Stretch ceiling in the living room - practical advice on choosing a type, design and lighting, photo ideas. Plasterboard ceilings (175 photos) Design of ceilings for the living room

The use of stretch ceilings in the living room allows you to quickly and easily correct the shortcomings of the existing ceiling covering during renovation, to do without lengthy and expensive work on leveling the surface and to achieve maximum aesthetic expressiveness. At the same time, it is possible to emphasize the functional areas, as well as add volume to the room and "raise the ceilings" - it is enough to choose the right design of the stretch ceiling and the material from which it is made.

Stretch ceiling design in the living room: types, materials, texture

Stretch ceilings adorned buildings even in Ancient Egypt - wet linen fabric stretched over the top of the room shrinks and stretches as it dries, resulting in a flat surface. Later, silk fabrics began to be used for this purpose, and their color was matched to the color of the walls and furniture. Modern stretch ceilings appeared a little less than half a century ago, and since then have become very popular, as they have a very diverse design and wide application possibilities.

Stretch ceilings can be roughly divided into two types:

  • Film made from PVC film. They have seams, since the PVC-cloth has a small width, and individual fragments have to be welded together. They have rich expressive possibilities, since any pattern can be applied to them, and, in addition, they can be given any texture: glossy, matte, "fabric". Minus: afraid of low temperatures and accidental punctures, cuts.
  • Seamless, made of polymer-impregnated fabric mesh. The material can be sound insulating as well as translucent - in this case, the lamps placed behind it will give a beautiful diffused light, which opens up new possibilities for room design. Withstands low temperatures, does not sag over time, and provides full gas exchange.

According to the texture, the canvases for stretch ceilings are divided into:

  • Glossy. They have “mirror” properties, reflect light well and thus are able to increase illumination, as well as visually enlarge the living room, which is widely used in design;

  • Matte. Suitable for most interior styles, as they can be painted in any tone and do not create additional shine.

  • Satin. They have a surface that resembles a fabric, which makes the ceiling look stylish and expensive.

Important: Glossy canvases increase the illumination, and, moreover, "double" the lighting fixtures, which should be taken into account when developing lighting design.

In addition, the canvas can be stretched to the ceiling at different levels. This complicates the design, gives expressiveness and individuality, and also allows you to hide pipes, air ducts, and electrical wiring under the canvas. In accordance with the number of levels, stretch ceilings are divided into:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • multilevel.

Two-level stretch ceilings in the living room Is the most common solution. They have the most flexible expressive capabilities without overly complicating the design of the room. In addition, placing canvases of various patterns and textures in two levels, it is possible to achieve the effect of expanding the space and increasing the height, which is especially desirable in the living room, which is the main room in the house.

Stretch ceilings in the living room interior: styles

Stretch ceilings in the living room can have various design options, so their choice is very wide, which allows you to choose the right solution for any style of living room decoration.

  • Classics. The matte surface of the canvas in combination with traditional colors - white, beige, light gray will create a great background for the design of classic living room interiors. It is possible to use two-level structures of stretch ceilings and apply to the higher part of the drawings, repeating the ceiling frescoes of ancient interiors.
  • Modern. Complex "vegetal" lines, clear boundaries, a combination of active colors - all these style features can be reflected in ceiling structures.
  • Country. Single-level matte ceilings of the same tone are the best choice for "folk" styles of room design.
  • Ethnicity. African, Indian and other exotic interior design options can also use stretch ceilings. In this case, they can be combined with wooden ceiling panels, complemented by national ornaments, complex decors.
  • Minimalism. Plain ceilings, white or light beige, blue, gray, located on the same level, are the best fit for this laconic style. They can be both matte and glossy, depending on the design tasks when decorating the living room.
  • High tech. Glossy canvases, as well as canvases with a color "metal" will emphasize the chosen style and will look harmoniously with the rest of the furnishings.

Quite often, in open-plan apartments, the living room is combined in the same volume with the kitchen - this is convenient, visually the living room seems to be more spacious. In this case, the main design task is to visually divide the area where food is prepared and the living room area. Usually this problem is solved with the help of color and texture of finishing materials - paint or wallpaper for walls, as well as floor and ceiling coverings. Often the floor in the kitchen area is raised onto the podium or, on the contrary, lowered in relation to the floor in the living room.

The use of stretch ceilings will help to emphasize the zoning, and this can be done in different ways.

  • Colour. The ceiling can be placed on the same level, but make it in different colors: for example, above the living room “part” it will be traditional white, and above the kitchen it will match the color of kitchen furniture.
  • Height. The location of stretch ceilings at different levels will also help to emphasize the zoning in the living room combined with the kitchen. In this case, the selected zone can have both a simple geometric shape and a complex, rounded one. A higher level, as a rule, is located in the living room area, a lower level - in the kitchen area, which is quite justified, because it is there that you usually have to hide air ducts and pipes.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen-living room are usually made of PVC, since they are easier to care for than fabric ceilings, and the ceilings in those rooms where food is prepared get dirty faster.

The design of the light scheme for tension structures has some features that take into account the properties of the canvas from which the ceilings are made. PVC film has high strength, but softens when the temperature rises, which is used during its installation.

However, during operation, lamps that emit heat can lead to deformation of the canvas and its ugly sagging, so it is recommended to use energy-saving lamps for them, including LED ones. The film does not allow fixing chandeliers and other lighting fixtures directly to it, the mounts must be equipped before installing it, and a hole must be made in the canvas in those places where these mounts are located.

The standard lighting options are as follows:

  • Central. A chandelier in the geometric center of the room provides general lighting. Usually used in design together with floor and wall lamps.

  • Spot. The luminaires are placed in different areas of the living room in accordance with the scheme provided by the design of the living room. They use energy-saving lamps that consume little energy and generate almost no heat that can deform the ceiling.

  • Contour. LED strip lighting can emphasize the contours of a multi-level ceiling or create the impression of a "floating" ceiling, if attached to the cornice, which will visually make the room taller. The tape provides "cold" light without deforming the canvas, which, moreover, it can be of any color, and change according to the mood of the apartment owners.

  • Raster. Luminaires equipped with reflective plates give very bright illumination and are appropriate only in large rooms.

Combining these options in various combinations allows you to create comfortable, functional and beautiful lighting schemes that are individual for each living room.

Lamps for stretch ceilings in the living room

The most suitable luminaires are spotlights - they provide uniform illumination, practically do not heat up, and allow you to effectively highlight functional areas, while also saving energy.

Spotlights can be of any shape and size, everything is determined by the design of the room. Chandeliers remain an important decorative element of the living room interior, but their choice in the case of using stretch ceilings has its own characteristics. If the lamps in the chandelier are located close to the ceiling, the shades should be directed to the side or downward in order to reduce the thermal load on the canvas.

Photo of stretch ceilings in the living room

The photos below show examples of the use of stretch ceilings in the interior of a living room.

Photo 1. The minimalistic interior is decorated with fancy pendants, reflected in the gloss of the ceiling.

Photo 2. An original design chandelier accentuates the main area of ​​the living room - the sofa.

Photo 3. The intricate shape of the ceiling gives the living room design a personality.

Photo 4. The dark central part of the ceiling with a glossy effect increases the depth of the interior and gives it volume.

Photo 5. The two-tone ceiling enlivens the design of the classic interior and gives it dynamism.

Photo 6. The two-tier structure emphasizes the rectangular design motives.

Photo 7. The mirror sheet visually increases the height of the room.

Photo 8. The central area is highlighted by the glossy surface of the ceiling.

It is customary to pay special attention to the design of the ceiling in the living room. In the hall on the walls, any flaws and defects can be hidden or decorated. Modern ones have become such that it is difficult to spoil them; in extreme cases, you can lay something on the floor, say, a rug using the patchwork technique. But this will not work with the ceiling, there you cannot hide the defects, and they will always be in sight. Moreover, in the living room you receive guests, and they involuntarily cast their first glance at the ceiling.

It is interesting to look against the background of the history of our country at the metamorphoses that the ceilings in the apartments have undergone. In the "cursed tsarist time" they were richly decorated with stucco molding and whitewashed. In the first Soviet years, the stucco moldings still remained, but slowly began to fall off, and in the buildings of the Stalin era, only a rosette in the center under the chandelier and a border around the perimeter were left from stucco decorations. Do not forget that these houses had the best apartments of that era. During the years of mass housing construction, stucco molding has sunk into oblivion, they were simply whitewashed and a chandelier was mounted - one of the symbols of prosperity in Soviet families. Suffice it to recall the scene in the movie "Mimino", when the cost of the chandelier broken by the "falcon" Kikabidze is being investigated in court.

History moves in a spiral, including the history of design. A century has passed, the ceiling has regained its attention and has become a full-fledged object in the interior of the room.

Very important! A mandatory requirement today is the coincidence of the ceiling decoration style with the style of the living room. After all, we are not just talking about one of the surfaces in the room and the location of the main lighting fixtures. The ceiling is a very important part of the interior of the living room (and of any room in the apartment), which is also responsible for the function of visually increasing the volume of the room and its zoning on zones of different functionality.

For this purpose, materials for decoration and decoration are selected, a design, its configuration and lighting systems are selected. Yes, it is precisely the combined lighting systems, because one chandelier, no matter how beautiful and stylish it may be, cannot solve all design tasks for lighting a hall.

Finishing materials

For the device of a single-level ("flat") ceiling, paint, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, decorative plaster, and wood are used. A single-level can also be a suspended structure made of plasterboard or a stretch ceiling.

Two- and multi-level structures are made of suspended systems lined with plasterboard, and a combination of plasterboard multi-level ceilings with stretch ceilings. Complex structures can be created using natural wood beams or expanded polystyrene products that mimic wood beams.

For surface decoration, gypsum or polystyrene stucco moldings, moldings are used.

To say that a single-level ceiling is a trivial and boring solution is completely wrong. The aesthetics of the ceiling does not depend on the number of levels, but on the quality of the materials, the skill of the performer and the thoughtfulness of the design idea. An example can be given: a nondescript faded wallpaper glued to the ceiling will look unpresentable. Beautiful embossed wallpaper (non-woven, vinyl or fabric) glued into molding frames will look completely different. Decor elements are not levels of the ceiling, the ceiling remains one-level, but a means for decorating it.

Moreover, a single-level drywall construction with a well-thought-out lighting system and decorative elements, or a stretch ceiling, cannot be called boring. Although, undoubtedly, the multi-level design provides incomparably more opportunities to give the entire interior design of the living room originality and sophistication. Charm and charm, if you will.

Important! Multilevel structures are appropriate in living rooms with a ceiling height of 2.50 meters. If the height is lower, then it is necessary to carefully consider the configuration of the ceiling structure so that it does not "press" on those in the living room. Or completely abandon it in favor of a simpler design that will better match the height of the room.

Choosing the color of the material for finishing

The statement that the "top" must be necessarily white or very light is no longer an axiom. It can be anything. Even black. The glossy black stretch ceiling looks great and stylish in the hall. The main thing is that it matches the style of the living room. However, a matte ceiling of the same color will still look gloomy in the living room.

Plasterboard suspended structures

In appearance, a suspended plasterboard structure is often difficult to distinguish from a matte white stretch ceiling. Such designs do not differ in their capabilities. This is one of the reasons that they are often combined together.

Suspended structures made of plasterboard, in comparison with stretch ceilings, require much more time for installation and finishing. Plasterboard, in contrast to the most popular material for stretch ceilings - PVC film, does not have moisture resistance and becomes unusable after contact with water.

Important! However, the indisputable advantage of structures with plasterboard cladding is the ability to create multi-level ceilings with different lighting systems. Another advantage of drywall is that it can be clad with almost any material. In addition to traditional painting, the surface of such a structure can be decorated with decorative elements, make mirror inserts, apply decorative plaster to highlight certain areas, or use a technique called "ceiling grabbing". In this case, part of the ceiling surface is clad with the same material as the wall surface, while the transition does not stand out.

Multi-level structures allow you to organize different lighting for different areas of the living room or accentuate individual interior items in the room with lighting.

Stretch ceiling

According to the type of surface, they are matte, glossy or satin. They are produced in one-color or with a pattern applied by photo printing. According to the type of material, stretch ceilings made of PVC film and fabric ceilings made of polyester canvas are distinguished. The first type is more affordable, it perfectly tolerates serious leaks. The PVC-film web does not exceed 2 meters in width, therefore, welded seams are made during installation (they are almost invisible). For the installation of such ceilings, heat guns are required.

Fabric stretch ceilings are mounted without seams, because the width of the canvas reaches 5 meters. During production, the fabric is impregnated with polyurethane, which protects the canvas from moisture. However, the fabric ceiling has a lower elasticity compared to PVC film.

For living rooms with a low height, glossy stretch ceilings are recommended. They are able to significantly, up to two times, visually "raise" the room. Due to this effect, even a very dark or black glossy canvas will not have a crushing impression on a person in the living room.

The choice of colors and patterns is so great that it is quite difficult to dwell on one thing. Apparently, this is how the Soviet man was worried and tormented, who at the end of perestroika came from “sausage-free” Moscow for the first time to the sausage department of a German or French store.

The living room is a room where much more attention is paid to the design of the ceiling and interior than in other rooms of an apartment or house. This is directly related to the fact that in the living room we spend a huge amount of time with the whole family, in it we meet acquaintances, friends or other guests who have crossed our threshold. For this reason, the ceiling in the living room should be aesthetic, beautiful, presentable and create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in which it will be pleasant to be.

How to repair the ceiling in the living room with your own hands?

If you have decided to make repairs in your apartment, then, first of all, you need to decide on the type of repair. It is customary to distinguish two main types of repairs - major and cosmetic. How can they differ?

  1. Redecorating the ceiling in the living room is a low-budget renovation, which may include such processes as finishing of ceiling and wall surfaces, minor replacement of utilities and plumbing equipment (sewage and plumbing), as well as replacement of flooring.
  2. Overhaul is a whole range of measures that are associated with dismantling all previous finishing materials, replacing doors and windows, plumbing equipment and all utilities, and also includes redeveloping an apartment with dismantling or moving partitions.

After analyzing and weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide what kind of repair you need. Of course, the budget you count on will play a decisive role.

We start repairs in the living room with our own hands

Today, designers offer a large selection of ceiling styles in living rooms. It can be a multi-level ceiling made of plasterboard, a stretch ceiling, a ceiling painted or covered with wallpaper. Currently, the most popular is the ceiling, decorated with decorative mirrors and panels. That is, the choice of materials for the ceiling in the living room is really huge.

If you prefer plasterboard or stretch ceilings, then it is recommended to arrange them with small light sources located at different points on the ceilings. Of course, making a stretch ceiling in the living room with your own hands will not work, since this process requires special tools and equipment, as well as certain skills. But you can make other types on your own.

There are two main types of living room ceilings:

  1. Simple ceiling. For this type, a classic design style is offered:
  • painting;
  • whitewash;
  • wallpaper sticker;
  • facing with ceiling tiles.

Paint or plaster are old, time-tested ways to decorate the ceiling in the living room.

Their advantage is that they are easy to use. Usually, in order to repair such a ceiling, you do not have to resort to the help of specialists, everything is done on our own.

If you decide to paint the ceiling, then before proceeding with the procedure, you need to complete a set of preparatory measures. In order for the paint to fit tightly and well, and the ceiling turned out to be aesthetic and pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to first level the ceiling surface, make a putty and a primer.

Usually, water-based paints are used to paint the ceiling, as they look great. Today in the store you can buy many different decorations for the floor in the living room, which can give it a finished look and originality - cornices, beams, rosettes. As a rule, they are painted in the color of the ceiling, otherwise they may fall out of the general concept, but sometimes it is more appropriate to design the design in different colors, which will become the highlight of the living room. Lighting elements can be sconces, chandeliers, wall lamps, floor lamps.

The painted ceiling in the living room does not need "increased attention", expressed in specific and constant care, but at the same time, you will have to regularly resort to painting it.

One of the main advantages of this method is that it is ideal for ceilings with different heights, both for "dwarf" and for tall counterparts. This does not apply to suspended ceilings, which you will learn about below - they can only be used for low ceilings, since they take 8-20 cm of height when they are installed.

Plasterboard ceiling

Installation of this ceiling consists of two stages - installation of a metal profile and fixing plasterboard sheets on it. For plasterboard ceilings in the living room, the photos of which are presented below, you can choose a variety of textures, colors and shapes. You can create both multi-level and single-level structures. The aesthetics and splendor of multi-level structures, with a creative approach and skillfully executed installation, simply boggle the imagination.

When erecting plasterboard ceiling systems, you need to carefully work on the joints (seams) between them. They need to be repaired, primed, leveled, puttyed, then leveled again and covered with a finishing primer. After all the activities are completed, the ceiling can be painted, photomurals can be glued on it, which you consider most suitable for the living room, or decorative foam plates can be glued. The color of the ceiling itself must be in harmony with the interior design of the room.

Living room ceiling covered with plasterboard:

  • ecologicaly clean;
  • has excellent fire safety characteristics;
  • is inexpensive.

But be that as it may, it has one significant drawback, which must be mentioned. Poor water resistance is inherent in it. Yes, it will serve you for a long time, unless, of course, the neighbors flood you. If this happened, then get ready for the repeated plasterboard plating procedure, because under the influence of moisture they become covered with stains, stains and lose their shape.

It is important to correctly select and place lighting elements that guarantee good lighting, as well as zone the ceiling in the living room, combined with a small kitchen, creating a special atmosphere in the room.

Sconces, chandeliers, lighting (including LED), spotlights - all these lighting fixtures are perfect for a living room with a plasterboard ceiling. Armed with fiber optics, you can create a "starry sky". For this effect, it is advisable to stick wallpaper in the same style. A phosphorescent coating is applied to them, giving the maximum similarity and realism, reminiscent of the night sky, which is showered with millions of large and small stars.

Another advantage of plasterboard ceilings is minimal maintenance, which will not take much time, moral and physical strength.

Living room ceiling repair - unconventional ceiling materials

The time has long passed when a flat and white ceiling was a familiar and uncontested phenomenon. Now, different, sometimes original, materials are used to create a ceiling design.

  1. Brick ceiling.

In summer cottages, you can often find brick ceilings placed along the room. Of course, this approach is inapplicable in a standard city apartment, but in the ceiling of a country cottage it will look very unusual.

  1. Metal ceiling.

Metallic finishes are also used. Ceilings made of brass, copper, steel or bronze, and possibly strips of them in combination with other materials, guarantee your living room a unique and unrepeatable look.

  1. Using fabric for the ceiling.

To many, such a combination may seem simply unimaginable, but with its help it is really possible to achieve an amazing and unexpected effect. For example, a ceiling with fabric and metal, a ceiling made of parquet in the form of a floor, original design solutions using ceramic tiles and leather.

The appearance of the ceiling, decorated with different flowers or plastic plants, cannot but amaze. Surprise your household and delight yourself by completing the ceiling in the form of a glade with daisies and dandelions.

The time has long passed when the ceiling was associated with a flat and white surface. Nowadays, it can acquire the most original shapes and colors. Ceilings can be:

  • multilevel;
  • suspended;
  • glued;
  • tensioned;
  • mirrored;
  • glossy;
  • using wooden false beams;
  • using different lighting;
  • unexpected colors;
  • decorated with stucco or frescoes.

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in the living room: photo, description of the main types of ceiling systems

Nowadays, there are a huge number of varieties of types of ceilings, differing in design and style. You don't need to think that finishing the ceiling with the hands of professionals or on your own is the most important thing in the renovation process. On the contrary, since the ceiling in the living room can not only be decorated, but also visually raised, good and beautiful lighting can be installed on it, and finished so that the room will get a completely different look, surprising guests and hosts.

To begin with, it is worth analyzing the main categories and types of flows in order to determine which one to choose without making a mistake.

If we talk about simple ceilings, then it is enough to simply paint, whitewash, tiled or wallpaper, and complex analogs require more complex repairs. In addition, they are divided into suspended ones, which in turn are cassette and mirrored. Another popular option is stretch ceilings, most of which are glossy, matte, artistic and fabric with a variety of patterns.

When thinking about creating a stretch ceiling design, be sure to look at the photos of the finished work options that you can see right now. Even if you do not choose a ready-made version of the living room, you will not be left without creative and interesting ideas.

Attention! Starting to repair the ceiling in the living room, you first need to decide on the style in which the design will actually be performed. Adhering to a minimalist style, the shelves must necessarily correspond to it. For lovers of technology and ultramodern, of course, a ceiling with a minimum amount of unnecessary details and decorations is suitable. In this case, it is enough to paint or whitewash it in the required color, after thorough preliminary preparation.

However, for adherents of sophisticated solutions and shapes, you can recommend either stretch or combined ceilings.

You can also use a ceiling system that assumes not only a complete appearance, but also hiding communications and all possible imperfections under a decorative coating.

The only point that needs to be taken into account during the installation of such a system is that a fairly high ceiling is required. This is because such a structure is mounted on a pre-made crate, which takes away part of the height from the room.

However, the advantages of such suspension systems are that there are a huge number of design options for this ceiling.

Fragments of tiled ceilings can be positioned as you like, which allows you to install the necessary lighting, make any style, bring to life even a bold design idea and color scheme.

In terms of capabilities and popularity, multi-level suspended ceilings made of gypsum plasterboard are not inferior. This material allows you to give the ceiling a variety of shapes. When constructing it, you can give it any profile, further performing original lighting with the help of built-in lamps.

This ceiling has many advantages, but one significant drawback is that it takes up part of the living room height. Therefore, if you have low ceilings, we recommend that you refuse this option.

DIY ceiling repair in low-ceiling living rooms

First of all, it should be noted that the owners of low-ceilinged apartments can visually enlarge the space by means of mirrored ceilings. You need to take care of fixing the mirror panels using the correct technology.

Attention! If you opted for stretch ceilings, then this option is suitable for almost any layout that you have. This is because such a ceiling is hygienic, practically does not "eat up" the space, it is easy to clean and wash, it is durable and has many advantages over painting and whitewashing the latest options.

In this case, you can decide not only on the color of the ceiling, but also on the material of which it consists.

As a rule, stretch ceilings are made of modern material - PVC (polyvinyl chloride). It has good wear resistance, and also has many advantages - waterproof, hygienic, non-toxic, easily repaired if necessary, does not require maintenance and is durable, in addition to cleaning with detergents or periodic washing.

In addition, if you are flooded from above by neighbors, which happens, unfortunately, quite often, it can retain a certain amount of water, not allowing it to spoil your interior and living room furniture.

Suspended ceilings are mounted on a pre-made frame, which does not take up much space. Moreover, such ceilings have the following varieties: matte, glossy and many others. Manufacturers offer a huge number of original designs with specific patterns, designs and colors.

Making a stretch ceiling in his living room, he not only justifies all his merits, but also takes only 2-10 cm of the height of the room.

Therefore, we advise owners of low-ceilinged apartments not to build multi-level ceilings, consisting of heavy materials. Better to get by with a reliable ceiling system or a simple painted or papered ceiling.

Secrets of self-repairing ceilings in the living room

If you plan to renovate the living room, investing a minimum of costs, but expect to get the maximum effect, we recommend using the secrets from specialists.

With low ceilings in the apartment, you should not plan bulky and heavy ceiling systems that make the space heavier.

Whichever style you choose, you can always count on the maximum effect with insignificant financial investments. In other words, you can make not the most modern and sophisticated ceiling, but beautiful and tasteful.

Do not give up simple painting or whitewashing. Their simplicity is deceiving. Indeed, quite often they, in conjunction with the original crossbars, stucco molding or finishing around the perimeter, as a result, will bring ideal fruits.

Bulky chandeliers, despite the fact that they have somewhat deviated from fashion trends, still do not lose their popularity. For this reason, if you are planning to create an interior in a classic style and prefer everything exquisite, you should not refuse them.

Nowadays, spot lighting is fashionable with the help of well-placed light and halogen lamps.

Don't stop at ready-made designs and trendy trends. Based on what you see, you can create your own, individual and unique image of the living room. Take the best from the ready-made options and simply adapt to your taste. Perhaps your ceiling will be the starting point for the rest of the interior. So don't be afraid to combine.

Try to combine several types and options of the ceiling. Multilevel plasterboard ceilings look especially effective in combination with a stretch ceiling in the middle.

Choosing a stretch ceiling as the main or as an additional element, decide which type will suit your taste best. Glossy, with a shiny, smooth surface, perfectly reflects light.

With proper lighting, this ceiling will provide the effect of soaring the living room in space, visually enlarge the walls. Matte will create a sense of calm and comfort, giving a softer light.

For those who like to observe a beautiful drawing from above, a huge number of options are offered: from clouds, flowers, a starry sky to paintings in the Rococo and Baroque styles.

For this reason, you can combine several types at the same time, making the finish to your liking.

Take your time to develop the design of the living room ceiling, and all the work on the improvement of this room, having started successfully, will continue with the same success.

First you need to think over everything to the smallest detail, and then all the work will bring you real pleasure.

During the Soviet era, the entire design of the living room was limited to the installation of several cabinets, a canopy of carpets, no importance was attached to the ceiling. More often than not, all this part of the room was simply whitewashed, a chandelier was hung and, as it were, the design ended there. Now the ceiling is perceived differently, as part of the interior.

The ceiling in the kitchen, in the bedroom, does not require special decoration, while the living room is like a visiting card of any home, and it should be perfect.

Types of ceilings


This type is popular, and you can find it in almost any apartment. It is based on a plaster solution applied to the floor. Next, putty, paint finish, wallpaper is performed.

A distinctive feature of the ceiling is durability and strength. This is ideal for rooms with low ceilings, as the height of the room does not creep. The ceiling is decorated with stucco molding.

Decorating the ceiling in the living room with a plaster ceiling requires perfect execution, otherwise cracks will form on it over time. If the base of the ceiling is not even, this option will also not work, because it is a thankless job to level the ceiling.

Stretch ceiling

The peculiarity lies in the presence of a profile made of aluminum, plastic, which is attached to the base of the ceiling. A fabric or vinyl cloth is attached to the profile.

During installation, a variety of textures can be obtained.

Stretch ceilings in the living room are easy to maintain, do not require special care. The operational life of such a ceiling is about ten years. If the neighbors suddenly flood, then the ceiling will withstand the pressure of water, so that things will not be damaged in the room.

The main disadvantage of such a ceiling is its sensitivity to temperature extremes. The ceilings sag in the heat, in the cold they can lose their elasticity, this deteriorates the presentable appearance.

Suspended ceiling

The false ceiling system is gaining ground. The ceiling is in favor among other ceilings due to its reliable, durable construction, low cost, and ease of installation. Ceilings perfectly hide numerous ceiling defects, its curvature, as well as communications running under the ceiling.

The modular ceiling consists of panels that are attached to the frame. Such ceilings do not add comfort to the living room.

Solid ceiling - consists of a monolithic sheet of drywall. In appearance, the ceiling is pleasant, environmentally friendly, can be decorated, you can play with a form.

The main disadvantage of such a ceiling is the understatement of the ceiling, because the frame, suspension is installed, and then the panels are fastened.

Duplex ceiling

An even ceiling goes down in history, because more and more often, when repairing the ceiling, they are trying to diversify. Many people want to harmoniously combine it with other parts of the interior.

The two-level ceiling, in addition to being stylish and unusual, is also functional.

This version of the ceiling significantly alters the living room, adding plasticity and volume. Such a ceiling emphasizes all parts of the room, visually divides into zones.

Such a ceiling changes the geometry of the room, hides surface irregularities. With such a ceiling, it is easy to fix the lack of layout.

Finishing materials

  • Plaster is the main material. There are tons of use cases and it all depends on the desired end result. The result will be boring, simple, not bad. To give brightness to the ceiling, you need to paint the plaster.
  • The plasterboard ceiling in the living room occupies a leading position. In the process of decorating, this is an integral element. The material is not very expensive, it is easy to install, it allows you to create any shapes, the surface makes it even.
  • MDF is used more and more often in ceiling filing.
  • Cloth, film.

Ceiling color

When planning a ceiling design in a living room, it is worth taking the choice of color seriously.

There are many photos of the ceiling in the living room on the Internet, beautifully decorated. Used for decoration stucco, painting, beams, stickers. There are a lot of decor options, and the choice is yours.

Photos of beautifully decorated ceilings in the living room