Features of wastewater treatment systems outside the city. Diy biofilter for a septic tank: implementation principles How to assemble a biological treatment station with your own hands

Sanitary protection of populated areas is of great importance today. In the private sector, there is often a problem associated with wastewater disposal. Domestic wastewater is often very polluted. Such water must not be discharged into the sewer network without preliminary purification. Biological treatment means lowering the concentration of organic matter. It is often combined with mechanical, chemical cleaning and disinfection. Not everyone knows how to make a biological treatment station with their own hands, installation features.


Until recently, most houses had cesspools. Today there are less and less of them. They were replaced by biological treatment plants. This group also includes a septic tank. The essence of biological treatment is that various microorganisms (bacteria) and algae are used. They are bred specifically for wastewater treatment. This process is based on natural cleansing. To stimulate the activity of this microflora, additional aeration is carried out (air supply to the reservoir).

In addition, biological treatment plants provide mixing of effluents and settling of particles. In the latter case, we are also talking about mechanical water purification. Such autonomous systems allow the treated wastewater to be used for other purposes. Often this water is used for technical or other needs. In more modern septic tanks, wastewater can be disinfected by UFO or ultrasound. All treatment plants can be conditionally divided into simple and deep cleaning. The structure includes the following components:

  • camera;
  • filter;
  • compartment for the mineralization of silt deposits;
  • chamber for clarification.

Main steps

To organize water purification with your own hands, you need to know the main stages of work. First, you need to dig a hole. Its sizes may vary. It is preferable to make a pit 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 m. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the station itself. To strengthen the structure, formwork is made from wooden planks. There should be no gaps between the boards. The work must be carried out by two or three people. Secondly, a thick layer of sand is laid at the bottom of the dug hole. It is needed for better filtration. Thirdly, it will be necessary to install the station itself for biological treatment.

At the next stage, you will need to fill all sections of the station with water and fill up the voids around the structure. This is done with sand. The station must be level. Fourthly, it is necessary to organize a pipeline. Pipes are made with a diameter of 100-110 mm. The trench depth should be 0.2-0.7 m. The dug trench should be located at a slight incline towards the station. A sand pillow is laid at its bottom. Next, the installation of the pipeline is carried out. Do not forget about the thermal insulation of pipes. The pipeline is connected to the septic tank using a pipe. It should come with the station.

Everyone is trying to improve the living conditions in a country house to the maximum. Why not, for example, arrange a separate recreation area at the dacha - a kind of paradise with a bathhouse, sun loungers, a gazebo for pleasant conversations, a sports ground and, of course, a barbecue, or a barbecue (whichever you prefer). “What's new in that?” You ask. Don't jump to conclusions. The main surprise lies ahead. So, thanks to the ability to bring all the necessary communications to the recreation area, you can now receive guests in your corner of paradise at any time. But, if the supply of water and lighting to any place on your site is already quite a common thing for any "DIY", then the autonomous sewage system of a private house sometimes still raises a number of questions. In this article, we will tell you how to organize an autonomous sewage system for a private house based on a deep biological treatment station.

If you are going to supply the drain on your own and have already made a choice in favor of an autonomous sewage system of a private house based on a deep biological treatment station, then you must strictly observe the following procedure:

  • Choose a place to drain the treated water independently or with the help of a specialist.
  • Choose an option for water drainage: with forced or gravity discharge.
  • Select the model and manufacturer of the station. And here you cannot do without competent advice from specialists.

Expert advice:
(General Director of the company "Domostroev" Vitaly Timofeevich Tokarev)
Of course, you need to choose from the main manufacturers of deep biological treatment plants that have been proven over the years, which have the appropriate documents guaranteeing the reliability of these stations, namely: the necessary certificates of compliance with hygienic standards and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. If you find it difficult to give preference to someone, contact the specialists. Experts will also help to determine the model of the station, its manufacturer and at the same time to select the necessary equipment. In addition, they will prompt, if in doubt, whether you have chosen the right place for the future station. As a rule, the most optimal solution is to make the sewer line without turns, so as not to install additional inspection wells. Without revision wells, it will be very problematic to clear the blockage in pipes with bends.

The wrong choice between manual and work of special equipment can also result in a big problem.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know in what cases to give preference to one or another power.

In what situations is it possible to prepare the pit only manually:

1. When it is impossible to enter the site for special equipment.
2. When in the course of work there is a real threat of disturbance of the already formed landscape.

A completely different calico, when a wheeled excavator can freely drive up and work directly at the installation site. If the weather and soil are favorable for the rapid development of the pit, then the excavator will take no more than 20-25 minutes. But this is the ideal. In practice, this kind of development takes much longer. Much depends on the amount of sand in the soil and the height of the water table. With a large number of both (such soil is called "quicksand"), the work time can take up to several hours and formwork may be required. With a large amount of water-saturated loam or clay, the work can take an entire day.

Sequence of work


We will define the range of our tasks, the number and complexity of which largely depends on the chosen location for the installation of a biological treatment plant. In our example, it is quite traditional - near the bathhouse, specifically - two meters from the main ditch. A smaller distance, according to the rules of SNIP, is not recommended. Now we are planning the exit point of the sewer pipe. And here we will not surprise anyone. The track will start from home. Its length, according to our calculations, is 23 meters to the installation site. The distance is decent, we have exceeded the norm up to 15 meters and, according to the rules, we still cannot do without an additional revision well.

We do not have the opportunity to use special equipment, since the passage to the house is too narrow, and we do not want to spoil the design landscape. So we will work manually. The site will require strength in the amount of three, and preferably five people.

We order and deliver sand in advance, which will be needed to create a sand cushion both in the pit and under the pipes (for three or four people, 3-5 cubic meters of sand, this is approximately, it all depends on the conditions for installing the station).

We were lucky, there was sandy soil on the site, there is no need to bring sand.

Materials for the installation of a stand-alone station

  • sewer pipes for outdoor use
  • insulation
  • bends
  • electric cable
  • corrugation
  • inspection wells

Unloading model stations must be in an upright position.
The installation itself is carried out in three stages.

The size of the pit for the station (let's take the average - for 5 people) is 1.5 × 1.5 m wide and 2.3 m deep. To prevent the erosion of the pit walls due to the high level of groundwater (this is often the case), we make formwork. In this case, the width of the pit increases by about 0.3 m. This is exactly what we will do. Digging a hole measuring 1.8 x 1.8 m, taking into account the width of the formwork.

Throughout all the work, do not forget to measure the depth of the pit. If groundwater does penetrate into the formwork, a drain pump must be used.

As soon as the last centimeter has been dug, we immediately begin the descent of the station so that the foundation pit is not attacked by groundwater with sand.

Station descent

We lower the station into the pit on the ropes. Help will be required from everyone present on the site. This procedure does not tolerate fuss.

Then, we fill all compartments of the station with water. At the same time, we level the station building and sprinkle it, compacting the sand so that the station does not sink with the soil. The septic tank is filled up, like water, on the upper level of the station.

We fall asleep, but not to the end, since the connection of the highways - input and output is still ahead.

Digging a supply trench

For sewer pipes (with a diameter of 110 mm), we dig a trench 0.5-0.6 m wide, in order to feel the stability of our legs during installation. There will be no other way to arrange a high-quality sand pillow. At the entrance to the station, at the depth of the supply pipe, we leave 0.6 m.Thus, the trench is dug along the entire length with a depth of 0.2 to 0.7 m with a slight (3 percent) uniform slope towards the station along the entire length. Then the bottom of the trench is leveled with sand.

We fill up the sand pillow along the entire length at a slope of 3 cm per meter. We seal by checking the level. Then, only part of the main line is laid out from the pipes and on the wall of the receiving chamber we mark the place of the main line.

For the external laying of the line, we use pipes of a specially red color. Even before laying, do not forget to put thermal insulation on the pipes, which greatly simplifies the entire installation of the route.

1. Cut out a hole in the wall of the receiving chamber with the prepared crown.
2. Hermetically solder the butt joint using polypropylene solder. We apply it with a special nozzle of a construction hair dryer.

Now you can install on our long track, as prescribed by SNIP, an inspection passage well. Important note: the well must be made of special materials that are not afraid of temperature extremes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and soil pressure.

The very exit of the sewer pipe from the house is nothing more than a vertical "riser", which must be insulated to the height of the basement floor. The connection of the vertical and horizontal parts of the riser is a tee in case of clearing the blockage.

When we have laid the entire route, we make a fixing sprinkling to prevent violations of the slope of the pipes, its shift towards the septic tank. Then we lay a black electric cable (in a protective corrugation).

Now we need a device for a drainage trench into the drainage ditch. It will be located not far from the station. We are planning a device for gravity drainage of treated effluents, so we lay pipes in insulation up to the ditch. There are literally two meter steps to the ditch, so we use pipes with a diameter of 110 mm.

It should be borne in mind that the effluent from the treatment plant is warm all year round. Given this fact, in the process of laying under the roadway, double-walled corrugated pipes are used, in general, but there are also mistakes. And not only in this case.

Polyethylene pressure pipes (HDPE) with a cross section of 25mm are used, and are laid with a counter angle for forced retraction. In the winter season, it is recommended to lay a self-regulating heating cable along the entire length of the highway, with additional thermal insulation.

We dig a trench under the output highway and clean the bottom of the trench for a sand cushion under the pipe (with a slope of 2-3 cm per 1 m).

The pipe in the insulation is laid on the sand. Then it connects to the station using a pipe with a diameter of 11 cm.

We finish the installation with the outlet of the discharge system into a deep gutter.

The penultimate stage - we start the electric cable through a sealed entry on the wall of the cable and connect it to the control unit (we do it according to the scheme). Next, we connect the lamp, as well as the float, the alarm. Such a system is necessary to increase the reliability of the entire autonomous sewage system. Thus, you will always be aware of the work of the station around the clock.

If we consider the situation with forced discharge, then two electrical appliances are mounted inside the station - a compressor and a drainage pump, sometimes a heating cable is connected.

This must be remembered:

1. The compressor is fastened with a clamp to the air duct and the power cable is connected to the socket located inside the station.
2. A drainage pump is installed in the tank for treated wastewater and is connected to a socket with a cable. 3) the output line is connected to the pump, sometimes with a heating cable.

For the summer, the cable can be disconnected, for the sake of saving energy, we recommend not to exclude this possibility.

The end of the electrical cable, brought into the house, is fed to the shield (to a separate machine). It's a good idea to install a voltage stabilizer in your home. It will protect electrical appliances from power surges.

So we have reached the victorious end - the preliminary launch. We connect all the elements of our system, check the performance of all airlift pumps, phase changeover. We also check the operation of the drain pump and heating cable. In the event of a forced ejection, it must be uninterrupted.

Now is the time to start fully backfilling the station and all the trenches that can be easily disguised as a lawn with flowers. And overlay the station with a beautiful pattern of stones. Yes, and do not forget, for the good of the case, to be instructed in the maintenance of the station.


The main purpose of the sewerage system in the country is to collect, purify and further drain the wastewater generated when using water for household and hygienic purposes. Also, a suburban sewerage system for a summer residence is able to cope with the processing of feces. At any dacha where people sometimes live, it is necessary to equip a sewer system that will create normal living conditions.

An important component of civilized life is the availability of sewerage and running water. Residents of apartment buildings do not think about how the sewerage systems function, since all the drains go to a sewer served by city utilities.

Waste water is waste water from sinks, bathtubs, kitchen sinks, and faeces from the toilet. They are removed using an internal pipeline outside the house, and then into the street sewer network.

If there is no centralized drain, then you have to independently lay a sewage system to drain and treat wastewater.

In such cases, you can create:

  • an all-alloy structure (melt and rainwater flows into the treatment plant together with household wastewater);
  • a separate system (this creates separate drains for melt and rainwater).
The best solution is to create a separate system in which the drains are treated.

The simplest do-it-yourself sewage system is created from the following elements:

  • yard external network;
  • treatment facilities;
  • house internal network with plumbing fixtures.

Sewerage scheme in the country

Before proceeding with the creation of a sewage system, be sure to make a diagram of the location of its main elements. It also indicates the house and the plumbing equipment served. It is recommended to "tie" all plumbing to one collector, which will direct the drains to the same place. Read also: "".

In the event that sewage comes from different ends of the site, then sometimes it is necessary to create more points for the waste disposal. When laying pipes, it is necessary to find out the depth of freezing of the soil, as well as the level of groundwater. Read also: "".

Choosing a place for the sewer system near the country house

When choosing a place for a sewer pit, the soil and terrain features are examined, taking into account:
  • remoteness from buildings, fences and water supply elements;
  • the slope of the site;
  • the possibility of access to special equipment for cleaning the pit.
Since the buildings in the country house are intended for temporary use, it is not necessary to create volumetric sedimentation tanks. Thanks to this, there is no need to invest a lot of time and money in the country sewage system.
According to building and sanitary standards, the waste pit must be at least 5 meters away from residential buildings. It is better to equip the sump at the lowest point of the site in order to facilitate the flow of wastewater into it.
A correctly drawn up project allows you to avoid overspending of pipes and observe all the nuances (when creating a sewage system, it is necessary to take into account the location of the telephone cable, gas mains and other communications). It is important that the water supply and sewerage systems do not overlap.

Sewerage system construction

Currently, a biological treatment station for a summer residence is popular. In modern sites, septic tanks are often found, as they are more efficient than traditional cesspools. These devices are capable of treating wastewater and discharging it into the ground. Of course, sometimes it will be necessary to call a sewer truck, but this need will arise much less often than when creating a conventional pit.

In order to build an effective sewage system with a septic tank, you need to follow the instructions exactly.

In progress:

  1. A pit is dug about 3 meters deep, after the completion of the work, the bottom is compacted with a layer of clay.
  2. In the case of using concrete, wall formwork is performed. To do this, you will need: a wooden beam, OSB sheets, plastic pipe cuttings (read also: "").
  3. After the formwork, its sheets are fixed in the pit. For this purpose, a wooden beam is used - it is wedged into the formwork sheets in the pit. After the structure is securely fastened and wedged, the pipe cuttings are inserted into the pre-created holes. Pipes are driven into the ground by at least 50 mm so that they do not turn out under the influence of concrete, which can get into the pit.
  4. Metal rods are used to reinforce the walls - such a structure will be much stronger. A special hole is required to enter the pipes.
    It is advisable that the septic tank is no more than 15-20 meters from the foundation of the house, but no closer than 5 meters. To calculate the required capacity of the device, you need to multiply the daily rate of waste per person by the number of residents.
  5. The bottom of the septic tank is filled with concrete. As for the walls, the concrete or brick used in their construction is plastered. After pouring one part of the pit, the solution is allowed to dry for 2-3 days, then the formwork is rearranged on the other two walls, and concrete is poured again.
  6. Depending on the depth of the groundwater and the type of soil, filtering devices are selected. One of the most reliable options is a well made of reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1500 millimeters.
If a filter well will be equipped, then the sewage system for the country house is created as follows:
  1. A mine is being dug, its size should exceed the diameter of the rings by 80 centimeters.
  2. A concrete screed is carried out around the perimeter, and the center must always remain free so that wastewater can seep into the ground.
  3. With the help of a crane, 3 rings are placed in the pit.
  4. In the lowest of them, holes with a diameter of 5 centimeters are drilled using a perforator, the distance between them should be about 10 centimeters.
  5. The well is filled with filtering material to a height of about 1 meter. Soil, gravel, broken brick and other small materials are used as backfill.
  6. The same filling is done between the walls of the well outside and the rings. The inlet pipe is installed above the backfill level by 500 millimeters so that it enters the well through the side hole in the reinforced concrete ring.
  7. A hatch with two holes is equipped: for the cover and the exhaust riser (respectively 500 and 100 millimeters).

In addition to a septic tank on unstable soil, it is recommended to create a filter well.

Sewer pipe laying

When installing the sewerage system in the country, not only a septic tank is equipped, but pipes are also laid, and in compliance with all building codes. The system must have a sufficient slope so that the flow of effluent is spontaneous.
The further from the house the sewer is located, the deeper the entrance of the pipes should be. If this rule is not followed, then the drains will not drain on their own, respectively, you will have to use a pump to pump them out. This will lead to unnecessary costs and hassle.
Sewerage systems for summer cottages are created from cast iron or plastic pipes. Plastic products are necessarily sealed with a rubber gasket, and cast-iron products are sealed with a resinous cable and covered with cement mortar.

To lay the pipeline, a trench is dug with a depth of at least 1 meter, otherwise they will have to be insulated. Usually the depth at which pipes are laid depends on the average temperature in winter. For example, in regions with a warm climate, the depth of trenches can be 70 centimeters, and in areas with severe winters, it must be increased to 180 centimeters.

In unstable soil, the bottom of the dug trench is reinforced with a layer of sand about 15 centimeters thick. Then the moat is closed with soil and compacted.

It is better to lay pipes without turns, since it is in these areas that blockages are most often formed. If this is not possible, then a viewing well is set up in this place, which is sealed with concrete, and in some situations with hot bitumen.

Internal sewerage network

After the construction of the septic tank and the laying of pipes, the internal sewerage network is being set up. The house network ensures the collection of waste water and its delivery to the street sewerage system.

Self-creation of an internal system looks like this:

  1. Sinks, bathtubs, washbasins and other plumbing fixtures are connected to a riser with a diameter of 50 millimeters. The devices are connected using a pipe of the same diameter with a slope that does not exceed 25 millimeters per linear meter.
  2. At the release of any plumbing device, water locks are installed that prevent unpleasant odors from entering the house.
  3. The toilet requires a riser with a diameter of 100 millimeters, and pipes are laid at an angle not exceeding 12 millimeters. According to SNiP, a large slope should not be created, since in this case the sewer system will often become clogged.
  4. All risers are connected to a prefabricated sewer line that removes waste water from the house. Its diameter should be 100 millimeters.
  5. A small window measuring 300x300 millimeters is created in the basement wall or in the foundation of the house to lead the sewer network from the building to the street (read also: "").
  6. A pipe is placed in the hole made. Be sure to leave a gap of at least 150 millimeters. Failure to do so may damage the pipe if the building shrinks.
When creating an internal sewer network, plastic or cast iron pipes are used. Plastic products are connected with special fittings, and cast iron - by welding.

Sewerage at a summer cottage can be done independently, you just need to have some skills. There are several options for autonomous sewers, and each site owner can choose the type of system that meets his requirements and capabilities. The most modern type of sewage system is a structure with a septic tank, in which the drains are cleaned and then disposed of in the ground without harming the environment. For the sewer system to be effective, it is important to comply with all building codes and regulations.

A well-organized system of autonomous sewerage has become the key to comfortable living outside the city. Here, a septic tank replaced the centralized connection to utilities. The drawback of its design was the regular maintenance by the sewer workers. Today, most summer residents know how to make a septic tank without pumping out with their own hands. There is nothing complicated in its structure and principle of operation, it is enough to study the installation scheme, the nuances of placement and the main characteristics of the models.

Three-chamber septic tank scheme

Wastewater treatment plant design

The complexity of building a septic tank without pumping out depends on its performance, device and selected material. All models of the treatment plant work according to the same principle: the wastewater is mechanically separated into fractions, processed by anaerobic bacteria and sent for filtration and discharge.

High efficiency in wastewater treatment can be achieved using a compressor and aerator design. At the outlet of such a system, industrial water is obtained, suitable for household needs. The biological treatment station has a high performance, it does not need pumping out and is environmentally friendly. The main disadvantage of the device is the need to connect to the power supply, therefore, for the uninterrupted operation of the sewer system, it is better to choose a non-volatile option.

The septic tank provides accumulation and filtration of effluents. Their cleansing occurs under the action of microorganisms. In order for the bacteria to have time to properly disinfect the waste before seeping into the soil, it is not enough to install a single-chamber structure. The best option for an autonomous septic tank for a country house would be the construction of a two or three-chamber treatment plant.

Attention. It will not be possible to completely avoid pumping, but with the correct size of the septic tank, it is done every 10 years.

The principle of operation of the "eternal" septic tank

The best option, ensuring the long-term operation of the structure without maintenance, is the installation of three tanks. Two of them have a sealed structure, and a layer of gravel and crushed stone is poured on the bottom of the third. Each tank is equipped with a service hatch and a vent pipe for evacuating gases. The process of processing organic matter is slow, so an unpleasant odor does not spread from the septic tank.

The drain from the house is connected to the first chamber; all parts are connected to each other by overflows located in the upper part of the structure. The container into which the drains fall has the largest size, it occupies 50% of the total volume. In the receiving chamber, sedimentation takes place, in which heavy fractions sink to the bottom under the influence of gravity. A greasy film and fine suspensions remain in the partially clarified water, which, after reaching the overflow level, is sent to the next chamber.

Advice. Bottom sediments are treated with anaerobic bacteria, microorganisms can be added from the outside by letting them down the drain.

The decomposition of organic matter into sludge and gas continues in the second chamber. When the level rises, water enters the last chamber, which is a filter well. Thanks to the crushed stone layer, the remains of solid fractions are removed from the liquid.

The need to pump out the septic tank may arise when bottom sediments fill the first chamber, but due to its size and the vital activity of bacteria, this process lasts for years.

Productivity and location of the treatment plant

The first thing they face when choosing a sump model is its size. For self-calculation, a simple formula is used: the standard of 200 liters is multiplied by the number of residents and tripled. For a family of four you will need: 200x4x3 = 2400 liters or 2.4 cubic meters. m. According to this scheme, it is easy to find out the optimal volume of the septic tank. When calculating, it is worth adding 20% ​​for the reserve, because over time, bottom sediments will increase and take away useful area.

Attention. An incorrect calculation of productivity with an extra volume turns into the death of bacteria, with an insufficient size - flooding of the site.

When choosing a site for a treatment plant, take into account:

  • sanitary standards;
  • ground water level;
  • the depth of freezing in the region.

According to sanitary rules and documents, the safe distance from the septic tank to water bodies and buildings is:

  • residential building - 5m;
  • well - 20-50 m;
  • reservoir - 30 m;
  • water pipes - 10 m;
  • neighboring plot - 2m.

A septic tank without pumping and odor, when installed with your own hands, is buried to a depth below freezing. It should be separated from the aquifer at least 1 meter.

What materials is a reliable septic tank built of?

In the manufacture of a sewage treatment plant, they try to use improvised building materials on their own, but not all of them are able to ensure tightness and durability of operation. The most common design options are:

  • construction of plastic containers (euro cubes);
  • concrete rings with a bottom and a filter layer;
  • septic tank from car tires;
  • monolithic concrete structure.

To understand the strengths and weaknesses of the listed materials, we will consider each structure in detail.

Construction from eurocubes

For a septic tank device, you will need two or three containers. One of them is cut out the bottom to create a filtration layer. Plastic tanks must be placed in a metal frame welded from a profile, this will protect the structure from the effects of soil. Before installation, the inlet and outlet pipes are inserted into the tanks and the holes for the ventilation pipe are cut out. All joints are treated with silicone.

The pit for the tanks is dug with a slope, the second container should be located 20 cm lower than the first. To fix lightweight Euro cubes, a concrete slab is poured at the bottom of the pit, to which the tanks are attached. This will prevent the septic tank from rising by groundwater.

Septic tank from eurocubes with ventilation pipes


  • tightness of containers;
  • easy installation;
  • durability.


  • the need to secure.

Construction of tires

Car tires are sometimes used when they are installed without electricity. The design is designed for a small volume of drains. Two holes are dug under the tires, according to the estimated performance. The tires are connected with clamps, and the joints are treated with a sealant. The bottom of the first chamber is lined with polyethylene or roofing felt, with better installation - concreted. For a large family, tires of an increased diameter are used.

Tire connection for sewage treatment plant


  • material availability;
  • simple installation.


  • freezing in winter;
  • rapid loss of shape and tightness;
  • short service life.

Reinforced concrete rings

You can quickly assemble a septic tank without pumping out and electricity from factory concrete rings. They are offered as a complete set, with bottom and overlap. The robust construction, bonded at the joints with cement mortar and treated with waterproofing, ensures high tightness and safety against flooding. Tanks from rings are obtained of the same size, they are connected with plastic pipes with a diameter of 110 mm.

Under such a septic tank, laborious earthwork will be required, including the digging of two or three pits and a trench for a sewer pipe. The depth of the wells made of rings is 3-4 meters. Tees are installed at the ends of the inlet and outlet pipes to avoid clogging. For access to the elements and cleaning, use hatches or ventilation holes made directly above the tee. All chambers are covered with slabs with hatches and sealed. When filling the wells, a clay castle is made.

Advice. For the equipment of a drainage well, you can buy a special ring with perforation over the entire surface.


  • strength and durability;
  • the material is not afraid of soil pressure;
  • the structure does not freeze in winter.


  • labor intensity of installation;
  • the need for thorough waterproofing;
  • use of a crane.

Monolithic concrete treatment plant

One of the most successful designs of a non-volatile septic tank for a summer residence without pumping is made of concrete. For a non-permanent residence, you can make a structure in two sections, and for a country house it is better to increase its size to three. This option is not inferior in strength to a septic tank made of concrete rings, but it is carried out independently, without the involvement of special equipment.

When digging a pit, it should be taken into account that the internal size of the sections will be smaller due to the thickness of the walls. It will take more time to build such a structure than other options. The pouring of concrete walls occurs in stages, with interruptions for solidification. The septic tank is a rectangular sealed tank, divided into sections. The walls and bottom of the chambers must be reinforced before the concrete is poured. Edged boards are used as formwork and spacers. Overflow plastic pipes are inserted into the partitions at an angle, the drain from the house is supplied to the first chamber. Here the effluent will be separated and fed to the second section, where decomposition by microorganisms will continue. The last section is performed without a bottom, sand is poured instead of it, and then a layer of rubble. Through a natural filter, the effluent will go into the soil.

Two-chamber septic tank made of monolithic concrete

Advice. In the manufacture of concrete, Portland cement of the M400 brand is used.

After the construction of the septic tank, the floor slab is poured. A hatch and space for a ventilation pipe are left in it.


  • tightness and reliability;
  • durability;
  • high performance;
  • autonomy.


  • laborious and time consuming construction process.

Bath septic tank

The bathhouse is one of the attributes of suburban life, its use presupposes household wastewater that needs to be disposed of. Depending on the device or the absence of a toilet in the room, a sump with one or two chambers can be made.

Single chamber construction

A tank without a bottom can be built to clean up "gray waste" consisting of soapy water and small amounts of organic matter. In it, water is purified by passing through a filtration layer of crushed stone and gravel. The depth of the well must be at least 1 meter. The material for its construction is:

  • plastic container with holes;
  • a barrel without a bottom;
  • concrete rings;
  • brick.

Two-chamber cleaning

If fecal matter is present in the effluent, more thorough cleaning is necessary. In this case, a septic tank for a bath without pumping out requires the equipment of two chambers. In the first, settling of effluents and separation into fractions will take place. The clarified water will overflow into the drainage well, which is the second chamber, and seep into the soil.

A septic tank without pumping, made by hand, is not inferior in efficiency to factory models, but will cost much less.

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Environmental pollution is in the first place today, the solution of this issue concerns absolutely all spheres of human life. One major step towards solving the sanitary and hygienic problem has already been taken - numerous sewage treatment plants for private use have been developed. Since it is the private use of water resources that causes most of the trouble, special standards have been adopted, thanks to which the risk of contamination is significantly reduced.

The standards for various treatment facilities are in the SNiP collections, on the basis of which the design part of the sewerage systems is drawn up, based on the characteristics of the territory where construction work will be carried out.

Types used and their characteristics

The tanks used have a lot of distinctive features that can be indispensable in certain natural conditions, but they can be too demanding to maintain, or the initial cost will only increase over time. Consider the existing types of containers used today:

  • cesspools and storage tanks, a very old type of tank, is gradually losing its popularity due to the increase in cost, each call of the sewer increases the initial cost of the product;
  • septic tanks are a relatively new type of treatment structure that allows you to dispose of clean water into the ground, subject to reaching a certain percentage described in state standards;
  • biological treatment plants - a new engineering structure, a fully automated process, the degree of treatment reaches stunning results.

Three main types can be purchased from the manufacturer or made independently. Individual production requires serious preparation, collection of information, a detailed elaborated project.

The plant biological treatment stations are designed at the level of local urban wastewater treatment systems, they have certain sensors and a special panel, using which you can receive and send signals.

The effluents entering the station are cleaned by several types of procedures, we are talking about both mechanical and biological cleaning. The degree of purity reaches 97-100%, which makes it possible to reuse the resource for technical purposes.

Progress goes forward without looking back, gradually improving the existing developments, factory models of stations can disinfect water with ultrasound, other devices, the price accordingly becomes higher. There are many different options, but the main cleaning is done by microorganisms, due to which this level of cleanliness is achieved.

Stations are divided into two types:

  • simple stations;
  • deep wastewater treatment stations.

Products consist of the following parts:

  • several cleaning chambers, often the number three, maybe more, each chamber has its own purpose;
  • filters for final cleaning;
  • special ventilation devices, air ducts or compressor;
  • emergency sensors and other types of special equipment.

Biological cleaning

The biological cleaning station gets its name from the bacteria used as a recycling substance, organic waste is completely decomposed into harmless sludge, which can then be used to create compost.

Stations are divided into types precisely based on the selected bacteria, which in turn can be:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic representatives.

Each species has features, for example, anaerobic microbes can live only in an environment where oxygen is present, for this the station needs devices that exchange gases inside the section where microorganisms are located. Anaerobic bacteria are used in sealed sections and do well without oxygen.

Different sections can have different equipment, which will allow the use of both types of biological mixtures to obtain the best result.

Organization of the site for the installation of the station

You need to choose a place in accordance with the regulated norms. The station is located in a place that meets the following standards:

  • after analyzing the terrain and relief, inclusive, a place is selected in the lowland of the site, which helps to facilitate land work to comply with the angle of inclination, thus ensuring the gravity of sewage through the pipeline;
  • the treatment plant is at least 30 meters away from drinking water sources;
  • from the main building on the site, the distance is 15-20 meters;
  • minor buildings are located within 10-15 meters;
  • natural bodies of water must be removed at least 35 meters.

Having picked up the right place, they proceed to the design of a self-assembly structure.

The first thing to do is to calculate the volume of the future station. The daily consumption rate for one person is 200 liters of water, you can resort to savings and consume 150 liters per person. We multiply the number of liters by the number of people permanently living in the house. The resulting figure is increased by the amount of water consumed by household appliances. The average number of days on which the cleaning takes place is 3 days, we multiply by the obtained figure of the consumed water resource.

The formula looks like this:

V = 200 l * 3 people + 300 l (household appliances) * 3 days / 1000

We get 2.7 m³, this volume is quite enough for a family of 3 people, but as experts advise, you need to make some reserve in case of receiving guests, the growth of the family.

The resulting figure is divided by the number of sections, the first section or receiver has the largest volume, the remaining capacities can be equal to each other.

Choosing the material for the sections

Self-production of a biological cleaning station, as a rule, from the following materials:

  • concrete rings;
  • polymer tanks;
  • stainless steel tanks.

The cheapest option is polymer products, they are resistant to aggressive media, light weight, no special transport is required, no need for additional waterproofing, and a long service life.

The other two options are more expensive, concrete rings need to be treated with waterproofing agents, heavy products need special devices for moving in space, lifting mechanisms during installation.

Each material has advantages and disadvantages, you need to choose the most suitable for the natural conditions of the site.

The design takes into account all possible options, including the placement of additional equipment (air compressor, other). Dependence on electricity may be inappropriate in areas with frequent interruptions, an additional source must be provided, or a mechanical method of air exchange must be used.

Installation of external communications

Work begins with marking the territory, digging a foundation pit, trenches. It is very important to observe the slope of the trenches, the angle of inclination depends on the diameter of the pipe. The pit is prepared in this way:

  • burial depth below the soil freezing line;
  • the bottom is made stepped, each next tank is lowered 20 cm lower than the previous one, providing overflow between the station compartments;
  • the bottom is cemented, if necessary, clamps are made for the container;
  • the walls line up.

After the bottom has dried, concrete rings are lowered onto the cement base, fixing with cement mortar, other containers used to create a biological station.

While the concrete hardens, a preliminary layout of the pipes is made. An embankment is made in trenches of sand and gravel, on which construction insulating fabric is laid. Pipes are laid, the joint is processed with hermetically sealed plumbing mastic.

Concrete rings are treated with a bituminous waterproofing solution outside and inside, three layers are applied, each next only after the previous one has completely dried.

The pipeline is brought to the receiving tank, connected, sealed.

The second tank is equipped with an air duct, for this a pipe is cut in, which rises at the level of the ground cover by 70 cm, an umbrella is installed from above as protection against atmospheric moisture entering the system.

Connecting pipes are installed between the sections, the gaps between the tank wall and the pipe are sealed. The last tank also has a pipe to dispose of the liquid. It is directed at an angle into the post-treatment well, another device with a special embankment in layers (sand, sand and gravel, clean gravel).

A test run is carried out with clean water, in the absence of a leak, warm water is poured into the tanks by a quarter, after which biological agents are poured for processing, the containers are covered with lids. Reverse winding of pipes and backfill is carried out.

The biological wastewater treatment plant is ready for use.