Sweet chocolate and blood pressure: which one to choose to normalize indicators. Chocolate for the heart and blood vessels: which is useful and why

From Dr. Mercola

Rejoice: chocolate is back in the “healthy” category. This time it is significant that the most delicious sweet has a beneficial effect on the heart. For centuries, chocolate has been credited with beneficial properties such as increasing energy and libido, and was also believed to help with diarrhea and migraines, treat syphilis and even cancer.

Some of this is even true - the antioxidant catechin found in dark chocolate has been found to be the active ingredient responsible for reducing the incidence of lung cancer as well as colorectal cancer. According to a recent study in Denmark, people who consume cocoa one to three times a month are about 10 percent less likely to experience atrial fibrillation, the medical name for an irregular heart rhythm, than those who eat chocolate less than once. once a month.

Elizabeth Mostofsky, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and a team of researchers analyzed the data and found "a significant association between chocolate consumption and a reduced risk of atrial fibrillation, indicating that even small amounts of cocoa have health benefits."

A new study published in the journal BMJ Heart found a reduced risk of atrial fibrillation in women who ate one serving of chocolate per week, while the greatest reduction in risk in men was associated with eating two to six servings per week.

Previous studies conducted in 2010 and 2015, collectively called the Physicians' Health Study, did not reach such conclusions, and the most recent survey included 33,000 Americans. Researchers conclude that consuming cocoa and cocoa-containing products is beneficial for the heart due to the large amount of flavanols it contains, antioxidants that relax blood vessels.

Flavanols are a subgroup of polyphenols found in tea, red grape skins and wine, as well as chocolate, and act as powerful antioxidants. Previous research has already established that not only cocoa, but also dark chocolate in particular, have the highest amount of flavanols, which can have beneficial effects on health, including reducing inflammation, which can lead to tissue damage. In addition, according to the LA Times, flavanols help fight blood clots, which form when the heart fills with blood as a result of an irregular heartbeat.

Eating dark chocolate is associated with a reduced risk of heart failure, cognitive decline, and even premature death. But the small number of studies conducted has not convinced scientists that it is chocolate that prevents fibrillation, which is confirmed by irregular contractions in the upper chamber of the heart.

Atrial Fibrillation: Research, Symptoms and Risks

Atrial fibrillation affects 2.7 million or more people, and as many as 33 million worldwide, according to the American Heart Association. It increases the risk of blood clots, which often lead to strokes, heart failure, cognitive impairment and other problems. The LA Times explains it this way:

“Atrial fibrillation is thought to be caused by the release of certain molecules that ultimately destroy heart tissue. These lesions change the path that electrical signals take through the chambers of the heart, causing the heart to flutter rather than beat at a steady rhythm.”

Unfortunately, 25 percent of the adult population develops the condition at some point, according to Drs. Sean Pokorny and Jonathan Piccini, cardiologists at Duke University Medical Center, who published a paper that came out at the same time as the study's findings. The researchers scrutinized data from 55,502 men and women in Denmark who were between 50 and 64 years old at the start of the long-term study.

Each participant provided information about their dietary intake between 1993 and 1997. The collected data were then linked to Danish national health registries to determine who was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. It was found that there were 3,346 such cases over a period of 13 years. According to Scientific American:

“Based on their dietary data at the start of the study period, people who consumed one serving (28.35 g) of chocolate per week were 17 percent less likely to experience atrial fibrillation by the end of the study period, compared with who reported eating chocolate less than once a month.

Likewise, those who eat 60-170 grams of chocolate per week are 20 percent less likely to develop atrial fibrillation, and those who eat more than 30 grams of chocolate per day are 16 percent less likely to develop the condition.”

Other Factors to Keep in Mind When Eating Chocolate

Interestingly, the researchers did not look at contributing factors such as sleep apnea or kidney disease, which may affect atrial fibrillation, nor did they collect data on whether the participants consumed milk or dark chocolate, so as a result, the amount of flavanols is unknown in eaten chocolate.

However, evidence suggests that people who eat the most chocolate also consume more calories but have a lower body mass index (BMI) - a measure of weight based on height - than those who eat the least chocolate.

Alice Lichtenstein, director and senior scientist of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University, who was not involved in the study, noted the possibility that people in the first group may also have been more physically active. Pokorny and Piccini said the study's findings were interesting and worthy of further consideration despite their limitations, noting:

"To evaluate the true effectiveness of chocolate in preventing (atrial fibrillation), a double-blind randomized controlled trial is needed, which should include quantitative doses of cocoa."

Does the type of chocolate matter?

There are several types of chocolate: we have already mentioned dark and milk chocolate, but we should not forget about white chocolate and other ingredients that determine the benefits or harms of eating chocolate. It is also true that, despite its beneficial properties, chocolate often contains large amounts of sugar, including trans fats and partially hydrogenated oils, which can contribute to chronic diseases.

On the other hand, dark chocolate contains more cocoa powder. Knowing this, Mostofsky doubted that milk chocolate, which Danes typically eat, would produce positive results, but the researchers learned something new.

She notes: “It was a pleasant surprise that despite the relatively low concentration of cocoa in most chocolates, we obtained very reliable findings.” La Times noted something very important in Mostofsky's research:

“The authors wrote that their study may have differed from previous ones because chocolate in Denmark contains more cocoa—a supposedly healthy ingredient—than in the United States. Here, milk chocolate must have at least 10 percent cocoa powder, and dark chocolate must have at least 35 percent. In Denmark, the requirements are 30 and 43 percent, respectively.

Another difference is that the new study looked at cases of “clinically obvious” atrial fibrillation included in Danish national health registries. The American studies were based on their own reports of atrial fibrillation.”

But this, of course, does not mean that chocolate now has carte blanche in the snacking category. Tom Sherman, director of biomedical science at Georgetown University Medical Center (who was not involved in the study), recommends that chocolate lovers limit themselves to "a good 30-gram piece."

Just don't get too carried away, warns Mostofsky, because even though there is a significant link between eating chocolate and reducing the risk of atrial fibrillation, "excessive consumption of chocolate is not recommended, as many chocolate products are very high in calories due to the presence of sugar and fat and can cause excess weight and other metabolic problems.”

What to look for in chocolate

Always read labels to ensure you know exactly what you're buying - this includes chocolate. According to Nutrition Data, 30 grams of milk chocolate chips contain, on average, more than 14 grams of sugar! For comparison, the same amount of dark chocolate containing 70 to 85 percent cocoa beans contains 6.7 grams of sugar.

Make sure the chocolate you eat does not contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, which can cause serious chronic neurological disorders and a variety of other acute symptoms, from migraines and blurred vision to anxiety attacks. The CNN article notes that when it comes to chocolate, "white" chocolate contains no cocoa at all, and a bar labeled "70% cocoa" may have a different amount of flavonoids than what you're looking for.

In addition, “chocolate that has been chemically treated with carbonated salts (also called Dutch chocolate) essentially loses all traces of these compounds.” As for the net carbohydrates contained in chocolate, it is important to determine their content - from the amount of carbohydrates in grams indicated on the label, subtract the fiber, as well as the sugar alcohol, if any.

And don't forget that what matters is total carbohydrates minus fiber (i.e. net carbs). Fiber is very important not only for regulating intestinal activity, but also for overall well-being.

So, if you don't pay attention to labels, the chocolate you reach for will likely contain large amounts of sugar, Mostofsky says. “The correct, healthy choice is to consume chocolate with high cocoa content in moderation.” Perhaps that's why there is a group of scientists who are determined to determine whether a "chocolate tablet" made from cocoa extract will be the next big thing.

To get the most benefits from chocolate by eating the whole product rather than a pill, raw cocoa butter (the fatty component of cocoa seeds) or raw cocoa nibs are excellent choices.

bitter chocolate

Good afternoon, dear readers! There is no doubt that the properties of dark chocolate, which we eat with pleasure, are beneficial. But did you know that they depend on the percentage of ground cocoa beans in it - the main ingredient? Beans contain a huge range of biologically active substances, thanks to which chocolate acquires a lot of advantages.

After eating chocolate, most of us get a boost of good mood and energy. This is not a placebo effect, these are beneficial properties affecting the body. As scientists point out, it stimulates the synthesis of the most famous “hormone of happiness,” that is, serotonin. What other health benefits does chocolate have? And why you should stop fighting your weakness for chocolate and eat it every day. To answer these questions, you need to take a closer look at its composition.

What substances does chocolate inherit from cocoa beans?

The most important advantage of cocoa, and therefore chocolate, is the content of the powerful antidepressants theobromine and caffeine, which actively fight free radicals and participate in the normalization of metabolic processes.

The biologically active substances contained in cocoa beans contribute to the production of neurotransmitters in the body - brain hormones (dopamine, sorotonin, tryptophan), which affect energy and mood.

These substances quickly relieve a person of apathy and bad mood; they reduce the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands, which affects the nervous tension of the body. It’s so nice to pamper yourself with a few pieces of this product and live in peace and without worries.

It's interesting that … Theobromine contains only 0.4%, but this amount is quite enough for chocolate pieces to have the ability to relieve fatigue and increase vitality. And 0.06 - 0.1% caffeine can tone the body. Therefore, in the 19th century, hot chocolate was sold in pharmacies as a means to give vigor and strength.

The sweet product helps normalize blood pressure and cleanse the blood. Helps reduce the level of C-reactive protein, which signals the onset of an inflammatory process.

collection of cocoa beans

Canadian scientists made an amazing discovery; they stated that biologically active substances prevent the formation of tartar deposits.

Chemicals that make up chocolate

Surprisingly, by eating a bar of chocolate, you will replenish your body with 300 beneficial substances. And this is true, the chemical composition of beans is diverse:

  • fats (54%), proteins 11.5%) and cellulose (9%),
  • polysaccharides and starch (7.5%), tannin (6%),
  • minerals and salts (2.5%), water (5%),
  • saccharides (1%) and caffeine (0.2%),
  • organic acids (2%).

In addition, they contain arginine, are rich in anandamide, histamine and epicatechin, cocohil and dopamine, tryptophan and serotonin, polyphenol and tyramine, phenylethylamine and salsolinol.

And the table shows the vitamins contained in this sweet product:

name of vitaminsamount mg/per 100 g
vitamin PP (nicotinomide)2.1 mg with a daily dose of 15 to 25 mg
Vitamin PP (niacin)0.9 mg with a daily dose of 20 to 50 mg
vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.03 mg with a daily rate of 1.5–2 mg
vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.07 mg with a daily norm of 2–2.5 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol and tocotrienol)0.8 mg with a daily norm of 10–20 mg
iron (Fe)5.6 mg with a daily norm of 10–20 mg
magnesium (Mg)133 mg with a daily norm of 400–800 mg
calcium (Ca)45 mg with a daily norm of 800-1000 mg
potassium (K)363 mg with a daily norm of 2000–3000 mg
phosphorus (P)170 mg with a daily norm of 1000–1200 mg
sodium (Na)8 mg at a daily rate of 2000–4000 mg

Protects against heart and vascular diseases

One of the amazing properties of this sweet product is that it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Chocolate can solve problems with blood circulation. According to research results, it was found that consuming chocolate containing more than 60% cocoa has a positive effect in the treatment of heart diseases, as an additional therapy. It is especially important to take this feature into account for people at high risk of cardiovascular and cardiovascular diseases:

Firstly, benefits for men are traced: 63 g per week, with constant use, reduces the risk of stroke in men by 17% in the next 10 years of life, confirmed by its research at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden;

Secondly, reduces the likelihood of heart disease by 37%. The benefits of chocolate are not only for men, but also for women. If you eat 30 g of dark chocolate per day, the risk of developing heart disease in men is reduced by a quarter, and in women by a third.

Thirdly, consumed regularly, prevents blockage of blood vessels, which means heart attack and stroke (University of California study).

fourthly, lowers blood pressure. To do this, it is recommended to take one piece daily (research by Messerliego from Columbia University).

But not all chocolate has a positive effect, only those with a high cocoa content - at least 70%. The cardio-protective properties of chocolate are due to the high content of flavonoids and antioxidants, mainly proanthocyanidin.

This substance acts primarily on the vascular endothelium, and also prevents inflammatory processes and blockage of blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis. Flavonoids reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood, slightly lower blood pressure and support normal synthesis of estrogen hormone.

chocolate calorie content

Stimulates brain cells to work

In a situation where you need to maintain full concentration, instead of smoking a cigarette or biting the remains of your nails, relax and eat chocolate. Due to the fact that it has a positive effect on blood circulation, this leads to a short-term improvement in mental abilities. The effect is this: concentration and memory improves.

Chocolate is a legal and healthy drug that improves brain function. The brain receives a positive effect not only for a short time, since it is known that regular consumption of chocolate reduces the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and accordingly protects the body from premature aging.

Chocolate is considered a superfood

It received this definition due to its high content of antioxidants. What are superfoods... This is confirmed by a publication in Chemistry Central Journal, which states that chocolate contains more polyphenols and flavonols compared to some fruits.

The authors remind that the media often creates a list of the healthiest “super foods”, it is based on the antioxidant properties of foods, fruits, and vegetables. Therefore, it was decided to compare popular superfoods with cocoa and chocolate. Chocolate and cocoa contain rich composition and nutritional value.
Watch the video about the beneficial properties of dark chocolate, says nutritionist Lidia Ionova:

Chocolate protects against sunburn

Cocoa beans are widely used in cosmetology, thanks to them, the skin acquires shine and better copes with the harmful effects of sunlight. This was proven by one of the German studies (Universit?t Witten-Herdecke), where two groups of women took chocolate with high and low cocoa content for 12 weeks.

Where the cocoa content was low, no changes were noted on the skin. And in women who consumed chocolate with a high cocoa content, scientists recorded an average of 25% less erythema after a tanning session. According to experts, the high content of flavonols in cocoa affects the greater density and thickness of skin cells, and also improves hydration (humidification) and inhibits water loss from the skin.

Chocolate acts as a probiotic

Unlike probiotics, chocolate does not contain microorganisms, but it does contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the intestines. We are talking about polyphenols that act on microorganisms inhabiting the intestines. Scientists from Reading in the UK suggest that regularly eating chocolate causes an increase in the number of beneficial strains of bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Chocolate eliminates dangerous Clostridium bacteria; after 4 weeks of research, their number was significantly reduced.

What are the benefits of chocolate for women?

Although they say that sweets are high in calories and add extra pounds, we can say about chocolate that it is healthy if you eat it a little.

what are the benefits for women

25 - 30 g of sweet dessert can help cope with premenstrual syndrome, reduce nervousness and depression, and smooth out pain. The calcium content in this product will also not be amiss for a woman, because many people are familiar with brittle bones and the associated disease osteoporosis.

And the antioxidants contained in a piece of chocolate will help preserve youth and beauty longer.

It's interesting that... Some people known to us from classical literature considered dark chocolate to be an effective afrosiatic for women. Thus, the mistress of King Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour, loved to eat chocolate, she used it as a treatment for sexual dysfunction.

Although there is no scientific evidence on this matter anywhere, as well as denials of this amazing property.

Chocolate reduces appetite

If you want to prevent your love for sweet bars from becoming a cause of excess weight, choose dark chocolate. Among its many benefits, it has one more - it slows down digestion and suppresses appetite. Hunger, as scientists from Copenhagen have proven, reaches our brain after eating chocolate with a delay. And as a result of the next meal, 17% fewer calories are eaten. All you have to do is break the rules and eat chocolate before dinner.

Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the placenta in pregnant women

If you are pregnant or planning to have a baby, then include chocolate in your diet. Necessarily. This is not only a dose of vitamins, especially important during the period of conception (magnesium and iron, vitamins A and E and group B), its use improves the functions of the placenta. Its effect on the growth and development of the fetus, and reducing the risk of dangerous complications of arterial hypertension during pregnancy, is especially positive. There is one more condition. Chocolate should contain as many flavonol bonds as possible, in other words, as much cocoa as possible.

Do men need chocolate?

When talking about the benefits of chocolate for men, people's opinions differ. Some tend to question its properties. But science proves the opposite; statistics show that there are much more men with cardiovascular diseases compared to women. And consuming chocolate protects people from the risk of this disease.

what are the benefits for men

A sweet dessert is also beneficial for men involved in sports. Who would benefit from an extra dose of energy, vigor and mood? Just a few cloves will help increase glucose levels and protect against oxidative stress during exercise. Which will certainly affect performance, endurance, speed, and after training, recovery will be quick and easy.

It is important: Nutritionists give this advice. Who needs to build muscle mass - eat chocolate before going to the gym. And whoever wants to lose weight will have to enjoy it after training.

Use of beneficial properties in cosmetology

All women are designed in such a way that ladies apply everything that is beneficial to the body and health to their skin. The same thing happened with chocolate, it gained fame and popularity and became a salon procedure that:

  • improves metabolism in the skin, makes the skin soft, soft, velvety,
  • eliminate cellulite, promote the resorption of subcutaneous fat deposits,
  • cleanses the skin of acne, lightens pigment spots,
  • Helps smooth out fine wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

Procedures using chocolate are a real pleasure, masks and peelings, wraps and massages - everything is aimed at healing the skin and improving its condition.

application in cosmetology

Are there any contraindications for chocolate? Questions and answers.

I often hear a phrase that can probably turn into a catchphrase: “What is tasty cannot be healthy.” There are also many different opinions about chocolate. I made a special selection for you in questions and answers. Useful or harmful...

Is it true that dark chocolate is bad for your teeth?

Dentists say that it is not chocolate that is harmful, but the sugar contained in it. But the higher the cocoa content in chocolate, and the more bitterness it contains, the less sugar it contains. And the presence of oil in the product (cocoa butter) protects tooth enamel from the harmful effects of acid. For greater confidence and protection of your teeth, you can simply rinse your mouth with water after eating a piece.

Is it possible to eat chocolate in the evening?

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which contain caffeine, but its content in a chocolate bar is small, only about 30 mg. To understand whether this is a lot or a little, I’ll give an example: a cup of coffee contains 180 mg of caffeine. Now you will immediately understand that eating a clove or two of chocolate cannot affect your sleep.

Is it true that chocolate contributes to the deposition of cholesterol?

Nutritionists recommend eating 30-50 mg of chocolate per day, 2-3 times a week. When used this way, there will be no harm at all, but only benefit. Buy a product with a high cocoa content of 78% or higher. And then neither the figure, nor the teeth, nor the internal organs will suffer. Everything needs moderation. Even the healthiest foods, eaten in large quantities, can cause poisoning.

We can say that chocolate has a positive effect on our health from toes to head. Improves blood circulation and intestinal function, reduces the risk of many diseases, improves brain function and prevents dementia, and slows down early human aging. Isn't it in your daily diet yet? It's time to change that.

I wish you health and longevity!

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Dark chocolate can make you happy, help you sleep, improve your blood circulation and even your libido. Is all this true or myths? This will be discussed in this article.

Who invented chocolate? Chocolate first appeared in Mexico and Central America. It was made from cocoa beans. In 1544, liquid chocolate was first brought to Europe. Subsequently, chocolate became the most popular drinking treat in Europe.

Nowadays, chocolate is made from cocoa mass in the form of powder, cocoa butter, sugar and milk powder. In addition, during the production process additional ingredients are added to it, for example, vanilla, soy lecithin, and vegetable fats. Dark chocolate contains a high percentage of cocoa and less sugar.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate?

Scientists have found that dark chocolate can really help people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. The study found that people who consumed 15 grams of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content daily practically got rid of this syndrome.

It is a common myth that dark chocolate affects mood and helps make a person happy. However, phenylethylamine, present in small quantities in chocolate, acts on neurotransmitters in the brain to release serotonin (the happy hormone). But, unfortunately, the concentration of phenylethylamine in chocolate is very low. In addition, this fact has not been scientifically proven.

Even without neurotransmitters, chocolate is generally associated with positive emotions. Its sweet taste and pleasant melting on the tongue evoke good feelings.

Dark (bitter) chocolate is healthier than others, because... it contains more cocoa and less sugar, and this is not a myth. Medical studies have shown that chocolate with a cocoa content above 70% is able to dilate blood vessels, therefore improving blood circulation. In addition, doctors have found that dark chocolate has a rejuvenating effect, because... it is an antioxidant. When mixing chocolate with dairy products, the antioxidant effect is reduced to almost zero. Thus, valuable antioxidants are found in dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

Dark chocolate can dilate coronary arteries and improve blood circulation. But is he able to protect the heart? Yes, chocolate reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Recent studies have shown that dark chocolate, when consumed regularly, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by up to 40%.

Disadvantages of chocolate

The main disadvantage of chocolate is the presence of fat and sugar. However, dark chocolate is low in calories. Conclusion: May promote weight gain.


Scientists from the University of California have proven that consuming dark chocolate can improve blood vessel function. They discovered a substance called epicatechin in chocolate, which dilates blood vessels.

Everyone knows that narrowing of blood vessels contributes to heart attacks, stroke and poor blood circulation.

British experts have concluded that flavonoids (a group of chemical compounds), which have antioxidant properties, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Eleven people in the study consumed 46 grams of dark chocolate daily. The other eleven people took chocolate low in flavonoids. Conclusion: in the first group of people, expandability improved by 1/10, in the second group it decreased by 1/10. This conclusion is based on ultrasound examination of the brachial artery.

Consumption of chocolate about 100 g

Chocolate contains a lot of useful substances that have a positive effect on the body. For example, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, theobromine, calcium, phenylethylamine, flavonoids, etc.

Dark chocolate contains many flavonoids that protect against aging. However, people suffering from migraines should limit their consumption of chocolate. You should also avoid eating large portions of chocolate.

For many years, researchers could not find a direct link between chocolate consumption and the development of acne (). The latest research conducted in 2013 concluded that chocolate does indeed affect the appearance of acne. They found that chocolate interfered with the response of immune cells, which made acne worse.

The popularity of chocolate is so great that discussions of its properties have not stopped for a minute in the entire history of its existence. Opinions about this delicacy are polar in nature - some consider chocolate to be almost a miracle cure for all diseases, others, on the contrary, never tire of talking about its harm to our body. Where is the truth and which camp should you join?

Neither statement can be considered a true judgment about chocolate. If you consume chocolate without moderation, your health will not improve, and the question of where to put the extra pounds will become very acute. Some types of chocolate are really only good as a sweet for tea, but otherwise have little benefit. But if you consume chocolate in doses and give preference to varieties with a high content of cocoa beans, then the benefits from it are undeniable - and this is a scientifically proven fact.

Is chocolate good for your heart?

Scientists say with confidence that chocolate is good for the heart. How does chocolate affect the functioning of such an important organ? We must immediately make a reservation that only the consumption of dark varieties of chocolate, otherwise called bitter, will bring benefits. After all, it is polyphenols, which are contained in large quantities in cocoa beans, that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, to the question: “Is chocolate good for the heart, regardless of its type? “The clear answer is no.

Positive effects of dark chocolate on the cardiovascular system

Chocolate, of course, is not a cure for heart disease. And he is unable to restore the normal functioning of a diseased heart. But it is quite possible to prevent some problems by consuming dark chocolate.

  • Chocolate affects blood flow, thereby easing the load on the heart.
  • Reduces blood pressure, and hypertensive patients are known to suffer from cardiovascular diseases more often than anyone else.
  • Affects the level of cholesterol in the blood, helping to reduce it. This means it keeps blood vessels healthy for as long as possible.
  • Swedish scientists conducted studies during which the following evidence was obtained - moderate consumption of dark chocolate reduces the risk of death among patients with heart disease.
  • Italian scientists recently discovered that including small portions of dark chocolate in the heart's diet significantly slowed the process of hardening of artery walls, which is considered the root cause of heart attack.

Scientists cannot explain exactly why chocolate affects our body in this way. Its benefits are believed to be due to the presence of flavonoids, antioxidants and polyphenols in large quantities. Doctors recommend consuming dark chocolate as a preventative measure to prevent the development of heart disease.

However, scientists emphasize that when describing the beneficial qualities of chocolate for cores, they rely on the results of studies of the properties of cocoa without added sugar and other impurities. Therefore, not all chocolate is good for the heart. All kinds of chocolate desserts and candies, which we are accustomed to consider chocolate, contain a lot of foreign impurities and additives, which deprives them of the right to be classified as heart-healthy products. Taking care of your health, treat yourself only to high-quality dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans and low sugar content.

The least healthy is white, containing hydrogenated fats, sugar and aromatic additives. Due to its high calorie content, chocolate is limited in the diet if you are overweight; it can also stimulate the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys.

Read in this article

Composition of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a number of valuable microelements and biological compounds. In total, more than 300 of them were found in this product. This is precisely why it owes its tonic, antidepressant and cardioprotective properties. The main biological significance of the components of bitter varieties:

  • Theobromine. Promotes the accumulation of energy in cells, relaxes the blood vessels of the brain, skin, kidneys, limbs, stimulates breathing, heart function, improves coronary circulation and the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, has a mild diuretic effect, inhibits the formation of blood clots, and restores impaired microcirculation.
  • Caffeine. The effect is determined by the type of nervous system and dose. Stimulates motor and mental activity, the vasomotor center, urine output, increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions, and increases blood pressure at initially low values.
  • Magnesium. Reduces vascular tone, relaxes muscles, is able to inhibit excitation processes, helps normalize glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents, and improves the sensitivity of receptors to insulin.
  • Cacao butter. Protects against ultraviolet radiation, strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Polyphenols. They stabilize cell membranes, protect them from destruction by free radicals, reduce capillary permeability, have anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic and antispasmodic properties, increase the accumulation of energy in the myocardium, normalize blood pressure, improve blood pressure, and have an estrogen-like effect.

How does chocolate affect the heart?

Due to its composition, eating chocolate leads to the following effects:

  • enhances myocardial contractility;
  • increases cardiac output;
  • improve blood flow through the coronary vessels;
  • activates metabolic processes in cells;
  • helps strengthen muscle fibers;
  • protects blood vessels and heart from destruction;
  • inhibits the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Chocolate is contraindicated if you are prone to allergic reactions, the formation of kidney and gallstones, arthritis, or gout. If you are obese, you need to take into account the calorie content of a product when including it in the menu, and if you have diabetes, choose products with sugar substitutes.

In any case, before purchasing, you need to carefully study the composition; it should not contain other fats except cocoa butter and flavorings, and the more grated cocoa there is, the greater its health benefits.

Watch the video about the benefits and harms of chocolate for the human body:

Bitter, dark and milk chocolate lowers or increases blood pressure

The effect on blood pressure depends on its initial values. When it is elevated, due to relaxation of the vascular walls, its level decreases, and at initially low values, the tonic effect predominates. Thus, chocolate normalizes indicators in hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

This effect is not stable; as a rule, after an hour the pressure level returns to its previous value.

Chocolate does not have medicinal properties, but it can be consumed regardless of the type of hemodynamic disorders.

The difference between varieties is the content of cocoa liquor. If it is less than 60%, then it belongs to dark chocolate and can be used as a dessert, but its benefits are several times lower than that of bitter chocolate. Milk, white (without cocoa liquor) and even dark are not suitable for preventive purposes for heart disease. Their taste is more delicate, but apart from nutritional value, they have no other beneficial qualities.

If your blood pressure is low, can one sweet help?

The role of chocolate in increasing blood pressure is very modest. It has a predominantly general tonic effect.

Chocolate in its pure form is not used to treat or prevent low blood pressure, since the caffeine content in it is not enough, and other components have the opposite effect. There is also an addiction factor to caffeine, so large doses of coffee and sweet products cease to have a stimulating effect over time.

The beneficial properties of chocolate are associated with the content of polyphenols, theobromine and trace elements. To prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, you need to choose bitter varieties. They help normalize blood pressure, therefore they are allowed for hypertension and hypotension.

It is not used for medicinal purposes due to the instability of the effect, but regular intake of the recommended dose helps reduce fatigue, improve mood and performance, and protect the heart and blood vessels from atherosclerotic changes.

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