What awaits us in the year horoscope. Horoscope for those born in these years

Welcome to 2016 - the year of the Fire Monkey! The Monkey will allow dexterous and quick-witted people to achieve outstanding results in any area of ​​their activity. Thus, you cannot sit in one place, you must constantly be in the center of events. And those who do everything possible and take advantage of the moment will advance not only up the career ladder, but also create their own businesses, which will be very successful. And in order to better understand what awaits the zodiac signs in the year of the Fire Monkey and where to move, let’s look at the main points for each zodiac.

Aries shouldn't be bothered by the roller coaster-like mood swings in 2016. The coming year will bring stability and harmony in your life. But on one condition, you must throw off everything unnecessary. Closer to autumn, your career will take a new turn, there will be rapid growth, which will be accompanied by radical changes not only in the workplace, but also in the field of your professional activity. Everything will be smooth in your personal life. There will be no quarrels, no arguments and no fighting. Peace and tranquility can be expected in the financial sector. You will do enough to earn a living without spending a lot of time and effort. They will probably make you a business proposal that will give you a big profit by the end of the year. Throughout 2016, Aries will be safe and sound. There may be some minor short-term problems with an Aries loved one, but they won't hurt.

For Taurus, 2016 is a time of success. Your achievements will manifest themselves at an accelerated pace. There will be a lot of work on your part, but the rewards for the work will not be long in coming. 2016 will bring rapid career growth to those Taurus who are engaged in trade and sales. During the year, Taurus can change their place of work, it will be more successful. In their personal life, Taurus will feel like they are in a fairy tale. Although you will work hard to increase your profits. There is a possibility that there will be a period during the year when Taurus will have to reduce their appetite, but your friends and family will help you cope with the difficult period of 2016. It’s worth paying attention to your health, and you don’t need to see a doctor only when you feel unwell, don’t forget about prevention. Particular attention should be paid to the food you eat.


In 2016, Gemini will experience success in all their endeavors. It’s worth spending more of your attention on your family and significant other than in 2015. Thanks to success at work, Gemini may begin to neglect loved ones. In monetary terms, Gemini will feel completely secure. Profits will increase significantly, you will rise in your career. Your love life will bring you fireworks of romantic gifts. Geminis who are in a relationship need to make an effort so that he is not lured by the army of fans, of which there will be plenty. Single Geminis will be destined to meet their soulmate. The health of Gemini in 2016 will depend entirely on them; it is your own responsibility. Calmness, relaxation and psychological balance will be the key criteria in the fight against illnesses.


In 2016, Cancers will have to work hard in order to gain satisfaction from work at the end of the year. Peace and stability on the personal front guarantees complete harmony in your relationship with your partner. Lonely Cancers will find their soul mate. Money will not be a problem for you in the year of the Fire Monkey. You won't win the lottery, but you won't be short of money. The stars advise you not to be afraid to take out loans; at the end of the year they will all be repaid. The year can be dangerous for Cancer to experience stress and a nervous breakdown caused by a lot of work, so don't forget to rest.

2016 may bring more problems in Leo's house but will not bother him in his professional life. The work will be fun, and the results will be stunning. Leos should stay away from the sharp edges of conflicts at work, because their temper can prevent them from achieving all their dreams. Leos can count on fundamental changes in their personal lives. The relationship in the current couple will rise to a new level. Your finances will be in good shape as long as you follow the principle of "save, don't spend." Leo's health will be excellent. Spring will bring an unprecedented surge of energy, and you will feel a strong desire to start exercising.

All Virgos must work hard in 2016 to achieve success. Despite the problems at the very beginning of 2016, Virgos will have enough strength to overcome these obstacles. At work, try to pay more attention to establishing new contacts, make new acquaintances. Romance in Virgo's personal life will give way to healthy pragmatism. Virgos will have the opportunity to meet their soulmate. Health problems may arise in Virgos prone to nervous breakdowns. Try to allocate more time for sleep and rest, and then there will be no health problems.


In terms of work, the horoscope for Libra for 2016 will be extremely successful. There is a high probability that Libra will rise up the career ladder. Moreover, the changes will be significant. Your love life will see nothing new in the Year of the Monkey. Your desire to improve your financial situation will push your intimate life to the sidelines. The search for your destiny should not be postponed until the end of 2016. Libras in relationships will be luckier; relationships in 2016 will be smooth and calm. Health will be normal and will not force you to pay close attention to yourself. Minor illnesses and colds are possible, but they will not obscure the picture of a wonderful year for Libra.

2016 will be filled with all kinds of transitions and changes in the life of Scorpios. It’s better for Scorpio not to put off his previously conceived plans, to start taking action and implementing them into reality. Scorpios who take an active part in work will achieve great results. Your personal life will be full of bright events. During 2016, the dark streak in your relationship will alternate with light, as a result of which many pleasant surprises will appear in the lives of happy couples. Despite the intense work, Scorpios' health will be good. Nothing can bring you down, neither fatigue nor nervous breakdowns. However, it is important to strengthen your immune system to avoid colds during the off-season.

In the new year 2016, Sagittarius will face improved career growth. You will find inspiration to do the work, and the work process itself will be very fun and exciting. But relations with colleagues will be a little cold. Lonely Sagittarius needs to look around them, perhaps among your surroundings there is a person who will begin to catch your eye. The desire to develop their relationships, among family Sagittarius, will lead to a mutual response from the partner, as a result of which the couple will experience new facets of relationships. Sagittarius will not feel any financial problems and will be able to easily plan expensive purchases without significant damage to their wallet. Be more careful with your health. As soon as you start to feel tired at work, take a vacation, or you are at risk of a nervous breakdown. The stars recommend Sagittarius to spend their vacation at sea.

Capricorns will reap the benefits of boundless calm and serenity. 2016 promises them a smooth rise in their careers and salaries. Before accepting a business proposal, consider it carefully. In love relationships, storms are not offended. On the contrary, in 2016 Capricorns will begin to appreciate what they have. There is a great chance of finding love if Capricorns are not yet in a relationship. If the financial and personal spheres are in harmony, you should pay attention to your health. Never forget about rest and give yourself a break, otherwise, constant brain activity will cause a nervous breakdown. In addition, the stars recommend paying attention to the digestive system and liver.

In 2016, Aquarius will become more active and energetic. There will be changes for the better at work. Set goals for the year, and then your plans will begin to come true. Aquarius must rely on their intuition when making financial transactions. Your relationship with your partner will go through a flow of passion. Flirting is possible, but do not forget about old strong relationships that should not be wasted. From a health point of view, Aquarians should take more care of their nervous system; avoid unnecessary stress at work. In addition, the stars recommend that Aquarius consume less fatty foods and alcohol in 2016.

In 2016, Pisces will easily find themselves in a state of peace and well-being in any area of ​​life. Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will literally feel the support of the stars on their skin. The work will get done and the profits will fill your pockets. family Pisces will radiate stability in relationships. Pisces who have not been lucky in finding a soul mate risk getting a great chance to meet their one and only love. In , Pisces should think about revising their diet. It's time to say goodbye to an unhealthy lifestyle and think about sports. Pisces should also rest and sleep more, and then nothing will stand in the way of success.

We all hope that New Year's Eve will bring us a sharp turn of Events in the next 365 days. We crave more luck, love and happiness. All hope is for the good and favorable attitude of the Monkey in 2016. What will the Year of the Monkey bring us?

So, let's begin!

(March 21 – April 19)
Strongest opponents

Aries should always be feared. They are stubborn and determined. But their main trump card is the ability to passionately kiss their partner. They are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time passionate and hot. Quite a strange combination in one bottle. - the most passionate lovers. And it would be a shame not to recognize them in this role. They are stubborn, but this quality helps them reach the most inaccessible heights, because they know exactly where and why they are going in life. If you share this article, you will have 4 years of successful career growth.

(April 20 – May 20)
People who achieve any goals

They don’t like to waste their time on fleeting romances. Long-term and serious relationships are important to them. They don't give up in the middle of something. It is fundamentally important for them to achieve their goal, be it the love part of life or a career. For them, nothing is impossible. They are great kissers, so their partner is always satisfied, both mentally and physically. If you share this article, then 2 years of happiness and fair winds await you.

(May 21 - June 20)
Two-faced lucky ones

These are the most. They are sociable and efficient. There are no limits to their fantasies and ideas. They always know the correct answer to the question posed. Sometimes their advice seems useless and stupid, but the hour comes when everyone understands that these very tips were the most rational grain in solving a specific problem. You can trust Geminis; they will never abandon you in difficult times. Geminis can make a person fall in love with them just by looking at them. They are charming and cute. They need to be loved and accepted for who they are. If you share this article, 3 years of uninterrupted happiness await you.

(June 21 - July 22)
Universal favorites

The warmest and the Zodiac. They know how to love long and deeply. Their physical characteristics are always almost perfect, even if they do not correspond to social norms. They are charismatic and talented. The scale of their ability to work is off the charts. They can do anything, always. Moderately modest, and moderately licentious. If Cancer loves you, then you are the happiest person on Earth. You are in his thoughts and heart forever. If you share this article, then success and knowledge of new facets of your capabilities awaits you in 2016.

(July 23 – August 22)
Kings of the Universe

More often than other signs, they live during the “white stripe” period. Everything comes easier to them than to other representatives of the “earthly fauna,” but during the “dark streak” they cannot stop in their sadness and self-criticism. They are the strongest and most passionate. Wise men and good advisers. They know how to live life to the fullest and will definitely make any event unforgettable. Beautiful lovers. If a Leo appears in your life, then do not give it to anyone. If you share this article, then 3 years of good luck and fortune await you.

(August 23 – September 22)
Loyal and Passionate

Few people on planet Earth can refuse them. They are hardworking, caring and reliable. Their loyalty knows no bounds. - excellent listeners, but at the right time they are always ready to express their position. They have no equal in their ability to carry on a conversation. They do not forgive lies, so they do not give a second chance. If you are lucky enough to meet your Virgo, then hold on to her. She is your rear and your lifeline until the end of your life. If you share this article, love will become your constant companion.

(September 23 – October 22)
Balanced and happy

- the brightest people on Earth. They cannot be forgotten. They live in their own world of desires and fantasies. But at a certain point they change their attitude towards people and become very demanding. You just need to get through this period. They keep pace with fashion and with a great mood. Optimism is their second self. Libras are reliable friends and faithful lovers. If you share this article, then 5 years of crazy sex and constant luck await you.

(October 23 – November 21)
Magnet for all signs

They can do the impossible. They are charming, but with a strong core. Their sense of humor is amazing, and their sexuality is off the charts. Scorpios love money, or rather big money. And money, in turn, has great sympathy for the representatives of this sign. Scorpios prefer long-term relationships, but sometimes they don’t disdain light flirting. If you share this article, then 2 years of huge cash receipts await you.

(November 22 – December 21)
Reliable singles

- reliable and faithful. They are passionate lovers and sexy loners. They make wonderful parents. But as partners they are complex. It's better not to quarrel with them. Sagittarians sometimes believe in miracles, so they allow themselves to fantasize. But she is extremely down to earth in matters of life. Sagittarius will stay home, raise a son and plant a tree. Everything is standard, but with some chic. They know how to give care, so these people should not be let go of your life. If you share this article, then in 2016 your loved ones will delight you with positive surprises.

(December 22 – January 19)
Passionate and rebellious

Capricorns will not, they will find those who will “stress” instead of them. They are smart and daring. We do not advise anyone to be their enemies, because their plans for revenge will always be unpredictable and ingenious. Capricorns are excellent conversationalists. They can carry on any conversation. Their physical characteristics are excellent. And on top of that, they are passionate lovers. If you share this article, then 2016 will give you a long-awaited meeting and long-term enjoyment of pleasant moments.

(January 20 – February 18)
Skillful lovers

Reliable and... They know their worth and are worthy of respect. They can reveal the most terrible secret and not be afraid that someone will find out about it from their lips. Aquarians know very well what they want in sex, which is why they are true dominants and skillful mentors. They are not obsessed with perfectionism, because for them order lives in creative chaos. They are always eager to fight. Into the fight for justice, honor and sex. If you share this article, you will experience success and cash flow in 2016.

(February 19-March 20)
Ideal partner

Pisces are open-minded if they have a loved one nearby, but in the presence of a stranger they behave extremely cautiously and always keep their ears and eyes on the alert. They are the most caring and... But you shouldn’t argue with them, because they are almost always right, and their intuitions are always at one with them. Pisces quickly become disappointed in their partners, because they see right through them. It’s hard not to notice them, because they have a great sense of humor and always well-groomed appearance. They are the main characters of any film. If you share this article, you will meet your soulmate within a year.

The horoscope for 2016 foretells a rather calm period for many zodiac signs, compared to the previous one. Using the experience of the past, it will be easier for us to build our lives and move into the future.

2016 is a unique time when active people will receive many opportunities. If you want to pass it successfully, pay attention to how the world reacts to your actions. The Universe always gives us hints, and in 2016 it is especially important not to miss them. If things immediately go well, you find yourself in the right place at the right time without any effort on your part - this means that the stars turn on the green light for you. But if things don’t go well from the very beginning, then it’s better to think about whether the right direction has been chosen. Take your time and evaluate your actions, then you will get the benefits.

Finance will be one of the priorities of the year. From January to July 2016, the trine of Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (the so-called “millionaire aspect”) is in effect, promising successes that have monetary value. Representatives of many zodiac signs will be lucky enough to improve their financial situation and stabilize their financial situation. The aspect is especially favorable for the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

But remember that planetary influences can be contradictory, so you need to be realistic. From mid-March to the last days of July 2016, expansive Jupiter opposes deceptive Neptune in Pisces, which can create ambiguous circumstances and incline to unjustified risks.

The horoscope 2016 foretells a fairly good time for love and relationships for the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). The latter may sometimes have troubles regarding their personal lives, but with patience and mutual understanding of the partners, the situations will be manageable.

As for the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), they will have a good period for their career, business, and development of new projects. Successful chances may arise when Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries form a positive relationship - from January to April and in November - December 2016. People of fire signs may have to change their lifestyle, but the changes will bring long-term positive effects.

The stars advise maintaining sanity throughout the year, since logical thinking is the key to success in 2016. Intelligence comes first, and emotions come next. Then you will receive maximum benefits from planetary influences and by the end of the year you will look with satisfaction at your achievements.

Read horoscopes for 2016 by zodiac sign and date of birth.

Horoscope for 2016 according to the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

After analyzing the star chart, we came to the conclusion that 2016 will be a year of big changes and important life transformations for most of us. But no one will be bored this year.

What year is 2016 according to the horoscope?

Many people are interested in the question of what 2016 will be like according to the horoscope. We reveal all the secrets especially for you.

The mistress of this year, the Fire Monkey, will come into its own on February 8, 2016 and will influence our lives until January 27, 2017.

The Red Fire Monkey has a complex and contradictory character - it is more proud than other Monkeys, and also more passionate, independent and aggressive. One of the most striking qualities of the Fire Monkey is its tendency to compete, since it, consciously or unconsciously, always wants to be first in everything. Ambition forces the Fire Monkey to never stop there and always strive to conquer new milestones in life. However, it is not difficult for the Fire Monkey to achieve its goals, since it has a sharp mind, dexterity, energy, and also a well-developed business sense. In addition, the Fire Monkey does not give up under any circumstances and is not afraid of difficulties - she is always confident that a way out of the most difficult life situation can be found. In business and personal relationships, you can rely on the Fire Monkey only if its interests coincide with yours. The Fire Monkey is quite sociable and knows how to win over those around him. But her love for novelty and thrills makes her not the most faithful partner, both in friendship and in love.

You can expect any surprises from the Year of the Monkey, so you need to hope for the best, but at the same time, be prepared for any difficulties. Businessmen in 2016, in order to expand their business and increase profits, will often have to go all-in and enter into risky deals. Moreover, the outcome of this or that business event will be quite difficult to predict, since much will depend on luck. And the Monkey will give success in business and money to people who are dexterous, enterprising and able to adapt to people and circumstances.

In 2016, the relationship between lovers will develop unpredictably and may end in either a fun wedding or separation - depending on how strong their feelings are. The Monkey is very fond of flirting and romance, therefore, for 2016 to bring good luck in love, you need to learn the art of flirting and in no case push the romantic side of the relationship into the background. Beautiful courtship, compliments, pleasant surprises, evening walks under the moon - all this in the year of the Fire Monkey will be of great importance in establishing and developing love relationships. 2016 is a very good year for marriages of passionate love - such marriages will definitely turn out to be strong and happy.

And one more secret: in order to be on the wave of good luck in the coming Year of the Monkey, Feng Shui experts recommend wearing blue clothes all year, because... the natal chart of 2016 lacks the element of Water.

Year of the monkey what years

Let us remind you which years fall in the year of the monkey. These are 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, etc.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 year of the Fire Monkey

Now let's take a closer look at the 2016 eastern horoscope by year of birth.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Rat

In 2016, almost all of the Rat's business endeavors will be successful, since no other sign can compete with the Rat in dexterity and practicality. From the very beginning of 2016, your business will skyrocket, thanks to the fact that you will be able to choose the most suitable and safe methods to achieve your goals. Rapid career growth is possible thanks to the patronage of good friends.

2016 promises financial stability for the Rat. It is very likely that this year you will find a source of, albeit not very large, but stable income - and this will give you the opportunity not to worry about tomorrow. Your financial investments will be especially successful if you make them from January to March or in July-August.

This year promises the Rat a lot of new things in love. You and your loved one will be able to find and reveal new facets in your relationship, and therefore communication will bring you even more joy and pleasure. The period from May to July is most suitable for new romantic acquaintances.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Ox

The Ox does not like change, but if necessary, he will try to adapt to it. Be prepared for the fact that in 2016 you will have to move to a new position or look for a more promising job. Don't be afraid to burn bridges behind you! Whatever the situation you find yourself in, your business acumen, combined with your ability to work, will help you out, help you stay afloat and take your place in the sun.

In 2016, money will not fall from the sky for the Ox, so in order to feed himself and his family, the Ox will have to work hard. You do not really like risky financial adventures, and therefore will not invest money in an unreliable business. This tactic of behavior will give you the opportunity to preserve your capital, but you can hardly count on super profits.

Oxen will try to avoid problems in their personal lives at all costs, and therefore will be quite picky when choosing a partner. If you can make a choice in favor of a serious relationship and do not push away the person who truly loves you, 2016 will be a very happy year for you.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for Tiger

The tiger will be determined to achieve power and glory at any cost and will develop active activities. Changes and problems will not scare you, but they will set you up to fight. But if you want your efforts not to be in vain, do not be hasty in business and do not overestimate your strengths - then 2016 will be a year of outstanding professional achievements and career success for you.

The Tiger's financial situation will change frequently, but the Tiger will not worry about it. You will look to the future with optimism, but keep in mind that in 2016 money will come to you only thanks to your own talents and skills multiplied by diligence and efficiency. It’s better not to even try to participate in financial adventures.

The tiger loves flirting and will plunge headlong into exciting romantic adventures, of which there are many expected in 2016. But for the sake of your own personal well-being and happiness, you will have to set yourself up only for a serious relationship.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Cat (Rabbit)

The cat will take a wait-and-see attitude and will catch good chances. In 2016, promising professional and career opportunities will not be long in coming, but in order to take advantage of them, you will need to take important decisions quickly and act with courage and determination. It is possible that in the second half of the year you will move to a more promising job or open a profitable business.

The Cat's financial situation will be quite stable, so the Cat will feel secure. In 2016, you will try to live within your means, and in case of unforeseen expenses, your financially close people will certainly help you out and support you. It is likely that from August to November you will have an additional source of income.

In 2016, the Cat will dream of a calm and stable relationship. And if your partner can give you what you are striving for, 2016 will be a period of complete harmony and happiness for you in your personal life. The best time to meet new people is from April to July 2016.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Dragon

The changes of 2016 will not harm the dragon at all, and will even be to their liking. You cleverly use the general hustle and bustle to work your way up and take a prestigious position. If you have your own business, then in 2016, thanks to your dexterity, it will flourish and bring you a stable and high income.

If the Dragon's financial situation changes, it will only be for the better. You will not be lazy and will use every opportunity to earn an extra ruble. Therefore, despite the fact that you will also spend a lot on yourself and your loved ones, your income will still exceed your expenses. For risky financial activities, it is better to choose the period from March to June.

In 2016, the Dragon will experience a love triumph - fans and admirers will not give him a pass. The main thing is that you have enough wisdom and common sense not to waste yourself on fleeting romances, but to use this favorable year to improve your personal life, or even to start a family.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for Snake

The snake will find 2016 too fussy and restless, but, nevertheless, it will not miss its goal. Not wanting to be at the center of turbulent events, you will not strive to the fore, but will temporarily go into the shadows and begin to manage the situation from behind the scenes. If necessary, you will go to the goal not directly, but by roundabout routes. And your goal in 2016 will be to maintain your won positions at any cost and not let your competitors go down.

In terms of money, Snakes will feel better in 2016, although temporary financial difficulties cannot be ruled out. But if you are prudent, you will have enough money for any reasonable expenses. The main thing is that your permanent job will bring you a stable income.

The snake will take a rational approach to love and will not allow fleeting passion to disturb its peace of mind. It is unlikely that a violent passion awaits you, but you can count on a stable, harmonious and calm relationship with your loved one throughout 2016.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for Horse

The horse will first try to reliably provide its rear in case of unforeseen circumstances, and only then will begin to actively implement its ambitious plans. And although not all of your plans in 2016 are destined to come true, if you pay more attention to your creative skills, you will be in great demand as a first-class specialist.

In 2016, the Horse expects slow but steady income growth. You shouldn’t count on manna from heaven. All the money that you manage to earn this year will be a natural result of your hard work and diligence. So, firstly, don’t be lazy, and secondly, don’t be shy about asking for a salary increase.

For the Horse, 2016 is a period of strong, fatal passions. This year you will really want to love and be loved, and you will never waste your time on a relationship in which there will be no high feelings. It is very likely that between August and December you will have an unexpected meeting that will have an impact on your entire destiny.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for Goat

2016 will be a very successful year for the Goat - fate will help the Goat find its professional niche and establish profitable business relationships. Whatever field of activity you work in, you can count on the help of business partners and the recognition of your talents by the people around you. From May to August 2016 is the most favorable time to look for a new job.

During 2016, the Goat will earn good money, but also spend a lot. There is a high probability of getting rich thanks to successful creative work. After all, work should be fun! However, if you want to insure yourself against money problems, try to overcome your inherent passion for spending and live within your means.

In the love sphere, many pleasant and joyful events await the Goat. In 2016, you will be surrounded by loyal fans and admirers, ready to fulfill all your whims. You will enjoy everyone's adoration. And if you still decide to start a family, then for sure choose as your partner only someone who will love you deeply and devotedly.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for Monkey

People born in the year of the Monkey will feel like they are on a horse and will boldly conquer new career heights. In 2016, luck will accompany you both in business and in creative work, so you can safely do any business that you like. Well, if you decide to participate in public work, your personal authority will skyrocket. So, you have a chance to become an informal leader or even a boss.

According to the predictions of the eastern horoscope for 2016, in financial matters the Monkey will feel like a fish in water. Literally every business endeavor you undertake will bring you profit, so you will live in grand style without denying yourself anything. However, your innate practicality will protect you from expenses that you cannot afford.

In his personal life, the Monkey will experience some significant, joyful event. Either you will meet a new love in 2016, or start a family with the person of your dreams. Relationships with a permanent partner will be cloudless - all disputes, quarrels and mutual grievances will be a thing of the past.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Rooster

The Rooster will be irritated by the general confusion, and he will do everything possible to maintain order in his affairs. In order for 2016 to be a successful year for you in terms of work and business, under no circumstances let things take their course, but always keep the situation under control - then circumstances will obey you. The most suitable time for new business ventures is from January to May, as well as from October to December.

In 2016, the Rooster will be inclined to save, so he will be able to not only preserve, but also increase his cash reserves. 2016 is a period of successful financial investments for you. If you act wisely with your money and put it to work, you will very soon begin to receive large percentages from it.

The personal life of the Rooster in 2016 will not be too eventful. You will aim to maintain a good relationship with your other half, and you will succeed if you do not become overly demanding of him. Maintain intrigue in your relationship and pay attention to romance so that your loved one next to you does not get bored.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for Dog

The dog, in order not to create confusion in his own affairs, must not rush to conclusions and refrain from making hasty decisions. 2016 will be quite successful and fruitful for you professionally if you first take a good look at the situation and only then begin to implement your grandiose plans. The period from January to April is the most successful for new business endeavors.

Innate sanity and caution will keep the Dog from participating in risky financial activities, but if the Dog has a chance to get rich, he will not miss it. In 2016, you will receive many profitable business offers, taking advantage of which you can make very good money.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Dog will be quite distrustful and not very proactive, but natural wisdom will help her not to miss her happiness and reciprocate her true feelings. A successful and very romantic acquaintance can occur in the spring-summer period or from October to December.

eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Pig

2016 will please the Pig with favorable changes in the field of work and career. If you can put your business skills to good use, your work will become more effective, and your authority in the team will begin to grow slowly but surely. In business, you can safely count on successful and profitable business relationships with partners.

In terms of money, 2016 will be quite promising for the Pig. By taking advantage of a favorable situation in time, the Pig will be able not only to improve his financial situation, but also to accumulate capital. The most successful financial periods are from March to July, as well as November-December.

2016 will not bring the Pig any special changes in his personal life, since the Pig will be quite happy with his relationship with his regular partner. If you are in search of love, do not refuse new acquaintances - in 2016 you can meet a person who will love you despite any circumstances. You simply cannot resist such an attitude!

Sergey Vasilenkov

Who does the Monkey favor?

Good luck in 2016 will favor those who persevere and work tirelessly to achieve their goals.

However, in the pursuit of material wealth, one should not forget about mental balance. You should spend more time relaxing and communicating with loved ones.

Love horoscope for 2016

Fire signs will have difficult relationships with their loved ones in 2016. To avoid scandals and numerous disagreements, Aries will need to learn to seek compromises and make concessions.

Leos will have to curb their ambitions and look at life realistically. If Leos are very self-confident and fixated on their person, then they risk being left alone in 2016.

Sagittarius will have to show restraint in 2016. They should not assert themselves at the expense of others, otherwise they risk getting into trouble for themselves.

Representatives of the Earth element in 2016 must show sensitivity and insight. The stars advise Virgos to take more care of themselves so that their lovers do not have the desire to look around and look for adventures on the side.

Capricorns need to remember that jealousy is a bad advisor and they should not be overly suspicious of their other half.

In 2016, Taurus will be faced with a choice: passionate relationships or the comfort and warmth of a family hearth.

Lonely representatives of the Air element may meet their fate in 2016. Joyful events await Gemini on the love front. Everything will happen very unexpectedly.

Aquarians can meet their destiny by going on a trip or business trip.

In 2016, Libra will be spoiled by attention from members of the opposite sex.

Water signs will find themselves in a whirlpool of events in 2016. Cancers will tend to flirt indiscriminately. They will want to please everyone, risking offending their long-term partner, however, true love can withstand any test.

Single Scorpios will finally want to tie the knot.

Pisces will show extreme imprudence and the passions around them will flare up with incredible force, involving them in a cycle of intrigue and scenes of jealousy.

Financial horoscope for 2016

In 2016, financial well-being will come to those who are not lazy and feel sorry for themselves. In terms of money, the second half of the year will be more successful.

Aries will be able to get rich if they work actively. Promotion on the career ladder is likely in the spring of 2016.

In 2016, Leos will be able to express themselves and implement the most daring projects.

Sagittarius will be able to improve their material well-being in the second half of the year, but only if they work diligently and hard.

For Virgos, 2016 will also be a successful year financially, although they will not be able to relax and unwind.

Taurus will take risks and make a profit from their investments.

In 2016, Capricorns must learn to save so as not to find themselves in a financial hole.

Gemini will earn good money in 2016 and enjoy the fruits of their financial success.

Libras must be moderate in their spending in 2016, otherwise they may find themselves broke.

2016 will be a very successful year for Aquarius in terms of money. This is their time when they can realize their dreams.

For water signs, 2016 does not promise great material success, but it will not be a failure for them either. Cancers are facing a financial crisis, which only the most hardworking and purposeful representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to overcome.

For Scorpios, the financial crisis will last only until the spring of 2016. Then the money situation will begin to stabilize and by the end of the year they will be able to achieve success and prove themselves.

The financial situation of Pisces will not change in 2016. All the problems and successes of the previous year will smoothly transfer into the next.

Horoscope for 2016 for zodiac signs


In love, everything will work out calmly for Aries in 2016. You shouldn't expect any special changes. All troubles that will happen to Aries in 2016 will be intermediate and insignificant. You shouldn’t get upset over trifles and become despondent; in the end, everything passes.

Aries should treat money sparingly and not buy luxury items. Overspending can lead to a lot of additional expenses, and a lot of money can be wasted in 2016.


The main task for Taurus in 2016 will be the correct setting of life priorities; this is the only way they will be able to achieve tangible results. Taurus will experience big changes both in their professional career and on the love front. In order to become a winner, Taurus needs to draw up a clear action plan and persistently begin to move towards the intended goal.


For Gemini, 2016 will be divided in two. In the first half of the year, stunning success awaits them. Everything will go very well for them, but the second half of the year will begin to test their strength. To avoid disaster, they need to keep their heads down and take no risks during this time. This warning applies to all areas of their lives. It is better to hide and enjoy the successes that were achieved in the first half of the year.

Cancers must remain calm and not lose their presence of mind. Only prudence and caution will help them survive this difficult year in all respects. The stars warn Cancers: there is no need to make debts and trust unfamiliar people. Cancer will be lucky when moving to a new home or building a house.

Leos should not strive for change in 2016. In order to take on something new, it is necessary to finish unfinished business and solve long-standing problems. The time is coming when ambitious representatives of this proud sign will be able to fully demonstrate their leadership qualities. On the love front, a happy time is also coming: the time has come for single Leos to tie the knot in a happy marriage and acquire long-awaited offspring.


Virgos can meet their destiny in 2016 and even have time to get married. There is no need to show excessive initiative at work. It is better to sit on the sidelines and wait for a more favorable moment when you can show yourself. If Virgos show prudence and do not get involved in behind-the-scenes games at work, they will be able to get a promotion in 2016 and make good money.


Libra needs to be patient and not let anyone in on their plans, otherwise competitors and envious people can ruin everything. Also, representatives of this sign should be more careful and spend a lot of money. In the family, Libra should try as much as possible to avoid conflicts and quarrels. 2016 will be difficult, but overall successful.


Everything will work out well for Scorpios. The monkey will give them all kinds of benefits. It is in 2016 that Scorpios should listen to their inner voice and the promptings of their intuition, and it will become more acute for them than ever. There is difficult work ahead, which will bring considerable profit, however, despite hard work, one should not forget about rest, otherwise there is a risk of undermining one’s health.


Sagittarius will be lucky in their personal life. The second half of the year will be a particularly favorable period for them. There will be an opportunity to make peace with those whom they have offended and build new relationships. Sagittarius are born travelers and in the second half of the year many representatives of this sign will have a fascinating and exciting journey, however, to realize their plans, they will have to work hard in the first half of the year.


A colorful year for Capricorns. They will remember him for a long time. They definitely won't be bored. 2016 will be a time for them to fulfill their desires, when they can make grandiose plans. Don't forget about family either. You should devote more time to your loved ones.


For Aquarius, a period of stagnation comes: nothing bad seems to be happening, but there is nothing special to brag about. This time is best used for your benefit: take advanced training courses or read spiritual literature. If Aquarians want to achieve something in 2016, then they should keep their ideas secret.


In 2016, Pisces will be in the spotlight. This year will bring them many pleasant surprises, especially in the first half of the year. Pisces will make new useful acquaintances, and for their loved ones they will become reliable helpers and wise advisers.