Separate definitions answer the question. Separate Consensus Definition

1. Single and common agreed definitions are isolated and separated in writing by commas if they relate to a personal pronoun, for example:

1) Tired of a long speech, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. (L); 2) And he, rebellious, asks for storms, as if there is peace in storms. (L); 3) But you jumped up irresistible, and the flock of ships are sinking. (P.)

Note. It is necessary to distinguish adjectives and participles included in a compound nominal predicate from isolated agreed definitions expressed by adjectives and participles, for example: 1) He came especially excited And funny. (L. T.); 2) He let's go home sad And tired. (M.G.) In these cases, adjectives and participles can be placed in the instrumental case, for example: He came especially excited And cheerful.

2. Common agreed definitions are isolated and separated in writing by commas if they appear after the noun being defined: 1) The officer riding on horseback pulled the reins, stopped for a second and turned to the right. (Cupr.); 2) Streams of smoke curled in the night air, full of moisture and freshness of the sea. (M.G.) (Cf.: 1) The officer riding on horseback pulled the reins, stopped for a second and turned to the right. 2) Streams of smoke curled in the night air, full of moisture and freshness of the sea - there is no isolation, since definitions come before the defined nouns.)

3. Single agreed definitions are isolated if there are two or more of them and they come after the noun being defined, especially if there is already a definition in front of it: 1) There was a field all around, lifeless, dull. (Boon.); 2) The sun, magnificent and bright, rose over the sea. (M.G.)

Sometimes definitions are so closely related to the noun that the latter does not express the desired meaning without them, for example: In the forest, the atmosphere was waiting for Ephraim suffocating, thick, saturated with the smells of pine needles, moss and rotting leaves. (Ch.) The word atmosphere acquires the necessary meaning only in combination with definitions, and therefore they cannot be isolated from it: the important thing is not that Ephraim “was waiting for an atmosphere”, but that this atmosphere was “suffocating”, “thick” etc. Wed. another example: His [the counselor]’s face had a rather pleasant, but rogueish expression (P.), where definitions are also closely related to the word being defined and therefore are not isolated.

4. Agreed definitions placed in front of the defined noun are separated if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, concessional or temporary). These definitions often refer to proper names: 1) Attracted by the light, the butterflies flew in and circled around the lantern. (Ax.); 2) Tired from the day's march, Semyonov soon fell asleep. (Cor.); 3) Still transparent, the forests seem to be turning green. (P.); 4) Not cooled down by the heat, the July night shone. (Tyutch.)

5. Inconsistent definitions, expressed in indirect cases of nouns with prepositions, are isolated if they are given greater independence, that is, when they complement, clarify the idea of ​​​​an already known person or object; this usually happens if they refer to a proper name or personal pronoun: 1) Prince Andrei, in a cloak, riding a black horse, stood behind the crowd and looked at Alpatych. (L. T.); 2) Today she, in a new blue hood, was especially young and impressively beautiful. (M.G.); 3) An elegant officer, wearing a cap with golden oak leaves, shouted something into a megaphone to the captain. (A.N.T.) Wed: The engineer with a thunderous voice and wearing tortoiseshell glasses was most dissatisfied with the delay. (Paust.)

Inconsistent definitions expressed by indirect cases of nouns, in addition, are usually isolated: a) when they follow separate definitions expressed by adjectives and participles: A boy, with a short haircut, in a gray blouse, served Laptev tea without a saucer. (Ch.); b) when they stand in front of these definitions and are connected with them by coordinating conjunctions: The poor guest, with his shirt torn and scratched until he bled, soon found a safe corner. (P.)


Separating agreed definitions

Materials for the online lesson

The editors promised to acquaint our readers with the life of the Internet, in particular, with Russian language lessons. Today we are publishing the first such lesson, prepared by I.V. Khazanova, an employee of NIIRO (Research Institute for Educational Development) and a teacher at Lyceum No. 525.
For now, we are providing a version of the online lesson. It is clear that it will be presented in a different form on the Internet, since this is an interactive lesson in which the next step is based on the answers to previous questions.

Definitions. Separate members of the proposal These are the secondary members that stand out in meaning and intonation. They contain an element of additional message, therefore they are logically emphasized and acquire some syntactic independence as part of a sentence. In writing, isolated members are separated by commas or dashes.

Agreed Definitions expressed by adjectives, participles and other agreeable words.


The common consensus definition stands out in any position in relation to the word being defined, if it refers to personal pronoun .

She, supported by colleagues, spoke at the meeting.
Supported by colleaguesshe spoke at the meeting.

A common agreed upon definition referring to to noun, is isolated in position after defined word.

Painting, drawn by a famous artist, was in the museum.
Painted by a famous artistpainting was in the museum.

Consistent common and single definitions related to common and proper nouns are isolated if they are torn off from the word being defined, i.e. remotely located.

Right in front of the windows bright and persistent, threw rays to every passerby flashlight.
Narrow and transparent, appears in the sky month.

Test yourself

A. For the highlighted words, select common agreed definitions from the list; add commas where necessary.

1. Comments to the event... do not correspond to the truth. 2. He... I didn’t want to do anything myself. 3. ... boy asked for forgiveness from my parents. 4. Wall...looked strange. 5. Island... was now hiding in the fog. 6. Serves well when hunting gun... 7. ...he was always responsible for all the cool pranks. 8. ...she I hurried to tell my relatives everything.

Distributed in the press, delighted with the news, spoiled by the servants, red with shame, first on the list, painted with oil paint, located near the shore, tested over the years(gender, case, number can be changed).

B. Place punctuation marks. In what case is the definition not highlighted?

1. Tired of the windy light (1) he falls in love with a spontaneous, innocent girl with the love of his brother (P. Weil, A. Genis).
2. Finally, the procurator heard both the long-awaited steps and splashing on the stairs (2) leading to the upper platform of the garden (3) in front of the balcony (M. Bulgakov).
3. Between two marble lions, first a hooded head appeared, and then a completely wet man (4) in a cloak clinging to his body (5) (M. Bulgakov).
4. Shocked by all this (6), the accountant reached the secretarial room (7), which was the entrance to the office of the chairman of the commission, and here he was completely amazed (M. Bulgakov).

Answer: (4), (5), (6) .


Single agreed definitions (one, two or more) are isolated in any position if they refer to a personal pronoun.
Two (or more) agreed upon definitions are separated if they come after a defined noun, which, as a rule, already has a definition.

1. After tedious roads, rocky, broken, dusty, everyone happily went to wash.
2. Excited, He scared us with his stories.
3. He, excited, scared us with his stories.
4. Bright, picturesquesunset It was already burning out.

Two (or more) agreed definitions are not separated if they appear before the noun being defined.

Test yourself

For the highlighted words, select definitions from the list; Place commas where necessary (gender, number, case can be changed).

1. His look eye... amazed everyone present. 2. ... it stood out among the green young trees. 3. Babushkin cup... caught our attention. 4. River...was captured in his landscape.

Deep, calm, majestic; tall, narrow, patterned; old, rotten, rotten; cheerful, mischievous, laughing.

Agreed definitions preceding the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.

What additional meaning do these agreed upon definitions have?

1. Forcibly attached to a new home, Ivan almost threw up his hands at the woman’s swagger and silently pointed his finger at his pajamas made from a crimson flannel jacket (M. Bulgakov).
2. Cheerful and cheerful by nature, the boy never communicated with his peers, but only with his older comrades.
3. Tired of pessimistic observations and heat, the commissioner returned to the ship dejected.

1 – conditions, 2 – concessions, 3 – reasons.

Test yourself

Choose among the examples those that correspond to this rule and add commas.

1. She looks: forgotten in the hall / The billiard cue was resting (A. Pushkin).
2. The Swedish dynasty, founded by a glorious warrior, is one of the most glorious in the world.
3. I came two weeks later and was received by some girl with her eyes slanted towards her nose from constant lies. (M. Bulgakov).
4. Grinev, alien to the art of war, did not suspect that the fate of the campaign was being decided at that moment.
5. The guests, alarmed by these rumors, decided to leave immediately.
6. Exhausted by long idleness behind the mirrored doors of the entrance, the doorman put his whole soul into whistling... (M. Bulgakov).

Answer options:

1, 3, 4, 6;
1, 2, 5;
2, 4, 5, 6 .

This lesson covers cases of separating agreed upon definitions. They are more common in students' written work, and it makes sense to study this material first. Independent work on analyzing sentences and formulating conditions for isolation helps to better understand and assimilate the material. To consolidate the material, it is advisable to invite students to make sentences based on the given examples.
The theory of isolated members of a sentence was developed by A.M. Peshkovsky. He also introduced the term itself into scientific use.

The scientist and teacher Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky (1878–1933) throughout his scientific career reflected on the interaction between science and school. Main book of A.M. Peshkovsky “Russian syntax in scientific coverage” was first published in 1914 with the subtitle “Popular essay. A manual for self-education and school.” This essay by A.M. Peshkovsky wrote after eight years of work as a teacher in Moscow gymnasiums, trying to acquaint his students with the real scientific grammar of their native language. The book went through eight editions, the last one being published quite recently.

It is in this book that the scientist devotes an entire chapter to the theory of isolated members of a sentence.

Peshkovsky knew how to present serious scientific problems in a simple, lively and interesting manner. The scientist never tried to falsify linguistic facts for the sake of a beautifully invented theory and did not simplify linguistic reality.

For the school A.M. Peshkovsky wrote a book in three parts, “Our Language,” where he tries to teach children to observe language. For example, it provides text without spaces between words.

The cold winter has passed and the sun has grown longer, the sun is shining brightly and the sparrows are chirping cheerfully.

Questions and assignments are given for the text, for example: why is the story more difficult to read than others; whether it will be a clear reading; how many breaks need to be made in the story; what happens to the voice before the break, etc.
The author tries to lead the student to a conclusion about the role of intonation in speech.
In this way, Peshkovsky involved students in an active process of research and discovery.

Mastery Resources

1. His face had an expression quite pleasant, but roguish.
2. A young officer came in with a face dark and perfectly ugly.
3. I was sitting immersed in deep thought.
4. The moon hangs in the clear evening sky full, visible through the branches of the maple (M. Bulgakov).

At first glance, these examples contradict the rules. In such positions, definitions should be isolated, but if we put commas, the semantic relationships between words will be destroyed. What means the face had an expression or officer with a face? Word face in such a context, it necessarily requires a definition - without it the result is absurd, therefore, in such cases it is impossible to separate the definition from the word being defined.
In the 3rd and 4th examples, the definitions are closely related in meaning to both the subject and the predicate, so we do not highlight them. So any rule must be used meaningfully, and not mechanically.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam

What numbers should be replaced by commas?

Illuminated by the light (1) incorrectly (2) and quiveringly burning (3), they seemed like a wild host of gnomes (4) surrounded by heavy (5) underground steam (6) in the darkness of the night (N. Gogol).

Answer options:

1, 2, 5, 6;
1, 3, 4, 5, 6;
1, 3, 4, 6;
3, 4.

Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error

(1) At the beginning of the 20th century, electric trams appeared in Russian cities.
(2) It is interesting that in the trams of those years the sound alarm was not electric, but manual. (3) During departure, the conductor of the trailer car pulled the rope that stretched to the bell mounted on the ceiling of the rear platform of the motor car. (4) The conductor of the motor car, hearing this signal, pulled his shorter rope, and the bell rang on the front platform. (5) Having heard him, the tram driver, in turn, pressed the bell with his foot, placed to the right of his seat, and only after all these chimes did the tram move off. (6) On the way, the carriage driver almost continuously rang his leg bell, warning oncoming horse-drawn transport and passers-by.
(7) Passengers standing in the carriage held on to soft leather loops attached to special sticks on both sides of the carriage (Ya.Rivosh).

Answer: 5.

Lesson summary

So, agreed common and non-common definitions are always separated if the word being defined is a personal pronoun.
If the word being defined is a noun, then the common definition that comes after it is always isolated.
Before a noun, the definition is isolated under the condition of an additional adverbial meaning.
Two (or more) agreed upon definitions are separated if they come after a defined noun, which, as a rule, already has a definition.

Lesson vocabulary

Punctuation marks
Dividing punctuation mark
Distinctive punctuation marks
Agreed Definition
Separate members of the sentence

Punctuation is a collection of rules for using punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks– a space, a period, a question mark, an exclamation mark, an ellipsis, a comma, a semicolon, a colon, a dash, and parentheses.

Dividing punctuation mark– single, separates sentence members and parts of a complex sentence.

Emphatic punctuation marks– paired, they highlight sentence members that are given special syntactic significance. Distinctive punctuation marks can be single if the sentence begins or ends with separate members.

Agreed Definition- this is a definition in the same case, gender and number as the word being defined. The agreed definition can be expressed by a full adjective, participle, ordinal number, or pronoun-adjective.

Separate members of the sentence– those that stand out in meaning and intonation. They contain an element of additional message and are thus logically emphasized and acquire some syntactic independence as part of a sentence. In writing, isolated members are separated by commas or dashes.

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§1. Separation. General concept

Separation- a method of semantic highlighting or clarification. Only minor members of the sentence are isolated. Typically, stand-outs allow you to present information in more detail and draw attention to it. Compared to ordinary, non-separated members, segregation sentences have greater independence.

The distinctions are different. There are separate definitions, circumstances and additions. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

  1. Separate definition: The boy, who had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.
  2. An isolated circumstance: Sashka was sitting on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and swinging his legs.
  3. Isolated addition: I heard nothing except the ticking of the alarm clock.

Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Isolated members of a sentence are highlighted intonationally in oral speech, and punctuationally in written speech.

§2. Separate definitions

Separate definitions are divided into:

  • agreed upon
  • inconsistent

The child, who had fallen asleep in my arms, suddenly woke up.

(agreed separate definition, expressed by participial phrase)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent isolated definition)

Agreed Definition

The agreed separate definition is expressed:

  • participial phrase: The child who was sleeping in my arms woke up.
  • two or more adjectives or participles: The child, well-fed and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, full, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by noun phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples:

How could you, with your intelligence, not understand her intention?

Olga, in her wedding dress, looked extraordinarily beautiful.

An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined.
If an inconsistent definition refers to a defined word expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition may vary. They differ:

  • single definition: excited girl;
  • two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;
  • a common definition expressed by the phrase: a girl excited by the news she received...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun:

She, excited, could not sleep.

(single isolated definition after the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

Excited, she could not sleep.

(single isolated definition before the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they appear after the word being defined, expressed by a noun:

The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

If the defined word is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member:

Excited and happy, she could not fall asleep for a long time.

(isolation of several single definitions before the word being defined - pronoun)

3. A common definition expressed by a phrase is isolated if it refers to the defined word expressed by a noun and comes after it:

The girl, excited by the news she received, could not fall asleep for a long time.

(a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase, comes after the word being defined, expressed by a noun)

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position either after or before the word being defined:

Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time.

She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with additional adverbial meaning

Definitions preceding the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.
These can be both common and single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessional, etc.). In such cases, the attributive phrase is easily replaced by a subordinate clause of the reason with the conjunction because, subordinate clause conditions with conjunction If, subordinate assignment with conjunction Although.
To check the presence of an adverbial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is separated. For example:

Severely ill, the mother could not go to work.

(additional meaning of reason)

Even when she was sick, the mother went to work.

(additional value of concession)

Thus, various factors are important for separation:

1) what part of speech the word being defined is expressed by,
2) what is the structure of the definition,
3) how the definition is expressed,
4) whether it expresses additional adverbial meanings.

§3. Dedicated Applications

Application- this is a special type of definition, expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden. The application could be:

1) single: Mishka, the restless one, tortured everyone;

2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tortured everyone.

An application, both single and widespread, is isolated if it refers to a defined word expressed by a pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the defined word:

He is an excellent doctor and helped me a lot.

Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it appears after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

A single non-widespread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words:

He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

Any application is isolated if it appears after a proper name:

Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

An application expressed by a proper name is isolated if it serves to clarify or explain:

And the neighbor’s son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, started a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in the position before the defined word - a proper name, if at the same time an additional adverbial meaning is expressed.

The architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Application with union How is isolated if the shade of the reason is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single applications that appear after the word being defined and are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation are not isolated, because merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka the neighbor.


Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized by voice and highlighted by a pause.

New Year is coming soon - children's favorite holiday.

§4. Standalone Add-ons

Objects expressed by nouns with prepositions are distinguished: except, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with. They contain inclusion-exclusion or substitution values. For example:

No one except Ivan knew the answer to the teacher's question.

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§6. Isolation of comparative turnovers

Comparative turnovers are distinguished:

1) with unions: How, as if, exactly, as if, What, how, than etc., if relevant:

  • simile: The rain poured down as if from a sieve.
  • similes: Her teeth were like pearls.

2) with union like:

Masha, like everyone else, prepared well for the exam.

Comparative turnover is not isolated, If:

1. are of a phraseological nature:

It stuck like a bath leaf. The rain was pouring down in buckets.

2. the circumstances of the course of action matter (the comparative phrase answers the question How?, often it can be replaced with an adverb or noun in the like:

We're walking in circles.

(We walk(How?) like in a circle. You can replace noun. in etc.: all around)

3) turnover with the union How expresses meaning "as":

It's not a matter of qualifications: I don't like him as a person.

4) turnover from How is part of a compound nominal predicate or is closely related to the predicate in meaning:

The garden was like a forest.

He wrote about feelings as something very important to him.

§7. Separate clarifying members of the sentence

Clarifying members refer to the word being specified and answers the same question, for example: where exactly? when exactly? Who exactly? which one? etc. Most often, clarification is conveyed by isolated circumstances of place and time, but there may be other cases. Clarifying members can refer to the addition, definition, or main members of the sentence. Clarifying members are isolated, distinguished by intonation in oral speech, and in written speech by commas, parentheses or dashes. Example:

We stayed up late, until nightfall.

Below, in the valley stretched out in front of us, a stream roared.

The qualifying member usually comes after the qualifying member. They are connected intonationally.

Clarifying members can be introduced into a complicated sentence:

1) using unions: that is, namely:

I am preparing for the Unified State Examination C1 task, that is, for an essay.

2) also words: especially, even, in particular, mainly, For example:

Everywhere, especially in the living room, was clean and beautiful.

Test of strength

Find out your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that isolation is a way of semantic highlighting or clarification?

  2. Is it true that only minor members of the sentence are separated?

  3. What can be separate definitions?

    • common and not common
    • agreed and uncoordinated
  4. Are isolated definitions always expressed by participle phrases?

  5. In what case are definitions standing before the word being defined isolated?

    • if an additional adverbial meaning is expressed
    • if no additional adverbial meaning is expressed
  6. Is it correct to think that application is a special type of definition, expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines?

  7. What prepositions are used in prepositional-case combinations, which are separate objects?

    • about, in, on, to, before, for, under, over, before
    • except, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with
  8. Is it necessary to separate gerunds and participial phrases?

  9. Is it necessary to separate circumstances with a pretext? despite?

  10. In contact with

    Separation is the semantic and intonation highlighting of minor members of a sentence to give them greater independence in comparison with other members. Isolated members of a sentence contain an element of an additional message. The additional nature of the message is formed through semi-predicative relations, that is, the relationship of a separate component with the entire grammatical basis. An isolated component expresses an independent event. This is a generally polypropositive sentence.

    The distinctions are different. There are separate definitions, circumstances and additions. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

      Separate definition: The boy, who had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.

      Special circumstance: Sashka sat on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and swinging his legs.

      Separate addition: I heard nothing except the ticking of the alarm clock.

    Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Isolated members of a sentence are highlighted intonationally in oral speech, and punctuationally in written speech.

    Separate definitions are divided into:



    The child, who had fallen asleep in my arms, suddenly woke up.

    (agreed separate definition, expressed by participial phrase)

    Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

    (inconsistent isolated definition)

    Agreed Definition

    The agreed separate definition is expressed:

      participial phrase: The child who was sleeping in my arms woke up.

      two or more adjectives or participles: The child, well-fed and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


    A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

    He, full, quickly fell asleep.

    Inconsistent definition

    An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by noun phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples: How could you, with your intelligence, not understand her intention?

    An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined. If an inconsistent definition refers to a defined word expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

    The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

    Definition structure

    The structure of the definition may vary. They differ:

      single definition: excited girl;

      two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;

      a common definition expressed by the phrase: the girl, excited by the news she received,...

    1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun: She, excited, could not sleep.(single isolated definition after the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun) Excited, she could not sleep.(single isolated definition before the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

    2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they appear after the word being defined, expressed by a noun: The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

    If the defined word is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member: Excited and happy, she could not fall asleep for a long time.(isolation of several single definitions before the word being defined - pronoun)

    3. A common definition expressed by a phrase is isolated if it refers to the defined word expressed by a noun and comes after it: The girl, excited by the news she received, could not fall asleep for a long time.(a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase, comes after the word being defined, expressed by a noun). If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position either after or before the word being defined: Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time. She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

    Separate definitions with additional adverbial meaning

    Definitions preceding the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings. These can be both common and single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessional, etc.). In such cases, the attributive phrase is easily replaced by a subordinate clause of the reason with the conjunction because, subordinate clause conditions with conjunction If, subordinate assignment with conjunction Although. To check the presence of an adverbial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is separated. For example: Severely ill, the mother could not go to work.(additional meaning of reason) Even when she was sick, the mother went to work.(additional value of concession).

    Thus, various factors are important for separation:

    1) what part of speech the word being defined is expressed by, 2) what is the structure of the definition, 3) what is the definition expressed by, 4) does it express additional adverbial meanings.

    Dedicated Applications

    Application- this is a special type of definition, expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden. The application could be:

    1) single: Mishka, the fidget, tormented everyone;

    2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tormented everyone.

    An application, both single and widespread, is isolated if it refers to a defined word expressed by a pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the defined word:

      He is an excellent doctor and helped me a lot.

      Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

    A common application is isolated if it appears after the defined word expressed by a noun:

    My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

    A single non-widespread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words: He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

    Any application is isolated if it appears after a proper name: Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

    An application expressed by a proper name is isolated if it serves to clarify or explain: And the neighbor’s son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, started a fire in the attic.

    The application is isolated in the position before the defined word - a proper name, if at the same time an additional adverbial meaning is expressed. The architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

    (why? for what reason?)

    Application with union How is isolated if the shade of the reason is expressed:

    On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


    Single applications that appear after the word being defined and are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation are not isolated, because merge with it:

    In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka the neighbor.


    Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized by voice and highlighted by a pause.

    New Year is coming soon - children's favorite holiday.

    Agreed definitions can be common or single. They can refer to nouns, pronouns, substantive words, i.e. an adjective that has become a noun (living room, scientist).

    Separating agreed definitions

    Common definitions expressed by a participle or an adjective with words dependent on them (participial or adjectival phrase) appearing after the defined noun are isolated:

    Her face, red from the frost, seemed very cute to me.

    The person who delivered the bad news has already disappeared.

    Instead of a noun, a qualified word can also serve pronominal noun or numeral:

    In the light of the lantern, something blocking our path turned out to be a fallen tree.

    The two who tried to escape were also here.

    Definitions of this type are not isolated if the defined noun in this sentence Not carries quite a pronounced meaning and needs to be defined:

    He took on the appearance of a man saddened by something.

    Also, common definitions that appear after the word being defined are not isolated if their meaning is connected not only with the subject, but also with the predicate, thereby performing two functions - attributive and predicative:

    He stood motionless for a couple more minutes.

    If such a double bond is not formed, then the definition is isolated:

    I walked, busy with my thoughts, and did not immediately recognize him.

    The connection with the predicate is also observed in agreed definitions relating to minor members of the sentence. Sometimes this connection is strong enough, sometimes not; in the first case, the definitions are isolated, in the second - not:

    Just yesterday I saw her, completely healthy. - He sat ready to take off and go.

    Two or more uncommon definitions appearing after the word being defined are distinguished:

    The evening came, calm, quiet, cool.

    However, the separation of two uncommon definitions is only necessary if there is another definition in front of the word being defined:

    Tomorrow will be a wild day, busy and fast. - A gray-haired and stocky man sat down on a bench.

    A single circumstance, standing after the word being defined, is isolated in the case when it indicates a state, reason, etc.:

    He finally arrived, calm as always.

    The common definition, separated from the defined noun by other members of the sentence, is also isolated: And again, having haunted us all day, this man appeared. (cf. The man who had been chasing us all day appeared again)

    A single definition standing immediately before the defined noun is isolated if, in addition to the attributive meaning, it also carries an adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive):

    Frustrated, I did not notice that we had arrived.

    Definitions related to personal pronouns are separated, because Such definitions always have an additional adverbial meaning:

    He turned red with anger and walked out.

    Separating inconsistent definitions

    The isolation of inconsistent definitions is associated with the degree of their prevalence (the number of words dependent on them included in the isolated group), the lexical meaning of the word being defined, as well as the context.

    Definitions expressed in indirect cases of nouns (usually with prepositions) are separated if they contain, in addition to the main one, an additional message:

    The doctor, with a scalpel in his hands, approached the table.

    Most often, inconsistent definitions expressed by a noun are isolated prepositional case:

    1. With a proper name; since it points to a fairly definite object, the definition has the character of an additional feature: Paphnutius, looking sleepy, left the room.

    2. With a noun indicating the degree of relationship, profession, position, etc.: The father, with his sleeves rolled up, was again sitting in the office.

    3. With personal pronouns, which are specified in context: He, wearing a new shirt, came in with a terribly pleased look.

    4. When combined as homogeneous members with separate agreed definitions: A guy came in, cheerful, with a bouquet of flowers, all radiant.

    Usually, common inconsistent definitions are isolated, expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective: Another employee came in, taller than the previous one, and also climbed into the attic.

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