Salting pollock caviar at home. Pollock caviar: selection rules and cooking recipes

Pollock belongs to the bottom pelagic cold-loving fish of the pollock genus. It is the most common cod fish in (northern part). Pollock is one of the main commercial fish in Russia.

Pollock caviar

Unfortunately, the caviar of this fish does not cause us much respect, because its price is cheaper than red caviar, and it looks less presentable. But is it worth thinking that red caviar is much better than pollock caviar?

In terms of its properties, it is in no way inferior to black or red caviar. Pollock fish roe contains a very large amount of vitamin E and C, which are so necessary for the human body for hematopoiesis, to improve the functioning of the nervous system, and to heal wounds.

Also, pollock fish caviar contains a lot of sodium, which is very important in order to maintain normal transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, thereby maintaining the human nervous system in good condition.

Pollock caviar is inferior in phosphorus content to red caviar, and phosphorus is an important component of bone tissue. But pollock caviar contains seven times less fat, making it suitable for people on low-calorie diets. For example, pollock caviar has less calories than chum salmon caviar. It is known that 250 calories are contained in pollock caviar - only 131.

With the help of pollock caviar, the body recovers from alcohol abuse (vitamin B deficiency occurs). Such a failure leads to disruption of metabolic processes and the functioning of the central nervous system.

Also, when eating pollock caviar, memory improves, because it contains a lot of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which dilates small blood vessels, improves microcirculation and memory.

When purchasing pollock caviar, remember that it should only be consumed when it is fresh. Freshness is determined by the appearance of the eggs - they should be elastic and clear, by the smell - it should be caviar, pleasant, by taste - it should be inherent in the caviar of this type of fish.

There is a huge variety of dishes with such a component as caviar given below, which will diversify your table and delight you and your guests with its taste.

But remember, since the caviar of this fish is very salty, it is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, hypertensive patients, and of course, people who have allergic reactions to seafood.


To prepare this dish, you will need pollock caviar - two tablespoons, half a kilogram of white bread crumbs or breadcrumbs, olive oil - 100 grams, one clove of garlic, one lemon.

Soak the bread crumb in water and squeeze thoroughly. Place caviar and garlic in a blender and blend (medium speed). Add fresh lemon juice and oil. Beat until smooth. Place into bowls or make sandwiches, garnish with fresh parsley and serve.

How to salt pollock roe

For about half a kilogram of pollock caviar, add two teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of sugar (gives a special taste). Next, if you have caviar in eggs, pour it with warm solution, stirring with a fork; if there is a film, it should float, remove it, put it on a sieve, let it drain thoroughly, put it in a container. If the finished caviar is frozen, start salting immediately. Add salt and sugar to the container. In order for the taste to be well preserved, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and add a teaspoon of olive oil. You can also add spices: herbs, pepper. Then stir the caviar thoroughly. Everything is ready, now let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours, you can leave it overnight.

Recipe from the Eye of the Planet website.
Very similar to pollock caviar in jars. Only tastier.

And free the fish of carp, pike, pike perch, catfish, and pelengas from the films by passing it through a meat grinder or winding the films on a fork (simply scraped off the fork with a fork).
I had what I bought at the market. The caviar is already in the eggs - assorted - from which fish is unknown. But fresh, not frozen.

Prepare brine at the rate of 50-70 g of salt per 1 liter of water (I have 70 g), bring it to a boil and cool to 60-70 degrees. C. Pour brine over the caviar for 20-30 minutes (to be safe - 1 hour), then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

After an hour, the caviar became saltier than it should be.
Correction is simple - rinse with a small amount of cold boiled water and check to taste. If you need even less salt, repeat.

Before serving, season the caviar to taste with vegetable oil and chopped green onions (I did not add it).
This caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days (ours disappeared within a day).
NOTE. Sturgeon or salmon caviar that is not intended for storage is also salted in this way - salted for the table. This caviar is the most delicious.

I add an addition from Rita - Ryarya, how they made such caviar on the Dnieper.

The yastyki were freed from the films as you describe.
But the brine was prepared according to the test “for potatoes” - the brine should be such that a potato the size of a large chicken egg is almost completely immersed in the brine, and a “bald spot” with a diameter of 1.2-1.5 cm remains on the surface. Pour hot water over it, almost boiling water, and until it cools, and then on a sieve, as you write.
I placed the finished caviar in liter jars on the floor, and carefully poured sunflower oil on top half a centimeter. And they stood in the refrigerator - well, at most, we made one and a half to two kilograms, enough for a couple of weeks.

Another addition from the same site especially for Ira - Cherries.
I haven't tried this myself.

Free the caviar of fresh piece fish or pike perch from the films, put it in a bowl, loosen it, pour boiling water over it and after 10 minutes, when the caviar turns white, drain the liquid.
Place the caviar in a porcelain bowl and season with salt, vinegar, ground pepper, finely chopped onions and vegetable oil. Stir the caviar and let it stand for an hour to improve the taste.
When serving, sprinkle the caviar with green onions.
Caviar of partial fish, pike perch, pike, whitefish, carp 90 g, vegetable oil 5 g, 3% vinegar 5 ml, onion 10 g, green onion 5 g, pepper to taste.

And the third addition from our forum member Tatta

When we lived in Kazakhstan, there was a lot of fresh fish there.
So, caviar was considered everyone’s favorite: peel fresh caviar of any fish from the film, chop the onion very, very finely, mix everything, add salt and add vinegar essence (the amount depends on the amount of caviar, but pour in a little, especially if you don’t like sour things) .
Stir (the color will change to almost white) and leave for at least an hour (even better - for a day). All!

Bon appetit!

To make the caviar cutlets have a denser consistency, you can make preparations with potatoes. To do this, you need to take salted caviar and potatoes in a 1:1 ratio, for example, half a kilo. Peel the tubers, rinse, boil until tender and mash into a puree.

Wash a bunch of parsley and dill, dry, finely chop and mix with caviar and potatoes. Beat the egg into a bowl and beat a little with a fork or broom. Make cutlets. Dip the pieces into the egg mixture, roll in breading and place on a cutting board.

Keep the cutlets for half an hour in the refrigerator compartment, then fry on both sides in 0.5 cups of refined oil. For a dietary diet, place the preparations in a double boiler and cook for 20 minutes.

Calorie content of foods possible in the dish

  • Egg white - 45 kcal/100g
  • Egg yolk - 352 kcal/100g
  • Egg powder - 542 kcal/100g
  • Chicken egg - 157 kcal/100g
  • Ostrich egg - 118 kcal/100g
  • Vegetable oil - 873 kcal/100g
  • Green onion - 19 kcal/100g
  • Salt - 0 kcal/100g
  • Wheat flour - 325 kcal/100g
  • Red caviar - 245 kcal/100g

Calorie content of foods: Fish caviar, Eggs, Green onions, Wheat flour, Vegetable oil, Salt Beauty and Health Health Nutrition Fish

Pollock caviar has been known to us since the times of the USSR: sturgeon and salmon caviar was a rare shortage back then, but “pollock” caviar could be bought quite freely, and you could happily eat sandwiches with it – men especially liked it as a snack for alcohol. A sandwich made from coarse black bread with butter and high-quality pollock caviar is a truly excellent snack, and not only for men: this product is also useful for women, including pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

However, today many people consider pollock caviar a “second-class” product, or a cheap – for the poor – substitute for red and black caviar. This opinion is based, as often happens, on a lack of information, or on a reluctance to learn more: pollock caviar is not as tasty and beautiful as chum or sockeye salmon caviar, but it is not much inferior to them in terms of usefulness and nutritional value. A disdainful attitude towards pollock caviar could also arise due to its availability: after all, we are accustomed (again, back in the USSR) that good products should be expensive and rare.

How to properly process pollock caviar

To prepare a tasty, healthy snack, the best option is to get live fish. High-quality pollock caviar is a beige paste in pouches. To remove them, the belly of the fish must be cut very carefully, without damaging the gallbladder and ovary.

If the recipe does not involve cooking caviar in intact shells, you need to free the product from the films. To do this, put the raw material on 2-3 layers of gauze, form a bag and, without unfolding, rinse thoroughly in plenty of water. Place in a colander or hang to drain.

To remove films from caviar, you can:

  • scroll the eggs in a meat grinder with a large grid;
  • rub through a sieve;
  • cut the ovaries, put them in a pan with salted boiled water and stir the contents of the container with a fork until films are wrapped around it;
  • Stir the raw materials with a dough mixer at low speed so that the joints remain on the nozzle.

How to properly salt silver carp caviar at home recipe

Silver carp is a fish that can be found in any more or less large supermarket, not to mention markets and fish pavilions.

The availability of this product allows us to eat it in sufficient quantities, so all that is needed is to buy fresh and high-quality fish with caviar and salt the delicacy.

  • Silver carp caviar – 1.5 kg
  • Water – 4 l
  • Salt – 415 g
  • Vegetable oil – 220 ml
  • Lemon – half pcs.

Salt at home

We wash the caviar under running water. Next, we carefully cut each yastik along its entire length. We take a sieve or colander, the size of the holes in which will allow the eggs to fall through without damage. Lightly pressing on the eggs, we wipe the caviar through a sieve; the caviar, when separated, will fall into the container under the sieve, and the films themselves will remain in the sieve.

  • Now boil the water. Take 1 liter of water and add 100 g of salt to it. Pour this solution over the caviar. We repeat this procedure 3 more times. This must be done, so we will protect ourselves from infection with various ailments.
  • Place the silver carp caviar into a sieve and let the solution drain completely.
  • Then place the caviar in sterilized glass containers, add salt at the rate of 1.5 tsp for a full 1 liter jar. Beat the caviar with a fork.
  • Pour boiling water over the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with oil.
  • Place the resulting mixture in a container with caviar.
  • Close the container with a lid.
  • You can try the treat after 12 hours. after salting.

How to properly salt pike caviar at home recipe

Today, pike caviar is valued no less than red caviar, and its cost rarely pleasantly surprises the buyer. At the same time, such a product is very healthy and tasty, so it’s definitely worth trying homemade salted pike caviar at least once.

  • Fresh pike caviar – 1 kg
  • Salt – 80 g
  • Refined sunflower oil – 100 ml

Pike caviar

We wash the caviar and put it in a deep container.

  • We will separate the film from the caviar using a mixer. Place the mixer in the container with the caviar and turn it on at the lowest speed. After a few minutes. You will notice that the joints are tearing and starting to wrap around the mixer attachment. This way we clean the product from films.
  • Transfer the cleaned pike caviar to a plate, add salt and beat with a mixer or fork until white foam appears.
  • Now pour in 70 ml of oil and stir the product in the plate a little more.
  • Place caviar in sterilized glass jars and pour a little oil on top.
  • We close the containers with lids and put them in a cool place for 1 week.

Harm and contraindications of pollock caviar

If a person is not allergic to fish and seafood, pollock caviar in reasonable quantities will not cause him any harm. Of course, if there is an exacerbation of some chronic diseases - gastritis, ulcers, pyelonephritis, etc., you should not eat caviar - it is too salty. But even with chronic problems, people still use salt, so you can easily afford dishes with pollock caviar (especially since it is added to them little by little), reducing the total amount of salt in the menu these days.

Tags: pollock caviar, benefits of pollock caviar, recipes with pollock caviar

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Composition, properties, calorie content and benefits of pollock caviar

The composition of pollock caviar surprises with its variety and abundance of vitamins. Vitamin C is rarely found in “animal” foods, but it is here; other vitamins – A, E and group B (5 items); protein – almost 30%, carbohydrates and fats – including fatty acids; minerals - sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, sodium - the content of the latter in canned caviar is the highest, since it is very salty. Scientists often call caviar, and not just pollock, “health capsules” - of course, this statement refers to a quality product. Calorie content – ​​about 130 kcal per 100 grams; in 1 tbsp. pollock caviar approximately 46 kcal.

A large amount of protein makes pollock caviar an excellent product for people who need to recuperate after heavy workload and illness, for small children and pregnant women - in the latter cases, caviar helps fight anemia.

If you are prone to cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, it is useful to include caviar in your diet - it is rich in “good” cholesterol; the high content of certain minerals helps prevent the development of endocrine diseases.

Pollock caviar is good for teeth and bones, skin, hair and nails; with an unbalanced diet, it is easy to add it to the menu at any time of the year; with hypo- and vitamin deficiencies.

How to choose pollock caviar

Not everyone here knows how to choose canned food, and many people simply do not attach importance to this, and in vain. It is better to choose caviar in glass jars - you can see it right away, and you can already determine the quality by the color: good pollock caviar is light beige or almost white, but not bright pink, yellow or orange - the “color” comes from dyes. In the jar, the eggs lie tightly, without any liquid, forming an almost homogeneous mass in the form of a kind of puree.

You can also take tin cans: then you will have to check the product “for taste and color,” as well as for smell, after opening the container; the taste and smell are fishy, ​​without any impurities.

In any case, you need to carefully read the ingredients: it only seems that caviar is caviar, but manufacturers prepare canned food in different ways. The best composition is caviar and salt, possibly also vegetable oil, but several “E-shek” can also be added to the mass: E412, E415, E211, E635, etc. The first two additives are thickeners, guar and xanthan gum, are introduced for ensuring product viscosity; they are considered safe and even somewhat beneficial - for example, E412 can reduce the level of saturated fat. Sodium benzoate - E211, is also relatively harmless if you do not consume it too often, and this is not easy to do - many foods are now “rich” in preservatives - but E635, a flavor enhancer, often causes stomach and intestinal upsets, although it is recognized safe for health.

How to salt pollock roe

There are two methods of pickling - wet and dry, choose whichever is closer to you.

Wet, of course, involves preparing a brine solution. A slice of raw potato will show how strong it is. If it floats, it means there is enough salt. Boil it, let it cool, pour in the caviar. How long to infuse is up to you. Love lightly salted caviar - just a few minutes.

For the “dry” version, we take salts 10% of the weight of the caviar. Mix simply without damaging the grains. You will feel the thickness with your hand, which means it’s time to put it in the refrigerator. A drop of sunflower oil will add the desired consistency, and in just 10 minutes you can taste your culinary masterpiece.

How to pickle pike caviar


  • Pike caviar – 0.5 kgli>
  • Salt – 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml

Cooking process:

Salting pike caviar at home is easier than cleaning it from the entrails and sacs where it matured. In addition to a sieve and a large-mesh grater, cooks use a mixer. When rotated, the films are wound, separating from the grains.

Don’t be surprised, but you will have to beat this grainy mixture with a regular fork, this way the salt grains will be better absorbed. Part of the oil filling goes into the caviar mixture. We put the workpiece in a cool place.

Glass baby puree jars are ideal for storage. We took out a portion and ate it. We fill each container with seafood, not all the way to the top, leaving room for an oil layer. It will better preserve the snack.

How to simply salt caviar at home - a universal recipe

First, let's take the necessary items - an enamel pan and a piece of gauze. For preparation, the set is universal - plain water, bay leaf and black peppercorns.

Bring the liquid to a boil, with a volume three times the volume of caviar. Boil with salt and seasonings. Remove from heat and add fish product, mix well. The caviar is simmered in hot water for several minutes. Dry the finished dish through cheesecloth, cool and eat. And the salted mass can be stored at home for almost a month.

If you salt trout caviar at home, add a little sugar. The pale pink seafood is marinated in brine for a short time. We use the same advice when we salt pink salmon caviar at home.

It is better to salt carp caviar with spices. Spicy pickle will add the desired taste. A universal set of spices – bay leaf, black pepper powder.

Before salting silver carp caviar, we remove the unpleasant smell of mud. Soak in a weak vinegar solution. The “dry” method is more suitable. Add some salt to our silver carp caviar and leave it for a while.

You need to salt cod roe directly in the film, soaking it in brine. Open and clean the salted one later. If the caviar tastes lightly salted, lower it into the liquid again. Using the same scheme, it is recommended to salt flounder caviar at home. After a day you can eat it.

It is tastier to make vendace caviar using the “dry” method. All you need is the grain itself and salt. But you can eat it with thinly sliced ​​onion rings.

Bream caviar is too small to separate the grains. Simply remove the bags and beat until foamy. There are two auxiliary products - salt and oil. Asp caviar and herring caviar are salted in the same way.

Carp product loves spices, in particular cloves. You need to salt carp caviar at home in brine.

We have already discussed how to salt sterlet caviar using the example of sturgeon species.

A variety of dishes are prepared from salted burbot caviar. It is part of liver pate. Caviar sandwich paste is easy to make and always comes in handy when you need a snack. Just mix seafood with butter. A grainy spoonful will whet your appetite just by looking at it, next to mashed potatoes, salad or in custard profiteroles.

Any fish product, no matter how scarce or the cheapest, is a delicacy when salted. It will always help if you need to surprise guests. On the New Year's table, sandwiches with caviar are not only a decoration, but also a whole complex of vitamins, rare fats and valuable protein.

Recipes with pollock caviar

In addition to salads and rolls, with caviar you can prepare a well-known appetizer of lavash in the form of rolls. For a jar of caviar you will need 100 g of mayonnaise (light), boiled eggs (4 pcs.) and a bunch of fresh herbs (dill, etc.). Grate the eggs and mix with finely chopped herbs. The pita bread is unrolled, thinly coated with mayonnaise, then evenly coated with caviar, a mixture of eggs and herbs is also placed on top, the roll is carefully rolled up and put in the refrigerator for an hour. The chilled roll is easily cut into thin portioned “circles”.

Mustard wraps for weight loss and cellulite

An interesting appetizer can be quickly and easily “created” from caviar and olives. Buy a jar of the largest (60/80) pitted olives (Atlas or Kalamata can be used), cut off the top, fill the olives with caviar mixed with olive oil (put a few chum salmon eggs on top, if you have them), and put the “lid” on place. Unexpected guests can be surprised by the simplicity and originality of such a dish.

In Russian cuisine, the recipe for pancakes with red caviar is well known, but pancakes can also be served with pollock caviar sauce: it also turns out original and tasty. Prepare pancakes as usual - according to your favorite recipe, and for the sauce, mix fresh cucumber grated on a coarse grater with sour cream and lemon juice. The mixture should not be too liquid; a jar of caviar is added just before serving. If desired, you can add it to the sauce and finely chop it.

By the way, pollock caviar goes especially well with fresh cucumbers. You can make cucumber sandwiches with it: caviar mixed with olive oil and chopped boiled eggs is placed on slices of cucumber cut lengthwise - the benefits are much greater than from options with white bread or a loaf.

How to salt chum salmon caviar

This is exactly the case when we “take out” the eggs from the thick film. If the workpiece is frozen, then it should thaw at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Once thawed, the eggs are much softer and require gentle handling.

For 100-150 grams of product, three times less salt is needed. In a bowl, make a saline solution based on heated water. We put the eggs of the chum salmon into the solution, and very soon the eggs themselves will begin to separate from the film. If you don’t see the process going on, repeat the procedure

It is important not to overcook or overcook the workpiece. Stir and chat, helping the caviar to separate from the bag

If the product is already clean, you can cool it and eat it.

Homemade pollock caviar in brine

Place the washed caviar without films into a large enamel pan or bowl. Separately prepare a saturated saline solution - brine. Stir water with salt, periodically checking the strength of the solution.

To do this, cooks use a simple trick: dipping raw potatoes into brine. If it does not sink, but floats on top, then there is no need to salt the water anymore.

Boil the resulting solution, let it cool at room temperature and pour in the caviar. Soak from 5 (five-minute caviar) to 40 minutes (deeper salting). Drain the brine through cheesecloth and cool the product before use. Store for up to four days.

Wine sauce with caviar for fish

I saw this sauce in Ilya Lazerson’s recipe “Trout stuffed with spinach” from the program “Celibacy Lunch”. I modified it a little by replacing champagne with dry white wine and red caviar with capelin caviar (you can use Pollock caviar, but it doesn’t crunch as well). In my opinion, this did not have much effect on the result. Small grains of capelin caviar burst very pleasantly in the mouth (even better than grains of red caviar), and the delicate creamy onion taste, balanced by a certain sourness of dry wine, combined with the unobtrusive taste of caviar, is ideal for any fish. In addition, I added hot pepper and used a little starch to give the sauce some thickness - so that it would envelop the pieces of fish. Hot pepper balances the fat content of the cream and gives the sauce a pleasant, piquant taste.

Cream Onions Pollock caviar White pepper Red hot pepper Dry white wine Salt Sugar Olive oil Starch

Pollock roe sauce

For pollock caviar, take 180 ml of heavy cream from two pans. Heat a cast iron frying pan, pour in the cream and let it boil. Add caviar, stir quickly until you get a homogeneous paste. Allow the sauce to cool and thicken.

You can serve the seasoning for vegetables, fish, and for sandwiches. A delicious dish will be made using pasta. You need to boil them until tender, drain them in a colander, add them to the hot creamy caviar sauce in the pan and stir.

Serve with nori, or green beans, green peas and, of course, fresh herbs. Eat immediately until the pasta has cooled.

What is the benefit

As mentioned above, pollock caviar is especially useful for the growing body of children and teenagers, as well as for people during the recovery period. Due to the B vitamins it contains, it tidies up and strengthens the nervous system. Since pollock caviar is a seafood product, it can fight thyroid diseases or be used for preventive purposes, preventing their occurrence.

The proteins included in its composition strengthen bone tissue. For atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is also an indispensable assistant, as it contains polyunsaturated fats. The benefits of pollock caviar are unconditional; it plays an important role for the female body, improving the condition of the skin and hair, it improves vision and memory, improves immunity and fights anemia, including in pregnant women.

What it is

Pollock is a marine fish that lives in cold waters (from +2 to +9°C), it belongs to the numerous genus of cod

It is impossible not to emphasize the importance of this fish in the culinary and food industry. For example, minced pollock fish is one of the components of the well-known crab sticks

In addition to the flesh of the fish itself and its minced meat, pollock liver and caviar are widely used. Pollock caviar has a typical fishy smell and taste and is a small, puree-like mass with a watery consistency of light beige color.

Some may not like the slight bitterness that pollock caviar has, but this can be easily dealt with; you just need to add one teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil to it, stir thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator overnight. You will not find fresh caviar on store shelves; the caviar that is already salted and canned goes on sale.

The product in the jar has the best reviews. Such canned food is mainly produced in accordance with GOST, has an expiration date, and so on. Dried or frozen caviar is less popular.

Pollock caviar is not at the bottom of the food pyramid, although many people underestimate its incredible benefits. You need to eat it at least several times a week to saturate your body with useful microelements and proteins. It is a powerful antioxidant and contains an extremely large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, macro- and microelements.

It is especially useful for a growing or weakened body, as it contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for the body, such as almost all B vitamins, vitamin A, C, E, as well as iron, potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, molybdenum

How to salt salmon caviar

Let's look at several salting methods. They all differ in recipe

One thing is important about them - the eggs are cleared of films.

What you will need:

  • Clean eggs
  • Bay leaf
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.

The first method is salting in a marinade. Dissolve 2 large tablespoons of salt in a liter of cold water. This includes the entire standard set of seasonings, bay leaf and pepper. When heated, the seasonings will give a pleasant color and spicy aroma. Cool the brine so as not to cook our main product. Soak the caviar for a day in a cold place.

You can also use hot brine. The ingredients for the decoction are the same. This technology allows you to get the finished dish faster. If you put the caviar mass in hot (but not boiling) water, it will be ready in half an hour. All that remains is to cool.

The third recipe is the most unusual. Boil the potatoes in salted water. As soon as it floats to the surface, remove from heat and pour in the raw semi-finished product. 3 hours and it's ready.

Even easier, without potatoes. We just make a strongly salted brine, heated in moderation. Place the caviar for just a few minutes so you can eat it right away. If you are going to store it, keep it in the solution longer.

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How to cook

You can prepare pollock caviar yourself in different ways.


So, fresh raw pollock caviar has fallen into your hands. There are several methods to pickle it. This method involves clearing the caviar from the film in which it is located, also called the caviar.

For 1 kilogram of game you will need 4 teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice. All these ingredients must be mixed in a convenient container and refrigerated overnight. And in the morning it is ready for use. This is the simplest recipe for salting pollock caviar.

Put out

In order to stew pollock caviar, you will need 1 kilogram of caviar, 2-3 heads of onions, bitterness, for example, adjika - about 5 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, salt and vegetable oil.

First you will need to separate it from the film. Then peel the onion and chop finely. The onion must be stewed in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Then add caviar, adjika, soy sauce to the onion and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly. All ingredients should be mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which you can add salt to taste and simmer, stirring constantly, until it thickens

It is important here not to delay the preparation time so that the caviar remains juicy and tender. After the stewed caviar has cooled, it is ready to eat.

Dried product

In order to prepare dried pollock caviar, you will need fresh caviar in film - yastyk. The film is very thin and should not be damaged; only small defects in the joint are acceptable. The caviar must be rinsed very carefully under cold water. You need coarse salt; for 1 kilogram of caviar you will need 150 grams of coarse salt. The caviar must be transferred to a convenient glass or ceramic container and forgotten about it for at least 7-8 hours; for small-sized eggs, 3-4 hours will be enough.

Afterwards, the caviar must be removed from the dish and allowed to drain, placing it on a wire rack for 50 minutes. At this time, it not only drains, but also balances the amount of salt in the pan. For obvious reasons, the top layer of the yastyk is more salty than its inner part, so the next step is to soak it in water for 30 minutes. For 1 kilogram of caviar you will need to take 2 liters of water.

After this, you need to put the yastyki on a drying rack in the open air and forget for 25-40 days, depending on humidity. After 15-20 days you will see crystallizing salt on the surface of the jar.

To remove salt crystals, you can soak the game for 20-30 minutes in water heated to a temperature of 40-50°C.

Pollock roe is added to various sauces and salad dressings.

To learn how to pickle caviar at home, watch the video below.

How to dry salt fish roe

Salting caviar using the so-called dry method, that is, without brine, is a very risky undertaking. However, gourmets and lovers of crumbly caviar still salt the product in this way.

  • Fresh fish caviar – 1 kg
  • Salt – 60 g
  • Granulated sugar – 20 g

Wash the caviar. This method can be used for salting caviar, both in jars and without them. If you clean caviar from films, do it using any of the methods described above. If you want to try salting the caviar directly in the eggs, then wash them, dry them and place them in a container.

Directly in the fish, the caviar is located in two cavities called yastyki. Connected together by the thinnest film. Before salting, the caviar is separated; for this, at fish factories it is rubbed through a special coarse sieve. It's easier to do at home. Something like a sleeve is constructed from several layers of gauze. The caviar ovaries are placed in this sleeve and washed with water while rinsing, rotating the caviar along the entire length of the sleeve. Thus, unnecessary films remain inside on the surface of the gauze, and the caviar itself, egg by egg, is ready for salting.

The bay caviar is salted for a certain time with brine. Then it is drained, and the caviar can already be eaten.

Brine is a salt solution of a certain saturation for salting caviar, fish and even lard. Usually water with salt, sometimes other spices are added to them and boiled to completely dissolve the salt. Some products are dipped into a boiling solution and even allowed to boil in it for some time. But more often it is cooled to the required temperature; in the case of caviar, this is no higher than room temperature, and then the product is poured in for a certain time.

Some products are stored in brine, but more often they are drained after the product has been salted.

Preservatives necessary for long-term storage are added at factories immediately before the caviar is rolled into jars.

If there is caviar in the ungutted pink salmon you bought, you can salt it. It is not suitable for long-term storage, and it is also not worth frying; after frying, it turns white and becomes very hard. But you can rinse, salt and eat right away.

Wash the caviar, separating the films, boil the brine, two level tablespoons of salt and two teaspoons of granulated sugar in a glass of water. Cool the brine to room temperature and pour the caviar into it for 1 hour. Then drain the liquid and rinse the caviar with running water. Place on a sieve and let the water drain. The most important thing is not to store it for a long time, no more than two days.
You can also pickle red caviar at home for long-term storage. To do this, you need to buy fresh caviar in jars. At home, it is good to clean the eggs and films from the caviar. You can also clean it using a gauze sleeve. Prepare a saline solution by gradually dissolving ordinary table salt in boiled water. In order to find out the saturation of the salt solution, you need to immerse peeled potatoes in it and dissolve the salt until the potatoes float. When the saline solution is ready, they need to pour the caviar so that the water completely covers it. And leave it like that for 3 hours. In the meantime, you need to prepare another portion of strong brine.

After infusion, the caviar should be placed on cheesecloth and rinsed well with a ready-made strong saline solution. Place the washed caviar into prepared glass jars and fill the jars with hot sunflower oil, namely refined oil, to the very top, after which the jars need to be rolled up. When using this method of salting red caviar for a long time, you can also use glass jars with a reusable screw-on lid.

But before rolling caviar, glass jars must be pasteurized and cooled. And you must remember that you cannot use extra salt or iodized salt to salt red caviar at home, otherwise the caviar will be spoiled. Jars of red caviar are best stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
Recipe: for 100 -150 gr. caviar 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse salt.

Take a large one 250 -300 gr. mug, put a tablespoon of salt there, pour boiling water over it, without taking out the iron spoon. Stir the salt, all the dirt from the rock salt will settle at the bottom of the mug. Carefully pour hot water without sediment into the prepared cup. I do all this in glass containers, the whole process is clearly visible. Place the egg there, leave it there for 3-5 minutes, then turn it in the water with a spoon. Due to the hot temperature, the eggs will be easily separated from the film.

If the eggs do not separate (the water has cooled), repeat the scalding procedure. Sometimes the yastyk will need to be dipped in water several times.

Note: it is better to underexpose caviar in hot water than to overexpose it! If you underexposed it, it’s okay. If you overcook, the caviar will become “rubbery”.

“Exfoliate” the eggs with your hands. Swirl the eggs in the water with your hands, stir, stir, chat... helping them to come unstuck from the film, throw away the film. Place the caviar on a sieve, shake it lightly, turn it to the right and left. The remaining films will go to the bottom, stick and remain on the sieve.
Recipe for small caviar: capelin, pollock.

Approximately for 500 grams of small caviar: 2 teaspoons of fine salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar - it will give the caviar a special taste. If the caviar is in the eggs. Pour the warm solution over the caviar, stir with a fork, if there is a film, it will float, remove it, place it on a fine sieve, let it drain, put it in a prepared container. If it is ready-made ice cream, prepare it immediately, add salt and sugar to the container. For preservation and taste, add a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil. If desired, add your favorite spices: pepper, herbs, stir the caviar. Now let the caviar stand in the refrigerator for several hours, I usually make it in the evening, and you can eat it in the morning!

Tatyana Zaitseva prepared it especially for 7th Heaven.
Purchased pink salmon with caviar is an excellent purchase. If you prepare the brine correctly, the caviar will turn out just right. An excellent pickling brine is prepared by taking two level teaspoons of salt and a teaspoon of sugar per glass of water. The caviar is poured with brine at room temperature for an hour, no more.
How to salt red caviar at home?

There are a lot of methods for salting red caviar at home. There is plenty to choose from. But I chose the only recipe for myself. How to salt red caviar?

As a rule, the most difficult process is the process of freeing the eggs from the ovaries - the film in which the eggs are located while in the abdomen of the fish. Since I know how to catch trout on a platform, I get caviar from trout. You can find many different methods on the Internet, I found the fastest and most convenient one for myself.

Red caviar cooked in salt brine (brine)

You need to take a tall saucepan. Why high? Because the brine along with the red caviar will need to be whisked. If the dishes are low, then you will have to collect the bulk of the caviar from the table (at best).
How to salt red caviar? Where to begin? We already know how to salt trout; salting caviar is no more difficult. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add 1.5 tablespoons of rock salt (heaped well) and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Place the brine on the stove, bring to a boil and boil, waiting for the salt and sugar to completely dissolve.
Remove the pan from the heat and cool the brine to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. For these purposes, you can buy a special thermometer to measure water temperature.
Place the yastyki with red caviar in the cooled brine. We take a whisk and beat the eggs with it, like an omelette.

As you wind the films onto the whisk, remove them.

Beat the caviar until all the eggs are removed. We adjust the caviar salting time to taste. You need to start tasting after about 10 minutes. It depends on how you want to salt the red caviar. If you like lightly salted caviar, it will take less time to salt it. If you like the product more salty, be patient and wait about 20 minutes. After you have received the red caviar with the desired salting, you need to drain the brine. For these purposes, you can use a colander or strainer.

It is advisable to eat the finished red caviar within 2-3 days. If there is a lot of caviar, then you must either choose how to salt the red caviar in a different way, or put the already salted red caviar into small jars and put it in the freezer. When defrosting, the properties of the product do not change.