Installation of a roof boiler room in a residential building. Gas boiler room for an apartment building: organization options and device features

Date: 12.12.2015

Offer from "Alliansteplo"

The Alyansteplo company offers design and installation of boiler rooms on the roof of a multi-storey building!

Our company offers the best value for money. We work on a turnkey basis, we provide a full cycle of services from project preparation to commissioning using the most modern energy-saving technologies.

The efficiency of roof-top boiler houses in an apartment building from Alyansteplo is 94–95%, they pay off in several years. Fill out the questionnaire, call, ask - we will advise you on all questions.

What is a boiler room on the roof of a house and why is it needed

Operation and maintenance of the boiler room on the roof of the house is possible either in a block-modular design, or if its construction was envisaged even at the stage of building the house: this model is called “built-in”. But in 95% of cases, the roof boiler room of a residential building is a complex of block-modules that are assembled at a factory, brought to a high-rise building and assembled on site.

Every year the cost of utilities, be it electricity or, is growing rapidly. Alas, this happens both because of the usual inflation and rising energy prices, and because of the banal greed of service providers. That is why today more and more people are looking for an alternative to reduce levies, which, apparently, in a few years will become simply unaffordable.

Autonomous boiler room in an apartment building

And many people find a solution to this problem. One boiler room for an apartment building is able to fully satisfy the needs of all residents, providing them with high-quality heating, as well as supplying the required amount of hot water. However, the installation of your own autonomous boiler house is an extremely serious decision that cannot be made without thinking everything over and weighing all the pros and cons a hundred times. And for this you should know both the pros and cons of this solution.

So, you are thinking about the possibility of installing your own boiler room, which would heat the entire apartment building and supply hot water to each of the apartments. What are the merits and demerits you should be aware of in order to make the right decision that will not make you regret in the future?

Heating system diagram in an apartment building

To begin with, it is worth talking about the shortcomings, since there are much fewer of them.

This is the main disadvantages of an autonomous boiler room. Of course, they are very significant, which is why today not every house has a mini-boiler room. Nevertheless, the number of such mini boiler houses is growing rapidly. Why? Due to the advantages of autonomous heating listed below.

  1. Complete independence from urban monopolists in housing and communal services. Everyone knows very well that in every city there is only one company that provides heating and hot water services for residential apartment buildings. And they can almost uncontrollably increase the cost of their services. If you install your own boiler room, then the monopolists will no longer have leverage on you.
  2. Reducing heat loss to a minimum. As practice shows, passing through many kilometers of heating mains, the coolant (hot water) loses up to 30% of the heat received (depending on the distance from the city boiler house). Example of heat loss in an apartment building

    And end consumers are also forced to pay for this heat. In autonomous heating systems, heat losses are measured in fractions of a percent. So already due to this, the payment is reduced by a third.

  3. A boiler room that heats one house, not thousands, is easy to set up. If it gets too hot in the apartments, you can easily reduce the fuel consumption and increase it on frosty days. Thanks to this, the temperature in the premises will always be optimal, suitable for each of the inhabitants. There is no need to ventilate the premises, lowering the temperature and at the same time releasing heat into the street, for which a lot of money has been paid. But at the same time, you do not have to use additional heat sources (electric heaters) in order to maintain a sufficiently high temperature in the apartment.
  4. To keep it in perfect order, it is enough to hire one dispatcher who monitors the readings of all devices, as well as one or two arriving adjusters who are involved only when a breakdown is detected. If your house is connected to a city heating main, you will have to pay for the services of not only dozens (or even hundreds) of ordinary installers, but also hundreds of accountants, directors, their deputies, secretaries, drivers and many others. This also saves a lot of money.
  5. In most cases, connected to the city heating plant, it starts from October 15th and ends by April 15th. And even if autumn and spring are unusually cold or warm for a given area, no one will change the dates of the beginning and end of the heating season.
    Therefore, in the off-season, apartments are often too hot or too cold. The presence of an autonomous boiler room allows you to turn on and off the heating exactly when it is needed. Most often, such decisions are made by the council of the residents of the house. Of course, this allows not only to reduce heating costs, but also to maintain the optimal temperature in the premises, regardless of the temperature outside the walls of the house.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

An autonomous boiler room needs more attention and constant care from residents or specially hired specialists.

But it allows you to save a lot of money every month. Therefore, all the initial costs will be compensated pretty quickly, and very soon you will notice that you have free money that used to be used to pay utility bills.

Where should the boiler room be located

The correct location of the boiler room is a very serious issue. Most often, in apartment buildings, boiler rooms are installed either on the roof or in the basement. provide for the presence of the latter only in the basement or.

True, sometimes you can also see boiler rooms located in small buildings, standing a few tens of meters from the house. This can be a good solution: there is no need to lift and mount equipment on the roof of the building, but at the same time, there is no threat of explosion due to fuel leakage and its accumulation in the basement of the building.

But still, this method is not very popular: the need for additional construction, pouring the foundation and carrying out a large amount of land work scares off many potential owners of autonomous heating boilers. Therefore, only two options are usually considered - a boiler on the roof and in the basement. And it is worth telling about them in a little more detail.

It looks like a boiler room on the roof

What is good about the boiler room in the basement

Installation of a boiler room in a basement usually brings much less hassle and problems: there is no need to lift equipment weighing a lot of centners to the roof of a five-story (or higher) building. In addition, there is no need to carry out a number of complex calculations to determine whether the roof will withstand the additional load, and if not, how much and how best to strengthen the supporting structures.

However, there are certain restrictions: the boiler room in the basement must not run on explosive fuel.

Therefore, gas and diesel boilers must not be installed in the basement. The fact is that the fire and explosion of fuel tanks in the basement of the building endangers the integrity of the entire apartment building, as well as the life and health of the residents. Only solid fuel and electric boilers can be installed in the basement.

Example of a boiler room in the basement of a house

The latter is inconvenient due to the high cost of electricity: the cost of maintaining an electric heating boiler is almost impossible to recoup. Solid fuel ones are difficult to maintain: fuel (wood, coke, coal, peat) must be loaded manually, 2 to 4 times a day.

It is also worth noting that when installing a boiler room in the basement, serious problems can arise when. Its top point should be higher than the house in the basement of which the boiler room is installed, as well as higher than the houses that are nearby. Although some consider this problem.

What problems do apartment building residents often face in winter? First of all, it is low-quality heat supply. It is also saddened by the hopelessness while waiting for the start of turning on the heating systems. A gas boiler room for an apartment building will help maintain a constant temperature in each apartment and save on bills.

Residents are forced to freeze from the cold before the start date of the heating season. The need to pay a lump sum monthly to pay for heating finishes the most persistent.

Installing a gas boiler room on the roof will solve heating problems once and for all. The main obstacles to resolving the issue of installing a gas boiler house are related to obtaining permits from the administration and purchasing suitable equipment.

Usually, an autonomous gas boiler room is equipped in apartment buildings in separate rooms. For these purposes, separate rooms on the roof are suitable.

They house all the necessary equipment for the continuous operation of the heating system. The capacity of the installed equipment should be sufficient for heating radiators and heating water in the apartments of the whole house.

The first appearance of roof-top boiler houses in Russia in the 90s is associated with the desire of construction investors. They wanted to install high-quality and uninterrupted heat supply in houses under construction. Centralized systems could not meet exaggerated demands

Such mini-boiler rooms are equipped with a variety of modern appliances and a variety of devices. The autonomous systems use the most modern heating technologies. This allows one boiler room to be used even for several houses, which increases the profitability for residents several times.

There are several factors that determine the benefits of installing a rooftop gas boiler in apartment buildings.

First of all, this is a significant reduction in the distance from the heat generator to radiators and pipes in apartments. Due to this, heat loss during the circulation of water in the system is reduced. Rough calculations show that owners pay 30% more for heating than the real cost due to heat losses.

Residents who once installed a gas boiler room in the basement or on the roof of a multi-storey building note a real reduction in utility bills. They are also much less likely to face the need for frequent maintenance of systems: their repair, installation and reconstruction. Modern communications are of high quality and durability.

Due to the shortening of the path that the water must travel from the central energy carrier, the heating rate of the system increases. Also, on average, the temperature of the batteries and hot water increases. Although this is largely controlled by the setting of the gas boiler.

Roof-top boiler houses are very popular due to the fact that almost always near apartment buildings there is no place for the construction of a ground structure. The location of the boiler rooms at the bottom of the house creates an additional hydraulic load

If we compare the central heating system with an autonomous one, then the second option wins in many respects. This is both efficiency and the rate of water heating in the system.

In addition, central heating is turned on only when certain temperatures are reached. However, cold weather can persist for a long time until it reaches the required minimum. And the tenants are forced to endure the cold and suffer.

With an autonomous system, it becomes possible to maintain the desired level of heat all year round and not depend on utilities. Thermostats are usually installed on radiators and circuits, allowing the temperature to be changed depending on the needs of the users. Sometimes, setting a comfortable temperature can save you extra money.

Disadvantages of modern heating systems

As in any heating system, the autonomous one has its drawbacks. Although there are much fewer of them in comparison with the centralized one. Due to the fact that autonomous gas boiler houses are not widespread, it is quite problematic to get reliable equipment and all the units adjacent to it.

Therefore, the elements of the boiler room will cost customers a round sum. Despite the high level of comfort provided by the systems in question, not all developers are ready to pay big money for this.

In the event of an emergency, the entire heat supply system completely fails. There is up to five cubic meters of boiling water over people's heads. In case of explosion of pipes, water will go down. Therefore, there are so many requirements for gas equipment.

In addition, gas boiler rooms must be placed in separate rooms or buildings. To do this, you need to allocate an area around the house, bring the roof to the required technical conditions, or install a block structure on the roof. All of these solutions require an infusion of additional resources either from the developer or from the general fund created by the tenants.

Gas heating systems emit polluting decomposition products into the environment. Therefore, when installing boiler rooms, it is necessary to provide for the installation of filtration systems. Cleaning devices must perform their functions sufficiently so that SNiP norms are observed. This further increases the cost of purchasing equipment.

When building a new house, the developer has a choice: make an autonomous heating system or connect to the central highway. To crash into a highway, you need to obtain a number of permits. Often, solving a problem requires a round sum of money. In addition, you will need to wait more than one month until the papers are checked in all instances.

The high cost of work on connecting to the existing networks, the difficulties in coordinating this procedure, as well as the presence of many obstacles that impede the quick and efficient implementation of heating networks, reduce the attractiveness of autonomous systems for the developer.

Often, the installation of gas boilers on the upper enclosing structure entails the need to strengthen the floor. The total load generated by the heating system can be up to 15 tons. Such values ​​can be avoided by installing flow-through equipment instead of capacitive

The installation of autonomous heating is also associated with a number of bureaucratic procedures. Both the initial implementation of the systems and the reconstruction with redevelopment have their own characteristic features. This is mainly due to the fact that you are going to use gas as a heating resource. All work with gas is strictly regulated by law.

Modern engineering developments effectively deal with a number of disadvantages. If you need to heat just one house, an excellent option would be to place a block boiler room in the attic of the house. The attic becomes heated, and the occupants of the top floor do not experience discomfort.

Such structures are developed in detail by engineers, are lightweight and installed on load-bearing walls. For such options, a flat roof option is required. This subtlety is usually taken into account at the design stage. Designers carry out calculations and determine in advance the place for the boiler room on the roof of the house.

The law establishes a limitation on the capacity of equipment on the roofs of houses at 3 MW. Some regions are limited to 5 MW. If this power is not enough to fully heat the whole house, then additional permits must be requested.

However, despite all the shortcomings, ultimately, the residents of the house will significantly improve their living conditions and get rid of discomfort. In addition to all the obvious advantages, autonomous systems have an increased level of security.

The new systems are equipped with warning and alarm indicators. Diverse track many metrics. In the event of a breakdown, the reserve boiler and additional pumps are activated.

Classification and features of roof boiler rooms

If we talk about heating one particular house, then one of the best options for the location of a boiler room with a decentralized system is a flat roof. All permitted types of boiler rooms are described in detail in the SNiP text. In the technical documents, special attention is paid to the requirements for heating equipment intended for installation on a ceiling.

Operation and installation of heating systems is negotiated separately for two types of structures: built-in and block-modular. Separate requirements, specifications and restrictions apply to each option. Also, these two types of boiler rooms have their own characteristics: advantages and disadvantages.

According to the rules, it is unacceptable to install heating equipment directly above living quarters. This means that a technical floor should be provided in an apartment building.

Speaking about the advantages of installing an autonomous boiler room on the roof, the following should be highlighted:

  • There is no need to purchase a plot for a boiler room next to the house;
  • There are no difficulties associated with the calculation of the structure and the conduct of chimneys;
  • The task is greatly facilitated;
  • Roof-top boiler houses have no restrictions on the type of fuel, and the use of gas is one of the most profitable options.

The combination of the advantages of installing the structure under consideration on the roofs determines the high frequency of application of this solution when planning autonomous heating.

Installation of the boiler room on the roof is advisable only if all the requirements and restrictions described in SNiP and PPB are taken into account. Consider further each of the available types of roof-top autonomous boiler room.

Block-modular boiler rooms

Block or modular boiler rooms are compact in size and take up a small area. Special blocks are brought to the site on the roof of the house, which are then connected into a finished and workable structure. Each element of the structure is completed at the factory and equipped with all the necessary equipment, which is connected into a common system.

After assembly, the heating station is ready for operation. All the necessary equipment is provided by the manufacturer and is installed in the module. It also provides for the presence of separate rooms for service personnel.

Modern roof-top boiler houses operate all year round in automatic mode and do not require constant monitoring and the presence of personnel. Therefore, the heat supply is carried out without interruption.

All equipment is selected for the required technical parameters and complies with the standards. Blocks are usually equipped with high-quality insulation and a reliable ventilation system.

They can also have attractive looks and unusual designs. During installation, the main task of specialists is to correctly connect all nodes and to check the operability of all elements.

Designers and engineers foresee in advance the future installation of a boiler room for gas equipment on the roofs of multi-storey buildings. They minimize the weight and dimensions of the building frame as much as possible. Usually professionals assemble a boiler room in a few working days.

Installation of a modular roof boiler house consists of several stages. First of all, it is necessary to conduct an examination that will determine the bearing capacity of the building and the necessary procedures to increase it. If it turns out that it is necessary to reinforce the structure, then these procedures are carried out first.

Then a platform is installed, which will rest on the load-bearing walls of the building. This is necessary for the stability of the unit. The next step is to create a fire resistant coating underneath the gas boiler room.

Usually, a layer of concrete is poured to solve this problem. You should also ensure safety by installing railings around the perimeter of the roof. Occasionally, procedures to improve sound insulation are required.

Block gas boilers are fully factory-equipped. Manufacturing companies give a quality guarantee. The blocks are sent to the roof almost ready for launch and assembled in a short time

Block boilers are suitable for installation in buildings where there was originally a centralized heating system. However, for their arrangement, it is necessary to purchase equipment with acceptable technical conditions and have a project.

Built-in boiler room on the roof of the house

The layout of such boiler houses fits into the design documents in advance. Even at the design stage, each element of the built-in roof boiler room is thoroughly described. Engineers calculate many different indicators and, based on the calculations, design a safe and efficient heating system.

These indicators include the value of the load on the walls, the level of fire safety, the required boiler power and others. It is much easier and cheaper to carry out these calculations at the design stage than to convert a centralized system into an autonomous one.

Simultaneously with the construction of the building, a number of events are being carried out. These include:

  • providing sound insulation and suppression of noise emitted by heating equipment;
  • protection of the boiler room from vibrations;
  • providing protection against fire, explosions and gas leaks.

Carrying out these procedures during the construction phase increases their efficiency. Most of the houses were built for a centralized heating system, and only in the last 5-10 years, the projects provide for built-in boiler houses.

Stationary gas boiler houses are built from materials similar to those used to build a building. For this purpose, prefabricated structures of the "sandwich" type or various reinforced concrete blanks are used.

Experienced engineers are engaged in the design of built-in boiler rooms. This is due to the need to comply with safety and legal regulations.

The advantages of such boiler houses include the absence of the need to spend money and time on capital construction. Also, the customer purchases a ready-made, proven and well-established structure that will heat the residents of the house for many years.

Thanks to modern developments, there is the possibility of almost complete automation of control. This allows for a minimum number of maintenance personnel. The environmental friendliness of the built-in gas boiler rooms is ensured by modern filtration systems.

Integrated or built-in boiler rooms are usually installed within a few days, which is very beneficial for the developer.

Autonomous boiler room device

Residents do not always buy a ready-made block boiler room. In some cases, the assistance of specialists in the assembly of an individual system is required.

The arrangement of a gas boiler house plays an essential role in its efficient operation. It is imperative to provide a separate roof area. There must be no flammable materials around the site.

Domestic boilers are less popular due to the fact that they offer users a low level of autonomy and automation. Experts advise purchasing equipment from European manufacturers

For safety reasons, boiler rooms do not have more than two boilers: the main one and the backup one. Boilers are usually installed in the center of the room. This makes it easier to approach the equipment for systematic maintenance and repair.

The walls, and with them the entrance doors, are sheathed with non-combustible materials, for example, steel sheets. The floors are poured with a concrete screed, then a non-combustible non-slip coating is laid on top of it.

The principle of operation of an autonomous gas boiler house is the processing of natural gas. Thanks to automatic installations, an uninterrupted supply of fuel is ensured. The boiler room safety system shuts off the gas supply if the sensors detect a leak or breakdown.

Key components of the boiler room

The operation of an autonomous boiler room is ensured by the presence of the following elements:

  • Gas boilers providing heating;
  • Central gas main supplying gas to the system;
  • Ventilation system and chimney that removes gas combustion products;
  • Cold water and electricity supply system;
  • Security system with a number of instruments and sensors measuring various indicators;
  • Built-in automation.

For heating an apartment building, the power of the wall-mounted unit is not enough, therefore, in this situation, floor-standing gas boilers are used. Single-circuit boilers only provide heating of the coolant for supplying it to the radiators. When choosing the right equipment, you should focus on the power of the boiler. Also pay attention to the availability of licenses and registrations. The boiler must be suitable for the specific operation in your area.

The boiler can be with a closed or open combustion chamber. For an open type, it is necessary to conduct a smoke duct. And closed-type boilers are equipped.

Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to almost completely remotely control the heating system while maintaining a high level of security.

The advantages of remote control include:

  • Possibility of setting an individual temperature regime for each apartment;
  • Availability of a notification system about the values ​​of the main indicators of the equipment operation;
  • Innovative weather-compensated control system.

Modern smart boilers have outdoor sensors that measure the temperature outside the home. If the air temperature drops, the boiler automatically starts increasing the water temperature in the system and vice versa.

What needs to be considered?

Before arranging an autonomous boiler room, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. If a single-circuit gas boiler is purchased, then to supply hot water, you will need to install a storage type of water heater - a boiler.

For a branched system of an apartment building, a distribution manifold is required. Thanks to this device, constant pressure and temperature will be maintained in all circuits. Together with the manifold, hydraulic arrows are also installed.

When the water in the system heats up, it expands. In order to maintain a constant pressure and compensate for expansion processes, it is installed.

The regulations assume different minimum chimney heights above the highest point of the roof. When calculating this indicator, the power of the boiler and the structures located on the roof are taken into account.

It is important to think over the layout of the chimney for the removal of gas decomposition products. To ensure safety, a mechanical or automatic air vent is installed. A make-up tap must be installed in front of the heating system.

If automation is built into the system, then the need for human maintenance of the system will be reduced to routine checks of the system's performance.

The installation of an autonomous gas boiler house has a number of nuances and difficulties. However, this version of the heating system for an apartment building has a number of comparative advantages over a centralized system.

The main problems that developers and future tenants will have to face are related to obtaining permits from the administration and the gas industry for the arrangement of a gas boiler house.

It takes time and requires certain resources. Residents of houses with centralized heating will face even greater problems. First of all, they will have to get an agreement to shut down old systems and get technical specifications for the installation of new ones. Utilities do not always meet halfway on such issues.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Review of the roof-top boiler house of the Novy Gorod TDK:

The installation of a gas boiler house in Svetly has resulted in great cost savings:

The purchase of modular boiler houses is one of the most profitable options for developers. Their delivery and installation takes a short period of time, and the prices for the equipment are reasonable. This allows you not to devote a lot of time to this issue.

Residents who decide to install autonomous heating protect themselves in the future from the shortcomings of centralized systems, guarantee themselves continuous heating and hot water supply all year round.

Please write your comments in the block below, post a photo on the topic of the article, ask questions. Tell us about your experience in the design and / or operation of an autonomous gas boiler house in a high-rise building. It is possible that your advice will be extremely useful to site visitors.

Recently, more and more often you can hear about the desire to save energy resources and increase the cost of fuel.

The amount of savings in fuel and energy resources and material resources spent on providing heat to consumers will directly depend on the method of heat supply.

How can you provide heat supply to apartment buildings?

There are two options - to power the heat pipelines from the main heating networks or to install an autonomous heating point.

Both options are good, but the presence of an individual heating point for several apartment buildings and autonomous heating with the use of energy-saving means will please more. Why?

Because the distance between the “heat point - consumer” pair is minimized, thereby reducing heat losses through the heating network. This type of heating is called decentralized, or autonomous.

A lower percentage of costs for heating and hot water supply in an apartment building - and this is all because the costs of transporting and delivering the coolant to the end consumer are reduced.

Simply put, the source of heat supply is practically nearby, and therefore, both the time for supplying heat to residential buildings and the percentage of heat losses are reduced. This also results in a reduction in the cost of maintaining, servicing and repairing heating networks.

The efficiency of heat supply systems - as a result, follows from the previous factor. Since the source of heat supply is nearby, the amount of payment for utility services for hot water supply and heating is somewhat lower.

Independence from the citywide heating schedule. In other words, while heating has not yet been provided in the city (“because the heating season has not started according to the schedule”), and the temperature outside is already low, apartment heat supply from an autonomous heat source will come in handy.

In addition, each consumer will be able to choose the optimal temperature conditions for his apartment - turn off / turn on the heating system only for his apartment, adjusting the level of heat supply.

In this case, there are no problems with connection for "technical" and seasonal reasons.

Lower cost and higher return on investment for new buildings with an autonomous heat supply source.

A separate boiler room in each house will increase the free space in the yard. Click to enlarge.

This is more likely to play into the hands of developers, because in the case of "traditional" construction of an apartment building, you have to spend quite a lot of time getting permission to connect a new building to a centralized heating network, install a meter (which is now mandatory for any new building).

The presence of "additional free space" within the whole microdistrict. This also contributes to the implementation of housing programs, the construction of new buildings and the arrangement of microdistricts not for heating mains, but for the infrastructure of the districts.

In addition, the provision of apartment buildings with an autonomous source of heat supply is also possible if there is already an established gas supply system in the construction area.


However, along with the advantages that consumers of decentralized heating and hot water supply have, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. The need for additional space allocated for the construction of an autonomous boiler room.
  2. Non-environmentally friendly work of the boiler room. For a gas boiler house operating autonomously, it will be necessary to additionally equip an exhaust gas discharge system in order to reduce smoke emissions into the atmosphere as much as possible, having received the MPC (maximum permissible concentration) value required by SNiP.
  3. Price. Since autonomous heating today is not yet as popular and in demand as centralized heating systems, the production of boiler equipment for it has not been put on the "conveyor" either. Consequently, prices for decentralized heating and hot water supply are still high.

Is it possible to eliminate the above disadvantages completely, or at least reduce them to a minimum? Can. Additional area for an autonomous boiler room can be "found" on the roof of a multi-storey building, which will be heated.

The "salt" is that the so-called roof boiler rooms require flat roofs for their installation.

An increasing number of newly built houses are already equipped with a roof boiler room with equipment installed at the top and upper piping.

Of course, the installation of additional equipment will cost, and the decentralized heat supply of one apartment building itself is not cheap, but it will all pay off faster than if the house was simply connected to a centralized heating system.

Varieties of decentralized heat supply

Another example of autonomous heating of a multi-storey residential building is a block boiler room, consisting of a separate module. Block or modular boiler rooms can be transported as they are delivered in containers.

The use of modular boiler rooms in an apartment building. Click to enlarge.

Their implementation does not require the construction of a new building specifically for the boiler equipment - the entire installation is already "enclosed" in a container, moreover, the module is thermally insulated, and the assembly is carried out directly at the manufacturing plant.

Previously, such blocks were used as heating systems for temporary structures (change houses), but now they are offered (after a number of modifications) as an alternative to centralized heating.

But the best option for autonomous heating is an apartment heating system powered by a main gas pipeline or through a power supply network (depending on the type of boiler), the "core" of which is a wall-mounted boiler (gas or electric).

Why wall-mounted? Because wall-hung boilers have a number of advantages:

  1. Convenient in installation, easily hung on the wall using a set of fasteners (fasteners must be supplied with the boiler equipment)
  2. They are lightweight and small in size, do not take up much space in the room
  3. With their size, they have good power (10-25 kW) and are able to heat a room up to 100 m2 - and this is quite enough for one four-room apartment
  4. Manufactured as one- and two-circuit

If the owner of the apartment plans to install a wall-mounted gas boiler as heating equipment, then he should check the completeness of the equipment, namely:

  1. Boiler with two circuits (operating for both space heating and hot water supply)
  2. Combustion chamber - closed type
  3. The presence of a fan to provide forced draft (intake of fresh air from the street) and the removal of combustion products through the chimney
  4. Pump for forced circulation of the coolant
  5. Electronic ignition and full automatic - for rational use of fuel

An additional plus in autonomous heat supply can be considered the possibility of installing a "warm floor" system - provided that the insertion of an additional pipe for the intake of the coolant does not affect the pressure level in the system.

In the case of an electric boiler, which also works according to a two-circuit scheme (heating + providing the consumer with hot water), there will be much less difficulties: it will be necessary to obtain permission only for the allocation of an additional power line, plus agree on the insertion of direct and return pipes into the common water supply system.

The only exception will be electrode boilers without heating elements, which work to heat running water.

Possible complications

If everything is so simple and easy, why are apartment owners in no hurry to re-equip their heating systems? The answer is simple: there is no permission to re-equip the heat supply.

No housing company will give an apartment owner permission to re-equip the heating system “just like that”. And all because, as mentioned above, the costs of maintaining and repairing the heat supply system will decrease.

It follows that the owner of an apartment with a converted heating will pay less, and this is already unprofitable for the management company.

Another question - if those who want to re-equip the heating of a house, making it autonomous, there will be several families in several apartments, and even better - residents in several nearby houses.

But in this case, the transition to autonomous heating can be fraught with difficulties such as obtaining permission to carry out all construction and installation work - and all this at the expense of the willing owners-initiators.

Finally, I would like to note that it is advisable to entrust all work on the device of autonomous heating in an apartment building to professionals who have the appropriate licenses to carry out work of such a plan. Even if you just want to put an ordinary wall-mounted boiler at home.

According to existing standards, the installation of a gas boiler in an apartment of an apartment building is possible. But, in order to obtain official permission, it is necessary to go through several stages of registration and approvals, to select a heat generator that meets the technical connection conditions.

Is it possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment building

According to the current SNiP and SP, the installation of gas heating equipment in an apartment building is possible, provided that there is a sufficient area of ​​the room used for the boiler room, the flue system meets the technical requirements. The equipment can be installed exclusively in non-residential areas: kitchen, living room.

Before installing the heat generator, you will need to terminate the contract with the company supplying heat to the house. Unilaterally, the termination of the act is carried out through the court. Disconnection from the central heating system means the simultaneous interruption of the hot water supply.

When installing an individual heating system, double-circuit gas heating boilers for an apartment are optimal. Boiler equipment of a double-circuit type, simultaneously works to heat the coolant and provide hot water supply.

Installation in an apartment with central heating

The laws regulating the possibility of installing gas heating equipment in an apartment with central heating are specified in the Federal Law No. 190 of 27.08.20010. Additional instructions and requirements are given in PP RF dated 13.02.2006 N 83 "Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks".

To connect autonomous heating, you need to contact the Gaznadzor organization to obtain technical specifications for the reconstruction. TU are the actual permission for the commissioning of gas equipment. After that, the procedure for terminating the district heating contract is underway.

The complete procedure and a step-by-step action plan for obtaining permission to install a boiler is specified in the “Government Decree No. 549 dated 21.08.2008. "On the procedure for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens."

Is it allowed to use bottled gas

A gas boiler in an apartment for heating and water supply in multi-storey buildings is allowed to be connected exclusively to the central gas pipeline. Gas cylinder installations are allowed to be used in the following cases:
  • The building is no more than two storeys high.
  • There is no more than 1 gas cylinder in one room at a time.
  • The distance from the gas stove is not less than 0.5 m, heating devices, not less than 1 m. It is optimal to use the screen between the gas cylinder installation and the heating surface of the household heating device.
  • Only ventilated rooms are used as a boiler room. Connection to the boiler is performed with a metal corrugated sleeve.
Based on the above standards, the use of liquefied gas cylinders, although allowed in low-rise multi-apartment buildings, is impractical.

How to choose a double-circuit gas boiler for an apartment

A single-circuit gas-fired boiler is rarely installed in apartments with autonomous heating. There are several reasons for this. Single-circuit boilers, "sharpened" for heating, often have a large excess capacity. To ensure hot water supply, you will have to additionally connect an indirect heating boiler, but the small dimensions of the apartment limit the installation possibilities.

Floor-standing heat generators often have excess power, therefore, their installation is not economically justified. For all these reasons, a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for an apartment is an optimal and reasonable solution.

When choosing a boiler, attention is paid to several operating parameters:

  1. Burner type.
  2. Power.
  3. Manufacturer's brand.
Additionally, attention is paid to the presence of internal device and control modifications. Two-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers for heating and hot water supply of an apartment, of the latest generation, have weather-dependent control. To level the peak DHW loads, a built-in storage boiler is installed inside the housing. Modulating burners smoothly change their performance, depending on the heat needs of the room.

Which boiler for an apartment is better - with a closed or open burner

The choice of a gas boiler for an apartment with individual heating is based more on existing requirements and building procedures than on the wishes of the homeowners. There are models of boiler equipment, with an open and a closed combustion chamber:
  • Atmospheric or convection boilers - during operation they burn out the air taken from the room. Not suitable for heating apartments in high-rise buildings. Installation in two-story apartment buildings is allowed, provided there is a sufficient boiler room area. Advantage, absolutely silent boiler operation.
  • Boilers with a closed combustion chamber - this type includes turbocharged and condensing boilers. The intake of air and the removal of combustion products is carried out forcibly, using fans or a turbine. A closed combustion chamber has several significant advantages. To connect the boiler, a smoke exhaust system is required - a chimney.
    Boilers with a closed burner are connected through a coaxial pipe installed horizontally into the wall. Air intake is carried out directly from the street. Closed boilers can be installed in houses of any number of storeys, subject to the availability of technical conditions.

For an apartment, a boiler with a closed combustion chamber is better. Condensing boilers, in addition to the heat obtained from the combustion of gas, additionally accumulate heat energy obtained from targeted condensation formation. The efficiency varies between 98-109%. Turbocharged boilers are also distinguished by their economy and high efficiency up to 96%.

The disadvantage of boilers with a closed combustion chamber is the noise from the fans that accompanies their operation. Modern models are equipped with a soundproof casing to reduce the noise intensity.

How to calculate the capacity of an apartment boiler

To convert the standard centralized heating of an apartment to heating from a gas boiler, you will need to correctly calculate the power of the heater. Lack of performance will lead to the need for constant operation of the boiler at maximum load. Excessive power will cause excessive gas consumption.

The minimum required boiler power for hot water and heating is calculated as follows:

  • The total volume of the heated area is determined. Technical information about the apartment is in the house book or passport for the apartment. You can calculate the area yourself by multiplying the length by the width of each room, including the corridors and the hallway, and then adding up all the results obtained.
  • Calculation for the heated area - for apartments with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the formula 1 kW = 10 m² is suitable. For a standard two-room apartment of 50 m², according to calculations, a 5 kW heat generator is required.
  • The power reserve is calculated - for an apartment it will be enough to choose a boiler with a higher capacity: by 10-15% for single-circuit options, by 25-30% for double-circuit options.

Top gas boilers for heating an apartment

There is a kind of rating of manufacturers, based on several factors: consumer and market demand, popularity, reliability. According to statistics, the top places in the rating are occupied by products of European and Russian manufacturers. The products of German concerns are especially popular among Russian consumers.

A domestic buyer, when choosing a boiler, focuses on the following brands:

  • Germany - Buderus, Viessmann, Vaillant, AEG.
  • Italy - Baxi, Ferroli, Hydrosta, Ariston.
  • Czech Republic - Protherm.
  • Russia - Neva Lux, Oasis.
  • Korea - Navien.
As practice shows, the Russian consumer, when selecting a suitable boiler for apartment heating, focuses on the price category. Thermal performance is of secondary importance.

Prices for apartment gas boilers

The cheapest will be Russian boilers. You can buy a suitable mounted model for about 10-15 thousand rubles. The cost of installing a boiler in an apartment is also low and depends on the region. On average, it is necessary to focus on a price equal to 10-15% of the unit's prime cost.

The cost of a German heat generator with two circuits starts from 25-30 thousand rubles. Condensing boilers will cost between 50-80 thousand rubles. Setting up and launching them will require an additional amount of 5-10 thousand rubles.

Requirements for installing a gas heating boiler in an apartment

In many regions of Russia, installing a gas boiler in an apartment and abandoning central heating in an apartment building is a problematic and painstaking process. To register, you will need specific knowledge and understanding of the laws in force. An unauthorized installation will result in a serious fine, which will deal a significant blow to the family budget.

Installation standards are detailed in. Before starting the paperwork, you should study the step-by-step plan for obtaining technical specifications and completing approvals. So, you can reduce the cost of money and time by about a third.

What documents are needed for installation

It is possible to put a gas boiler in an apartment with existing central heating, but this will require strict step-by-step compliance with existing norms and laws:
  • Obtaining technical conditions - a statement is written to the Gaznadzor authorities for the installation of a gas boiler. If the technical conditions allow the installation and maintenance of the heat generator, a technical specification is issued, which is the actual consent of the control body for the installation of gas equipment. If it was not possible to obtain permission to install, all further steps are meaningless.
  • After receiving the technical specifications, a project for the installation and location of gas equipment is prepared. Any organization that has the appropriate license can execute the design documentation. It is optimal for representatives of the gas company to deal with all the documentation, so you can speed up the process of obtaining a project.
  • Representatives of the company that maintains and checks the condition of the ventilation ducts and chimney are called. If the condition of the channels is normal and corresponds to the norms, the called specialist gives permission to put the boiler into operation. If there are violations and deviations from the norms, an act is drawn up with instructions on what needs to be corrected.
  • With all the permissions received and the collected documents, the consumer applies for a project approval and installation of an individual gas boiler in a separate apartment of an apartment building. Within a period of 1-3 months, the specialists of Gorgaznadzor carry out the approval of the installation. If all documents meet the requirements, a final installation permit is issued.
  • An application is submitted to the Heating Network about the refusal of heat supply and hot water supply.

The order and installation rules do not change and require strict adherence.

Installation room requirements

The room used as a boiler room in an apartment of a multi-storey building must comply with fire and sanitary requirements. The main rules requiring strict adherence:
  • Boiler installation is allowed in non-residential premises, fenced off by a doorway. A bedroom, utility room, and in most cases, will not be suitable for the installation.
  • It is better to install a gas boiler and meter in the kitchen. Usually, a gas pipeline is introduced into the apartment there.
  • The walls of the room and the ceiling are lined with non-combustible materials. Ceramic tiles, gypsum board and plaster are suitable for finishing.
  • The minimum dimensions of the boiler room for the installation of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber, not less than 4 m². All important components of the boiler are freely accessible for maintenance and repair.

Chimney for a gas boiler in an apartment building

Installation of gas heaters is allowed only if there is an appropriate smoke exhaust and ventilation system in the apartment. It is for this reason that the installation of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber, connected to a horizontal chimney, is the best solution. In some regions, there is no ban on the use of individual coaxial chimneys, which further simplifies the issue of installation.

If a massive transition to autonomous heating is planned in an apartment building, chimneys from boilers are combined. A vertical coaxial pipe is installed, to which all heating devices are connected.

To ensure the boiler operability in the boiler room, supply and exhaust devices are installed, with a throughput of at least three times the room air exchange per hour. Supply ventilation should be separate, not connected to other ventilation ducts in the bathroom and toilet.

When installing gas heating equipment in a private house, a gas analyzer is not required and is installed at the request of the consumer. In an apartment, installing a gas sensor is a prerequisite for putting the boiler into operation.

Individual gas boiler - pros and cons

Installing a double-circuit gas boiler in an apartment of an apartment building, when switching to autonomous heating, will require material costs, time and emotional strength. The process of abandoning district heating is detailed on paper.

As practice shows, representatives of the heating network are extremely reluctant to issue permission to refuse heat supply and install their own heating system. Unwillingness to cooperate and all sorts of obstacles on the part of regulatory authorities, the main disadvantage of an individual gas boiler.

There are a few more negative points:

  • Inability of apartments to install autonomous gas heating. You will have to go through several stages of approvals, you will need financial investments.
  • The gas boiler must be grounded. As, it is impossible to use plumbing risers or zero in the electrical network.
All the disadvantages, basically, boil down to the difficulty of obtaining permits and approvals, as well as performing installation work and connection. Heating costs when installing a gas boiler are almost halved. The costs of reissuing documents are paid off already in the third heating season. At the same time, the consumer receives high-quality heat. The installation of autonomous heating is fully justified and cost effective.