Avdeevsky quarry on the map. History of Avdeevka

Rest zone " Blue Lake"is located in a picturesque corner.

The main highlight Avdeevsky sand quarry- azure spring water. What else could you dream of on a hot summer day? There is no doubt about the quality of the water and the purity of the sand: bacteriological control is carried out every week. The beach is equipped with dry toilets, changing rooms, and trash cans. The medical worker on duty will always provide first aid if necessary. On the shore Avdeevsky sand quarry There is a rescue service and a public address system, which ensures the safety of vacationers.

The reservoir is currently being stocked with fish. The nearest plans include the construction of a bathhouse complex.

Opening hours: 24 hours a day.

The cost of entry to the territory of the Avdeevsky sand quarry is 10 UAH/person, 50 UAH/car.(2010)

Phone: +38-050-271-27-25

GPS coordinates of Avdeevsky sand quarry- N 48 09" 21"

Avdeevsky sand quarry on the map

The sanitary service of the Yasinovatsky district has been monitoring the water quality in Avdeevsky quarry reports TRK UNION.

“Every water contains microbes, but the contamination of water is determined based on their variety, not quantity. Based on the results of recent water samples, we have determined that Avdeevsky sand quarry there are no microbes hazardous to human health"

The quality of the sand also meets the requirements of the SES, the chief sanitary doctor is convinced. According to him, the only things to be afraid of here are the scorching sun and heat strokes.

Alexander Porkhal, chief sanitary doctor of the Yasinovatsky district:
“It is impossible to say that everything is equipped at a very high level, but there are basic conditions for recreation here”

The owner of the reservoir, Alexander Grigoriev, said that "Blue Lake" The reeds were cleared, and the beach was increased by five meters. There is a rescue service and a public address system on the shore, which, according to him, ensures the safety of vacationers.

Alexander Grigoriev, owner of the reservoir:
“Every day, throughout the day, beach workers monitor its cleanliness. The garbage collected during the day is taken to specially designated places."

Vacationers, the main advantage Avdeevsky sand quarry They consider its convenient location, and the disadvantages include paid entrance. According to the entrepreneur, ten hryvnia per person is a symbolic fee. Leaving your car on the beach costs 50 hryvnia. The owner of the reservoir says that this money is spent on improvement Avdeevsky sand quarry, infrastructure development and salaries for beach workers.

The area where the city of Avdeevka is located has been inhabited by people from time immemorial. This is evidenced by mounds with burials from the Copper-Bronze Age. Later, in the 9th-13th centuries, these lands ended up in the possession of nomads - in the vicinity of the city there are Polovtsian stone women, mounds with burials of Pechenegs, Turks and Polovtsians.

After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the region was depopulated for a long time, and new settlement of the southern steppes began at the end of the 18th century.

The first settled settlers here were peasants who fled from serfdom, mainly from the Poltava, Voronezh, Kursk and Kaluga provinces. These were brave and courageous people who decided to settle on the southern outskirts of the Russian state, which was often subject to raids by the Turks and Tatars.

Folk retellings brought to us information that the founder of the settlement was the runaway peasant Avdey, after whom the village was named.

The legend about the emergence of Avdeevka has a historical basis. Archival documents testify: in the middle of the 18th century, where the eastern part of the city is now located, a certain Great Russian Avdey settled among the endless steppes. At first, Avdey invited Little Russians from the Poltava province, and in 1778 the governor settled here the same-lords from the Kursk and Voronezh provinces. The resulting village was named Avdeevka, the official date of birth of which is considered to be 1778. This name appeared on the geographical map much later.

The settlers were distinguished by their hard work, they were not afraid of difficulties, they created new farms from scratch, in the steppe. Avdeevka became a peasant settlement, whose residents were engaged in growing various agricultural crops, mostly grains, raised livestock, were engaged in farming and beekeeping, where possible, and guarded the borders from uninvited guests.

By 1798, there were up to 100 households with a population of about 500 souls. The lands were fertile, black earth, and this attracted new settlers here, especially since Avdeevka was located near the postal road that connected it with Mariupol and Bakhmut. In 1861, 2.3 thousand people already lived in Avdeevka. The peasants were not serfs; the village was called state-owned. Living on state-owned lands and using separate plots, they were considered personally free. But the land plots of the Avdeevka farmers were significantly less than the established norm.

For the use of land, peasants paid the treasury a monetary rent. In addition, they contributed money “for zemstvo needs and for worldly expenses, paid a poll tax and served duties in kind: travel, underwater, stationary duties. They were responsible for the proper performance of duties by mutual guarantee, but not everyone could make ends meet, and arrears grew, the peasants were deprived of their land.

The reform of 1861 and the decree of 1868 on the land structure of state-owned peasants did not make significant changes to the lives of the settlers: they had to rent land from the Novorossiysk Society on enslaving terms. The redemption was not obligatory for them, but was provided at the discretion of the rural community and individual householders, and until the redemption they continued to pay the quitrent tax. The kulaks grew richer, while the bulk of the peasantry became increasingly poorer.

At the end of the 19th century, 485 families numbering 3,051 people already lived in Avdeevka. The further development of the village is connected with the construction of the Catherine Railway, which connected the Donetsk and Krivoy Rog basins.

The road was built in difficult conditions. The main equipment was picks, shovels, and wheelbarrows. The constant companions of the builders who arrived here from all over Russia were hunger, cold, and disease.

In 1884, the single-track railway was put into operation. Within the Donbass, it connected Yasinovataya with Chaplin, passing near Avdeevka, where the Yuzovskaya branch of the Donetsk coal road adjoined the Ekaterininskaya road.

At the end of the 19th century, the volume of transportation between the Donetsk and Krivoy Rog basins increased sharply. The Yasinovataya - Sinelnikovo section could not cope with the increased cargo flows. To increase its capacity, in 1894-1895, second tracks were laid between the stations Yasinovataya - Avdeevka - Grishino - Demurino. The railway station, built 2-3 kilometers from the village of Avdeevki, received the same name.


Avdeevka became a significant junction on the Ekaterininskaya railway line, its second branch and the main station of the transit section Avdeevka - Ekaterinoslav (now the city of Dnepropetrovsk). The main locomotive depot of the road was located in Grishin (now the city of Krasnoarmeysk), in Avdeevka there was a train station, a freight station and a turnaround depot with 40 stalls, to which 127 locomotives were attached. About 800 people worked at the depot, with up to 500 people in the reserve of conductor teams.

Trains arriving from the east had to be sorted and sent west. In Avdeevka, transit trains were compiled to Ekaterinoslav and further, to the Pyatikhatki and Dolgintsevo stations. Trains arriving from the west, loaded and empty, were sorted here and formed into long-distance trains. The Avdeevka station received up to 2,100 cars daily and sent out over 2,000.

The locomotives experienced great difficulties due to lack of water. The station's water sources were very weak and froze in winter. The situation improved when the station and adjacent sections of the railway began to be supplied with water from an artesian well drilled in 1903 and two Brooklyn wells. In 1912, chemical desalination plants began to be used, which made it possible to soften the hardness of the water, which had a harmful effect on the boiler system. To collect water In reserve, the volume of tenders on locomotives was increased.

The station village grew. By the beginning of the 20th century, up to 2.5 thousand people lived in it. There was a two-class railway school here. It was located under the same roof as the church. Junior service personnel for the railway were trained there. For the entire village there are two water pumps, a shop, a hospital with 60 beds, and a small library.

At the beginning of 1900, a brick factory was built in the village at the expense of residents. It was a handicraft industry, where manual labor predominated. In 1905, the plant was bought by the Frenchman Marseille. In addition to bricks, they began to produce tiles. The annual production did not exceed 3 million pieces of bricks and 2 million pieces of tiles. The plant operated seasonally for 6-8 months a year.

There was a mill, a cattle slaughterhouse, there was a church, a school attached to it, etc. But all this was not state-owned.

The first railway workers lived and worked in difficult conditions. In low light, in dirt, and in cramped conditions, I had to work 13-14 hours a day. The premises were not ventilated. There was no labor protection of any kind. This led to widespread injuries and frequent deaths. Wages were low, while food prices were constantly rising. For example, from 1896-1897 to 1901, meat prices in the Donbass almost doubled. With the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War they rose another 50 percent. The penalty system was harsh. Fines were levied under all sorts of pretexts - for being late for work, for breaking instruments, for noise, singing, going to the office, even for not attending church.

Unskilled female and child labor was widely used, which was paid significantly lower than male labor. Living conditions were very difficult. Working families huddled in two cramped dilapidated barracks and even lived in old railway carriages.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an economic crisis occurred in Russia, which also affected the economy of Donbass. Railroad construction fell sharply, and freight transportation fell. Tens of thousands of workers were doomed to unemployment and poverty.

The military defeat of the autocracy in the Russo-Japanese War, rising prices, an increase in the number of unemployed, and a continuing decline in wages contributed to revolutionary agitation. The Bolsheviks of Donbass carried out explanatory work among the Avdeevites. In the revolutionary storm that broke out, in the class battles of the Donbass proletariat against the tsarist autocracy, the workers and peasants of Avdeevka took an active part.

The victory over foreign interventionists and internal counter-revolution was difficult for the young Soviet Republic. The war brought the country's economy to the extreme of ruin.

Donbass lay in ruins and ashes of fires. In Avdeevka, the depot was destroyed, the water pump was disabled, and the houses of railway workers were destroyed. Famine and typhus were raging. It was necessary to heal severe wounds, revive the economy, build a new one, and go through many difficulties and trials.

It was decided to first restore residential buildings, railway

new station. Hundreds of Avdeevka workers took part in cleanup days. Subbotniks were distinguished by their enthusiasm and high labor productivity. So, 500 people worked at one of them, two trains were unloaded, and the station area was landscaped.

The peasants also built a new life. Already in 1920, the “Life and Work” artel was organized in the village, uniting 18 families of homeless villagers. The artel cultivated 136 dessiatines of land, and livestock was grazed on 19 dessiatines of inconvenient land.

In 1923, by resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Ukrainian SSR No. 18 dated July 3, 1923, the volost was transformed into the Avdeevsky district as part of the Yuzovsky district. At the same time, a district executive committee was formed in the village of Avdeevka.

There were 10,658 acres of sown areas in the region. Livestock and dairy partnerships and partnerships for collective cultivation of the land were created everywhere.

In 1926, the village of Avdeevka was transformed into a settlement.

According to the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Ukrainian SSR No. 23 of September 2, 1930, the Avdeevsky district was liquidated on September 3, 1930. The large railway junction of Avdeevka gradually ceases to exist, moving to Yasinovataya with all the cadres of workers and employees (a passing station remains).

At this time, industrial development of a sand deposit begins in the vicinity of the village. Primitive, artisanal mining has been going on for a long time. In 1934, a quarry management department was created. Sand was used not only as a building material. Its main consumer was the glass industry. A railway line was built to the deposit, which made it possible to ship quartz sand for the production of window and technical glass.

At the end of January 1938 (in order to improve the management of agriculture), the Avdeevsky district was separated from the Stalinsky district, with the return of all settlements that had moved from it to other districts of the region in 1930. The center of the new Avdeevsky district moves to the railway workers' settlement - Avdeevka-1, and Avdeevka-2 remains independent with its settlements and farms, subordinate to the Avdeevsky district (in Avdeevka-1, in addition to the district council, there was also Avdeevka No. 1 village council).

Avdeevites worked successfully on the railway, ceramic factory, mill, MTS, many women worked on collective farms, on the Michurin state farm. In addition to the railway clinic and hospital, a district hospital and a children's consultation center were opened.

Much has been done to improve the village. In 1940, water supply was installed and 3,390 square meters of streets were paved. People built new houses, raised children, dreamed about the future.

But the peace plans were interrupted by the treacherous attack on our country by Nazi Germany.

On June 22, 1941, a crowded meeting took place in the village’s Culture and Recreation Park, at which workers declared their unshakable determination to give everything to defeat the enemy.

On the same day, the district military registration and enlistment office received hundreds of applications from people of various professions with a request to send them to the front.

From the first days of the occupation, a partisan detachment began to operate in the village and its environs. The partisans collected information about the deployment of enemy formations and distributed Sovinformburo reports and leaflets among the population.

The Avdeevites showed examples of heroism and courage, defending their homeland in battles. Five of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. These are combat pilots L.L. Shestakov and V.F. Chistyakov, tankers M.E. Nechaev and F.A. Rudskoy, intelligence officer S.I. Elagin.

In memory of them and of all the fallen heroes of Avdeevka, in 1980, in honor of the 35th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, a memorial was built on the square near the Coke Chemists' Palace of Culture - a seasoned plane soaring into the sky as a symbol of the courage and perseverance of our fellow countrymen.

The Nazi invaders inflicted enormous material damage on the national economy of our country. In the Donbass, all metallurgical and machine-building plants were destroyed, mines were put out of action, cities and workers' settlements were burned. In Avdeevka, the Nazis destroyed the railway station, destroyed the water supply and lighting systems, destroyed hospitals, libraries, turned schools into stables, and deprived hundreds of people of their homes.

It was difficult. There were no building materials and not enough tools. But people knew that only through their diligence, their efforts, it was possible to bring enterprises back to life and rebuild residential buildings. The first step was to restore the railway junction. And the impossible became possible. On the fourth day after the liberation of Avdiivka from the occupiers, the railway station began to operate. Residents also took care of the improvement and landscaping of the village. New public gardens began to rustle in vacant lots, and a wide asphalt strip stretched along the Avdeevka-Donetsk highway.

Soon the village and the village were electrified and radio-equipped. The enterprises of Avdeevka were gaining scale. The production of quartz and construction sand in the sand quarry has increased significantly, and the production of bricks and tiles at the brick factory has increased.

In December 1956, both villages of Avdeevka-1 and Avdeevka-2 merged into a single city of Avdeevka, which became part of the Avdeevsky district and was administratively subordinate to the district executive committee and all its services. The city center was located in the area of ​​​​the former Avdeevka-1 market square, the railway workers' park, the club, etc.

1959 opened a new page in the history of Avdeevka. It was this year, on the outskirts of the city, in the steppe, that builders marked out a site for the construction of a new coke plant, which was destined to become a giant, the largest plant in Europe.

The historical date of birth of the plant is November 30, 1963, when the first coke of coke oven battery No. 1 was produced - one of the most powerful batteries of that time. Since then and until now there has been a constant increase in its main production.

Since January 1962, the Avdeevsky district was liquidated again and has not been restored to this day.

1980 2008 Monument to the “Feat of Compatriot Pilots” Erected on May 8, 1980

Avdeevka received the status of a city of regional subordination on November 28, 1990 at 18:10, when the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR “On classifying the city of Avdeevka, Donetsk region, as a city of regional subordination” was adopted.

The population of the city as of January 1, 2007 is about 37 thousand people, there are 38 enterprises.

Avdeevka hardly needs any special introduction: the successful work of our enterprises, the talents and achievements of our residents are known far beyond the region.

1958 2008 Central entrance of AKHZ

Of course, Avdeevka owes its fame and authority primarily to its main enterprise - Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant OJSC, which produces products whose high quality is valued not only on the Ukrainian market, but also abroad.

However, Avdeevka does not belong to the so-called cities of one enterprise. Despite the rather difficult economic period that our city, like the entire state, had to endure in the 90s, we managed to preserve almost all Avdeevka enterprises. Today, most of them operate very successfully: AZMK CJSC, Avdeevsky Stroydetal Plant OJSC, AEZNO, sand quarry, Agat Factory CJSC and others.

Thanks to the products manufactured by our enterprises, we are almost completely self-sufficient in consumer goods of both non-food and food groups; Enterprises providing consumer services to the population operate at the proper level.

2003 2008 Church of St. Mary Magdalene

As for social facilities, we are now actively engaged in the construction of storm sewers and the reconstruction of Karl Marx Street, gasification of the old part of the city, etc. In 2003, the construction of the Church of St. began and has now been successfully completed. Mary Magdalene.

In our city, much attention is paid not only to the development of production, but also to caring for the elderly and younger generations: we have a territorial center for the temporary stay of elderly citizens, a rehabilitation center for disabled children “Iskorka”, a House for Children and Youth Creativity, and many other similar institutions. Our young people prefer to spend their free time in sections of the Children and Youth Sports School, in classes in dance and music groups of the Palace of Culture, Technology and Sports of AKHZ OJSC. And, by the way, not without results: Avdiivka athletes regularly win champion titles not only of Ukraine, but also of Europe; among the townspeople there are many people of art - regular participants and winners of All-Ukrainian competitions.

Avdeevites are very hospitable, open people. We are always happy to make new friends. So - welcome to Avdeevka!

“Donetsk Maldives” is the famous Avdeevsky sand quarry, which, being flooded, became a vacation spot. Before the war, the quarry was one of the most accessible, popular and beautiful places of summer leisure for residents of densely populated Donetsk, Avdeevka and many other cities and towns. It’s a very hot summer in Donbass: both local residents of Avdeevka and people who left ORDLO visit the famous beaches of the quarry, despite its proximity to the demarcation line.

The quarry is famous for its clear water, which changes color from light turquoise to rich pearlescent depending on the weather and depth of the place. White sand practically does not cloud the water, so the bottom is visible even at a depth of 4 meters. The quarry, although small at first glance, is very deep. Underwater springs constantly fill it with water.

Near the quarry there is a “zero” line, but the beaches are full

Before the war, Donetsk residents could easily be divided into those who visited the quarry and those who dreamed of swimming there. In 2015-2016, during the hostilities, the “zero” line passed next to the quarry, and it was practically empty, locals say. But in 2017, people began to return to Avdeevka, displaced people arrived, and the popularity of the sand quarry gradually returned. Residents continue to come here to relax at their own peril and risk, says the deputy head of the 15th fire brigade of Avdeevka Semyon Zonenko.

It’s dangerous, shelling is frequent, local authorities are worried that people won’t get hurt, people travel at their own peril and risk

Semyon Zonenko

“It’s dangerous because shelling is frequent. But recently, even near the quarry it has become more or less calm, although it is located next to the demarcation line. Because of this, local authorities are worried that people will not get hurt. People travel at their own peril and risk,” said Semyon Zonenko.

Before the war, it took 30 minutes to get to the quarry in Avdeevka from Donetsk

Before the war, you could go “swimming at the quarry” by minibus from Donetsk, it was a matter of 30-40 minutes. Now this pleasure is available only to residents of the territory controlled by Kyiv: it is almost impossible to get there and back from the occupation in one day, says the deputy mayor of Avdiivka Lyudmila Mezherina.

Everyone goes to the quarry, before there was a direct connection with Donetsk, now you have to go through checkpoints for 5 hours

Lyudmila Mezherina

"Here (in Avdiivka and the controlled part of Donbass - ed.) IDPs live from Donetsk, Makeevka and so on. They definitely go to the quarry. But to come specially, for example, from Donetsk, is very difficult and expensive. Previously, there was a direct connection with Donetsk, but now you have to go through checkpoints, the trip takes up to 5 hours. It’s very hot now, +35, people are tired, because there is practically no shade near the quarry, there is open space here. You can only find shade if you bring an umbrella!” – said Lyudmila Mezherina.

Living in Avdeevka is already a risk, so why not go to the beach

The emergency service has placed signs around the entire reservoir prohibiting swimming, employees are distributing leaflets, but the beaches are still full. Those who have the opportunity go to the quarry beach in the heat.

Just being in Avdeevka is a risk, locals say. So what’s so special about it is going to the beach. A much greater risk is getting sunstroke.

At night the quarry lives a different life

Locals call the quarry “Blue Lakes”. At night it lives its own life, there are no less people here, everyone is doing what.

“Some smoke weed, some lie around drunk, some make love both in the water and on the sand... Some became ill in the same water or not far from it. Someone walks around dressed, someone walks around without clothes, naked. By morning, the nightclub is spreading out, and people are again going to the beach to sunbathe and swim with their children, or pregnant ladies,” this is how one of the vacationers described the visit to the night quarry in his public page.

Despite such a large number of vacationers and the proximity to the front line, in recent years there have been no accidents here. The last drowned person was in 2013, even before the war, rescuers say. But local residents tell scary stories about the huge number of drowned people and bodies that were thrown into the quarry during the battles, that the bottom has been strewn with “candles” since the 90s.​

​In the 90s, they poured cement into a basin to create a “candle”

Local residents remember that in the 90s they came to the Avdeevsky quarry “for a showdown,” and there were shots and cement remains on the sand. They put people in a basin and filled their feet with cement, and then threw them into the water, so they are still standing under water. They are called “candles”.

Entrance to the quarry is now free. On a “voluntary” basis, they only ask for money for cleaning the areas. People walk around the cafe and collect 10 hryvnia. Before the war, the trading business and cafes in the quarry area flourished. Everything closed in 2015-2016, and only now it has begun to recover. Now people are complaining about the service: only two dry toilets and a complete lack of beach equipment. It is impossible to find shade, there are no trees, “lunar landscape”, “planet Kin-dza-dza” - visitors joke.

“Stavki,” as they say in the Donbass, are also located in nearby villages, but their water and sand cannot be compared with the Avdeevsky sand quarry, and the residents of Avdeevka are rightfully proud of this landmark.

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