Constipation in pregnant women what to do. Constipation During Pregnancy - What To Do? Medicines and folk remedies for treatment

Constipation is a difficult or systematic incomplete emptying of the intestines (defecation) or the absence thereof for a day and a half or more. During pregnancy?

Causes constipation during pregnancy different women and at different times are different. Among them, the most significant are the following:

  • A change in the hormonal background, which reduces the tone of the muscles of the uterus, and at the same time all other muscle cells similar to them (in the walls of the intestine and in the walls of large vessels).
  • Change in the position of the intestine in the abdominal cavity, its gradual displacement by the enlarging uterus at a later date.
  • Fear of straining. It is rather a psychological problem that is more common in women with increased uterine tone and the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • Poorly selected diet.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Psychological stress.
  • Congenital features of the intestine, for example, its elongated sections.

According to the direct mechanism of development, two types can be distinguished constipation during pregnancy.

Atonic constipation(literally translated as "lack of tone") the variant is associated with a reduced tone of the muscular wall of the intestine. Peristalsis (bowel movements, thanks to which its contents move) from this becomes sluggish and unproductive. This muscle weakness, in turn, occurs due to hormonal changes, after surgery, and dietary errors. Another form is spastic constipation during pregnancy , in which the intestinal tone, on the contrary, is increased, peristalsis slows down, but due to the "clamped" state of the intestine. For this type constipation during pregnancy psychological reasons are more characteristic.

Constipation during pregnancy associated with the lengthening of the large intestine, it is necessary to highlight separately. First, their occurrence is not related to your position, although it can intensify them. Secondly, although outwardly they appear as a spastic form, they are associated not with spasm, but with a longer passage of feces along a longer path. At the same time, more water is absorbed back into the body from the intestinal contents, the feces become solid.

Atonic constipation during pregnancy may be accompanied by a feeling of intestinal fullness, aching and pulling abdominal pain, flatulence (increased gas formation) and bloating, lack of appetite, nausea, lethargy, apathy, depressed mood. When defecating, there is a lot of feces; their initial portion is formed, dense, its diameter is larger than normal, the final portion is watery, mushy. Defecation is painful, there may be tears of the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus, then streaks of blood and (or) mucus remain on the surface of the feces.

With a spastic form, the pain is different: they are paroxysmal, even sometimes cramping, occur more often in the left abdomen along the colon and are given to the left groin area. This form constipation during pregnancy may accompany flatulence, lack of appetite, inadequate and unexplained fatigue, nervousness, irritability, nausea. When emptying the intestines, the feces are very dense, they are separate small rounded fragments in the form of the so-called "sheep feces". The urge to defecate may even occur several times a day, but the emptying of the intestines is incomplete, difficult, in small portions.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy

To relieve constipation it is necessary first of all to choose the right diet, taking into account weight control and possible allergic reactions, which are individual.

At constipation during pregnancy useful are millet, buckwheat, barley, oat bran, muesli, black bread, vegetable oils, fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits (carrots, beets, pumpkin, radishes, turnips, zucchini, cucumbers, young asparagus shoots, Jerusalem artichoke, lettuce, broccoli and other cabbage varieties). Small laxative properties are possessed by: olives, dried fruit compotes, raw, boiled or soaked prunes, honey, watermelon, melon, apples, apricots, grapes, red currant or its juice, cherries. It should be noted that honey, fresh carrots and their juice, melon, apricots, red apples, red currants have an increased allergenic potential, so they can be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week. For women with allergies, these foods should be eliminated from the diet. From boiled or fresh vegetables, salads with vegetable oil can be prepared as side dishes. Fermented milk products must be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman.

With a tendency to constipation strong tea, slimy soups, semolina, white bread, wheat bran, polished rice, blueberries, quince, pears, pomegranate, hawthorn, bananas, black currants, legumes, walnuts should not be consumed. Hard types of cheese can also slow down peristalsis.

In combination with a diet, physical exercise will help solve the problem of constipation; it is enough to devote 20-30 minutes of exercise every day, and it is better to do it several times during the day. Consult your doctor about the choice of exercises, because some of them may be contraindicated for you personally, taking into account the characteristics of your health.

With prolonged and active use of almost any laxative (both medicinal and herbal), addiction can develop, requiring an increase in the dose of the laxative. The effect of the drug is weakened, and the problem itself constipation during pregnancy aggravated.

From ready-made laxatives, expectant mothers should not take: REGULAX, HITOSAN-EVALAR, DOCTOR TAISS - SWEDISH BITTER . In rare cases, under strict medical supervision, GUTTALAX or DULKOLAX (aka BISACODIL ). Taking laxatives FORLAX and FORTRANS is not contraindicated. , you can use glycerin candles.

Preparations SENNALAX, GLAKSENNA, TRISASEN , made on the basis of senna (she is also cassia holly, or Alexandrian leaf), increase the tone of the muscular wall of the intestine. It should be used with caution, under medical supervision. Senna preparations should not be drunk for a long time: it is addictive, which requires an increase in the dose. In addition, senna can cause an allergic reaction and melanin deposition in the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Senna should not be taken for spastic forms of constipation, in which the bowel tone is already increased.

For to get rid of constipation herbal medicine offers such recipes.

With spastic constipation in pregnant women:

  • Freshly prepared potato juice, diluted with water 1: 1, take a quarter of a glass half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.
  • Prepare a decoction of figs in milk or water at the rate of 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water, allow to cool at room temperature, take 1 tablespoon 2-4 times a day.
  • Dissolve 15 g of honey in a glass of warm milk, drink a third of a glass at night.
  • Mix in equal parts the fruits of anise, herb of stinging nettle, rhizome of Valerian officinalis, rose hips, leaves of wild strawberries, chamomile flowers, motherwort herb five-lobed. Brew 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 1.5 hours, drain. Take half a glass after meals in the morning and evening.

With atonic constipation in pregnant women:

  • Mix equal parts the fruits of anise, caraway and fennel. Brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain, drink a third of a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Note that the seeds must be ripe for this harvest.
  • Take in equal shares the fruits of mountain ash, blueberry leaves, stinging nettle herb and fennel fruits. Brew 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 1.5 hours, strain, take a third of the glass 3 times a day after meals.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of gooseberries with 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, then strain. Take a quarter glass 4 times a day. Add sugar if desired.
  • When brewing tea, add slices of dried apples or cherries.
  • In the atonic form of constipation, the work of the intestines is stimulated by a glass of cool water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Cut 3-4 unpeeled fresh apples into medium-sized pieces, boil under a lid for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water, and insist, wrapping it for 4 hours. Drink instead of tea 2-3 times a day.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of flaxseed with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Without straining, drink the entire dose before bedtime.
  • Drink freshly prepared carrot juice in a quarter of a glass on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Mix in equal parts freshly prepared milk whey and carrot juice, take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. To prepare whey, you need to boil sour milk or fresh milk with a small piece of brown bread, then strain it through cheesecloth; cheese will remain in the gauze, and the liquid part is whey.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of wheat bran with half a glass of hot milk, insist in a warm place or thermos for 30-40 minutes, strain, squeeze the steamed bran. Drink half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Prepare juice from 1 kg of ripe red rowan fruits (collect them until frost), mix the juice with 600 g of granulated sugar. Take a quarter cup on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Keep the juice in the refrigerator.

From the recipes given, choose for yourself a few of the most suitable juices and decoctions and take them, alternating every 2-3 weeks.

No woman is immune from constipation during pregnancy. Partial emptying less than three times a week is already a deviation from the norm. In this case, something needs to be done, because it is forbidden to use popular laxatives in the late and early stages. Many medicines negatively affect the development of the fetus and have a bad effect on the intestines of the expectant mother. In this regard, it is required to look for other ways to solve the problem.

Constipation during pregnancy: a clinical picture

For the first time, constipation occurs in early pregnancy, at the beginning or in the middle of the 1st trimester. Sometimes problems with bowel movement can accompany a woman during the entire period of gestation. According to statistics, this is about 60% of cases.

During pregnancy, it is normal to empty once every three days. If a woman cannot relieve herself within 5 days or for this she needs efforts, then it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to fix the problem.

Constipation during early pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • vomiting;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • false urge to emptying;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased appetite.

Sometimes constipation is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, and of different localization. In addition, if you strained, there is a feeling of obstruction of emptying.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

There are the following reasons for constipation:

  • Hormonal disbalance. An excess of sex hormones caused by hormonal imbalances slows down the metabolism. Accordingly, because of this, constipation occurs.
  • Improper nutrition. During pregnancy, women often change their usual diet, eating foods that they did not pay attention to before. Such changes are difficult for the body, which can lead to problems with bowel movements.
  • Increase in the size of the uterus. This is the most common cause of constipation. Any pregnant woman knows that an enlarged uterus puts a lot of pressure on the intestines, which is why unpleasant symptoms occur. In addition, problems with the size of the genitals can also cause hemorrhoids.
  • Stress. Women who are constantly in stressful situations may experience discomfort in the abdomen, which later develops into a systematic inadequate bowel movement.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Pregnant women, excluding physical activity from their lives, mistakenly believe that in this way they will positively affect the development of the fetus. This is partly true, but people who don't move much have digestive problems.

If there are these reasons, a pregnant woman needs to reconsider her lifestyle. Often, constipation can cause complications in the form of secondary colitis or inflammation of the rectum, which will certainly harm the unborn child.

When should you sound the alarm?

The number of bowel movements is considered normal from two times a day to three times a week. Constipation is characterized by the following symptoms: a small amount of feces, its increased dryness and hardness.

It is important to pay attention to the existing symptoms in a timely manner, especially to women in position. Constipation is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child.

If a woman does not feel any symptoms, but a delay in bowel movement is present, then a doctor should also be consulted. A deviation from the norm is the complete absence of feces for 2-3 days.

Treating constipation during pregnancy at home

Firstly, a pregnant woman needs to know why in no case is it recommended to use classic laxatives (for more details, see the article :). In particular, this applies to medicaments based on the canopy leaf. It is believed that even the extract of this plant can provoke the development of malformations in the fetus.

Secondly, folk remedies made on the basis of rhubarb or buckthorn bark negatively affect the body of the mother and the unborn child. Plants make the emptying process easier, but can sometimes harm the fetus.

Habitual enemas and suppositories, which are the first to be used for constipation and bowel problems, are used with caution and rarely. In some cases, prior consultation with a doctor may be required. When used frequently, they stimulate uterine activity. This not only badly affects the expectant mother, but can also lead to spontaneous abortion.

Despite the many illegal medications and treatments for constipation during pregnancy, there are relatively safe remedies that can be used without harm.


Due to contraindications, the list of medicines for women in the position is small. Recommended laxatives include:

  • Duphalac, Normolact or Prelax. These are lactulose-based syrups without any additives. They have a detoxification and hyperosmotic laxative effect. They have a positive effect on the contraction of the intestinal walls, thereby ensuring the normal duration of the digestive processes. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drugs and the presence of diabetes mellitus.
  • Fiberlex. Available in the form of a white powder for solution preparation. The main active ingredient of the drug is oval plantain. Excipients - fruit flavors. The drug helps to quickly cope with constipation by softening the contents of the intestines and facilitating the passage of feces.
  • Defenorm. Like Fiberlex, Defenorm is plant-based. Its main active ingredient is flea plantain, which helps soften feces and stimulates their rapid excretion from the body.
  • Forlax, Tranzipeg. Medicines are produced in the form of powders based on macrogol for solution preparation. After using Forlax or Transipeg in the gastrointestinal tract, the volume of fluid increases, which softens the contents of the intestine and allows emptying. Due to the fact that macrogol is a practically non-absorbable substance, during pregnancy it must be taken as recommended by a doctor.
  • Norgalax. Release form - rectal gel, which is introduced into the rectum using microclysters. The preparation contains sodium docusate and carmellose, glycerin and purified water. Although there have been no studies on the potential risk during pregnancy, Norgalax can be used in women in the position if other drugs have not had an appropriate effect.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for constipation have always been famous for their effectiveness. They are suitable for pregnant women, although most pharmaceuticals are prohibited.

Of the most effective, the following traditional medicine can be distinguished:

  • Prune broth. Cooking requires two tablespoons of fresh prunes. Pour it with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a day. Drink the resulting broth in 100 ml before meals.
  • Flax seed infusion. Add one teaspoon of flax seeds to a glass of boiling water. After the drink has been infused for about 3-4 hours, it must be drunk completely on an empty stomach.
  • A decoction of figs and prunes. For preparation, 10 g of the above ingredients and 400 ml of boiling water are required. You need to cook the resulting mixture for 10 - 15 minutes, and then leave for 1-2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon three times daily before meals.
  • Carrot, beet and apple juice. To make juice, only the main ingredients mentioned and a juicer are needed. You need to drink this drink 2-3 times a day before meals.

In addition, for a mild form of the disease, warm milk with honey or figs is an excellent remedy. It is required to drink it at least 2 times a day before meals.

Diet correction

You should not immediately buy a bunch of medicines or experiment with traditional medicine recipes, especially in the first and second trimesters, because even proven remedies can harm an unborn child. Better to eat something healthy - diet is often required.

First, the following products should be removed from the diet:

  • fried and fatty meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • sorrel and spinach;
  • sour fruits;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty fish;
  • bakery products;
  • dried fruits (with the exception of prunes);
  • hot sauces, seasonings and spices.

Secondly, the diet needs to include:

  • dairy;
  • eggs;
  • garlic;
  • sweet fruits;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • liquid soups;
  • vegetables, especially carrots, cabbage, beets, cucumbers and zucchini.

Vegetable oil, which must be included in the diet, will help to remove the symptoms of constipation. It has a relaxing effect on the intestines, which promotes the speedy excretion of softened feces.

Gymnastics and massage

More movement is required to heal constipation during pregnancy. In this matter, simple exercises that can be performed at home will help:

  • Sit down 10 times, holding on to the chair. Squats should be smooth so as not to harm the fetus.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees. In this position, make up to 5 pelvic lifts, then relax and pull your right hand to the left knee, and then vice versa. Do not overdo it strongly, as there will be joint pain.
  • Stand up and tense, as if emptying, and then relax. Repeat the procedure several times.

These exercises can be performed at any stage of pregnancy. They are completely harmless to the health of the expectant mother and baby.

After exercise, you can additionally perform a light massage. To do this, you need to massage the abdomen, especially the sides and the area below the navel. At the same time, it is important to make smooth movements from side to side, without strongly pressing or pressing with your hand.

Prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Sometimes it is easier to avoid constipation in early pregnancy with the help of prophylaxis, without taking pharmacy pills. To prevent the disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Healthy food. Eliminate poorly digestible foods from the diet. Instead, eat food with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Eat often, but in small portions.
  • To live an active lifestyle. Move more, do gymnastics, walk in the fresh air. Additionally, you can sign up for yoga or Pilates.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. At the same time, exclude carbonated and sour drinks from the diet. It is better to drink about 1.5 liters of water, juices or sweet fruit compotes during the day.

In addition, if any complications arise, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is not recommended to treat constipation and take other measures to eliminate bowel problems on your own.

What cannot be done?

First of all, you cannot ignore the problem and believe that it will be solved by itself. Complications that the disease can cause will negatively affect both the health of the expectant mother and the baby. That is why pregnant women with constipation are not recommended:

  • eat fatty, acidic, poorly digested foods;
  • eat a lot or starve;
  • drink laxatives contraindicated in pregnancy;
  • take medications that can cause constipation or complications;
  • use enemas or suppositories;
  • get nervous and try to get rid of constipation at the cost of incredible effort.

Pregnancy is a very important period in a woman's life. A representative of the fair sex, having learned about what she is wearing under her heart, a long-awaited child, experiences a lot of positive emotions. However, she may not have any idea what surprises she will face while carrying a child. The first ultrasound, when you can see your baby, his first stirring are the happiest moments. But, unfortunately, every woman has to deal with unpleasant surprises for 40 weeks. Constipation during pregnancy is one of them. They not only deliver uncomfortable sensations, but are also dangerous for a woman in position.

  • Why are constipation dangerous during pregnancy?
      Can a pregnant woman push with constipation?
  • Products for constipation during pregnancy
  • Medicines for constipation during pregnancy
  • Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy
    • Food
  • Drinking regime
  • Activity
  • Useful video on constipation during pregnancy
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    Constipation is acute - it lasts up to 6 months. And chronic - more than six months. Both can be organic and functional.


    1. Organic. They develop against the background of tumors, structures of the large intestine of various origins, diverticulosis, anatomical features.
    2. Functional. Modern diagnostic methods do not reveal morphological or metabolic changes that could cause constipation.
    3. Spastic. The intestinal walls contract randomly. The feces takes on the appearance of a sheep, disturbed by sharp cramping pains in the abdomen.
    4. Atonic. Intestinal tone decreases, food moves slowly, dehydrates.

    Functional constipation can be a disease in its own right. Or indicate the presence of various pathological conditions.

    Treatment of constipation during pregnancy with folk remedies

    • Grind an equal amount of dried apricots, raisins and prunes in a blender, eat a spoonful before breakfast. You can add a couple of spoons of honey to the mixture.
    • Pour boiling water over a flat tablespoon of flax seeds, leave for 4 hours. Drink the entire infusion half an hour before eating. Before using the infusion, consult your doctor, because it is able to cause a slight uterine tone.
    • Grind five prunes in a blender and mix with a glass of kefir and drink overnight. Instead of prunes, you can mix kefir with a spoonful of olive oil.
    • Take beets, prunes and oatmeal in equal proportions (50 g each), peel and grate the beets. Mix the grated beets, washed prunes and flakes. Pour in a liter of water. Cook for an hour, drain. Drink a glass before bed.


    The main reason for constipation in pregnant women in the early stages is hormonal changes in the body. After conception, progesterone levels rise. This hormone relaxes all muscles, and the peristalsis of the large intestine slows down.

    Other reasons:

    1. Decreased motilin levels. This substance is responsible for the motility of the digestive tract; after conception, its concentration decreases. The sensitivity of the intestinal receptors to acetylcholine, serotonin, which activate the work of the digestive tract, is weakened.
    2. Taking certain medications. Iron and calcium preparations make the feces denser. Antispasmodics and progesterone drugs weaken peristalsis.
    3. Increase in the size of the uterus. The organ presses on the intestines, which prevents the normal movement of the food bolus.
    4. Reducing the excitability of the uterus. During pregnancy, the uterus is relaxed. And the intestines and uterus have a common blood supply system and neurohumoral regulation. Therefore, against the background of a relaxed uterus, peristalsis slows down.
    5. Unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle.
    6. Stress, emotional instability - neurogenic weakening of intestinal motility develops.
    7. Non-compliance with the drinking regime.
    8. Severe toxicosis.

    Constipation can be provoked by the abuse of chocolate, pastries, and rice dishes.

    How to get rid of severe constipation during pregnancy?

    Eat foods that contain fiber:

    • bran (up to a spoon per day),
    • whole wheat bread,
    • cereals,
    • apples,
    • kiwi,
    • beet,
    • broccoli,
    • legumes.

    Drink vegetable and fruit juices, boiled water with lemon or honey on an empty stomach. Herbal or fruit tea. Eat raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits - plums, raisins, apricots, figs, cranberries. You can also use drinking yoghurt, kefir.

    Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day - excluding coffee or tea. Outdoor activities - a 20 minute walk or half an hour in the pool should help.

    What is dangerous

    In a neglected form, constipation is dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother.

    Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy:

    1. The feces stagnate, the processes of decay and fermentation begin in them. Toxins enter the bloodstream, which causes severe intoxication in a woman.
    2. Poisonous substances through the uteroplacental bloodstream penetrate to the fetus. Consequences - placental insufficiency, hypoxia, developmental delay, earlier aging of the placenta.
    3. In the first trimester, constipation can cause termination of pregnancy, in later stages - premature birth.
    4. Due to the imbalance of the intestinal microflora, the vaginal microbiocenosis suffers. Colpitis develops, the membranes become infected. The likelihood of postpartum complications increases - suture inflammation, endometritis.

    Against the background of prolonged constipation in pregnant women, hemorrhoids develop, cracks form in the anal canal.

    What affects the occurrence of constipation

    Unfortunately, a pregnant woman's diet is not complete without small weaknesses, especially when it comes to the increased intake of substances such as chocolate, white rice and bread.

    In addition, constipation during pregnancy and its formation is influenced by the less active lifestyle of the expectant mother. The process of slowing down digestion also has a profound effect.

    What you eat stays in the intestines longer, so more nutrients are absorbed by the body. However, the sooner you start thinking about preventing constipation, the better for you and your well-being.


    To establish the cause of constipation, you must undergo a complete examination.

    • general and biochemical blood test;
    • hormonal tests;
    • Analysis of urine;
    • coprogram;
    • smear for bacterial microflora;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
    • CT, MRI.

    Only on the basis of the diagnostic results will the doctor be able to draw up an effective therapy regimen.

    What is constipation?

    • In medicine, constipation is the complete absence of bowel movements for 2 days or more;
    • In addition, there is the concept of functional constipation. In this case, defecation is regular, but at the same time the woman is worried about the feeling of not completely emptying the intestines, and the feces itself is too dry and hard.

    This problem is considered so delicate that many women simply do not dare to consult a doctor and are looking for ways to get rid of it on their own. And this is not correct!

    Stool retention not only gives the expectant mother discomfort, but can also harm both her and the baby. Constipation leads to a change in the composition of the intestinal microflora, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop actively.

    There can be many reasons for such violations, and pregnancy becomes a kind of provoking factor.

    Click to Get 3 Video Tutorials on Healthy Pregnancy and Preparing for Childbirth

    Most often, a woman suffers from constipation during pregnancy in the early stages and at its end.


    How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy, the doctor will tell you. Self-medication can negatively affect fetal development and gestation. Elimination of the problem begins with the normalization of lifestyle and nutrition.

    Constipation during pregnancy - what to do.

    1. Remove from the diet foods that increase the load on the intestines. Leguminous vegetables, white cabbage, fatty, salty, pickled, spicy dishes. Spinach, onions and garlic, radishes and radishes, apple and grape juice can provoke problems with bowel movement.
    2. Medicines for constipation for pregnant women are prescribed with caution. The safest are suppositories with glycerin, treatment of the anal area with petroleum jelly., Microclysters Microlax.
    3. Safe oral medications. Osmotic laxatives - Duphalac, Macrogol have a mild laxative effect. Expectant mothers can take Mucofalk, Fitomucil, Forlax.

    During pregnancy, it is contraindicated to take strong laxatives, do enemas. This can cause a strong contraction of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.

    Prohibited laxatives during pregnancy are preparations based on buckthorn, senna, rhubarb, castor oil, bisacodyl, magnesium sulfate.

    Prevention of constipation during pregnancy

    To avoid constipation, a woman during pregnancy should follow prevention methods. In the absence of restrictions, walk more in the fresh air, try to think positively, do not take troubles to heart and cheer yourself up with a variety of pleasant little things - listen to your favorite music, chat with friends. But the most important way to prevent constipation is dieting. Here are the basic principles of nutrition:

    • Eat small meals often.
    • Drink water. It is very important. An expectant mother should drink about two liters of water every day. Edema is not an indication for fluid restriction unless it is caused by an abnormality of the heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid gland.
    • Meals should be complete in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrate content. But it is better to eat protein foods in the first half of the day, so that it has time to digest well before going to bed.
    • Take advantage of light meals in the afternoon. Fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables are suitable.
    • Eat dried fruits, especially dried apricots and prunes - they have a pronounced laxative effect and help fight constipation. Make it a rule to eat a few a day and you will see the result soon.
    • Season vegetable salads with vegetable oils, they improve intestinal motility. Olive, sunflower, pumpkin or flaxseed oil will do.
    • It is better to replace tea and coffee with compote, water with honey and lemon juice, fruit drink.
    • Limit fatty and fried foods.
    • Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones: sweets, cookies, pastries, white bread for buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, bran bread.

    These simple dietary guidelines will not only prevent constipation, but also help get rid of existing problems.

    Dos and Don'ts for Late Pregnancy Constipation

    Special care must be taken in the last weeks. Any medicines can be used only after consulting a doctor. Many laxatives can cause an increase in uterine tone.

    Enemas at a later date are highly undesirable. Water entering the intestines will expand it and increase the pressure on the uterus. This will tone up and provoke uterine contractions. The only exception is microclysters approved for pregnant women.

    You should not try to empty your bowels by pushing hard. So you can provoke premature birth or miscarriage.

    Prevention of constipation will relieve the unpleasant consequences of this disease at any stage of pregnancy. The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract affects the overall well-being and the process of childbirth. And the absence of constipation will free you from the need to take laxatives that affect the organisms of the mother and fetus.


    Prevention of constipation during pregnancy consists of the following key points:

    • It is recommended to break the daily diet into small portions.
    • The daily menu should include foods with coarse fibers.
    • Confectionery and bakery products, fast food, fried, smoked and spicy foods should be excluded from the menu.
    • If there is no risk of edema, then it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids in the form of water, tea, fresh juices and fruit drinks.
    • Pregnant women are encouraged to lead an active lifestyle. Today there are special courses for pregnant women, namely swimming, aerobics and dancing.
    • Dried fruits should be included in the daily diet, which allow you to normalize the digestive process.

    Constipation suppositories for pregnant women

    Candles for constipation for pregnant women will be helped by a doctor, but this is perhaps the main remedy that will allow a woman to get rid of such a problem.

    Their plus is that they are not absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls and do not disturb anything in the woman's body. Their action, mild and effective, is to irritate intestinal receptors and soften stool.

    How to identify constipation

    Constipation is a violation of the proper functioning of the intestines. The presence of constipation is primarily indicated by a delay in the frequency of bowel movements. Symptoms of this disease include difficulty in the bowel movement and a lack of relief in the intestines after a bowel movement. With constipation, the mass of the exiting stool decreases, it becomes dense and dry. Stool accumulated in the intestines emit a lot of gases, this leads to bloating, flatulence, pain in the lower abdomen.

    Treatment of constipation should only be started after consulting a specialist.

    What happens to the body during pregnancy?

    Pregnancy significantly affects the work of a woman's body. In particular, gestation has a profound effect on the digestive system. In pregnant women, taste sensations change, and there is often an urge to vomit. The fetal sac shifts the internal organs, intestines and stomach, to the top. This causes the contents of the stomach to be drained back into the esophagus, which often manifests itself as heartburn.

    The size and position of the fetus affects intestinal motility.

    The hormones released to tone the uterus also affect the activity of the intestinal muscles, which often leads to constipation. The accumulated feces can lead to intoxication, so it is important, at the first signs of constipation, to seek advice from a gastroenterologist in order to quickly solve the problem of the digestive tract.

    Causes of poor stool in the early stages of gestation

    The first trimester of an interesting position is always accompanied by the appearance of various symptoms, indicating that natural changes are taking place in the body. They are necessary for normal gestation and to reduce the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage.

    Expectant mothers during this period have complaints of constant drowsiness, nausea and constipation. Pregnancy in the first trimester is the period when women, trying to preserve the fetus and protect themselves, radically change their lifestyle, which often becomes the reason for poor emptying.

    So, the following factors can provoke constipation in the first trimester:

    1. Decreased physical activity. Often, in the first three months of gestation, pregnant women are advised to rest in bed to minimize the likelihood of miscarriage. In addition, most girls feel sleepy during this period, so they sleep more than usual.
    2. Reducing fluid intake. Many pregnant women, knowing about the possibility of edema, stop drinking water in the right amount, which leads to problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
    3. Emotional instability. Pregnancy is always accompanied by sudden changes in mood, which is caused by hormonal changes. Because of this, women experience stress, which is also known to be the cause of constipation.
    4. Medications. Constipation is often associated with taking medications that contain large amounts of calcium and iron.

    Delayed emptying and the constant accumulation of feces in the intestines during pregnancy negatively affects, first of all, the health of the expectant mother. Due to the decay of feces, intoxication of the body occurs, in which the load on the liver and the digestive tract increases.

    Recipes, menus and dietary food products

    Traditional methods of treatment

    What to do at home if constipation occurs during pregnancy? You can try folk recipes, but only after the permission of the doctor, because contraindications are possible.

    So, we offer several effective laxatives:

    • On the basis of beets and prunes, you can prepare not only a healthy, but also a healing broth. All ingredients need to be chopped, covered with boiling water and cooked for several minutes. Filter the resulting broth and add a spoonful of natural honey for taste, if there are no allergic reactions. A decoction of prunes and beets is characterized by an increased level of efficiency.
    • You can simply prepare a prune-based broth. To do this, pour a few berries with boiling water and insist for several hours. We filter and take a glass before breakfast.
    • Dill water is allowed from the first days of life due to the absence of contraindications. In addition, one can single out such a positive property as the ability to eliminate increased gas formation and bloating.
    • Teas with fennel seeds. It is a safe plant that is recommended from the first days of a baby's life and during pregnancy.
    • Chamomile infusion will help not only dilute solid feces, but also relieve spasm.

    Forms of the disease

    According to the peculiarities of transit and evacuation of feces, constipation during pregnancy can be:

    • cologenic- characterized by the slow movement of the contents through the colon;
    • proctogenic- associated with dysfunction of the rectum and (or) the anal sphincter, are distinguished by violations of the evacuation of feces and the act of defecation.

    By the nature of the flow, two forms of constipation are distinguished:

    • spicy- is a consequence of the slowing down of the capacity of the large intestine. The disease has an episodic, transient nature, its occurrence is often associated with a stressful situation, changes in nutritional conditions, travel;
    • chronic constipation- they talk about him if, for three or more months, the act of defecation is carried out less often than three times a week, or there are difficulties during defecation with the release of a mass of intestinal contents less than 35 g per day, emptying the intestines is impossible without taking laxatives, enema or manual assistance.

    By the nature of the chair:

    • constipation- stool retention occurs for two days or more, often the emptying of the intestines is insufficient, feces can have a different consistency;
    • constipation- self-emptying is difficult, feces have a solid consistency.

    Oil for constipation in pregnant women

    Vaseline, vegetable, linseed, pumpkin oil is considered a good remedy for constipation. But, again, pregnant women are a special category, and you always need to select the most delicate and safe means of getting rid of constipation.

    As for vegetable or olive oil, only a doctor can give such a recommendation. But pumpkin seed oil might work.

    RECIPE: Pumpkin seed oil for constipation Pregnant women, before stool normalization, can be recommended to take pumpkin seed oil 3 times a day for a teaspoon. Pumpkin seed oil in a volume of 1 teaspoon can be added to 1/3 of a glass of yogurt mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. This mixture is taken before bedtime.

    If you take unrefined olive or sunflower oil, then it is best to add it to any porridge. The beneficial laxative effect of the oil, plus the fiber in the cereal, is an excellent means of preventing constipation.


    Problems with bowel movements cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

    • decreased stool frequency;
    • loose, hard stools that come out in pieces;
    • squeezing, bursting and pain during the act of defecation;
    • anal fissures causing pain, itching and burning in the anorectal region;
    • feeling of incomplete emptying;
    • painful sensations in the left abdomen and groin;
    • change in taste in the mouth;
    • nausea;
    • headache attacks;
    • loss of appetite;
    • the appearance of veins of shelter at the end of bowel movements;
    • disability;
    • rumbling belly;
    • white coating on the tongue;
    • apathy, nervousness;
    • bloating.

    Prunes for constipation in pregnant women

    Prunes and other foods are the best cure for constipation. They are natural, and among other things, they will strengthen the woman's body with useful substances and vitamins, primarily iron. Lactic acid products, plums, beets, prunes should be added to the daily diet.

    RECIPE: A decoction of prunes 2-3 berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist a little. The broth is drunk, the berries are eaten. This broth can be made richer by adding a little raisins and 2-3 dried apricots to the prunes.

    Remedies for constipation for pregnant women. Laxative for constipation in pregnant women

    • Unfortunately, constipation in pregnant women can cause unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and her baby, since the intestines are located in close proximity to the uterus and the birth canal.
    • If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, and pathogenic bacteria develop in it, then they can also infect the birth canal
    • Also, waste products of pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect the body.

    The desire to get rid of the masses accumulated in the intestines makes the pregnant woman push, and this can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

    IMPORTANT: All these problems must be avoided, however, it turns out that there are not so many means for getting rid of constipation in pregnant women

    A pregnant woman cannot use habitual laxatives due to various reasons:

    • due to their annoying effect
    • due to the effect on smooth muscles
    • due to their ability to disrupt the enzyme and mineral composition, which is undesirable for a woman

    However, there are some medications that a pregnant woman can take in consultation with her doctor. These are microlax and fortrans, dyklak preparations.

    1. Microlax is a mini-climax that will have a laxative effect in a few minutes.
    2. Dyuklak is a probiotic that takes care of the preservation and development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, a lactulose-based drug with a mild laxative effect

    • Phytomucil, a preparation based on plant fibers, which helps to soften the contents of the intestine and promote its smooth emptying, can also be added to the above-mentioned preparations of the Duklak and Microlax type.
    • However, we emphasize again, all drugs, even the most delicate ones, should be taken after the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist
    • In addition to these modern drugs, pregnant women can traditionally use suppositories for constipation.

    Power features

    Constipation during late pregnancy must be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, because incorrectly selected medications can lead to premature birth.

    At home, dietary nutrition will allow you to establish a stable digestive process. It is recommended to include in the daily menu products for constipation during pregnancy with a laxative effect. A large amount of fiber is found in cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, cereals, apples, watermelons and dairy products. The main thing is to steam or bake in the oven with a minimum amount of spices and fats.

    Healthy oils

    Treatment of constipation during pregnancy should be carried out only with safe methods that are approved by doctors.

    Oils are high in fat, which can negatively affect the digestive system, such as the liver or pancreas.

    Drinking a spoonful of olive oil, flaxseed oil, or sunflower oil before breakfast can help defuse solid waste products in the colon.

    Fiber Salads

    In the last stages of pregnancy, you need to carefully listen to your body in order to identify possible symptoms of constipation in time. After all, improperly selected treatment methods can lead to premature birth.

    You can establish a normal digestive process using the dietary menu. It is recommended to include foods high in coarse fiber in the daily menu. It is fiber that quickly cleans the intestinal system from toxins.

    For breakfast, a salad of fresh apples, kiwi and plums, seasoned with yogurt with live bacteria, is useful. This salad will speed up the digestive process and cleanse the stomach of toxins. You can add bran to the salad for best efficiency.

    You can also make a salad of beets and carrots if you are not allergic. It is recommended to season with fresh herbs and vegetable oil.

    Dried fruits

    Dried fruits are characterized by unique properties. Prunes are especially popular due to their quick laxative effect. In addition, the plum does not cause allergic reactions and is allowed almost from the first days of a baby's life.

    To prepare a medicinal broth, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a few prunes. Insist for several hours, strain and take a glass before breakfast.

    If there are no allergic reactions, then you can grind prunes, dried apricots, raisins and nuts. Pour the resulting mixture with honey and take one spoon at a time before breakfast. It is not only effective against constipation, but also good for the body.

    Prohibited foods

    During pregnancy, it is recommended to exclude foods with a firming effect from the daily menu, namely:

    • Bakery and confectionery products.
    • Smoked sausages and canned food.
    • Spicy and fried foods.
    • Rice, legumes, potatoes, jelly.

    Medication solutions

    What to do with constipation during pregnancy, if it recurs regularly, you need to ask your doctor. Since the wrong choice of drugs, some folk remedies can harm and tone the uterus. It is forbidden to use the following drugs and medicinal plants:

    • magnesium sulfate;
    • Karlovy Vary salt;
    • Castor oil;
    • buckthorn bark;
    • rhubarb;
    • senna.

    Also, you can not use agents that soften the stool by increasing the volume of water. These are flax seed, agar-agar, cellulose-based products and seaweed. They contribute to dehydration, which is especially dangerous in the last term.

    Treatment of constipation during pregnancy is carried out with mild agents that do not have a systemic effect. Most often, the following drugs are used at home.

    • Glycerin candles. It is a topical remedy based on distilled glycerin. Colorless translucent suppositories, when introduced into the rectum, soften the feces, lubricate their surface, which facilitates excretion. "Glycerol" reflexively irritates the intestinal surface, which enhances motor skills and emptying. It is used one suppository in the morning 15 minutes after breakfast. But you can't use it too often - this disrupts natural defecation and the mode of operation of the rectum.
    • Microlax. This is a combination medicine for constipation, which contains three active ingredients. They displace bound water from the stool, dilute the contents of the intestine and increase the flow of fluid. The action develops quickly, within 5-15 minutes. It is enough to use 1 micro enema per day. For this, the tip of the package is broken off, a drop of the substance is squeezed out to lubricate the tip. It is inserted to its full length, it is approximately 6 cm, and the contents are squeezed out.
    • Duphalac. It is an oral remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is a lactulose syrup. The mechanism of action is based on the splitting of lactulose by the intestinal microflora into compounds that lower the pH in the intestine, increase the osmotic pressure and volume of the contents. Also, lactulose acts as a prebiotic, enhancing the growth of lacto- and bifidobacteria, suppressing the reproduction of opportunistic flora. The daily dosage is selected individually depending on the effect. Usually 15-45 ml of solution or one to three sachets is sufficient. The dosage can be reduced later. Flatulence and bloating can be a side effect, but this goes away on its own.

    A problem like constipation during pregnancy sooner or later worries almost every woman. There is nothing strange in this, since cardinal changes are taking place in the body. The solution to the problem is simple, but for treatment you need to know the exact cause of this condition, as well as take timely measures when the first symptoms appear. We will talk about this in this article.

    Why is constipation dangerous in pregnant women?

    This state of the body is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

    • In a woman's body, decay products of incoming food accumulate, which is in the intestines for a very long time. Due to a long stay there, harmful substances are absorbed through the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream. This negatively affects the general condition of the pregnant woman and the child. Scientists have determined that at the moment there are 36 types of toxic substances that are formed in the large intestine.
    • With constant bloating, the tone of the uterus may increase.
    • A healthy microflora in the intestines of a pregnant woman is the key to the formation of a normal microflora in a child. Since the baby passes through the birth canal during childbirth, he receives all the bacteria from the mother.
    • Constant constipation causes heaviness in the abdomen, constant bloating. This can be accompanied by pain, which causes discomfort for mom and baby.

    The consequences can be the most unpleasant: the general condition worsens, the rectum becomes inflamed, fecal matter poisoning occurs, the tone of the uterus increases, the skin condition worsens (peeling, flabbiness).

    Causes of constipation during early and late pregnancy

    The reason for this condition in the early stages may be:

    1. Active production of progesterone (a global restructuring takes place in a woman's body, and the hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy: smooth muscles relax and the intestines too);
    2. A change in the mode of activity and nutrition (some pregnant women are shown bed rest, many limit themselves to physical activity - with its lack, the intestinal tone decreases);
    3. Taking drugs for anemia (calcium and iron make the stool more dense);
    4. Reducing the amount of fluid you drink (with toxicosis, a woman refuses the usual food, malnourishes);
    5. Stress (a new state does not always bring joy).

    In later stages, a pregnant woman may be haunted by the same problem, which is caused by:

    1. growing uterus pressing on the intestines;
    2. decrease in fluid intake (to avoid swelling of the extremities);
    3. stress;
    4. improper nutrition;
    5. minimal physical activity;
    6. pressing the fetal head on the intestines.

    Treatment of constipation during early pregnancy

    Constipation in pregnant women causes unpleasant consequences for the mother and baby, since the intestines are located next to the uterus and birth canal. Not all laxatives are allowed during pregnancy.

    The danger is that a woman, in an attempt to get rid of the feces accumulated in the intestines, is pushing, and this causes contractions in the uterus. This can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

    • decreased stool frequency;
    • hard stools;
    • there is pain during bowel movements;
    • anal fissures form;
    • no feeling of complete emptying;
    • there is bloating.

    Symptoms can appear individually or collectively.

    Habitual laxatives should not be used for the following reason:

    • their irritating effects;
    • due to the effect on smooth muscles;
    • due to their effect on mineral and enzyme balance.

    In any case, for constipation, only a doctor should prescribe treatment. Physiotherapy treatments are contraindicated due to the negative effects on the fetus and the stimulation of uterine contractions.

    If the doctor permits the use of an enema, then you can prepare the following solutions:

    • With soda. Dissolve 1 spoon of baking soda in 500 ml of warm water, cool the solution to room temperature. 500 ml - the amount that you need to enter at a time.
    • With vaseline oil. This oil does not irritate the intestines and does not increase peristalsis. 30 ml of oil is diluted with water (70 ml). The water should be at a temperature of 37 degrees.
    • With vegetable oil. Oil is not dissolved in water, it is injected into the large intestine. 20-80 ml of oil is heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees. Oil is injected at night, it is able to soothe hemorrhoids.

    An enema is an emergency aid and cannot eliminate the cause of constipation. This procedure cannot be carried out more often than once a week.

    The doctor may advise the following:

    • use kefir and other dairy products without sugar;
    • eat dried fruit (or make a decoction);
    • eat kiwi, plums, fresh apricots;
    • drink a teaspoon of vegetable oil or add to the dish;
    • eat oatmeal (rich in fiber).

    Sweet and flour foods should be practically banned.

    Vaseline oil can be used as a laxative, but its high fat content loads the liver, therefore, the drug cannot be taken without a doctor's recommendation.

    Treatment of constipation in late pregnancy

    When treating an ailment in the late stages, you should also take special care, since laxatives can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. The best remedy is microclysters. Their advantage is that they do not expand the intestines, getting into it, unlike a regular enema.

    The doctor prescribes osmotic laxatives that normalize the consistency of the feces and stimulate the emptying process without irritating the intestinal walls.

    The use of decoctions and infusions based on hay leaves, rhubarb and buckthorn is strictly prohibited, since these herbs can cause disruptions in the hormonal system of a woman, which threatens to terminate pregnancy.

    There are also recipes for traditional medicine that a doctor can advise:

    • Peel and grate potatoes, squeeze out the juice, dilute it with water in equal amounts. Take 50 ml before each meal.
    • Cut five apples into small pieces and boil in 1 liter of water, leave the broth for 4 hours, strain, drink instead of tea.
    • Rinse with 1 kg of viburnum, grind in a saucepan. Squeeze the juice and add 600 g of sugar, stir, put on fire, it is not necessary to boil. Refrigerate and drink 70 ml on an empty stomach. Also, using this tool, you can increase hemoglobin.

    Medicines for constipation during pregnancy:

    • Duphalac. The main component is lactulose, which eliminates and prevents constipation. The agent does not penetrate into the bloodstream, it is excreted unchanged. When prescribed by a doctor in the form of a syrup, you need to use the daily rate once or divide it into two doses.
    • Defenorm is a herbal laxative. Has a mild effect, does not irritate the rectum, changes the consistency of feces. Can be used after a doctor's prescription.
    • Phytomucil- a dietary supplement that is not a drug. With the help of natural dietary fiber, the volume of feces is increased. Treatment is possible only after the recommendation of a doctor.
    • Glycerin candles slightly irritate the colon mucosa and cause it to contract. Petroleum jelly and glycerin soften stool. Even if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, you should not self-medicate, as the tone of the uterus may increase.
    • Microlax is a microclysters with an active ingredient sodium citrate. The agent acts locally, does not penetrate the intestinal walls and does not enter the bloodstream.
    • Fortrans is an osmotic laxative containing polyethylene glycol and electrolytes. After oral administration, the volume of fluid in the intestine increases, which provides a laxative effect. The drug can be used during pregnancy only after a doctor's prescription.

    Prevention of constipation in expectant mothers

    Before prescribing medications to relieve constipation, doctors recommend revising the diet. There are a large number of foods that help the feces not to linger in the intestines.

    Foods that normalize stool during pregnancy:

    1. Dairy products. It is best if they are prepared by yourself. Live bacterial cultures have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. These foods contain a lot of lactulose, which reduces intestinal pressure.
    2. Bread. Allowed to eat varieties with bran and wholemeal flour. There is a lot of fiber, which helps to scrape off "debris" from the intestinal walls.
    3. Fruits. Be sure to eat berries or an apple on an empty stomach. Fruits are rich in fiber and connective fibers.
    4. Vegetable soups. The diet should not contain meat broths, as they provoke constipation. You can add some chicken by boiling it separately.
    5. Purified water. Boiled water does not contain nutrients, so it should be replaced with still or purified water. You can cook soups and decoctions on it. Carbonated drinks are prohibited.

    By far the most effective remedy is diet. It is best to switch to fractional meals: you need to eat in small portions several times a day. In this case, constipation will not make itself felt.

    Also, doctors advise:

    • exclude strong black tea and coffee, bananas from the diet - these products cause constipation and contribute to the formation of gas;
    • spicy, fatty, fried and salty are also prohibited;
    • high protein meals should be consumed in the morning;
    • for dinner it is better to drink kefir or eat fruits and vegetables.

    A complete and partial ban applies to pasta, rice and semolina porridge, fatty meat. Canned food and preserves, marinades, spices, chocolate should be limited. Compliance with such a diet can be difficult, but it will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

    In addition to diet, you should move a lot: do morning exercises or evening exercises, walk in nature. However, in some cases during pregnancy, you cannot walk a lot - you need to consult a doctor.

    If the doctor permits, you can do the following gymnastics:

    1. Smooth squats.
    2. Exercises "scissors" and "bike".
    3. Tighten and relax the sphincter.
    4. Lift your pelvis while lying on your back.

    They should be repeated at least 10 times.

    So, for the treatment of constipation, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since the presence of some contraindications and the duration of pregnancy can make it impossible to use medicines. Preventive measures are considered a good method of dealing with this ailment: diet, physical activity, and drinking enough fluids.

    Especially for- Elena Kichak

    Every second expectant mother complains about the difficulty with emptying the intestines. Constipation during pregnancy causes changes in hormonal status, the situation is aggravated by errors in nutrition and a decrease in physical activity. You can cope with the problem with a diet. In difficult cases, a woman is prescribed laxatives that do not affect the course of pregnancy.

    When can we talk about constipation during pregnancy

    The normal frequency of bowel movements in an adult is in the range from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. If a woman consumes normal amounts of food, and there has been no bowel movement for more than 3 days, and she still cannot go to the toilet, we can talk about constipation.

    A variant of constipation is too little stool that comes out with significant straining. At the same time, the feces look like a hard, excessively dry mass, there is no relief after defecation. Often, pain and heaviness in the abdomen and gas are added to the feeling of defective emptying of the colon.

    Long-term (more than 5 days) constipation leads to intoxication of the mother and baby's body in the early and late stages of pregnancy. It manifests itself as nausea, apathy, drowsiness, and loss of appetite. Pain in the anus may occur due to local inflammation, hemorrhoids, cracks. Sometimes blood appears in the stool.

    Chronic constipation during pregnancy is considered periodic (at least once a week) difficulty in defecation, long emptying, even if as a result everything goes well. Treatment should be started already at this stage, since the problem is rapidly progressing and after a couple of days there is a risk of getting acute constipation, that is, a complete absence of stool for several days.

    Causes of constipation during pregnancy

    The risk of constipation during pregnancy is higher in women who have suffered from this problem before, have irritable bowel syndrome, or have had to drastically change their lifestyle and eating habits, for example, due to toxicosis or the threat of termination of pregnancy.

    A single constipation can be treated with medication. Recurrent constipation can only be dealt with by addressing the cause. In early pregnancy and later in pregnancy, the causes of bowel problems are different.

    In the early stages

    The main reason for constipation in the early stages is a rapid change in hormonal levels. Progesterone promotes the growth of the uterus, its relaxation, and prevents embryo rejection. A side effect of this hormone is relaxation, or atony, in other parts of the body: blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract.

    During pregnancy, there is a high risk of circulatory disorders in the pelvis due to vascular compression by the uterus. This condition is dangerous by the development of hemorrhoids. Atony under the influence of progesterone can be seen as the body's defense against this problem. On the other hand, atony leads to a slowdown in the processes of digestion and elimination of waste products.

    Progesterone begins to rise immediately after conception, even before menstruation is delayed. Interestingly, folk signs consider constipation as a sign of pregnancy, as well as drowsiness, breast swelling. They are completely correct: all these symptoms are caused by hormonal changes.

    Deterioration of intestinal motility during pregnancy is also facilitated by:

    1. A sharp decrease in activity. With a lack of movement, intestinal activity decreases, the muscles of the abdominal wall lose their tone.
    2. Anemia. If, when registering, a reduced hemoglobin is diagnosed, a woman is prescribed iron preparations, in most of which constipation is a side effect. Refusing to take these drugs can be dangerous as the baby will experience oxygen deprivation. In addition, untreated anemia itself is one of the causes of constipation in the first trimester of pregnancy.
    3. The need for bed rest due to the high risk of miscarriage. In the supine position, intestinal motility slows down.
    4. Hospital stay. The inability to empty out on time, an uncomfortable toilet, constant presence in people, stress - all these factors provoke constipation during pregnancy.
    5. Toxicosis in the early stages leads to alimentary constipation. It develops when normal digestion is impossible: an insufficient amount of fluid, a small amount of food, a deficiency of coarse food.

    At a later date

    In the 3rd trimester, to the above reasons for constipation during pregnancy, the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs and blood vessels is added. The stomach moves up and back, the pressure in it increases, and the tone decreases even more. In these conditions, all digestive problems are aggravated, including constipation.

    If a woman has it, she may limit her daily fluid intake or take diuretics, which leads to dehydration and additional difficulty in defecating.

    Closer to childbirth, the woman's motor activity is still reduced, the baby's head squeezes the intestines through the uterus. In addition to these factors, stool retention is exacerbated by anxiety before childbirth.

    Why constipation is dangerous during pregnancy

    To come to terms with periodic constipation during pregnancy means to doom yourself and your baby to a number of unpleasant consequences:

    1. In the digested food debris, bacteria actively multiply, which can lead to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and genitals.
    2. Prolonged retention of feces leads to intoxication of the mother. From the mother's blood, toxins penetrate into the baby's bloodstream.
    3. With severe constipation, you have to push for a long time, which can lead to premature rupture of the membranes.
    4. With untimely excretion of feces, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, and therefore the entire process of digestion. At the same time, appetite worsens. As a result, the woman stops receiving nutrients in the same volume.
    5. Frequent straining significantly increases the risk of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

    What to do and how to get rid of constipation

    It is often possible to eliminate the problem with defecation only by correcting the diet. Constipation products can be widely used during pregnancy. The use of drugs is limited, since for many of them pregnancy is a contraindication to taking them.

    The use of drugs and drugs

    During pregnancy, the main requirement for laxatives is their safety. Only products with a mild effect are allowed, which allow the consistency of feces to be brought closer to normal, thereby facilitating its excretion. The drugs of choice are drugs with an osmotic effect:

    Active substance Operating principle Trade marks
    Oral lactuloseLactulose is a polysaccharide that is not absorbed in the intestine. It provokes the flow of fluid into the intestine, which changes the consistency of the stool and helps its excretion. Lactulose creates an acidic environment in the colon, which interferes with the reproduction of pathogenic flora.Lactulose, Evict, Duphalac, Goodluck.
    Macrogol orally or as microclystersOther names are polyethylene glycol, PEG. These polymers are considered completely safe when taken orally, practically do not cause allergies and do not affect pregnancy. Macrogol is not digested. Like lactulose, it retains water and liquefies feces. There is no irritating effect on the intestine.Lavacol, Osmogol, Mikrolaks, Tranzipeg, Forlaks.
    Glycerol suppositoriesWhen applied topically (glycerin suppositories), it has a slight irritating effect, lubricating effect, and helps to soften feces.Suppositories with glycerin, Glycelax.

    To eliminate the inflammatory process in the rectum after eliminating constipation, you can use sea buckthorn suppositories. They accelerate the healing of minor mucosal lesions, can be prescribed for hemorrhoids, cracks. Use during pregnancy is completely safe.

    Diet rules for constipation

    The first thing to correct for constipation is water intake. Minimum for a pregnant woman - 1.5 liters excluding liquid in products... It is advisable to drink a glass of warm water with lemon before each meal. Mineral water will also be useful. It is advisable to exclude drinks with a diuretic effect. These include coffee and tea, including green tea.

    Prevention measures for chronic constipation during pregnancy also include:

    DietFractional. The daily diet is divided into a minimum of 5 meals. Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
    Food temperatureFood should be neither cold nor overly hot.
    Slowly digesting foodsHigh protein meals and other heavy foods are eaten in the morning.
    CelluloseAdequate intake of foods with fiber will help to eliminate constipation: vegetables (especially greens and cabbage), cereals, black bread. They increase stool volume. During pregnancy, vegetables and fruits per day need at least 600 g, mostly fresh.
    Fermented milk drinksThey stimulate intestinal motility, normalize its microflora. A glass of yogurt or kefir before bedtime is the best way to get rid of constipation of a pregnant woman without the use of medications. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of any vegetable oil to kefir.
    Laxative products

    Natural laxatives contain plums and prunes, apricots and dried apricots, peaches, nectarines, and figs. Prunes are used for constipation during pregnancy more often than others, as they produce the strongest laxative effect. During pregnancy, it can be consumed both in its natural form (up to 10 pcs per day), and in the form of mashed potatoes or decoctions.

    A good remedy for constipation is seaweed. It is added to vegetable and meat dishes.

    Unwanted foods for constipation during pregnancy: all viscous and pureed dishes (jelly, mashed soups, boiled rice and pasta, semolina), food with tannin (tea, blueberries, cocoa, persimmon, bird cherry), mushrooms, whole milk. Gas-generating foods (legumes, apple and grape juice) will also have to be temporarily eliminated.

    What exercises can help

    An important means of preventing constipation during pregnancy is active movement. The most beneficial are long walks, exercise bikes, swimming, and water aerobics. Yoga and Pilates for pregnant women also have a good effect. Exercises should increase the tone of the body, strengthen the abdominal wall, but not lead to overwork.

    Exercises to help relieve constipation during pregnancy:

    • retraction-relaxation of the abdomen in a standing position;
    • very slow squats. In the later stages, they should be abandoned or performed, holding onto the wall;
    • lifting the hips while lying down, legs bent. The body rests on the feet and shoulder blades;
    • lying on your back, legs bent, we spread our knees to the sides;
    • leg movements in a prone position: circular (bicycle) or oncoming (scissors);
    • walking with raising the knees.

    All these exercises are prohibited if there is a risk of miscarriage.

    Folk remedies for constipation

    Some folk remedies are safe, but they are quite effective. In 2/3 of women, they avoid the use of drugs. What to do at home to get rid of constipation:

    1. Relaxing breakfast: Brew oatmeal, add cubes of boiled beets, soaked and finely chopped prunes.
    2. Grind plantain seeds into powder. Take raw: half teaspoon before each meal with water. The seeds that have already been crushed are sold under the names psyllium or isfagula. It has been established that this remedy does not affect the course of pregnancy, therefore it can be used for a long time.
    3. A decoction of plantain seeds. Pour half a glass of seeds with a glass of water. Simmer for an hour over low heat under the lid. Drink 50 g before meals.
    4. Flax seeds during pregnancy can be consumed in their natural form. Every morning eat 1 tablespoon, chewing well. They can also be added to fermented milk drinks, salads, porridge. Recipe with kefir: add a teaspoon of ground seeds to a glass of drink, leave for half an hour to swell.
    5. Flaxseed tea is a more potent remedy for constipation. A tablespoon of seeds is boiled in a liter of boiling water for 1 hour, stirring regularly. You can drink up to 4 glasses of this broth per day. Plantain and flax seeds have a mild, rather slow action. Bowel cleansing during pregnancy occurs 1-2 days after the start of treatment. For the best effect, they are washed down with a large volume of water.
    6. Infusion of prunes. In the evening, put 100 g of prunes in a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave until morning. During this day, the infusion is completely drunk, the steamed prunes are eaten.

    To normalize stool with constipation, choose one of the above recipes. The use of several drugs at the same time can lead to diarrhea.

    How constipation cannot be treated during pregnancy

    Speaking about how to cope with constipation, one cannot fail to mention the means that are prohibited during pregnancy.

    Laxatives with a pronounced irritating effect are contraindicated, since when stimulating intestinal motility, the contractile activity of the uterus also increases. There is evidence that these drugs can disrupt the development of the child. In addition, when taken for a long time, they lead to frequent diarrhea, loss of fluid and electrolytes, and abdominal pain. Irritating drugs include castor oil, bisacodyl (tablets and suppositories for constipation Dulcolax, Bisacodyl), senna herb and preparations based on it, buckthorn bark, sodium picosulfate (Slabilen, Guttalax, Slabikap).

    During pregnancy, you cannot use any physiotherapeutic methods that are often prescribed for constipation: CMT, interference therapy, electrophoresis with drugs, mud and paraffin wraps. They can cause uterine contractions and negatively affect the fetus.

    Bran during pregnancy can only be eaten if the woman can drink plenty of water. If the consumption per day is less than 1.5 liters, the bran will absorb fluid from the intestines and further aggravate the constipation. If fluid during pregnancy is limited due to edema, dietary fiber can only be consumed in its natural form - in juicy vegetables and fruits.