Bank accounts: types and characteristics. How to open a bank account

To conduct non-cash transactions, every citizen is required to have some kind of wallet at a financial institution. This allows you to credit, transfer, and withdraw funds. There are several types of bank accounts for individuals, differing in the principle of use and the type of transactions performed. Among them are often used:

  • Current
  • Correspondent
  • Card
  • Credit
  • Special
  • Deposit

A more detailed description is contained in the instruction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 28-I dated September 14, 2006.

Current account

Using the current account, settlement transactions are carried out that are not related to business activities and private practice. It is also possible to store funds on it. With its help, settlements are made with suppliers of services or goods, transfers to other accounts, and utility bills are paid.

The account is not limited to a specific time period. Withdrawal and investment of funds are available at any time - one of the differences from other types of bank accounts for individuals. Thanks to this, they were given a second name - “on demand”.

When opening this type of account, a one-time fee or a minimum minimum balance is paid.

If the account is used to conduct business, it stores funds associated only with the implementation of business activities:

  • sales of goods/products;
  • provision of services;
  • ensuring production;
  • production costs;
  • crediting revenue;
  • issuance of wages;
  • payment of taxes.

There are also budget current accounts. They keep records of funds received from the state treasury. These are subsidies, subsidies and subventions. They all have a purpose. Their spending is controlled by the state.

Correspondent account

There is no fee for opening this type of account. Not used that often anymore. It was supplanted by card counting.

Card account

Of all types of bank accounts for individuals, it is especially popular. The main advantage is the presence of a plastic card, which provides round-the-clock access to funds. Among the additional services, it is worth noting the combination of a credit limit with savings functions.

The cost of service is determined by the level of plastic: premium, platinum, gold, standard, instant.

Credit account

It is a means of issuing credit funds to the user. As soon as the client repays the outstanding loan and interest, the account and the corresponding agreement are canceled.

Special account

This type of bank account for individuals is intended for performing specific transactions established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Deposit account

The banking product is designed to deposit large amounts of money for long periods of time. For the use of this type of bank account for individuals, the financial institution accrues the agreed interest. This is an excellent method of saving money from inflation.

A savings account can be opened in different currencies: euro, dollar, ruble. Additional features have been developed for it. Such as replenishment, capitalization, prolongation.

The business portal site provides a lot of useful information about various banking instruments. One of the most popular among the population is. The page explains what an organization's overdraft card is. And visitors can read how to disable Sberbank auto payment. Our business portal has prepared a lot of useful information about the No. 1 bank in Russia.

The domestic banking system consists of credit institutions that have received a license to operate from the regulator. Each bank has its own clients. Special accounts are created for clients where they deposit and withdraw their funds. Bank accounts are divided into types. How to find out whether a deposit or current account is opened in a financial and credit organization, we will consider in the article.

Accounts can be divided into three types:

  • current;
  • card;
  • deposit.

Current account

A current account is used most often for purposes related to payroll and making payments. It is not used for saving savings or for investment purposes. The main task of a current account, aimed at servicing clients of a particular bank, is to give each of them instant access to their money.

Interest is not charged on the balance, and if the bank offers this service, the interest will be small. The account can be opened in rubles, as well as in foreign currency. With its help, you can receive and send transfers, cash out funds, and transfer them.

Checking account

A type of current account is a current account. It is opened by organizations or enterprises that are not credit institutions, as well as individual entrepreneurs and other individuals legally engaged in private practice to carry out settlement transactions related to business (Instruction from the Bank of Russia number 28-I).

Card account

The card account is used for conducting monetary transactions using bank plastic cards. If the bank offers this product, the client needs to clarify certain nuances:

How much does it cost to maintain this account;
the presence of a commission for withdrawing cash from ATMs or at a cash desk;
availability of additional services.

Plastic cards are divided into two types: debit and credit.

The debit card contains customer savings in the form of wages and other income. The card is used to pay for purchases by bank transfer and for online purchases, payments for mobile communications, housing and communal services, etc. The amount on the account cannot be exceeded.

Credit cards, being a form of consumer lending, allow you to exceed your account limit. If the borrower makes timely loan payments, the credit limit may be increased, but after some time.

Credit cards are common among Russians. They are convenient to use, and for this comfort the borrower pays with higher interest rates if you compare this cash loan with cash advances as a loan.

Some banks add a card account to your current account. This allows it to be used for card transactions, both credit and debit.

Thanks to a card account, you can use money at any convenient time. The advantage of cards is that when carrying out payment transactions, you do not need to visit the bank or waste time in line: you can carry out all the necessary operations through an ATM. But to receive or send funds, it is better to use a current account.


A deposit account is opened for the purpose of increasing savings. Interest is charged on them by the bank. This is one of the types of receiving passive income or investing with a low probability of risk and, therefore, low income. However, deposits are widespread in Russia. Banks offer different conditions for deposits. Basically, bank clients do not have access to their deposits (during the validity period of the agreement of the same name), and for this they are charged %. They can be capitalized, withdrawn every month, quarter, received as an advance, etc.

Deposit account and current account: what is the difference?

A deposit account is a bank account with an amount of funds that is deposited for a certain period of time at interest under an agreement. The account owner does not have instant access to the deposited amount.

A current account, unlike a deposit account, implies instant access to money for clients; this account is used to pay for various services, as well as purchases in a store. Interest is not accrued on the account balance, or it is, but in a meager amount. Thus, the differences between deposit and current accounts are as follows:

  • counting mode;
  • value %;
  • cost of account transactions.

The deposit account is not used for transferring funds, making payments, making purchases, etc. This restriction on the possibility of spending the deposit is due to the fact that the credit institution can calmly manage the money entrusted to it at the time specified in the agreement.

Often, in classic forms of deposit, the client does not have the right to withdraw funds deposited into the bank earlier than the period agreed upon in the agreement with the bank. It is for such inconveniences that the account owner receives an increased percentage.

Deposit components:

  • % rate – for the presence of money on deposit, interest is charged, which is higher than that applied to demand accounts;
  • term – upon its expiration the deposit is closed;
  • insurance - in case of termination of the bank's work, the depositor is returned an amount of 1.4 million rubles according to the innovations (previously it was up to 700 thousand rubles);
  • replenishment – ​​the deposit can be replenished in some cases, but withdrawals during the contract period are not allowed.

The deposit is closed by writing 2 applications. One application is aimed at closing the account, and the second is aimed at closing the deposit. After closing, funds are transferred to the current account or issued in cash to the account holder.

Deposit account and current account in Sberbank for individuals

Sberbank has been operating for many years. Due to this circumstance, the population associates it with reliability. Most citizens bring money to this credit institution, which is placed on deposit. Among the offers from the country's leading bank related to placing money on deposit are:

  1. “Save”: replenishment - no, withdrawal - no, closing early - possible. Rate – 9% (rubles), 2.22% (dollars), 1.7% (euros).
  2. “Save online”, “Save pension”. Online is opened only through Sberbank online, and the second type of deposit is offered only to retired persons.
  3. “Replenish”: replenishment - yes, withdrawal - no, closing early - possible. Rate – 8% (rubles), 2.00% (dollars), 1.01% (euros).

The remaining deposits from Sberbank are designed for the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds. These include contributions:

  • "Manage";
  • "Multi-currency";
  • “International”, etc.

New bill

The inflow and outflow of funds on deposit are usually reflected in the Sberbank savings book. Recently, their issuance has sharply decreased; instead they are offered Sberbank Maestro cards. There were persistent rumors that Passbooks would be abolished. And these rumors received a real basis in February 2016. The Russian government has submitted a bill to the lower house of parliament that would abolish the bearer savings certificate and the savings book.

Authors of the bill

The authors of the project are implementing their idea, according to them, as part of improving Russian laws in the field of non-cash payments and taking measures to counter the legalization of profits obtained illegally. And also within the framework of combating the financing of terrorism.

The Ministry of Finance believes that these measures will be implemented only when savings certificates and bearer books are excluded from circulation. What will happen to registered savings books remains unclear.

Meanwhile, many consumers of banking services prefer savings books with a deposit account to the constantly imposed plastic cards. Most of these citizens are people of retirement age who find it difficult to understand a plastic card and the mechanism for withdrawing money from it. For them, the savings book has become a symbol of their income, which is in the bank.

At the same time, another category of the population, young people, prefer plastic cards. They are being implemented everywhere by all banks without exception, offering credit products or issuing a card as a debit card. And there are some subtleties here, but they relate to the topic of loan products from banks.

A bank account is a document, the execution of which by a credit institution for a certain person is an integral part of the subject of the bank account agreement concluded between them, and which is intended to reflect the monetary obligations of the credit institution to this person.

A bank account is a specific section of the bank’s accounting system, which records the movement of funds related to a specific person, all transactions of the depositor and the bank (cash deposits and withdrawals from the account).

A bank account is a tool that allows you to record the movement of funds during accounting and reporting. According to the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities,” clients have the right to open the number of current and other accounts they need in an unlimited number of banks (credit organizations) with the consent of the latter.

The opening by credit institutions of bank accounts of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, with the exception of state authorities and local self-government bodies, is carried out on the basis of certificates of state registration of individuals as individual entrepreneurs, certificates of state registration of legal entities, as well as certificates of registration with tax authority.

The concept of a bank account is characterized by the presence of a combination of four qualifying features:
- a bank account is an account for recording funds;
- opened and maintained in credit institutions;
- is an integral part of the subject of the bank account agreement;
- intended to reflect the obligations of the credit institution to the client.

All bank accounts are accounting accounts (personal accounts). Their opening is conditioned by the conclusion of a bank account agreement, which entails the emergence of additional functions for them, as well as restrictions that protect the rights of a given client.

In the modern world, it is almost impossible to do without a bank account. Salaries and various payments are transferred to bank accounts. You can pay for various services and purchases from your account. Money can be multiplied by putting it at a certain percentage, and about 50% of residents of large cities use plastic cards.


Current legislation allows clients of credit institutions to open a large number of different accounts that best suit the goals of their activities. The types of bank accounts can be classified on several grounds. Accounts are divided:
- for universal and special ones;
- depending on the account currency;
- depending on the account holder;
- depending on the intended purpose of the funds;
- depending on the possibility of replenishment or partial withdrawal of funds. On this basis, bank accounts are divided into:
1. Not replenished. During the entire deposit period, additional contributions are not accepted.
2. With the possibility of replenishment. During the deposit period, you can deposit additional amounts into your bank account.
3. With the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds. You can withdraw part of the invested money from your bank account, but a certain amount must remain in the account, which is called the minimum balance.
- depending on the accrual of interest on bank accounts. On this basis, bank accounts are divided into:
1. Monthly interest accrual.
2. Interest accrual at the end of the term.
3. Interim calculation of interest. For example, every 3 months (quarterly), every six months and even weekly. It all depends on the specific deposit of a specific bank.

There are the following types of bank accounts: budget, currency, deposit, trust management, frozen, insured, card, current, correspondent, savings, impersonal metal, general, call, settlement, savings, consolidated, loan, current, transit, fiduciary, stock, private and check.


When contacting a credit institution to open an account, you have the right to choose the type of account based on your needs. Under a bank account agreement, the bank undertakes to accept and credit funds received to the account opened for the client, to carry out the client’s orders to transfer and issue the corresponding amounts and to carry out other operations on the account. Let's look at the most popular types of bank accounts.

A current account is opened at a bank institution for legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activities, as well as entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity for payment transactions for settlements for goods supplied, services rendered, and work performed.

A current bank account is the main account of an enterprise and is usually opened at the place of registration. Current legislation provides that an enterprise can have several current accounts, one of which is the main account for settlements with the pension fund.

For enterprises, organizations and institutions that have separate divisions (shops, warehouses, branches) outside their location, at the request of the owner of the main current account, settlement sub-accounts can be opened for crediting revenue and making payments at the location of these divisions.

A current bank account is used for:
- crediting revenue from business activities and making payments related to this activity to suppliers and counterparties in civil transactions;
- crediting the amounts of received loans;
- settlements with banks for loans received and interest on them;
- settlements with employees for wages and other payments;
- payments based on decisions of courts and other bodies that have the right to make decisions on the collection of funds from the accounts of legal entities in an indisputable manner;
- other settlement transactions.

The balance of the current account shows the free funds available to its owner. The bank issues an account statement to the client as transactions are completed.

Current bank accounts are opened for organizations that are not legal entities: public organizations, institutions, branches, representative offices, departments, etc. The following is made from current accounts:
- issuance of funds for wages;
- expenses for maintaining the management apparatus;
- expenses and payments related to the performance of the functions of a representative office for foreign insurance.

A checking bank account is a very useful financial tool. It allows its owner:
- shift the responsibility for making regular payments to bank employees;
- send the necessary amounts to third parties, for example, to pay for goods or services;
- avoid the need to come to a bank branch by receiving a plastic card for your account to cash out funds and pay for purchases;
- convert funds without withdrawing them from the account. That is, the rubles in the account can be exchanged for dollars or euros at any time if necessary.

Any citizen can open a bank current account if necessary. It is also open to individuals for settlement transactions not related to business activities or private practice.

A deposit account is intended for storing temporarily available funds. It is open to individuals and legal entities. Under a bank deposit agreement, a credit institution that has accepted a sum of money received from or received for a depositor undertakes to return the deposit amount and pay interest on it under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by this agreement.

The interest level depends on the length of the term - the longer the term, the higher the interest. However, until the period for which you invested your funds has expired, you will not be able to withdraw a penny from the account and will not be able to make a single settlement transaction. In case of urgent need, you can withdraw your money from the deposit account, but you will have to pay a fine, which is different in each bank. The amount of the fine must be specified in the contract.

Only those banks that have received a license to attract funds for deposit in Russian rubles or foreign currency in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation have the right to open a deposit account.

Budget bank accounts are opened for organizations (enterprises) financed from the federal budget (extra-budgetary funds). Depending on the nature of the transactions taken into account, they are divided into income, expenditure, current accounts of local budgets and current accounts of extra-budgetary funds.

Funds from budget accounts are subject to strictly intended use. As a rule, they are spent on: remuneration of employees; transfers to the population; payment for goods, works and services under concluded state or municipal contracts or in accordance with approved estimates without concluding such.

Budget accounts are opened for a certain period (fiscal year). When an account is closed, the remaining funds at the end of the financial year are transferred to the appropriate budget.

A foreign currency bank account is used to conduct settlement transactions in foreign currency. “Foreign currency” is money recognized as legal tender in the relevant foreign country.

Interbank accounts are opened exclusively for credit institutions. These include:
- correspondent account - a bank account of a credit organization (parent organization), opened in a division of the Central Bank settlement network, in other organizations;
- correspondent subaccount - a bank account opened by a credit institution for its branch in a division of the Central Bank settlement network;
- inter-branch settlement accounts – accounts opened on the balance sheets of the parent organization and branches to account for mutual settlements;
- a correspondent account “LORO” is opened by a correspondent bank to a respondent bank, through which the correspondent bank carries out transactions for transferring and crediting funds. The specified account is also a NOSTRO correspondent account with the respondent bank.

A loan bank account is opened when a loan is issued to a client. On it, banks take into account the provision and repayment of loans. Loan accounts are divided into simple and special. Lending on a simple account is usually a loan on the balance; lending on a special basis – lending based on turnover.

A registered account is opened by the bank in the name of the client. Such an account is managed by the client through any bank branch upon presentation of an identity document. If money is transferred from such an account to an account at another bank, the receiving bank sees the owner's name and account number.

A numbered account is used if the client requires the highest degree of confidentiality and enhanced banking secrecy. To open a numbered account, a set of numbers is used that replaces the account holder's name and identifies the account holder's identity if necessary. Operations on the account, as a rule, can only be carried out through your representative at the bank, which does not allow you to use the account in other branches of this bank.

A card account is opened by the bank to record transactions performed by the client using a bank card. The cards themselves are divided into two types: debit and credit. Using a debit card, the client can withdraw money from an ATM or pay for purchases without exceeding the amount in his account. Credit cards, in turn, allow you to exceed the amount, but within a clearly limited loan amount, which is agreed upon when receiving the card and depends on your solvency.

Rules for numbering bank accounts

Our country uses a 20-digit bank account. A bank account number is not a number in the mathematical sense. This is a numeric code that contains information about its properties.

The bank account number is divided into 5 groups.
The 1st group consists of 5 categories and they show which type of account this account belongs to.
The 2nd group consists of 3 characters and indicates the currency in which the account is opened in accordance with the all-Russian currency classifier.
The 3rd group consists of one character and contains the so-called. the account key, which is calculated based on a special algorithm taking into account all other digits of the account, as well as the BIC of the bank in which the account is opened.
The 4th group consists of 4 categories and indicates the banking division in which the account is opened.
The 5th group consists of the remaining 7 digits and contains the personal account number.

Bank selection

The main criteria for choosing a bank include the following:
1. Political and economic stability of the country where the bank is located.
2. Reliability and prestige of the bank, high position in the rating of international rating agencies (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Fitch and others).
3. A range of banking services provided to clients.
4. The degree of control over banking operations by the state.
5. Compliance of the bank’s profile with the specifics of the proposed operations on the account.
6. Cost of servicing a bank account.
7. Minimum deposit.
8. Possibility of obtaining credit cards.
9. Ease of servicing remote clients.
10. Interest on current and deposit accounts.
11. Territorial location of the bank and its branches.
12. Availability of investment programs.


In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine a company that does not have a bank account. The bank does not have the right to refuse a client to open a bank account, except in cases where the refusal is caused by the bank’s inability to accept the client for banking services or is permitted by law or other legal acts.

The basis for opening and maintaining an account is a banking agreement. Under a bank account agreement, the bank undertakes to accept and credit funds received into the account, carry out the client’s orders for the transfer and withdrawal of appropriate amounts from the account and carry out other operations on the account.

List of documents required for opening and maintaining an account:
Application in the established form (sample provided by the bank).
Constituent documents confirming the legal status of the company: charter, memorandum of association, minutes of the decision on creation (copies certified by a notary, a higher organization or body carrying out registration).
Certificate of state registration (copy certified by a notary).
Two cards with sample signatures and a seal imprint, one of which is notarized.
Certificate of registration with the tax authority (copy).
Certificate of registration with the Social Insurance Fund (copy).
Certificate from the statistical authorities on the assignment of OKPO codes and classification characteristics (copy).
Documents confirming the election, appointment to the position of persons authorized to manage the account, indicated on the bank card: election protocols, orders for taking office, orders for appointment, etc. (copies).

Within ten days after the bank opened an account for the company, it is necessary to report this to the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration.

After signing a bank account agreement, the client - account owner can carry out any types of operations provided for by this agreement and current legislation.

A bank account is the basis for non-cash payments - payments made without the use of cash. This type of organization of settlements helps to accelerate the turnover of funds and reduce the costs of handling cash, and is also legally adopted by the state for settlements between legal entities.

An account is opened by legal entities or individuals in a bank - a credit organization that has the right to carry out banking operations on the basis of a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is also used to accumulate non-cash funds on it for their use by the person who opened it in the bank. Let's look at what it is, what types of accounts there are, and some nuances when working with them.

Bank account. What it is?

Let's summarize the above.

A bank account is an account that is opened by a bank to an individual or legal entity for their participation in non-cash money circulation and the accumulation of non-cash funds on it for their intended use.

The account itself is this is some kind of account used by financial institutions to record the monetary transactions of their clients. The client account identifier (number) is a numeric code consisting of 20 digits, and each digit has its own meaning, in accordance with Appendix 1 to Bank of Russia Regulations dated July 16, 2012 N 385-P “On Accounting Rules” in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

For clarity, let’s divide the account number into certain groups of numbers as follows:


AAA (numbers 1 to 3) - first-order balance account number (for example: 408, 423, 426);

BB (digits 4th and 5th) - second-order balance account number (for example: 17, 20, 01);

BBB (digits 6 to 8) - account currency code, according to the All-Russian Classifier of Currencies OKV. Examples of currency codes: for ruble accounts – 643 (for international payments) and 810 (when performing transactions on accounts in Russian currency, details in the Explanation of the Bank of Russia dated November 9, 2017 “On the issue related to the designation of the ruble sign in the personal account number "), for US dollar accounts - 840, for euro accounts - 978;

G (number 9) - check digit;

DDDD (digits 10 to 13) - four-digit code of the bank division;

EEEEEE (14-20th digits) - internal seven-digit account number that is assigned to the client.

This information is more interesting to a specialist (bank employee, accountant, etc.), but nevertheless, even to an ordinary client, some combinations of numbers can tell a lot. For example, a trained eye will immediately see the type of account (current, deposit, etc.) in the first two groups (5 digits) and its currency in the third group (3 digits).

Below are just some decoding of the first group of numbers:

  • 102…109 - fund accounts, capital storage, accounting of profits and losses;
  • 203, 204 - accounts for accounting for precious metals;
  • 301…329 - accounts for transactions between banks;
  • 401, 402 - accounts for transfers to the budget;
  • 403 - management of money administered by the Ministry of Finance;
  • 404 - extra-budgetary funds;
  • 405, 406 - accounts of state companies;
  • 407 - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • 408 - individuals;
  • 411…419 - deposits opened by government agencies;
  • 420…422 - storage of funds of legal entities;
  • 423 - deposit opened by a resident individual;
  • 424 - funds of foreign companies;
  • 425 - funds on deposit belong to a non-resident individual;
  • 430 - bank funds;
  • 501…526 - accounts required for accounting of securities.

And here are several decodings of combinations of numbers from the second group (it is more convenient to consider them together with the first group).

Accounts of non-governmental organizations:

  • 40701 - financial organizations (for example, microfinance organizations, pension fund, etc.);
  • 40702 - this includes commercial organizations (for example, open and closed societies);
  • 40703 - accounts of non-profit organizations;
  • 40704 - funds allocated for the conduct of elections or public meetings.

Individual accounts:

  • 40817 – current account of an individual – resident of the Russian Federation;
  • 40820 – current account of an individual – non-resident of the Russian Federation.

Example account number: 40817810500000000012 – ruble card account of an individual citizen of the Russian Federation.

Comprehensive information on decoding accounts can be found in the previously mentioned Appendix 1 to the Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated July 16, 2012 N 385-P “On the rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation”

Types of bank accounts

Based on their functionality, there are several types of bank accounts that can be opened for both individuals and legal entities. The determining factor when choosing the type of account is its intended purpose. Therefore, before using this type of banking product, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its main characteristics and terms of service.

Checking account

A current account is opened to record monetary transactions of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. Similar accounts for individuals are called current or personal (more details in the article:). Since funds in current or current accounts are available upon the client's immediate request, they are sometimes called demand accounts. Current, current and demand accounts are not intended to generate passive income (for accumulation). They are used exclusively for settlement transactions in national currency.

Foreign currency account

Currency accounts are intended for carrying out non-cash settlement transactions in foreign currency. Within one currency account, transactions can only be carried out in the currency in which the account is opened. Individuals and legal entities can simultaneously open an unlimited number of accounts in different currencies.

Deposit account

A deposit account is opened to place funds for a certain period of time in order to receive interest income. The amount of profit depends directly on the bank’s rate on a specific deposit. When placing savings in a deposit account, the depositor does not have the right to use his money before the expiration of the period specified in the agreement - only with the loss of accrued interest. This type of operation can be called a loan of money to a bank by a legal entity or individual on the basis of an agreement, the terms of which are regulated directly by the bank.

Loan account

The loan account reflects the movement of borrowed funds. This type of product is opened upon signing a loan agreement between the bank and the borrower and is not a separate independent banking service. This is a way of keeping records and monitoring funds issued and returned by a credit institution.

Card account

A card account is a bank account of a special means of payment - a plastic card, which gives round-the-clock access to a current account through ATMs, terminals, etc. In fact, this is a regular personal current account. faces.

Savings account (savings deposit)

A savings account is a kind of hybrid of a current account and a deposit with the possibility of receiving constant interest income, replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds.

Correspondent (transit) account

Such accounts are used by banks for interbank settlements.

There are also such accounts as: budget, current account, impersonal metal (OMS), general, fiduciary, stock, private, check, consolidated. You can easily find detailed information about each of them on the Internet or in specialized literature.

Why do you need a bank account?

The answer to the question: “What operations does a bank account allow its owner to carry out?” cannot be unambiguous. It all depends on the type of account. For example, if you are planning to make a large purchase for which you do not have enough funds, then the best savings option would be to open a bank deposit (starts at 423). In this case, you can replenish your deposit with small amounts and at the same time receive interest income. You can also apply for a loan, then to repay it they will open an account starting with 408 (or 423), and the bank will open a loan account for internal accounting of transactions, the number of which begins with 455 ().

If you need a payment instrument to make purchases by bank transfer, issue a bank card - it will be linked to a special card account (SCA). Please note that the card number and account number are different concepts (find out about this).

If you are going to make an interbank transfer (), then one account number will not be enough; you need to know the “address” of the current account of a legal entity or individual where the sender wants to send funds.

Cost of opening an account

In accordance with Article 846 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Concluding a bank account agreement, the bank does not have the right to refuse to open an account, the performance of transactions on which is provided for by law, the constituent documents of the bank and the permit (license) issued to it, except in cases where such refusal is caused by the bank’s inability to accept for banking services or is permitted by law or other legal acts.

The cost of opening bank accounts depends on a number of factors:

  • Legal status of the client (individual or legal entity);
  • Type of account;
  • Bank tariffs.

Opening an account for individuals is free of charge. In some cases, a fee may be provided for annual account maintenance, which is debited by the bank automatically when funds are received into the account. An exception to this rule is deposit accounts. Since they are intended to preserve and increase the client’s funds, the bank does not charge any fees for opening or servicing a deposit.

Opening an account for legal entities is usually paid. The estimated cost of the service is 2,000 rubles, not counting the costs of certifying copies of each document and issuing a card with sample signatures and stamps.

The cost of servicing bank accounts depends on:

  • Type of account;
  • Legal status of the client;
  • Cash turnover;
  • Bank tariffs;
  • Types of monetary transactions;
  • Account currencies;
  • The region where the bank branch is located.

Prohibited operations with funds on accounts

According to Federal Law No. 115-FZ, all monetary transactions carried out non-cash through bank accounts are strictly controlled by the bank’s financial monitoring service. Particular attention is paid to transactions in foreign currency. If suspicious transactions are detected, the bank has the legal right to block access to funds placed in the bank account until the account owner proves the legality of the transactions by presenting the appropriate documents.

Making money transfers of large amounts in favor of legal entities without accompanying documents - grounds for payment or lack of confirmation of the origin of funds when transferring in favor of individuals are regarded as suspicious transactions.