The recipe for how to close the sorrel for the winter. Harvesting sorrel for the winter without salt

You can refuse to preserve any seams for the winter, but be sure to keep the recipe " Canned sorrel". Why? Yes, because sorrel (both fresh and canned) is loved by everyone! All dishes to which fragrant green leaves are added are instantly transformed, turning the dish into something fresh, light, appetizing and at the same time spicy. And also why sorrel is harvested in jars for the winter - due to the fact that it is perfectly stored and at any time you can uncork the jar and pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious, updated recipes with sorrel.

And before proceeding with the conservation of sorrel, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the harvested product. So, if it is supposed to cook borscht, cabbage soup or soup from sorrel, then it is better to twist it in the form of mashed potatoes. For salads, baking, and generally for the aesthetic decoration of culinary products, sorrel is closed in a chopped (chopped) form. In general, among the wide variety of ways to preserve sorrel, it is easy to choose the most suitable, most interesting recipe.

Recipe "at home"
To preserve sorrel "in its natural form" you will need:
- 1 kg of fresh sorrel leaves,
- water.
You will also need half-liter glass jars and seaming lids.

On the " Canned sorrel. Recipe"Greens are thoroughly washed under cold running water, sorted out, lethargic, dry and spoiled leaves and various extraneous" impurities "are removed from it. If the leaves are heavily soiled with earth, then the sorrel must be soaked in water, and then washed so that no sand remains. Jars and seaming lids are also washed and sterilized for about 10 minutes. For the workpiece, it is better to use a container with a volume of 0.5 liters, since it is not stored for long when uncorked; and for cooking borscht, a half-liter can of canned sorrel is usually consumed in a 3-liter saucepan.

After that, the sorrel leaves are cut into pieces of medium, convenient size. Only young, thin stems are cut; the rest can be discarded and not used. Water is poured into a large saucepan in a layer of 2-3 cm, and chopped sorrel is placed in it. Usually it does not fit all. Then the procedure with the remaining sorrel must be repeated again after the first batch of greens has been rolled. A saucepan with sorrel is placed on the stove and brought to a boil, stirring occasionally. The poured water will be quite enough, since the sorrel will still let out its own juice. As soon as the leaves change their color (become brown), and the water begins to boil with a key, the fire turns off, and the contents of the pan are poured into the jars. Filled cans are covered with lids and rolled up; in this case, it is advisable to pour the sorrel and twist one can at a time.

The sorrel rolls are turned upside down and checked for leaks. Then they are wrapped in a blanket and left in this position until they cool completely. The cooled sorrel blank is stored in a dark, cool place. This recipe can be used not only to cook green borsch with canned sorrel, but also for the preparation of winter salads and other equally delicious dishes.

Natural sorrel recipe

This recipe allows you to prepare sorrel for the winter, preserving all its natural freshness and benefits. To do this, the sorrel leaves are moved, washed, folded into a colander and dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Then the sorrel is tightly packed in hot glass jars and filled with hot (almost boiling) water, in which it was blanched. After that, jars with sorrel are sterilized for 50-60 minutes in boiling water, sealed and put away for long-term storage.

Sorrel puree canning recipe

Sorted and washed fresh sorrel leaves are blanched in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then they need to be wiped through a fine sieve into a homogeneous mass, which is poured into an enamel pan. The resulting puree is heated over moderate and even low heat, without bringing it to a boil, and poured into sterilized jars. After that, the workpiece is sterilized for 1 hour in boiling water and rolled up. Sorrel puree can be stored for up to a year in a cool place. Shake it before use and use it to prepare first courses in winter.

in the form of puree can be prepared "with additives"; for example with spinach. To do this, fresh leaves of sorrel and spinach (they are taken both in equal and arbitrary proportions) are sorted out, washed and blanched for 3-4 minutes in boiling water. Then the leaves are wiped through a sieve, and the resulting puree is transferred to an enamel pan. The puree is brought to a boil over low heat and then cooked for 5-7 minutes. Calcined jars are filled with boiled sorrel and spinach puree, and the workpiece is sterilized in boiling water for 30-40 minutes before clogging.

To preserve sorrel puree, the leaves can be chopped like on a sieve, after boiling or blanching them, using a food processor or a blender. And also fresh sorrel can be cranked through a meat grinder.

Dry salting recipe for canning sorrel

For such a preparation, 100 g of salt is taken per 1 kg of sorrel. If a wild sorrel is taken for the recipe, then it is better to close it in early spring, and garden sorrel throughout the summer. The collected fresh leaves of sorrel are thoroughly washed out and sorted out. Then they are spread in a thin layer on a sheet of paper to dry. Dried sorrel is chopped finely, like borsch, mixed with salt, rubbed with hands in a bowl until juice appears and fits tightly into jars. Sorrel is compacted in a container until liquid appears on the surface. Then the cans can be sealed and refrigerated for long-term storage. It is better to pack sorrel in small-capacity cans for the convenience of one-time use.

Recipe "Natural salted sorrel"

Sorrel, salted for the winter, can also be used to make “ Canned sorrel soup "recipe... But this must be done correctly, observing everything (according to the recipe), otherwise the workpiece will deteriorate and become unusable. For salting sorrel leaves, 120-130 g of salt is taken per 1 kg of the main ingredient.

The sorted out, freshly collected and washed leaves must first be slightly dried (laid out in the sun or in the warmth for 1-2 days) and then put whole in jars with a wide neck or other dishes. When laying the sorrel, it is sprinkled with salt in layers, and on top there is a wooden circle and oppression on it. The workpiece is kept at room temperature for a couple of days and put into the refrigerator, where it can be stored for up to six months.

Canning recipe for natural sorrel with spinach

To prepare such a combined workpiece, you will need 250 g of sorrel leaves, 500 g of spinach and 1 glass of water. Greens can be taken in a different, arbitrary proportion. Spinach and sorrel leaves are sorted out, washed out and transferred to a dish suitable for the volume. Then water is poured into them, and the greens are brought to a boil over low heat. You need to cook the mass for no more than 3 minutes, and immediately pack it together with the water in which the leaves were boiled into hot glass half-liter jars. Banks are sterilized for 25-30 minutes and sealed with boiled lids.

Fast ways of harvesting (salting and preserving) sorrel for the winter

Among the wide range of quick methods, the following two recipes should be highlighted.

1) Young, fresh sorrel leaves are washed, crushed and sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1 kg of sorrel - 30 g of salt. Then the greens with salt are moved into jars, tamped tightly into them and filled with cold water. After the cans are closed with nylon lids and stored in a refrigerator or other dark, cold place.

2) Boiled sorrel is salted in a similar way. Just remember that when boiled, sorrel loses most of its vitamins and becomes less saturated in taste. Therefore, the cooking time should not exceed 5 minutes with a low boil.

Sorrel itself contains a certain amount of salt and minerals in its own leaves. Therefore, when preserving it, it is not necessary to add salt to the workpiece.

Having considered so many interesting recipes for canning sorrel for the winter, you certainly need to find out - how are first courses made from it ?! After all, corking leaves in jars is one thing; and making a delicious borscht or soup from them is completely different. Therefore, the following recipes are devoted to the ways "How to cook canned sorrel soup».

Canned sorrel recipe

For cabbage soup with canned sorrel, you need to take:
- 1 can (0.4-0.5 l) canned sorrel,
- 0.5 kg of chicken or other meat,
- 5 potatoes,
- 1 egg,
- 1 onion.

Broth is boiled from meat for cabbage soup, after which it is crushed and put back into the broth. The potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes and dipped in meat broth. Boil the potatoes for 20-25 minutes until tender. For oxalic soup, potatoes are always boiled first of all ingredients, since when oxalic acids are added to it during cooking, it will become tasteless and harden. In the meantime, potatoes are boiled, onions are peeled, finely chopped and fried. Fried onions are transferred to the pot with the potatoes.

Canned sorrel is then added to the soup, and the first course is brought to a boil. If the sorrel was boiled during conservation, then there is no need to boil the cabbage soup with it; otherwise, the dish should be boiled for 5-7 minutes. At the end, an egg is driven into the pan; it is advisable to add it pre-whipped. The egg in cabbage soup acts as a thickener and also reduces acid levels. For those who prefer sour cabbage soup, lay the hard-boiled egg and cut into quarters directly on the plate. Before turning off the heat, the cabbage soup is salted and pepper to taste. Serving the dish on the table, it would be good to add sour cream and fresh parsley or dill to it.

Recipe " Canned sorrel sorrel soup(chill) "

With canned sorrel, you can also make some variation of okroshka - cold chill. For him you will need:
- 200 ml canned sorrel,
- 2-3 potatoes,
- 2 cucumbers,
- a bunch of radishes,
- 1 bunch of dill, parsley and green onions,
- 2 liters of still mineral water,
- salt and black pepper to taste,
- meat or cooked sausage at will,
- 2-3 boiled eggs,
- sour cream.

On the fridge potatoes (peeled and washed), radishes, cucumbers, boiled eggs and boiled meat (or sausage) are cut into small cubes or rubbed on a coarse grater. After that, the chopped ingredients are added to the pan. Chopped herbs, salt and ground black pepper are added to them to taste. Separately canned sorrel is mixed with mineral water and poured into a saucepan for the rest of the refrigerator products. The dish is salted to taste and cooled before serving. As well as green cabbage soup, chilli is seasoned with sour cream. The soup can be made more rich by preparing pork broth instead of mineral water.

You can cook not only canned sorrel cabbage soup, but also botvinu (cold soup on kvass with beets and various additives), dietary puree soup, sorrel soup with fish (usually boiled fish is put in it), pickle ... Green borscht, which is added, is enriched with rice, feta cheese, mushrooms, lentils, etc. And what a delicious pastry turns out: butter rings, rolls and pies with sorrel and eggs, pancakes with sorrel filling, fried pies.

The conservation of sorrel is just as varied. We looked at recipes for preserving natural sorrel, methods of salting it. In addition, other equally useful and tasty rolls are made on the basis of sorrel. Having prepared jars with canned sorrel, you can be sure that you will not have a shortage of greens and vitamins in winter!

How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter is a question that worries all housewives at the beginning of summer. Having prepared it in this way, you will save sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins and in winter you can add it to soup, cabbage soup, or any.

Sorrel for the winter in jars without salt


  • fresh sorrel leaves - 455 g;
  • water.


Put the sorrel leaves tightly in a previously prepared sterilized jar, after rinsing them and sorting them out. Tamp it tightly and fill it to the top with boiled cold water. We close the nylon lid and remove the sorrel without sterilization in a jar for storage for the winter in a cool place.

Sorrel for the winter in jars of salt


  • fresh sorrel - 675 g;
  • filtered water;
  • iodized salt - tastes.


So, we wash the leaves well from dirt and soak in a large amount of water for about 1 hour. Then rinse again, spread on a kitchen towel and pat dry. Now we cut them with a knife and put them in a deep bowl. We sterilize the jars, and scald the metal lids with boiling water. Now we lay out some greens in the prepared container, sprinkle with a little salt, fill in with boiled cold water and tamp with a crush. Then put the herbs, salt and water in again. When all the cans are tightly filled, roll them up with lids and store them in the basement. We use such a blank in winter to prepare delicious ones.

Sorrel recipe for the winter in jars with herbs


  • fresh sorrel - 355 g;
  • green onions - 145 g;
  • parsley and dill - 130 g each;
  • water;
  • salt tastes.


Rinse the greens, dry them, chop them finely with a knife and put them in a wide bowl. Now sprinkle it with salt, knead it lightly and leave it to let the juice stand out.

In the meantime, we sterilize the jars, and simply scald the lids with boiling water. Pour filtered water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, carefully lay out all the greens and simmer it for several minutes. Then we put it tightly in jars and roll up the lids.

The recipe for mashed sorrel for the winter in jars


  • sorrel leaves - 965 g;
  • fat or vegetable oil;
  • fine salt - 30 g.


We wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and twist them through a meat grinder. Then add the required amount of salt, mix and spread the resulting mass into clean glass jars. Pour melted fat on top and close with lids.

Winter sorrel recipe in jars with spinach


  • fresh spinach - 485 g;
  • sorrel - 245 g;
  • water - 255 ml.


Sort the sorrel and spinach, rinse well and discard in a colander. Next, we shift the raw materials into a deep saucepan, fill it with water and send the dishes to the fire. Blanch for about 3 minutes, and in the meantime, heat clean jars in a water bath. We lay out the greens in hot jars, cover them with lids and place them in a saucepan with a wooden grate at the bottom. Fill with hot water and sterilize the workpiece for half an hour, and then roll it up.

How to roll sorrel into jars for the winter in a hot way?


  • sorrel - 555 g;
  • fresh dill - 145 g;
  • salt - tastes;
  • soda.


Wash sorrel leaves, dry and cut into pieces. Rinse the dill, shake and chop finely with a knife. Mix herbs in a wide bowl and pour boiling water over. We wait 5 minutes, and then we tamp the greens into clean glass jars and add hot water to the very top. We roll up the lids and after cooling, store the preservation in the refrigerator.

How to close the sorrel in jars for the winter with sugar?

Usually the usual borscht or cabbage soup with sorrel is prepared in spring and summer, when there is no question of where to get these or those ingredients. Each housewife has her own “signature” recipe, but any of them will definitely contain sorrel. In winter, it is not realistic to find fresh sorrel, therefore, if you want to eat full-fledged first courses in winter, take care of preparing this greens for future use.

Sorrel is a perennial herb that is widely used in cooking as a vegetable crop, as well as in medicine as a medicine. There are a large number of species of this plant, but leaves of sour sorrel, or wild horse, are used for borscht and cabbage soup.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter is possible in several ways. Sorrel for the winter in jars can be prepared by first drying its leaves. To do this, they are washed, cut into strips and laid out in an even layer in the air. After a few days, the leaves can be collected and closed in jars with plastic lids. This is how sorrel can be stored for several years. The second way to prepare sorrel for the winter without salt is freezing. Before this, the sheets are washed, sorted out, folded into plastic bags and placed in the freezer.

There are several other ways to prepare sorrel for the winter with salt.

Such a blank will be stored for more than a year, but when cooking borscht, you need to remember that you do not need to throw salt into the pan. There are several recipes for salting. Canning sorrel for the winter is also very common. The shelf life of such a product will be about 2 years. It is necessary to harvest sorrel in this way in accordance with a specific recipe, because they use different spices, different heat treatment methods, etc.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter at home is a grateful business, because in winter, having felt the taste of summer borscht, you will say "thank you" to yourself for not being too lazy to make this harvest. Many do this, prepare sorrel for the winter, you do not need to come up with recipes, they are there and have proven themselves well. And the best sorrel recipe for the winter is the one that you like the most and will suit your kitchen.

Now you know how to freeze sorrel for the winter, how to preserve or dry it, or rather, how to save sorrel for the winter for your culinary experiments.

But we, nevertheless, will give some more tips from experienced craftsmen on how to prepare sorrel for the winter:

Sorrel has enough acid to avoid using any other preservatives except salt;

The optimal volume of a can for preservation is 0.5 liters. This is exactly how much sorrel is needed for one pot of borscht;

For flavor, add a little dill to the sorrel when preserving;

Canned sorrel is added to borscht at the end of cooking so that it reaches already in the broth;

Sorrel must be harvested absolutely clean; to control this indicator, before storing it, you need to fill it with water again and leave for an hour;

For preservation, both containers and lids must be sterile;

It is very convenient when portions of the preparation (cans, bags, etc.) correspond to one pot of soup or borscht.

Today we suggest you find out a simple recipe for canning sorrel for the winter in jars without salt. Sorrel is distinguished by a short period of use, and all due to the fact that acid accumulates in this plant, which is not beneficial, but on the contrary - can harm. Therefore, sorrel is most often not even harvested for the winter.

Although sorrel makes great pastries, healthy salads and, of course, green borscht. To prepare sorrel for the winter, you only need water and sorrel. After all, oxalic acid is an excellent preservative in itself.

It is best to take small jars of 450-500 ml. This volume is enough for 3-4 liters of green borscht. Let's find out how to make this sorrel blank for the winter.


Ingredients for 1 half-liter jar:

  • 500 g sorrel (5 large starts);
  • 2 glasses of water.


Sorrel for this recipe needs a lot, really a lot. It greatly decreases in volume. If you have jars of smaller volume than suggested in the recipe, and you do not immediately prepare large volumes of first courses, use scanty jars. Since after opening, sorrel can no longer be stored.

We wash the sorrel, disassembling the bundles into leaves. Rinse each leaf. If you collect sorrel in your garden, then immediately fold leaf to leaf and do not collect garbage.

Now we will cut the sorrel. Cut the stems to the leaves. If you are comfortable with the stems in the finished dish, do not prune them. Now we cut our leaves lengthwise.

We cut the sorrel across - we get squares that will not float like a "burdock" in the first courses.

Place the sorrel in a convenient saucepan.

Fill with boiling water. Put the kettle on while you wash and chop the sorrel.

Sorrel immediately changes color and begins to decrease in volume. It can be seen in the photo - there was a full pan, and after pouring - half.

Bring the water to a boil (look, the volume of the sorrel has become even smaller).

We put the sorrel in jars. They need to be sterilized in advance - you can rinse them with a soda solution and stop there. If this is not enough for you and you are worried about your preservation, ignite the cans in the oven - rinse them, put them wet in a cold oven (!), Turn on the gas. When the temperature reaches 180 degrees - note the time - 10 minutes for half-liter cans will be enough. Turn off the oven and let the jars cool down until you can handle them. If you take the jar out of the oven right away and start filling it, it will burst.

We roll up the jars with lids (they can be boiled or baked in the oven), turn over and wrap them until they cool completely.

Here we have such a canned sorrel without salt. It is not recommended to store it longer than March. Delicious and useful blanks for you!

There are few eaters who do not like green borscht. But the cultivation season from the garden is short, and you want to taste this dish in winter. Here the hostesses are trying to prepare as much sorrel for future use by all known methods. It is dried, frozen, salted, canned.

Sour leaves have been used for food since ancient times. It was sorrel that was the first basis for cabbage soup (before cabbage was brought to Russia). For so many centuries, many recipes for the preparation of nutritious and dietary greens have accumulated, and several of them are given here.

Only fresh young greens are used for preparation. It is sorted by discarding yellowed and brown leaves. Rinse well under running water and remove the petioles. If chopped sorrel is needed in the workpiece, then it is chopped with a sharp knife and placed in a bowl.

The best simple recipes for preparing sorrel for the winter

Natural sorrel

This recipe uses whole sheets. They are placed in an enamel pot and filled with water. Liquids must be taken 3 times less than greens. Boil for 3 minutes and pack in hot jars. Sterilization time for half-liter containers 25 min. Liters stand 10 minutes longer.

Often sorrel is rolled up along with spinach, then in winter it is added not only to the first courses, but also used in the filling for pies. In this case, the ratio of ingredients is as follows: sorrel and water - 25% each, spinach - 50%.

Canning sorrel without salt proven recipe: video

In this case, whole sheets are only blanched in water, and then thrown into a colander so that the glass has excess moisture. Having tightly packed in dry jars, the sorrel is poured with water in which it was blanched. Here, the sterilization time is longer: 0.5 l - 1 hour, 1 l - 1.5 hours.

Sweet sorrel is used to make pies. To prevent the leaves from oxidizing, it is recommended to tear them into large pieces by hand. Put in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and gently, without pressure, grind, then pack in jars. This workpiece is not sterilized, so you will have to store it either in the refrigerator or in the cellar at a low temperature.

The recipe is identical to the previous one, while the sorrel can be rubbed in a cup, or you can sprinkle the layers with salt when placing it in a container. If there is a cellar, it is recommended to do salting in the old fashioned way - in wooden barrels, under oppression. For residents of multi-storey buildings, it will be more convenient to pack in portioned jars, sunsets with sterile lids.

Grandma's recipe

The harvested sorrel used to be stored all winter in cellars and did not deteriorate. It is better to use a refrigerator in the apartment for safety. The jars are tightly stuffed with chopped leaves until they let the juice out and are completely covered with it. A cabbage leaf is laid on top, on which salt is poured (not sealed).

Sorrel for the winter: a very simple recipe: video

With this preparation, green borscht can be cooked in a matter of minutes in winter.

  • The recipe includes peeled green onions (2 kg), from which the ends of the stems and the root lobe are removed.
  • Then it is mixed with the same amount of finely chopped sorrel.
  • Add green leaves of chopped dill (1 kg), you can half with parsley
  • 3 tbsp without a top of salt.

Everything is mixed until the ingredients let out the juice.

Packaged in jars of 0.5 liters (one portion), sterilized for 20 minutes.

Sorrel puree is useful in dietary nutrition. To prepare it, you do not need to chop the leaves. They are blanched for 3-4 minutes and then rubbed through a sieve. Put in an enamel bowl, heat up to 85 degrees and pack in hot jars.

You can also go the other way - twist the fresh leaves in a meat grinder, and then put in a saucepan and warm up to 90 degrees. In any case, sorrel must be sterilized in a boiling bath for an hour for one-liter cans and 40 minutes for 0.5 liters.

Thoroughly washed leaves are first laid on a dry towel so that it absorbs excess water. Then the sorrel is cut into pieces (according to your taste) and packed in plastic bags, divided into portions. Store the workpiece constantly in the freezer and take it as needed.

The washed sorrel sheets, cut into strips, are laid out in one layer on the newspaper to dry. After 3 days, you can pack it in dry sterile jars (not heated), cover with a nylon lid and store away from sunlight (in the pantry or in the far corner of the kitchen cabinet).

Recipes using sorrel blanks

If you have already prepared vitamin greens for the winter, you need to use it to the fullest, diversifying the dining table. You should not stop only on green borscht, canned or frozen sorrel perfectly complements other dishes.

To quickly serve the culinary work to the table, start with the filling. For its preparation, either sorrel from a jar (0.5 l) with sugar, or natural or frozen, is suitable. Crushed garlic (3 prongs), 2 heads of chopped onions are added to it and the mass is lightly fried in a pan, pouring in a little water, if necessary.

Throw in a colander to glass the liquid. While the sorrel cools down, knead the dough. To do this, you need half a liter of milk, 300 g of butter, 4 eggs - for a pound of flour. The homogeneous dough is wrapped in plastic wrap and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour.

400 g of sour cream and grated cheese (200 g), as well as half a kilogram of ground walnuts are added to the cooled sorrel. This mass is filled with one layer of dough, already laid in the mold, and covered with the second.

Everyone will love this original dish. Prepare a salad according to this recipe:

  • 2 medium potatoes, boiled and diced;
  • also comes with feta cheese (200 g);
  • chop a bunch of green onions, parsley, dill and spinach;
  • potato and feta cheese cubes are placed on a dish in layers in the form of a pyramid, alternating with canned sorrel (squeezed out);
  • sprinkle with herbs on top, add salt and sprinkle with vegetable oil.

You should not mix the ingredients so as not to disrupt the intended form. But it is advisable to wait 20 minutes so that the potatoes and feta cheese are soaked.

In this recipe, in addition to the harvested sorrel (0.5 l), frozen zucchini (300 g) is also used. You will also need 10 potatoes and a small forks of cabbage. Zucchini and tubers are cut into small cubes, cabbage is finely chopped. Sometimes it is used instead of white colored one, then it is pre-boiled in well salted water and cut into inflorescences.

All ingredients are placed in a cauldron. Sour cream (2 tablespoons) is slightly diluted with water and mixed with 3 tablespoons. flour. Pour vegetables with this sauce and set to stew for 40 minutes. At the end, put 3 tbsp. butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs (to taste), cover and remove from heat, letting it brew for half an hour.

Sorrel is so rich in vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts that you shouldn't ignore it. This greens is an excellent assistant in improving metabolism. When harvesting sorrel for the winter, you should take into account the following recommendations:

  • the best time to collect young leaves is the second half of May - June;
  • if it is not possible to rinse the leaves in running water, then they are poured in a wide basin and left for an hour so that sand, earth and other debris settle to the bottom;
  • those who prefer sour, harvesting raw materials, can leave petioles 2 cm long on the leaves;
  • you can pour sorrel not only with boiling water, but also with chilled water;
  • many housewives do not sterilize the salted product, but after seaming the cans are kept upside down for several days;
  • thawed sorrel will not withstand repeated freezing, therefore, without a freezer, you should not risk it, it is better to make the workpiece in another way;
  • when freezing, it is necessary to withstand one specific temperature, then sorrel can be stored in this state for more than a year;
  • if the herbs were harvested with the addition of salt, then when adding sorrel to the dishes, they should not be salted.

Despite the fact that sorrel is good in many ways, it is not useful for everyone. If there are kidney problems, then the use of the product will have to be abandoned, since some of its components lead to the formation of stones. It is also contraindicated in patients with ulcerative complications of the gastrointestinal tract and with increased acidity of gastric juice. Nursing mothers should also not get carried away with sorrel, so as not to provoke digestive problems in the baby.

How to prepare sorrel for the winter Two simple ways: video

The above recipes for blanks and original dishes will be an excellent addition to the "piggy bank" of any housewife. Even in processed form, sorrel does not lose its beneficial qualities, being a source of useful vitamins in winter.