How to fix tongue-and-groove plates to the wall. Doorway in the PGP partition: ways to make an opening in the partition from gypsum boards

Quite a lot of building materials for the construction of interior partitions are offered. But not all of them are suitable for use in multi-storey buildings. Partitions should be as light as possible in order to minimize additional stress on the supporting structures of the building. Thus, the choice is narrowed down to masonry materials such as tongue-and-groove slabs and blocks.

The construction of partitions inside an already finished housing has a certain specificity. It will be necessary not only to accurately mark the place of construction of the additional wall, but also to prepare a base for it, create a vibration-damping layer at the junction points, provide for fastening the blocks to the walls, and competently organize doorways or arches. Perfect geometry and impeccable quality of masonry will be provided by the craftsmen of the Remont Prestige company. They have to solve the problem of erecting partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs and blocks at almost every facility where the redevelopment of premises is envisaged, and they have mastered the technology perfectly. In favor of concluding a contract with our company, to the tight deadlines and excellent quality, you can add very affordable prices for this type of work.

Price list for work on the installation of partitions from tongue-and-groove plates

Unlike the “flying brigades”, the “Repair-Prestige” company does not disappear anywhere after the commissioning of the object. We have been on the market for almost 10 years now, and our long-term warranty allows our customers to have no worries about problems that may arise during the operation of partitions, which, however, is unlikely.

Blocks or tongue-and-groove plates?

First of all, it is worth deciding which material to build partitions from - from gypsum blocks or from tongue-and-groove slabs. From the point of view of composition, they are identical, but they have different shapes, due to which the technologies for their installation, operational characteristics and the cost of partitions differ.

A gypsum block is a regular parallelepiped with straight edges and right angles. The ideal geometry of the products is achieved due to a special production technology that does not use high-temperature processing. The blocks have high strength characteristics and excellent thermal conductivity.

A tongue-and-groove plate is the same block with a thickness of 8 to 10 cm, but equipped with grooves and ridges for joining between structural elements during installation. The dimensions of the slabs used for the construction of interior partitions are usually 66.7 x 50 cm. Due to the comb-to-groove joining, the partitions are absolutely even, the displacement of the slabs relative to each other is an extremely rare phenomenon.

A partition made of blocks will be somewhat cheaper than from tongue-and-groove plates, the cost of which is higher. And this is only if the installation will be undertaken by professionals who are able to accurately position the blocks along the planes, fix them without distortions and excessive consumption of the glue mixture. Such a wall, moreover, is thicker, which means that the sound insulation will be higher. The downside is that the partition will be heavier due to the thickness of the blocks (alternatively, hollow blocks can be used). A wall made of tongue-and-groove plates will cost more, but its construction does not require a perfect eye and high professional skills.

Preparation for the construction of the partition

First of all, it is necessary to mark the walls and floor using a laser level, marking the boundaries of the new structure. High-quality installation of partitions is possible only on a carefully prepared horizontal surface. Therefore, you should start by cleaning the place where the wall was erected. Before pouring the site under blocks or slabs, the base is treated with a concrete primer (acrylic, concrete contact or other composition of a similar purpose). It is recommended to apply two layers (the second - after the first has dried).

Even with concrete floors, they may deviate from the horizontal plane. Therefore, the surface is checked for level. Differences of more than 3 mm are leveled with cement mortar. A thin platform can be poured with a self-leveling mixture, setting a semblance of formwork and using a roller with needles to evenly distribute the composition. Significant differences are eliminated using a semi-dry screed. It is prepared by mixing cement 500 and fine sieved sand in a ratio of 1: 3, adding water until a wet mass is obtained. The mass is spread on a prepared base and checked by level. After drying (1-2 days), the finished site is treated with a primer, like the floor slab.

To compensate for thermal expansion and vibrations, a cork substrate (thickness 4 mm, width 150 mm) is mounted on the walls and floor at the points of contact with blocks (slabs). This damper tape can be installed with the same adhesive on which the boards will be mounted.

Photo: redevelopment and installation of partitions.

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates. Apartment 1 Partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates. Apartment 2 Partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates. Flat 3

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates. Apartment 4 Partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates. Apartment 5 Partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates. Apartment 6

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Partition masonry

The laying of slabs and blocks is carried out in a ragged manner, moving away from the coincidence of the vertical seams by at least 1/3 of the length of the product. The first row of blocks is placed directly on the prepared site. The slabs are placed with the groove up, before installing the first row, the ridge is cut off. Using a spatula, glue or mortar is spread on the tape (for the first row and blocks adjacent to the wall), then on the block itself. The landing of structural elements is achieved by tapping with a hammer through a block or a special hammer with a rubber pad. The excess adhesive squeezed out at the same time is removed.

Every second row and every second slab (block) of the first row is attached to the walls and floor, respectively, by means of perforated metal corners. For fastening to blocks and slabs, self-tapping screws are used for wood, for walls and floors - dowel screws or anchors. The gap between the top row and the ceiling is foamed and leveled.

When redeveloping an apartment or building a private house, you have to install new partitions. It is not so easy to find material for them. It should not create an excessive load on the floor, it should be reliable and have good load-bearing capacity. And it is also desirable that the installation is simple and fast, and the price is low. There are not so many materials and technologies that meet these requirements. These are tongue-and-groove plates. In this article, we will talk about the tongue groove.

What is this material and its types

Tongue slabs (abbreviated as PGP) or blocks are large-format building material for erecting partitions in the form of a slab, at the ends of which a ridge (spike) and a groove are formed. Hence this name - tongue-and-groove slabs. They are:

Plasticizers and hydrophobic (water-repellent) additives are added to the solution to improve the properties. Gypsum GWP has another name - gypsum boards. It is understandable: the gypsum solution is poured into molds. Here is the "source" of this variant of the name.

Moisture resistance and voidness

According to the area of ​​use, tongue-and-groove plates can be designed for normal operating conditions (normal, standard) or for damp rooms (moisture resistant). Moisture resistant for better identification tinted greenish.

Both gypsum and silicate tongue-and-groove slabs are solid and hollow. Corpulent, more durable, hollow due to lower weight create less load on the floors. The choice between corpulent and hollow must be made based on several factors:

  • Sound insulation characteristics... A monolithic material without voids conducts sounds better, so it is used if sound insulation will be made in a separate layer (the best option) or if it is not so important.
  • Partition loads... If you need to hang shelves, furniture on the walls, fix some heavy objects, it is better to use a monolith.
  • ... It is better to place less heavy (hollow) blocks on wooden floors or old wooden floors.

Considering several factors, sound insulation is the last thing to consider. It is possible to increase the noise protection using a special mounting technology (on vibration-damping pads), as well as by making an additional layer of sound-insulating materials.


If we compare ordinary and moisture-resistant tongue-and-groove plates, the differences in characteristics are only in water absorption and strength. Moisture resistant, due to the large amount of hydrophobic additives, they almost do not absorb moisture. Due to the large number of these additives, they are more expensive, since these additives are expensive. At the same time, they increase the strength (M50 compared to M35).

By the way, you can check "without leaving the checkout" if you really have moisture-resistant GWPs or just standard green-colored ones. Just pour some water on the surface. Standard plates will quickly absorb it, and on water-repellent plates it will stand for a long time in a puddle.

If we compare gypsum and silicate partition blocks, the increased strength of the latter immediately catches the eye - M150 compared to M50 and M35. That is, the strength of silicate slabs is comparable to concrete of not the worst grade. If you are going to hang something very heavy on the partition, it is better to use silicate. Manufacturers also produce blocks with a thickness of 115 mm, which are called inter-apartment blocks.

How else do silicate boards differ from gypsum counterparts? The fact that in the standard version they have not so high absorbency. It is not as low as that of moisture-resistant blocks, but this material can be used without problems in any damp room (13% versus 26-32%). The disadvantages of this material are more weight (with equal dimensions) and lower thermal insulation characteristics.

Silicate or gypsum?

If we compare the sound insulation characteristics of gypsum blocks and silicate blocks, the latter, with equal parameters, conduct sounds worse (40-43 dB for gypsum blocks and 48-52 dB for silicate ones). So we choose silicate for better sound insulation.

But silicate blocks of the same size have more weight and higher thermal conductivity (they conduct heat better). The key in the choice is weight, since sound and thermal insulation can be improved with the help of additional layers of special materials, but there is no way to reduce the weight of the partition. And if its mass is critical for overlap, nothing good can be expected.

How to build from tongue-and-groove slabs

In order for the partition made of tongue-and-groove blocks to be reliable and stable, certain conditions must be met:

In general, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations, strictly follow the technology. Then tongue-and-groove partitions do not differ in strength and reliability from brick ones, but are erected many times faster.


The laying of the wall from the tongue-and-groove begins with the markings. If you have a laser plane builder, everything is simple: you unfold the plane, draw lines on the floor, walls, ceiling. If there is no such tool, you will have to spend more time. A plumb line is required. The one that won't fit in a smartphone is not a measuring tool. Better to buy at a hardware store or make with twine and a centered weight.

We draw the first line on the ceiling, using a plumb line we transfer it to the floor. By connecting the dots on the floor and ceiling, we get lines on the walls. As a result, a closed marking was formed to align the partition.

We examine the base on which we will lay the blocks. It should be perfectly aligned when viewed along the baffle line, and should not tilt forward or backward when viewed from across.

If there are door or window openings in the partition, they must also be marked. With doorways, everything is simple - we mark them on the floor. It is more difficult with window frames - beacons on the walls and ceiling are needed.

Preparation of the base

As already mentioned, the base should be perfectly flat without tilting to any side. If there are deviations, fill in a leveling screed on the concrete floor (not lower than M150). To do this, you will have to assemble the formwork into which the solution is poured. The minimum layer thickness is 3 cm. To obtain a guaranteed high-quality result, use a self-leveling compound. Just keep in mind that not too big errors "align themselves". It is still necessary to distribute the composition manually. Just sweep with a spatula, accelerating the solution along the entire length, and small irregularities are leveled due to the increased fluidity of the material.

Cover the poured concrete with polyethylene, leave it for about a week. This is if the temperature in the room does not drop below + 20 °, during this time it will gain 50% strength. This means that you can work with it. If the temperature is lower, the period increases. At a temperature of 17 ° C and a little lower, 2 weeks have already been needed ... We coat the even base with concrete contact - it will improve the adhesion of the base with the adhesive on which we will lay the GWP.

If the tongue-and-groove blocks will be placed on a wooden floor, the partition must pass over the beam - this time. Second, we level the base with a dry timber. It must be secured so that it is also horizontally aligned in all directions. We fasten the timber to the floor with nails or self-tapping screws. If there is a joint, we connect it in half a tree, additionally coating the joint with wood glue and fastening with nails.

To improve sound insulation

The main disadvantage of gypsum groove partitions is not too high sound insulation. The situation with silicate blocks is better, but also not ideal. Therefore, we recommend to lay vibration damping tape around the perimeter of the partition. It's no secret that most of the sounds are transmitted through vibrations through the floor, ceiling and adjoining walls and elastic pads significantly improve the situation.

Under tongue-and-groove slabs, you can use a strip of bitumen felt or corks with a density of 250-300 kg / m³. The width of the stripe is slightly less than the width of the blocks. It is laid on a leveled base on the same binder that you will use to seal the joints between the plates. The solution is applied to the surface treated with concrete contact (after drying) with a layer of 2-3 mm. Lay the tape, rolling it with a roller, expelling air bubbles. The protruding solution is removed with a spatula. Thus, the tape is glued to the floor, walls, ceiling. Check the levelness with a bubble level.

Preparing slabs for installation

If silicate tongue-and-groove slabs are used, no preparation is required - their top and bottom surfaces do not have a groove / ridge. They are absolutely even (as in the photo below).

When working with a gypsum groove, first you need to decide whether you will place the blocks with a spike or groove up. It is more convenient to work when the groove is directed upwards, but the reverse position is not an error either.

If you decide to lay the GWP up with a groove, a spike must be cut on all blocks of the first row. The most convenient way to do this is with a hacksaw. The resulting cut is uneven. We align it with a planer.

Note! The slab must be cut completely flat. It depends on how strong the wall of the tongue-and-groove plates will stand. And the cut tongue-and-groove plates must be of the same height.

The seam between the blocks does not exceed 2 mm, so that it is almost impossible to correct even small deviations. Therefore, we align carefully and carefully. After leveling, the dust is swept with a brush and the wall can be erected.

First row

The sequence of actions when laying a wall of tongue-and-groove slabs is simple and very similar to a brick one. There are only a few features. Since the partition usually adjoins the wall, if a spike is turned to it, it is cut off with a saw, the surface is leveled with a plane, and dust is removed. Further, the procedure is as follows:

In this way, the entire row is built. The last slab usually needs to be trimmed. This could be the beginning of a doorway, or just the last slab in a row. Its length should be 3-4 mm less than the remaining gap - the gap for the seam. Do not increase the gap - stability will decrease. For more confidence, the joint can be reinforced with a metal corner. Two or three corners for each row. It's enough.

Second and subsequent

The tongue-and-groove slabs are laid with an interval of seams - like bricks. The shift of the second row can be half or a third of the length. The best option is half. Cut off half of the whole plate, cut off the spike if necessary, install it. Further, the masonry is no different. The third row starts again with a whole block, the fourth with a half, and so on.

After laying each block, check if it is correctly positioned. With such block sizes, the error accumulates very quickly. Therefore, each delivered block is first checked with a level for vertical / horizontal. and then, putting the bar horizontally, grabbing the adjacent blocks and drawing from top to bottom, we look so that there are no gaps. We also check the absence of deviations in the vertical plane.

Vertical and horizontal control is one of the main tasks


If the erected wall of tongue-and-groove blocks has an outer corner, we start laying from it. To make it easier to work, create a corner support. This can be a corner with fairly wide shelves or two boards connected at 90 ° C. We put the structure in place, check the correct installation, temporarily fix it to the ceiling and floor.

At one of the slabs we cut off the lateral spike, rest its edge against the set stop, align it, setting the direction with a mallet. At the second plate, we also cut off the side spike, apply glue to this edge, join with the side surface of the installed plate, knock it into tight contact (diagram in the figure above).

To install the second row, it is necessary to make a cut in the already installed plate under the lower spike of the next block. We take a hacksaw for metal, make cuts. Then, using a wall chaser (a tool for working with foam concrete, but it is also useful for laying wiring in the GWP) or any solid tool, remove the excess, align the groove, making it the same size and shape as the groove. We remove dust with a brush or a construction vacuum cleaner.

We put the second row starting from the other side - so that the seam is on the other side of the corner. Apply a solution to the end of the lower block. We take a half of the block, cut off the side spike, set it with the lower one in the prepared groove (the extreme right diagram in the figure below). It should also rest against the set corner. We carefully align the installed tongue-and-groove plates, checking the verticality and the absence of even the slightest deviations.


It is also necessary to consider the branch from the partition at a right angle. The partitions will be more reliable if they are made with a dressing (middle diagram in the figure). All three slabs that are installed have a lateral spike cut off. The joints are coated with adhesive, three blocks are fitted close to each other with a mallet. In this case, it is also necessary to control that the partition is perpendicular - that is, the angle is 90 °.

We build the second row so that the middle of the block is above the junction. To install it, you will also need to make a groove in the protrusions of the lower block. Further, these rows alternate.

There is another way to put the T-shaped partition from the tongue-and-groove - without dressing. To do this, simply lay out the wall (which in the letter T is the upper crossbar). To the finished wall, end-to-end, attach the second partition (left diagram in the figure above). To increase the reliability of the connection, metal reinforced perforated corners are installed at the junction.


A door opening in a wall of tongue-and-groove plates can be made with or without a reinforcing beam. Without a reinforcing beam, it can be done if the width of the opening does not exceed half the length of the block. So a doorway with a width of 900 mm can be made without a beam, if the floor is made of GWP with a length of 900 mm. Moreover, the joint of the plates should be located almost in the middle. A slight offset (by 10 mm) is allowed, but the length of the whole part of the block to the right and left of the opening is not less than 445 mm.

At the time of installation, before the glue sets, the lintel above the door is reinforced with an emphasis (a board supported by a pole resting on the floor) or a structure assembled from boards as in the right diagram. In this case, first assemble the U-shaped jumper from the boards, fix it with self-tapping screws to the blocks located below (control the horizontalness of the jumper). Apply a block, mark how to cut. It turns out two L-shaped blocks of the same or almost the same size. Having applied the solution in the right places, they are installed.

If tongue-and-groove slabs are used 667 mm long, a reinforcing beam must be installed under an opening of more than 660 mm. For the manufacture of beams, you can use a metal corner, channel, reinforcement, metal strips of considerable thickness. It is possible to use dry wooden beams with a thickness of 50 mm or more (pre-treat with an antiseptic). The beam should protrude 400-450 mm beyond the doorway.

Gypsum tongue-and-groove plate (GWP) is a building material specially designed for interior partitions of an apartment and a house. It is hard to imagine that all interior partitions in the apartment will be without doors. In this article, we will see how to correctly make a doorway in the PGP partition.

Hello! In the last article, I described how partitions made of GWP tongue-and-groove plates are mounted. In this article, we will see how to correctly make a doorway in the PGP partition.

Partition GWP

  • Let me remind you that gypsum tongue-and-groove plates are produced by Knauf and Volma. These are the most popular manufacturers of such plates.
  • Plates PGP are distinguished by ease of installation, ease of cutting and standardization of sizes.
  • Slabs are available in two sizes (length (L) × width (B)): 667 × 500 mm, 80 or 100 mm thick and 900 × 300 mm, 80 mm thick.
  • Let me also remind you that GWP slabs are laid with a groove up or down, with elastic or rigid abutments and with offset rows. Gypsum glue is used for the installation of GWP; fastening brackets are used to strengthen the structures.

Read the articles about all this:

In addition to the memories, such a scheme for installing a partition made of gypsum boards PGP. You can download the instructions at the link at the end of the article..

Installation diagram of the PGP partition

Doorway in the PGP partition - general rules

Technologically, there are two options for the device of the doorway in the interior partition of the PGP:

1. Option 1. You know the design location of the door and assemble the GWP partition, taking into account this location of the door; 1. Option 2. If the doorway has a height of a quarter of the height of the partition (or less), and the area of ​​the door is not more than 10% of the area of ​​the partition, then the doorway under the door can be cut into the finished solid partition.

Since Option No. 2 is practically impossible in an apartment, then further we will consider only Option No. 1: the device of a doorway during the installation of a partition from GWP plates.

The principle of installation of plates in the opening

First, let's pay attention to the installation of the upper plates above the doorway. They are installed as follows.

1. If the width of the door is not more than 900 mm, when the upper level of the opening is reached, a supporting structure made of boards is installed. Planks 1 support plank 2. It is important that after the installation is completed and the glue has dried, all supporting docks are removed.

Temporary supporting structure of the PGP partition opening

1. If the width of the door or just the doorway is more than 900 mm, usually 1300-1500 m, a permanent supporting element is installed at the upper level of the opening. The element rests on the baffle and will constantly support the top plates of the baffle. A supporting element is made of a channel (40 × 95 × 40 × 2.0), angles, less often reinforcement. This support element is not removed after the partition has been installed.

Three options for the device of a doorway in a plasterboard partition

The three considered options for the device of the doorway are approximately the same and differ only in the location of the opening relative to the enclosing structures.

Scheme 1. The opening is located close to the edge of the partition.

Scheme 2. The opening got in such a way that the part of the slabs in contact with the door turns out to be narrow (C 2).

Scheme 3. Wide doorway. In a wide PGP doorway, the top of the opening is reinforced with a channel or corners.

Fastening the door frame to the PGP partition

The door frame is fastened to the finished partition using self-drilling screws SDT 5–5.5 × 137. A layer of sound-insulating material is installed between the box and the end of the partition (required).

This video shows the process of erecting a partition from Volm's hollow tongue-and-groove slabs.

(PGP) is one of the most optimal building materials for creating walls and partitions.

PGP are a gypsum block with a groove and a ridge at their ends, thanks to which they are assembled like a Lego constructor. Using this material, you can easily erect a partition up to 6m long and up to 3.6m high.

The tongue-and-groove comb can be used in both dry and damp rooms. For the installation of partitions in rooms with high humidity, special moisture-resistant tongue-and-groove plates are made.

Tools and materials for the installation of a GWP partition

To install a partition made of tongue-and-groove plates, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • GWP conventional or moisture resistant
  • primer
  • assembly adhesive
  • gypsum plaster
  • mounting angles (straight hangers can be used)
  • dowel nails and screws
  • spatulas: wide, for external and internal corners
  • polyurethane foam
  • level
  • mallet

You can buy everything necessary for the installation of partitions made of PPG from our company.

Stages of installation of a partition made of tongue-and-groove plates

1. Preparation of the base

One of the most important conditions for creating a GWP partition is a reliable and stable base... If the base has strong irregularities, it is necessary to perform a leveling layer using a self-leveling floor.

Before starting the installation, clean the floor from dust and dirt. After that, you can proceed to the installation of the partition.

2. Installation of the partition

To increase the adhesion of materials, it is necessary to process all surfaces that will be adjacent to the future partition primer... After the primer has dried, line up and mix - can be used any gypsum assembly mixture.

To increase sound insulation and prevent other negative consequences, it is better to fasten the partition to the base through an elastic porous material, for example, a cork. This stage is advisory in nature.

The tongue-and-groove plates are mounted in rows... GWP of the first row are mounted from the wall premises on the layer of the assembly mixture. The plate can be installed with the groove up or down. To obtain a high-quality design, it is necessary to check using the vertical and horizontal level of the future partition.

Before installing the next plate, apply a layer of adhesive to the already installed tongue and groove plate and base. After installing the second and subsequent slabs, level them with a mallet to obtain an even structure.

As a rule, it is necessary to use an incomplete GWP slab to complete the partition. This is okay, because thanks to the voids, the material is very easy to saw with a hacksaw.

When laying the second and subsequent rows, it is necessary to observe the spacing of the vertical joints at least 10 cm, thanks to this, the structure is more durable.

Constantly control the width of horizontal and vertical seams in order to exclude additional alignment steps when finishing the partition from the PGP, it should be minimal.

Slabs necessary fasten to walls and foundations: they are performed using fastening angles, dowel nails and self-tapping screws.

The last row must be installed with a gap not less than 1.5 cm from the floor slab, the remaining gap is filled with polyurethane foam, after cleaning the excess, it is necessary to putty the seam with gypsum putty.

3.Finishing of the GWP partition

First of all, you need to protect the outer corners of the resulting partition from mechanical damage, for this it is used corner perforated profile 31 * 31. Internal corners are reinforced with reinforcing tape.

A leveling layer of plaster putty must be applied to all corners.

For laying electrical wires or wiring accessories, you can use structural cavities, which must be further expanded with a drill with a crown. With the same tool, it is necessary to prepare external holes for wiring accessories and wiring output.

Before applying a decorative coating: wallpaper or paint, it is necessary to clean the seams and process them and all irregularities with plaster putty and prime the surface.

The video also reflects the moments of soundproofing partitions and the installation of attachments: shelves, plumbing.

Advantages of tongue-and-groove slabs:

  • ease of assembly
  • simplicity of the device of openings
  • minimal finishing
  • does not require plastering
  • low price
  • high indicators of fire resistance

Redevelopment of an apartment is a common thing, it remains only to decide on the material and technology for the construction of new walls and partitions. We suggest paying attention to tongue-and-groove gypsum boards - a practical, affordable and versatile material in use.

Tongue plates and their area of ​​application

Tongue slabs (PGP) are rectangular blocks of gypsum fiber with a thickness of 80 or 100 mm. The size of the slabs is standard - height 500 mm, width 667 mm. To strengthen the connection between the plates, their edge is made in the form of grooves and ridges. The technology allows to erect up to 4 m 2 partitions per hour.

Standard slabs are used in rooms with a normal humidity regime; moisture-resistant GWP is used for bathrooms and baths. The slab can be either solid or hollow with horizontal through holes 40 mm in diameter. The hollow slab differs not only in reduced lightness and thermal conductivity, when laying slabs of the same row, the alignment of the holes along the cross section is guaranteed by at least 90%, which allows the cavities to be used as technical channels for laying electrical wiring or pipes.

Site preparation

GWPs are universal in application and can be installed in almost any building conditions. Due to their low weight, they do not require a foundation and can be installed directly on the screed or even on a solid wooden floor.

The only requirement for the place of erection of the partition is that the base should not have a horizontal height difference of more than 2 mm per 1 meter. If the floor in the room does not meet these requirements, then a leveling screed with a width of 20-25 cm is produced.

The surface of both the screed and the floor must be coated several times with a deep penetrating primer, then dried and cleaned. It is optimal to mount the GWP even before plastering the bearing walls, so the finishing coating will turn out to be more solid.

Damper pad device

To compensate for the thermal expansion and settlement of the building, a tape of elastic material is laid in the places where the partitions adjoin the floor and walls. This can be rubber, cork, or silicone tape.

The base is covered with a thin layer of GWP glue and the tape is applied. It takes 6-8 hours for solidification, after which you can begin the construction of the partition.

Installation of the first row

Installation of GWP is carried out strictly in rows, starting from the bottom. The first row is basic and must be correctly oriented in space, vertically and horizontally. The most common mistake during installation is the "waviness" of the partition, which occurs due to a slight displacement in the grooves. To eliminate this phenomenon, when laying each slab, you need to use a rule-rail and check the general plane of the partition against it.

The first row should be laid from the corner. The place where the slab touches the floor and wall is covered with GWP glue, then the block is installed with the comb upward and its position is leveled. It is convenient to use a rubber mallet to move the plates. It is imperative to fix the first block to the wall and floor with the help of L-shaped plates, the role of which is successfully performed by direct suspensions. To use them, you need to cut off the toothed comb from the edges and bring the thickness of the plate to the width of the comb. The plates are first attached to the base using quick-fix dowels with a length of 80 mm, then to the plate with black self-tapping screws at least 60 mm long.

Subsequently, the slabs are attached through one: on the one hand to the floor, on the other - to the previous slab with a preliminary coating of the joint with a thin layer of glue and strong pressure. To control the placement of slabs in the project, it is convenient to use lacing or a laser level. It will also not be superfluous to mark the partition on the floor and walls, indicating the places for doorways.

Erection of a partition and adjoining to load-bearing walls

The second and subsequent rows are laid with a joint offset of at least 150 mm. The slab is located strictly in the plane of the partition due to the tongue-and-groove connection. It is enough to control the horizontal level of the installation and the side roll. The outermost slabs are attached to the load-bearing walls with L-shaped plates or reinforcement bars with a thickness of 8 mm.

To offset the joints and remove the edge of the partition, trimming of the additional elements to the exact size is required. It is best to use a regular wood hacksaw with a thick blade and set teeth. If the partition does not adjoin another wall, its end can be made perfectly flat by increasing the thickness of the glue in the vertical seam from 2 to 6-8 mm.

The device of doorways

The vertical edges of the openings do not need additional reinforcement. To lay the slabs above the opening with its width less than 90 cm, it is necessary to build a supporting U-shaped bar, which can be removed after the glue has dried.

Openings with a width of 90 cm and more require laying on top of a row of slabs of a load-bearing crossbar - 40 mm boards or a 70 mm reinforced CD profile. To reach one level, it is recommended to cut the slabs laid on top of the crossbeam. The jumper is laid in the partition at least 50 cm on each side.

Angles and intersections of partitions

At the corners and junctions of partitions, it is necessary to strengthen the masonry. To do this, the slabs are shifted through a row, alternately overlapping the joints. In the places of re-laying, it is necessary to remove the ridges, they are cut with a hacksaw into sections of 4-5 cm and chipped with a chisel.

The bond can be additionally reinforced with straight hangers or welded T-shaped elements made of smooth reinforcement. In any case, additional trimming of the ridge to the required distance is required.

Top row bookmark

When laying the top row, the largest amount of waste is generated due to cutting to the desired height. They can be glued together and laid in voids, since this row of the partition does not experience a strong functional load.

In the voids of the top row, electrical wiring is usually laid, so it is important to prevent glue from getting into the holes. To facilitate cable routing, you can additionally drill holes or make transverse holes with a diameter of 45 mm.

When laying the top row, it is necessary to maintain a gap from the ceiling of at least 15 mm to compensate for the deflection of the ceiling during settlement. The top row also needs to be fastened to the ceiling of every second slab. Upon completion of the installation, the remaining space is blown out with polyurethane foam.

Interior finishing options

With the correct installation of the GWP, the curvature of the surface is no more than 4-5 mm per meter of plane. This is an acceptable indicator for wallpapering walls. The outer corners of the partitions must be protected with a perforated corner profile set on the starter filler. The inner corners are also putty, reinforcing them with a serpentine. The joints between the slabs are cleaned with an abrasive mesh of 80 grit, then the entire surface is covered twice with a primer with high adhesion.

Alignment of walls from GWP can be carried out with any finishing putty, but reinforcement of the coating with fiberglass mesh is required. Often, the filling of partitions is used only to hide the seams, as a rule, the layer does not exceed 2-4 mm. Tiles can be laid directly on the surface of the GWP with a preliminary priming.