Make baby pear puree. Pear puree for children for the winter

Fruit purees for infants are introduced into the first complementary foods at the age of 6-7 months. Apple, banana and pear are great for this. These fruits are very healthy and less allergenic. In addition, they are easily absorbed and digested and do not disturb digestion and stool.

In the first weeks of complementary feeding, fruit puree should consist of one component. You can find detailed rules for complementary feeding, and in this article we will learn a recipe for pear puree for babies. Let's consider how this fruit is useful for babies, and at what age this food can be given.

Useful properties of pear

Pear is a healthy fruit with a high content of vitamins, minerals and mineral salts, fiber and tannins, pectins and other useful elements. Lightly colored fruits rarely cause allergies. In addition, they are easy to digest and do not cause fermentation in the intestines.

Pear performs a number of important functions in the intestines:

  • Normalizes digestion;
  • Regulates the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Accelerates material metabolism;
  • Removes harmful substances and cleanses the body;
  • Helps the baby with;
  • Improves hematopoiesis;
  • Positively affects the functioning of the heart and lungs, normalizes heart rhythm;
  • Tones the body, improves mood and encourages;
  • Pear juice or compote strengthens blood vessels.

Pears taste sweeter than apples, but contain less sugar. Therefore, the fruit does not threaten to increase weight and blood sugar, and is not dangerous for people with diabetes. But in any case, a baby should not overeat; even the safest and hypoallergenic product can cause a negative reaction. To avoid allergies or digestive problems, follow the recommendations for nutrition and cooking for infants

How to introduce pear puree into complementary foods

  • Pear puree is given to a baby no earlier than six months, to a baby on artificial or mixed feeding - from five months;
  • The pear is introduced after the apple and vegetable purees from zucchini and cauliflower;
  • For the first time, let your baby try ½ - 1 teaspoon of puree in the morning and observe for two days to see if an allergic reaction occurs;
  • Gradually increase the dosage, at 7-8 months the puree norm is 50-60 grams, and by one year – 100;
  • If you have a food allergy to pear, do not give puree to your baby and consult your pediatrician for advice. You can repeat the injection attempt no earlier than in a month;
  • Select food carefully and rinse before cooking. Take only fresh fruit without rot or black spots;

  • Choose sweet green fruits, avoid sour and tart varieties;
  • Peel the fruits, as this is where harmful substances accumulate;
  • First, one-component fruit puree is introduced, then you can include pear compote. Use different combinations of apple, banana, peach or apricot in your puree. Roast the pears and serve them fresh;
  • If you give the fruit fresh, be sure to peel and grind the pulp using a grater or blender;
  • It is advisable to prepare new puree each time. You can store the finished dish for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator;
  • It is advisable to prepare the puree yourself, so you will be sure of the composition and shelf life of the product. If you buy ready-made puree, carefully check the contents and storage standards, the integrity of the packaging and age recommendations.

Recipe for pear puree for babies

Wash and peel the pears, remove the core and seeds. Cut the fruit, put it in a bowl and fill it with water so that it hides the pieces. Cook for 10-15 minutes and grind the resulting mixture in a blender. This is the optimal cooking time, which will preserve the beneficial properties of fresh fruit and soften the fruit. Baby puree should not be salted or peppered. For taste, add a little vegetable oil.

After introducing such puree, you can sometimes give your baby a fresh pear. To do this, peel the fruit and grate the pulp on a fine grater. You can also add fresh apple juice to the finished pear puree or mix pieces of fresh pear with apple juice and simmer covered for five minutes. Then pass the mixture through a blender.

By the way, pear is also very useful for a nursing mother. The fruit can be included in the diet already in the first month of breastfeeding. The product is also used for making compotes and juices. The pear is baked and eaten fresh. Detailed recipes with photos for nursing mothers can be found at the link.

Pear is a very healthy fruit, so it is one of the first to be introduced into children’s diets. It is important to know how to properly introduce fruit in order to avoid unpleasant consequences that can manifest themselves in the form of allergies, cause heaviness in the stomach, and also cause.

Until the age of six months, babies eat only mother’s milk, and then they will be introduced to new food. For babies who are on artificial nutrition, complementary foods are introduced earlier (from 4-5 months). Getting to know new foods starts with vegetable and fruit purees. Fruits that are good for these purposes are apples and pears. Every mother must know the benefits of pears and in what form to begin introducing them into the child’s diet.

At what month should you start introducing it into your diet?

A child can try a pear after an apple. Children on breastfeeding are introduced to the fruit at 7 months.

Artificial babies can try the pear at 5-6 months.

From the forums:

From the age of 5 months she grated pears and apples. I ate with pleasure. You can also chew, but be careful not to bite off a large piece and choke. That is, sit next to him. Before 4 months - not worth it. Better closer to 6 months. The gastrointestinal tract is not yet formed.

From about 5 months, the baby can be given pear juice or pear puree. Or, as in the old days, they wrapped a small bag in gauze. a piece and gave it to the child instead of a pacifier.

Benefits of the fruit

Pears are rich in substances useful and necessary for the body:

  • tannins;
  • fructose, sucrose and glucose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • pectins.

They contain many vitamins, in particular vitamins B, A, C, PP. When consuming these juicy fruits, the human body is enriched with zinc, molybdenum, copper, and fluorine.

The fruit is well absorbed and has the following effects on the body:

  • helps improve mood;
  • increases tone;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • relieves nervous tension.

Pear also has expectorant, antiseptic, antipyretic and diuretic properties. Rarely causes allergic reactions.


Possible and negative consequences of eating pear:

  • fresh fruit can cause heaviness in the stomach;
  • should not be used if you have colitis or gastritis.

What effect does it have on the baby's stool?

In what form should it be given?

The baby's sensitive stomach is not ready for fresh pear, which can cause constipation or diarrhea. If the child has not eaten this fruit before, it is necessary to prepare a puree. It is prepared from boiled or baked pear. Pear puree for babies:

Baked pear puree. To prepare fruit puree from baked pears, you need to remove the core from the washed fruit with a knife. Place the prepared pear in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. When the baked fruit has cooled, remove the pulp with a spoon and mash it into a puree before giving it to your baby.

Note to moms!

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When baked in a pear, the amount of substances that cause allergies is significantly reduced, so such complementary foods can even be included in the diet of a child who suffers from diathesis.

Boiled pear puree. You can also boil a pear to make puree. Wash the pear, remove the skin and seeds, cut the pulp into small cubes. Place in a small saucepan and add water. There should be enough of it so that the pear is just covered with liquid. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 7-10 minutes. After this, rub the pear through a sieve or grind it using a blender. If you want to get a softer consistency, you can add a little broth in which the fruit was boiled.

When preparing pear puree, you can add other fruits familiar to your toddler, such as apples.

Recipe for pear puree with apple juice:

Take a pear and freshly squeezed apple juice (~20 ml). Peel the pear and cut into cubes, transfer to a saucepan, add freshly squeezed apple juice. Simmer for about 7 minutes under a closed lid. After that, turn the resulting mass into puree using a blender or mixer. This puree is good to give to your baby warm.

If the child has accepted the boiled pear puree well, you can slowly introduce fresh fruit. To do this, also wash the pear thoroughly, peel and core it, and grate the pulp on a medium grater.

Pears can be present in the diet of babies in another form:

  • fruit slices, previously peeled (from 11-12 months);
  • pear juice (from 7-8 months);
  • compote made from dried fruits (from 6-7 months).

Recipe for making pear puree for baby food

How to introduce it into the diet?

The first acquaintance with the fruit is carried out in the morning so that there is an opportunity to observe the body’s reaction. The first time the baby is given only 0.5 teaspoon of prepared puree. Throughout the day it is necessary to observe the child’s reaction. If there are no allergies or other unpleasant consequences, the pear is given at the fourth feeding.

For babies who are on artificial nutrition , give 30 g of pear puree from 5 months, gradually increasing the portion. By 6 months of age, the portion can be increased to 60 g. After feeding the pear, the baby is given a mixture.

Children on breastfeeding They give pears from 6-7 months, starting with 30 g and gradually increasing the portion to 70 g by 8 months.

Artificial babies from 7 months are offered juice (30 ml) at the third feeding. Children who feed on mother's milk are given juice from 8 months.

If you are planning to give your baby a pear, choose the fruit carefully. Choose ripe, but not overripe, fruit that is free of rot and damaged areas. The smell will help you determine that the pear is ripe. A sweet, pleasant aroma is the best proof of the ripeness of the fruit.

What to do if you have allergies?

If you notice that the child’s body has reacted unfavorably to the pear, the introduction of this fruit should be postponed for a couple of months. If, when you try to give a pear again, the allergy appears again, then you need to exclude the fruit from the menu until the age of 3 or longer, while the allergy persists.

Is it possible to eat pear while breastfeeding?

Young mothers also often wonder whether it is possible to eat pears during breastfeeding; will this harm the baby? Experts recommend that nursing mothers avoid consuming pears, regardless of their variety. This fruit contains a huge amount of fiber. It is believed that this may cause bloating and gas formation. However, in this matter everything is individual. You can try to eat a small amount of this fruit, increasing the dose if the baby does not react in any way to the mother’s diet.

Pear is a favorite among eaters of all ages. Along with jams and compotes, a jar of pear puree should certainly be added to your pantry for the winter. The preparation, made without unnecessary hassle and high costs, will become an excellent independent dessert.

Pear puree for the winter - recipe


  • peeled pears – 1.4 kg;
  • water – 130 ml;
  • sugar – 480 g;
  • vanilla pod.


Cut the prepared pears into small pieces. Dissolve sugar and citric acid in a saucepan with water. Omit the vanilla and pear pieces. After the syrup boils, the fruits are boiled for 15 minutes until they are completely cooked. Grind the mass until smooth and simmer for 7 minutes, monitoring the process, since the puree should not lose much moisture in order to maintain a light, airy consistency. Place the finished puree into clean jars and send for sterilization for 8 minutes. Then close it and wait for it to cool completely.

Winter pear puree without sugar for children

Being a hypoallergenic fruit, pear is also rich in fiber and a wide variety of microelements that are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore can be an excellent addition to the diet of a child aged six months or older. Children's pear puree for the winter is an excellent supply of vitamins in canned form.


  • pears – 2.6 kg;
  • water – 690 ml.


Peel and core the pears, chop them and let them boil with a little water for 25 minutes. Beat the softened fruit mass with a hand blender, then boil for 5 minutes and place in a sterile container. We sterilize jars of puree, calculating the time depending on their volume. We roll up the sterile product and put it in the refrigerator.

How to prepare apple and pear puree for the winter?

Apples and pears ripen at the same time, making them excellent companions for preparing sweet homemade preparations. Apple and pear puree is a tasty option for recycling excess fruit in the garden.


  • pears – 2.9 kg;
  • apples – 2.9 kg;
  • sugar – 5.8 kg.


Cut the prepared fruit into slices and sprinkle with sugar. Place the container with the fruit on the fire, wait for it to boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Puree the fruit mass and boil again for 15 minutes. Pour the puree into sterilized containers, roll up the lids and wrap. This preparation is stored in a cool room until the next fruit season.

Pear puree with condensed milk for the winter - recipe

Despite the fairly high content of natural sugar in pear fruits, avid sweet tooths can also add condensed milk to the fruit puree. Pear in combination with condensed milk acquires the taste of creamy toffee and can be used as a separate sweet treat on a festive and everyday table.

Infants begin to be introduced to new foods from the age of 6 months, and artificial babies are first treated to porridge or vegetables one to two months earlier. When it's time for fruit feeding, they often start with local fruits, such as apples and pears. Therefore, any mother should find out how a pear is useful for a baby, in what form it can be given to a toddler, and how to choose the highest quality fruit.

Pear is perfect for first fruit feeding


  • Pears contain fructose, sucrose and glucose, as well as pectins, tannins and organic acids.
  • Pear pulp is a good source of vitamins PP, C, group B and carotene.
  • Pears are rich in minerals, including zinc, fluorine, cobalt, copper, iodine, vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum.
  • Pear is perfectly digestible, improves mood, relieves nervous tension, tones and normalizes heart rate.
  • Pears have a diuretic, disinfectant, antipyretic, fixative and expectorant effect.
  • Pear is classified as a low-allergenic product.


Pear is very healthy and rarely causes allergies

Does your baby's stool become weaker or stronger?

Pears have a strengthening and astringent effect on stool, so these fruits are often used for digestive disorders in which the stool is diluted.

Overripe pears can be weak, so they should be consumed with great caution.

At what age can complementary foods be introduced?

You can offer your child a piece of pear in a nibbler

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

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Create a calendar

In what form should it be given?

If the baby has not tried a pear before, it is recommended that he prepare puree from baked or boiled pear.

Baking reduces the number of allergens, so this pear is given even to infants with diathesis. The fruit is washed, cored and placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes, after which it is cooled, the pulp is removed and kneaded a little to give to the little one.

To make pear puree, peeled and cored fruits can be briefly boiled in a small amount of water and then pureed. Combinations of pear puree with other fruits that are already familiar to the baby are welcome; for example, a child can prepare apple and pear puree.

In addition to puree, pears are given to children in the form of:

  • Pieces of fresh fruit (from 11 months).
  • Dried pear compote (from 6-7 months).
  • Pear juice (from 7-8 months).

To learn how to prepare pear puree, watch the following video.

How to introduce it into the diet?

The first test of the pear should be done at breakfast in order to note the child’s tolerance to the fruit by the end of the day. Give the baby half a spoonful of pear puree and observe the reaction. If no adverse symptoms appear, the pear begins to be given at the fourth feeding.

At the same time, bottle-fed babies are offered up to 30 g of pear puree at 5 months of age and up to 60 g from 6 months. After feeding pear puree, the baby is supplemented with formula.

Breastfed babies at 6-7 months of age are given up to 30 g of pear puree, and by eight months - up to 70 g.

From the age of 7 months, artificial babies begin to be offered pear juice, giving it at the third feeding in a maximum volume of 30 ml. Children on breastfeeding are offered pear juice at 8 months of age.

If you want to give a pear to your baby, choose a ripe and moderately soft fruit without any damage or rotten areas. To do this, carefully examine the pear, touch it and smell it. A pleasant sweet smell will tell you that the fruit is ripe.

What to do if you have an allergy?

Having noted an unfavorable reaction of a child to a pear, the product should be excluded from the child’s diet for some time. After 1-2 months, you can try to introduce this fruit into your diet again. If the child still reacts to the pear with an allergic reaction, it should not be given to the child until the child is 3 years of age or longer, as long as the allergy persists.