Kantemirovskaya division 13th tank regiment SME. "Non-combat losses"

The Kantemirovskaya Division Naro-Fominsk is a unit that is considered an elite military unit of Russia. The Kantemirovskaya division named after Yu.V. Andropov is stationed in the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. The military motto of the Kantemirovsky division is “Honor and Glory.” The division's emblem features a bear's head and two laurel branches, with a motto below.

4 Kantemirovskaya Tank Division Naro-Fominsk was formed from the Seventeenth Tank Corps, which was founded in Stalingrad in 1942. The corps included one hundred and eighty tanks, and they were superior in quality to the German tanks of the Wehrmacht.

A little history and geography. In Russia, in the Voronezh region there is the village of Kantemirovka. During the Great Patriotic War, heavy and bloody battles took place in these places. The railway station in the village of Kantemirovka was liberated in December 1942. The Seventeenth Tank Corps (later becoming a division) took part in the operation on the Kursk Bulge. And it was in honor and in memory of these events that the division received the name Kantemirovskaya. By the way, a street and metro station in Moscow, a bridge in St. Petersburg and even a street in the Donetsk region, in Kramatorsk, were named in honor of those events.

The tank corps received the honorary title "Guards" and the combat guards banner in 1943. And in 1944, for the courage and heroism shown during the liberation of the Ukrainian cities of Ternopil, Shepetivka, Zbarazh, the tank corps received an honorary award - the Order of the Red Banner. And the corps received the Order of Lenin for liberation. The corps ended the war in the area, having previously participated in the capture. Moscow repeatedly saluted the Kantemirovites during the war.

The soldiers and commanders of the formation showed courage and bravery in battle, more than twenty thousand were awarded orders and medals. More than three dozen people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, five of them were forever included in the unit list. The honorary concept of “enlisted forever” is a military tradition that has been preserved since the times of the Russian Empire. Its essence is to perpetuate the memory of military personnel who died in the line of duty. In the unit or military unit where the hero served, his sleeping place is always in perfect condition, above which hangs a portrait and information about the feat. In addition, names from the “enlisted forever” list are read out at the daily evening verification.

Immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Seventeenth Tank Corps was reorganized into the 4th Guards Kantemirovsky Division and redeployed to the Moscow region, to the city of Naro-Fominsk.

Kantemirovskaya Division Naro-Fominsk address:

Moscow region, city of Naro - Fominsk 1, Peshekhonova street, 5, military unit 19612

On July 1, 1946, a holiday was first approved - Tankman Day in honor of the enormous merits of tank troops and tank builders in the fight against the Nazis during the war. And now it is an important holiday for the military. And after the war, it was celebrated by the passage of tanks through the city with festive fireworks. And the Kantemirovites were the first to go in combat tanks in 1946. This was the first and last time that an entire division took part in the parade in the center of the capital. On the paving stones of Red Square, menacing cars walked in rows - participants in the just ended war. The vehicles moved in an order that was identical to the formation for combat missions. During the passage of tanks through Red Square, the vibration was such that minor repairs had to be made in St. Basil's Cathedral after that. This was a demonstration of the might of the USSR's military force.

Units of the elite Moscow region divisions - Tamanskaya and Kantemirovskaya - were brought into the capital when Stalin was buried, when Beria was arrested.

In 1984, the Kantemirovskaya division was named after Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov. Soldiers and officers of the unit worked as peacekeepers in South Ossetia (1997), in Kosovo (from 1998 to 2002), and in the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.

In 2008, the Division was reorganized into the Fourth Separate Tank Brigade. But in 2013 the name of the division was restored.

The main types of weapons of the Kantemirovsky division:
T-80U battle tank

Self-propelled howitzer "Acacia"

Divisional howitzer "Msta-S"

Anti-aircraft missile and gun complex "Tunguska"

Buk detection station

Armored tracked vehicle BMP-3

All-weather anti-aircraft missile system "Tor"

and etc...

Living conditions in the Kantemirovskaya division in Naro-Fominsk are typical for Russian military formations. Recruits undergo psychological testing, which determines the soldier - what he should be: a mechanic, a tank driver or a scout. Within a month, recruits are given a young fighter course. Classes are held in a specific profile - twenty-five hours a week. Control measures are regularly carried out to monitor the knowledge and skills of military personnel. Specialists from the equipment manufacturer provide training on service maintenance.
Physical training takes four hours daily. Soldiers can receive a package from their relatives once a week. It is allowed to send cigarettes, socks, shoelaces, insoles, medicines, disposable cups, pens, pencils, needles, threads, and hygiene items. Since August 2015, the division has been commanded by Colonel A.B. Kolesnikov, a native of the Voronezh region - the place where the division itself was born.

By the way, after different periods in the life of the country, the tradition is being revived when the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Division celebrates its birthday on June 26. On this day, since Soviet times, the doors of the garrison where the division was stationed were open to everyone. In 2016, such an “Open Day” was held in the division. On June 26, you could see how soldiers live in the barracks and eat “soldier’s” food in the field kitchen. In the stands, the Kantemirov team was congratulated by guests, including division veterans. And, naturally, the celebration included a combat part, where soldiers demonstrated their skills and equipment capabilities. Many say that this was just a rehearsal for the division’s grand celebration dedicated to the 75th anniversary of its founding, which will take place in June 2017.

Naro-Fominsk Kantemirovskaya division how to get there:

By train from Moscow - from Kyiv station to Nara station or by minibus number 309 from Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station to Nara station. Next - there is a stop nearby, minibuses 9,7,13 or 11. Stop "up to three tanks", immediately in front of the checkpoint. The drive is about seven minutes.

You can also take the Moscow-Kaluga bus from the Teply Stan metro station to Naro-Fominsk.
By car: drive fifty-five kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kievskoye Highway. At the first traffic light after the sign "Naro-Fominsk" (after three hundred meters), turn right. Follow the main road to McDonald's. Turn right, after 150 meters you will go left and then continue in a straight line. There will be a square on the right with three tanks on it, and a checkpoint on the left. You have arrived, this is the Kantemirovskaya division near Naro-Fominsk.

Kantemirovskaya division Naro-Fominsk official website:

Damn, I wanted to post a link to the official source, but I couldn’t find the site, as I understand it it’s “not allowed”

Badge of the 13th Tank Regiment

The 13th Tank Regiment, or military unit 32010, is one of the formations of the 4th Tank Division, currently part of the Tank Ground Forces of the Russian Federation. The military unit is stationed in the Moscow region, in the city of Naro-Fominsk.


The 13th Tank Regiment dates back to 1942, when the 67th Tank Brigade was formed near Stalingrad. In 1943, for its distinction in the battles near the Kantemirovka station, it was renamed Kantemirovskaya. In 1944, the unit received the name Shepetovskaya, for the successful conduct of a military operation near the city of Shepetovka.

Type of sleeve patch of the 13th GShTP

During the Great Patriotic War, the tank brigade took part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, Elbe and Stalingrad. The combat path of the 67th Tank Brigade ended in May 1945 with the capture of Prague.
Since September 1945, it was reorganized into the 13th Tank Regiment of the Moscow Military District, redeployed to Naro-Fominsk and is currently military unit 32010. The unit shows good results in international exercises and participates in annual parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square.


1945 – Order of the Red Banner and Order of Alexander Nevsky

Eyewitness impressions

The material and living conditions in the unit, as employees say, are good. The barracks, divided into blocks, are renovated annually, they have two showers per block, rest rooms and academic classrooms. Instead of a divisional laundry, there is a consumer services plant.

Information stand in the 13th regiment

The canteen in military unit 32010 is staffed by civilians, so soldiers do not take part in preparing food or delivering food. In the near future, the command of military unit 32010 plans to begin feeding employees on a buffet basis.
Soldiers are given leave on weekends, but in some cases they are also given leave on weekdays.
Relatives should write a statement indicating the reason and provide a passport as collateral. Calls to family are allowed only on weekends, from 19.00.
Eyewitnesses emphasize that tank soldiers are allowed to purchase shoes and uniforms on their own. The military store is located in Naro-Fominsk, not far from the unit, at the intersection of Kubinskoe highway and st. Shibankova.
As for the training of soldiers of military unit 32010, each newcomer undergoes psychological testing, with the help of which he is assigned to the position of a tank driver, mechanic or reconnaissance officer.

Living conditions in the unit barracks

The training of military personnel is carried out quickly. 4 hours a day are allocated for physical training of personnel. Classes in the major military specialty take 25 hours a week.
An important factor for training fighters is the interchangeability of the crew of a combat vehicle. So, the gunner must be able to control the tank, and the mechanic must be able to aim and fire the gun. Test exercises on virtual simulators (T-80-U) and control of theoretical knowledge are carried out monthly.
According to the soldiers, they carry out maintenance of the tanks themselves, but at first they are advised and trained by specialists from the factories that manufacture the combat vehicles.

Instructions for mom

Parcels and letters

Division club building

Unit address: 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, military unit 31010
A parcel (weighing from 3 to 5 kg) can be sent to a soldier to one of the post offices:

  • 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Marshala Zhukova, 11; (without weekend breaks from 8.00 to 20.00, on Sunday from 09.00 to 14.00). Phone: (496-34) 3-57-26
  • 143301 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Shibankova, 2; (closed on Sunday, on weekdays from 08.00 to 20.00, break from 14.00 to 15.00). Phone: (496-34) 4-08-01

The 13th Tank Regiment, or military unit 32010, is one of the formations of the 4th Tank Division, currently part of the Tank Ground Forces of the Russian Federation. The military unit is stationed in the Moscow region, in the city of Naro-Fominsk.

History of military unit 32010

The 13th Tank Regiment dates back to 1942, when the 67th Tank Brigade was formed near Stalingrad. In 1943, for its distinction in the battles near the Kantemirovka station, it was renamed Kantemirovskaya. In 1944, the unit received the name Shepetovskaya, for the successful conduct of a military operation near the city of Shepetovka.

During the Great Patriotic War, the tank brigade took part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, Elbe and Stalingrad. The combat path of the 67th Tank Brigade ended in May 1945 with the capture of Prague.
Since September 1945, it was reorganized into the 13th Tank Regiment of the Moscow Military District, redeployed to Naro-Fominsk and is currently military unit 32010. The unit shows good results in international exercises and participates in annual parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square.

1945 – Order of the Red Banner and Order of Alexander Nevsky

Reviews of military unit 32010

The material and living conditions in the unit, as employees say, are good. The barracks, divided into blocks, are renovated annually, they have two showers per block, rest rooms and academic classrooms. Instead of a divisional laundry, there is a consumer services plant.

The canteen in military unit 32010 is staffed by civilians, so soldiers do not take part in preparing food or delivering food. In the near future, the command of military unit 32010 plans to begin feeding employees on a buffet basis.
Soldiers are given leave on weekends, but in some cases they are also given leave on weekdays.
Relatives should write a statement indicating the reason and provide a passport as collateral. Calls to family are allowed only on weekends, from 19.00.
Eyewitnesses emphasize that tank soldiers are allowed to purchase shoes and uniforms on their own. The military store is located in Naro-Fominsk, not far from the unit, at the intersection of Kubinskoe highway and st. Shibankova.
As for the training of soldiers of military unit 32010, each newcomer undergoes psychological testing, with the help of which he is assigned to the position of a tank driver, mechanic or reconnaissance officer.

The training of military personnel is carried out quickly. 4 hours a day are allocated for physical training of personnel. Classes in the major military specialty take 25 hours a week.
An important factor for training fighters is the interchangeability of the crew of a combat vehicle. So, the gunner must be able to control the tank, and the mechanic must be able to aim and fire the gun. Test exercises on virtual simulators (T-80-U) and control of theoretical knowledge are carried out monthly.
According to the soldiers, they carry out maintenance of the tanks themselves, but at first they are advised and trained by specialists from the factories that manufacture the combat vehicles.

Instructions for mom
Parcels and letters

Unit address: 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, military unit 31010
A parcel (weighing from 3 to 5 kg) can be sent to a soldier to one of the post offices:

  • 1. History
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Eyewitness impressions
  • 4 Instructions for mom
    • 4.1 Parcels and letters
    • 4.2 Contact numbers
    • 4.3 Your visit
  • 5 Where to stay

The 13th Tank Regiment, or military unit 32010, is one of the formations of the 4th Tank Division, currently part of the Tank Ground Forces of the Russian Federation. The military unit is stationed in the Moscow region, in the city of Naro-Fominsk.

Badge of the 13th Tank Regiment


The 13th Tank Regiment dates back to 1942, when the 67th Tank Brigade was formed near Stalingrad. In 1943, for its distinction in the battles near the Kantemirovka station, it was renamed Kantemirovskaya. In 1944, the unit received the name Shepetovskaya, for the successful conduct of a military operation near the city of Shepetovka.
During the Great Patriotic War, the tank brigade took part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, Elbe and Stalingrad. The combat path of the 67th Tank Brigade ended in May 1945 with the capture of Prague.
Since September 1945, it was reorganized into the 13th Tank Regiment of the Moscow Military District, redeployed to Naro-Fominsk and is currently military unit 32010. The unit shows good results in international exercises and participates in annual parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square.

Type of sleeve patch of the 13th GShTP


1945 – Order of the Red Banner and Order of Alexander Nevsky

Eyewitness impressions

The material and living conditions in the unit, as employees say, are good. The barracks, divided into blocks, are renovated annually, they have two showers per block, rest rooms and academic classrooms. Instead of a divisional laundry, there is a consumer services plant.
The canteen in military unit 32010 is staffed by civilians, so soldiers do not take part in preparing food or delivering food. In the near future, the command of military unit 32010 plans to begin feeding employees on a buffet basis.
Soldiers are given leave on weekends, but in some cases they are also given leave on weekdays.

Information stand in the 13th regiment

Relatives should write a statement indicating the reason and provide a passport as collateral. Calls to family are allowed only on weekends, from 19.00.
Eyewitnesses emphasize that tank soldiers are allowed to purchase shoes and uniforms on their own. The military store is located in Naro-Fominsk, not far from the unit, at the intersection of Kubinskoe highway and st. Shibankova.
As for the training of soldiers of military unit 32010, each newcomer undergoes psychological testing, with the help of which he is assigned to the position of a tank driver, mechanic or reconnaissance officer.
The training of military personnel is carried out quickly. 4 hours a day are allocated for physical training of personnel. Classes in the major military specialty take 25 hours a week.

Living conditions in the unit barracks

An important factor for training fighters is the interchangeability of the crew of a combat vehicle. So, the gunner must be able to control the tank, and the mechanic must be able to aim and fire the gun. Test exercises on virtual simulators (T-80-U) and control of theoretical knowledge are carried out monthly.
According to the soldiers, they carry out maintenance of the tanks themselves, but at first they are advised and trained by specialists from the factories that manufacture the combat vehicles.

Division club building

Instructions for mom

Parcels and letters

Unit address: 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, military unit 31010
A parcel (weighing from 3 to 5 kg) can be sent to a soldier to one of the post offices:

  • 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Marshala Zhukova, 11; (without weekend breaks from 8.00 to 20.00, on Sunday from 09.00 to 14.00). Phone: (496-34) 3-57-26
  • 143301 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Shibankova, 2; (closed on Sunday, on weekdays from 08.00 to 20.00, break from 14.00 to 15.00). Phone: (496-34) 4-08-01

Badge of the 13th Tank Regiment

The 13th Tank Regiment, or military unit 32010, is one of the formations currently included in the tank ground forces of the Russian Federation. The military unit is stationed in the Moscow region, in the city of Naro-Fominsk.


The 13th Tank Regiment dates back to 1942, when the 67th Tank Brigade was formed near Stalingrad. In 1943, for its distinction in the battles near the Kantemirovka station, it was renamed Kantemirovskaya. In 1944, the unit received the name Shepetovskaya, for the successful conduct of a military operation near the city of Shepetovka.

Type of sleeve patch of the 13th GShTP

During the Great Patriotic War, the tank brigade took part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, Elbe and Stalingrad. The combat path of the 67th Tank Brigade ended in May 1945 with the capture of Prague.
Since September 1945, it was reorganized into the 13th Tank Regiment of the Moscow Military District, redeployed to Naro-Fominsk and is currently military unit 32010. The unit shows good results in international exercises and participates in annual parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square.


1945 – Order of the Red Banner and Order of Alexander Nevsky

Eyewitness impressions

The material and living conditions in the unit, as employees say, are good. The barracks, divided into blocks, are renovated annually, they have two showers per block, rest rooms and academic classrooms. Instead of a divisional laundry, there is a consumer services plant.

Information stand in the 13th regiment

The canteen in military unit 32010 is staffed by civilians, so soldiers do not take part in preparing food or delivering food. In the near future, the command of military unit 32010 plans to begin feeding employees on a buffet basis.
Soldiers are given leave on weekends, but in some cases they are also given leave on weekdays.
Relatives should write a statement indicating the reason and provide a passport as collateral. Calls to family are allowed only on weekends, from 19.00.
Eyewitnesses emphasize that tank soldiers are allowed to purchase shoes and uniforms on their own. The military store is located in Naro-Fominsk, not far from the unit, at the intersection of Kubinskoe highway and st. Shibankova.
As for the training of soldiers of military unit 32010, each newcomer undergoes psychological testing, with the help of which he is assigned to the position of a tank driver, mechanic or reconnaissance officer.

Living conditions in the unit barracks

The training of military personnel is carried out quickly. 4 hours a day are allocated for physical training of personnel. Classes in the major military specialty take 25 hours a week.
An important factor for training fighters is the interchangeability of the crew of a combat vehicle. So, the gunner must be able to control the tank, and the mechanic must be able to aim and fire the gun. Test exercises on virtual simulators (T-80-U) and control of theoretical knowledge are carried out monthly.
According to the soldiers, they carry out maintenance of the tanks themselves, but at first they are advised and trained by specialists from the factories that manufacture the combat vehicles.

Instructions for mom

Parcels and letters

Division club building

Unit address: 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, military unit 31010
A parcel (weighing from 3 to 5 kg) can be sent to a soldier to one of the post offices:

  • 143300 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Marshala Zhukova, 11; (without weekend breaks from 8.00 to 20.00, on Sunday from 09.00 to 14.00). Phone: (496-34) 3-57-26
  • 143301 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Shibankova, 2; (closed on Sunday, on weekdays from 08.00 to 20.00, break from 14.00 to 15.00). Phone: (496-34) 4-08-01

Soldiers receive letters and parcels on Saturdays. Among the transfers, the command of the Kantemirovskaya Tank Division allows:

Night tank exercises

  • Personal hygiene items;
  • Hemming fabric;
  • Threads and needles;
  • Disposable machines;
  • Medicines;
  • Stationery;
  • Sweets;
  • Laces and felt insoles for shoes;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Warm and thin socks.