Read the plot to make a man leave his wife. Characteristics of lapels from husband and wife

From a moral point of view, it is impossible to separate spouses, however, circumstances vary. Sometimes women marry men with the help of a magical love spell, and it is in such situations that the lapel of the bewitched person is justified. Let's consider several rituals on this topic.

To separate a married couple, you need to buy new needles on the outgoing moon - you need to have 13 pieces. In the evening, turn off the lights in the room, leaving one candle for illumination. Let your hair down and remove all ringing items - belt, rings, earrings. Clothes should be made of natural fabric, not synthetics.

Take the needles and recite the spell on each one:

For the wife to kick her husband out of the house

You need to take a photograph of the couple together or a photograph of your wife, sprinkle a handful of salt on the photo and read the plot 13 times in a row. During the ceremony, you need to turn off the lights and light a candle for illumination. The window must be open, stay alone in the room - remove all animals.

The candle burns out, leave the photograph on the table for three days along with the salt. Then this salt needs to be poured under the spouses’ door, or into the car, or into the pocket of their clothes - whatever happens. If this is not possible, you can scatter it at an intersection. But the result will be better if one of the spouses touches the salt with their hands or steps on it with their feet.

After two or three days the ritual can be repeated. Speak salt and add until the couple separates. Don’t forget to wash your hands in cold water after the ceremony so as not to draw destructive energy onto yourself.

Chicken foot lapel

In order for the spouses to separate, you can make the following lapel using a chicken foot. On a waning moon, buy one chicken foot at the market, do not take change. Come home, fill a bowl with water from the tap, light a church candle on the back side (remove the cross) and take the paw in your right hand.

Move your paw counterclockwise through the water and read the plot with hatred 13 times in a row. In order not to lose count, put 13 matches and move one at a time after reading the plot. Nothing should distract you; during the ritual you cannot be interrupted for a second, even mentally.

After reading, pour the water into a jar - you should pour it under the spouses' door. If there is a lot of water, you can pour some under the front door, and some under the entrance of the house. If you live in another city, pour water at the intersection. Feed a chicken foot to a stray dog.

Conspiracy text:

As a result, fights and quarrels will begin in the family, and the spouses will separate. If you do everything correctly and don’t mix anything up, the result will not be long in coming. If you fail to do at least one point from the ritual part, the blowback from the incorrectly performed ritual will come back to you. This can be expressed in the form of illness or a major quarrel with loved ones.

  • new knife with black handle.
  • Stay alone in the room, close the curtains and doors, turn off the phone. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon at night. Let your hair down, take off all the ringed things - belt, rings, earrings, chains.

    Place a wooden board on the table and place a photo of the couple on it. Place candles on the sides. Take a knife and run the blade between the shapes in the photo, as if separating them. There is no need to touch the picture with a knife. Imagine that you share their common life path. Put all your will and hatred into this action.

    Then, holding the knife in your hand, read the spell words 6 times:

    Then, with a sharp movement, insert the knife between the figures in the photo and leave. Take the candles in your hands and drip wax onto the photo - it should fill the entire photo. Do not tilt the candles too much to avoid extinguishing them. Then tear the photo in half so that the shapes are separated and say:

    Now you need to bury the halves of the photograph on different banks of the river and say:

    If there is no river nearby, you can bury the photo in different places. What to do if there is no photo together? Then you need to draw two figures on a blank sheet of paper and write the names. Then carry out the ritual as with a photograph.

    Love triangles are not uncommon in modern life. They arise not only in couples where the partners’ relationship has not yet been formalized, but also in established families where the spouses have lived together for more than one year. It is also not uncommon for a husband to turn away from his wife, which is used by the interested party in a love triangle to destroy someone else’s strong and happy relationship.

    The victim of the lapel ritual is most often the husband, whom they want to take away from the family. The main suffering as a result falls on the unfortunate wife. However, it is not easier for the most distant spouse - the ritual has a detrimental effect on his energy and negatively affects his entire life as a whole.

    What makes strangers (especially women) interfere in other people's lives and destroy a family with the help of a lapel? It’s trite, but the most common reasons for turning to this ritual are envy and ordinary human selfishness. Only an unhappy person, deprived of his own life, will decide to break the connection between a loving husband and wife, simply by envying someone else’s happiness and harmonious relationships.

    However, there are exceptions when the lapel is done in order to end a family relationship that has already become obsolete. In such a marriage, both spouses suffer, but they do not dare to dissolve it for any reason. The turning away of a husband from his wife, made to an unhappy family, is intended to act for the good and give the spouses a chance for happiness, which they can find, but not together, but separately.

    How to recognize a lapel: external signs of the ritual

    The fact that a person has become a victim of a lapel ritual can be judged by several signs. Common symptoms of a lapel include:

    • changes in the behavior of the averted person, sudden, for no apparent reason;
    • cooling towards a marriage partner;
    • indifference to life, apathy, lethargy and loss;
    • sleep problems: regular nightmares with the participation of the performer (performer) of the ritual, insomnia;
    • lack of sexual attraction to a partner, all possible avoidance of sexual contact;
    • anxiety, restlessness;
    • discovery of objects of unknown origin in the house (wax, earth, threads, needles, hair, etc.).

    Lapel is like a disease: in it, as in any physical disease, it is very important to recognize the first symptoms and take appropriate measures in time. If the effect of the lapel ritual goes too far, certain difficulties and negative consequences, even tragic ones, may arise.

    What is the danger of a husband turning away from his wife?

    Lapels are available in white and black. If with a white lapel a man begins to avoid the company of his wife, then the black one acts more destructively, forcing the husband to see only the negative in his wife. The second half begins to irritate him, becomes disgusting and repulsive. The man is overcome by severe irritability, aggression, anger, and in some cases it comes to assault.

    The lapel ritual (especially the black one) is a kind of damage that destroys the relationship between husband and wife, causing a lot of suffering. One of the most common consequences of this ritual is the deterioration of physical health: the immune system weakens, chronic diseases worsen. The greatest vulnerability to this magical influence is characterized by:

    • for men: eyes (vision deteriorates), brain (memory problems arise), heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular diseases develop and progress), liver, stomach (their activity is disrupted);
    • among women: genitals (female diseases develop and worsen), breasts (breast diseases), heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular diseases), stomach, kidneys.

    In addition to health, the impact of a husband turning away from his wife affects other areas of life. A withdrawn person may find himself under the influence of bad habits. Most often, he begins to drink alcohol or take drugs. This phenomenon may appear as a result of an internal struggle between the action of the ritual and the man’s desire to save the family. In this case, alcohol and drugs serve as a means of sedation.

    As a result of the lapel, severe depletion of the body occurs. If a man’s choice is made in favor of his family, he may become impotent - the ritual will not allow him to live a full sexual life with his legal partner.

    Concentration is also greatly affected, which has a negative impact on the world of work. At work, the withdrawn person faces serious difficulties that he often cannot cope with alone. Many people lose their positions at this time.

    A strong turning away of a husband from his wife triggers a program of self-destruction in his victim. The alienated person may begin to interfere in various squabbles and fights, may not die a natural death, and often attempts suicide, which ultimately turns out to be fatal.

    If you suspect that a magical influence has been taken on your family in the form of a husband turning away from his wife, under no circumstances should you leave this serious problem unattended. The lapel ritual must be removed and this can best be done by contacting a practicing magician.

    A professional will be able to correctly assess the scale of the situation and choose the right solution. Any delay can result in very serious negative consequences, even the most tragic.

    Remember that you need to fight for your happiness, for your family!

    The idea of ​​turning a husband away from his wife may come to a woman who is desperate to achieve a peaceful divorce. And, you see, this way to get rid of a hateful spouse is better than ordering murder or flight. Therefore, you should not immediately dismiss magical help; try to understand the proposed rituals in detail. Choose your path, and it will definitely lead to the desired freedom.

    Rules for lapels between men and women

    Lapel magic as a type of effective weapon against love spells, love spells and sugar spells has existed since ancient times. No one will ever know who was the first to use the ritual of turning away from a husband or wife.

    However, it is difficult to dispute the fact that women most often resort to occult methods of solving problems. After all, every female person is a witch at heart. Although some men are also not averse to using the services of sorcerers and witches.

    Regardless of gender and age, a person who decides to have a lapel must diagnose the energy field of his victim before the ritual. It is important to take into account the presence of protection from a previously performed impact and the degree of susceptibility of the object to negativity.

    It is quite difficult to independently determine the above nuances, so the performer should contact a practicing healer or psychic. He will tell you how the chosen magical experiment can affect the person chosen for the ritual.

    Speaking about lapels, cooling, and other magical methods of breaking up a couple, here we can highlight the reasons why it is worth using rituals:

    1. The most obvious reason may be the reluctance of one of the spouses to terminate the relationship. There are many loveless couples who never dare to let each other go and go their separate ways. People are afraid to be alone and do not want to change their established habits. However, there are also people who are too attached to their partner or those who are stopped by children. People become victims of circumstances, their own fear and selfishness.
    2. The next reason for using a lapel could be an affair on the side. A person interested in their divorce will initiate such a non-standard way of breaking up the love triangle. However, the homewrecker should take into account that carrying out a lapel from the family does not mean that the freed object will immediately pass into his hands. Get ready to go all the way; it will take more than one magical intervention to energetically bind someone else’s lover to you. Ponder consequences and decide whether it is necessary in general.
    3. The lapel ritual can serve as a reason for those who managed to carry out a love spell, and later decided to return everything back.
    4. Often this is done by people who are not aware of the danger of magic. Having conducted a preliminary consultation with occult specialists or studied the specifics of rituals from books, the desire to get involved with dark forces may disappear.

    An option is possible when the sacrament for the breakdown of a relationship is carried out by the relatives of one of the couple. Most often this happens to the mother-in-law, who is not satisfied with her son’s choice.

    However, such guardianship is rarely justified, since after this the woman will have to deal with the lonely child herself for the rest of her life.

    Regardless of the reason, the steps must be strictly followed. Otherwise, it will not work or will have unforeseen consequences.

    • In a situation where love is long gone, but habit prevents you from breaking off a boring relationship, the lover or his relatives can use this lapel ritual.
    • You will need:
    • photographs of both spouses separately;
    • church candles;

    pen. pen photo cards

    church candles

    regular sheet of paper

    Light candles placed at a short distance. Take a piece of paper and write the word “love” on it in large letters. Place the inscription between the candles, and behind them place a photo opposite each other. Light the paper on fire and say:

    The flame burns out, and so does their love. The paper will turn into ashes, and the tenderness of the servant of God Alexander for the servant of God Marina will be incinerated (replace the names with the ones you need). As soon as the wind carries away the ashes, let her leave his heart forever!

    Carefully collect the ashes in your palm and scatter them out of the window. The ritual is repeated for three nights. The effect will occur in a week, or at most two. Quarrels will begin in the family, the man will feel like a stranger, will be angry with his wife over every little thing and will soon not want to see her. The outcome of a correctly carried out lapel will be divorce and the man leaving the family.

    This method is usually used by the mistresses of married men or those dissatisfied with the choice of a mother's son. Regardless of the consequences of their actions, they are eager to separate unsuitable partners.

    Just as your photograph turns to ashes, you won’t be able to get along at once. Run away, separate, forget each other. Amen

    Repeat the phrase until the photo is completely burned. Then collect the ashes and throw them away with the words:

    You won't be together until you've collected all the ashes! Amen!

    Important condition: Do not talk until the morning, otherwise the ritual will not work.

    Often this cold ritual is used by women who are fed up with marriage or tired of their husband. Attempts to start a conversation about divorce end with ignoring or refusal on the part of the husband. He doesn’t want to notice the absence of his family and pretends to be happy with everything.

    Of the many rituals for ending a relationship, ostuda is considered the least painless method of magical influence for the victim. Therefore, ladies who have some residual warmth for their husbands most often choose this method.

    The sacrament is held on the waning moon in winter, when the temperature outside drops below zero.

    Take a small square of paper and write on it the word “love” and your and your husband’s names. Glue the paper to the bottom of a clear glass. Now fill the ritual vessel with spring water while reading the plot:

    As the water becomes covered with an icy crust, so the heart of my husband, the servant of God (husband’s name), will be covered with ice. He will become cold towards me, his wife, servant of God (your name). Just as the water completely turns into ice - you can’t pour it out, you can’t spill it, and you can’t drink a drop - so the permafrost will bind my husband’s love, and his feeling for me will never revive. Amen!

    Place the container in a cool place out of reach of prying eyes. For nine days, do not look into the hidden place. On the morning of the tenth day, bury the frozen object in the ground. While digging, say:

    His love is like this water will freeze. We will part soon, and we will not know grief!

    Think that your spouse’s life will change for the better in your absence. In addition, it can help in an unforeseen situation.

    In a situation where you have been in a relationship for a long time and are even planning a wedding, your partner leaves for another girl for no apparent reason, perhaps magic is involved. Most likely, the rival cast a love spell.

    Before trying to restore the relationship through this ritual, make sure that the breakup occurred under magical influence.

    If there is no doubt, try this ritual. For the return of a loved one to take place, a lot of patience and energy is required. You should not perform it with weak love feelings or for the sake of demonstrating your superiority, otherwise there is a risk of becoming a victim of your witchcraft with

    Prepare the props:

    • joint photo of a loved one and a rival;
    • plate;
    • tall church candle;
    • matches;
    • scissors;
    • garbage bag.

    Place a lit candle on a standing dish in the center of the table. Look at the flame, imagine a girl and a guy who need to be separated.

    When the melted wax begins to drip onto the plate, take the photo and cut it in half, separating the pair. Place the image of your rival on the bottom of the dish, after first lifting the candle and securing it on top. Hold part of the photo with the image of your loved one before your eyes and say:

    I don’t want to free you from your feelings: sympathy, affection, infatuation and love - your heart must keep. But I want you to feel all this not for her (other’s name), but for the one who was previously in your heart, that is, for me (your name). I swear, you will love me as long as I can love you! But as soon as my love passes, the lapel loses its power! It will finish its action and your heart will release it!

    Hide the man's photo and leave the woman's photo under a candle until the wax completely fills the photo. Wrap the dishes along with its remains in a bag and throw them in a street trash can with the words.

    In this article:

    It is difficult to find a family in which there are no quarrels and disagreements. Most problems are completely solvable, however, there are often cases when there is no strength left to endure, love leaves, but due to habit, responsibility and other factors, a person cannot simply leave and start life again. In such situations, love magic comes to the rescue. You can try to establish relationships again with the help of a love spell ritual, you can try to forget the grievances, but if this is impossible, all that remains is to use a love spell.

    However, most often, such rituals are carried out by wives whose husbands want to preserve an outdated relationship or simply do not let the woman go, although it is no longer possible to talk about any love.

    It is also worth noting that a man can also use the lapel when he stops loving a woman, but does not find the strength to leave the family. Thus, there are a great many situations in which lapel magic may be needed, but the goal of such rituals is always the same - to destroy the union concluded between a couple.

    Lapels can act in different ways, however, they are always aimed at causing a gradual cooling of relationships, in some cases, a man may develop real hatred for a woman with whom he could live for many years, scandals often arise, quarrels and the family finally collapses .

    If you want to carry out a lapel to take your loved one away from the family, you first need to think carefully about the consequences. Such magic is aimed only at destruction; the ritual will not give your beloved back to you, but will only break his current life. No magician can guarantee that after such a breakup a man will be ready to start a new relationship; on the contrary, there are often cases when the victim of a lapel withdraws into himself and stops paying attention to the world around him.

    A lapel is a last resort, which you can resort to only if you are sure that you can surround your lover with such love, thanks to which he will be able to forget about all the troubles that have happened. You shouldn't even think about such magic as a means of revenge.

    Of course, you can always ruin people’s lives, since the man has chosen someone else, however, such actions will have an extremely negative impact on the performer and will definitely not make you happy.

    Lapel magic will not ruin your karma in only one case - if the husband does not really love his wife, but stays with her only because of a long-term habit, because of children or for some other reasons, that is, if the existing union is a burden to him.

    How to make a lapel

    There are a large number of rituals that will help destroy a family and break the connection between two people. Like love spells, such rituals can differ greatly from each other in a number of parameters, for example, in the strength of impact, in speed and efficiency. In addition, not every lapel can be performed independently; the most complex rituals are best left to professionals.

    Lapel for wife

    Often the desire to destroy a family arises in one of the spouses (usually the wife). The need for such a magical effect arises if the husband refuses to give a divorce, does not let the woman go, and every hint of divorce causes real rage in him. At the same time, unhappy married wives should not forget that the lapel is not only a very dangerous, but also an extremely powerful ritual.

    When destroying your own family and your relationships, you need to be completely sure that there will be no regrets about what you have done. Not every professional magician will be able to remove the consequences of a lapel, and, moreover, it will be simply impossible to return your husband after this on your own. If the wife is confident in her desire and will definitely not change her mind, she can use one of the presented lapels.

    Waning moon lapel

    This ritual must be performed several nights in a row during the waning moon. So, you need to light a red candle, standing by an open window, and read the spell, looking at the candle fire:

    “Our love has no end, like a wedding ring. Their feet trampled the grass, the stick scared the dog, the bird flew away from the cat, the servant of God (husband's name) and the servant of God (name) quarreled. We won’t meet again, we won’t make peace, we’ll avoid each other for the rest of our lives. My word is strong, like a stone, like an arrow. What is said will come to pass, Amen.”

    Winter ritual

    Some magical rituals must be performed at certain times. This lapel can only be carried out in winter, when it is frosty outside. For the ceremony you will need a glass glass. At the bottom of the glass you need to glue a piece of paper with the inscription: “Love (name of husband) and (name of wife).” Pour water into a glass and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “As the water cools down, so does your heart (husband’s name) towards me cool down, just as the water freezes, so your love for me will freeze and will not thaw.”

    After this, we leave the glass in the cold.

    Considering the effectiveness of this ritual, it can be carried out in the summer, using the freezer compartment of the refrigerator

    Ideally, the glass should remain outside for seven days. You can leave it in the forest or in another place inaccessible to other people. After this, the glass needs to be buried in the ground.

    Home ritual

    The ritual can be performed when the husband is not at home. To do this, take a knife with a wooden handle by the blade, walk through all the rooms and knock on every corner in all the rooms, saying the words of the spell:

    “Corner corner, morning in the morning, the Devil sits on the gray ashes, the devil yawns, and reads a prayer for separation, conjures the servant of God (name of the husband), speaks, quarrels, turns away, drives him into another corner from his wife. Just as the devil can’t be in heaven, so the servant of God (husband’s name) can’t be with his wife, don’t live, don’t stay, don’t sleep in the same house with his wife, don’t feast at the same table, don’t drink from the same glass, in the same house don't live. The ash is strong, and my knife is sharp, you will never be with me again, hubby. My words are true, my soul is stronger than the devil. Demon's work, yes, my concern. Let it be so".

    Ritual for linen

    This lapel ritual can be performed by both husband and wife. To do this, you need to take your spouse’s underwear, hold it in your right hand and read the words of the conspiracy four times:

    “The earth is always below, just as the stars are always above, God bless my words, my desires, my will, Just as the stars do not go with the earth, so you (spouse’s name) should not walk next to me, do not start a conversation, do not produce children. You and I will not be husband and wife, we will not feast at the same table, we will not live in the same house. Just as a cat and a dog walk on opposite sides, looking at each other from afar, so you and I will never be together. There is no end to my word, there is no more excuse for him, and a sentence, what I say will come true. Let it be so".

    After this, the laundry must be buried at night on a deserted road.

    Strong lapel

    But not only within the family there is a desire to destroy the union; often mistresses who want to get their beloved man decide to turn away.

    According to all canons, turning a husband away from his legal wife is a dangerous activity that is condemned in any society and can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. However, there are often cases when even such a magical action is carried out for good, for example, if there has been no love and happiness in the family for a long time and the husband does not leave his woman only because of a sense of responsibility or due to a habit that has arisen.

    Lapel from photo

    For the ceremony you will need two photographs - of the husband and wife. The photographs should be placed on the table, facing each other. Then between the photographs you need to put a bowl and put a blank sheet of paper in it, write one word on it - “love”. After this, set fire to the sheet and read the plot while the fire burns:

    “As this flame burns, so their love will burn out, just as a sheet of paper burns to ashes, so the love of a husband (name) for his wife (name) will dissolve, just as the wind will carry away these ashes, so the husband will leave his wife.”

    You need to make sure that the sheet of paper completely turns into ash. After this, open the window and throw the ashes to the wind. It is worth making sure in advance that the remaining paper will be carried away by the ash in the opposite direction from your window. To enhance the impact, the ritual must be performed three nights in a row. As practice shows, already two to three weeks after the completion of the ritual, the husband begins to feel uncomfortable around his wife, then he develops a persistent feeling of hostility, often turning into hatred.

    Lapel and love spell

    Even the most powerful lapel ritual only works for destruction. He is able to sever family ties, but does not guarantee that the freed man will go to the lapel performer. To guarantee the desired outcome, you need to bewitch your beloved man immediately after the destruction of your family. Only in this case will it go to you. So, the first part of the ritual is the lapel.

    To carry out the ritual you will need a red candle and a photograph of your lover. The ritual must be performed several nights in a row during the waning moon.

    In love rituals, it is customary to open a window or window.

    To do this, open the largest window in the house, place a photograph of a man on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it, hold a burning candle in our hands and read the plot:

    “True love has only a beginning and no end, and the husband (name of the target) and wife (name) have nothing left but a wedding ring. But the ring has no more power; the husband and wife are not nice to each other. Like dogs bicker every day, they will scatter in different directions and never come back together. You don’t put up any more, don’t show mercy, you ran away once, so as not to meet again. You will no longer drink from the same cup, no longer eat from the same utensils, no longer live in the same house and no longer lie in the same bed. What is said will come true.”

    After the lapel ritual is completed and has begun to take effect, that is, the man has begun to openly show his dislike for his wife and is about to leave, you need to take up the love spell process. As a love spell ritual, you can choose absolutely any ritual, you can start with light bindings or immediately “hit” with a black spell, it’s up to the performer to decide. However, there are some features of a love spell that should work immediately after the lapel:

    • A strong wave of negative energy can go from an abandoned wife to a performer. If there are children in the family, then the amount of negativity will only increase, so you need to take care of your own protection in advance. It is important to remember that children are much closer to magic than adults, therefore, if your ex-wife sets the children after you and they begin to hate you, this may result in severe damage.
    • Abandoned wives often turn to help not only from magic, but also from powerful sorcerers to help them get their husbands back. You need to be prepared for an experienced magician to intervene in the situation. It must be remembered that sorcerers are very enthusiastic about helping abandoned wives, especially if they have children, and if the sorcerer is stronger and more experienced than you, then soon you will lose everything that you have achieved, in particular, the man, he will return to the family.
    • If you have destroyed a strong family and wedged yourself between sincerely loving people, your ex-wife will never forgive you and with her hatred alone she will be able to direct such an amount of righteous energy of retribution in your direction that no defense will stand against it.

    It is extremely important to remember this before starting any lapel rituals. Never try to destroy a strong family in which true love reigns. If you succeed, which is extremely unlikely, you will ruin your life forever.

    For such actions, higher powers are always punished, and they are punished extremely severely. Never try to build happiness on someone else’s grief, especially since not a single strong magician will help you if you have violated the sacred union of loving people, that is, you will have to deal with all the possible consequences on your own. Are you ready for this?

    Turning a husband away from his wife is a very effective way to destroy family relationships. You can read the lapel of a husband from his wife independently in the case of an existing love triangle. In addition, such influence is often resorted to by wives who understand that the relationship has come to naught, and the husband is stubborn and does not want to give a divorce.

    But whatever the purpose of the lapel ritual, it cannot be harmless by its nature. Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that such an action will certainly cause a back wave of negative energy. And the more powerful the ritual, the stronger and more dangerous it is. An ill-conceived lapel ritual or a ritual performed for selfish purposes can cause serious harm to the victim.

    Lapels for self-carrying

    The lapel of a husband from his wife can be read independently by mistresses or close people who understand that only habit binds spouses together and none of them dares to break off an outdated relationship. With the help of the ritual, you can cool a man’s feelings and help spouses avoid problems that always arise when they stay together for a long time without having any feelings.

    Powerful Ritual

    There is a strong ritual that is always effective if the ritual is carried out in accordance with the rules. Firstly, it should be carried out only during the waning moon, as this will contribute to the rapid fading of feelings.

    A strong ritual involves the presence of hair of a man who is supposed to turn away from his wife. However, for a mistress it is absolutely not difficult to get such an attribute. It is very important to “get” the hair on the day of the ceremony. This is necessary due to the fact that freshly cut or just shed hair preserves a man’s energy and is the strongest amplifier of the lapel effect.

    For the ceremony, you also need to purchase a thin church candle in advance and prepare a bowl of clean spring or well water. The ritual consists of lighting a candle exactly at midnight and setting the man’s hair on fire from it, so that the ashes can be collected.

    During this process, the following lapel spell is pronounced:

    “With my power, enhanced by magical action along with the hair of the Servant of God (name of the man), I burn his pain and all his bad weather in the flame of a candle. With this, I free him forever from attachment to his wife, the Servant of God (wife’s name). All his feelings will disappear like smoke from his hair and, together with my witchcraft, will dissolve in the boundless sky. What has been said will come true. Amen".

    After this, you need to read the following lapel spell for a bowl filled with water:

    “Pure spring water, cold and transparent, take away all your worries and misfortunes, dissolve them in yourself. And free the Servant of God (the man’s name) forever from his wife the Servant of God (the name of the wife). Let him go, let him live according to his own understanding and bless him with happiness. Only this way and not otherwise. No one can change my words. Amen".

    You need to pour the enchanted water over the ashes obtained from burning your hair. This mixture should be left until the morning. And the next day, as soon as possible, you need to throw out the water under any tree.

    This is a very powerful ritual. Its results will appear within a couple of weeks and will be expressed by the husband’s complete cooling towards his wife. But what he does after that depends entirely on himself.

    With a photo of the spouses

    Lapel rituals that involve the use of photographs are considered very powerful. The effectiveness of rituals is explained by the fact that with the help of photographs it is possible to establish a visual connection with the object, and, therefore, enhance the impact itself. For the next ceremony you need to have a joint photo of the husband and wife. It is advisable that it be fresh. It is very important that only spouses are depicted in the photograph. Cropping a photo for use in a ceremony is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is important that there are not even any animals in the photo.

    On one of the evenings during the waning moon period, you need to retire to a separate room and tear the photo in half, so that the husband and wife are in separate parts of the photo. Next, a fragment of a photograph depicting a woman needs to be torn into tiny pieces. At this moment, it is advisable to awaken hostility towards the woman in your soul.

    During this process, the following words should be said:

    “I am tearing you away, Servant of God (wife’s name), from your husband, Servant of God (husband’s name). I kill his love for you, and I break all ties between you forever. He won’t love you anymore, if you’re next to him, you’ll live in an eternal quarrel. Amen".

    After this, scraps of the photograph should be collected in a ceramic pot and set on fire, while saying the words:

    “It’s not your photo that burns, but your husband’s love for you that burns. As I scatter the ashes, I will separate you forever. Everything will be the way I want it. Amen".

    The ashes should be thrown out the open window and try to catch a gust of wind. This ritual is very powerful, it begins to work almost immediately. If it is not possible to get a common photograph of the husband and wife, then you can write the full names of the spouses on a white sheet next to it and carry out similar actions. However, in this case, the effectiveness of the ritual can be significantly reduced.

    Soon after the ceremony, the husband will completely cool down towards his wife and decide to leave her. This ritual rebuilds the man’s energy in such a way that there can be no return to the old relationship. After the lapel ritual, people break up forever.

    You can read a husband’s lapel from his wife on your own only if you are confident that you are right. Thanks to a timely ceremony, the man and woman will become free, get rid of painful obligations and be able to start a new life. But using lapel magic to destroy a happy family is strictly prohibited.

    In addition, you should not perform the lapel ritual yourself if you are not confident in your own abilities. In any case, if you have the slightest doubt, it is recommended to either abandon the ritual or contact a professional magician. This is a fairly safe option, since protection will be provided to minimize the negative consequences of the lapel effect for all participants.