  • Laguz creates a concentrated flow and also reflects an attack that acts on the principle of a “blast wave”.
  • Eyvaz in combination with Thurisaz cuts off possible attacks and protects against energy vampires.

Damage made on runes

During the period of technological progress, not all people believe in magic and witchcraft, but there are still those who tend to believe in supernatural forces. This part of humanity is afraid of their offenders, who can bring big trouble. For protection they resort to magic. The Scandinavian signs are characterized by the strongest influence:

  • Halagaz.
  • Uruz.
  • Eyvaz.

It is done for a specific area of ​​a person’s life: family well-being, work, love or health.

Runic damage represents certain actions that are carried out with the help of staves used to harm a specific person or several persons.

Runic damage is black magic, so not every person undertakes to perform these rituals. Because any mistake can turn against the operator. In most cases, becoming punishes the person who performs the ritual.

A person who dares to perform a ritual should be very careful. To conduct this, you need the personal belongings of the ill-wisher or a photograph. The result will not be long in coming. Lasts for a long time.

Which ones to use

Each Scandinavian symbol has its own purpose. Some carry positive energy and help a person, others can do a lot of harm. When inflicting damage, the following are used:

  • Eyvaz is a Scandinavian sign that has several meanings, which depend on what is located nearby. These include death, change, and the beginning of a new life.
  • Isa - encasement in ice. The effect is temporary.
  • Halagaz - disorder, destruction or dependence on other people. May portend a serious illness. But the rune is not negative, since one of its characteristics is the destruction of obstacles.
  • Perth - death and fear, but sometimes in a certain situation it has a positive meaning.

Before performing the ritual, you should clearly define your desire and carefully study the rules of conduct and activation.

The rates are effective instantly. When inducing damage, it is not necessary to use complex formulas; it is enough to apply several separate magical signs.

How to deprive an enemy of his strength

Sometimes it happens that there is discord at work or in the family. A strong personality destroys a weaker one, showing his superiority. One solution is to exclude communication with an ill-wisher, but what to do if this is impossible? You can weaken the enemy and destroy him morally and physically by using punishment runes.

The procedure is simple, the main thing is not to deviate from the recommendations:

  1. Take a personal household item or a photo of a hater and apply: Nautiz-Hagalaz - Uruz - Isa.
  2. With thoughts of wanting to deprive the ill-wisher of his strength, cut his finger using a knife or razor.
  3. Becoming activated by blood.

Blood is necessary to confirm enmity with a person, and it also personifies evil intentions.

A magical ritual completely destroys physical and mental activity. The hater becomes easily vulnerable, weak and depressed. He won't be able to stand up for himself.

Formula for destruction

The most risky and popular method of punishing an enemy is damage to death. Beginners should not try to harm in this way, since it can all come back.

The principle of destroying an enemy using damage is as follows:

  • A photo of the hater is taken.
  • Apply on the photo with a marker: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
  • Activation occurs through voiced words of anger towards the enemy. You should also ask higher powers to send your enemy to the next world.
  • Then they spit saliva on the photograph.

Incorrect activation or incorrect spelling of runes and other problems lead to different consequences. It happens that the damage to destruction is transferred to the practitioner himself. It will no longer be possible to change what is happening.

From time to time a person encounters negativity, and it does not always find adequate embodiment. Sometimes enemies appear out of nowhere, even if you do nothing about it. Runic staves will help protect against enemies, get rid of damage and punish the offender.

Bets on getting rid of enemies

Magic staves, designed to protect against negative influences, are conventionally divided into three types:

  1. Formulas that help stop the enemy.
  2. Runes that send negativity back to the offender and punish him.
  3. Protective runescripts.

The runes from the first point shape the circumstances around ill-wishers in such a way that they either do not find an approach that will harm you, or they bring down a heap of events on them, and they have no time for evil thoughts.

Rites from the second punish the enemy as much as he intended to affect you. After they are completed, the addressed negative is returned to the sender.

Protective runes absorb negativity directed at you and work exclusively defensively.


The operator draws runes on a photograph of his enemy, spells out the spell in full, or voices the purpose of each symbol. Runes from enemies can be activated with blood or in another way - fire, breath, elemental power. Some formulas include a clause to punish the offender.

The issue of ethics remains at the discretion of the operator. Runes do not like to be flirted with or not taken seriously; the consequences of the thoughtless use of runic magic are unpredictable. With the help of runestavs, they even achieve the death of an unwanted person. Only after being mentally prepared and having studied the theory, begin to master this section.

"Straitjacket" by dante

Becoming - “Straitjacket”.

Runescript is used against envious people and annoying acquaintances. The spell does not cause much harm, but protects from unpleasant contacts.

  • Elforuna mcloses the paths and creates confusion;
  • Inverted Teyvaz and Elforuna odeprives the enemy of strength and pours them into the ground;
  • Nautizstops an enemy;
  • Stungin-Issmakes the object not notice the impact and changes its behavior.

"Shut up" by fou chatte

Becoming - “Shut up.”

The runescript helps you remove enemies from your life forever.

  • Laguzturns the operator invisible - the enemy stops seeing and noticing the person;
  • Icelandic symbol Kaunadministers punishment: returns unpleasant words and actions to the offender;
  • Bunch of Hagalaz – Nautiz – Turisazcreate a lot of events around the enemy, so that he forgets about the existence of the operator;
  • Icelandic symbol Esingermirrors the negative.

"Paralysis" from velya

Becoming - “Paralysis”.

Two staves, combined into one spell, protect the operator from negative influences and punish the enemy in accordance with his actions towards you.

  • Combination Evaz – Hagalaz – mirror Berkana – reverse Teyvazdestroys the health of the offender;
  • Bunch of reverse Mannaz and Raido – Turisaz – Isaslows down the healing process, erases the enemy’s individuality;
  • Reverse Uruz – Isa – Algizdeprive the enemy of strength;
  • The two points between the staves connect the spells;
  • Mirror rune of Berkan – Hagalaz – Isa – Hel seal – inverted Ansuz – inverted Laguzdestroy self-confidence and desire to live.

“Nail the enemy with a stone” by Anvar

Becoming - “Nail the enemy with a stone.”

The runes in this spell cut off the enemy from the outside world, leaving him in a society of aggression and anger. As soon as the enemy sends negative energy to a person, he receives a kickback.

  • Mannazdenotes an enemy;
  • Northumbrian symbol Stansymbolizes a stone;
  • Turisazsend negative feedback to the return address;
  • Eyvaz– rune of death – does not allow you to see a way out of the situation;
  • Reversed Laguzbrings a person to a depressed and driven state;
  • Nautiz - reverse Kanohide traces of magical influence and isolate the offender.

"Battle Axe" by orobas

Becoming - “Battle axe”.

This runestav cuts ties between the operator and the enemy, protects from negativity and punishes enemies. The operator applies the formula to a photograph, paper, or visualizes the runes while talking with the enemy.

  • Turisazdestroys communication channels;
  • Teyvazcharges with the energy of victory;
  • Nautizprotects the operator from negativity;
  • Inguzbrings the work of the runes to the desired ending.


This section contains runestavs that build mirror protection in front of the operator. Thus, negativity directed at a person will be reflected towards the one who tried to magically influence him.

"Mirror protection"

Becoming - “Mirror protection”.

The runes in this spell are lined up sequentially. The operator stipulates which areas of life need to be protected using the runescript.

  • Isareflects external influence;
  • Kanoimproves intuition, cuts off bindings and preserves the operator’s health;
  • Hagalazdestroys attempts to harm a person.

Becoming "Lotus"

Becoming - "Lotus".

This formula contains elven runes that cast a spell over the subject's mind. The sun is depicted in the center of the stav, which symbolizes prosperity in all areas. The operator stipulates the spell, activates it with his breath, lists wishes for the work of the runes, and secures it with the phrase “So be it.”

  • Evazguarantees a rapid change in the situation in favor of the operator;
  • Inguzconsolidates the action of the runescript;
  • Nautizbuilds defense;
  • Soulugives self-confidence, charges with the energy of the Sun.

Becoming "Cobra"

Becoming - "Cobra".

This runescript works over a long distance, neutralizes negativity directed at a person and sends it back to the recipient.

  • Algiz protects;
  • Teyvazdirects negativity back;
  • Stungin Isshides traces of magical influence;
  • Hagalaz – Uruzdeal a crushing blow to the offender;
  • Laguzmirrors the attack;
  • Eyvaz – Turisazprevent the creation of a connection with an energy vampire.

Corruption "Road to Hel". Author marina

Manaz transl. Represents the rabbit
Teyvaz will destroy her/his resistance will break her/his strength and will
Uruz per - will deprive her of vitality and health and energies at all levels of her life
Ellie Hvild - will finish off the rabbit, beat her/him to the ground, pumping out her/his life force and energy, deprive her/his strength and resistance
Eisingir - will pierce her/his body with rotten damage, spoiling and harming her/his entire health, physical and mental, causing panic, fear, painful illnesses, tears, depriving her/his common sense
Stangin Kaun - inflicts wounds on the disease, causes her/him suffering, exhausts her/him.
Isa freezes any help that will bring relief to her/him
Turizas cuts off, destroys any help and attacks those who helped
Stangin Isa hides these magical effects from prying eyes.

Let the enemy’s health be completely destroyed under the influence of DRS, let her/his internal organs begin to collapse, rot and decompose, let her/his cardiovascular system collapse, ulcers in the stomach grow, the enemy’s kidneys cease to perform their function, the liver enlarges, becomes watery and begins decompose.
Let, under the influence of DRS, all positive and useful microelements be constantly washed out of the enemy’s body, which leads to a weakening of her/his musculoskeletal system, the heart suffers, the bones of the limbs suffer, the spine is destroyed and leads to deformation of the spinal cord, blood circulation in the vessels of the brain is disrupted, which leads to stroke and paralysis.
Let, from the moment of activation, this runic stave works under the protection and patronage of Odin, pumping out from the enemy and her/his blood relatives all the vital forces, all the energy necessary for work, and completely protect the enemy from any purges and opportunities to remove the effect of this stave, and if someone tries to destroy the work of this stav, then let this stav with the power of the runes begin to attack the attacker, destroy his defenses, health, material well-being, and also be recharged from the attacker, weakening and depleting him and his relatives.
DRS works without harm to me and my family, as well as without harm to my animals, without causing harm to my physical and mental health, and without harm to my material well-being.
All the negativity from the work of this staff will go to the son/daughter/husband of the enemy
Having become, he freely allows me to produce absolutely any influence on the enemy.
Let this runic pattern intensify its effect every time the enemy looks at himself in the mirror.
I activate this by becoming the power of the name of the Great Odin and the power of the element of fire, it begins its action right now and will act as long as the bearer of the stave exists. So be it!

Review from dear Vannadis:
Marina did a very good job. The runes were well chosen, the description was well written, the structure turned out to be solid, the clause was written wonderfully, it takes into account all the points of action, it turned out to be strong, despite its rather simple form, and thorough, everything was composed and distributed correctly, the runes can be used to weaken the enemy , can be used to damage sores, can be used in the aspect of vampirism, say, to siphon off strength from the enemy and take it for yourself, in this regard, it turned out to be a very interesting job. This “vampire” look is both interesting and unusual, and in action everything is verified correctly. It can also be used to prevent problems for the rabbit that would cause a decline in his strength and health problems. Everything was done perfectly, well done.