Kitchen design stalinka 9 meters. Classic style solution: what you need to know

A nine-square-meter kitchen is a common occurrence in modern panel high-rise buildings. In such a not very spacious room, there is enough space to put not only a compact set with a refrigerator, necessary household appliances, but also to comfortably equip a dining area. Various kitchen projects 9 sq. m. photos with useful tips can be found in many magazines on design and interior decoration.

In a small kitchen, you need to competently use literally every centimeter of free space.

Kitchen layout 9 sq. meters with a refrigerator (selection of photos)

The standard kitchen layout is 9 meters long with a refrigerator in most of the photos, it assumes its placement between the set and the kitchen door. The placement of all objects here depends on the shape of the headset, but the main thing is to observe the rule of the "working triangle": refrigerator-stove-sink. These elements are recommended to be placed in one row or at a short distance from each other.

The restructuring of the kitchen space must begin with drawing up a plan.

If there is a loggia or a high-quality insulated balcony, the refrigerator is placed there - it is especially convenient if it is large enough. Nearby, without fail, they put a small table, a curbstone, where the products brought from the store will be sorted: some of them will "go" to the refrigerator, others will be placed on the shelves and cabinets of the headset, and the rest will be cooked immediately.

Step accessibility eliminates unnecessary movements and facilitates the cooking process

It is best to place the sink in a corner, there should be a small work area nearby

Advice: it is not recommended to place the refrigerator in too close proximity to any heating surfaces, such as a stove or oven, heating radiators, or a strongly vibrating washing machine. This neighborhood can ruin an expensive refrigeration unit.

The refrigerator can be placed by the window, if it does not stand right next to the radiator

Features of the layout

There are several options for a kitchen layout:

Place for food preparation

Where food is prepared, all the items necessary for the hostess are placed close to each other - about at arm's length. A table for unloading purchased food is usually located in the immediate vicinity of the refrigerator and sink, where some of them will be washed. A little further, a work surface is placed on which cutting, preparation for heat treatment, etc. is carried out. Here, but not next to the refrigerator, there is an electric, gas stove. The latter is not recommended to be placed close to the sink, as accidentally entering water can extinguish the burner, which can lead to a fire if re-ignited.

An example of a good layout - everything you need at arm's length

The work area should be well lit, you cannot do without additional lighting here

Place for passage

The minimum dimensions of the aisles in the kitchen are dictated by the basic rules of ergonomics. The standard width of the doors leading to the kitchen is 80-90 cm. It should be easy to open without encountering obstacles in the way. When two or more paths lead into a room, their width is made at least 100-110 cm, and the working triangle is positioned so that it is not where most people go.

If the refrigerator is near the door, the latter should open towards the corridor.

Washing by the window in the tabletop of the dining table is a very unusual solution ...

... As a result, the passage to the balcony was preserved and a working triangle was formed

It is equally important to maintain the correct distance between the stove and refrigeration equipment, sink and refrigerator - 110-115 cm. Less is unacceptable according to safety rules, more requires additional physical costs to move from object to object. If more than one person is planned to work at the same time in the kitchen, these parameters must be increased to 120-130 cm.

Advice. The distance from the wall to the dining table is at least 75-85 cm, but if it is planned to walk here - 95-120 cm.

Place to eat

The dining area in the kitchen, nine square meters in size, is arranged quite compactly - a small table with a couple of three chairs, a comfortable sofa, is usually placed near a free wall. The island version is less common, but the headset should then be small.

A regular table can be replaced by a flip-up table top mounted on the wall

If there is an insulated balcony or loggia, the dining area is transferred there, it is only important to acquire thick curtains that can reliably hide the diners from prying eyes. If the space turned out to be not enough, since everything was occupied by the headset, the option of eating at the bar is considered, which can be stationary, folding, island. Chairs for it are selected of the appropriate height.

When choosing chairs, give preference to models that can be pushed under the table

Tip: for the convenience of residents, if there is little space left, a TV is often placed in front of the eating area - usually it is hung on the wall away from the sink, hobs.

The original version of placing a TV inside a hanging cabinet

Kitchen redevelopment options with an area of ​​9 sq. m. (selection of photos)

In the design projects of kitchens 9 sq. m. with a photo, there are many design options, even when such a room has an "irregular" shape - L-shaped, elongated, etc. If the kitchen seems too cramped, it is permissible to combine it with any room - living room, hallway, balcony, or simply move one of walls, change the position of the doors.

After combining the room with the loggia, the apartment will have a full kitchen for cooking and a spacious dining room for the whole family.

In the design of a small kitchen, light shades should prevail.

For unification, one of the walls is partially or completely dismantled, instead of which, as a zoning element, sliding glass partitions, textile screens are installed, a ceiling cornice with a curtain is mounted. Where the kitchen area borders on another, they often place a bar counter, a small rack, a sofa, to the back of which a tabletop or several shelves are attached. Less often, zoning is done using a podium, which is at the same time a place for storing various kitchen utensils, a difference in ceiling heights.

The heating battery can be left in place

If the dining area is moved to the living room, install a bar counter in the kitchen for quick snacks

A beautiful kitchen of 9 m2, the layout and design of the photo will neatly accommodate almost everything planned, creating coziness here is also not difficult. It can be designed in any style - minimalism and classics, Japanese and African, hi-tech and modern. The only exceptions are luxurious options that require abundant decor (baroque, rococo, empire) or require significant areas (loft).

An oriental-style interior implies a minimum amount of furniture, such a kitchen looks unusual and laconic

The high-tech kitchen is dominated by plastic, glass and aluminum. Household appliances must be functional and ultramodern

Connoisseurs of luxury can choose an interior in a classic style

To expand the space, use:

  • light, warm colors;
  • glossy surfaces;
  • mirrors;
  • multiple light sources;
  • built-in household appliances;
  • maximum use of the entire area from floor to ceiling;
  • storage systems under the window, in the sofa, etc.

The window sill can become a continuation of the furniture if you replace it with a wide table top.

A high set up to the ceiling will accommodate more kitchen utensils and save you from cleaning dust on the upper cabinets


In the kitchen with an area of ​​about nine square meters, not only all the necessary furniture, but also household appliances will be conveniently located. Such a standard room for multi-storey panel houses, if desired, undergoes redevelopment. This will require the help of a specialist who will carry out everything, taking into account the wishes of the customer, as well as agreeing on the plan with the local government.

Nowadays, a kitchen room, whose area is nine square meters, is considered not so small, but it is rarely possible to place all the necessary furniture and electrical equipment there. If there is a need to change something in this room, then the best solution would be a major overhaul.
Very often, the kitchen in the house is not only a place for preparing various dishes, but also partially serves as a dining room and living room. Therefore, it should be equipped as a full-fledged kitchen room, but at the same time it is necessary to provide a place for guests and for eating by households.

How to choose a kitchen design 9 sq. M

If you want to create something new and unusual, you just need to experiment with color shades, unusual materials, various textures. For example, instead of the usual one, you can purchase multifunctional furniture of intricate shapes.

To begin with, experts recommend choosing the most suitable style for your kitchen furniture. Thus, you will create the basis for the future interior. Currently, you can buy a kitchen set made in almost any style.

Classic style

Great for kitchens with high walls. For decoration and as decorative elements, materials made of wood are best suited.

Kitchen appliances should be made in a classic style and harmoniously combined with the overall design of the room. The kitchen should be dominated by light tones of gray, beige and green. This kitchen interior is ideal for a person who loves home comfort.

The current style direction. Kitchen furniture and finishing materials should be made using modern materials, for example: plastic, glass, pressed sawdust, etc.

In the Art Nouveau style, the use of any kind of decoration is not allowed. It is characterized by strict, unremarkable forms and the presence of a variety of modern kitchen electrical equipment. For this style direction, light pastel shades are characteristic.

As a wall finishing material, you can take ceramic tiles, wallpaper with a relief surface and decorative plaster. The color scheme should mainly consist of light shades of blue, green, yellow and brown.

For flooring, tiles made of ceramics or marble, as well as wood flooring, are excellent. When decorating a kitchen in the Art Nouveau style, it is necessary to use a large variety of lighting fixtures.

For such a style direction, a characteristic feature is comfort. Furniture can be made of wood or pressed sawdust, with glass doors. There should be few household appliances, only the most necessary. Finishing coatings should be made of natural materials (wood, stone) or artificial substitutes.

For country-style window curtains, linen or cotton materials are best. It is best to cover the surface of the ceiling with snow-white paint.

And in this style direction, it will be appropriate to use small knitted rugs as a decoration for the floor. The interior should be dominated by various shades of gray. Country style is most suitable for older people.

Hi-tech style

Today, the most common style trend in the interior of the kitchen is hi-tech. The main feature of this style is the combination of various textures, and the use of a large number of glass and metal decorative elements in the interior.

And the high-tech style is also characterized by the presence of the latest kitchen electrical equipment in large quantities. But it is installed in such a way that the main space of the kitchen area is free, and at the same time, all the necessary household appliances would be at hand. This arrangement is very convenient and functional.

Furniture and kitchen equipment in the kitchen design of 9 square meters should be made in the same style direction and be combined with each other. In the high-tech style direction, bright saturated tones are used, such as bright red, bright green, bright blue, and so on.

Nowadays, Provence is considered a very common style direction in the design of the kitchen. The main difference of this style is the combination of practicality, French sophistication and functionality.

The Provence style is reminiscent of the interior of a rustic kitchen in the south of France. Basically, all furniture and finishing coatings are made from natural materials. Built-in household appliances are considered the best option for such an interior.

This style direction is characterized by light shades of warm pastel colors, for example: beige, pale yellow, light gray, and so on. In such an interior, a large number of pots with indoor plants are used.

The kitchen area can be conditionally divided into three zones: for work, dining and aisle:

  1. In the area set aside for work, the main activities inherent in the kitchen are performed, such as cooking food, chopping vegetables, cleaning kitchen utensils and many others. This area has a table, stove and sink, and the best option is when they stand next to each other.
  2. The dining area is the part of the room where a person eats, drinks coffee, and sometimes receives guests. This zone must be present. And even if the area of ​​the kitchen is small, still find a place for a small kitchen table and a few stools.
  3. The passage is a minor area and does not require much space.

Often, modern youth do not cook their own food, but eat in cafes, restaurants or semi-finished products. In this case, the interior of the working area in the kitchen can be made in the form of a bar counter, with its inherent accessories.

Even if the kitchen room with an area of ​​nine square meters is small, but if you want and having some knowledge in it, you can make it, which will be cozy, comfortable, and most importantly functional.

Especially for this, there are several options for corner kitchens on sale, designed for small spaces. This type of headset is multifunctional and occupies a relatively small area.

This is possible due to the correct arrangement of furniture items in the room. There are many different types of corner furniture these days. Before making your choice in favor of a headset, it is worth exploring all the possible options.

Corner kitchen options:

  1. L-shaped view. In this version, the pieces of furniture are arranged in the form of the letter "L". This type of corner furniture is in great demand, because when using a small area, you get a full-fledged working area with all the necessary pieces of furniture.
  2. U-shaped view. Furniture items are installed in the form of the letter "P". This type is not very popular, since it is very difficult to achieve a harmonious unity of furniture in it.
  3. Island view. This type of corner kitchen attracts with its elegance in the arrangement of furniture items. Basically, furniture is installed in the form of the letter "P", near the walls. And in the center of the kitchen is the main work area, which includes a table, sink and stove. The only drawback is that the island option takes up a lot of space.

What is the kitchen furniture made of?

  • The classics of kitchen furniture are items made of natural wood. But the price is very high.
  • Furniture made of pressed sawdust (fiberboard, MDF) is more affordable, it is quite durable and environmentally friendly. This option is very popular among consumers.
  • There are also pieces of kitchen furniture made from multiplex. Multiplex is the thinnest wooden plates glued together. Such furniture is quite reliable and durable.

But in general, which furniture to choose, everyone decides independently.

Kitchen design with a balcony

If your kitchen has a balcony, then you are in great luck, since these are additional square meters. With this small room, you can significantly relieve the kitchen space.

For example, set a dining table and chairs on the balcony. Thus, various dishes will be prepared in the kitchen, and all residents will be able to enjoy them on the comfortably furnished balcony.

And on the balcony, you can place pieces of furniture and some household appliances, such as a kitchen cabinet, hanging shelves with dishes, a refrigerator, a microwave oven and much more.

Even on such a balcony, you can arrange a pantry, a recreation area, a personal office and even a small vegetable garden. But it is important to take into account that in all variants the balcony must be well insulated, and even better if it is heated.

It is possible to harmoniously connect the space of the kitchen room and the balcony when dismantling the door using an arch, or a drywall rack. You can also equip a bar counter.

Also, due to sunlight penetrating through the balcony windows, the illumination of the kitchen will significantly improve.

In the kitchen, a person spends a lot of time, both cooking and at the dinner table with people close to him. In this regard, the interior of this room should have such qualities as - coziness, comfort and functionality.

Kitchen 9 sq. m is not so problematic in the arrangement. But the repair is complicated if it has an exit to a balcony or loggia.

Scandinavian style kitchen with balcony door

Then one of the walls cannot be fully used due to the window block with the door. The following tips will help you create with a balcony, make the room functional and convenient.

See how to transform your small kitchen step by step:

We create a project

Designing in a computer program or on paper helps to deliberately approach the repair and adhere to the conceived idea to the end. We have a website where you can make a small copy of your kitchen.

The 3D model allows you to assess how the color, furniture, accessories fit your room, to make the correct and convenient arrangement of all elements.

Kitchen design project with a refrigerator
Photo of the project of an island kitchen with access to the balcony

How to choose a style?

Today, there is no reference to the area in the choice of style. 9 sq. m you can create a loft or a traditional, sophisticated interior. Whichever style you choose, you need to adhere to 2 basic principles.

  1. Less decor. Even in styles such as industrial, loft, which love active decoration, you need to be careful with accessories. Going over with them threatens with the effect of disorder and clutter.
  2. Neutral colors. This will be discussed in more detail below, and the basic rule in this case is mainly a monochromatic range in decoration, furniture, but colored and accentuating in accessories.

If this is a classic, then with elements of modernity - not such massive furniture, the absence of volumetric stucco molding, mainly light colors.

Kitchen 9 sq. m in neoclassical style, combined with a balcony
Art Nouveau kitchen with oriental elements with a seating area on the balcony Loft kitchen with panoramic glazing of the balcony block
Scandinavian interior

Minimalism is always a relevant solution for a small kitchen.

How to choose a headset?

Depending on the shape of the kitchen, an optimal and rational way of arranging modules, appliances, and other furniture is selected. They always start with a kitchen set. It is the largest and most central piece of any kitchen space.

  • For a square room, a linear one is suitable. Then the proportions will not be violated, and on the remaining area you can install a full-fledged dining area.

Corner set saves space in a small kitchen of 9 sq. m.
  • For a rectangular and too optimal solution would be a linear, two-row (parallel) arrangement of modules. With this layout, the balcony block is usually on a smaller wall.

Design of a small kitchen with a balcony in a modern style

For a kitchen of 9 sq. m, the issue of space optimization remains relevant. The main criteria that need to be followed when choosing the design and configuration of a kitchen set are:

  • functionality and spaciousness. For a large family, you can consider the option of high upper modules (mezzanines) under the ceiling.
Small kitchen 9 sq., Combined with a loggia
  • compactness. Such an area is better than 6 squares, but when arranging it requires the same approach as when decorating a small kitchen.

Working triangle rule

Designed for the rational organization of the workflow in the kitchen. The convenient location of the three main functional elements - sink, stove and refrigerator will save the hostess's energy and time.

Remember the rule that the stove or oven should not be close to the refrigerator. The minimum distance is ‑60 cm.

Dining area ideas

For the remaining space, a dining area option is selected.

Set with an island-dining area
  • If there is not enough free space, then a folding table or a window sill table will do.

  • You can take out the dining area to the balcony or living room.

  • With a compact arrangement of the headset, you can organize a dining room in the kitchen with a spacious dining table.

Color design features

The modern interior is distinguished by a light palette. This color scheme is also optimal from the point of view of visually increasing the space. The main thing is to choose the right shade.

  • A white kitchen will look great with good natural light.

White is the perfect solution for Mediterranean style, Scandinavian, minimalism.

If the windows face the shady side, then such a design will create a gloomy mood.

  • Those who love bright colors in the interior can choose several contrasting or monochrome combinations.

It is permissible to use no more than 3 colors in one room.

One of the modern trends in kitchen design is a multi-colored set. For example, a white top and a bright blue or green bottom. Another design option is to paint one of the walls. If you are afraid to work with colors, then always create a neutral background, and then apply a bright palette on it in moderation.

You should be careful with color wallpapers with large and 3D-patterns, because this design visually reduces the space. If there is a desire to decorate one of the walls with a picture, then let it be a perspective image, which, as it were, extends the space.

Correct lighting and appropriate lighting design

An elegant chandelier with symmetrical shades, many horns, candle-shaped lamps, etc. is suitable for a classic interior. In this case, you should not choose a chandelier with textile elements, because this is impractical in a kitchen area.

In an industrial style, a chandelier resembling an industrial lamp or street lamp would be appropriate.

Another point is the even distribution of lighting. The right shadows create the right proportions and hide unattractive parts of the room. To do this, it is necessary to install not only the main chandelier, but also the illumination of the working and dining areas. In some cases, the best solution may be to split the main lighting into several spotlights.

We increase the room due to the area of ​​the loggia

You cannot confuse a balcony and a loggia. The possibility of redevelopment and real expansion of the kitchen area depends on the fundamental difference.

The loggia is part of the premises and has only one open side. The balcony is open on three sides and is designed for a certain load.

You cannot demolish the wall bordering the balcony!

In the case of the loggia, the situation is simpler, but before starting manipulations with the partition, the actions are coordinated with the BTI and other institutions.

You can demolish the window and door block, leaving partly the wall. A countertop is installed on top for a bar counter or an extension of the working surface of the headset.

The demolished block can be replaced with an arched opening and a dining area can be organized here or the kitchen set can be taken out to the loggia.

The design of a kitchen of 9 sq m depends on the shape of the room, the presence and location of the window, as well as the door. One design is suitable for an elongated room, and another for an irregular kitchen. The style of the kitchen room should be completely consistent, as the overall look is influenced by everything, including the salt shaker and the napkin holder on the table.

Preparing the space

A kitchen of 9 square meters is not considered small by Russian standards, although it is small by Western standards. Unlike a kitchen with an area of ​​5-6 square meters, in arranging such an area there are more opportunities to create a cozy, functional and at the same time quite spacious interior. If desired, a kitchen room with 9 sq.m. can even be furnished with a couch or sofa.

To begin to think over the design, it is necessary to start from the places where the communications for the sink and the gas stove are withdrawn, since most often it is desirable not to transfer them. A work area should be built around the sink and stove, since any kitchen is primarily intended for cooking. The main functionality of the kitchen room can be easily fit into an area of ​​9 sq. meters.

The kitchen must be equipped with an extractor hood suitable in power for a room of 9 sq. meters. It will allow you to ensure proper ventilation of the room, as well as to catch soot and soot. It is important to think in advance which hood will be located above the stove (flat suspended, built-in, domed), and how it will be connected to the outlet. You can hide the exhaust pipes under a drywall box.

Advice! For the uniformity of facades and orderliness of the interior, it is advisable to choose all appliances in the kitchen built-in (including the refrigerator).

How to make the kitchen more spacious

There are several standard rules that will expand the space in the kitchen of 9 square meters. meters:

  • Options with a balcony (loggia), you can beat by attaching it to the room radically or only by removing the window and door in the middle. This may entail the need to legitimize the redevelopment associated with the balcony.

  • The window sill can be deepened and combined with the work surface or made into a separate table with a pair of bar chairs. It is advisable to choose furniture that is light, both in appearance and in weight.

  • The kitchen set must be placed directly along the blank wall or in the form of the letter L (corner kitchen). The color scheme of the kitchen is 9 sq. meters, it is advisable to choose in light colors (you can with bright accents), without large contrasting patterns (patterns) and longitudinal stripes.

  • Lighting should not be in only one place, it is necessary to create an additional island of light at least above the working area. It is better to choose a chandelier that creates the effect of weightlessness and airiness, for example, made of glass.

Organization of space in the kitchen-living room

Some suggest combining the living room with the kitchen to increase space. This way of organizing space entails the following changes:

  • The hood power should be increased in proportion to the expansion of the service area, but this will not completely save the living area from odors and vapors from the working area.
  • Guests will see all the preparations and other activities taking place between meals.
  • Connection is not possible by simply dismantling the inner door. The redevelopment of the premises needs to be legalized. This process is carried out in several stages, each of which bears a certain investment of time, money and mental strength.

Important! It is more difficult to sell a kitchen studio, even with legalized redevelopment.

Since 9 square meters is not such a small area for a kitchen, it is advisable to leave it as a separate room and play up the space inside with the help of design solutions.

To learn in advance how to put everything in its place in such a kitchen will help 3D-design, which is now available to any Internet user. With its help, you can see how to use space more efficiently, taking into account the dimensions of certain objects. In addition, it will help you understand how to make electrical wiring for equipment. Power points are displayed at specific locations once and are difficult to rearrange later. The height of these points and the number of cells in the output location are important. The European standard assumes that sockets and switches are located close to the floor, but this is not suitable for families who already have or are planning to have small children.

Those who have children, a private house or an apartment on the ground floor, need to consider the need for warm floors in a kitchen with such a square. The kitchen floor is usually finished with ceramic tiles, which are functional (not deformed by water), but quite cold material. Therefore, you can make the floor combined (working part - tiles, dining area - laminate or parquet) or install warm floors. Electric underfloor heating, for example, can be turned off when not needed.

Advice! A board will help you to choose the perfect color palette in the kitchen, on which you need to collect pieces of all the samples of materials you like, including sheets of paper painted with different colors. It is convenient to check the compatibility of various materials in color and texture on it and choose the most suitable ones among them.

The main thing in the interior is not to overdo it with the decor. There is no need to hang a large number of paintings, photographs, panels and the like on the walls.

A large number of plants, as well as other decorative elements are not allowed due to the fact that a lot of unnecessary details create a cluttered effect.

Arrange kitchen appliances in such a way as to create a convenient working triangle (sink-stove-refrigerator). The distance between the main points should be optimal for moving and cooking, they should not be placed to each other, neither too close nor too far.

Important! Curtains in a small room should not be heavy, dark in color, or heavily draped.

Kitchen styles


The classic style will suit those who love natural materials (wood, stone, forging), exquisite shapes, muted colors and various decorative elements (vases, paintings, figurines, etc.). This style does not imply a lot of shiny and metallic surfaces, as well as simplicity and excess of straight lines. This style is distinguished by a large number of massive wooden furniture, which is difficult to freely place in 9 sq. meters. For this reason, the classic style is rarely used in rooms of this size.

High tech

For those who wish to furnish their kitchen with the latest technology, the high-tech style is suitable. This style assumes maximum functionality with the use of a huge number of built-in appliances, trendy trends (many elements that slide out and out when it is unnecessary) and materials. Accessories will help to revive such an interior. A room in this style is usually decorated in bright colors with shiny surfaces (steel, chrome, gloss). A high-tech kitchen can be easily equipped on an area of ​​9 sq. meters.


The modern kitchen can also be decorated in a minimalist style. It is suitable for those who love clear lines and the absence of everything superfluous. The color scheme in the style of minimalism will be maintained in neutral basic tones (no more than three colors are used). This style works well for small kitchens as the absence of unnecessary things, ergonomics and simplicity allow you to fill the room with light and visually increase the space... Kitchen design 9 sq. in the style of minimalism are chosen by deeply urbanized aesthetes.


Provence style is one of the most relevant trends in the design of kitchens with an area of ​​9 sq. M. This style is characterized by lightness, sophistication and warm colors. A room in this style looks natural and pleases the eye with beautiful details. Provence style kitchen decor is based on floral and floral themes and small patterns. In general, this is a more lively style in which housewives and other people who are often in the kitchen can spend time comfortably.


Kitchen design 9 sq. - this is a purely individual matter, to which homeowners need to be approached with reason and soul. This will allow you to find a compromise between budget constraints and the desire to acquire the most stylish room that is comfortable for this particular family. To reduce certain costs, you can make some designer products with your own hands, restoring old items or improving cheap things.

Kitchen design 9 sq. in a panel house (2 videos)

Kitchen 9 sq. m is the optimal space that does not bother with an unnecessarily small area and allows you to place everything you need in the kitchen. So it happened that you have a small kitchen? No need to get upset, it's not always about the number of meters, a small kitchen can also be beautiful and convenient. Kitchen design 9 sq m is not so difficult. In addition to beauty, the kitchen needs to be functional. When starting a renovation, you should think over the entire interior of the kitchen: where to put the appliances, cupboards, gas stove and, of course, think about the dining area.

Small kitchen 9m2: projects

Often a 9-square-meter kitchen is a corner kitchen. In the kitchen furniture market, there are many options for such a room. When making repairs, remember the advantages of a corner kitchen, it can be planned in such a way that everything will be at hand, and there will be no need to wind circles from the sink to the gas, from the refrigerator to the table, etc. In addition, in such a small kitchen, you will leave more free space. The first step to designing your kitchen should be to measure the room accurately. Do not be guided by the floor plan, there may always be inaccuracies, it is better to be sure of everything. Then make a list of what you plan to put in your kitchen in 9 squares.

Creation of a kitchen project 9 sq. m - an important stage at which it is necessary to think over every nuance to the smallest detail

Stick to the following plan:

  • washing;
  • gas or electric stove;
  • ventilation or exhaust;
  • microwave;
  • refrigerator;
  • possibly a washing machine;
  • dining table;
  • cooking surface;
  • cabinets and shelves;
  • sources of light;
  • electrical outlets.

After that, you should think about what interior items may not be needed in the kitchen (for example, a washing machine), what items can be hidden or disguised, etc. Maybe you want to move the dining table to the living room.

Well, all the details are thought out, it is worth moving on to the most important thing - the choice of kitchen furniture. You already have the dimensions of the kitchen, it is also worth considering the location of the sockets and windows. The location of the pipes and the heating system, as a last resort, can be moved.

If the kitchen is corner

For a kitchen of 9 sq. m corner layout will be one of the best options - this is not only rational, but also convenient in a small space

If the kitchen is 9 sq. meters of angular shape, it is very difficult to create the interior correctly. The best option may be special furniture, which will be located in this corner. Alternatively, it would be nice to install a sink in the corner and leave space on the sides. If you do not know where to put the stove, then the angle will not work here, as it is better if there is more space around the stove.

In a small kitchen 9 sq. meters, it's so hard to place a lot of things, but when making a project, do not forget that you still have an upper space.

When starting a renovation, remember that a corner kitchen is not a sentence, it is quite possible to make a comfortable room for cooking and dining out of it.

Kitchen design 9 sq m: color features

It is very difficult to place a dining area in such a kitchen. But if you have no other choice, you need to come up with something. Large furniture will make a 9-square kitchen cluttered and uncomfortable. And there is nothing you can do about it. Correct lighting and color scheme of the kitchen can be an ideal option. An excellent option for such a kitchen would be pastel colors or white. They will visually expand the room. You can use other options. For example, warm colors will work too. Such as - cream, beige, yellow, sand. This will create a light and spacious feeling in your kitchen. When starting a renovation, you can look at the catalog in any furniture store and choose the appropriate furniture for such walls.

Kitchen 9 sq. m cannot be called small. That is why there are a lot of options for using colors: you can even use dark colors and shades in the design, without fear that the kitchen will look visually smaller

What should lovers of bright colors do? They can also be added to your interior, but in small quantities. Otherwise, the kitchen will look catchy, and narrow the space, and also tasteless. Currently, designers can offer various accessories for the room, facades, textile decor.

You can move away from the classics and make open wall cabinets in your kitchen, which will visually expand the room. But these shelves have their drawbacks. The kitchen will have to be washed more often, as dust and dirt will immediately catch the eye. If you do not know what to opt for, you can use specialized sites on the Internet. Making renovations and creating the interior of the kitchen, you will understand that this is an exciting job.

Kitchen layout

If the layout of your kitchen is 9 sq. m is non-standard, it is better to purchase furniture and headsets made according to an individual project and size

Kitchen layout in 9 sq. meters, can be made depending on the shape of the kitchen. Here are some interior options and projects:

  • Layout in one row. Provides for the location of furniture, sink, refrigerator and stove along one wall. You can put a table opposite. This option would be ideal for a rectangular room.
  • Two rows. Also if the room is rectangular or slightly elongated. With this option, the dining area is excluded due to lack of space. Furniture, refrigerator, cooking table, stove and sink are installed opposite each other.
  • L-shaped or angular layout. This project is suitable for a corner room, rectangular or square. Most often, the sink is installed in the corner, and the headset is placed on the sides, the stove and refrigerator are placed on the sides of the headset.
  • U-shaped layout. All furniture and fixtures are installed in the shape of the letter P. In this case, the sink can be installed under the window.
  • Island layout. Such a room interior is suitable for a large square kitchen, or if the kitchen is combined with a living room, in order to separate the zones. A food table or cutting table is placed in the middle of the room or divides the living room and kitchen.
  • Types of zoning

    Bar counter in the kitchen 9 sq. m will not only allow you to visually divide the room into 2 spaces, but also make the kitchen a little more functional

    As a rule, bar counters are made "light" from a board and a tubular base. But you can also make a more massive structure by overlaying it with a decorative stone in the future.

    Each designer, working with kitchens, first of all distinguishes two interior zones: the dining area and the work area, where they prepare food, wash dishes, etc. There is also a storage area for food, well, this already depends on the type of kitchen. If you have a 9 sq. meters, then, most likely, two main zones can be considered. Also, there are 4 main options for zoning the kitchen according to different principles. Those who have started kitchen remodeling should be aware of these options:

  • If the kitchen is combined, then the bar counter can serve as the object of zoning. It is also used in ordinary kitchens. At the same time, the rack can serve as a dining table and a surface for cutting food.
  • Lighting zoning. Different lighting can separate the cooking area from the dining area.
  • With the help of texture. This means that you can highlight different areas with design options. Suppose the dining area can be highlighted with another material or ceramic tiles, finishing plaster.
  • Colour. Separation of zones provides for different colors.

  • Light shades can expand any room! Do not forget about this when choosing the color of the walls and headset in your kitchen

  • When creating a kitchen project, remember that large items in a small room make it even smaller. When choosing furniture for a small kitchen, give up bulky cabinets.
  • Choose only light colors for a small kitchen. They will visually make the room wider, create a sense of space and freedom.
  • When choosing a color for the walls of your kitchen, remember that the universal colors - white and black - are not always practical. On white, any dirt will be much more noticeable. And the black color is inconvenient because any prints and traces of grease will immediately catch the eye.
  • For a small kitchen, mirrored surfaces are very suitable, they will reflect light, and the room will seem larger at the same time.
  • If, while renovating a room, you are trying to create the interior of a modern kitchen, then blinds can be installed on the windows instead of curtains. If you are a supporter of traditionalism, then the curtains can wear an original pattern, or be combined with the color of the walls, be long or short, the main thing is that they carry comfort in themselves.
  • After the interior is almost ready and the renovation is completed, the final touch remains - to hang the curtains, lay the tablecloth, lay the rug. Try to match all these types of interior in color and texture.
  • Kitchen renovation and design 9 sq. m from A to Z (video)


    When creating a project for your kitchen, listen to all of the above tips and you will succeed. Even with such a limited number of meters, excellent results can be achieved.

    Kitchen design 9 sq m (interior photo)