Do-it-yourself grill house cost. Making a grill house with your own hands

How to accommodate guests and family during the cold season with minimal risk of freezing? What kind of garden buildings can be created on the site so that the family traditions of cooking barbecue in the open air do not suffer or fall into oblivion? There are answers to these questions. And they are hidden in the original Finnish grill house Grillikota.


The main difference between such a building and a classic insulated gazebo is that a barbecue grill, an open fireplace, in a word, a fireplace for cooking and heating the room are built inside it.

The idea of ​​a grill house comes from Scandinavia. It is completely reminiscent of Lapland igloos in its shape and sometimes filling.

The main features of the so-called “Finnish gazebos” can be determined by the following points:

  • versatility of construction for any time of year;
  • possibility of cooking indoors;
  • the magical shape of a regular hexagon;
  • a small and cozy room with a door and a couple of windows (in rare cases, such a gazebo is equipped with large windows);
  • base - a solid reinforced concrete foundation, strong piles, in a lightweight summer version - a wooden patio;
  • oven-hearth for preparing various dishes: from traditional kebabs and grilled vegetables to smoking fish and meat at home.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of the Finnish gazebo is barbecuing and gatherings in a narrow family circle at any time of the year, this type of construction has several different types. How do they differ from each other and what do they serve? Read on.


Varieties of grill houses differ from each other in size (6 m2, 9 m2, 11 m2, 16.5 m2) and the materials from which they are built.


A classic version of the Finnish gazebo, which not only makes the complex environmentally friendly, but retains and releases heat well. When building a grill house made of wood, you must take into account the fact that a sudden change in temperature can damage it. Therefore, the outer skin, as a rule, is made of moisture-resistant materials (for example, OSB sheets), and the frame and base are treated with special solutions.


Such barbecue houses in garden plots look very sophisticated and elegant. A metal gazebo will look very good with large windows or polycarbonate walls. Also, do not forget about treating the metal with anti-corrosion agents so that the grill house lasts as long as possible.


An excellent material for creating fundamental buildings. Such a winter gazebo will always come in handy and can serve you not only as a place to relax with the possibility of instant cooking on the spot. It is also perfect for accommodating guests at any time of the year, for use as a home mini-office and even for a children's indoor playground.

Foam and aerated concrete

They are practically insensitive to changes in seasons and temperatures, moisture resistant, and fire safety is at the highest level. The cost of these building materials is very economical. Another advantage of using foam and aerated concrete to build a grill house is its lightness. It will allow you to do without a heavy reinforced concrete foundation.

A barbecue gazebo in Russia often has an open shape. But fundamental buildings with a summer kitchen are extremely popular. Such joint buildings are designed to reduce the air temperature in the main house in the summer heat. The Finnish grill house for a summer cottage has a large number of options: with a hearth, with a barbecue, with a barbecue or with an entire universal oven in the center of the building. If necessary, such a gazebo can easily be combined with a bathhouse or sauna in the same building. In this case, the gazebo serves as a kind of dressing room with additional functionality.

For a children's indoor playground or an additional recreation area, remote from the food preparation area, you can equip a Finnish house with an extension. In this case, it will, of course, lose its authenticity, but will be more practical and spacious.

It is noteworthy that such wonderful gazebos can be equally easily and comfortably built independently or purchased ready-made.

Purchasing ready-made options

The homeland of grill houses - Finland - has prepared a big surprise for everyone who wants to get their own covered patio with a stove inside.

When purchasing ready-made grill houses, you should pay attention to two main options: standard economy option and extended premium. Despite the fact that the first is the most economical and the cheapest (its price usually reaches a maximum of 200-300 thousand rubles), its quality leaves no questions. In this regard, Finns are a very responsible people.

Economy gazebos are usually small in area, designed for a small number of people (no more than 6). Usually these are classic wooden buildings with the simplest, uncomplicated hearth. The economical design range contains inexpensive but very beautiful finishing elements, but all models are similar to each other both externally and internally. You will have to assemble such a house yourself, but it is not at all difficult. Detailed assembly instructions in Russian will help you assemble the gazebo with fireplace as quickly and accurately as possible.

Reviews of Finnish grill houses of the extended premium level are very mixed. Some note the large area of ​​the finished gazebo and non-standard shape (sometimes large buildings are made in the shape of an octagon). Others react negatively to the same standard techniques and designs for an unimaginable price (500-700 thousand rubles).

Therefore, a much more unique and original option would be a grill house of your own production. Let's look at how to make a universal gazebo with a fireplace below.

If you decide to purchase a ready-made barbecue house, we offer you to watch the following video, in which you can see how to assemble it correctly.


Before you start making a Finnish grill house yourself, you need to study all the main components of this type of structure, as well as acquire all the necessary materials and tools. The choice of target destination will also be important. What will it be: an open summer gazebo/veranda for relaxation or, perhaps, a solid stone house for all-season gatherings? Having answered these questions, you can begin designing.


Like any architectural project, a country grill-gazebo requires careful development of the concept. First of all, you need to decide on the location of the building and its area. So, to create a Finnish gazebo with your own hands, you need to make drawings based on preliminary calculations. Here is a rough sketch of the simplest building:

From this it can be seen that calculations should be made both on the flat surface of the area where the grill house will be located, and in three-dimensional space. A standard grill house has a height of three to three and a half meters (including the roof). One side of the base (hexagon) can be 3.5-4 meters.

When you have finished with the drawings and calculations, you can begin to select the material for building a miracle house.

And in the next video fragment you can take the drawings of an octagonal-shaped grill house.

Selection of materials

Modern Finnish gazebos are made from tongue-and-groove pine boards - mini-beams. Despite its air and wind permeability, such material will retain heat in a gazebo with a central grill-stove in any weather and at any air temperature.

Multilayer wall panels are used to build a grill house. The outside walls consist of glued or profiled timber; for interior decoration, lining or any other simple wood material is more suitable. A special non-combustible insulation is laid between these layers.

All wooden surfaces of the grill house must be treated with Pinotex, which has fire-fighting and moisture-resistant properties. This is necessary so that using the stove inside a wooden room does not result in disaster.

Where should the stove be located?

The classic look of a grill house involves placing the oven in the center of the room. Before installing it, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the foundation and foundation for the stove.

Often the foundation is a concrete platform on top of which a plinth is installed. This is necessary to place a vent in the floor of the gazebo - a pipe that will take air from the outside and supply it inside the fireplace, creating draft and freeing the room from carbon monoxide.

If the grill house is planned to be built on reinforced concrete piles, there is no need for a blower pipe, since the room will be naturally ventilated through the floor.

Above the stove there must be a hood and a chimney, the pipe of which goes out through the roof. Of course, the ideal option for such a house is the so-called sandwich chimney. You can visually examine it by paying attention to the gaps in the roof dome of the grill-gazebo, through which heated air will escape from the room.

The basis for the stove, as a rule, is a round table, at which guests and owners of the house will willingly sit.

Main stages of construction

Let's look at several basic steps that will allow you to build the grill house of your dreams as accurately as possible.

  • Marking allows you to choose a place for construction where the foundation will be laid. First, the top layer of soil with vegetation is removed. Then the site is filled with sand, crushed stone and gravel, which must be compacted. If necessary, a blower pipe is laid. The site is again filled with the previous ingredients. The screed is poured.
  • Frame installation The grill house provides a solid foundation for the future structure. Since the gazebo has a hexagon shape, it is necessary to install six vertical bars in each corner of the geometric figure. These bars are connected in three places: at the base, in the middle and at the top. The frame is considered correctly installed when the angle between the fastened vertical beams is 60 degrees.
  • Manufacturing and installation of the roof. It consists of two main parts: the frame and the rafters. The first has six beams, each of which has two rafters.
  • Grill house trim the outside should be made of moisture-resistant OSB material. After installing the frame and trim, you can move on to the doors and windows.
  • Installation of the hearth in the center of the room is the final stage of creating a grill house. Installation of the stove is simple, but strictly according to the instructions for it. Don't forget about installing the hood and chimney.

Despite modern innovations in technological progress, it is human nature to strive to return to a primitive state. Everyone is drawn to get closer to nature. Therefore, the grill house is so popular, providing maximum comfort for all kinds of barbecue events, barbecues and other country outings.

Unfortunately, sometimes unfavorable weather conditions in an inhospitable harsh climate do not allow you to fully enjoy the delights of nature. In the rain or in snowdrifts it is impossible to have a normal rest and treat yourself to a piping hot barbecue. However, if you build a modern and comfortable grill house on your summer cottage with your own hands, you can forget about natural dislikes.

Tourism lovers also do not necessarily have to go to distant countries for new experiences. A cozy private house will allow you to enjoy the exotic in familiar and familiar territory. Fans of kebab culture and barbecue can have fun without taking into account natural disasters like torrential rain or even a blizzard that sweeps the entire surrounding area with snowdrifts.

If you want to usefully spend your free time at your own summer cottage, the best option is a grill house. The undeniable advantages of such a structure are:

  1. The opportunity to prepare hot mulled wine with your own hands, grill potatoes and kebabs on coals, the taste of which cannot be compared with those prepared even in luxury city apartments. The smell of the smoke of an open fire gives dishes a certain primitive aroma, returning to the origins of existence.
  2. Save time and effort preparing a variety of culinary creations on the grill. During the cooking process, you do not have to leave the room to the outdoor fire, since the live fire is located directly in the center of the gazebo.
  3. The versatility of the gazebos of the type described above allows you to combine them with a bathhouse, use them for overnight stays for friends staying up late, as a summer residence or a seasonal office.
  4. Small on the outside, such country houses are quite spacious inside due to their hexagonal or octagonal shape.

The best place for a country holiday surrounded by nature are multifunctional barbecue houses equipped with grill installations.

Such gazebos allow you to use a primitive hearth indoors thanks to a progressive ventilation system that ensures reliable air circulation.

An excellent opportunity to spend time outside the dusty and bustling city is provided by a cozy grill house located on its own site. You can enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of an open fire, without worrying about protecting the hearth from rain and snow, with a hand-built comfortable covered gazebo in the Scandinavian style.

To beat the harsh climate that prevents a relaxing holiday, enterprising neighbors from Finland have invented a grill house that allows you to enjoy the pristine surrounding beauty.

In addition to their direct purpose for barbecuing, such structures can be used for other purposes:

  • A functional house is quite capable of replacing a summer kitchen. Moreover, an open fire will give the prepared dishes a unique taste;
  • As an additional guest room for a large number of visitors, the house can be equipped with a fairly comfortable sleeping place;
  • Such a dacha building will perfectly cope with the role of a summer residence or office;
  • By combining such a gazebo with a bathhouse, you can enjoy water treatments;
  • When using a building for seasonal storage of garden tools, try not to block the passage to the fireplace, so that at any time, if desired, you can prepare a delicious dish over the fire;
  • The grill house serves not only for organizing gatherings around the grill with loved ones or friends, it can be used as a place of solitude, where you can calmly reflect on life.

Based on the purpose of such a country building, the shape of the room and internal equipment are selected. Modern materials provide a huge selection of different designs such as a grill house or a barbecue gazebo. Even an ordinary person who is not familiar with the intricacies of construction skills can assemble such a structure on the territory of a country garden.

The fairly extensive experience of neighbors from Finland in using such structures affected the extreme popularity of Scandinavian plagues. This is exactly the shape that modern grill huts have acquired, as interpreted by northern craftsmen.

Deep historical roots were reflected in the functionality of such buildings. Finnish grill houses owe their appearance to Lapland turf huts, which protected the inhabitants of the harsh Norwegian tundra from the unkindness of nature. Such buildings saved the indigenous people from severe frosts, heavy rains and other weather troubles.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made and fully equipped grill house, but it is much more pleasant to arrange a place for a family vacation with your own hands. Barbecue, potatoes baked on coals or delicious kebab will undoubtedly seem much tastier under the roof. Such grill gazebos are especially enjoyable in bad weather, when the weather is fierce outside the walls, and in the center of the house a calm fire comfortably crackles, spreading the smells of barbecue and home-cooked delicacies throughout the room.

It is necessary to determine the functional purpose of the dacha structure immediately before the start of construction. The shape, size and interior decoration of the room depend on it. After this, you can consider the proposed construction drawings for the barbecue.

When choosing an enclosed house for a summer holiday or an open gazebo for barbecue events, it is necessary to accurately identify the building material that will be required during the construction and internal equipment of this structure.

For harsh climates, stone can be used, although due to the internal heat source of a live fire in the middle of the room, a wooden grill house is the most common option.

Natural skins carelessly thrown on benches around the hearth contribute to the creation of a primitive ambience. The seats can be made reclining to save space.

Such gazebos and modern plague grills allow you to return to the primordial origins of human existence. A comfortable holiday under a cozy roof outside the bustle of the city brings you closer to nature.

The facilities allow owners of private houses to conveniently prepare kebabs and other delicious dishes. To arrange such a house with your own hands, you must follow the instructions below.

Step-by-step instructions for building a grill house

The frequency of use of Finnish grill houses will depend on whether the owners’ residence in a country house is temporary or permanent. The design of the future building should include a dining area, as well as an oven for cold smoking and grilling. Construction will require high quality materials.

All steps of the step-by-step instructions must be followed, otherwise the use of the Finnish grill house will be unsafe due to the fact that it contains an open source of fire.

Before carrying out construction work, you will need to prepare the following types of materials:

  • Crushed stone.
  • Thermal insulator.
  • Fastening elements Curb stone.
  • Roofing material.
  • Wooden beams and boards.
  • Entrance door.
  • Lining for finishing the room.
  • Double-glazed windows.

The wood can be pre-treated with Pinotex to protect it from rotting. Construction requires the preparation of all necessary tools. This stage is important for further work, as it allows you to begin building the house. As with the choice of materials, the preparation of tools should be approached responsibly.

Among them, it is very important to have on hand:

  • Axe.
  • Chisel.
  • Square.
  • Screwdriver.
  • A shovel.
  • Roulette.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Electric drill.
  • Screws.
  • Hammer.

Of all the types of necessary equipment that will be used for cooking, the following devices will be needed: an oven with a barbecue and a Finnish grill, as well as a device for cold smoking.

Despite modern technologies and well-equipped housing, every person lacks unity with nature, so most city residents try to spend their free time outside the metropolis, organizing summer gatherings. To do this, many people build a grill house on their plot of land, which is an ideal place for a comfortable family holiday and meeting friends. Thanks to the unique design, in such a building you can cook any food over an open fire, regardless of weather conditions, since the structure is built closed and reliably protects vacationers from wind, nasty rain and even snowstorms.


A grill house is a gazebo that allows you to cook food directly inside the building. The main feature of this structure is that it can be used both in summer and winter. Typically, grill houses are built from solid wood in the form of a closed hexagonal structure with a door and windows. The foundation of a structure is usually installed from durable materials. The roof of the buildings is made of natural wood, giving it a triangular shape; a chimney is installed externally on the roof, which is connected to the fireplace.

The interior of the so-called Finnish houses is decorated in a standard way - in the center of the room there is a universal stove and additional accessories in the form of a smokehouse, spit and barbecue. In addition, for comfortable hanging out, the design is complemented by a tabletop and benches decorated with animal skins or pillows.

The construction of such structures is not particularly difficult. It’s quite possible to do it yourself, since all work is carried out in the same way as installing conventional gazebos. If the installation is carried out correctly, the grill house will not only serve as an excellent place for preparing dishes, but will also heat the room well in winter, creating all the necessary conditions for relaxation.

The main advantages of such buildings include:

  • Possibility to cook grilled meat, fish, potatoes and hot drinks. The unique smell of smoke gives dishes an exquisite taste that cannot be compared with any restaurant menu.
  • Convenient conditions for a good rest. To enjoy a live fire and please your loved ones with your grilled culinary masterpieces, you don’t need to leave the premises and build a fire. This is especially true when it is raining or snowing outside.
  • Multifunctionality. Such structures are often combined with extensions for overnight stays and bathhouses. Thanks to this, the Finnish house turns into a full-fledged summer home outside the city.
  • Comfortable layout. From the outside, a country house may seem small, but since it has a hex or octagonal shape, the rooms inside are spacious.
  • Good air circulation. Despite the fact that the fireplace is located inside the buildings, modern ventilation systems provide fresh air.

As for the disadvantages, the only disadvantage of such houses is the high price. But there are many budget projects, thanks to which you can build an economical design option.


The birthplace of the grill house is Finland. Thanks to its convenient design and chic appearance, it has successfully proven itself all over the world, and most summer residents dream of such a building on their site. Before installing it, you need to carefully consider the layout and design of the structure. To do this, first a project is drawn up and the type of future gazebo is selected. The structure is most often made in the form of a hexagon, heptagon or octagon. The hexagonal shape is considered the most popular in projects., since its construction is carried out quickly and is inexpensive.

The heptagonal house is characterized by the presence of asymmetry; thanks to its interesting shape and additional edge, it can be originally decorated in any style. As for the octagon, it is chosen for large Finnish gazebos designed for a family of 6 people. Its installation is costly and labor-intensive, since construction requires a lot of materials. But it is worth noting that it is the octagonal gazebo that looks the most attractive and luxurious.

Such a house will be an excellent addition to the landscape design of a dacha located on a spacious plot of land.

In order to draw the drawings correctly, you also need to know the dimensions of the planned structure. A Finnish house is usually made with a diameter of 3 to 5 meters and a height of up to 2.5 meters. When choosing the dimensions of the structure, you should consider the following nuances:

  • Number of persons, for which the building will be designed. For a family consisting of 4-5 members, it is enough to choose a project with a base diameter of 4 m. If guests often meet, it is advisable to install a gazebo of more than 5 m.
  • Features of the arrangement. Depending on whether the room will be equipped with a grill, barbecue or fireplace, the area is calculated. In some cases, a stove is simply placed in the center of the building.
  • Availability of additional rooms. Recently, projects with extensions have become popular. Houses with a bathhouse, sauna and kitchen are an ideal place to live outside the city, since one building has everything you need for this.
  • Budget. Larger winter structures will require more expensive building materials, including thermal insulation. As for the summer gazebo, it will cost less.

An important indicator for the project is the material from which the house will be installed. Usually, it is built from mini-timber, but you can also use an edged board. The internal layout must be calculated so that the area of ​​the room is divided into two parts: the larger one is intended for the table, and the smaller one is for the recreation area.


Installing a Finnish house, like any other building, requires a set of appropriate tools and building materials. Therefore, to build such a structure from timber with your own hands, you will need to prepare them in advance. As a rule, for this you will need a tape measure, an ax, a hammer, a tape measure, an electric drill and self-tapping screws. Installation work will not be particularly difficult if you have assembly instructions and special equipment for laying the foundation at hand.

As for the materials, great attention should be paid to their choice, otherwise the grill house will turn out to be fragile and will not last long. For construction you will need:

  • chimney and smoke collector;
  • lining;
  • grill oven;
  • thermal insulation;
  • washers and nuts;
  • Entrance door;
  • medium-grained sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • double glazed windows;
  • beam;
  • edged board;
  • soft tiles;
  • paving slabs.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the building. The structures are usually installed next to the main house between buildings. Before laying the foundation, the site is marked. To do this you need to do the following:

  • remove the top layer of soil;
  • fill the selected area with sand and crushed stone;
  • carefully compact the layer of materials and prepare plastic pipes for installation;
  • lay paving slabs and decorate its edges with curb stones.

Then you can proceed to the manufacture of the frame using support beams 2.5 m long and with a cross-section of 100 × 100 mm. Six beams are installed vertically and connected horizontally using beams 1.5 m long with a cross section of 80 × 80 mm. Fastening is done in three places: below, above and in the middle. In this case, it is important to check the angle between the fastened parts; it should be 60. In addition to the main beams, additional beams intended for doors and windows are also installed.

The next stage will be installation of the roof. To do this, first assemble its frame from boards with a cross section of 50 × 100 mm. It is best to choose a hexagonal design, thanks to which the internal diameter will create a hexagon proportional to the pipe for the hearth. The basis of the roof will be rafters prepared from edged boards. They need to be secured using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

The grill house is covered with OSB boards or other moisture-resistant material. It is recommended to line the inside walls with clapboard. When the walls are ready, it is necessary to install doors and windows, which are a mandatory component of Finnish structures. Upon completion of all construction work, a previously purchased fireplace is installed in the center of the room and the building is decorated to your taste.

Recently, many summer residents prefer to build grill houses in their garden plots. They fit beautifully into the landscape design of the site and serve as an excellent place to relax at any time of the year. To make such a design as convenient as possible for spending time, specialists It is recommended to equip it as follows:

  • Supplement the construction with rooms for spa treatments. Using the warmth of the fireplace, you can create a good sauna. So, inside the gazebo there will be not only a place for a dining table, but also a steam room. In addition, it is best to purchase folding benches. If necessary, they will act as a sleeping place.
  • Install ventilation. To do this, barbecues must be mounted together with an air exhaust pipe with a hole of at least 20 cm. Special patio decking is provided for grills; they provide excellent air exchange inside the room. The room should also be ventilated regularly.
  • Think about the right layout. Typically, a grill with a chimney and a hood is placed in the center of the house, and benches are placed along the walls.
  • Construction of Finnish structures can be performed using different types of foundation, the ideal choice is a columnar base, since a gap will form between the ground and the walls and there will be no need to install air vents. If the foundation is chosen in the form of a concrete slab, then pipes for ventilation must be laid in it.

Despite modern innovations in technological progress, it is human nature to strive to return to a primitive state. Everyone is drawn to get closer to nature. Therefore, the grill house is so popular, providing maximum comfort for all kinds of barbecue events, barbecues and other country outings.

Unfortunately, sometimes unfavorable weather conditions in an inhospitable harsh climate do not allow you to fully enjoy the delights of nature. In the rain or in snowdrifts it is impossible to have a normal rest and treat yourself to a piping hot barbecue. However, if you build a modern and comfortable grill house on your summer cottage with your own hands, you can forget about natural dislikes.

Tourism lovers also do not necessarily have to go to distant countries for new experiences. A cozy private house will allow you to enjoy the exotic in familiar and familiar territory. Fans of kebab culture and barbecue can have fun without taking into account natural disasters like torrential rain or even a blizzard that sweeps the entire surrounding area with snowdrifts.

Articles on wood processing:

Advantages of grill houses

If you want to usefully spend your free time at your own summer cottage, the best option is a grill house. The undeniable advantages of such a structure are:

  1. The opportunity to prepare hot mulled wine with your own hands, grill potatoes and kebabs on coals, the taste of which cannot be compared with those prepared even in luxury city apartments. The smell of the smoke of an open fire gives dishes a certain primitive aroma, returning to the origins of existence.
  2. Save time and effort preparing a variety of culinary creations on the grill. During the cooking process, you do not have to leave the room to the outdoor fire, since the live fire is located directly in the center of the gazebo.
  3. The versatility of the gazebos of the type described above allows you to combine them with a bathhouse, use them for overnight stays for friends staying up late, as a summer residence or a seasonal office.
  4. Small on the outside, such country houses are quite spacious inside due to their hexagonal or octagonal shape.

The best place for a country holiday surrounded by nature are multifunctional barbecue houses equipped with grill installations.

Such gazebos allow you to use a primitive hearth indoors thanks to a progressive ventilation system that ensures reliable air circulation.

Comfortable stay in Scandinavian style

An excellent opportunity to spend time outside the dusty and bustling city is provided by a cozy grill house located on its own site. You can enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of an open fire, without worrying about protecting the hearth from rain and snow, with a hand-built comfortable covered gazebo in the Scandinavian style.

To beat the harsh climate that prevents a relaxing holiday, enterprising neighbors from Finland have invented a grill house that allows you to enjoy the pristine surrounding beauty.

In addition to their direct purpose for barbecuing, such structures can be used for other purposes:

  • A functional house is quite capable of replacing. Moreover, an open fire will give the prepared dishes a unique taste;
  • As an additional guest room for a large number of visitors, the house can be equipped with a fairly comfortable sleeping place;
  • Such a dacha building will perfectly cope with the role of a summer residence or office;
  • By combining such a gazebo with a bathhouse, you can enjoy water treatments;
  • When using a building for seasonal storage of garden tools, try not to block the passage to the fireplace, so that at any time, if desired, you can prepare a delicious dish over the fire;
  • The grill house serves not only for organizing gatherings around the grill with loved ones or friends, it can be used as a place of solitude, where you can calmly reflect on life.

Based on the purpose of such a country building, the shape of the room and internal equipment are selected. Modern materials provide a huge selection of different designs such as a grill house or a barbecue gazebo. Even an ordinary person who is not familiar with the intricacies of construction skills can assemble such a structure on the territory of a country garden.

We independently provide amenities in nature

The fairly extensive experience of neighbors from Finland in using such structures affected the extreme popularity of Scandinavian plagues. This is exactly the shape that modern grill huts have acquired, as interpreted by northern craftsmen.

Deep historical roots were reflected in the functionality of such buildings. Finnish grill houses owe their appearance to Lapland turf huts, which protected the inhabitants of the harsh Norwegian tundra from the unkindness of nature. Such buildings saved the indigenous people from severe frosts, heavy rains and other weather troubles.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made and fully equipped grill house, but it is much more pleasant to arrange a place for a family vacation with your own hands. Barbecue, potatoes baked on coals or delicious kebab will undoubtedly seem much tastier under the roof. Such grill gazebos are especially enjoyable in bad weather, when the weather is fierce outside the walls, and in the center of the house a calm fire comfortably crackles, spreading the smells of barbecue and home-cooked delicacies throughout the room.

For harsh climates, stone can be used, although due to the internal heat source of a live fire in the middle of the room, a wooden grill house is the most common option.

Natural skins carelessly thrown on benches around the hearth contribute to the creation of a primitive ambience. The seats can be made reclining to save space.

Such gazebos and modern plague grills allow you to return to the primordial origins of human existence. A comfortable holiday under a cozy roof outside the bustle of the city brings you closer to nature.