Transition to individual heating in an apartment building: legal and everyday aspects. Law on individual heating in an apartment building Individual autonomous heating in an apartment building

Do you think that heat bills are too high and the quality of service is unsatisfactory? Don't want to depend on planned and unscheduled outages? Tired of sudden temperature changes in batteries that do not correspond to weather changes? You have a completely legitimate opportunity to solve all these problems at once by installing your own heating boiler and disconnecting from the central heating network. But before you go to a plumbing store, you need to get as much information as possible about how to do everything correctly and in accordance with building codes. Do you want to properly arrange autonomous heating in your apartment? Then get some basic information about this case here.

Pros and cons of autonomous heating in an apartment

How advisable is it to refuse centralized heating in an apartment building? Let's start with an overview of the benefits that an autonomous heating system in an apartment can bring to you.

Important! When changing the power of the heating boiler, follow the known limits. Do not reduce the room temperature to values ​​that are less than the figures prescribed in building codes. Otherwise, you will “freeze out” neighboring apartments, which can lead to unwanted conflicts with neighbors.

Diagram showing the autonomous heating system in an apartment. The boiler receives fuel from a gas supply line equipped with shut-off valves and a meter. It is also connected to a cold water supply - a double-circuit boiler, and, in addition to heating the apartment, supplies residents with hot water. In the diagram you can see that the cold water line going to the heater is equipped with a filter - its presence significantly extends the service life of the equipment. Of course, the “supply” and “return” of the heating system also depart from the boiler, through which water flows to the radiators and the “warm floor” system

It should be understood that independent heating of an apartment has its own disadvantages and problems. If you are going to install autonomous heating at home, be sure to familiarize yourself with them so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise for you in the future. Which should be d, you can find out in our article.

Now, having familiarized ourselves with the positive and negative sides of autonomous heating, we will tell you how to make it. The entire process can be represented as several steps performed sequentially.

  1. Work with documents - obtaining permission to disconnect from the centralized heat supply and install your own, autonomous system.
  2. Selecting the power of the heating system for your apartment.
  3. Choosing a boiler for autonomous heating
  4. Installation work - installation of meters and boiler, laying pipes, etc.

Competent work with documents is half the success

In the following sections of this article we will look at all these steps, but in more detail. So let's get started.

Preparation of documents for the installation of autonomous heating

The first 50% of success in arranging autonomous heating in an apartment consists of paperwork and going through many bureaucratic delays. To make your task easier, we have compiled approximate step-by-step instructions on how to prepare the necessary papers and coordinate all the work.

Step 1. Collect a package of documents that you will need to obtain permission to disconnect from the centralized heating supply and install autonomous heating:

  • technical passport for the apartment:
  • documents confirming the ownership of housing or their notarized copies;
  • consent to the redevelopment of all those living in the apartment;
  • application for disconnection from centralized heating;
  • application for redevelopment of an apartment.

Step 2. Find out who owns the heating system. If it is communal, then to disconnect from it and connect autonomous heating you will need to obtain the written consent of all residents of the house.

Step 3. With an application for disconnection from centralized heating and other documents, contact the management company (or HOA).

Step 4. Within ten days, you must obtain permission to disconnect from the general heating network and technical specifications (abbreviated as TU) for the heating boiler and autonomous heating system.

Important! If the management company refuses you permission, find out the reason. If it is unfounded, challenge this decision in court. Remember, you have the right to autonomous heating in your own apartment.

Step 5. With technical specifications and other documents, contact a specialized organization that will draw up a project for an autonomous heating system. They must also determine whether you have the technical ability to install such a system and whether this will not harm the other residents, the building itself and its utilities.

Step 6. Submit the application for redevelopment along with the project, technical calculations and other documents to the local government authorities. Within 45 days they must issue you permission to install autonomous heating.

Step 7 If you intend to install a gas boiler, coordinate this event with the gas service in your city.

Step 8 If necessary, confirm with the fire department that your redevelopment project meets all codes.

Some bureaucratic aspects of paperwork and permission for autonomous heating in an apartment may differ in different regions. Please check these points with your local administration in advance.

Important! Remember that any unauthorized work that is not agreed upon with the gas service and management company is unacceptable. First, such conditions create a risk for you, your family and neighbors. Secondly, this threatens problems with the law, courts, fines and an official requirement to dismantle autonomous heating in the apartment.

Selection of boiler power for autonomous heating

During the preparation of the project and permission to install autonomous heating, it is necessary to determine what power boiler will be sufficient to heat your apartment. To do this, perform a simple calculation using the following formula:


The result of the calculations is Q - power sufficient to heat the apartment; watts are used as units of measurement. For variable S, select the total area of ​​the apartment. P is the average amount of power sufficient to heat one square meter of a living room. In this case it is equal to 100 W/m2. Variables K1-K7 hide multipliers, whose value depends on certain factors that can affect the efficiency of the heating system. You can see their values ​​in the table. What is p , You can read in our article.

Table. Correction factors for calculating the power of a heating boiler.

CoefficientWhat does it meanValues ​​of this coefficient
K1Type of windows in the apartmentFor a single glass unit – 1.27, for a double-glazed unit – 1, for a three-chamber unit – 0.85
K2Type of external walls in an apartment facing the streetFor concrete - 1.5, for brickwork - 1.1, for the same, but with thermal insulation - 0.85
K3Ratio of glazing area to apartment areaFor 10% - 0.8, for 20% - 1.0, for 30% - 1.2, for 40% - 1.4
K4Regional coefficient, selected based on the average minimum temperature in JanuaryUp to -10°С – 0.7, -10°С – 0.8, -20°С – 1.0, -25°С – 1.1, -30°С – 1.2, less than -30°С – 1.5
K5The number of walls in the apartment facing the streetOne wall – 1, for a corner apartment – ​​1.2
K6Type of room located above the apartmentFor a residential floor - 0.82, for an insulated attic - 0.91, for a cold one - 1.
K7Ceiling height in the apartmentFor 2.5 m – 1.3 m – 1.05, 3.5 m – 1.1

Having multiplied the area of ​​the apartment, the value of the average power and the correction factors, it remains to include the last variable in the formula - R. It denotes the reservation of heating boiler power and has a value from 1.15 to 1.25.

A separate issue is the choice of the type of boiler that will heat the apartment. It can be either gas or electric. In this section we will consider the first option.

Today, gas heating boilers are the most popular among equipment of this class. They perform well both in private houses and cottages, and in an autonomous heating system in a city apartment. The advantages of gas boilers over other devices include the following.

  1. Cheap fuel. It is most profitable to heat an apartment, private house or country cottage with gas - the price of fuel is relatively low. Consequently, by abandoning centralized heating and switching to a similar heating boiler, you get the opportunity to save a lot of money and quickly recoup all redevelopment costs.
  2. Silence– a modern boiler will not interfere with your sleep, relaxation or household chores.
  3. Compactness– a medium-power heating boiler running on gas does not take up too much space. Its dimensions are comparable to one section of a kitchen cabinet.
  4. Functionality– modern automation allows you to have greater freedom of action in setting up the operation of a gas boiler.

But such a device also has one drawback. It is connected with fuel - a gas boiler is a fire hazardous equipment. Therefore, it is better to entrust the connection to the energy supply to an experienced specialist who has the appropriate permits and approvals and has all the necessary tools and skills to work with it. You can see what it is and how to install it on our page.

Gas boilers, in turn, are divided into two main types - single- and double-circuit. In the first case, fuel is burned to heat only the coolant of the heating system and for nothing else. It also supplies you with hot water, the centralized supply of which you will also be able to refuse in the future.

Consider the structure of the boiler shown in the image above. This is a double-circuit heating device with separated heat exchangers - the upper one is used to heat the heating fluid, and the lower one is used for hot water used by the apartment residents. The pump creates the required level of pressure in the line. allows you to compensate for the increase in the volume of liquid in the heating system as the temperature rises. Combustion products formed during boiler operation are discharged into a coaxial chimney. Through it, the fan also draws in air from the street, which is necessary for the functioning of the combustion chamber.

In the context of regular increases in prices for housing and communal services tariffs and seasonal shutdowns of hot water supply, apartment owners are thinking about installing individual heating in an apartment building. Modern installations are automated, do not take up much space and allow you to set a different temperature in each living room. To make the right decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons of different devices and make a choice in favor of one device or another. When choosing a unit for generating heat and providing hot water, owners first of all make calculations for installation, energy costs and maintenance of the device. It is easier to coordinate and install an individual boiler room in a private house than in a multi-family apartment. The law allows changes to be made to the centralized heating system if certain conditions are met, but in practice this is not easy to do.

Gas installation

When choosing a boiler, several basic parameters should be taken into account. Gas equipment is more dangerous to operate compared to electric boiler houses. Coordination and connection of the boiler to an individual heating and hot water system takes a lot of time and takes place in several stages. Installation of the system and commissioning is carried out by employees of specialized organizations after agreement with the gas supply organization. The user of the agreed and installed equipment is obliged to use the device correctly and maintain good technical condition.

Before making the final choice in favor of one heating boiler or another, it is necessary to make calculations. In addition to the cost of the gas boiler and additional equipment, the owner pays:

  • insert into the pipe. The cost of the service varies and depends on the owner of the gas pipeline;
  • connection project;
  • fire inspection certificate after installation. If deviations from the project are identified, the reconstruction of the heating system is considered unauthorized;
  • contract for mandatory service in the future.

It is important to know! The approval procedure, installation and further operation of autonomous heating are more expensive for owners of a gas heat generator compared to the cost of connecting electrical equipment. Natural gas has an undoubted advantage over electricity - the cost of the energy resource.

You cannot install any equipment you like or that is suitable for the price. The selected equipment must comply with current standards and technical conditions. The boiler, according to the law on individual heating in an apartment building (clause 44 of Government Decree No. 307 of April 16, 2012 and part 15 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”) must be:

  • with a sealed combustion chamber;
  • the device’s automation should be triggered if incorrect burner operation is detected;
  • the coolant temperature does not exceed 95C, and the pressure is 1 megapascal.

It is unacceptable and dangerous to use an autonomous gas installation in the following cases:

  • if the apartment in a multi-storey building in which reconstruction is planned, or the building is in disrepair;
  • there is not enough draft in the ventilation shaft.

Stop operation immediately and seek help from specialists if the boiler is in a faulty condition and you smell gas.

Electric boiler

The cost of electrical equipment is comparable to the cost of gas equipment. The costs of installing and connecting autonomous electrical appliances are lower than for gas equipment. You can save on materials and not install radiators throughout the apartment, so there is no need to lay pipes as with gas heating. To heat the room, it is enough to install electric convectors and select the optimal temperature for each room. You can also install the boiler yourself if you have enough knowledge, which will allow you not to seek help from specialized organizations. But when choosing equipment with a power of 10 kW or more, permission from power engineers is required.

It is important to know! The cost of electricity is higher than the price of natural gas, therefore, in order to save money, it is recommended to switch to two-tariff meters and run the electric boiler during periods of reduced prices at night. Modern energy-saving boilers are also offered for purchase and use. Despite the high costs of paying for electricity, a device powered by electricity has greater efficiency and is less noisy compared to a gas one.

Like gas boilers, electric boilers can be single-circuit (for heating only) or double-circuit (heat hot water). The equipment itself is compact and does not require constant monitoring by the owner. An acceptance certificate after installation and additional maintenance of in-house electrical equipment are not required.

When choosing an electric boiler, take into account the stability of the network and voltage. If there are frequent power outages in an area, it is recommended to use stand-alone liquid fuel generators. If the calculation of payment for the energy consumed by the mini boiler house does not suit you, it is better to abandon the presented option and switch to an alternative.

How to install individual heating in an apartment

In an apartment, switching to an autonomous heating system with subsequent disconnection from the central heating system is impossible without obtaining permission. The rules for approval and transition to individual heat supply in an apartment are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Final approval is carried out by the local administration after submitting a package of documents:

  1. Application according to the approved form, completed by the applicant.
  2. Connection project completed by specialists and permission from gas suppliers. The project must comply with the building codes and rules of heat supply organizations in force at the time of application.
  3. Documents for the apartment. If the property right is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, then the provision of a title certificate is not required.
  4. Registration certificate for residential premises (at the discretion of the applicant); Consent of all family members living in the same apartment under a social tenancy agreement with the applicant for reconstruction. The legislator also draws attention to the fact that the central heating system is in the common joint ownership of the residents of the house and the reduction is carried out only with the consent of all owners of residential premises. Seek consent in advance and obtain written permission from your neighbors.
  5. Consent from the architectural department of the administration, if the building in which reconstruction is planned is a historical monument. The law allows you to apply for approval without this document.

The list of documents is closed and additional data cannot be requested by administration employees. Documents are submitted by the applicant directly to the relevant department or through the MFC. The decision on reconstruction is issued to the applicant within 3 days from the date of adoption. After connecting the boiler room equipment, the acceptance commission issues a certificate, which reflects the correctness of the work performed and compliance with the project. Otherwise, the installed equipment is considered unauthorized interference.

Reasons for refusal

If approval fails, the applicant is given a written refusal indicating the violations identified. The following reasons may be grounds for refusal to transfer to apartment-by-apartment heat supply;

  • If the applicant did not submit a complete package of documents, or during interdepartmental interaction it turned out that information about the applicant’s rights is not available from the authorities.
  • The data was mistakenly sent by the applicant to another department.
  • The project submitted for consideration does not comply with current legislation.

Important! The refusal is issued within 3 days from the date of issuance and can be appealed to the judicial authorities. From the established judicial practice, we can conclude that the court sides with the administration, which refused to carry out reconstruction and install individual heating in the apartment.

In court hearings, administration officials refer to the fact that switching the apartment to individual heating and interfering with the general building system will lead to a decrease in temperature in other residential premises. The deterioration of living conditions due to refurbishment is unacceptable and violates the rights of neighbors.

Therefore, before contacting the authorities for permission, make sure that the equipment chosen for further connection complies with the law and the technical design, collect a package of documents according to the list and obtain written consent from all neighbors.

The reorganization is recognized as unauthorized

If, after receiving a refusal, the owner installed a heat-generating installation or carried out work with violations, then the reconstruction is considered illegal. In court, the administration can hold the property owner accountable and issue a fine in accordance with Art. 7.21 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation from 2,000 rubles to 2,500 rubles. The homeowner will also be required to return the home to its original condition within a time period determined by the court. The implementation of the court decision is monitored by administration employees and if the owner or tenant of the residential premises refuses, the unauthorized reconstruction can be eliminated by:

  1. Put the housing up for public auction with the condition that the new owner will carry out the specified reconstruction. After the sale of the property, legal costs are withheld, the remainder of the amount is transferred to the previous owner.
  2. If the person who illegally interfered with the heating system lives in the apartment under a social tenancy agreement, then the agreement is terminated and eviction is carried out.

Remember: when choosing individual or central heating, you should proceed not only from savings, but also from the legality of the approval procedure. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons before choosing one of the options. You should not decide to switch to apartment heating without proper permission from the authorities. This can be costly.

Most residents of apartment buildings are dissatisfied with central heating. The apartments are either cold or too hot. It also makes sense to clarify about permanent breakdowns, breakthroughs, and so on. Therefore, it is simply impossible to call such heating comfortable, but you need to pay huge sums for it. This is why many people want to install individual heating in an apartment building. This solution is as convenient, timely and economical as possible. Due to this, a person can control the heating in his room and apartment as a whole, without any unnecessary problems.

The main advantages of such a system

If energy supplies supply heat uninterruptedly, then anyone can easily warm up. However, the same cannot be said about central heating. How correctly this system works depends not only on the energy carriers themselves, but also on the quality of the pipes, as well as their installation. After all, it is through them that heat is supplied. This indicator also depends on the nuances of the boiler room’s operation. In general, many similar factors can be named, but the main thing should be highlighted: central heating does not depend on the consumer in any way.

If you install individual heating in an apartment building, then a person will be able to enjoy the amount of heat he needs at a certain period. If he wants +20 degrees, then he can freely set it. If it’s comfortable at +30, then this is also not a problem. It will be especially easy to heat an apartment during a rainy summer.

A special thermostat will allow you to maintain a certain temperature. This device will not only save energy, but also have a positive effect on the microclimate. You don’t have to turn on a convector or radiator if a person doesn’t have enough heat, or constantly keep the windows open because the radiators are too hot. The house will have the temperature that the owner himself wants.

In an autonomous system, it is best to use energy carriers. They are rational. If the home is insulated with high quality, then all installation costs will pay off after some time. The transition to individual heating in an apartment building is carried out by installing double-circuit boilers. By the way, they are responsible for the supply of hot water. Accordingly, two problems are solved here at once. A person not only receives a stable supply of heating, but also forgets about the eternal emergency shutdowns of hot water. Such autonomous systems are also suitable for construction organizations. Indeed, through the use of such equipment, the work process itself can be completely reduced in cost. There is no need for heating networks.

What difficulties will you face?

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to individual heating in an apartment building. When installing it, you may encounter some circumstances.

Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to note the process of legitimizing the equipment itself and its installation itself. It should be noted that these shortcomings do not relate to the system itself, but specifically to these issues. If a person lives in a house that is designed for many apartments and is connected to centralized heating, then obtaining permission to install individual heating will cost a considerable amount. In this case, you need to spend not only huge financial resources, but also a lot of effort and time.

The most difficult and problematic aspect is not the technical side of the issue, but the paper side. When carrying out individual heating in an apartment building, the legislation provides for the collection of a large number of pieces of paper. However, it should be noted that any person will encounter natural bureaucracy. At the moment, it is quite difficult to abandon central heating. A positive decision in this case must be made by local authorities, however, as a rule, they refuse consumers. On the one hand, their reasons and motives are completely legal and understandable. As a rule, these failures are associated with the possibility of a decrease in temperature in neighboring apartments, as well as disruption of the central heating operating mode, which will entail a thermal imbalance in the house itself. But on the other hand, according to the same legislation of the Russian Federation, a person, if he does not have any debts to the heat supply company, has the right to install individual heating and terminate the contract with the state-owned enterprise. Therefore, in order to install individual heating in an apartment building, you will have to be quite persistent and know all the rules.

There will be individual heating

Before contacting local authorities, you must obtain permission from neighbors. The fact is that if they do not agree, then the person will not be able to install autonomous equipment in his home. What is this connected with?

By law, individual heating in an apartment building is considered common property, therefore all residents of the house must give permission. In order to guarantee a positive decision, it is necessary to choose the equipment itself correctly. It must be of high quality and approved for use; a license from Rostechnadzor is required, as well as a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service. If the boiler is selected correctly, a person will ensure comfort for many years.


You should not skimp on equipment, as this may lead to some problems. In order to obtain permission to transfer an apartment to an autonomous heating mode, it is necessary to submit an application to the local administrative service, where the developed installation project, an application containing the request itself, as well as a package of documentation will be reviewed. You do not need to create a project yourself, but entrust it to licensed organizations.


Unfortunately, the fee for individual heating in an apartment building will be quite high for this reason, but, as mentioned above, it will pay off. The plan should contain a conclusion, as well as calculations that will allow us to conclude that the installation of an autonomous device will not affect the heat balance of the house in any way and the entire centralized system in the house will operate stably. This decision is made within a period of no more than one and a half months. If a positive response is given, a document will be sent containing permission to carry out all the actions described in the project.

Letter of the law: no amateur performances

When installing individual heating in an apartment building, the legislation provides for full coordination with local governments. At the same time, it is prohibited to carry out such a complex restructuring even with minimal deviations from the above project. Self-indulgence may result in a fine, and a considerable one at that. It should be noted that, most likely, the authorized bodies will force the premises to be returned to their previous appearance within a certain period of time. If a person does not want to incur losses, much less have problems with the law, he needs to carry out only the work that was previously presented in the documentation.

Selecting the necessary equipment

When installing individual heating in an apartment building, it is necessary to choose the right equipment. It is best to use a gas boiler that has a closed combustion chamber, as well as a double-circuit design. In principle, you can get by with a single-circuit device, but it will only be beneficial if hot water is supplied to the house almost without interruption. Otherwise, it would be rational to solve two problems at once.

The advantages of such a device include the fact that such a device operates silently and has an adequate cost. It is as compact as possible, and the security system consists of several levels. Individual gas heating in an apartment building allows you to save as much money as possible, but to successfully implement this you must have a two-tariff meter. In this case, the wiring must be fresh and of high quality. It is advisable to work with copper cords.

This system will be as simple as possible to install, silent, and aesthetically pleasing. However, if we are talking about saving on heating bills, then you will still have to pay a little extra for electricity. That is why you should think carefully about whether such a device will pay off. Often, single-tariff meters will not help you save money.


As soon as a person chooses equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the home itself. In addition to the heating area, it is also necessary to pay attention to the features of the rooms. The apartment must be in good condition: good doors, sealed windows, and heated floors are installed. Otherwise, if it blows from all the cracks, individual heating in an apartment building will not improve the situation much.


There are currently a large number of radiators on the market. There are steel, aluminum, bimetallic options. They are as effective as possible. In this case, old cast iron batteries should be dismantled. When choosing a radiator, you should pay full attention to your taste, if we talk, of course, about the outside. If we talk about price, then the cheapest option would be steel, the most expensive would be bimetallic. For individual heating of an apartment in an apartment building, polypropylene pipes should be used. If a person is not limited by budget, then it is best to use copper ones. But in general, if we take the price-quality ratio, the first option will be quite good.


You can carry out individual heating yourself; there is no problem in laying pipes and installing a radiator. Professionals should be entrusted with venting gas, starting and connecting the boiler itself, as well as checking the system for correct operation. If we talk about how much such an autonomous installation will cost, it is difficult to name the average amount. The fact is that it will completely depend on a large number of factors. The final cost of individual heating in an apartment building will be influenced by the size of the apartment itself, the brand and optionality of the boiler, the material from which the pipes are made, the prices of certain specialists, as well as, of course, the complexity and amount of work. It is necessary to clarify that individual heating is as convenient and comfortable as possible. It's totally worth all the money spent.


As a summary, the pros and cons of installing a boiler should be highlighted.



If we talk about the disadvantages, then we need to highlight the critical aspects:

  • If the voltage in the network constantly fluctuates, then the electronics can easily fail and, accordingly, repairs will be needed.
  • Due to the hardness of the water, the heating element may be damaged, so it will have to be replaced.
  • Some brands create quite noisy appliances.
  • It is advisable to install the boiler in the kitchen unit, so that it is hidden behind something, but has easy access.


It is necessary to choose the most accessible and convenient way to access the device. The cheapest method is a roller blind. A person can simply pull the string and the boiler will open. However, there is no need to install anything butt-to-edge to it, and there is no need to attach it on top either. The boiler should be installed so that it can be easily accessed during inspection. The cabinet doors must be removable so that a person does not diagnose the device in a half-bent state.

It should be noted that it is best to contact specialized companies that will help with installation. However, you should pay attention to the fact that many people make projects in the following way: they outline beautiful kitchens, but do not think about the functionality of the boiler. If installed incorrectly, the owner may be fined. Moreover, due to such nuances, the device itself may fail. The fact is that in this matter the beauty of design fades into the background. After all, if the appliance breaks down in twenty-degree frost, then a beautiful kitchen will not warm anyone.

The harsh climate of our country dictates its conditions for maintaining heat in our homes. Most apartments today are connected to a central heating system. The public utilities are for the most part in a deplorable state and this affects the level of heat in our homes.

Apartments in new buildings usually come with autonomous heating, while in old ones sometimes serious modernization is needed. There have always been questions about heat supply and the price for this service. Many people do not want to depend on the “mood” of housing and communal services workers and therefore decide to install individual heating.

Disconnect permission

The natural desire of every person is the opportunity to improve the quality of heating in his apartment and reduce the costs associated with it. But, according to the legislation of our country, it is necessary to obtain appropriate permission.

The transition of citizens to autonomous heat sources is not beneficial for energy companies.

You should know that unauthorized disconnection from the home heating system is a violation of the law.

Already at the stage of obtaining official permission to disconnect from central heating, you need to clearly know what fuel your system will run on. Photos of heating in the apartment viewed in advance will help you decide.

Houses with a height of more than nine floors do not have a central gas supply, so if you live in such a house, this type of energy is not available to you.

We disassemble the old heating

Having a disconnection permit in hand, you can begin to dismantle the intra-apartment system. At this stage, you need to agree on the procedure for your actions with the housing company.

When dismantling, you must follow the sequence and adhere to the scheme so as not to cause harm to neighboring apartments.

There is a rule that must be strictly followed. Old wiring and used radiators are absolutely not suitable for new heating systems.

Necessary equipment

With the help of instructions on how to make heating in an apartment, you can do everything carefully and correctly with your own hands.

Self-assembly begins with familiarization with the project. Technical documentation regulates the sequence of all work.

It is impossible to change the heating method or the boiler power or the number of radiators during the work. The issue of choosing a heating system must be decided in advance. Heating options can be gas fuel or electric.

When deciding which is preferable for you, you need to consider the following:

  • Project documentation must be agreed upon with the energy company supplying gas or electricity.
  • When choosing a gas heating system, it is mandatory to install a chimney facing the street.
  • If you choose heating from electricity, you will have to completely replace the electrical wiring and install circuit breakers. The meter also requires a special three-phase one.
  • Connection to a gas boiler can only be made by a representative (employee) of the gas organization.

Types of boilers

Having chosen gas heating for yourself, you need to start by familiarizing yourself with the prices for this equipment. In order to choose the most suitable boiler for yourself, you need to take into account the area of ​​the apartment, heat losses, etc.

The gas equipment market is quite wide and diverse. It’s worth taking a closer look at wall-mounted boiler models. Such models are presented not only for gas, but also for electricity.

You can select the correct boiler power based on the following standards: one kilowatt of energy is used to heat ten square meters of living space, adding to this 10% for natural heat loss.

If you want to have an individual hot water supply, then you should choose a double-circuit boiler.

Wall heating devices with heating elements are used when equipping a home with an electrical system.

Recently, it has become very fashionable to install warm floors in the apartment. The best option for such heating in an apartment would be a water floor. This is a very convenient heating method, since the heated floor is connected to the main heating circuit.

Making the wiring

Wiring throughout the apartment with metal or plastic pipes. Heating from plastic pipes can be done without going there and as quickly as possible. There is no need for welding during installation.

For heating a small two-room apartment, where the number of radiators is no more than four, a single-pipe heating system is perfect. With such a system, radiators must be connected diagonally.

Heating of large apartments and houses is only possible using a two-pipe system. And if your plans include warm floors and hot water, then you should choose a double-circuit boiler. A two-pipe system is much more efficient than a single-circuit system.

When choosing plastic pipes for your heating, you need to understand that the pipes must be reinforced and protected from high temperatures. Pipes are reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum foil. Reinforced pipes can withstand high temperatures and high pressure.


There are several types of heating radiators. You need to decide in advance which batteries you will install in your home. Cast iron radiators are the most durable, but also the most expensive. For this type of radiator, the disadvantage is its massiveness and low attractiveness.

Most often, today, bimetallic radiators are used. They are made from an alloy of steel and aluminum. This alloy significantly improves performance properties. Steel can withstand significant pressure, and the heat transfer properties of aluminum are irreplaceable.

Heating specialists will tell you how to choose a battery.

Mid-price bimetallic radiators are easy to dismantle and very popular. Such batteries are hung on brackets mounted into the walls. The classic installation location is under the window.

There are four possible ways to connect radiators to a pipe:

  • Diagonal or cross.
  • Unilateral.
  • Lower.
  • Single-pipe.

Reasons for replacing heating

Sometimes, replacing the heating becomes necessary:

  • The elements of the current heating system are partially or completely worn out.
  • The level of heat transfer has decreased significantly.
  • Apartment renovation, interior design change.

For any changes to the heating system, permission from utilities and neighbors must be obtained.

When deciding to replace the heating and batteries, be prepared for the fact that you will need a large number of permits and quite a lot of money.

Photo of heating in the apartment

It just so happens that the main housing stock in our cities is included in the service sector of utility companies. First of all, this relates to the issues of ensuring heat supply to city apartments during the heating season. The quality of the centralized heat supply system to consumers has always left much to be desired. The reason lies in the inefficiency of the existing service procedure. In addition, rising energy prices are forcing people to look for alternative ways to heat their homes.

Many apartment owners are trying to switch to autonomous heating of their apartments. What difficulties do you have to face in this case and how to make heating yourself - these are the main issues that concern our citizens today. We will try to solve the problem together and find answers to pressing questions.

Do you want to have your own heating? Algorithm of actions

Obtaining permission to disconnect

The desire of residents to improve the heating of their own apartment during the cold period is natural, if we take into account in our houses and what kind of utility costs they have to bear. At first glance, everything is simple. If you have money, take it and install a boiler in your home and heat it as you please. But there is one significant “but”. In our country, the independence of citizens, even in terms of managing their property, has its limitations. We are forced to heat our own homes using the services of public utilities. Any attempt to change the life support order of a city apartment encounters obstacles from the state.

Energy companies are monopolists in the heat supply market, and the state helps them in this by artificially limiting the ability of citizens to switch to autonomous sources of energy supply. in an apartment, made with your own hands is most often the result of a grueling struggle between residents and regulatory authorities. The whole problem is how to get permission to disconnect from the central heating supply. Existing technical standards do not allow you to independently obtain the right to autonomous heating of a city apartment without permission, even despite the fact that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not directly prohibit such actions for homeowners and the apartment owner has the right to refuse the services of a centralized heating system at any time. heat supply.

Important! Unauthorized shutdown of elements of the intra-house heating system is punishable by law and is an administrative offense. Article 7.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations gives a clear idea of ​​the responsibility of residents in this regard.

Organizing independent heating of your apartment with your own hands means only one thing at the initial stage. You will have to independently seek official permission to disconnect from the central heating. Already at this stage you need to decide which type of home heating is optimal in your case.

On a note: in high-rise buildings (more than 9 floors) there is no centralized gas supply in order to increase the safety of operation of residential buildings. Therefore, gas heating is acceptable mainly for residents of old apartment buildings, where there is a centralized supply of household gas.

It is up to you to decide which heating to use, gas or electricity. The main thing is that the project meets the necessary building codes and safety standards.

The project must indicate all the necessary technical parameters of heating devices, a plan and diagram for their connection, as well as detailed hydraulic calculations. Only after all bureaucratic issues have been resolved can we directly address the technical side of the issue.

Dismantling old heating

Having dealt with the energy company and received permission to disconnect, you can move on to the next stage - dismantling the piping system and radiators of the intra-house system in the apartment. In this situation, you cannot do without the help of the management company or the housing office. It is necessary to agree with these services on the procedure for disconnecting the apartment from the intra-house heating communications. Only after this can dismantling begin.

During the work process, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the sequence, cutting out exactly those nodes and elements of the system that correspond to the diagram. Otherwise, if the heat supply to other apartments is disrupted, you will have to answer not only according to the law for sabotage, but also bear the financial costs associated with paying a fine. You will have to restore damaged house communications at your own expense.

Work should begin by dismantling the main wiring elements. To give integrity to the central heating circuit, which is now useless to you, it is better to replace the riser by cutting in a new steel pipe of the same diameter instead of the old pipe. Having isolated yourself from the central heating supply, proceed to dismantling old pipelines and turning off heating devices. Having isolated yourself from the central heating supply, proceed to dismantling and disconnecting.

For reference! There is a mandatory rule. It is strictly not recommended to use old wiring and radiators for new heating systems. Inconsistency of technical parameters, large contamination can lead to technological violations during the operation of autonomous heating.

Overview of the necessary equipment for an autonomous heating system

Gas or electricity. What's better

DIY starts with studying the project. All work must be carried out in strict accordance with technical documentation. Changing the method of heating an apartment on the fly, installing a boiler with a higher power than specified in the project and increasing the number of radiators is fraught with troubles.

Retreat: During the test launch of a finished heating system, a heating engineer must be present, who is responsible for the functionality of the new gas equipment. If there are obvious discrepancies between the available equipment and the technical data specified in the project, you may be refused to issue an official conclusion on the commissioning of gas heating.

Therefore, you need to decide in advance what is best for you - gas heating or electric heating, and which heating devices to install. The following requirements must be taken into account:

  • coordination of project documentation with the energy company supplying gas or electricity;
  • when installing gas heating, it will be necessary to install a coaxial chimney on the street;
  • in the case of electric heating, it will be necessary to re-equip the home electrical wiring, install a three-phase meter and electrical circuit breakers;
  • apartments equipped with gas boilers require installation of supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • Direct connection of the boiler to the pipeline and start-up work is carried out by an authorized person, a representative of the gas distribution organization.

How to properly connect heating equipment, how to install a boiler and start the entire heating system in accordance with established standards, it is better to contact specialists on these and other issues.

It would be appropriate to remind you that choosing electric heating will not give you advantages and real savings. Heating an apartment directly with electricity is an expensive pleasure. Only by installing a multi-tariff meter will you be able to achieve a tangible economic effect. Often restrictions on the operation of electric heating are imposed by an established consumption limit. Excessive consumption of electricity will lead to unexpected costs for light and worsening temperature conditions.

A gas boiler. What are the options?

Having decided for yourself the cardinal question - the apartment will have gas heating, start by assessing the heating equipment market. Here you will have to take into account not only heat losses, but also the limited area of ​​the apartment, the number of inhabitants and your own household needs.

When choosing the type of heating boiler, place the main emphasis on a wall-mounted model. Today the market for such equipment is quite widely represented. You can always choose either a gas or an electric boiler of the appropriate power. You should not immediately grab models with high power. For a city apartment, you can get by with a 6-10 kW boiler. An approximate calculation applies here - 1 kW of thermal energy is needed to heat 10 m2 of living space with average thermal characteristics of the walls.. To this figure you can add 10-15% for heat losses.

On a note: the power of heating boilers is taken literally - without any extra charges or coefficients, since modern models have high efficiency.

Purchasing a double-circuit gas boiler is the best option to gain real independence from central heating and hot water supply. How to make heating in an apartment with your own hands using electricity, the answer is simple - you can use wall-mounted heating units with heating elements.

On a note: installation of electric boilers equipped with induction or electrode heaters will require additional installation of equipment and a control panel.

You can install a heated floor in your apartment, but in this case the best option would be not an electric floor, but a water floor. This heating method is very convenient, since the water heated floor can be connected to the main heating circuit.

Installation. Step-by-step guide to action

Wiring can be done with both metal and plastic pipes.

Making plastic heating with your own hands is much simpler and easier than working with steel pipes and shut-off valves.

The latter option looks preferable, since it does not require welding, everything is done carefully and quickly. Polypropylene pipes are durable and not subject to internal corrosion. Making your own heating from plastic pipes is much easier than working with steel pipes.

If the boiler is equipped with a circulation pump, the optimal option for heating a small two-room apartment would be a one-pipe heating system in which the number of radiators does not exceed 4-5 pieces.

The diagram shows that for a single-pipe system, connecting radiators diagonally is ideal. In this case, the coolant will be in full contact with the entire internal surface of the batteries.

For apartments with a larger living area, you need to use a two-pipe system, and if you plan to connect a heated floor and a hot water supply system, you will also need a double-circuit boiler. The heating efficiency of all radiators in an apartment with a two-pipe system is higher than with a single-circuit system. With a two-pipe heating system in an apartment, bottom wiring and the corresponding type of radiator connection are usually used. In the diagram you can see how the pipes are arranged in the apartment, how the batteries are connected and how the hot water supply is organized in the house. The circuit, made of plastic pipes, can easily be replaced or its configuration changed if necessary.

Important! Installation of plastic heating systems is carried out only using reinforced polypropylene pipes. Unlike conventional plastic pipes, such material is not subject to large linear expansion under the influence of high coolant temperatures.

Or aluminum foil. Thanks to this design, reinforced polypropylene pipes are able to withstand high pressure (up to 25 atm.) and significant heat, in the range of 70-90 0 C. Pipes reinforced with glass fiber have a higher linear expansion rate and a tendency to bend under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, it is very important for them to pay increased attention to compensation for temperature extensions.

To ensure that each radiator can be turned off separately, it is necessary to equip them with a shut-off valve and thermostats, with which you can regulate the heating temperature in the room.

Initially, decide which type of radiator is right for you. Cast iron radiators are more reliable, but this type is characterized by high cost and cumbersome design. Bimetallic radiators are most widely used in heating systems today. The combination of steel and aluminum gives this material high performance characteristics. Steel can withstand high pressure in the system, and aluminum has excellent heat dissipation.

Low price, high technology and ease of installation make bimetallic radiators highly popular. The batteries are installed on brackets that are mounted directly into the walls. The optimal location for installing a radiator in an apartment is under a window, at a distance of no more than 10-12 cm from the window sill and at the same distance from the floor. The distance between the panels and the rear wall of the radiator should not be less than 5 cm.

On a note: You should not install heating radiators on walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. In this case, the connected radiator will warm you and your neighbors. You will pay for your neighbors' heating from your own pocket.

You choose the type of connection of radiators to pipes yourself. There are four options for connecting batteries to the pipeline:

  • diagonal or cross;
  • one-sided;
  • lower;
  • single-pipe.

The diagram below shows all four connection options with all the ensuing consequences.


Having completed the basic work on wiring and connecting radiators in the apartment, you can begin connecting the system to heat-generating equipment. You can set up the operation of the boiler in the presence of a specialist from the gas service. In his presence, it is necessary to check the operation of the gas boiler in all modes and adjust the operation of the automation.

The video explains in detail how you can do everything yourself