Budget and simple construction of a garage: how to build cheaper, from what materials? Consider what material is cheaper to build a garage from The cheapest way to build a garage wall.

No matter how good and reliable the car is, but in order for it to serve for a long time, a room is needed that protects equipment from temperature extremes, from humidity, from destructive wind and sunlight. Therefore, when choosing the materials from which you can build a garage, you need to rely on principles such as the weather conditions of your climatic zone, the materials that you will use, protection - alarms, locks, gates.

The advantages of a garage for a summer residence

A garage in the country can perform different functions. For example, here is an interesting solution for a utility block

In addition to the direct function of "storage" of the car, the garage makes it possible to equip a workshop. It can be equipped with a viewing pit making your car hangar even more convenient. They also often arrange a cellar, another pantry for storing pickles or a rest room. Read about projects of houses in the style of minimalism and functionalism.

A very big plus of the garage is that it is economically more profitable than paying for the same parking space. That is why the owners of country houses or summer cottages always include this type of outbuilding in the building plan.

Building materials


The first thing you need to decide on when building a garage is your financial capabilities. That is, the amount that you can and want to spend on the construction. Choosing a brick building, you choose:

  • Strength;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability.

It is important to understand that building a brick garage is not so easy, you need to have basic concepts of how to build walls.

You also need to decide how often you will use this building for what. If you only plan to store the car there, you can build a cold garage, that is, do not build thick walls and do not insulate them. And if you want to arrange a comfortable workshop in addition to a shelter for a car, think about protection from temperature extremes.

For detached garages in summer cottages, it is best to erect walls no thinner than 250 mm. and overlap with panels.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete

A modern material that is gradually replacing the brick we are used to. Among the advantages of this material:

  • Relatively inexpensive price;
  • Retains heat well;
  • The ability to quickly build walls.

The large size of aerated concrete blocks makes it possible to build walls very quickly. But, before covering the roof with panels, it is necessary to strengthen the last row with a reinforced belt, about ten centimeters wide.

Another advantage of aerated concrete blocks is that external walls practically do not need finishing. It is enough to grease the seams with acrylic grease to protect the building from dampness. This is possible because aerated concrete blocks have closed-loop structures, which prevents moisture from getting inside.

Video: how to build a cheap one

The video tells how to build a cheap foam block garage:

Wooden: logs and beams

Wooden garage - unusual but stylish

Twenty years ago, wooden materials for the construction of garages were banned, as they were recognized as fire hazardous. Yes it is. But modern flame retardant impregnations and varnishes make these materials refractory and resistant.

The advantages of buildings made of logs and beams:

  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Good thermal conductivity;
  • The durability and practicality of the material.

Shelters and agnaras for cars made of circular timber are especially good for eco-style country cottages. It would be inappropriate to have such a structure made of logs paired with a modern structure of concrete and glass. What are the projects of garages, baths, summer kitchens, it is indicated in detail by.

In addition, a wooden garage perfectly retains heat, so such a building is an excellent solution for those who are also going to equip a workshop or a recreation room here.

How much does it cost to build a garage on the video:

Decking and sandwich panels

Sandwich panels allow you to build any building very quickly

This technology is used to build cold, unheated car shelters. But in order to fix the walls of the building well, you need to choose the step of the supports of the base of the structure equal to the width or length of the solid mineral wool slab (50 or 100 cm). In this case, the insulation will neatly and accurately rely on its place. The second step is to sew up any sheet material to protect against valga. For example, flat asbestos-cement sheets, cement particle board, OSB, fire-retardant wood clapboard or galvanized steel.

Multilayer panels are divided into two types: a classic sandwich made of steel corrugated board with mineral wool, foam or polyurethane foam insulation and a structure made of OSB sheets with foam.

You can purchase a ready-made "constructor" for self-assembly (metal frame, panels, gates, additional elements and fasteners). Anyone who does not want to pick up a welding machine and a screwdriver can order installation immediately upon purchase.

When building with your own hands, the cost of building from sandwich panels is comparable to the price of a foam block option. The time for its construction will take 3-4 days less, since not only the walls, but also the roof is assembled from multi-layer panels and does not require insulation.

Video: building a warm garage from corrugated board

Advantages of sandwich panels

  • Design budget;
  • Ease of construction;
  • Practicality.

The important points on which the quality of the sandwich panel construction depends is the accuracy of pouring the concrete base and assembling the frame. If these works are done correctly, then the installation of walls and roofs takes no more than a day. Read about an extension from foam blocks to a wooden house.

Lightweight sandwich panel project

A garage is a necessary purchase for every car owner. It allows you to park your car in optimal conditions, provides protection against negative influences of all sorts, and allows you to carry out maintenance and repairs in a comfortable and convenient environment. Only by leaving the car in the garage, you can not worry about the fact that it can be stolen, damaged, opened and stolen valuable things, etc. Nobody will argue with the fact that having a garage is convenient, practical and pleasant. But not all car owners can buy a garage in modern economic conditions.

In such a situation, you can try to build a garage yourself. But not all materials and types of construction provide truly significant savings. Capital construction in any case will not be cheap, since the materials themselves and the technologies used require significant investments. But among modern building materials and available technologies, you can choose those that will make the construction of an inexpensive and practical garage possible. Many craftsmen have been using such buildings for more than one year. In this article, we will tell you how to build a garage cheaply and quickly with your own hands, what materials to choose for this and what technology to use. Choose what is right for you and build a modern and inexpensive garage for your car!

The widest range of the modern construction market allows you to choose the optimal type of materials for any type of construction. You can choose from both traditional options, such as brick or wood, and from relatively new proposals, such as corrugated board, vulture panels, etc. We invite you to consider the materials that are best suited for the construction of an inexpensive, aesthetic and practical garage.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to material for building a garage is brick. Indeed, most often capital garages are built from this material. Of course, the properties of this material are at their best: it is strong and beautiful, reliable and durable, it allows you to create high-quality decent buildings. But not everyone can afford a brick garage, since its construction costs a decent amount. And the construction itself takes a lot of time. Therefore, if you want to build a garage quickly and at no extra cost, then pay attention to more affordable materials:

  • Wood... This is one of the most traditional materials for the construction of buildings for various purposes. Wood construction technologies have been honed and improved over the centuries, and today they have reached the highest level of development. Among the excellent properties of this material are environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, ample opportunities for the embodiment of architectural ideas, etc. A special atmosphere reigns in rooms built of wood, a pleasant microclimate is maintained, and optimal humidity is maintained. Building with modern wooden materials is a pleasure! You can order at the manufacturer's factory a ready-made set of wooden elements according to your project with ready-made fasteners and connections. You just have to put the parts together to get a beautiful, reliable and high-quality garage. In some respects, wood even surpasses brick, and first of all, in terms of construction costs. Wood provides ample opportunities for the construction of cheap and high-quality buildings;
  • Cinder blocks... This material has gained wide popularity relatively recently. The main advantage of cinder blocks is their low cost and ease of use. Perhaps this material is not able to provide sufficient quality for the construction of a residential building, but its properties are optimal for a garage. Among the strengths of cinder blocks are a long service life, a high degree of reliability. And for a garage, these properties are the most important. Therefore, you can safely choose this material for the construction of a garage;
  • Corrugated board... A universal option that has found the widest application in solving various problems. Roofs are covered with it, fences and fences are built from it, as well as household buildings, including garages. You can build a garage from corrugated board on a finished base in a matter of days without outside help. The construction turns out to be neat, neat, reliable and practical.

These materials can be called the most suitable for self-budgeting construction of a garage. Next, we will talk about how to build a garage cheaply and quickly with your own hands, a video tutorial will help you understand the basic principles of working with each of these materials.

Choosing wood as the main material for building a garage, you make a choice in favor of an aesthetic appearance, absolute safety for humans and the environment, affordable cost, ease of processing and use. Wood makes beautiful garages, but when planning such a construction, you should also be aware of the special nuances that distinguish woodworking.

For the construction of a garage, two modern technologies of wood construction are optimal. In the first case, an affordable rounded log is used, and in the second, frame technology is used. Buildings made of rounded logs are distinguished by a high degree of reliability. They are strong and beautiful. But construction using frame technology is more affordable. In this situation, you need to correlate your preferences, goals and objectives with the characteristics and characteristics of a particular technology. This will help you choose the best option that's right for you.

Features of building a garage made of wood

Construction work always begins with a preparatory stage. It is very important to analyze your capabilities and requirements, choose the right place for construction, think over the project of the future construction. And you also need to decide whether your garage will stand separately or will be attached to the house, there will be a viewing hole, a cellar and other elements in it. And also you need to immediately decide on the type of gate and think over all other aspects to the smallest detail. This is necessary so that in the future the work is carried out according to a well-thought-out plan quickly and efficiently.

When you draw up a project and think over the sequence of work, you need to prepare the selected site for construction work. It needs to be leveled and the soil compacted. The evenness of the site affects the quality of the future structure.

On the prepared site, a solid and high-quality base for the garage is created. You will need to prepare trenches around the perimeter of the planned building, form the formwork, fill and tamp a cushion of gravel and sand.

The most important stage is strengthening the foundation. For this, metal rods are used, which are laid on top of a sand and gravel cushion. After that, the base can be poured with a solution. The foundation gains strength for about three weeks. After this period, you can proceed to the performance of other work. The first thing that needs to be built is the lower reinforcing belt made of 50x100 mm timber.

Keep in mind that untreated wood has no protection against moisture, fungus and pests. Therefore, before construction, all wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic compounds.

For the device of the frame, you will need a beam, from which it is convenient to make posts and gate leaves, as well as boards of 50x100 mm, suitable for all other parts of the building. On the lower harness, the step should be no more than 120 cm.

Corner struts, which will support the harness, will additionally strengthen and strengthen the structure. As a result, the base of the building will turn out to be strong, stable, reliable. It is important from the very beginning to carry out all the work as accurately as possible, since mistakes at the initial stages will certainly make themselves felt later.

In the technology of construction from wood, the most costly and complex stages are the construction of the foundation and the creation of the frame. The frame requires better material, more time and maximum precision. And you can even make the cladding from a regular board or lining. It doesn't take long and doesn't require any special skills from you. Decorating a wooden garage can be done using almost any material. Do not forget about the need for high-quality waterproofing and vapor barrier. For this, you can use a polypropylene or polyethylene film.

There is nothing complicated in the construction of a wooden garage. You will need a little patience and some basic knowledge of construction.

Cinder block garages are quite common today. If you decide to build such a garage, then you need to know that cinder blocks are different:

  • Blast furnace cinder block. Possesses good properties, has a long service life;
  • From brick battle;
  • Shell rock.

Sometimes cinder blocks are made with the addition of polystyrene, perlite and other components that can improve the performance of this material.

For the construction of a garage, cinder blocks could be called an excellent material, if not for one of its drawbacks - moisture absorption. Due to the penetration of water into the material, it quickly degrades and loses its properties. Therefore, it is best to choose cinder blocks for construction on dry ground. In such conditions, cinder block buildings can last up to 50 years, retaining their properties. If groundwater is found on the territory of future construction, then it is better to refuse the use of cinder blocks, since there is no treatment or other reliable way to prevent water penetration.

Do not forget to also take into account the classification of cinder blocks by configuration. They are full-bodied and hollow. The first type is intended for the construction of walls. The second can be used to build foundations. If you use blocks for other purposes, then your building may turn out to be of poor quality and unreliable.

Features of construction from cinder blocks

Just as in the case of the construction of a wooden garage, construction from cinder blocks begins with preparation: the territory is cleaned, leveled, compacted, and a project and a detailed work plan are developed.

A wooden building requires a flooded foundation, while cinder blocks do not need such a solid foundation. For a garage made of cinder blocks, the best option will be. For its construction, it is necessary to remove the upper layers of the earth and prepare a trench. Its depth should reach 50 cm, and its width - 45 cm. After that, a layer of sand and broken brick is laid out at the bottom of the trench. After that, the foundation is poured with mortar.

There is another way to build a strip foundation. After preparing the trench, it is laid out with a layer of moistened sand. This layer makes the base stronger and more resistant to temperature extremes, moisture and other negative influences. Then he reinforces the structure and fills it.

It takes about a month for the base strip to gain strength. After that, you can proceed to the construction of walls. But there is another way to make a strip foundation. This is the simplest technology, which differs in that instead of sand, the trench is laid out with rubble stone and immediately after that it is poured with a solution, marks 150 m higher.

When the base is ready, it is necessary to put waterproof and vapor barrier materials on it. The optimal choice for solving this problem is roofing material, an affordable and time-tested material.

After that, work is carried out in the following order:

  • Wall construction;
  • Floor device;
  • Roof device;
  • Gate installation.

It is necessary to lay cinder blocks according to the same principle as brick. But in this case, the work will be carried out much faster and easier. There are two types of masonry - the spoon method, in half a stone, and the butt method, in one stone. Use masonry in two and one and a half stones. You should focus on your own skills and capabilities, choosing one or another type of masonry. Do not forget that the features of the masonry are reflected in the characteristics of the finished structure, on its strength, resistance to negative factors, and durability. For example, a garage built in one stone will freeze at low temperatures, even if it is heated from the inside with several heaters. And the structure, laid in one and a half stones, will turn out to be quite warm and comfortable.

Wall masonry starts from the corners. After that, a string is pulled between them, and the laying continues along its level.

Finishing works in the construction of a garage from cinder blocks are the necessary communications and finishing of the building from the inside.

Decking is a practical versatile material. Fences and various outbuildings are often erected from it. Garages made of corrugated board are durable and reliable, have a pleasant appearance and good characteristics. But, when planning the construction of garages from corrugated board, it is important to choose the right material. Looking to build an inexpensive yet reliable garage? Then choose corrugated board, brand C or PS.

In order to make the right choice, you need to understand the labeling of the material. It is performed by means of alphabetic and numerical designations. The material marked with the letter "C" is intended for walls. The number marked on the material indicates its rigidity. The larger the number, the higher the stiffness of the sheet. For the construction of a garage, we recommend that you stay on the material marked "C-20".

Some sellers may recommend that you replace the C-20 with a C-10 or C-8. We do not recommend making such a choice, because a garage made of this material, although it will cost less, will turn out to be short-lived and unreliable. In winter, thin sheets will quickly freeze, and it will be quite difficult to warm them up. And also this material does not cope well with wind loads. These are all unsuitable properties for a good garage. Therefore, for construction, you need to take only twenty. As for the sheet thickness, the optimal choice is 0.5 mm.

Features of the construction of a garage from corrugated board

To build such a garage, you need to purchase:

  • Concrete for the base and reinforcement for its reinforcement;
  • Frame details: timber, metal rods, corner;
  • Elements for the device of the gate;
  • Fasteners.

As for the tool, for construction from corrugated board you will need:

  • Welding machine;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Jigsaw.

The first stage of work on the construction of a garage from corrugated board is the construction of the foundation. For such a building, the best solution would be to make a monolithic base. For this, the upper layers of the earth are removed. Moistened sand is poured into the resulting pit. For the frame racks, it is necessary to provide for special wells, which will also play the role of foundation racks. Wells must be driven into the ground to a depth of half a meter.

Thanks to these elements, the foundation will turn out to be stronger and more durable. It will handle ground movements well.

After that, the work is carried out according to the standard scheme. A formwork is installed around the perimeter of the pit, reinforcing rods are attached to it, connected by wire. After that, frame racks are installed in the prepared wells.

Before this, the lower parts of the posts are treated with bitumen to prevent moisture penetration and reduce other harmful effects.

During the installation of the racks, you must carefully monitor their level. They must stand strictly upright. This should be checked regularly at the building level. After installing the racks, the base is poured with M300 concrete. For the construction of a garage from corrugated board, such a choice will be optimal.

It is recommended to allow the foundation to gain strength within three weeks. Although some masters believe that it is possible to move on to further work within a couple of days after pouring the base. But such a rush can lead to cracking of the foundation, which will completely disable it. So it's better to take your time and wait for the allotted time so as not to nullify all efforts.

After the foundation has gained strength, you can mount the metal frame. First you need to prepare pipes according to the dimensions corresponding to the project. You can cut them with a grinder, jigsaw, connect - by welding. If you have previously had experience with welding, then you will need less than three days to install the frame. If you are just mastering this equipment, you can assemble the frame in a week. Be sure to check the size of the material with the project to avoid annoying mistakes.

Horizontal elements are welded to the installed racks. Welding is carried out at three points. If you plan to make a wooden frame, then special fasteners must be welded to the posts. The bars are fastened together with self-tapping screws.

Sheets of corrugated board are also attached to self-tapping screws with a special rubber gasket. You can cut the material with a jigsaw. For this stage of work, it is advisable to enlist the help of two or three people. It is much easier to carry out the sheathing with the help of a team.

After assembling the frame, you need to think about the installation of the gate. This part of the construction is very important, as any inaccuracy can lead to the fact that the garage doors simply won't open. The door frame can be welded from metal corners, and corrugated sheets can be used as cladding.

The best roof option for an inexpensive garage is a pitched roof. Beams made of wood or metal will serve as the material for the frame, and lining is suitable for the lathing. When choosing roof materials, be sure to consider your local climate. For southern places, you can use a light crate. For colder areas, you need to pay more attention to the creation of the roof, because it must be designed for strong winds, precipitation, snow, etc.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to build a garage quickly and inexpensively. Choose the option that suits you and get started! We wish you the best of luck!

To bind to a construction site, you will need the following inventory:

  • a skein of thick nylon cord;
  • tape measure of the required length;
  • several pegs;
  • small sledgehammer.

The simplest option for binding to the terrain is to add a garage to the previously erected outbuildings. The solution to the problem in this case is reduced to a simple extension of the existing building line in accordance with the selected dimensions of the building.

The base of a one-story brick (cinder block) garage can be a simple strip-type concrete foundation, during the preparation of which a trench dug in the ground is filled with broken stone (quarry). There are two ways to build such a foundation:

  1. Pieces of stones are placed in a trench in neat rows, each of which is then filled with a liquid cement-sand mortar.
  2. Reinforcement is laid in the dug trench, and then it is poured with concrete.

Since the foundation must have some elevation above the ground, it will be necessary to make a formwork, the height of which will correspond to the level of the foundation for the garage.

The width of the trench for such a foundation usually does not exceed 60 cm, but generally it is 10-15 cm wider than the future wall. Its depth is determined by the estimated depth of soil freezing in a given area.

When digging a trench, it is necessary to take into account that soil sampling should be done before reaching dense soil layers, and also that the walls of the trench should be even.

This video is about preparing a base for a garage:

On the dried foundation, we lay a layer of waterproofing, which is usually used as a simple roofing material. If the garage door is already ready, then it must be installed and fixed. For these purposes, you can use improvised material, for example, long logs, boards, or something else that suits the length. After the walls have been erected, the spacers that play an auxiliary role can be removed.

The accuracy of the installation of the garage door frame can be measured along the way using a plumb bob and a level. If necessary, its position can be slightly changed by placing pieces of metal plates under the corners of the structure.

Operations for laying a chain of blocks (or bricks) must be carried out according to the standard scheme, according to which the elements of each subsequent row overlap the joints of the previous one. The construction of the walls should begin with the construction of corner beacons, between which a thin nylon cord is subsequently stretched. The remaining wall blocks are laid along the line of the cord, after which the beacons are again built up into several rows. We control the correctness of setting the walls and corners using the same plumb line and level.

For the construction of a garage floor, you can use a relatively inexpensive and reliable supporting structure made of metal I-beams with a working size of 100–120 mm. Such beams will allow you to cover the entire building area up to 6 m wide.

After laying the beams, you can start sheathing. For this, thick boards (40–50 mm) are laid in dense rows along the lower tee of neighboring beams, which are then covered with a layer of roofing material. On top of the roofing material, we fill in a heater (expanded clay or simple slag is usually used as a heater), and the level of the backfill should reach the cut line of the upper brand.

At the next stage of work, on top of the insulation, we apply a layer of cement screed 20-30 cm thick, the reliability of the entire roofing largely depends on the quality of its manufacture.

If the roof is flat, then independent waterproofing of the garage roof is made by laying several layers of waterproof roll materials (roofing material, aquaizol or rubemax) on a prepared screed. In garage construction, the following techniques are most commonly used:

  • stacking of rolls by layer-by-layer fusion;
  • application of the material using bituminous mastic.

For a gable roof, the same roofing materials are used as for finishing the roof of a house. You can get acquainted with them in more detail in the article devoted to this topic.

On the front and end parts of the roof, you will need to mount small canopies that serve to protect the walls of the garage from streams of rainwater. You can make such canopies from an edged board 50 mm thick, punched along the edge by another board. They are attached under the upper beam brand.

As insulation for walls, you can use standard boards made of foam or mineral wool.

From a metal profile

The first step is to make the lower part of the frame, which must be welded to the "embedded", concreted in the foundation. If this moment is missed, then you will have to use anchors for fastening.

The next step will be the installation of vertical racks on the long sides of the garage with an interval of 1.5 m. Only then can you start securing the upper part of the frame.

To give the structure rigidity, you need to weld the corners in the spans, which are installed diagonally.

For wall cladding, a profiled sheet is used. The same material is used for the roof. If you wish, you can cover the roof with metal tiles.

A metal garage has a significant drawback - it is cold in winter and heats up like a stove in summer. However, the situation is fixable. Such a room can be insulated in various ways, but it is important to remember that heating will be required to work in such a room in winter.

In the video below, you can find out how you can make your own garage doors:

From foam blocks

The foam block does not have much weight, unlike a brick. Therefore, it makes no sense to build a capital foundation under the walls from it. There are two options:

  • Shallow foundation on a sand cushion.
  • Lightweight pile-strip foundation.

Moreover, if the soil at the construction site is not problematic, that is, not swampy and sandy, then there is also no point in spending money on a deep foundation. Therefore, it will be enough to deepen the foundation by 50-60 cm. A sand cushion of 20 cm is poured into the trench. You should also build a reinforcing cage. This is the part of the work that takes place before the concrete is poured.

If the soil is dense and does not crumble, then it makes no sense to build a formwork in a trench. It is required only above the elevation of the ground up to 30 cm.

As for the width of the foundation, it should be 300 mm wider than the thickness of the foam blocks themselves. This gap will compensate for the pressure of the frozen ground. The entire construction process is expressed in the sequential steps outlined below:

  1. Site marking for future construction.
  2. Laying the foundation.
  3. Installation of metal gates.
  4. Waterproofing.
  5. Erection of walls from foam blocks.
  6. Installation of a transverse concrete cross-beam over gates and windows, if any.
  7. If the roof is pitched, then the walls are erected with a lowering in one direction.
  8. Organization of ventilation in the garage.
  9. Manufacturing of an armored belt around the entire perimeter.
  10. Installing I-beams across the garage. The laying step is 800 mm, and the beam is brought out from both sides by 200 mm beyond the border of the walls.
  11. To form the ceiling, grooved boards are laid on the lower edges of the beams.
  12. Laying waterproofing on a plank base.
  13. Installation of roofing material.

For the construction of a garage from foam blocks, it is recommended to use blocks with a density of 600-800 kg / m 3. They belong to the category of structural and thermal insulation and are distinguished by their increased strength. If you purchase a material with a lower density, then it will be too fragile, and this is undesirable.

Typically used foam blocks of this size 200 × 300 × 600 mm. To increase the thermal insulation properties of the walls, blocks of 200 × 400 × 600 mm can be used. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the walls, then lay the masonry with the wide side down, its thickness is 300 or 400 mm.

Novice craftsmen usually use a cement-sand mortar for laying blocks. Professionals prefer perlite. Using this material, a "warm seam" effect is obtained. Perlite is inexpensive in price, however, it prevents the appearance of a cold bridge through the seams. After all, it is these places that are most vulnerable in such a building.

If you didn’t manage to buy perlite, then buy a dry mixture of "thermos".

If you managed to make the foundation relatively even, the first row should still be laid on the mortar. This will prevent the appearance of cracks from point loads, and the block, with a mortar up to 2 cm thick, will "find" its place.

Another feature of working with a foam block is its fragility. Therefore, even if you bought blocks with a high density, lay a reinforcing metal mesh every 2-3 rows. Also, the dressing of the seams is mandatory. The walls will not be monolithic and strong if there is no ligation with an adjacent row or at the corners.

When building a garage of two floors for laying a reinforced concrete floor panel, fill in an armored belt 200 mm thick. This will be enough to protect fragile blocks from crushing, and the entire structure will provide better strength.

To build a garage from cinder blocks, it is enough to make a foundation, 500 mm deep and up to 400 mm wide. The process of pouring it in is the same as for a foam block garage described above. When the concrete has dried, roofing material must be laid, which will serve as waterproofing. As for the construction of walls, there are no special sacraments here. The principle of operation is the same as brick laying.

If desired, cinder block walls can be plastered, painted, sheathed with clapboard, insulated, etc. It all depends on the financial capabilities and the peculiarities of the prevailing climate in your area.


When starting to build a garage, most people ask themselves the question: how to do it with the minimum cost of money and time? If you are also interested in this question, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the presented article, in which we will take a closer look at the process of building an inexpensive garage in a short time.

How to reduce the cost of a building - frame technology or lightweight concrete

A garage made from traditional materials, for example, brick, will be expensive, and the process of its construction is slow. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, one should resort to modern technologies and cheap building materials. As for budget technologies, frame construction is the undisputed leader. Its principle is based on the construction of a frame from a bar, which is sheathed with sheet material.

You can build such a garage very quickly, while it will turn out to be strong enough and able to reliably protect the car from various negative environmental influences. And if you insulate it and provide heating, then in such a garage you can comfortably engage in car maintenance even in winter. The only drawback is that its base is wooden, so the durability of the structure is somewhat limited, especially if it is not looked after.

If you do not want to build a frame garage, you can go the second way - use cheap wall materials, such as:

  • lightweight concrete blocks (aerated concrete, foam concrete or polystyrene concrete);
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks, etc.

The construction technology of these blocks is practically the same as the construction of bricks. But due to the fact that one block is equal in size to several bricks, the masonry speed increases several times. Such blocks are inexpensive in comparison with the same brick, since they are hollow, moreover, they are made of cheap materials.

Please note that a garage made of porous concrete blocks requires an exterior finish, as this material absorbs moisture well. If the walls are not finished, the life of the building will be greatly reduced.

As an example, consider how cheaply to build a frame garage, since its technology is fundamentally different from the construction of a brick or block structure.

We create a project - all the nuances must be on paper

Before we start building a garage with our own hands, we will prepare a project. First of all, we need to decide on the size of the future structure. Since our task is to build a budget garage, the optimal dimensions are 4x6 m. They will be quite enough for almost any car. Of course, if necessary, you can adjust the dimensions "for yourself".

Then we draw up a drawing of the frame. It is based on racks, which we will install in the corners, as well as along the walls with a step of 60 cm. We will tie the racks from below and above the racks. To give the structure rigidity, we will strengthen the posts with spacers and jumpers. To reduce the cost of construction, we will make the roof pitched. To do this, one wall must be higher than the opposite one. It is best to make a high wall on the side of the driveway so that the water from the roof drains behind the garage. You can even draw a frame by hand, the main thing is that we do not forget to indicate the dimensions of all parts in millimeters.

Another point that we need to decide on at the design stage is the foundation. If the soil is unstable, for example, swampy, we make the foundation slab. In almost all other cases, the optimal solution is a strip shallow foundation, which is associated with the minimum weight of the structure.

Substrate preparation - making the garage stable

Regardless of what the foundation will be, first we prepare the site: we apply the markings and remove the upper vegetative layer of the soil. If the foundation is tape, we dig trenches about half a meter deep around the perimeter. If the foundation is slab, we deepen the entire site by about 40 cm. The bottom of the trenches or site is covered with sand by 20 cm and carefully tamped.

Please note that it will take about a month to arrange the foundation, if you pour it yourself, as concrete gains strength within 28 days. To speed up the process, you can use ready-made foundation slabs or blocks. But in this case, the financial costs will increase. Therefore, you must decide for yourself: what is more important for you - the cost or the speed of construction.

To make the foundation completely on our own, we install formwork from boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB. An important element of the foundation is the reinforcing frame. For the strip foundation, we make a frame of reinforcement in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. The diameter of the reinforcement should be 0.8 mm. For the slab foundation, the frame is made of a mesh with a cell of 200x200 mm and a reinforcement diameter of 0.8 mm. The mesh is laid in two layers at a distance of about 150 mm.

We fill the formwork with concrete of the M200 brand, tamp and level it. 28 days after pouring on top of the foundation (between the walls and the base), we lay a couple of layers of roofing material or other bituminous waterproofing material.

If you decide to make a strip foundation from ready-made blocks, we simply put them in prepared trenches and fasten them together with cement mortar. The slab base from ready-made slabs is laid in the same way. The only thing is that lifting equipment is required to do this work.

Erection of the box - we collect the "skeleton" and sheathe it

Now that the base is ready, you need to make the frame. We begin the work by laying the lower strapping around the perimeter of the foundation. To do this, we use a beam with a section of 100x100 mm, fix it on concrete with anchors. We connect the timber in the corners "half-tree" to each other and fasten it with screws and corners.

Next, we install racks 100x100 mm at the corners of the structure and align vertically. We use screws and steel corners to attach the racks to the lower strapping. Additionally, we strengthen the racks with struts, which can be made from boards with a thickness of 20-30 mm. Immediately, we tie all the corner posts from above with a strapping made of 100x50 mm timber. After that, we install the racks along the walls with a step of 600 mm. Wall uprights can be made of boards with a minimum thickness of 30 mm and a width of 100 mm. We fix and strengthen them in the same way as the corner posts.

Then, from the side of the entrance, we install racks of 100x100 mm, to which the gate will be attached, and we connect them together with a beam of the same section. As a result, an opening will be formed. To strengthen it, you can install a metal frame from a corner or channel around the perimeter.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, treat all boards and beams with fire-bio-protective impregnation, which will increase the durability of the structure.

Next, we carry out the roof frame. To do this, we lay on the Mauerlat (the upper frame of the frame) rafters of boards 30x100 mm. Since the single-pitched roof will be exposed to a large snow load, we make the step between the rafters no more than 40 mm. In order to securely fasten the rafters, we make cuts in the Mauerlat according to the thickness of the rafters. We nail a board 100 mm wide to the ends of the rafters around the perimeter.

Now that the frame is ready, you can immediately sheathe the walls. To make the structure warm, fill the space of the frame with mineral wool in the slabs. This insulation is cheaper than many other heat-insulating materials, but at the same time it is durable, fireproof and, most importantly, has a low thermal conductivity.

From the side of the room, we cover the walls with a vapor barrier film. To make the vapor barrier hermetic, we make the joints of the film sheets with an overlap and glue it with double-sided adhesive tape. From the outer side of the wall, in the same way, we cover it with a wind-moisture-proof membrane and qualitatively seal the joints.

So that there is a ventilation gap between the sheathing and the films, we attach a crate of wooden slats with a thickness of at least 20 mm to the racks. We use ordinary screws to fasten the rails. To save money, we will not pre-sheathe the outer walls with OSB slabs, but immediately install the siding. The only thing it is advisable to use is durable metal siding.

To fasten the siding along the perimeter of the walls from below, we fasten the starting bar with screws, and also install corner profiles at all corners. Then the siding panels are simply tucked into the corner profiles and fastened to the crate with screws. From the inside, the garage can be sheathed with any sheet material, such as plywood or OSB. You can fix the sheathing on the crate with nails or screws.

When installing OSB boards or plywood, do not forget to provide expansion joints with a thickness of about 5 mm. These joints should be filled with sealant.

We lay the roof - we make the room dry and warm

Now we proceed to the installation of the roof. Since the rafters are already available, it remains to lay the roofing cake. We start by fixing the vapor barrier and lathing on the inside of the garage. We always place the battens across the rafters. From the outside, between the rafters, we lay insulation.

Then we lay a super-diffuse waterproofing membrane on the rafters. As well as on the walls, on the roof the membrane is additionally fixed with slats, which serve as a counter-lattice. On top of the counter-lattice we lay boards with a thickness of 25-30 mm perpendicular to the rafters with a step of about 30 cm.

Now you need to install the roofing. An excellent solution for our construction is corrugated board - this is an inexpensive and durable material. We lay the sheets of corrugated board with a longitudinal and transverse overlap and fasten them to the crate with screws. We place the fasteners across the wave in a checkerboard pattern. You can use another type of roofing, for example, slate, which is also inexpensive. The principle of its installation resembles the laying of corrugated board, only instead of screws we use slate nails.

At this, the garage is almost ready, now it remains to install the gate. To save money, you can search for a suitable used metal gate according to the advertisement. If not slab, at the end of the work we make the floor. For these purposes, you can lay paving slabs or pour a concrete screed.

This completes the work. If all actions are performed correctly, as a result, the garage will turn out to be not only strong and durable, but also warm. At the same time, its cost will turn out to be several times lower than a traditional brick garage.

It is quite possible to build a comfortable garage yourself in a month. Of course, if there is an assistant, then the work will go faster and it is quite possible to keep within two weeks. The main thing is to decide on the choice of material.

Consider the most affordable materials from which to build a garage, with the lowest cost in terms of complexity:

  • Ready-made metal structures can be installed in a day on a shallow foundation or concrete slabs. The disadvantage of such a building is that you need high-quality insulation and waterproofing.
  • The option from corrugated board will cost less, but welding will be required.
  • Sandwich panel garage - fast and convenient. Insulated panels with a thickness of at least 100 mm are mounted on a metal frame. A foundation device for such a building is not required, a tamped cushion made of rubble is enough. For a private house, an ideal quick and convenient option at minimal cost.
  • If there is access to inexpensive wood, then it is reliable and durable. Logs treated with an antiseptic and fire retardants are not inferior to stone and brick in terms of thermal insulation and durability, and even better.
  • A reliable and warm brick garage will cost more, for it you will need to fill in a strip or slab foundation and take care of the insulated roof. A foam concrete garage will cost less, but in this case you will have to think about high-quality insulation and waterproofing.

Let us consider in more detail each construction option, then it will be easier to decide which garage is more profitable for you.

If you compare in price, then cinder blocks are a budget choice. The principle of construction from brick or stone is similar, so we will consider building from blocks step by step.

There are different block options on sale, but it is important to pay attention to their configuration. Solid blocks must be used for the foundation, they are better able to withstand heavy loads, and hollow blocks for the walls of the garage.

Types of blocks and their characteristics:

  • Materials pressed from blast-furnace slag with the addition of perlite or polystyrene are the most reliable and durable.
  • After construction, shell rock requires mandatory plastering of the walls from the inside and outside, but it is famous for its excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Foam concrete is convenient and inexpensive, does not require finishing, keeps heat well.

The disadvantage of any block material is that it is not resistant to moisture. Even on dry soils, it is imperative to lay a layer of waterproofing on the foundation. With a high occurrence of groundwater on the site, it is an expensive pleasure - serious waterproofing is needed, it is better to choose other materials.

Foundation device

A brick garage (in one, half a brick) or cinder blocks can be safely laid on a reinforced strip foundation of medium depth. The width of the tape is 40-45 cm, the depth is 50 cm, not less.

A building made of foam concrete or cinder block must be installed on a low hydro- and heat-insulated base in order to cut off moisture from the ground. Ordinary rolled roofing material in two layers is perfect for construction.

After the foundation is erected, the basement is heat and vapor insulated using a special material. A universal option for hydro, heat and vapor insulation is a simple roofing felt. For vapor barrier, you can choose a special foundation membrane.

It is important to remember that it will take 28 to 30 days for the concrete to harden, depending on the weather. Therefore, it is better to fill the foundation in early spring, when the soil thaws, but there is still no heat. These are the best conditions for the perfect hardening of concrete and the construction of any concrete base.

You can fill the base in the fall, but here you need to be guided by the weather. Cinder blocks can only be mounted in dry weather, the material must not be allowed to get wet.

Masters advise a brick base for a garage - it is safer and more durable. The height of the base, depending on soil moisture, is 10 - 20 cm.

It is imperative to provide for a blind area, 50 cm wide

Erection of walls, screed, roofing

Do-it-yourself masonry from blocks is much easier and faster than brick or stone. If you need a warm garage, then we lay out the walls with the poke method in one stone. For the southern regions, a floor of stone laid with a spoon method is quite enough.

Important. We install the gate before we start building the walls. The same rule is observed when laying from bricks.

For the north, it is necessary to erect a wall of at least two stones, since a wall of one stone freezes at a temperature of -15 and higher, serious insulation will be needed, which is not cheap.

To make the building wall even, first we lay out the corners, and then we lay the cinder blocks along the cord using the brickwork method with overlapping the seam of the lower row.

The floor screed can also be poured with M200 cement, it is cheaper, but at least ten centimeters thick.

Brick or stone masonry

We also install brick or stone walls on a strip foundation of medium depth with the obligatory arrangement of the basement. Consistency and nuances:

  • A plinth for brick and stone is needed at least 10 cm high.
  • It is important to lay roofing material waterproofing on top of the basement.
  • Before building the walls, the garage doors must be installed so that they are firmly embedded in the brickwork. Embedded rods with a pitch of 30 cm are welded along the perimeter of the gate and embedded in the seams of the brickwork.
  • We put the brick in the usual way (chain), starting from the corners.
  • Masonry mortar: cement M400, not lower, in the proportions of a bucket of cement for four buckets of sand. It is important that the solution is not liquid, the consistency of thick sour cream is better. For plasticity, you can add half a bucket of clay or milk of lime.
  • The height of the wall at the gate is 250 cm, the slope towards the rear wall to a height of two meters.

If you need a wall height of three meters or more, then the walls need to be reinforced with a metal mesh. The most reliable reinforcement option is every fifth row of brickwork.

The slope for the roof should be at least five centimeters per meter of wall masonry. The standard slope for good water drainage with a wall height difference of 30 centimeters.


We choose a single-pitched roof based on the budget - slate will cost less, the corrugated board will have to be additionally insulated with a layer of plywood or other cladding material.

Overlaps for a garage can be made of wood, but metal beams are more reliable and durable. They are embedded in the walls to a depth of 10 cm. For cinder block walls, it is important to strengthen the installation site of the beam with a layer of concrete.

What else is important to pay attention to:

  • The step of the floor beams is 80 cm with a slope along the level of the walls.
  • The protrusion outside the walls is at least 20 cm.
  • Rough filing made of 40 mm unedged board with a minimum of gaps.
  • As waterproofing on the boards - rolled roofing felt.
  • Insulation layer for roofing material - expanded clay, slag, mineral wool. It is undesirable to use polystyrene, it has zero air conductivity, which is dangerous for the garage.

All wooden structures must be painted or treated with a deep penetration antiseptic for wood. Building a garage with your own hands will cost 50 percent less than hiring a team of builders, but it will take twice as long.

Prefabricated metal structures with different cladding

The disadvantages of a metal garage are cold and high humidity. Building a garage from ready-made sheets on a frame is quick and convenient. On the frame welded from metal, you can install two wall options:

  • Sandwich panels are slabs of two profiled metal sheets with a layer of insulation inside.
  • Decking - for walls, only the marking of PS or C is suitable. Sheet rigidity is at least 20. For a light and durable structure, S-20 decking is needed.

Solid concrete blocks or concrete slabs are suitable as a foundation for such a prefabricated structure. Some masters are sure that there is simply no more reliable slabs than a cast slab monolithic foundation, 50 cm deep.

The frame posts are concreted into the foundation. It is imperative to provide for a blind area, up to 20 cm wide.

On the installed and welded frame with screws, rivets or bolts, sheets of corrugated board or sandwich panels are installed.

Wooden garage

Building a garage made of wood is inexpensive and fast. Nowadays, prefabricated structures using frame technology are very popular. Such buildings are lightweight, do not require a serious foundation, and it is possible to insulate the walls.

Key milestones:

  • The base can be monolithic reinforced on a sand or gravel cushion with a blind area around the perimeter of 20 cm or made of cheap material - concrete blocks with a thickness of 30 cm.
  • An inexpensive columnar foundation is also suitable for a frame garage.
  • Since the tree warps from moisture, the main focus is on waterproofing the foundation and basement. Logs and boards must be treated with water-repellent impregnation and painted.
  • Around the entire perimeter of the foundation and along the plinth, lay a layer of waterproofing from roofing material.
  • The corner posts are made of timber, and the rest of the frame is made of 50x100 boards, this is quite enough. For the upper logs, a 25x100 board is also suitable, but the lower bars must be taken thicker.
  • Bottom harness with an interval of 120 cm.
  • Any finishing material can be mounted on the frame - facade siding or clapboard ..
  • A layer of steam and waterproofing between the outer and inner lining - mineral wool in rolls or slabs, a vapor barrier film and plain polyethylene.
  • The roof can be installed both single-pitched and gable, depending on the chosen structure of the building.

From the inside, you can sheathe the frame with sheets of plywood and paint it with paint with the addition of fire retardants. In wooden garages, the gates are installed last, so that the building does not move under the weight of metal.