How to paint veneered doors, as well as step-by-step stages of doing work with your own hands. Veneer paint

With the passage of time, things often fall into disrepair. This also applies to interior doors, which also deteriorate or have an unpresentable appearance. An old door leaf can be restored independently in several ways. It is worth considering the type of material, the degree of deterioration and financial capabilities. A veneer door can be easily confused with natural wood products, but the former are much easier. Given the manufacturing technology, the restoration will not cause problems.

Painted doors

Composition and concentration

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to paint a veneered door? It is worth knowing that such material is demanding and capricious. The first thing to think about is the color scheme. You can radically change the color of the door leaf or slightly update it. Small defects, scratches or chips can be removed with varnish, wax crayon, and finally - polish. This is necessary in order for the final canvas to look like new.
How to paint a veneered door, you choose, but you should not take nitro paints into work. They do not tolerate moisture and give the garment a matte effect over time. Experts recommend using the following substances:

  • polyurethane paints;
  • water-based formulations;
  • specialized materials for veneer;
  • glyphthalic.

Painting stages.
The work necessarily contains several gradual stages. The first is preparing the veneer door for renewal. It is imperative to remove the fittings, clean the surface of contamination, remove the protective film, if any. If the doors are new, without damage or irregularities, then these preparatory work is not necessary. It will be easy to repaint, and the base coat will only strengthen the finish.

To remove old varnish, use fine-grained sandpaper, special mixtures. Never use a grinding impeller. Turning at high speed will damage the surface, create scratches, dents or even chipping.

Preparatory process

The second stage should be started only after the completion of the previous one. If you are dealing with natural veneer, then the work should be carried out carefully through the small thickness of the plates. A wood primer will eliminate unevenness and help give the door leaf a fresh look. The shade should be a few shades lighter from the final, so as not to affect the result. Let the surface dry well. For work, it is worth choosing dry rooms that are well ventilated. This will help speed up the drying process of the product at all stages and will not harm the work.
For the final stage of working with water-based acrylic paints, it is better to use a brush, a small roller with short bristles. Alkyd products are also good because they are water-repellent.
It is necessary to paint the door with a light color in two layers, and with a dark one in four to achieve the desired effect. Drying time up to 48 hours.

Painting results

There are some useful tips for those planning to repaint a veneered door:

  1. Dense colors will hide the unique ornament of a natural canvas. It is worth using options with a lower concentration.
  2. Stains will help to freshen up the color. Varnishes will preserve the natural look of the canvas.
  3. At all stages of work, carry out only with the horizontal position of the door.
  4. An interesting design solution would be to use different shades of each side.
  5. It is best to use a spray bottle or sponge to apply the stain to the surface.

How to paint a veneered door if it is not natural. Artificial canvas requires special attention, because they use film coatings to create a three-dimensional perception. The problem is that the paint runs down the surface faster and thus forms streaks and waves. In this case, it is worth choosing fast-drying materials with a high density, using a spray bottle.

Further care

It is worth using the interior doors carefully, keeping them clean, and avoiding mechanical damage. There is a list of tools that do not need to be applied to this door leaf:

  • harsh abrasive substances;
  • liquid cleaners containing active chemical components;
  • iron scrapers.

With proper care, the door leaf will look beautiful for a long time.


The choice of paint mixtures at the first stage will help determine the further work on the veneered door. Pay attention to the material from which the canvas is made: whether it is natural or artificial. In the latter case, seek help from specialists so that the result does not upset the performers. Do not neglect the preparatory process: clean the surface, free from the protective film, use wood putty.
Do not forget to prime the product and give it time to dry completely. After the doors are painted, start working on the loot. Use the same paint or varnish. Install the hardware. Be careful during finishing work to avoid damaging anything.

03.09.2016 112159

Each theater begins with a coat rack, and the interior of any room begins with a door, which sets the mood and makes a significant contribution to the atmosphere of the interior and is an important element of room zoning.

  • alkyd enamels;
  • acrylic enamels;
  • nitro paint.
Alkyd enamels are inexpensive, while creating a stable, smooth, durable coating on the surface. However, such paints have one significant drawback: when staining, an unpleasant odor appears, which will disappear only after the enamel layer has dried, and this takes a couple of days. Therefore, alkyd enamels are used only for well-ventilated rooms or if there are no small children and people with allergies in the apartment.
The ideal choice for painting is acrylic enamel, which dries quickly and does not emit an unpleasant odor. After painting, it may be necessary to apply an additional varnish layer to protect the canvas from moisture and to create a pleasant glossy effect.
Nitro paint creates an excellent, even coating and dries in a few minutes, but releases toxic substances into the air. Therefore, when using it from the room where the painted interior children, pregnant women and allergy sufferers are located.
In addition, such paint is not suitable for painting veneered doors, since under its influence the veneer becomes covered with stains that are difficult to remove.
As for the shade of paint, you should choose it depending on the color scheme of the interior and your own taste preferences. You can choose the color of interior doors in accordance with the shade of the wallpaper, individual elements of the room decor or flooring. White will be a neutral and discreet option. Light beige, brown of various shades, wood-like color are considered classics. Extravagant colors - red, green, blue and other harsh tones create an effect of tension and visually disturb the peace of the home.

Selection of paint depending on the material

When choosing a paint, one should take into account what material the door is made of.
canvas or chipboard is carried out with any paint.
If the door is made from, it is a little more difficult to paint it, as it is difficult to maintain the veneer structure. Therefore, it is advisable to paint a varnish with a suitable shade or paint with paints that include varnish, although ordinary acrylic water-based paint will do.
It is not difficult to renovate the laminated surface. It creates excellent adhesion to any dye composition.

Preparation for staining

Remove before dyeing. In the event that you only need to slightly renew the paint layer, this is not necessary.
Painting doors in an apartment begins with preparing a workplace. Removed from the hinges. Ordinary stools are successfully used as supports, on which boards the width of a door leaf are placed. The supports must be covered with a non-slip, lint-free dense cloth. The door is processed first on one side, then turned over to the other.
The first stage of work is the removal of the old paint layer. For convenience, all the fittings (handles, hinges, etc.) are previously removed, and a small amount of cotton wool or rags is placed in the holes.
To remove a layer of old paint, use a solvent, a stiff metal brush or sandpaper.

After removing the paint, the surface of the interior door is leveled, the cracks are sealed with putty, the surface is polished with a grinding machine or fine-grained sandpaper and a layer of primer is applied. The primer is prepared from the same paint, which will then be used to paint the main background. To prepare it, the finished paint is diluted with a solvent in a ratio of 1: 3. The resulting composition is primed in 1 layer. If necessary, after priming, partially or completely putty again.
All of the above applies to interior doors made of wood. When preparing to paint doors made of other materials, you must remember some important points:

  1. it is enough to remove the top layer of varnish from the veneer door. If you only need to slightly renew the gloss, then the paint is applied over the previous coating;
  2. only the top layer of wax dirt-repellent impregnation is removed from the laminate sheet;
  3. doors made of MDF and chipboard are prepared for painting in the same way as wooden doors.


When the remnants of the old paint have been removed from the door, and its surface is prepared for applying a new one, they start painting.
To paint a wooden door in an apartment, it is most convenient to use a roller, and to work out small details and protrusions - a small brush. It is convenient to use a special spray gun for applying paint. This is especially true in the case of staining MDF doors.
Before applying the paint, it is recommended to thoroughly filter it: this way the coating will be denser and more uniform.

Important! The door leaf is painted in one direction only! Do not put layers of paint towards each other. In the process of work, exclude direct sunlight on the door leaf. The room must be protected from dust and midges, which, sticking to fresh paint, spoil the business.

If you want to cover the surface with varnish, be sure to wait until the paint layer has completely dried. This process takes a day for acrylic paints and two to three days for alkyd enamels.

Coloring ideas

You can limit yourself to a color that matches the interior of the room, but why not show imagination and turn the interior door into an interesting interior detail?
To give the door a more decorative look, it is recommended to use several techniques:

  1. stencil application. In this case, the door is covered with a background layer of paint, after drying of which an even, neat pattern is applied using a stencil,
  2. use of multiple colors. In this case, you can create interesting patterns in the form of stripes, squares or rectangles. To create an even pattern, you need a special masking tape, with the help of which areas of the required shape are highlighted on a dried layer of background paint.
  3. art painting. This option is only suitable for those who have certain drawing skills. Art acrylic paints and thin synthetic brushes are used to create the painting. At the same time, fabulous plots are suitable for the door to the nursery, and floral ornaments for the bedroom or hall,
  4. creating a textured surface. To give the doors an interesting decorative look, it is recommended to use a special rigid roller or brush, which is used to work through a layer of recently applied paint. In addition, special paints are sold that, after drying, create a textured surface.

With diligence, you will get a real work of art.

As you can see, painting interior doors with your own hands is not so difficult. To achieve an excellent result, you need to be patient, take your time while working and use quality materials.

Today, such doors are considered relevant. There is a huge selection of various designs, palettes and shapes. Veneered doors in wenge or walnut look are very popular.

How do these designs differ from other similar products? Veneer is wood cut into thin strips. The thickness of these strips is different and reaches 1 centimeter. Such sheets are used to decorate doors, the internal mass of which is made of pine, oak, etc.

The natural texture of the material is an important advantage

Veneer is considered a demanding material. And in order for the doors to get used to the environment (temperature, moisture), they bring it into the apartment a week before installation, where it will stand. If you handle such a door carelessly, the surface may be scratched and abraded. Such defects are not difficult to eliminate on your own. The question arises, is it possible to paint veneered doors? If so, how can this be done? For such a case, use furniture varnishes, wax polishes. Such materials are transparent. You need to apply varnish to the surface, and then rub with polish.

Pay attention to the damaged surface.

If the damage is not significant, then a layer of paint material can only be applied to it. But if the defect is very noticeable, then all doors should be renewed. This method will prevent stains and intermittent shine.

After applying varnish, the door will have a uniform shine and beautiful appearance.

Veneer doors can also be painted and painted.

It is important to decide what we want: keep the color as it was or completely change the painting. Also important is the degree of deformation of the door surface and how they were painted before.

But, is it possible to paint veneered doors if they had been varnished before? The previous layer of paint and varnish material should be removed with a sander using a fine-grained belt.

If you decide to completely repaint the entire surface, then you need to be ready for additional work. Only work must be carried out very carefully, because the thickness of the wood is insignificant. If you are afraid that you yourself will not be able to cope with this, contact the specialists.

The preparation of doors for painting includes: cleaning the surface from dust and dirt, covering up irregularities with a special primer.

You can make the decor of a veneered door with water, glyphtal, polyurethane paint. It is strictly forbidden to paint the veneer with nitro paints. Stains may appear on the doors, which spoil the appearance. The most suitable option for painting veneer is water-based paint.

Is it possible to paint veneered doors if they are made of artificial material? In theory, this is possible, but achieving great results is most of all that will not work. It is impossible to choose a paint that adheres tightly and does not roll off a very smooth base. And if the surface is primed, the effect of natural wood will disappear.

Remember that you can paint veneer doors with varnish or paint.

If the original paint layer is changed with a chemical dye, there is a risk of destroying the environmental friendliness of the product.

It is not difficult to paint veneered doors, you need to do it in the same way as wood products, because veneer is wood.

Before painting the doors, you need to process them with a sanding mesh. This work must be done manually if the veneer is peeled or sliced. You can use a grinder if we are preparing sawn veneer.

After sanding, the surface must be primed.

Mix the prepared paint thoroughly, and it can be: acrylic, enamel, pentaphthalic paints. They dry quickly and are easy and simple to apply. You can paint it with a ready-made color, or you can tint it yourself. But before painting, you need to make sure the surface is completely dry. If the doors were in a damp room, then it is imperative to dry.

Apply the paint with a roller, brush or sponge. You can look at the instructions and read what is recommended to apply the material.

After applying the dye, allow time to dry. Protect the door surface from dust during drying.

The ideal result can be achieved by applying paint with a spray gun. Indeed, in this case, the paint lays down in a thin layer and evenly, which affects the appearance of the door. But to use such a tool, you need to have certain skills.

Can I change the color of the doors?

When planning our interior, we try to think through everything to the smallest detail: what color the walls, floor, furniture and, of course, doors will be. But the creation of decoration exclusively to your taste is not always possible. Sometimes you have to work with finished furnishings, for example, after buying a finished house or apartment. And what to do if the color of the door leaves does not suit, does not match with the rest of the materials and interior details? There are some ways to restore doors, change their color and appearance in general.

Painting the door leaf

This way of changing the appearance is not suitable for every interior arch and door. The canvas or gantry structure must be made of natural wood. Most often, paintable doors are made from pine or other inexpensive wood species. The following materials are used to change the color:

  • alkyd enamel
  • acrylic paint
  • nitro paint.

These types of coloring compositions are suitable if you need to radically change the shade of the canvas. Usually white paint is used, but some interiors require brighter details.

How and how to paint a veneered door

And the paint and varnish market offers a wide range of tones. To give the canvas a natural color or a noble wood shade, the solid wood door is covered with varnishes or stains.

Lamination or wallpapering

You can change the image of a door not only with paint. At home, it is quite possible to self-laminate the canvas. The same applies to the renovation of the arch in the apartment. For such a procedure, a special adhesive paper is purchased, the pattern on which imitates the texture of wood. Those who want to get a more original decorative element can purchase photo wallpaper for pasting door panels. Such material usually has a vivid expressive pattern, for example, a beautiful landscape, an architectural object, images of flowers, etc. Such a solution in the interior will look unusual, but it can also get boring pretty quickly. Although, if necessary, the canvas can be restored again by pasting it over with a new film.

Cloth decoration

Interior doors can be given a fresh fresh look with fabric. There are two ways to do this: pasting the canvas or its elements using the patchwork technique or locally with one type of fabric and the construction of curtains that are attached in place of the glass. To decorate a door with textiles, you need to carefully consider its colors and prints. Most successfully, this decor is in harmony with the interior style of Provence, shabby chic or country. For pasting, you need to choose a well-processed dense fabric.

What is the best way to paint a veneered door?

How to repaint an interior door?

An important part of the renovation is the replacement of interior doors. However, if the doors have not lost their properties and are able to serve for more than one year, then it will be pointless to change them. In this case, to repair them, it will be enough to update the color by painting the doors. This procedure is not complicated, and you can do it yourself.

Preparing for painting an interior door

First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface, handles and glass inserts from dust. You should also remove the old paint coat. It is not necessary to remove the door from the hinges, contact with a minimum number of surfaces allows you to get the best quality of staining.

Next, you need to remove the handle and the lock, filling the resulting void with rags or cotton wool. To make it convenient to open and close the doors, stretch the wire instead of the lock. It is better to cover elements that will not be painted with plastic or glue a newspaper with toothpaste.

If you find it uncomfortable to paint a door that is in an upright position, then you can remove it and put it on the table.

The choice of paint for an interior door

The main issue when performing these works is the selection of paint, which is carried out based on the material of the door and the nature of the old coating.

  • The best option would be to use acrylic enamel, often used to paint round logs. Its advantage lies in the presence of a huge selection of colors, giving the surfaces a matte finish. Plus, it practically does not smell. Of course, the cost of such paint will be much higher than usual and additionally requires fixing with varnish or other hardening coating.
  • Alkyd enamel is characterized by good strength, which is much cheaper than the previous version, but it has a pungent odor, therefore, during the period of work, the room should be isolated from people.
  • Nitro paint, which is also characterized by an unpleasant odor and toxicity, has even greater strength and long service life.

    When working with it, it is important to strictly follow all safety measures and paint when there are no people in the room.

Interior door paint tool

The result of the work depends not only on the choice of paint, but also on the tools used, the choice of which is carried out depending on the material of the door, on the paint used, as well as on the desired result.

So, when painting an interior door with enamel or varnish, you must use a brush. If it is important to preserve the natural structure of the wood, focusing on patterns, then a rubber trowel or sponge is the best option.

The roller is used when processing large areas.

The spray gun is most widely used for painting metal doors.

Self-painting of an interior door

  • At the initial stage, you should get rid of the old coating. This can be done by first washing the door with soapy water and then treating it with paint thinner. If necessary, you can use sandpaper.
  • Then the door is covered with a putty, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently by mixing wood sawdust with PVA glue. After drying, you should go over the surface with sandpaper.
  • It is better to start painting the door from the panel, making even strokes along the grain with a brush. Then proceed to the processing of the indentations. The ends are painted last.

  • Coloring the door alone will not give the desired result, as the coating appears unevenly applied. Therefore, you need to sandpaper the surface again and apply a second coat of paint.
  • To paint the door frame, the walls adjacent to it must be sealed with masking tape, otherwise it may be necessary to re-paste the wallpaper. They paint, first, the vertical strips, then the upper and platbands.
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Can a veneered door be painted?

Veneer - very demanding material... You immediately need to decide whether to leave the solid wood or completely repaint the door in a different color.

If there are minor defects and scratches, you can do with the usual varnishing, and then carefully rub the door with polish. In the event that for the interior of the room it is necessary to completely change the color of the door, then you must be ready for additional work.

First, you need to cover up all the existing irregularities with a special primer.

Veneered doors can be painted with polyurethane, water-based or glyphthalic paints.

Nitro paints do not use - they do not tolerate moisture, and your doors may become dull. Water-based paints in this case, the most suitable option.

Wait until the primer is completely dry and start painting.

To paint such doors, you can safely use compositions containing varnish and tone in one ( Lakobeyts, for example). This will help preserve the structure of the door and keep it looking nice.

Lakobeyts is liquid in consistency, therefore it penetrates deeply into the pores of the MDF, filling them and forming a uniform, thin and moisture-repellent layer.

Conveniently, the tone and varnish are mixed together, thanks to which the door does not need to be tinted first and then varnished.

Since this door has a certain panel pattern, and when painting with a roller or spray gun, it is very difficult to achieve a uniform varnish coating, painting should only be done by a professional.

No special skills are required for painting with a brush. You just need to be careful and immediately remove small smudges.

It is quite easy to prepare MDV doors for painting. It is only necessary to thoroughly wipe the doors with a damp washcloth or cloth so that there are no unnecessary particles on the surface.

Painting of paneled doors

Today, there are two of the most popular painting methods for paneled doors.

  • One of them is in applying paint first to the door ends themselves. Next, you need to carefully clean out the damaged areas of the panel and carefully apply a new layer of primer. After it dries, you can safely apply paint, preferably in two layers.
  • And here applying varnish or stain on these doors must be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. This method is mainly used for doors with a smooth surface.
  • Another method is in tinting the door panel. It should be used if the surface has a wood texture.

A white shellac primer can be used to cover imperfections in wood. You can create a color shade with wood stain.

Any surface should be painted only with high quality fabrics or brushes.

How to paint an iron door?

In this case, you will have to face a number of problems, because the iron door is capricious in terms of painting.

There are also big problems with the choice of paint. You should not experiment with interior paints - they will not paint high-quality iron doors.

Much greater effect in this regard will be from PF paint... Although its color scheme is too simple, it will not give any gloss or shine, but it will almost completely paint over the door.

It will be better if, before applying paint, apply a primer to match. The paint will be better on the primer than on the iron itself.

Use a spray gun for painting- this will simplify the work.

Primed doors for painting

Perhaps, The easiest way... The doors are practically completely ready for painting, it remains to prepare the necessary paint and tools.

Use a paintbrush on uneven surfaces of the door pattern, and a roller on flat surfaces.

You need to be more careful with the doors into which the glass is inserted. Pre-glue the edging of the glasses with paper tape to avoid paint getting on them.

Painting of metal doors

If you want to improve the appearance of a metal door, you can paint it.

How to paint a metal door?

To start some rules to remember.

First of all, thoroughly wipe the door with a sponge soaked in solvent or gasoline before painting.

If the doors have rust it is best to remove it with a mixture of zinc and chrome salt.

Welding seams can be removed with a metal brush or a special file. Further, the surface of the door must be coated with a primer, which slows down corrosion and serves as a binder of paint to the surface.

The best paints for such a door are: pentaphthalic, enamel paint and acrylic enamel.
Tools: special brush or spray can.

If you are going to paint a smooth door, then the entire surface must be divided into small squares and paint starts from the upper left corner. The paint must be applied in three layers... In the case when the surface is embossed, painting is carried out from the inside to the outside.

How to paint a laminated door?

Since the laminated door has a smooth surface, the paint is easy to apply, but it will not last long.

Therefore, first of all, you need to remove the top layer, which has varnish and impregnation, using a grinder and zero sandpaper.

You also need to remember that after the protective layer is chipboard, which will easily begin to crumble if done deep enough.

The treated surface must be thoroughly wiped with a solvent and a layer of a mixture of antiseptic and primer should be applied. Let this protective layer dry thoroughly and feel free to start applying the first coat of paint.

Any paint will do, because after sanding you will have a regular chipboard that can be painted with any compound.

Apply paint with a spray gun or velor roller. After the first layer has dried, paint again.

After a day, apply a layer of clear varnish, which will serve as protection during operation.

Painting doors "Canadian"

These doors are best painted with a spray gun.

If this is not possible, then you can use a roller or brush. Now to the question "how to paint the Canadian door"?

Usually, it is delivered immediately primed, but if you bought another option, then it must be primed before painting.

If no primer is available, use thinned paint. After priming, sand the surface thoroughly.

It needs to be done in two or three layers on wet, of course, if you use a spray gun; otherwise, you need to wait for drying.

Use alkyd enamel, as it does not fade in the sun and is quite durable.

Installation of the "Canadian" door should be carried out only after its preliminary painting.

As you can see, there are a lot of color options for doors made of various materials. In this case, you need to be especially careful and follow all of the above rules, and only then you will receive an excellent result.

    Advice! You cannot use nitro enamel. Its composition reacts poorly enough to a humid environment, from which matte spots appear on the treated surface. In addition, the paint has the most toxic composition.

    Faux veneer is quite difficult to paint, but according to theory, this process is possible. It is only necessary to choose the correct composition that can stay on the smooth surface of the door leaf. It turns out that it is possible to achieve the desired result, but this is a very costly process. If the product is primed, the effect of natural wood will be lost. It is better to carry out a high-quality restoration of an artificially veneered door structure in another way. It is important to understand all aspects and circumstances associated with painting this type of product.

    Photo 5 Schematic description of the painting of paneled and panel door structures.

    It should be noted once again that before painting a veneer door, it is necessary to determine what degree of reconstruction of the appearance is required for the product and which paint and varnish is more suitable.

    During the treatment of the surface layer, the agents used can change its composition, thereby depriving it of environmental friendliness. Turning to a specialist for veneered doors for advice, you can save yourself the hassle of choosing the right formulations.

    Ways of painting paneled doors

    Today there are two ways to paint paneled doors:

    1. Initially, the end sections of the door are treated with paint. After that, the damaged areas on the canvas are cleaned. A layer of alkyd primer is applied to the prepared surface. After complete drying, double painting is performed. This method is used for painting smooth-surface door structures. Varnish or stain is used when the instructions from the instructions are strictly followed.
    2. For a ribbed surface with a wood structure, the door structure tinting method is used. It is possible to camouflage the flaws of the top layer of wood using a shellac primer. It is most convenient to buy a ready-made white primer. Stain is used to create the desired color. Good quality brushes and materials must be used to paint the surface of the canvas.

    Methods for painting laminated door structures

    The smooth laminated surface easily lends itself to perfectly even staining, but the paint will not hold for long. First of all, it is necessary to remove the last layer of impregnated varnish. A grinder is suitable for this. If necessary, you can use zero sandpaper.

    When working with the machine, it is worth remembering that under the last layer of varnish there is a chipboard, which will easily crumble if carelessly processed at a deep distance. The prepared canvas is wiped off with a solvent, and then a layer of primer is applied with the addition of antiseptics and fungicides. Depending on the type of mixture, the drying time of the primer varies from 40 minutes to 6 hours. After waiting for the required time required for the drying of the protective coating, paint is applied.

    Photo 6 Using oil or wax impregnation.

    The coatings applied to the chipboard are irrelevant as they are this kind of material is not whimsical.

    The best way to apply paint is to use a spray gun. With its help, you can achieve ideal paint distribution over the surface of the door leaf. In the absence of such a device, a short-pile roller is used. After waiting time for the first layer to dry, apply the next one. A day later, the painted canvas is varnished with transparent enamel, which performs a protective function during the operational period.

    The main stages of painting MDF doors

    For painting MDF doors, you can use a varnish with a tinted effect. It does not affect the structure of the product and gives a neat appearance to the door structure. For example, the tinting varnish "Lakobeyts" possesses such characteristics. It has a liquid consistency, which differs in the depth of penetration into the porous composition of the MDF board, filling its voids, "Lakobeyts" forms a thin uniform coating. It also provides durable protection against excess moisture.

    Lakobeyts is easy to use, because varnish and tinting agent are in one composition, which significantly reduces the time of its application.

    You can use a brush for painting, while the skills of a painter are not required. Particular attention should be paid to smudges, they should not be on the canvas.

    When painting a door with a decorative pattern, it is not recommended to use a spray gun or a roller, since it will be quite difficult to achieve an even layer without professional skills. In this situation, it is better to use the services of a painter.

    Preparing a MDF door for painting will not be difficult. To do this, it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth, removing all dirt.

    Painting of the door structure "Canadian"

    It is better to apply paint on a Canadian with a pneumatic spray gun. In the absence of such a tool, a paint brush or roller can be used. The most common Canadian variant already has a primed surface. The only thing that remains for the new owner is to select and apply a decorative coating.

    If the product was not primed before being sold, thinned paint is applied after purchase. Then the surface needs to be sanded. The canvas is now ready to be painted. Using a spray gun, the "wet application" method is used, i.e. without waiting for the previous layer of paint to dry.

    Summing up, we can say that by choosing the correct way to paint the door, based on the composition of the structure, you can easily update not only the old coating, but also modify the new one, you just need to select the desired color and composition of the paint.