Theater etiquette. Rules of conduct in the theater To be at a performance in the theater

Any event in public life requires compliance with certain rules, which are called etiquette. Naturally, there are also rules of behavior in the theater. When a person goes there, he wants to get aesthetic pleasure, to enjoy the art of the actors.

But at the same time, it is very important not to spoil the enjoyment of the performance for others with your incorrect behavior. We will talk about theater etiquette for adults, as well as the rules of behavior in the theater for schoolchildren in our review.

What should the appearance be like?

You need to prepare in advance for going to the theater in order to choose the right clothes that should match the situation. It’s not for nothing that the theater is called a temple of art. In modern reality, this is not so difficult to do, since women no longer need to wear an evening dress, and men no longer need a tuxedo. But nevertheless, you still need to look more elegant than usual.

For men, a suit of calm tones, a light shirt, and a nice tie are suitable. And for women - an elegant, but not flashy dress, complemented by accessories, but again not too bulky. Here it is better to dress more modestly than to overdo it. In a word, as always, it is advisable to stick to the golden mean.

It is also necessary to observe moderation when using perfume. This applies to both women and men. Excessive passion for perfume is considered bad manners. Moreover, in a large gathering of overly “fragrant” people, where a lot of different aromas are mixed, someone may feel dizzy or even have an allergic reaction.

How to behave before the performance?

According to the rules of behavior in the theater, a man presents tickets to the inspector at the entrance (even if he was invited to the performance by a woman). He also opens the front door for the lady. You need to show up at the theater in advance. This is a festive event, so rush is extremely inappropriate here.

After all, before the performance, some actions are always performed, for example, you may need:

  • hand over outerwear to the cloakroom;
  • buy a program;
  • rent binoculars;
  • walk around the foyer, getting acquainted with information about the theater or performance;
  • greet your friends.

If you show up at the theater about half an hour before the show starts, this will be the best option.

What do you need to consider in your wardrobe?

Following the rules of behavior in the theater, a man must constantly take care of his companion, including in the wardrobe. He is obliged to help her take off her outerwear, and only then undress himself. After that, he takes his things to the locker room and takes the number, leaving it with him. At the same time, you should not wear it on your finger; you should hide it in your pocket immediately.

After the clothes are returned, the person usually looks at himself in the mirror, assessing his appearance. And if he noticed some undesirable touches in it, it would be wrong to correct them right in the foyer. To do this you need to go to the toilet room.

How to get to your place in the hall?

A man enters the auditorium first. He shows the lady the way to the place (if this is not done by a theater employee). You should move along the row facing the people sitting, if necessary, apologize in a quiet voice without attracting undue attention, and move on.

In the event that the passage between the rows is very narrow, the one who is sitting must stand up to let the passerby pass. The man goes first, who, having reached the place, must stop and wait until his lady sits down, and then sit down himself. You must be seated before the third bell rings. If the seats are located in the middle of the row, then it is better to proceed to them in advance, so as not to disturb those sitting on the sides once again.

If the seats are on the sides, then, on the contrary, you should not rush, so that you don’t have to always let spectators into the middle of the row. If it suddenly turns out that someone has taken your seats, you need to show your tickets to the people sitting in them. And then very politely express a request for their release. In the event that “double” tickets are purchased, you need to contact the theater employees, whose responsibilities include resolving this problem.

When might you not be allowed into the hall?

Being late to the theater is a sign of indecency. After the lights in the hall have gone out, you can only enter the box. In all other cases, employees have every right to block your access to the place before intermission. If they show loyalty and you are allowed to enter the hall, you need to do it as quietly as possible and sit in the first available seat. It is unacceptable to sneak into the seats indicated on the ticket if they are in the middle of the row. This can only be done during intermission.

How to behave correctly on the spot?

After the seats in the hall are safely occupied, you should not think that you can completely relax and not follow the rules of theater etiquette. Here is a reminder of the rules of conduct in the theater during the performance:

  1. There is no need to place your hands on both armrests, as this may disturb your neighbors. Even if the room is stuffy, it is not recommended to fan yourself with the program. There is no need to look at the people in the hall through binoculars. And also, while watching, you should not eat or rustle with chocolate foil.
  2. It is not recommended to sit very close, with your heads bowed to each other, so as not to interfere with the view of the stage for those sitting behind.
  3. You should not sit cross-legged, spread your legs wide, lean on the back of the chair in front, rest your feet on it, or fall asleep leaning on the back of your chair (even if you are bored).
  4. You must maintain complete silence, remembering to turn off your phone in advance, and not discussing the acting or behavior of others. If the latter behave immodestly, you need to very quietly reprimand them, and if this does not help, contact the theater representatives for help.
  5. It is considered bad form to express excessive pleasure from a performance. Applause should not be too loud or prolonged during the viewing, but is usually reserved for the end of the performance. The same goes for presenting flowers to the actors. And even more unacceptable are the stomping of feet, shouting and whistling. In the theater it is not customary to shout “encore”, since here, unlike a concert, repetition of any scene is impossible.

These basic 5 rules of behavior in the theater while watching a performance will help you show your culture and, as they say, not lose face in the dirt.

How to leave?

Concluding the review of the rules of behavior in the theater for adults, it would be advisable to talk about how to properly leave it. If a person leaves the hall during the action, he thereby demonstrates poor upbringing. Even if you don’t like the performance at all, you need to wait until intermission to leave.

But even when the performance is already over, you should not rush headlong to the wardrobe to get clothes. After all, artists often take bows more than once, so you need to wait until the curtain is lowered and slowly head towards the exit. If there are good reasons why a viewer needs to leave the theater early, then there is also an unwritten rule about this. To do this, they watch the last act from the balcony, after which they quietly leave without disturbing anyone.

Now let's move on to the rules of behavior in the theater for children.

What should you teach your child?

Based on theater etiquette for adults, we can also recommend rules of conduct in the theater for children in grade 2. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. You can't be late for the theater.
  2. The mobile phone must be turned off - neither talking on it nor playing games is allowed.
  3. You need to go to your seat facing the people sitting.
  4. You should sit quietly in place, do not fidget, do not disturb others by spreading your arms or legs too far.
  5. During the concert you cannot: play, chew, make noise, chat with neighbors.
  6. You can clap hard and give flowers only at the end of the performance.
  7. It is forbidden to run to the cloakroom early at the end of the performance or to the buffet before intermission.

Theater etiquette

In those days when there was no cinema, no television, no Internet, theater was the main entertainment. Every trip to the theater became a holiday, so the ladies wore evening dresses, and the men wore tailcoats.

There were special rules of conduct in the theater, and many of them still exist today. After all, the theater is a cultural institution, so when visiting it, special attention is paid to etiquette.

General rules:

  • It is customary to arrive at the theater early. You need to have time to undress, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, clean up and take your seats.
  • You need to come in smart clothes. Of course, if you come in jeans, they will let you in, but the impression of you will be a little spoiled.
  • You must enter the hall before the third bell. If you are late, you will have to watch the first act from the balcony or standing.
  • To get to your seat, turn your face to those seated and your back to the stage.
  • If your place is taken, don’t get into arguments, contact the theater attendant, he will help you sort everything out.
  • You cannot bring food into the hall. If you want to have a snack, there is a buffet in the theater for this.
  • The main rule during the performance is maintaining silence. Mobile phones must be turned off. You cannot discuss the acting; it is better to do this during the intermission. If you have a cold, it is better to postpone attending the performance, otherwise your coughing and sneezing will disturb the artists and the audience.
  • How should you sit? It is customary to sit straight; there is no need to change your position every five minutes, otherwise those sitting behind you will also be forced to change their position in order to see what is happening on stage.
  • There is no need to occupy both armrests of the chair - your neighbor also has the right to lean on his elbow. They do not lean on the back of the front seat and do not rest their feet on it.
  • When the curtain falls, it is not recommended to immediately run to the wardrobe to pick up your clothes. The artists come out to bow, and often more than once. As a sign of gratitude to the artists who worked for you, you should thank them with applause.

Preschooler in the theater - how to behave as a child:

  • Tell your child in advance about the theater and what it is.
  • Dress your child festively. The association “theater – holiday” should be firmly rooted in his memory. There is another meaning in this - when we are beautifully and festively dressed, we behave more gallantly and restrainedly.
  • Take your child to the toilet before the performance starts.
  • Never give him a phone or tablet during the performance.
  • Make sure you have water, tissues or wet wipes on hand.
  • If the child is small, he cannot always sit without a snack. If you take food with you, don't let it be crunchy cookies. To avoid rustling the wrapper or paper, first place the cookies in a small bag.

Behavior in the theater for a school-age child:

  • Hand over outerwear to the cloakroom on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not push in line, do not try to “get ahead”. Pass the clothes over the side forward. Thank the cloakroom attendant.
  • Visit the toilet before the performance starts.
  • Take your seat indicated on your ticket.
  • Do not run around the auditorium before the performance begins.
  • Do not get up from your occupied place unless necessary.
  • Move along the auditorium facing the seats.
  • Do not make noise or talk to a friend or adults.
  • Turn off your phone and do not take it out until the end of the performance.
  • Do not eat during the performance.
  • During intermission, try to do everything you need to do: make a phone call, go to the toilet, have a snack and drink water.
  • Do not leave the auditorium while the actors are on stage.

Going to the theater with the whole class - a reminder for students:

  • Prepare for going to the theater in advance. Dress clean and tidy. Don't take anything with you that might distract you.
  • On the way to the theater, always stay close to your friends so that the teacher does not have to look for you.
  • Behave well in your wardrobe. Don't jostle in line, don't step on your friends' feet, don't try to get ahead.
  • When handing your clothes to the cloakroom attendant, throw them over the side, after checking that there is nothing left in your pocket that you might need.
  • Help those who are shorter than you.
  • Make sure to do everything you need before the show starts. Getting up and leaving during a performance is bad manners.
  • Enter the auditorium no later than the third bell.
  • Take the seat indicated on your ticket. If a class has a reserved row, wait until the girls take their seats.
  • As you walk along the auditorium, turn to face the people sitting.
  • Pick up your feet if someone walks down the row.
  • At the end of the performance, don’t run headlong into the wardrobe. Everyone will have time to get their things and leave.
  • Use cell phones during the performance, answer calls.
  • Eat and drink during the performance. You're not in a movie theater. There are actors in front of you, and they are playing for you. Respect their work.
  • Littering in the auditorium.
  • Make noise and talk with friends.
  • Leave your seat while the actors are still on stage.


Korchagina L.E. How to behave in the theater.

Petraudze S. Children about art. Theater. M.: Art-XXI century, 2014. ( Buy in "Labyrinth")

Rules of etiquette when visiting the theater.

Theater etiquette rules for children and their parents.

Advice for parents on the rules for visiting the theater with their child.


1. Role-playing game "We are in the theater."

Imagine that you come to the theater. Draw the entire sequence of actions according to the rules of theater etiquette: how you go to the wardrobe, take off your clothes, take a number, go into the auditorium, find your place, watch the performance without disturbing anyone, and then slowly leave. Don’t forget that in the cloakroom the boy helps the girl take off her coat and puts the number in her pocket, and in the auditorium don’t forget to wait for the artists to go on stage and thank them from the bottom of your heart with applause.

2. Game "Allowed or prohibited"?

Laugh loudly and talk?

Looking at spectators through binoculars?

Walk to your seat facing those sitting?

Sit in a headdress?

Rustling candy wrappers?

Looking closely at the stage?

To sing songs?

Worry about the heroes in silence?

Stand up to your full height during a performance?

Stand up on seats with your feet?

Clap your hands (applaud)?

Should I leave before the end of the performance?

Running, jostling, running to the wardrobe?

Dear friends!

In order to learn to read, you first need to master the letters. To easily calculate expenses and, what is especially nice, income, you should get acquainted with the numbers. From the small the big is formed, from the parts the whole is formed. How to get closer to the theater?

We also have our own language, but you can’t master it in linguistic courses. There is its own coordinate system, but you can’t find its designations in textbooks. And there is no need to delve into scientific research. People go to the theater because of their soul: to get answers to pressing questions, to find out what contemporary art is about, or simply to escape from problems and relax.

This is a bright temple of creativity, whose priests do not pass verdicts, abandoning pathos and didactics. They do not condemn anyone, but rather expose the characters and situations to the viewer’s judgment. They do not wait for confessions; on the contrary, they open their own hearts to the public. To accept and love the theater, first of all, you need to learn to empathize, appreciate and love this world, people, you need a willingness to see, hear, understand those around you. There are fewer conventions and secrets here than it seems.

The Oryol Drama Theater has long become a friendly Turgenev house, where new friends are always welcome. We welcome our guests with great joy and constant respect. Over the years of operation, the theater has managed to tune in to the same wavelength as the public. To be even closer to each other, we suggest getting acquainted with theatrical dictionary and etiquette. We hope that our “language” will be understandable and that there will be no problems learning it.


Just a few decades ago, going to the theater was a special ritual. The young ladies spent weeks racking their brains over what dress to wear, what fan to choose, jewelry, and who to give their “random” and exciting look (although that’s a completely different story)...

Today, theater etiquette has been greatly simplified. His main rule is good manners, politeness, respect for actors and spectators.

At the same time, the theater still symbolizes special sophistication and is invariably associated with a long-awaited and bright holiday.

In order to fully enjoy watching performances, take a few simple and useful tips that will help you feel more confident and better understand the harmony of art.

Accuracy - the politeness of kings

Try don't be late for the theater. Remember that after the third bell, entry into the hall is prohibited. Therefore, if possible, leave the house early to take your seat without disturbing the audience already seated. In this case, you will also be able to undress in the wardrobe without fuss, fix your hair, update your makeup, have time to familiarize yourself with the program, photographs of the troupe actors posted in the foyer, and visit the Museum of the History of the Oryol Stage. If you are still late for the start of the performance, politely explain the reason to the controller and ask the attendant to take you to an empty seat, having previously presented your ticket.

Don't call me, don't call me

Turn off cell phones and other means of communication during performances. Don't use the player. Take my word for it: the theater has very good acoustics, and the light from mobile phones disturbs other spectators and even actors. Why be a “beacon” of general discontent? You can call your friends and colleagues back during the intermission.


Photo and video shooting in the theater is prohibited. An exception is made for media employees invited by the administration to cover important theatrical events.

Silence is gold

During the performance, you should not shout, whistle, publicly express dissatisfaction or violent delight, or comment on the performance, even if it did not live up to your hopes or, on the contrary, struck you in the heart. It is not advisable to move around the hall or even leave it during the performance.. Need to keep quiet and respect other spectators.

No food served

Try Do not take seeds, crackers, chips, as well as candies and other delicacies in rustling wrappers with you to the gym.In addition, it is not customary to chew chewing gum in the theater.. To quench your thirst during the performance, it is preferable to drink juice or other non-carbonated drinks. You can have a snack during intermission. There is a buffet on the second floor of the theater building.

How often this doesn't match...

The theater administration reserves the right to replace the announced performance with another. If you have already seen this production, you can easily return your tickets to the box office before the start of the performance.

Code for the dress code

Today at the theater there is no special dress code. You can wear an evening dress, a business suit in sober colors, or your favorite jeans. But remember: going to the theater is still a holiday. If you choose more elegant clothes, perhaps this will lift your mood even more and give you self-confidence. You should not take a jacket or coat or hats with you to the auditorium.. If you're afraid of getting cold, you can include a jacket or cape in your evening outfit.


Pets are not allowed into the theater.

About pleasant things

After the performance you can present flowers, chocolates and other small gifts to actors as a sign of appreciation and respect for their talent. But the main reward for the artists is your grateful smiles, applause and good mood.

If you are going to the theater, then, first of all, think about clothes. Clothes intended for going to the theater should be different from everyday clothes, and, in addition, it is advisable to coordinate the clothing with friends in advance in order to harmoniously complement each other.

You need to arrive to the theater early to have time to undress, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, look at yourself in the mirror, or, if you need to fix something, tidy yourself up in the toilet room.

The lady enters the theater first, and the gentleman opens the door for her. The gentleman holds the tickets in his hand in order to present them to the inspector, and lets the lady into the foyer in front of him.

In the wardrobe, the gentleman helps his companion take off her coat, and only then undresses himself. Having handed over the outerwear to the wardrobe, he keeps the numbers for himself. It is tactless to look at yourself in mirrors while walking through the theater foyer during intermission, and also to attend to your toilet in the auditorium.

Offering sweets and soft drinks to the lady is the responsibility of the gentleman. However, they eat and drink in the buffet, not in the lobby. Also, before the performance, the gentleman must buy the lady a program. At the same time, there is no need to clarify whether she needs it or not. Everyone should have their own program and binoculars, so as not to disturb their neighbor by borrowing it all from him.

In the stalls, amphitheater, and mezzanine, you must take your seats no later than the third bell. If your seats are in the middle of the row, then you need to sit in advance so as not to disturb the spectators already sitting on the edge. If your seats are located on the edge, then you can linger a little so that later you don’t have to get up many times, letting those sitting in the middle pass.

In the theater, it is not customary to sit in someone else’s seat, because, firstly, you cause anxiety to those people who will be forced to sort things out with you, and secondly, you yourself will be embarrassed when, in front of the entire audience, they “drive you away” "

If you yourself find that your seats are occupied, present your tickets and politely ask to vacate your seats. If an error occurs and two tickets were issued for one seat, then they contact the usher or other theater employee, who is obliged to solve this problem.

It is not customary to enter the auditorium until the end of the first act. If you do enter, you can only sit in the outer seats if they are free. You can simply stand at the entrance until the end of the act, as long as you do not disturb anyone. Sneaking into your seats in the middle of the action is unacceptable.

During the action, you must not disturb others or talk loudly. You cannot express your comments out loud during the action, without addressing anyone in particular. Laughter and applause are appropriate as a reaction to funny remarks or situations in comedy performances.

Do not look at other spectators through binoculars. Do not place things (bags, programs, binoculars) on the balcony barrier; they may fall on the spectators sitting in the stalls. Don't use programs instead of a fan. During the performance, it is indecent to click the lock of a bag, unwrap a candy wrapper, etc.

During a performance, it is indecent to constantly ask a neighbor for the names of the actors on stage, or to ask for a program. Bells during a performance distract not only the audience, but also the actors from the performance. Turn off your cell phone!

Postpone your exchange of impressions about the performance of the concert numbers until intermission or applause, during which you can exchange opinions with your interlocutors in a few words. Even if the performance is unsuccessful, loud negative judgments on this matter are in bad taste.

It is unacceptable to leave the auditorium during the performance. You can leave during intermission. It is also customary to express your opinion about someone’s toilet, about an outstanding person present in the theater, about artists during the intermission in a subdued tone.

Actors' reward: audience applause, so if you like it, don’t hide your emotions. Applause is an expression of gratitude from the audience for the pleasure they have provided. Whistling, screaming, and stamping feet are unacceptable in the theater.

It is customary to applaud:

  • after the curtain rises;
  • before the start of an opera or ballet;
  • when the conductor appears at the podium;
  • when a famous actor or singer appears on stage;
  • after some famous lines, big monologues in classical plays;
  • after difficult arias or brilliant performances of difficult ones;
  • places in opera or ballet;
  • after the end of each act, the entire play, each concert number.

If the performance left you indifferent, simply thank the artists for their work with applause. If you liked the performance, your delight can be expressed by long applause and calling the artists to the stage. If you especially liked the performance, you can ask the artist to perform an encore of this or that piece. This is done with the help of prolonged applause, shouts of “Bravo!”, “Encore!”.

"Bis!" they shout only after those performances where they can repeat an aria or dance. In a dramatic theater, it is hardly appropriate to ask an actor to play the excerpt from the play you like.

One way to express admiration for an actor’s skill is to present flowers at the end of the performance. As a rule, such a bouquet includes a card with congratulations or a business card from the giver. The bouquet is given to the theater worker, who, according to wishes, either presents the bouquet on stage or places it in the artist’s dressing room. Sending anonymous bouquets is always considered indecent.

You should not rush to the wardrobe until the action is over and the actors have come out to bow. Be sure to thank the actors for their art and wait until the curtain closes. Only after this can you safely go to the wardrobe. In order not to waste time standing in line, you can wait out the crowd in the lobby, discussing what you saw. If, due to some circumstances, you need to leave the theater early, then they watch the last act on the balcony, then, without disturbing anyone, they leave.

After the performance, the gentleman is obliged to accompany the lady home.

The theater scenes amaze with their entertainment and beauty. Live acting evokes a storm of emotions, immersing you in the atmosphere of a masterfully created performance. One of the most common ways to become familiar with culture is to visit theaters, where there is a specific etiquette of behavior.

How to behave correctly?

The significance of a theatrical performance is comparable to a ceremonial or official reception, and therefore requires compliance with certain standards of ethical communication and behavior. All times have had their own behavioral norms. Now the requirements for them have become a little simpler. However, this does not mean that they can be ignored.

When visiting a theater establishment, it is recommended to behave with restraint. Don’t talk loudly, create crowding, or clean yourself up in public. This is why there are ladies' rooms. If you have any questions, please contact the theater staff. This must be done with special politeness and respect.

In order not to be a “black sheep” and to get maximum pleasure from watching a performance, it is necessary to comply with the unspoken canons accepted by society. They will help maintain the atmosphere of celebration and a kind of sacrament of action.

Theater ethics pays attention to appearance, the rules of being in the theater building, in the auditorium, and at the end of the performance. A special role is given to the norms of behavior of children, for which their parents are responsible.

Appearance requirements

The first impression is created by appearance. The style, color scheme, manner of wearing clothes, and hairstyle are important.

  • Appearance should be neat. You don't have to wear fancy dresses or tuxedos. A modest, neat look is quite appropriate. Jewelry is allowed.
  • For men, it is better to come in a classic suit with a shirt in discreet colors. Sportswear is not recommended.
  • You should pay attention to shoes, not only their model, but also their cleanliness. Sneakers are, of course, more comfortable, but for a theatrical event it is better to choose a classic style.
  • Hair should be neatly styled. They can fall off the shoulders or be gathered into a bun. When using hairpins, it is better to give preference to elegant, discreet colors and designs.
  • Men should also be neatly combed and shaved. One of the fashion trends is wearing a beard. In this case, she should look well-groomed.
  • You can use perfume.

However, it is important not to overdo it with perfume or eau de toilette. Otherwise, it may create a feeling of discomfort for people sitting next to you. In addition, you should take into account the presence of a possible allergy to odors.

Selecting a location

Among the main canons the following are distinguished.

  1. You can't be late for the theater. You need to arrive 15-20 minutes before the last bell rings. Otherwise, you may not be allowed to attend the performance. If you are late, you must not sneak through the aisles between the seats. It is recommended to sit quietly in the nearest free seat. You will be able to take your seats during the break.
  2. Please be seated before the third bell rings.. You cannot occupy someone else's seats that you like. If the seat indicated on the ticket is occupied, you should politely ask the people sitting to vacate it.
  3. You need to go to your seats carefully, trying not to offend other spectators. The face should be facing towards the seated person. If the passage is very narrow, seated spectators need to stand up and allow others to pass.
  4. Once you have taken your seat, it is not recommended to occupy both armrests, move close, blocking the stage. All this can create a feeling of nervousness and discomfort in others.

Failure to follow the rules of etiquette can cause a response in the form of indignation. To prevent comments from spoiling the rest of the evening, you need to be attentive to others.

At a play or performance

To the basic rules of behavior, whether at an ordinary performance, operatic or musical, The following may be included.

  • Complete silence should be observed. You cannot shout something from your seat, discuss actors, rustle bags, sneeze, or cough loudly. Mobile phones must be turned off or muted. This distracts not only those around him, but also the actors themselves.
  • Sleeping is not permitted during the performance.
  • It is not recommended to eat. You should eat during a break in special places, for example, in a cafe or bar.
  • It is indecent to leave the hall during a theatrical performance, even if you are bored with it.

  • If binoculars are provided to watch the performance, it is not recommended to look at other spectators through them.
  • Don't express your emotions violently. Applause is important at the appropriate time. It's better if they are discreet.
  • Flowers should be given at the end of the entire activity. You don't need to go straight to the stage to do this. Bouquets are handed over in the aisle between the stage and the first row or through theater staff.
  • At the end of the performance, the actors come out to the audience several times, bowing. Therefore, immediately after completing the action, there is no need to quickly run to pick up your clothes.

Etiquette for the opposite sexes

A theatrical establishment is a place where maintaining etiquette between a man and a woman.

  • When entering a building, a man must precede a woman. He opens the door to his companion.
  • In the wardrobe, a man helps a woman undress, only then takes off his coat or jacket. The numbers also remain in the companion’s pocket. He hands them over to the wardrobe attendant at the end of the theatrical performance. When leaving the theater, on the contrary, the man gets dressed first, and then he helps his girlfriend get dressed.
  • At the entrance to the hall where the performance will take place, a man gives tickets to the controller. They must be kept by him.
  • The man goes first to the places indicated on the tickets, showing the way to his companion.
  • Having found the right seats, the man must wait for the woman to sit down and then sit down himself.
  • If a woman remains in the hall during a break, then the man is recommended to stay next to her. If he still needs to leave, he can do so after apologizing in advance.

Compliance with ethical standards allows you to make a positive impression on your companion, inspire sympathy and trust.

Memo for children

Children are the most demanding viewers. They subtly sense the atmosphere of insincerity. Each age is characterized by its own perception of the surrounding world and behavioral characteristics. But despite this, children from an early age need to instill rules of etiquette that will help them become successful in life.

Before visiting a theater institution for the first time, it is important for a child to briefly, in general terms, explain what this place is, why they come there, and what the rules of conduct are.

  • During a theatrical performance, you need to sit straight in your seat, trying not to touch your neighbors.
  • It is forbidden to run or jump. And during the performance you are not even allowed to walk.
  • Complete silence must be observed. You can't shout, laugh loudly, or talk.
  • You cannot eat by scattering crumbs or garbage.
  • It is indecent to go out during a theatrical performance.
  • You can't play games on your phone, even if what's happening on stage seems uninteresting.

When deciding to attend a theatrical event with a child, you need to find out in advance the duration of the theatrical performance and correctly assess the child’s ability to sit through until the end.