Biography of Valeria Lukyanova: photo with her husband, video before and after the operation. Alive Barbie: Victims of the Famous Doll Girl with a Doll Face

The biography of Valeria Lukyanova before the creation of the image of "Barbie" is full of gaps. In her youth, the girl was interested in various subcultures, had a lot of bad habits and did not seek to gain good knowledge.

Later she became interested in esotericism, wrote poetry, traveled and participated in beauty contests, becoming the "Miss Diamond Crown of Ukraine".

After working on her appearance, popularity came quickly, and the girl was already invited to federal channels. But after declaring her extraterrestrial origin, the blonde stopped communicating with the press in person and banned photography.

But some of the photos of Valeria Lukyanova still leaked to the Internet and cause a lot of questions from users about the naturalness of beauty. It is difficult to believe the words of the Odessa "Barbie" that she performed only one breast augmentation operation: "I am presented as a doll that has achieved this appearance thanks to plastic surgery."

The girl calls the rest the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors and hard work on herself. Lera Lukyanova looked attractive and beautiful before the operation, but after plastic surgery and obsession with the image of Barbie, not only the size of Amatue's chest (nickname Lukyanova) changed, but also the size of her waist.

The girl says that she got a "wasp" waist in the gym and with proper nutrition.

In an interview, "Barbie" said that family values ​​are not the main thing. This did not stop her from becoming the wife of the owner of a large construction company. Internet users suggest that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova realize her dream of an ideal look.

Valeria Lukyanova after surgery

Ukrainian "Barbie" does not deny mammoplasty - breast correction. She increased her breasts by two sizes to achieve the desired look. In one of the social networks, the Internet star regrets that she did not enlarge her breasts even more. The girl very simply justifies mammoplasty: with the help of the operation she wanted to balance her body: “In an effort to balance my hips, emphasize the waist, I made my breast size a little larger.”

Valeria Lukyanov looks completely different before and after the alleged surgical intervention. Changes are noticeable in the facial features, in the figure of the girl.

Plastic surgeons are sure that Amatue, in addition to enlarging the mammary glands, did rhinoplasty and Botox injections. As a child, Lera's nose had a slight hump, which completely disappeared in the later photos of the Internet star.

A congealed "mask" on the face and a lack of facial expressions may indicate multiple Botox injections. Amatue thinks all means are good for matching doll parameters. It is believed that Valeria Lukyanova performed operations to change the shape of the eyes, the shape of the cheekbones and eyelids. The star categorically denies all the assumptions of journalists about plastic and focuses on spiritual qualities, talents and extraterrestrial origin.

I am presented as a doll who has achieved this appearance thanks to plastic surgery.

Valeria Lukyanova before and after operations: assessment of appearance

Some experts, when viewing the photos of Valeria Lukyanova before and after, do not doubt that she used the services of plastic surgeons. Valeria Lukyanova did not have a model appearance before plastic surgery, and after surgery and numerous experiments she turned into a “living doll”. Together with the popularity, Lera became the owner of an unnaturally thin waist, an even nose and too large eyes.

Others believe that the effect of a doll-like appearance is achieved by skillful makeup and the use of photo editors. On the beach or on TV, in his video blog or on the streets of his hometown - everywhere Amatue appears with a spectacular make-up. She willingly shares with fans the secrets of applying tone and gives recommendations on the choice of cosmetics.

Valeria speaks negatively about plastic surgery, trying to attract attention with her hobbies and diets. The girl does not like when she is compared to Barbie, but in every possible way she tries to improve the doll's appearance. Even some of the Amatue outfits bear a resemblance to the clothing of the popular toy.

There is no doubt about mammoplasty and nose shape correction, and the rest of Valeria Lukyanova's plastic surgeries are still questionable.

Valeria Lukyanova looks differently before and after plastic surgery. People perceive the thoughtful image of a girl ambiguously, admiring or calling it insanity.


Dakota Rose

Dakota Rose is the girl who blogs KotaKoti and looks exactly like a Barbie doll. An incredible resemblance to Barbie made her very popular in Japan and China, where she was featured on several news channels. With a large following, Dakota says she dresses like she always does and doesn't mind when people look at her with a smile.


Venus Palermo

At the age of 15, Venus Palermo became the doll of her dreams. If you are a fan of this girl or want to look exactly like her, she has a YouTube channel with beauty lessons in this style. But that's not why she is the star of viral videos, she just looks like a living doll.


Lily Cole

Model and actress Lily Cole is known for her porcelain doll-like looks. Perhaps because of this, she achieved considerable success at such a young age.


Lin Ke Tong

Lin Ke Tong was born on September 20, 1988, has a height of 175 cm. Filmed mainly in advertising. Very popular due to its doll-like appearance.


Alodia Gosingfio

I won cosplays many times. Known not only for her awards, but also for the fact that she looks more attractive than the characters she portrays. Has been participating in cosplays since 2003 and has been a judge of these competitions since the age of 18. Alodia shows all newbies how to cosplay!


Wang Jiyun

Chinese student Wang Jiayun has become popular on the Korean Internet because she looks like an inflatable doll. Wang Jiyun is 164 cm tall and weighs 42 kg. Born in Hong Kong, currently resides in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. Her name is among the most popular search terms on various Korean websites.


Charlotte Hottman

Barbie dolls are usually interesting for little girls. But 24-year-old Charlotte was so passionate about her doll collection that she spent £ 10,000 on plastic surgery to look like a Barbie. The girl had her nose fixed, her lips enlarged with collagen, and her blonde hair was dyed so that she would turn into a living Barbie. And she spent the rest of the money on clothes to complete the doll image.



The member of the Korean female pop group Girls Generation impresses with her doll-like beauty. Recently, a photo of Jessica was uploaded to the Internet community on the set of a photo shoot for a magazine. Jessica really looks like a doll with a perfect profile and shoulder-length hair.


Valeria Lukyanova

In second place, the most doll-like girls are occupied by a popular Ukrainian woman who underwent a series of plastic surgeries in order to resemble the world-famous Barbie doll. In 2012, Valeria gained worldwide popularity after she was published in Jezebel magazine.


Angelica Kenova

Angelica Kenova, or "Russian Barbie" dispels doubts that it is impossible for a real girl to look like a doll. She rightfully takes the first place in our rating " Doll-like girls «.

With parameters 87-54-87, Angelica is the living embodiment of the popular Barbie doll. Surprisingly, there is very little information about Angelica - everything that is known about her has been collected bit by bit from various laconic sources.

And it is very possible that Angelica Kenova took such a pseudonym for herself, because her surname and image are very combined (“Kenova” - that is, Ken's friend). Or is it a coincidence?


All your thoughts, preferences and wishes, as well as indignations and desires, please express in the comments at the bottom of the article. Thank you for the attention.

A bored audience demands shocking! That is why on TV screens you can see painted faces of girls who pretend to be “living Barbies”. And it is not at all important that these ladies sometimes do not correspond to any childish ideas about beauty - the desire to resemble an elegant figurine of a toy overcomes all circumstances and a natural barrier. Fortunately (maybe evil?), Plastic surgery continues to flourish and help (read: maim) the rushing souls of those who seek to comprehend beauty. And even if they don't think so, we can say that "living Barbie dolls" are victims of social concepts and stereotypes about the criteria of female beauty.

Further in the review, you can gain knowledge about the popular "living Barbies", whose PR campaigns have gained due success - everyone knows at least a little about them. Let's take a closer look at some of the beauties.

"Living Barbie Doll" - Valeria Lukyanova

Today, this lady in her thirties is considered the most popular copy of the advertised doll. And although the girl denies any involvement in such a comparison, she willingly promotes at the expense of the indignation of the indignant crowd, uploading personal photos with the famous doll.

Thanks to the instant distribution of images with its "extraterrestrial appearance" on the Web, the inhabitants of planet Earth are everywhere discussing its appearance. If only people were indifferent to someone else's appearance! But even the slightest shift in the other direction causes a corresponding social dissonance, what can we say about "living Barbies".

The celebrity played into Valeria's hands - job offers are falling on her like a golden rain. She has become a welcome guest not only in Russia, but also in Hollywood - she successfully acts in films and participates in photo shoots for gloss. At the moment he is a DJ of fashionable clubs and conducts seminars "on the journey of the soul."

"Bin" of the soul

Lukyanov's "Living Barbie" positions herself not only as a pretty girl, but also as a "deep mental organization" capable of penetrating the secrets of the universe and traveling to different worlds and planets. Some call it a phase shift, and some line up in a huge crowd of loyal fans and disciples. Beauty be with you, young Padawans!

As the Odessa resident Lukyanova assures, in her entire life she underwent only one plastic surgery - an increase in breast size. Pupa angrily denies any other interventions by modern surgery. Removal of ribs, nose correction, etc. - shameless lies of envious people, - the celebrity claims.

At the moment, the girl is actively involved in sports, adheres to a strict diet and builds up muscle mass.

And although Valeria has been married for a long time, children are not on the agenda.

Russian "Barbie" Angelica Kenova

This doll from Moscow really amazes with its cuteness and graceful figure. As the girl herself says, her affection for "Barbie" stems from her parents' obsession with dressing her up in doll outfits: they still keep her under their supervision, like a toy in a house.

Parental control haunts her even at interviews - the mother selflessly spends time accompanying her "doll". She even manages to be present on dates. Of course, there can be no speech about freedom.

A vigilant parent takes away her ward's passports from the guys for the time of communication with her daughter. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the young beauty was never able to build her personal life.

Puppet life

Angelica Kenova does not at all object when she is called a "living doll", on the contrary, it flatters her.

The girl chose her unusual surname herself - she decided to change her passport after coming of age.

As the Moscow beauty assures, she has not yet had to seek the help of plastic surgery, but in the future, perhaps after the birth of a child, she would like to bring her figure to perfection, for example, to enlarge her breasts in order to say goodbye to the hated push-ups forever.

And although she regularly goes in for sports for several hours, Angelica admits: Barbie's parameters are unattainable for mere mortals.

As the girl says, only sports helps her maintain a slim figure. She devotes five times a week to training with a trainer. As noted in the interview, she does not resort to any diets.

The overplayed doll Angelica Kenova dreams of not childish achievements at all: her plans include shooting in the American Playboy.

Anastasia Shpagina - anime doll

This atypical girl who has repeatedly changed her hair color is a rather distinctive personality. According to her fans, she looks like an anime character from popular Japanese cartoons.

The girl is distinguished by her miniature appearance - with a height of 158 centimeters, her weight is only 38.

As her career growth shows, it was far from her appearance that attracted a huge number of fans to her - the fact is that she has a real gift of a make-up artist. Thanks to the atypical makeup and the technique of its execution, she achieved unprecedented fame, considering that she started out as an ordinary makeup artist. “Barbie” Anastasia Shpagina, in addition to her work, loves to experiment on herself, which she shows in her personal blog on the YouTube video site. High-quality PR and participation in several television programs allowed her to break into the world of shocking.

The girl admits that she has long dreamed of nose correction. And she made her dream come true. But the operation was not entirely successful for her, as her fans say, they were crazy about her previous "cute" appearance.

Cindy jackson

The "wrong figure" of this American "Barbie" Cindy Jackson has been condemned by many doctors. They claim that the doll figurine is not available in real life. It is assumed that a girl with such parameters would have to walk on all fours. Besides, the wrong proportions would not allow her to lift anything.

Moreover, a 45-centimeter waist does not leave room for the intestines and liver, 21-centimeter feet would not allow her to move freely, and a thin neck would not be able to support the weight of a head that was too large for her. But, as the examples of the exclusion of girls and women from all over the world show, these facts can be refuted.

Cindy is the record holder for the number of plastic surgeries

To obtain the maximum resemblance to the famous doll, many girls are ready to go under the surgeon's knife. Of course, all this is unsafe, and even an experienced doctor cannot guarantee the complete safety of such manipulations over his body - foreign bodies and substances can be rejected by the human body, which often leads to sad and impartial (in every sense) consequences.

American Cindy Jackson, at the age of 60, became the record holder for the number of operations performed - 52 interventions! By the way, she was even entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Among the list of manipulations are the removal of the two lower ribs, breast augmentation, nose correction, changing the shape of the eyes, the shape of the chin, multiple liposuction and botox.

Every girl's dream is a Barbie doll. Girls grow up, but for many of them Barbie remains the best friend, a role model in clothes, etc. More and more girls spare no effort to recreate the image of their favorite doll. Pink becomes the main color in the life of a girl or a woman “in the style of Barbie”.

So, the basic rules for a girl in this style:

1. Pink color with all kinds of shades in everything: clothes, accessories, room decoration. In order to look more interesting, it is better to diversify pink with some other delicate color - blue, white, lilac.

2. The best model of clothing is the one that maximally emphasizes all the advantages of the figure: hips, waist, chest, opens legs.

3. An important criterion for matching the style of Barbie is the perfect combination of clothes and accessories with each other, the use of all fashion trends, all with impeccable style and taste.

4. It is not forbidden, but on the contrary, the use of various accessories is encouraged: earrings, scarves, bracelets, hats, whatever, as long as it fits into the general style.

5. Pink or white shoes, wedges - all the actual shoes of the season, always with heels.

When creating a Barbie image, you need to know not only about the basic rules of style, makeup, behavior, but also about what categorically does not correspond to the chosen image. Barbie cannot be a plump, short girl, let alone older ladies. In addition, a light, romantic style of behavior is associated with Barbie. Barbie is all about parties, music and fun.

Let's look at the live girls of Barbie dolls and see what their names are.

Ukrainian girl Barbie Valeria Lukyanova

Valeria Lukyanova from Ukraine is a bright representative of the Barbie style.

This girl with a wasp waist, a porcelain face, large wide-open blue eyes, and lush breasts looks like a real Barbie.

To the general public, the girl is also known under the name Amatue or Odessa Barbie.

In order to achieve such a match with Barbie, Valeria had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, and to maintain her ideal figure, the girl leads a healthy lifestyle.

She is a fruitarian.

Valeria is a creative person, she writes music, poetry, is engaged in esotericism.

She actively promotes her creativity, views on the world around us and our place in it.

Dakota Rose is a girl with a Barbie face and figure

American Barbie Dakota Rose claims that she managed to achieve a striking resemblance to a doll without plastic surgery and the way she looks in photographs is not a Photoshop achievement, but her real appearance and I must admit she looks great.

Dakota's fame was brought by her lessons in fashion and beauty, in which she demonstrates how to do makeup correctly, style her hair, which image to choose for different occasions.

Dakota gained particular popularity in Asian countries, due to the similarity of its style with the anime style.

The living doll Venus Palermo, or Angelic Venus, also gives its fans makeup lessons.

Venus was inspired by several years in Japan and familiarity with anime to create his image in the style of a "living doll".

Although the girl is only 15 years old, she already has thousands of fans around the world.

The mother of the Barbie girl supports her desire to further embody and improve the doll image.

The girl wants to look beautiful, she works a lot on herself, does not drink, does not smoke.

Venus speaks five languages, from the created image is trying to extract commercial benefits, negotiating with a cosmetics company.

Angelica Kenova - Moscow Barbie from Russia

The choice of the doll image of Angelica, according to her, was influenced by the fact that from childhood her parents treated her like a little princess: they dressed her in beautiful bright dresses, pampered her.

Angelica is a psychologist by education, but she does not need to work, because her parents continue to support their little princess.

The girl looks gorgeous: blond curls to the waist, plump pink lips, a slender figure, long legs.

With a height of 165 cm, the Russian Barbie weighs only 40 kg.

Those who communicated with the girl note her naivety and some notoriousness.

Anastasia Shpagina is a new Barbie girl from Odessa

Another Barbie from Odessa, Anastasia Shpagina, began experimenting with her appearance in order to become more photogenic and to please herself first of all.

The puppet image is the most successful at the moment and it is in it that Nastya now feels harmonious.

By her example, the girl shows that you can work with a woman's face as with a sculpture, giving it the desired shape.

In the case of Nastya, her search for herself and her appearance is harmoniously connected with the choice of a profession: Nastya works in a beauty salon.

Odessa Barbie denies the intervention of plastic surgery in creating her image, but does not exclude such a possibility in the future.

What unites Anastasia with the famous living dolls is that, while admiring their fans on the Internet, girls often do not have close friends.

Barbie girls BEFORE and AFTER

Let's see what a tremendous job these girls have done on themselves before they succeed:

Valeria Lukyanova before and after

Dakota Rose before and after

Venus Palermo before and after

Angelica Kenova before and after

Anastasia Shpagina before and after

In recent years, all over the world, a doll's appearance is considered very cute among young girls and they passionately strive for it. Unnaturally large eyes, long eyelashes, bow lips and a wasp waist - these are the main attributes of a girl doll. We present to your attention a selection of living dolls from around the world.

Russian barbie

The new Russian Barbie can be called the Muscovite Angelica Kenova, who has a doll-like appearance and uses it with success, taking part in various photo sessions.

American barbie

The main Barbie of America is Dakota Rose. In a short period of time, Rose became an internet sensation, and at the same time a style icon. Hundreds of thousands of teenage girls dream of looking like her, endlessly watching YouTube videos from KotaKoti (this is the name under which Dakota Rose is known to the whole world), in which the 21-year-old Barbie shows how to do doll makeup and dress correctly. From a young age, Dakota dreamed of becoming famous. She did not care who she was - a singer, actress or model - the main thing for her was world fame. After graduating from the modeling school, the American starred for one of the glossy magazines, and offers from designers and fashion designers fell on her. In an interview, she admitted that she does not want to be a catwalk model, as it is boring and uninteresting, but prefers to be a trash model - bright, funny and funny. Dakota is most popular in Japan and China. In America, she is often invited to various television shows and are willing to pay substantial royalties to Dakota.

Japanese doll

Another heroine of the younger generation - Venus Palermo, having moved from Japan to England, also decided to turn into a Barbie. She has incredible success with girls and girls around the world and is very doll-like: porcelain skin, doe eyes and heart-shaped lips. They adore her, imitate her, envy her.

Barbie from Odessa

Valeria Lukyanova (known under the nickname Amatue), a girl from Odessa, loved to play with dolls as a child. She loved so much that at the age of 26 she looks like a doll herself. The girl is obsessed with the desire to become outwardly similar to the famous Barbie, she has performed several operations that bring her appearance closer to the ideal. As a result, the image of Amatue became practically a puppet one: huge eyes, plump lips, long blonde hair, large breasts, wasp waist (which cost the girl the removal of several ribs). Valeria is very popular on social networks, not only in Odessa, but all over the world. She is married, engaged in esotericism and psychological practices - she organizes psychological seminars "on out-of-body travel." The video, which Amatue posted on YouTube, was viewed by over 1.5 million people.

Older barbie

Her name is Sarah Burge, and she is the same age as the legendary Barbie. From an early age, Sarah dreamed of becoming like her famous rival. And after much torment, grandiose spending and surgical operations, this dream came true - Sarah became the only woman in the world who was awarded the title of Real Life Barbie.

To win this title, Sarah had to spend over half a million dollars. Twenty-six plastic surgeries have changed almost everything in her - from face to legs. Everything would be fine, but a manic passion for plastic and love for a doll began to spread to her youngest daughter Poppy. Recently, foreign media wrote that Sarah Burge gave her 7-year-old daughter a liposuction procedure worth 8,500 euros for the New Year. True, little Poppy will be able to take advantage of her mother's generosity only at the age of 16. It is this age that is the minimum possible for plastic surgery in England.

Striptease barbie

At the age of 17, Karina Barbie began to position herself as a revived Barbie doll dancing a striptease. Now she is a welcome guest on Russian TV channels. She was invited to "Sex with Anfisa Chekhova", "Let them talk", "Dinner Party", etc.

Other living dolls from around the world: