Alternantera sessile herbaceous plants for open ground. Alternantera home care transplant reproduction

In order for the leaves of the alternantera to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant must be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternantera needs warmth, it does not tolerate frost. Soil prefers calcareous, nutritious, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.

To decorate the site, the alternantera is most often used as an annual ornamental leafy plant, without bothering to transplant it into a greenhouse for the winter.

Alternantera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its short stature, excellent tolerance for haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors make it possible to use this plant for carpet beds. curbs. alpine hills. flower drawings, curly compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanter an ovoid, spherical, comb-shaped shape.

Sedentary Alternantera is used to decorate small ponds. In summer, it is planted to the bottom in shallow places or along marshy shores.

Alternantera is very thermophilic, therefore, in winter, mother plants are transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants wintering outdoors in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternantera is transplanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

Alternantera year-round needs moderate regular watering. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

The main care event that the alternant requires is a regular, literally weekly haircut. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and fully acquires decorative effect.

Alternantera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spread and take it away for the winter in time. Winters in a cool room.

Alternantera is propagated by division of old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. Planted plants should be in a bright and warm place for the first time. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternantera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the package can be removed.

Diseases and pests

Alternantera is characterized by resistance to diseases and pests. Potentially affected by gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

Varieties and forms of Bettzik's alternantera

    ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’) - a plant with yellowish large leaves. ‘Juvel’ (‘Juvel’) is a large-leaved tall alternantera with carmine-red leaves. ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’) is a plant with densely spaced yellow leaves, dull green at the base. ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Gragged’) is a low-growing alternantera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternantera toothed

    ‘Purple Knight’ (‘Purple Knight’) - high (up to 50 cm) alternantera with dark purple leaves. ‘Royal Tapestry’ (‘Royal Tapestry’) - an alternanther with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy.

Varieties and forms of alternantera charming

    ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’) is a plant with olive green leaves with red spots. ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’) - undersized alternantera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint. ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’) is a plant with pink-violet-green leaves. ‘Metallica’ (‘Metallica’) is a tall large-leaved alternantera with dark brown leaves with a purple tinge.
    ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’) - Alternantera with golden yellow leaves. ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’) - a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

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Alternantera (Alternanthera) and its varieties.

Reineck's Alternantera (Alternanthera reineckii)

Homeland - South America.

A very attractive long-stemmed plant with rose-red to dark purple leaves. Its whips, creeping along the surface of the water, can reach a considerable length. Alternantera is best planted on the side shelves of an aquarium with a high cap, and the illuminators should be at a great distance from the surface of the water. Plant the plant so that its tops are near the surface of the water. Expanding lashes rise above the water, and as they grow, they sink into it under their own weight. Alternantera grows in the aquarium throughout the year. Completely immersed in water, it develops very slowly. Among aquarists, this type of alternantera is somewhat less popular than others.

It is best to keep this plant in a tropical aquarium at a water temperature of 24-28 ° C. It satisfactorily tolerates a decrease in water temperature to 20 ° C, but at the same time its growth slows down. Water hardness, as well as an active reaction, does not play a significant role. Alternantera is best kept at a pH close to 7. The plant needs constant water refreshment. In old water, its growth slows down.

The lighting for the alternant is very bright. The color of the leaves and the appearance of this plant depend on the nature of the lighting. Natural light, especially direct sunlight, is very beneficial for him. For artificial lighting, fluorescent lamps of the LB type are most suitable. Strong incandescent lamps cause burns of shoots rising above the surface of the water. The power of fluorescent lamps can be calculated based on the following proportion: 3 W per 1 dm of water surface area. Light day should last at least 12 hours.

The siltiness of the soil for the alternanther is not of great importance. It develops a weak root system at the base of the stem and many additional roots in the leaf axils. The Alternantera gets most of its nutrients directly from the water. The nature of the substrate for her also does not matter much, but in coarse sand her root system develops somewhat better.

Mineral top dressing with rapid growth is very useful. The plant must receive a sufficient amount of nitrogenous substances and trace elements. It is very important to add bivalent iron salts (for example, ferrous sulfate) to the water 1-2 times a month at a dose of 0.1-0.2 mg per 1 liter of volume.

Under artificial conditions, the alternantera is easily propagated vegetatively by cuttings. The stem can be divided into parts, each of which should have 4-5 whorls of leaves. The cuttings left to float on the surface quickly form roots, after which they can be planted in the ground. But this is not necessary, since the plant can develop satisfactorily as a floating plant for some time.

Alternantera Reineck grows best in a moist greenhouse, in nutrient soil, with an abundance of moisture, bright light and a temperature of 26 - 30 ° C. In such conditions, it forms dense thickets of bright purple color.

Seated Alternantera (Alternanthera sessilis)

The amaranth family is Amaranthaceae.
Distributed throughout the tropical region of the Earth.

Long-stemmed, relatively undemanding plant, very popular due to the beautiful color of the leaves - from pink-green to purple-red. It grows well both in a deep aquarium and in a humid greenhouse. Under water grows evenly throughout the year.

Alternantera feels good at water temperatures from 22 to 28 ° C. In colder water, its growth slows down sharply. The hardness and active reaction of water do not have a significant effect on the condition of the plant, however, soft water with a slightly acidic reaction is more preferable. In it, the alternant develops somewhat faster. It is necessary to change up to 1/5 of the volume of water 3-4 times a month.

Lighting should be bright enough. The color of the leaves depends on its intensity - the brighter the lighting, the more red tones prevail in it. Alternantera is suitable for both natural and artificial lighting. For artificial lighting, a combination of incandescent and fluorescent lamps is preferred. Fluorescent lamps of the LD type should not be used, since the spectrum of light emitted by them does not quite suit the plant.

The root system of the alternantera is poorly developed, so the nature of the soil does not play a significant role for it. You can use any substrate, but in coarse sand, the roots of the plant develop better. Siltiness should be moderate or weak. The thickness of the soil layer in the aquarium can be any, even a two-centimeter layer of sand is enough for a satisfactory growth of the alternantera.

Alternantera sessile is very easy to propagate from cuttings. Long stems that reach the surface of the water must be shortened by removing the top, which is planted directly in the ground, deepening the lower whorl of leaves. After a few days, the plant will form roots. Long stems can be divided into several parts, and each cutting should have 3-4 whorls of leaves. It can be immediately planted in the ground, without leaving it on the surface of the water and without waiting for the roots to appear in the axils of the leaves. Cuttings left to float grow worse than those planted in the ground.

In a humid greenhouse, the sessile Alternantera grows noticeably faster, but to a large extent loses its attractiveness. It is necessary to gradually transfer plants from an underwater form to an aboveground one. Planted in a shallow aquarium, the plant easily forms aerial shoots that can be separated and planted in flooded or very wet ground. In the greenhouse for this plant, you can use garden soil, a significant part of which is sand and peat. The temperature of the water (soil) and air should be within 26-30 ° C, the lighting should be very bright. Ground-grown Alternantera tolerates flooding very easily. The plant can be almost painlessly planted in the soil of a deep aquarium, where after a short time its growth will continue.

The plant in most cases allows an experienced grower to create a balanced and attractive ensemble for design. Tropical shrub Alternantera is a perennial herbaceous plant native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia and America, where it also lives as an integumentary.

Considering the species, it is worth noting such as red and purple, aquarium and Reineka, their botanical description with photos can be found on this page. In short, this plant can be in the form of grass or a small shrub.

In this issue, we will see photos of the most beautiful species and learn how to grow this tropical plant for your aquarium, garden and home. Traditionally, cultivation from seeds with all aspects of subsequent care has been considered, since it is not possible to purchase seedlings in all regions.

In nature, however, like cultivated species, the plant often grows to a height of 25 cm. Fragile, strongly branching stems form a voluminous bush. On the stems are oppositely arranged small leaves, of various colors. They are the main decorative element of the plant. When the sun hits the leaves, they can change color and become much brighter.

Flowers, unlike leaves, do not stand out much, the inflorescences are located in the axils of the leaves of the plant and are collected in the form of an ear or head, as shown in the photo below. Still, florists consider the leaves to be the main value of the alternantera, they are much more beautiful than flowers and can have absolutely any color, depending on the type of shrub. In general, many gardeners compare the alternantera with a blazing fire, which can easily decorate a plot, pond or aquarium.

The name comes from the Latin word, which has a literal translation of "changeable." The plant can change color depending on how the light falls on it and how bright it is. This is not an optical illusion: Alternantera is a polymorphous plant, it is able to change depending on the environment.

Popular and beautiful types of alternantera (with photo)

In Russia, it is grown in open ground as an annual; a tropical shrub does not tolerate frost. Finds application as room or aquarium. In total, there are about 200 species of alternantera, but only a few are cultivated. We offer to talk about the most popular of them and see photos of beautiful shrubs. Alternantera species, popular among florists, allow you to create beautiful compositions in container culture.

Lilac Alternatera (Alternanthera lilacina) is a shrub whose name comes from the color of the leaves. It grows in South America, in our conditions it is rarely possible to see this plant, since it takes root well only in conditions where at least half is in the water. For the same reason, it is quite difficult to grow it in an aquarium, because it is not often their decoration, although it looks very impressive, see for yourself by looking at the photo below.

The stem of the alternantera is lilac straight, the leaves are opposite on it, they are the decorative ornament. They have an elongated elliptical shape. From the outside, 5-centimeter leaves are red-green or dark in color, and from the inside, the tops are burgundy. Flowers form above the surface of the water, if you grow a purple alternantera in an aquarium, then it can grow to half a meter in size. You can often find an alternantera with the name lilacina - this is the purple shrub that can be seen in the photo below.

There are not so many aquarium species of Alternanthera, one of the most popular, which takes root well in closed conditions, is Reinecka (Alternanthera reineckii), or also known as mini. Such a plant fascinates and fascinates at first sight. It is very similar to a fiery fire, which easily takes root in the underwater kingdom. Since this is a rather expressive look, it is often used to create a focal point. The origin of this species is recorded in Brazil and Paraguay. In its natural environment, Alternantera is most often found as a marsh plant and can thrive in flooded areas.

In general, the Reinecka mini alternanthera can be both an underwater and an above-water plant, all due to the fact that it has a unique stem. In nature, it can reach 50 cm, and in small aquariums it quickly breaks out of the underwater kingdom by 20-25 cm. At the same time, botanists distinguish Reineck's alternantera as a plant with creeping stems that have properties that are very important for a perennial. One of them is that it is this part that plays the role of an adaptive part that allows the alternanter to live, both in water and on land. Many flower growers breed this plant in terrestrial conditions, pinching off the tip of a perennial that appears on the surface of the water due to the rapidly developing vertical massive stem. In general, thanks to this part, the plant can survive in nature, both during floods and in more arid conditions.

On the stem are no less interesting elongated leaves of an ellipsoid shape. They are arranged crosswise and grow in 4 pieces, so that the opposite leaflets are perpendicular to the second pair. As for the size, their length usually does not exceed 3.4-4 cm, and the width rarely reaches 1.5 cm. From above, they have a green color familiar to all plants, but the lower one is often pronounced and has a shade from pink to scarlet. - red, as you can see in the photo below. Often, aerial leaves may appear on a stem that protrudes above the surface of the water, they can be detrimental to the underwater part. Leaves under water will wither and fall off. Botanists and flower growers say that this shoot should be pinched in a timely manner. So, Reineck's underwater alternantera in an aquarium will branch and form a neat bush.

In fact, it is the leaves that are an important decorative part of any alternantera, and we are talking not only about such a type as the Reinecke mini. The fact is that the flowers are completely invisible and have a pale yellow or white color. Formed in the sinuses, they are very small. But, if the varieties are hybrids, in which the flowers are more expressive.

Even though Reinecke mini Alternantera seems to be quite a powerful aquarium plant, it is fragile and brittle. That is why, it should be planted on the sides or in the center, but not very bushy. The same applies to the root system, the plant does not tolerate transplantation, since the roots are very fragile and delicate, like strings.

In general, Alternanthera Reinecka mini is the most popular aquarium plant, but the type of plant “red” or scientifically Alternanthera red round differs in a more solemn look. Such a bush is a real decoration of any reservoir, but it rarely reaches 20 cm in length. The erect stem has oppositely arranged leaves with a color - red-green above, and bright red and purple below. Red Alternantera is perfect for growing in small aquariums or paluderiums. The fact is that the plant has a fleshy, but very slowly growing stem, which should be partly higher than the surface of the water. The beauty of the red alternantera cannot be expressed in words, so take a look at her photo below.

Growing and propagating alternantera by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush

In fact, the reproduction of alternantera, even in open ground, even in an aquarium, is a very exciting, but long process that can take up to a year, depending on how exactly it is done. In general, there are three ways to get new bushes - by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings. The first one is the most energy-intensive and labor-intensive, therefore, flower growers most often use the other two, and very often. The fact is that Alternantera is a rather unpretentious plant and it does not depend on whether it is an aquarium or a garden plant. Any species can be propagated by these two methods easily, but not very quickly. For everything you need to have a margin of patience.

Cuttings for propagation and growing new bushes must be cut in the fall. After that, they must be rooted in the ground. As for the soil for propagation by cuttings, it should be nutritious and high in lime, but it is often said that this is not necessary, since in relation to the ground, the alternantera is not whimsical. Cuttings are stuck to the level of the first leaf on the shoot, after which it is necessary to form a distributing greenhouse. It is also made quite simply: you can use a wooden box and transparent glass, a plastic bag or cling film. The temperature in the greenhouse must be very high.

After the cuttings are deepened into the soil, moderate watering should be done until the first new leaves appear. After that, the plant is removed from the breeding greenhouse and planted in a permanent place in a pot or aquarium. The fact is that it is worth remembering that the alternantera, if grown in terrestrial conditions when placed in water, can completely shed all the sheets and it may seem that it begins to fade. But, do not be afraid of this, after the plant adapts, it will again delight with its beautiful flowers. If you don’t want to mock the shrub, then you can make decorative ornaments for a terrarium or paluderium out of it, as shown in the photo below.

Many gardeners grow the alternantera as an exotic garden plant, but it is worth remembering that in such conditions it will take root best in very wet soil. And, you can propagate this species by dividing the bush. It happens in the spring. Before this, the plant is carefully transplanted into a separate pot so as not to damage the roots. Further, it must be kept at home all winter at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. In May, you can divide the mother bush and plant in separate permanent places. Usually, it is customary to plant 3-4 cuttings or 1-2 parts of the mother plant in one hole.

Caring for different types of alternantera

It is generally accepted that the alternantera is a rather unpretentious plant, but it is worth noting that this depends entirely on how it is grown. The fact is that care for different species can be different. So, for example, plants grown in terrestrial conditions are more finicky and require more attention than those whose abode are ponds, aquariums and terrariums.

If alternanthers are grown as a garden plant, then it is worth noting that it will not require certain conditions during wintering. An evergreen plant in such conditions is most often bred as an annual, in regions with harsh winters, or not taken into the house. The fact is that during a mild winter, it will not shed its leaves during this period, the only thing is that it should not be watered and the color of the leaves will change slightly from lack of sun.

If, however, the alternantera is a houseplant, then it requires a large amount of bright direct or diffused light, depending on the time of year. Also, the temperature of the content depends on it. Like most plants, the alternantera has an active growing season in summer and a dormant state in winter. In the first case, the temperature can vary from 18 to 28 degrees, and in the second, from 10 to 15. As for watering, it is exactly the same, in summer it should be plentiful, and moderate in winter. Do not spray the plant with water from a spray bottle, as with an excess amount of moisture, gray mold can form.

If alternathera is an aquarium shrub, then care here will not be particularly difficult. It is important that the water is always soft and clean. Also, for such a shrub, you will need to pinch the shoot that protrudes above the water, otherwise the leaves under water may disappear. In addition, it is worth remembering that the aquarium shrub is very fragile and does not tolerate algae that dominates nearby, and transplantation is also contraindicated for them.

Alternantera is unpretentious, pleases with a full crown when grown in a pot culture, amuses the eyes with variegated foliage, occupying sunny areas in flower beds, near arbors or near paths.

Post-Purchase Care

Having brought a flowerpot with an Alternatera bush home, overcome the desire to move the purchased pet to a common home garden. On the stems of a beginner there may be spores of gray rot, on the foliage - whiteflies, green aphids or spider mites.

It is easier to deal with any of the misfortunes on one plant than to treat infected green old-timers later.

It is advisable to place the flowerpot in a room with windows to the south, south-west side. When dusting the foliage, it is rational to arrange a light shower of warm water for the plant. When working alone, it is better to cover the ground in a pot with a plastic "curtain". When working with an assistant, it is enough to hold the flowerpot at an angle during the shower and not direct the water flow to the ground.

You can get acquainted with the appearance of the Alternantera plant in the photo below:


Provide the plant with moderately warm water, taking into account the warming and dryness of the air. On hot days, water more abundantly, on cool and low-sunshine, reduce the amount of water.

IMPORTANT. The soil around the plant should not crumble into dust, but moisture stagnation is unacceptable - it will lead to the formation of gray mold.

Excess water is not dangerous for the species used to form the flora in the aquarium environment.


The dissolution of buds, forming spike-shaped, capitate inflorescences, does not increase the decorativeness of the plant, since the flowers are small, inconspicuous, hiding in the axils of the leaves near the main stem.

Dry to the touch, rarely formed in potted crops.

crown formation

All Alternaters are ground cover plants and tolerate pruning well. In the process of removing branches, the crown can be given a spherical, cubic shape.

REFERENCE. The fading of the color of the leaves is a sign of a lack of illumination.

Soil features

When planting outdoors, avoid:

  • loamy areas;
  • poor soils shaded by nearby objects.

Alternators love soils:

  • nutritional;
  • moisture, breathable;
  • neutrally acidic.

When filling indoor flowerpots, use:

  • greenhouse mixture enriched with humus;
  • a mixture of peat with garden soil, clean sand (all in equal proportions);
  • sod, sand, humus, garden soil with a lot of last year's foliage (all in equal shares).

Landing and transplant

Before transplanting a plant or rooting a cutting, disinfect the potting soil by calcining or pouring boiling water over it.

Alternators grow strongly - when planting bushes in a flower bed, leave at least 8 cm between them.

Move bushes from a flower bed to containers or from a flowerpot to a larger pot in a transshipment way.


The plant is bred:

  • dividing an adult plant into two smaller bushes;
  • cuttings.

Strong, healthy branches are chosen for cuttings.

Procedure algorithm:

  1. The cut is made behind the node and the lower part of the stem is freed from the shoots.
  2. The cuttings are placed in the ground somewhat below the level of the first leaves left.
  3. The soil around the submerged end of the plant stem is well tamped.
  4. During winter grafting, the seedlings are covered with a plastic translucent cover, and the nursery is placed in a lighted place.

The appearance of cuttings indicates the success of the cutting procedure.


Alternators grow:

  • in a flower bed year-round as perennials, if the climate is warm and there is no frost in winter;
  • in the flower bed as annuals, if, with the approach of frost, the plants are not transplanted into flowerpots for placement in a heated room;
  • as pot crops (with sufficient lighting, they retain their natural attractiveness);
  • several plants in a flowerpot, if they are young, and the flowerpot is quite voluminous.

IMPORTANT. As top dressing, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used. Apply twice a month starting from the end of February and ending in August-September.

Alternatera growing temperature:

  • Winter period: lower limit 14 ° C;
  • Summer period: upper limit 28°C.

Benefit and harm

They allow you to easily add color to clubs even to beginner growers.

Fighting methods:

  • pruning of affected areas;
  • spraying the plant and frequent wet cleaning on the windowsill (for potted specimens);
  • acaricide treatment;
  • spraying with a decoction of orange peels (preventive measure).

Whitefly (small butterflies with a white pair of wings). Control measures - insecticide treatment.

Aphids (a cluster of small green insects) - the foliage withers and curls, the plant stops developing. Control measures - insecticide treatment.

Useful video

In the video below, you will learn about growing and caring for Alternantera at home:


To grow the best specimens of Alternantera, nothing is required: enough sun, systematic watering with settled, moderately warm water, and timely pest prevention.

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Human fascination with the animal and plant world of the distant tropics has created an interesting science of aquarism. Many enthusiastic people want to build their own bright, mysterious world, in which rare vertebrates and invertebrates swim merrily next to amazing underwater plants. Having studied the necessary information, having made the right choice of the inhabitants of the aquarium, the most interesting process of decorating a modern glass house begins.

Among the many types of aquarium plants, you will definitely want the reineca alternantera, like a blazing fire, to draw attention to a cozy corner of the house.


Botanists have attributed such a plant as Alternantera to the Amaranthaceae family. All the warm countries of the globe are home to a plant that develops on land, under a layer of water. Gardeners use beautiful bushes with purple, red leaves to decorate flower beds. Underwater forms of bright plants that came from the swamps of the Amazon have found a place for a worthy decoration of artificial reservoirs, greenhouses organized in people's homes. At the same time, they serve as a natural biofilter necessary for the optimal development of, for example, aquarium fish.

Following the advice of experts, bushes are planted on the sides, near the center of the aquarium, depending on the type of alternantera. The stems are located under water, grow quickly. Formed in the form of a vertical bush or a long trunk. Having reached the surface of the water in the aquarium, the plant begins to feed on air from the atmosphere. Development conditions are changing.

It is important to know! In the open space, aerial leaves begin to grow, greatly inhibiting the growth of underwater leaves, which quickly fall off. The decorativeness of the alternantera is deteriorating. To prevent an undesirable phenomenon, pinch the crown of the stem.

A simple agricultural technique allows you to accelerate branching, the formation of beautiful bushes.

With quality care, Reinek Alternantera has bright leaves about 4 cm long. Their width is 2 cm. The shape of the leaves is lanceolate. Opposite, green above with hints of brown. The underside of the leaf of Alternanthera reineckii can be a delicate pink, bright red, magical purple. The saturation of the color of the leaves depends on the environment, growing conditions, especially on the amount of lighting. The plant blooms in summer. Near the leaf axils, small yellow, white, pink flowers are visible. By planting different types, you can quickly create amazing contrasting compositions. They decorate the back wall of the aquarium, create beautiful thickets necessary for a variety of inhabitants of aquariums.

Types, basic rules of care

Botanists have discovered about 200 species that differ in the color shades of the leaves, the shape of the bush, and the conditions for optimal growth. Among them, most often used for aquarium compositions, the following types are recommended.

Reinecke Alternantera content

For the first time in our country, the Reineck Alternantera appeared under the names Telantera osiris”, “T. lilacina”, “T. Rubra as aquatic plants. The growth rate, reaching up to 15 cm per month, made it possible to quickly realize the planned variants of the compositions. For success, you must strictly comply with certain agrotechnical requirements. First of all, keep the water temperature around 26, hardness up to 12, pH value around 7. When the water temperature drops to 20, the growth of the stems slows down. Constant lighting with lamps, active filtration, weekly replacement of a quarter of the water are required. Useful natural sunlight. The total daylight hours should be about 12 hours.

It is important to remember that if there is too much light, Alternanther Reineca can die from the rapid growth of green algae. A sharp change in temperature leads to the death of leaves, stems.

Reineca Alternantera is classified as a type of plant that does not require a special soil composition that affects optimal growth. It receives the necessary nutrition from water enriched with mineral fertilizers. Usually, about 0.3 g per liter of water, ferrous sulfate, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied twice a month.

Coarse sand is considered the best soil. Roots develop well among it. Propagated vegetatively. Use cuttings, cut from large stems, with four pairs of leaves. They are left to float on the water surface. Roots appear quickly. The finished seedling is carefully fixed with soil covering the bottom of the aquarium. Alternantera has brittle stems requiring extra care during care. This type is the least demanding on the growing conditions created, but does not have the most intense leaf color. The bright red color is inherent in the Alternanthera cardinal variety (Alternanthera reineckii cardinalis), which looks spectacular next to the green leaves of other species. A dwarf form of a plant that forms lush brown bushes is considered a mini alternanthera (Alternanthera reineckii "Mini"). The height of the plant is not more than 20 cm. The variety has been used since 2007 for planting in the foreground of the aquarium. Differs in the formation of a large number of side shoots coming from the mother plant. Growing conditions are normal, as for other species. With a lack of lighting, the leaves turn green.

Alternantera lilac

An unusual plant with rich red, ruby ​​foliage stands out from other Alternanter species. Both sides of the leaves have bright hues. Looks impressive in a group planting in the center of the aquarium. Alternantera lilac is an infrequent visitor to home aquariums due to its very slow growth rate. In addition, it grows well in fertile soil.

Alternantera sessile

It is distinguished by the presence of a long stem when grown in a deep aquarium. A dense, branching stem when planted on the ground, like natural conditions along the banks of marshy swamps. It is often recommended to plant in separate containers. They are fixed at the bottom of the aquarium. Alternantera sessile requires regular, weekly haircuts. Thanks to this technique, beautiful, strong bushes are formed, practically not damaged by diseases and pests. The Alternantera plant is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings.

For this type, it is important to know that the top of the sessile alternanther plant, which has appeared above the water, is cut off, planted in the ground, deepened by two leaves. Chopped cuttings are also immediately planted without keeping on the surface of the water until roots form.

Alternantera sessile is grown in conditions of good lighting, regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Of the long-stemmed species, Alternantera lilacina is often grown. Throughout the year, beautiful stems of the plant develop evenly, decorated with leaves, the upper side of which has an olive hue. The underside can be red to purple in color.

Alternantera splendida

Botanists consider it one of the most beautiful species. The leaves are pink, red, purple on both sides, reminiscent of Alternantera cardinalis. An overdose of potassium when fertilizing leads to a distortion of the shape of the leaves. The plant has large roots, takes root slowly. Hard to tolerate transplant. In the role of soil, sand with a grain of up to 5 mm is recommended.

Alternantera Betzika

Alternantera Betzika (A.bettzikiana) has leaves shaped like a spatula with a sharp edge. Their olive surface is decorated with yellowish, white, red spots. Flower buds are located at the ends of the stems. The most famous varieties are golden, yuvel, kuntzi, burr, alternantera betzikiana green.

Alternantera pink

The long leaves of the plant stretch upward, showing their always pink underside. The stem is thick, has many stem nodes, from which elliptical leaves grow in pairs. The roots are thin, weak. The bush receives nutrition through small processes located near the base of the leaves. Delicate white flowers appear among the leaf pockets in summer. Next to the red alternantera bush, an elegant, festive look is created.

Creating underwater compositions has long been a fascinating pastime for many people. Reineck Alternantera helps to realize the most fantastic ideas of the tropical kingdom, making the corner with the aquarium a favorite place for the whole family.