What documents are required for admission to the university. What do you need to go to college? Documents for admission to the institute

Standard package

For full-time department, you need to collect a package of the following documents:

  1. Photocopy of passport... Notarization is not required even when sending documents by mail. The data are verified in the selection committee when submitting consent for enrollment, and for those who brought the documents in person - immediately on the spot.
  2. School certificate... Also a photocopy or scan. The original is required for enrollment. Applicants who are determined to participate in the competition only at a certain university can immediately take the original.
  3. Application for admission... The form is established by the selection committee of each university.
  4. Photo... Provided from 2 to 6 pictures in 3x4 format. Usually, when submitting an application, they are needed only by those who participate in the competition based on the results of internal admissions tests. Others attach a photo to the enrollment consent application.
  5. Certificate of attribution... If available - military ID (for guys).
  6. Medical certificate, if it is required for admission to certain areas or specialties. Usually it is also needed by those who plan to live in a hostel.
  7. College / technical school diploma(for college graduates).
  8. Documents confirming the right to benefits(if any) or certifying individual achievement (also if available).

Paper certificates or any other certificates with the results of the exam are not required when submitting documents. It is enough to indicate your points in the application (for this, there are special blocks in the form) and clarify which year's results should be taken into account in the competitive selection, since the marks obtained at the unified state examination are valid for 5 years (in the year of passing + 4 following it) ...

Data on the results of the exam are stored in a single federal system (FIS GIA and admission), access to which is available to all admissions offices, and they are required to check the information specified by applicants. Moreover, you can use the results of different years: for example, the Russian language - for the current year, and physics or any other subject - for the past or even the year before last.

Documents from candidates with disabilities

What documents do applicants with disabilities need to enter a university?

Often, such candidates are physically unable to pass exams in the USE format, therefore, special internal tests are provided for them, which are carried out directly at the university, where special conditions are organized taking into account the physiological disorders of applicants. The list of subjects to be taken will depend on the chosen specialty.

In order for the university to organize the appropriate conditions for passing the entrance exams, applicants with disabilities must attach a certificate of disability to the standard package of documents. Since 2017, a medical certificate from the Psychological and Pedagogical Commission (PMPK) about the opportunity to study at the chosen university and the Individual Rehabilitation Program (IPR) are no longer needed.

For disabled people of groups 1 and 2

Since 2019, people with disabilities since childhood, as well as groups 1 and 2 and children with disabilities can enroll in five universities in three areas of training in each. Like other beneficiaries, applicants with disabilities can use the right to enroll within the 10 percent quota only in one educational organization. The originals of the documents are submitted to the institute or university (for a certain direction) in which the applicant intends to take advantage of the privilege. In other universities, disabled people of all categories can participate in the competition on a general basis.

Please note: the right of admission within the framework of special quotas can also be used by disabled persons of the 3rd group, if the documents submitted upon admission contain the wording “disabled since childhood” or “disabled due to military injury”.

Keep in mind: quotas (usually 10 percent) are established within the budget allocated to the university, and if their educational institution was not provided, accordingly, there can be no question of admission to a free form of education.

For admission to the magistracy

Master's degree applicants need to submit the following documents to the university:

  1. Diploma confirming higher education (bachelor's level - for those who enroll for the first time).
  2. Application for admission to a university for master's programs (its form is approved by the educational institution).
  3. Identity document (original and copy).
  4. Photos 3x4 (from two to six shots).
  5. Help from the polyclinic (only for some specialties).
  6. If there are benefits, an appropriate certificate.

For correspondence department

The list of documents in this case is identical to the list for admission to the full-time department, if the applicant enters the university for the first time.

If the applicant enters the correspondence course in order to receive it, it is enough for him to write an application and submit the original diploma to the selection committee (only a copy of it is submitted). Some institutions insist on a certificate from the place of work.

Second higher education programs

  1. Statement.
  2. Photocopy of your passport.
  3. Diploma confirming the first higher education. If the document does not correspond to the state model, you must attach a copy of the university license and a copy of your specialty accreditation to it.
  4. A document listing the subjects you have already studied.
  5. Photos in 3x4 format (from four to six pieces).

If the surnames in the diploma and the application do not match (which is not uncommon for those entering universities for evening departments, and even more so for the second higher already at a fairly mature age), a document must be submitted confirming the grounds for changing the surname. A copy of it can be certified by the selection committee.

Ways of submitting documents to the university

Three ways of applying to a university are officially allowed:

  1. Personally. The most common way is when applicants come to the admissions office, fill out an application and hand over the entire package of documents to its members.
  2. Sending documents by mail... A very convenient way for those who are going to study in another city. But it must be borne in mind that often correspondence is delayed, so it is better to send documents as early as possible, since the acceptance of applications ends at a strictly set time (for example, for full-time applicants for the Unified State Exam - on July 26 at 18:00 Moscow time), no matter how they are served.
  3. Sending documents over the Internet... The most efficient way, which is welcomed by an increasing number of universities, but some educational institutions, including the leading ones, still insist on the personal attendance of candidates. Therefore, check in advance if the university accepts documents in electronic form. If such an opportunity is provided, the website of the educational institution has instructions on how to do everything right - send it to the admissions office by e-mail, through the applicant's personal account or from a special page.

In May 2019, the Ministry of Education and Science announced the beginning of the development of a unified federal electronic complex "Admission to a university online". On the portal, it will be possible not only to remotely submit an application to the university, but also to get acquainted with the intermediate results of the admission campaign. The service will start working in stages: within two years - from 2020 to 2022 - it will be tested during admission to some specially selected universities. According to the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2024 it will be possible to submit documents via the Internet to all higher educational institutions of Russia.


The procedure for admission to higher educational institutions in 2017 is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (as amended on July 29, 2016) "On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs."

Important changes were made to it by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 29, 2016 No. 921, which are applied when admitting to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs starting from the 2017/18 academic year.

Who can go to university?

According to these documents, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation admit citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, foreign citizens and stateless persons living on its territory, as well as compatriots from neighboring countries. These citizens have the right to receive, on a competitive basis, free higher vocational education in state higher educational institutions, if education of this level is obtained for the first time.

What do you need to enter a university?

To enter the university, you need the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • A document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black-and-white or color photograph on matte paper, taken in 2015);
  • Applicants who have special rights for admission to higher educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, at their discretion, provide the original or a photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in the form 086-U or 026-U
  • from young men a military ID or certificate of registration.

A document on secondary general or special education (certificate - for school graduates; certificate of learning outcomes - for those who decided to interrupt their studies at a technical school / college and get higher education; diploma with an attachment (grade sheet) and its copy - when documents are submitted to university after college).

Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam Issued after passing the unified state examination in the subjects chosen by the applicant, indicating the points received. (copies are handed over to the commission of several universities, the original is submitted to the university where the actual admission was made).

In addition to a medical certificate in the form 026-U or 086-U, in some universities, in certain specialties, an additional medical examination is provided.

The required list of specialties, for admission to which this certificate is required, is given on the official website of the selected higher educational institution.

Persons with disabilities, in addition to the above documents, must submit: the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission; a certificate on the establishment of disability, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise. Disabled children of I and II groups provide the original and a photocopy of a certificate of disability and a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at a university, issued by a federal institution of medical and social expertise.

What documents are required for correspondence admission?

Similar documents are submitted to the correspondence department. In the case of obtaining a second and subsequent higher education, instead of a document on obtaining secondary education, a diploma of higher education is provided with an extract attached to it.

What are the features and benefits of distance learning?

The advantages of this form of education include the following:

  • curricula are individual (some of the core subjects can be completed according to an in-depth program);
  • lower entrance score;
  • after the first successful session there is an opportunity to transfer to the full-time department;
  • you can provide for yourself and your family at the same time by working;
  • the ability to attend lectures remotely;
  • the fee for the correspondence department, as a rule, is lower;
  • you can comprehend science at absolutely any age
  • communication with new people united by common goals.

Foreign citizens submit, together with the originals of documents, their translations into Russian. A foreign citizen submits to the admissions office of a Russian university:

  • application in Russian;
  • originals and duly certified copies of the education certificate;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • certification document;
  • a copy of the entry visa, if a foreigner entered the Russian Federation through it;
  • 6 pieces of photos 4x6;
  • for foreign citizens with Russian nationality - documents confirming nationality.

How to get a targeted referral to a university?

A targeted direction for study at a university is a feature of obtaining higher education, in which tuition is paid for by a state budgetary or commercial organization. After graduating from the university, according to the contract on targeted training, the graduate is obliged to work at the enterprise or in the organization that gave him the target direction, the time specified by the contract (usually 3 years). In case of non-fulfillment of the contract on the part of the student or graduate, the latter undertakes to return the money spent on his training to the organization.

Target students, like everyone else, pass the EGE and participate in the competition, but with special advantages.

To get the target direction you need:

  • choose a specialty and place of study;
  • apply to the institution, to the enterprise that issues targeted referrals to this university.
  • submit an application to the municipal government.

Sample application for a targeted direction in a university

The application must indicate the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).

The direction (specialty) code must correspond to the 2017 direction (specialty) code.

In the information about the parents, it is necessary to indicate in full the surname, name, patronymic of the parents with whom the child lives, their place of work (full name of the organization and position).

A copy of the child's passport is not certified.

The characteristic from the school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

How to write an application for admission to a university?

Usually, the application forms are provided by the selected university (admissions committee), it can be downloaded on the website of the selected university. The application contains a request to enroll the applicant in a specific direction, specialty, faculty, department, indicating personal and contact information.

Sample application for admission to the university

(On the example of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen)

What are the deadlines for accepting documents and enrolling applicants?

In 2017, for full-time and part-time forms of study, the deadline for accepting documents is no later than June 20. The deadline for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation is not earlier than July 7, and from applicants based on the results of other entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently - not earlier than July 10.

For the correspondence form of study, the deadlines for submitting documents are not established, everything here depends on the decision of the management of each specific university.

The deadline for the completion of the admissions tests conducted by the organization independently, the completion of the acceptance of documents from applicants without passing the specified admissions tests is July 26.

Profile and additional exams for applicants to universities in 2017

In addition to changes in the deadlines for submitting documents, in 2017, profile and additional exams for applicants were introduced.

Universities have introduced separate specialized subjects into the test. The Ministry of Education adopted such an innovation, and already in 2017 new rules and requirements affected 64 specialties, which include not only creative but also medical areas. Future teachers and philologists will also have to take additional disciplines.

Additional exams are conducted in the form of the usual passing of individual disciplines, but they can also consist of interviews conducted individually with each applicant. Universities have the right to independently decide what form the test will look like and change it annually.

Features of admission to a university

Admission to the University! Enrollment, submission of documents, etc.

Algorithm of admission

Life after the exam: admission and admissions committee

This article will deal with what documents are required for admission to the university. Here is only up-to-date information. As soon as something changes in the document list or procedure, it will be updated here. So bookmark it, let's work.

In addition to the documents that are required by everyone, we will consider the necessary documents for the disabled and other applicants who are not included in the bulk of applicants.

I already wrote about the documents for the target:

So, what documents are required for admission in 2019?

  • Statement;
  • A document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black-and-white or color photograph on matte paper, taken in 2015);
  • Applicants who have special rights for admission to higher educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, at their discretion, provide the original or a photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in the form 086-U or 026-U *

What documents do people with disabilities need to enter a university?

In addition to the above:

  • the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • a certificate on the establishment of disability, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.
Disabled children of I and II groups provide, at their discretion, the original or a photocopy of the certificate of disability and the conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at the university, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.

How documents are needed for admission to the magistracy?

In addition to the main ones, you need a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

What documents are required for correspondence admission (+ part-time or evening)?

For those who enroll in absentia or part-time:

  • a document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • passport or other document proving identity and citizenship
How to send documents to the university by mail?

You have the opportunity to send the required package of documents by registered mail, which includes:

Documents indicated at the very beginning of the article.

All this must be sent using any postal operator. Moreover, the date of departure will be = information about the departure taken from the postal operator. Acceptance of documents by mail ends on the same day when the acceptance of documents at the university ends.

If you send an incomplete set of documents, it will not be accepted.

In 2020, the Ministry of Education continues to test new rules regarding the timing of admission to universities.

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They were established by Order No. 1147 dated October 14, 2016:

  • June 20 - the first day of accepting documents;
  • July 7 - the last day for passing additional exams;
  • July 10 - the last day for admission based on the results of exams conducted by the university independently;
  • On July 26, you can still submit a package of papers if only the Unified State Exam was submitted.

This schedule must be posted in educational institutions no later than October 1. It is required for all universities.


For admission, you need to fill out an application.

A mandatory package of documents is attached to it, which can be submitted in several ways:

  1. Personally, having arrived at the university or its branch.
  2. Through the principal when drawing up a notarized power of attorney for him.
  3. By Russian Post - by registered mail with a list of attachments.
  4. By email. This way you can send scans to RUDN, Moscow State University, Moscow Polytechnic and a number of other universities.

Both originals and photocopies can be sent. Certification is not required, although a digital signature may be required when sending in electronic form.

What documents are needed for admission to a university after grade 11

The standard package of papers is the same for admission to an agricultural, technical, humanitarian and any other university:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • school certificate;
  • 6 photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate 026-U or 086-U.

It is not necessary to present the results of the exam. They are published in the database and are available in electronic form to all universities. Moreover, a paper certificate is no longer issued.

It is also worth providing everything that will help you get more points:

  • diplomas of the winners of the Olympiads;
  • school medal;
  • golden TRP badge;
  • final essay;
  • portfolio of achievements (sports achievements, prizes in creative, intellectual competitions).

For each achievement, you can get from 1 to 10 points. Their exact number and maximum threshold depend on the specific institution.

To the correspondence department

For admission to the correspondence department, the same documents are required as for the full-time form of study. The difference is that the passing grade is lower, so it is easier to enroll. In addition, correspondence students have the opportunity to transfer to the full-time department.

For transfer to another educational institution

If during the period of study the student decides to change the university, he must write an application with a request for admission and provide an extract from the record. In response, a certificate of translation is given.

An application for expulsion and a certificate of transfer are submitted to the educational department of the previous university. After the issuance of the expulsion order, the student is given an extract from it and a certificate. All this is provided to the new university.

After college

After graduating from college or technical school, you can get higher education in an accelerated program.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • passport;
  • secondary school diploma;
  • 6 photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate in the form 026-U or 086-U;
  • documents confirming personal achievements.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1147 of 10/14/2015, upon successful admission, the applicant is enrolled in the 1st year, and not in the 2nd or 3rd. In the course of training, you can switch to an accelerated program.

For foreign citizens

A foreigner for admission to a Russian university must provide:

  • application and questionnaire;
  • passport;
  • school certificate or diploma of a university or secondary school;
  • medical certificate in the form 026-U or 086-U;
  • certified translations;
  • 6 photos 3x4.

Citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries of the former USSR do not need to establish the equivalence of educational documents. Applicants from other countries must obtain an appropriate certificate from Rosobrnadzor.

It is issued upon application, which is accompanied by a copy of the passport, the original of the legalized diploma and Russian-language certified translations.

To university abroad

You need more documents for admission to a foreign university:

Name Explanation
Motivation letter An essay in which the applicant explains why he chose this particular university, what he wants to achieve, how he sees the future after graduation.
Letter of recommendation A characteristic from a supervisor from a past job or a teacher.
Education document Diploma, school certificate, certificate of additional education.
Foreign language test results German universities accept FSP, DSH and TestDaF, USA - TOEFL, in England - IELTS, Spain - DELE.
CV (resume) Required by some educational institutions abroad. You need to briefly describe your achievements that are not listed in other papers.
Portfolio You can send a presentation, link to the site, PDF documents.

The diploma must be translated and certified by a notary or apostille. Such services are provided by specialized translation agencies.


The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" establishes the categories of applicants who enter the budget out of competition. They must pass exams, but for admission to the university, it is enough to score a minimum score.

Papers for preferential categories of applicants:

Applicant category Benefit documents
Children from low-income families with a disabled parent of the 1st group
  • family income statement;
  • certificate of disability.
Orphans and children left without parental care
  • birth certificate;
  • death certificates;
  • written abandonment of the child;
  • a conviction by a court by which the parents were deprived of their liberty;
  • decision on deprivation of parental rights, recognition as deceased / missing;
  • a certificate from the social security authorities.
Disabled groups 1 and 2, disabled children
  • certificate of disability;
  • individual rehabilitation program.
Served by conscription or contract
  • certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
  • for veterans of military operations - a veteran certificate;
  • for military personnel with disabilities - a certificate from a medical facility and a rehabilitation program.

Students who fall under these categories are admitted on a quota from the state. It is at least 10% of the main stream of candidates.

For the second higher

Required documents for applicants for a second higher education:

  1. Statement.
  2. Diploma. If the university is private, copies of the accreditation certificate and license are required.
  3. 6 photos 3x4.
  4. Passport.

Sometimes they ask for a copy of the TIN certificate, a certificate of employment, or a certified copy of the employment number. If the employer pays for the second higher education, you will need a letter of guarantee.

Do I have to submit originals

Originals of documents are usually provided to the admissions office of the priority institution.

Also, they must be submitted by beneficiaries and applicants in the target direction, winners of university Olympiads. In other cases, there is no strict requirement to provide originals.

Why donate copies

If an applicant tries to enroll in several educational institutions, it is physically impossible to submit originals everywhere. Therefore, photocopies can be provided instead. The originals must be presented when signing the contract directly.

How to check the number of applications submitted

Universities publish on their websites lists of applicants who have submitted documents. Everyone can get acquainted with them.

A generalized list of applicants to universities in St. Petersburg or another city can be found only on aggregator sites. However, they are unofficial and the accuracy of the data is not guaranteed.

How the state monitors the number of applications from one person

To track the submitted applications, the Federal Information System - FIS has been developed. This database is used by the selection committee throughout the country. When an applicant submits an application, information about him is entered into the table.

Then the check is started and specified:

  • USE scores;
  • the number of universities where applications are submitted;
  • the results of the Olympiads.

As soon as a student receives a school leaving certificate, he has to forget about the usual holidays. He is forced to completely plunge into adulthood. Since, instead of a carefree rest, he will have to prepare for entering a higher educational institution. And in order to enter, you need to pass not only the exam, but also collect the necessary documents.

We start preparing

The algorithm for preparing for admission looks like this:

  1. Are you planning to enter a medical, technical or humanitarian institute?
  2. Collecting all the necessary documents and submitting them to the selected educational institution on time.
  3. Preparation and delivery of the exam.

What do you need to enter the institute before you start collecting the necessary documents? The answer is to choose an educational institution!

Where to begin

The collection of all the necessary reliable information is the key to the right choice of an educational institution that can provide higher education at the proper level.

  1. All licensed are accredited. And this is a guarantee of receiving a diploma upon graduation. Therefore, if we are talking about non-state educational institutions, it is worth paying special attention to this.
  2. It is important to visit the website of the university, note for yourself what content is on the website, on its design, which will give some idea of ​​how classes are organized, how students' extracurricular time passes. By visiting the site, you can find out the class schedule, which will help you understand what subjects the applicant will study by choosing a particular specialty.
  3. You must go to the forum. And get acquainted with both positive and negative reviews about the educational institution. They will help you create a realistic picture and finally make your choice.

Addition to the above

It is important to know that education in the country is free, and the applicant has the opportunity to enter five educational institutions and three specialties at once. However, the number of budget places is limited and there is a large competition for many of them. Therefore, if an applicant won victories at school Olympiads or received a gold medal for an excellent graduation from school, he has the highest chances of becoming the proud owner of a budget place.

But there are also privileged categories of citizens who must be provided with budget places in universities. According to the law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", the following groups of citizens can apply for budget places:

  • Children under 23 years old who have lost their parents and left without their care.
  • Disabled children of groups I and II, who may undergo training for health reasons.
  • Children who have only one guardian who is a disabled person of group I, if the family budget is below the subsistence level.
  • Participants in military conflicts, soldiers who have completed military service and retired or served under a contract.


What do those who decide to study far from their hometown need to enter the institute? It is important for them to know if the educational institution has a hostel. Unfortunately, few can boast of this. Here is a list of documents that will be needed when checking into a hostel:

  1. Medical card with examination.
  2. Photocopy of passport and original.
  3. Completed contract.
  4. Three photographs 3 X 4.
  5. Paid order.
  6. A certificate that proves belonging to this university.

Day department

After school, the guys are more willing to go to study at the full-time department. Here's what you need to enter the institute T in this case:

  1. Application, where the applicant's data, the desired specialty and department are registered. It is checked by members of the selection committee.
  2. The certificate and its photocopy, as well as a passport with a photocopy.
  3. Certificate of passing the exam. If you want to enter several universities at once, you can provide a certified and scanned copy of the certificate.
  4. Six photographs 3 X 4.
  5. Certificate from the medical institution (the so-called 086 form). Without it, no university will enroll.

Distance learning

Documents for admission to the institute for citizens who wish to study in absentia must be collected exactly the same. The same applies to those wishing to receive a second higher education in absentia, however, they need to add a diploma of higher education to the listed documents.

For those wishing to enter the magistracy, the list of documents is also similar. Except for two points:

  • the certificate is replaced by a bachelor's degree;
  • it is not necessary to provide a certificate on the 086 form, many institutions do not require it.


Young men, upon reaching the age of 17, become liable for military service. Therefore, for admission to the institute, they need to provide a certificate of registration or military ID.

But what is needed for admission to the institute for persons with disabilities The list of documents for them has some differences:

  • The conclusion, which is provided by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission.
  • Certificate confirming disability.
  • A certificate that confirms that a citizen has no contraindications for studying at a university. It is issued by an institution that conducts medical and social examinations.


The rules for admission to the institute for foreigners are about the same, but guests from abroad have not only to collect documents, but also to translate them, so their number is much larger. Here is a list of required documents:

  1. Application in Russian.
  2. Originals of educational documents, as well as their certified copies and translated into Russian.
  3. Identity document.
  4. A copy of the visa, if the foreigner needed it to enter.
  5. Six photographs 4 X 6.
  6. For foreigners with Russian nationality, documents that confirm the origin (nationality).

About the exam

In conclusion, a little about the exam and how many points you need to score for successful admission. Of course, the day when the results are announced is very exciting and worrisome for former high school graduates. National statistics show that the number of applicants to budget-funded places is more than 50% with an average USE score of 65. This means that college entrance points for those who want to are not an obstacle and obstacle on the way to the goal.

The passing score to the most prestigious universities in the country is 90, with the exception of MGIMO, where it is 95. These educational institutions are for applicants with exceptional knowledge and a high score on the Unified State Exam.

The bottom line is this: whoever scored from 60 to 80 points can be guaranteed to get into a good institute that is not among the ten most prestigious in the country.


So what does it take to go to college? First of all, believe in yourself and your strengths, are not afraid of exams, set yourself a goal and achieve it. Collecting documents, passing exams, choosing an institute - this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is important for a former student to understand what he wants to achieve in life, who he sees himself in the future. After all, a diploma of higher education is one of the keys that give confidence in the future.