Chocolate sponge roll with butter cream. Sponge roll with vanilla butter cream Sponge roll with whipped cream

Whatever you say, biscuit will always remain the king of sweets and the king of desserts! Based on biscuit dough, you can prepare a lot of delicacies and they will all have the most delicate base, delicious filling and incredibly appetizing appearance.
A sponge roll with jam and whipped cream is just what you need for a holiday or celebration. Agree, everyone is pretty tired of cakes and pies, so I want something new, both in taste and in form. The good thing about the dessert is that it can be cut into small slices, which can be beautifully placed on a serving platter. This way you will please those guests who always ask for a smaller piece of cake.
At first glance, it may seem that preparing such a roll is quite difficult. But this is not so, a beautiful and tasty sponge roll can be made at home without any problems if you strictly follow the step-by-step recipe with photos. Delicate moist sponge cake, sweet jam berries and airy whipped cream create a culinary masterpiece that will appeal to both small children and adult dessert connoisseurs.

Cooking time – 1 hour. Number of servings – 8.


for biscuit dough:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar to quench the soda.

For filling:

  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of at least 33%;
  • 200 g jam or preserves;
  • 50 g powdered sugar.

1. Place sugar in a small container and crack eggs into it.

2. Using a mixer, beat the contents of the bowl until foamy.

3. Add sifted flour and soda slaked with vinegar. Soda and vinegar can be replaced with 2 tsp. baking powder for dough.

4. Beat the batter until smooth. The biscuit dough for the roll should have a lot of bubbles, and its consistency resembles liquid sour cream.

5. Prepare the form. This can be a baking sheet lined with parchment or a mat for baking thin cakes. I use a silicone mat, baking cakes with it is a pleasure. Pour the dough into the chosen form.

6. The dough spreads on its own; you just need to smooth it out a little with a spoon.

7. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cake. We check readiness with a toothpick by piercing the dough with it. If there is no batter on the toothpick, the sponge cake for the roll is ready. We take it out and cool it at room temperature. The dough will settle, but will remain tender and airy.

8. Let's move on to preparing the filling. Pour the cream into a cold, dry bowl. In order for the cream to whip well, it must also be cold. In addition, before pouring the cream, you can crush and shake the box, since all the fat collects on the walls and bottom. Add powdered sugar.

9. Whisk everything until the cream turns into a soft and airy cream. The mixer speed should be at maximum. Be careful, when whipping the cream scatters in different directions, so you should choose a deep bowl. For convenience, I put the bowl in the sink.

10. Carefully separate the cooled cake from the mat. This is done quite easily. Leave it on the mat or transfer it to another flat surface.

11. Let's prepare jam. Using a spoon, spread a layer of jam evenly onto the crust. It is important not to overdo it, as the roll will be cloyingly sweet.

12. Place whipped cream on top of the jam in a neat, even layer.

13. Now we need to wrap the biscuit dough with filling into a roll. We start from the very edge very carefully so that the cake does not break.

14. Transfer the sponge roll with jam to a large flat plate for serving. We also grease the top and edges of the finished roll with cream.

15. You can decorate the roll with colored sprinkles, grated chocolate or cocoa powder poured through a strainer.

16. To make the biscuit dough pleasantly moist and literally melt in your mouth, there is a little secret. You can place the finished roll in the freezer for about 1-2 hours. Then we move the roll into the refrigerator and leave for at least 2 more hours. During this time, it will be well soaked, and the cream will set a little and become denser.

Sponge roll with whipped cream and jam is ready! You can take a sample and enjoy the delicate, subtle, unforgettable taste!

If we say that sponge roll will not be the only treat on the sweet table, then you can add several more dishes to it. These can be muffins prepared in small forms, cookies, buns or pie. It is important that the types of dessert served combine well with each other, both in taste and in appearance. Therefore, you can always leave a little cream or cocoa powder in order to decorate the second dessert dish in a similar way.

25/05/2012 |

Thin, melt-in-your-mouth sponge cake, tender and airy whipped cream and sweet and sour cherries - you can’t tear yourself away from this roll!

biscuit dough:
a two hundred gram glass is used.
4 chicken eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 cup flour
soda slaked with vinegar
500 ml. cream 35% fat
50 gr. powdered sugar
For filling
200 gr. fresh pitted cherries

First you need to bake the biscuit. To do this, separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar, add flour and stir.
Beat the whites in a separate bowl with a clean whisk until stiff (well-beaten whites should not fall off an inverted spoon).

Gently fold the whites into the dough and mix. Add baking soda slaked with vinegar and mix gently again.
Pour the dough into the mold (if the mold is without a special coating, the bottom must be greased with butter). The height of the dough should be 5 mm.

Place the pan in a cold oven and bake the sponge cake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees (depend on your oven, it may take less time).
Immediately transfer the finished sponge cake onto a damp towel and roll it into a roll.

Let cool slightly and unwrap.
To prepare the cream, beat the chilled cream at the lowest speed until stiff for five minutes. Gradually add powdered sugar and beat a little more. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to beat the cream, otherwise it will become liquid again. Ready-made whipped cream holds its shape well.

To obtain a thicker cream, the finished cream can be refrigerated.
Place the cherries in a small sieve and let the juice drain.

Cover the sponge cake with some cream. Place the cherry on top, pressing it slightly into the cream.

Roll up the roll.

Decorate the roll with the remaining cream to your liking.

Place the roll in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.


Hi all!

Today I will tell you a recipe for a wonderful sponge roll with cream.

There are a lot of recipes for sponge cake, but in all of them you either need to roll the hot sponge cake into a roll and cool it like that, then unroll it, coat it with cream and roll it again, or the cake needs to be soaked. All this is very impractical in my opinion.

The main distinguishing feature of this roll from the others is that it rolls when cold and does not break! Yes, you will have to tinker a little at the dough preparation stage. But believe me, it's worth it!

In addition, its preparation will require a modest set of products:

  • for test:
  • 3 eggs
  • 75 g sugar
  • 75 g flour
  • for cream:
  • 125 g butter at room temperature
  • 100 g powdered sugar (preferably finely ground)
  • 50-100 ml milk (boil and cool to room temperature)
  • vanillin

In principle, you can use any cream you like - even whipped cream! But I suggest cooking, it’s prepared quickly and from available ingredients, and it turns out incredibly tender and tasty!

Preheat the oven to 180-200 °C and place a saucepan with water for a water bath on the stove, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to low.

The original recipe suggested using a mold measuring 33x23 cm, but I didn’t have one, so I took 40x30 cm. The cake turned out to be quite thin, if you want the cake to be thicker, either add 1 more egg and 25 g each of sugar and flour, or use a smaller baking sheet.

Line the baking pan with baking parchment.
Beat the eggs and sugar in a heat-resistant glass bowl until a fluffy, homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and whisk until the mixture is thick and light in color.

Remove the bowl from the pan and continue whisking until the mixture cools and flows when the mixer attachment is raised.

Add the sifted flour and carefully mix the dough with a plastic spatula.

Pour the dough into the mold and bake for 10-12 minutes.

The dough should rise and spring back when pressed.

Take the finished cake out of the oven and sprinkle with refined granulated sugar and cover with parchment paper.

Turn the biscuit onto a sheet without removing it from the mold and leave to cool.

When the cake has cooled, remove the pan and carefully peel off the parchment and trim the edges if necessary.

To prepare the cream, combine all ingredients and beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous and pearly in color. Approximately 3-5 minutes.

Spread the biscuit with cream and roll it up.

Mix flour and cocoa powder, sift. Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy, gradually adding sugar and vanilla essence. Beat for about 5 minutes. In two or three additions, add flour and cocoa to the beaten egg mass and mix.

Line a baking tray measuring 38/33 cm with baking paper; if you doubt the quality of your paper, grease it with oil. Lay out the dough, level it and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10-12 minutes, do not dry out the biscuit.

Remove the finished cake from the baking sheet along with the paper, cover it with a towel on top and roll it up together with the paper and towel. Leave to cool for 2 hours.

While the biscuit is cooling, prepare the cream: beat the butter with 170 g of condensed milk with a mixer until fluffy at room temperature. Milk and butter should be at the same temperature. Add the amount of condensed milk to taste... sweetness to your taste. Then add curd cheese and stir.

Unroll the cooled biscuit and remove the towel. Coat the sponge cake with cranberry jam TM "Maheev" so that the cranberries are evenly distributed over the sponge cake layer. Then carefully apply butter cream on top. I do this using a cooking bag with a nozzle with a round hole, so the cream can be evenly applied over the entire surface. Roll up the roll and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Cover the cooled roll with sour cream glaze. For the glaze, mix sour cream with 100 g of condensed milk. Then add lemon juice, mix again, the glaze should become thick after adding lemon juice. I mix the glaze by hand...with a whisk. The roll is decorated with chocolate chips.

It is prepared on the basis of biscuit dough, which does not require any special skills. The main thing is that the whites are well beaten, and here a mixer will come to your aid: either manual or stationary.

The cream is also prepared simply and quickly.

As a result, you will get delicious baked goods.

This roll is a favorite not only with my family, but also with the families of my relatives and friends.

To prepare a chocolate sponge roll with butter cream, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Beat the whites into a stable foam with salt, vanilla extract and sugar.

If you turn the mixer bowl over, the foam will not budge.

Then add the yolks one at a time, beating after each.

In several stages, add flour mixed with cocoa.

Mix carefully.

Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

Be guided by your oven!!! The finished biscuit will spring back when pressed with your finger. If you overcook the cake in the oven, it may break when you roll it.

By the way, this is not critical. And it happened to me that the layer broke, but, as they say, where ours did not disappear... I simply broke the layer into pieces and laid them out in layers (pieces of biscuit - cream) in glasses. It turned out to be a very tasty dessert! You can make a layer of fruit.

The baking tray size is 30x40 cm.

Place a piece of parchment on the table and place a hot biscuit on it. We remove the parchment on which it was baked and cover the sponge cake with film.

Let it cool completely like this.

In the meantime, let's get on with the cream.

Beat cold cream with powdered sugar until soft peaks form.

4-5 tbsp is enough for me. powdered sugar. You are free to add as much as you like.

Knead cream cheese at room temperature...

And combine it with cream. Whisk until everything is combined.

The cream is ready.

Apply cream to the cooled biscuit layer.

You can leave a little cream to lubricate the surface of the roll, but this is entirely optional.

We roll up the roll, helping ourselves with the parchment on which the layer lay.

I coated the roll with the reserved cream and sprinkled with cocoa.

Chocolate sponge roll with butter cream is ready.

You can serve it right away, but it’s better to let it rest in the refrigerator for three hours, or ideally overnight.

During this time, the cream will stabilize and become a lush mousse! Yes, and cutting the roll will turn out beautifully and evenly.

This is delicious!

Happy desserts!