What can be done with unnecessary parts of the unit: homemade products from the engine from the washing machine. How to make useful things from an old washing machine What can be made from a washing machine drum

What do they usually do with obsolete household appliances? There can be many options here. Someone simply takes the old unit to the nearest garbage container, someone - to the dacha or to the garage, in the hope that "maybe it will come in handy." You can also contact a company specializing in the export of large-sized equipment - there are hundreds of such organizations in any large city.

However, there is another way to solve the problem, which for some reason many forget. Old, non-repairable household appliances can be given new life. Craftsmen make original and functional things from non-working refrigerators, electric stoves and washing machines. In this article, we will tell you what crafts can be made from an old washing machine. Do not rush to get rid of the failed assistant, let her benefit you in her new incarnation.

What spare parts can I use?

A washing machine is a complex appliance made up of an enormous number of elements, most of which can be used for useful purposes. Almost any spare part can be used, from a sealed case to a drum. Most often, the following parts are used for crafts:

  • engine (motor) - if it is serviceable, then it can form the basis of a new device;
  • drum - high-quality metal will always come in handy on the farm;
  • hatch door - impact-resistant glass is also a useful thing in everyday life;
  • body - you can think of some interesting application for this part;
  • various small parts: springs, counterweights, clamps, bearings, electrical wires - all this will fit for various household needs, especially in skillful hands.

Concrete mixer

From an old cylindrical washing machine, which is popularly called a "barrel", you can make a compact concrete mixer and use it for domestic needs. The device is rather complicated, so in order to make it, you need to have at least basic knowledge of electrical engineering and plumbing.

First, you need to remove the activator from the washing machine. Instead, we will install blades that will stir the concrete. The blades need to be cut and welded from a metal sheet (it is best if it will become). The blades should be U-shaped and about 0.4-0.5 cm thick; a right angle should be observed between them.

Next, we weld the blades to the shaft at the place where the activator used to be. After that, we need to decide whether we will keep the old engine or make a new one. If you plan to mix small portions of the solution, then the engine does not need to be changed. If the portion size is large enough, it is more advisable to install a more powerful engine. Also, do not forget to put a gearbox instead of a belt drive, which will reduce the speed and increase the torque.


Another useful device in everyday life that you can convert a washing machine into is a juicer. True, it will turn out to be very large and take up a lot of space. For conversion into a juicer, only old models of semi-automatic washing machines with an activator motor are suitable.

The principle of operation will be the same as in the previous case: we take out the activator and put in its place self-made knives that will grind fruits and vegetables. The knives must be sharp, so do not forget to sharpen them before installing.

Next, you need to work on the shaft: we apply a thread to it, put on knives, fix them with suitable fasteners. After that, we seal the drain and put a metal mesh with small cells inside the centrifuge. First, the raw material will be ground in a tank, and then squeezed out in a centrifuge.

Sterilizer for conservation

An irreplaceable thing in the country is a sterilizer for cans. You will be surprised, but it can also be made from a washing machine. The process of making jams and pickles will become faster, because in such a unit several cans can be sterilized at once.

So, in order to make a sterilizer from an unnecessary washing machine, you need:

  • put a plug in the hole of the activator;
  • install a support on the bottom;
  • put a metal grid for jars on the support;
  • drill a hole in the tank for a boiler;
  • connect a 2 kV boiler.


If the washing machine's motor is in good working order, you can make a sharpener for knives and gardening tools out of it. In addition to the engine itself, we need a grinding wheel. In addition, prepare the base for the machine - a thick wooden block is perfect for this purpose.

An adapter must be placed on the shaft, on which the grinding and cutting wheels will be installed. The machine will be attached to the base by means of two pairs of metal brackets. The switch for the appliance can be borrowed from the same washing machine.

If you plan to use the machine for cutting, you can also install an edging wheel on it.

Feathering machine

The Feathering Machine is a device that allows you to quickly pluck poultry carcasses. If you are raising chickens, ducks, turkeys or other birds, such a device will be very useful to you. True, to make it yourself, you have to spend money. Basic Equipment: Rubber feather fingers are quite expensive. In addition, for each type of bird, “fingers” of different diameters are needed, since the size of the feathers in different breeds can vary significantly.

Operating procedure:

  • we make a disc from steel (thickness - 0.3 cm, diameter - minus 1 cm from the diameter of the tank);
  • drill holes for "fingers" in the disk (the distance between them should be approximately 3 cm);
  • we drill the same holes on the sides of the tank, departing 15 cm from the bottom;
  • we install the disk with "fingers" inserted into it on the shaft;
  • We insert feather fingers into the holes drilled in the tank.

See the next video for how the feathering machine works.

Ideas for giving

Where do unnecessary things usually take? Of course, to the dacha. Surely most of us have an old washing machine gathering dust in the attic or in the barn. Instead of cluttering up their place, the unit can be adapted for some household needs and make, for example, a washbasin.

Consider other options as well.


It is not known who first thought of making a brazier out of a washing machine drum, but this idea was quickly picked up by many summer residents. The idea is really successful - the grill turns out to be durable, convenient and compact. For the production of drums, high-quality metal is used, which tolerates moisture well, temperature drops and is not subject to corrosion.

The drum must be removed from the tank and placed on its feet. For these purposes, you can adapt metal rods or thin, strong pipes - some of this will probably be found in the summer cottage. A suitable piece of metal must be cut into equal parts, and then carefully welded to the bottom of the drum.

You can see the brazier, which can be made from an old washing machine, in the next video.


To cook meat deliciously in nature, you can use not only the grill, but also the grill. It can also be made from a washing machine (namely, from its tank), but for this you will have to purchase a motor that is suitable in size and power.

A small piece should be cut from the bottom of the tank - its dimensions should be ¼ or slightly less of the entire size of the tank. Then in the side part - where the drum bearing was - drill a hole into which then install the motor. The grill will heat the coals, and the spit will rotate with the slide.


We must not forget about another incredibly tasty way of cooking meat and fish - hot smoking. A device that allows you to smoke in your summer cottage can also be made from spare parts for an unnecessary washing machine.

The drum will become the basis of our smokehouse. Previously, you need to plug all the holes in it. You can weld them, but it will be faster to wrap the drum with a thin sheet of metal. You need to cut a door in the drum (if a top-loading washer went into action, then there is already a door in the right place).

In the upper part of the tank we cut or drill a hole through which the smoke will come out. For meat, we install a metal grate inside the tank.

Furniture from spare parts

Those who do not need homemade equipment and utensils for cooking can be advised to use parts of a disassembled washing machine to make original furniture or storage space. The body and drum are best suited for the embodiment of design ideas. Read below how you can freshen up your interior with an old washing machine.

Coffee table

From the drum of an old washing machine, you can make an unusual high-tech coffee table. Due to the characteristics of the source material, it will turn out to be very durable, but lightweight, and will serve you for many years.

We take a drum from an automatic washing machine as the basis of the table; to make the product look more impressive, we will give it a shine with the help of a special cleaning agent. Take a piece of tempered glass of a suitable diameter as a tabletop. We will fix it on the drum using long fasteners. The table is ready!

If your old automatic washing machine is broken, do not rush to throw it away. Even with a burned out engine, some of its parts may come in handy. Believe me Many useful things can be assembled from individual parts of the apparatus: a smokehouse, barbecue, concrete mixer, grinder, juicer, small table, sterilizer, outdoor shower, washstand, water tank, cart and even a flower vase. Let's take a closer look at what can be done from an old washing machine.

Barbecue from a drum

The brazier is an extremely demanded thing for our person. But finding a quality product or raw materials for its manufacture is quite difficult. This is where non-standard methods, ingenuity and an old automatic machine come to the rescue.

The material of the drum will calmly withstand high temperatures, so it will be able to serve as a barbecue for many years.

For the future barbecue, you will need to remove the drum from the device. It is made of stainless steel, so rain and snow are nothing to him... The upper part, one might say, is already ready, it remains only to attach the legs to it. Small diameter pipes, fittings, rods or corners can be used as a support. Pipes and corners are bolted immediately, but the fittings will have to be welded first. It is very simple to do this: mark the marked locations of the legs on the drum, cut the material to the desired length, then drill holes in the drum and legs, then bolt the parts.

Do not use too thin corners, plates and pipes. The minimum metal thickness should be 2 mm. Otherwise, such a structure will quickly burn out or bend from high temperatures.

Be sure to use at least 2 bolts per support to connect the legs to the drum. 6mm bolts are sufficient for these purposes. The brazier is ready. Now, if desired, it can be disassembled and assembled (by unscrewing the legs from the drum). The product does not take up much space, it will last for many years, and at the same time it costs mere pennies.

Homemade grill

Making a grill is like making a barbecue, but in addition you have to buy a small motor and make a slot in the tank. So, take a tank and cut a segment in it from the bottom by a quarter or a little less. Then make a hole in the side cover (where the mounting bearing is located) and place the motor there. To prepare meals for you it is necessary to put the chicken on a skewer, and set the tank on the coals, then turn on the motor.

If you need a smokehouse, then you do not need to buy an expensive model for this, make it yourself from an automatic machine drum, or even better from a Soviet washing machine.

From the drum of a modern automatic machine, you can construct a mobile smokehouse. To do this, plug all holes around the circumference. For example, a thin steel sheet is suitable for this purpose. Fasten it to the drum with bolts or weld it to the body. Also equip the door (it is easier if you use a drum from a top-loading machine, there is already such a door). Above you need to make a hole for the smoke out, and inside, place a grate on which the products will be smoked.

Some craftsmen made an original smokehouse from old Soviet washing machines. An electric burner is mounted on the bottom of the apparatus, on which a frying pan with aspen chips is placed. A grid is installed in the upper part of the tank and food is placed on it. The structure is closed from above with a lid.

Grinding machine from washing machine

If you still have a washing machine engine in working order, do not rush to get rid of it. It will find application as a grinding machine. Moreover, to create such a device, you will need a minimum of costs.

The electric motor in the automatic machine is quite powerful, so it is more than enough for a sharpener or small sawing machine.

First, make a nozzle on the shaft to fix the grinding wheel there (such a "neck" will also be useful if the machine is used to cut plastic or metal pipes, fittings, sheets, corners). An ordinary board with a large section is used as a sole. To attach the engine to it, pick up metal brackets... You can fix them with bolts. The power cord can be taken from the same machine.

The advantages of this design are mobility. The machine can be moved anywhere. It can be used both in the garage and outdoors. And by changing the attachments, you can not only grind, polish, but also saw or cut any materials.

To create a concrete mixer, you will only need an old Soviet washing machine, like the Donbass model; unfortunately, automatic machines are not suitable. The manufacturing process itself is quite complex, laborious and will require some locksmith skills and engineering knowledge from you.

The easiest way is to make a concrete mixer in which concrete will be mixed using a propeller. So, you need to replace the activator with a fan assembled from two U-shaped plates. For the blades, it is better to use thick metal strips (about 4-5 mm thick).

To make the blades, first cut 2 identical strips. Choose the dimensions so that the propeller fits in and can rotate freely in the tank of the future concrete mixer. Bend the plates so that they are at 90 degrees to each other.

The ready-made "mixer" for concrete must be put on the shaft from the activator. Here you need a welding machine... If the standard shaft is not enough, you will have to build it up with a thick metal rod.

In old machines, there is a drain hole at the bottom of the tank. To prevent concrete from flowing through it, plug the hole.

The next step is engine selection. For small volumes, you do not need to change it, the standard one is quite enough. But if you are mixing more than 15 liters of concrete, then it is better to install a more powerful kilowatt engine.

When buying an electric motor, choose one with less revolutions per minute. Even 1000 revolutions for a concrete mixer is a lot. Therefore, you will have to additionally install a reduction gearbox. Calculate the gearbox parameters so that the RPM on the propeller is about 25-30 per minute. You are unlikely to be able to make a gearbox yourself without a machine... Therefore, it is better to order it at some factory. As a last resort, you can use "sprockets" and a chain from a bicycle.

It is more efficient to handle concrete mixing with a concrete mixer in which the drum itself rotates. But making it at home is extremely difficult.


It is better to make such an apparatus from an old Soviet machine with a centrifuge, where the activator is located at the bottom. It is very difficult to make a juicer out of the drum of an automatic washing machine. So, take the old technique, take out the activator. Instead, you need to make knives that rotate on the shaft of the washing machine.

The knives are made from strip steel. Cut three straight rectangular strips of the same size. Make a hole in the center of each one to fit them onto the shaft. Each of the knives must be sharpened.

After making the knives, cut the threads on the shaft, take some nuts and washers. Place the knives on the shaft one by one, securing them with nuts... Install two washers in front of the first blade and two nuts after the last. When the knives are installed, plug the drain hole. The first part of the juicer is ready.
In the centrifuge, you just need to install a mesh made of thin wire (0.2 mm thick and one cell size 1.5x1.5 mm). The mesh should cover the side of the centrifuge.

It is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the washing machine tub and knives before using the product.

Using such a juicer is quite simple. Turn on the engine, fill in a portion of pure fruit. Allow the blades to grind some of the food (15-20 minutes is sufficient). Then turn off the engine and place the crushed particles in a centrifuge, which will squeeze out the juice from the cut mass.

Some parts of the old typewriter are used as furniture parts. So, you can make an unusual table out of a drum. To make it, you will need steel rods and a round or square glass or wood tabletop. It all depends on your ideas about the future table model. The rods need to be fixed in the drum, and on top of them cut a thread, and then install the tabletop.

If a glass tabletop is used, then make a backlight from LEDs. A table with her will look much more spectacular.

Also, using a tank, you can build an ottoman. Above you need to fix the pillow. Paint the drum itself in any color.

Another original solution is a floor lamp. You will need a drum and tripod... Dye the drum in a bright color or cover with a cloth. Then install the bulb holder inside and fix it on the tripod. You will not find such a floor lamp anywhere else.

Another way out is to make a pendant chandelier from a washing machine drum. Inside, you just need to fix the cartridges with bulbs and bring out the wires. The external design is according to your preference.

Feathering machine manufacturing

Such a device will be useful for those who live in their home and keep chickens. First, make a steel disc that will fit into the bottom of the machine's tank. The thickness should be within 3 mm and the diameter is slightly less than the diameter of the tank. Drill holes in the disc and insert rubber pins.

Pins or "fingers" will have to be bought. They are quite expensive - about $ 2 for one. There are 130 such elements.

After acquiring the fingers, attach them to the disc. Now you need to make holes for the biting fingers in the side walls of the tank. Step back about 15 cm from the bottom of the tank and drill holes in a circle. The interval between the holes should be 3-4 cm. Then mount the disc on the shaft - the feathering machine is ready.


The above methods are just a small fraction of advice on the non-standard use of spare parts from an old washing machine. Experiment and create your own inventions... A washstand will come out of the tank of a Soviet washing machine without any problems, a window or a door to a doghouse will come out of the front panel of the machine, an original cabinet for accessories will come out of the body, and a flowerpot will come out of a drum.

Your favorite washing machine has already lived its life and you decided to send it to the trash heap? Take your time, because you can create different homemade products from the engine from the washing machine.

In contact with

Spare parts

An automatic washing machine has a rather complex design. Even in the event of a breakdown, it contains the parts needed to make some homemade products. Let's see what can be made from the spare parts of an old washing machine.

The main spare part, of course, is the engine (motor)... If it works, then it can be used to make a generator, sharpener, lawn mower and other appliances. Disconnect the wires carefully, remove the motor from the body of the washing machine and save it.

The manhole cover can turn into a fancy window or a beautiful pet feeding bowl. You can also make a case for meters from durable glass.

For the construction of various homemade products, legs, springs and other small parts are useful. The body itself can become a wardrobe or a unique table.

Let's consider in more detail, what can be done with the motor.

Washing machine motor prices

washing machine motor

Types of motors


The oldest type of engine, consisting of stationary stator and rotating rotor. The first serves as the basis and magnetic core for the structure, and the second creates the driving force of the drum. The entire motor is driven by the alternating magnetic field of the component parts.

Asynchronous motors have low torque, therefore, the drum often wobbles during operation. Other disadvantages are overall dimensions and modest efficiency. At the same time, they are noiseless, are cheap, and have a simple design.

An asynchronous motor is often found in low-power, low-power appliances.

Distinguish between two- and three-phase asynchronous motors. The first ones went out of production long ago, and they can only be found in very old designs.


The most common type of engine. They work well under both AC and DC voltage. Under the body with hidden rotor, stator, generator that provides rotation speed. On the collector terminals there are special brushes, with the help of which the rotor contacts the engine.

Note: If you connect the rotor and stator directly, the motor shaft will rotate clockwise. For the opposite direction, you need to change the connection diagram of the washing machine electric motor - connect the brushes towards the rotor.

Unlike their oversized predecessor, collector motors are quite compact and high rotation speed... They are universal: they work with both alternating and direct current. The main disadvantage of the collector motor is low wear resistance: due to the constant contact of the brushes with the collector, the brushes and the collector wear out quickly. If the former can be easily replaced with new ones, then replacing the collector will cost a lot of effort.


Most modern look of motors washing machine consists of a rotor and a stator. Unlike other types, the rotor of the inverter motor is directly connected to the drum. They are distinguished by high wear resistance, absence of unnecessary parts, simplicity of design, noiselessness, small dimensions.

However, all this in one motor is not a cheap pleasure: development, production, and therefore the purchase of an inverter motor requires large financial costs.


To connect the engine to a 220-volt network, you must have a tester at hand: it will help us break wires into pairs, and also measure the resistance in the windings.

Before connecting new models, you need to determine with a tester the wires that come out of the tachogenerator and we will not need it during work. Finding them is quite easy - just measure their resistance: it should be about 70 ohms.

Using the same device, we find the pairs of the remaining contacts. Now we connect one of brushes to one of the wires, and we connect the second brush and another wire to the outputs of the winding. After connecting the motor from the washing machine to the mains, the appliance will start to rotate. To change the direction of rotation, simply swap the brushes.

With older models, the situation is a little different: after defining paired outputs, you need determine the working and exciting windings... The first has more resistance than the second.

We figured out how to connect the motor from the washing machine to the network. Now let's see what machines and devices you can create yourself using it.


Homemade products from the motor are quite diverse: with it you can create t grinder, lawn mower, concrete mixer, juicer, potter's wheel and much more. Consider the manufacturing process of some of the listed devices.


One of the most common uses for an old engine. The assembly of the machine does not require much effort. The hardest part of the job is attaching the grindstone to the motor. The fact is that the diameters of the shaft and stone differ from each other, therefore you need a third item to connect them... A piece of metal pipe with a length of about 20 cm is perfect.A thread is cut at its end, the length of which is 2 times greater than the thickness of the whetstone.

It is necessary to cut the threads in the opposite direction of the movement of the motor shaft. We attach the shaft to the other end using a soldering iron.

Can be drilled at the connection point for greater reliability hole and tighten the bolt there and a nut. We screw two pairs of nuts and washers onto the flange threads one by one, and finally we tighten the lock nut.

We fix the engine on the stand. An old table or a piece of thick board can be used as a stand, and can be secured with hardware from the same washing machine from which the engine was removed.

Wood lathe

The power of the old engine is enough for slow processing of a cylindrical workpiece . To relieve the motor from side loads, you can attach a support to it.

Drum Grinder

It is made using a large wooden cylinder with a steel bar in the center. The ends of the bar are connected to the motor chuck and bearing pedestal.

Concrete mixer

Old washing machines, or "barrels", easily turn into compact and practical concrete mixer... For this:

  1. We take out the activator from the car.
  2. Cut from sheets steel 4-5 mm thick blanks for the manufacture of blades.
  3. We weld a pair of U-shaped blades, connected at right angles.
  4. We weld them in place activator.

The homemade concrete mixer will work after you connect the motor from the washing machine to the mains. If the machine will be used to work with small volumes of building material, then the power of the old engine is sufficient. For larger volumes, it is recommended to connect a more powerful motor.

Feed cutter

For the manufacture of a feed cutter-grain crusher, you will need a barrel body and an engine from an automatic machine:

  1. At the bottom of the case create a hole through which the finished feed will come out.
  2. Similar to a concrete mixer create blades with knives. You need to choose the right size for them: there should be a small distance between them and the edges of the case.
  3. Installing the blades: one at the bottom of the body, and the other at a distance of 0.5 meters from its top. In order to achieve higher productivity of homemade products, it is recommended to use a separate shaft for each blade so that they rotate in opposite directions.
  4. Remains only cut holes on the cover, through which we will fill in the raw materials.

Lawn mower

Let's move on to more complex and extravagant designs. First on our list is a lawn mower. By making a homemade lawn mower, you will save a huge amount of financial resources, because these simple machines are quite expensive. If done right, then a home-made lawn mower from the engine from a washing machine will be in no way inferior to appliances on the shelves of stores.

First, let's figure out what materials and tools we need:

  • collector motor;
  • compact yet durable wheels. These can be removed from strollers, toy cars. If there are none at hand, cut the wheels out of the plastic profile;
  • the base will require a thick piece of steel or regular saucepan lid;
  • knives, discs;
  • metal pipe;
  • steel corners;
  • copper wire, plug;
  • switch;
  • fastening materials;
  • open-end, end, wrenches;
  • welding machine, grinder;
  • hammer;
  • drill, screwdriver, pliers;
  • soldering iron.

Getting started:

  1. In the center of the base cut holes for the motor shaft. We install it with the shaft down.
  2. Attaching earlier manufactured sleeve on the shaft, and we attach the disk (knife) to it.
  3. From the corners we assemble the frame for the motor.
  4. We weld the handle, attach the switch to it
  5. We connect the engine to the power supply.

be careful: Unlike factory appliances, our homemade lawnmower's wires are not insulated. It is strictly not recommended to use such a device in the rain or for cutting off wet grass.

If you still want your machine to be operated in any weather, then reliably insulate the wires, and for the device assemble the small casing made of waterproof material. A metal bowl is suitable as a cover.


Tired of unexpected power outages? Want to create backup power supply who will help you out at the right time? So why not create a generator from a washing machine engine with your own hands? The assembly process is quite complex, but the result is worth it.

An asynchronous motor will serve as the basis for the future generator. Before creating the generator, let's do some preparatory steps:

  1. We disassemble the motor case... Using a lathe, we make a cut on its core with a depth of 2 mm.
  2. In pre-prepared grooves on the core insert neodymium magnets.
  3. Create a template for attaching magnets from a tin strip. We mark on it the placement of two rows of magnets.

The dimensions of the strip must exactly match the dimensions of the core: the tin must lie tightly on it.

The preparation is complete, we proceed to the assembly itself. We will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • cold welding;
  • glue;
  • rectifier;
  • tester;
  • battery;
  • charge controller.

The assembly sequence is as follows:

  1. We glue the template on the motor... We glue the magnets onto the template itself.
  2. Make sure that the distance and angle between the magnets do not change. In the opposite case, voltage drops, a decrease in power or its complete inoperability are possible.
  3. Free space between magnets filled with cold welding.
  4. Moving on to grinding the engine surface.
  5. We find a working winding with a tester. We leave its wires, and delete all the rest. We pass the wires through the rectifier. We connect their ends to the controller. We connect the controller to the battery.

A homemade generator from a washing machine engine is ready to use. An electric drill, screwdriver, or other similar tools are suitable for untwisting the device. Such a generator, of course, will not be able to provide electricity to your residential area, but it is quite suitable for lighting a couple of rooms or the operation of several devices such as TV, refrigerator, computer.

Useful video

As you can see, the range of use of spare parts for an old washing machine is quite large. So what are you waiting for? Breathe a second life into served its time washing machine.

After just a few years, I want to replace them with newer and more sophisticated ones. But it is a pity to throw away the old equipment that is still working. Therefore, it can be given a "second life". Very often, a washing machine acts as the basis for homemade products. Absolutely all elements can be used from it: engine, wiring, housing, drum, legs. But the most common homemade products from the engine from the washing machine.

What can you collect?

Homemade products from the washing machine engine are used in households. They can greatly facilitate many types of work. In particular, the following devices are collected:

  • Electric emery, which is essential for sharpening knives, drills, tools, and so on.
  • A lawn mower that allows you to mow grass in your summer cottage.
  • A feed chopper that cuts greens into small pieces.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Cleaver for firewood.
  • Potter's wheel.
  • Lathe.
  • Generator.

This is not a complete list of what can be assembled from a washing machine engine. In fact, there can be a lot of ideas. Fans of tinkering with electronics come up with all new interesting ideas for homemade products from the engine from the washing machine. Therefore, we will dwell in detail on just a few examples.


One of the most popular homemade products from a washing machine engine (automatic or semiautomatic - it doesn't matter) is an electric foot.

The first step is to prepare the flange. Its need is due to the fact that the shaft from the motor has one diameter, and the grindstone hole has another. One side of the flange will be pressed onto the motor shaft. The second side needs a thread to secure the circle. Most often, a metal pipe 15-20 cm long and 32 mm in diameter is used to make a flange.

Particular attention must be paid to the carving. Its length should be approximately 2 times greater than the thickness of the circle. It is also important to choose the right direction. The thread should be directed in the opposite direction from the direction of movement of the shaft. If the shaft rotates to the right, then the thread is cut to the left. And vice versa. This is done so that the circle does not fly off during operation. Moving in opposite directions, the circle will twist.

The other end of the flange (which is unthreaded) is pressed onto the motor shaft. To do this, it must be heated with a blowtorch. To obtain a stronger connection, the joint is bolted or welded.

A nut is screwed onto the edge of the threaded flange until it stops. Next, a washer and a circle are put on, which is fixed with a washer and a nut on the other side. When everything is tightly tightened, the lock nut is screwed on.

The whole structure is fixed on a stand. Moreover, the mount must be very reliable and durable so that the structure does not move during operation. After that, the motor is connected to the network.

Lawn mower

Lawn mowers are popular homemade products from a washing machine engine.

As a basis, you can take a frame from a stroller or trolley. If there are none, you can make a frame from metal corners. A metal sheet is attached to the finished frame, which will act as a platform. A protective mesh is attached to the front of the platform. Handles are made of pipes. A rubber casing is put on top of it.

The engine is mounted on a platform. In the center of it, a hole is being prepared for the shaft, to which the knife will be attached. The motor is connected to a cable with a plug (or switch). For safety precautions, the plug and socket are placed on the handle.

Feed chopper

The popularity of homemade products from over time only grows. Recently, feed cutters are increasingly being made. This will also require a drum.

4 bolt holes are made in the walls of the drum. With their help, the structure will be attached to the support frame. On one side of the drum, a hole is made for the shaft. On the other hand, for unloading the finished feed. Two knives are used. One is installed at the bottom of the drum. He has to toss feed. Therefore, its shape should resemble a propeller. The second knife, sharpened on both sides, will be the main one. It is tilted towards the bottom.

To prevent the food from scattering to the sides, a cover is made. It is necessary to make a hole in it through which the raw material will be fed.

As you can see, homemade products from a washing machine engine are widely used in the household.

If your household appliances are broken, then do not rush to throw them away - you can make many useful things from its parts, even fashionable furniture. We will offer many original options that you can make from the parts of an old washing machine with your own hands.

Helpful mechanisms

First of all, you can use spare parts from an old washing machine for the manufacture of mechanisms useful in the household.

Grinding and edging machine

It is quite simple to give a second life to an electric motor of household appliances - its power is quite enough to make a grinder. There are no special difficulties for the home craftsman: fix the engine body on a powerful wooden base (a piece of board is suitable), connect the start and stop button, make an adapter attachment on the shaft, where the grinding or edging wheel will be attached. Other homemade products from the washer engine can be viewed.


Many people dream of their own smokehouse in order to surprise their friends with smoked meats, but there is nowhere to install it in a city apartment. We offer a variant of a mobile analogue - it is made from the drum of the washing unit. We fix a thin sheet of steel in a circle so that the smoke does not go out through the perforations, and in the middle we insert a special grate, where fish and meat will be laid out for smoking.

A hole is made from above for the pipe, where smoke will come out, under the grate we lay out wood blocks or chips from oak, alder, cherry or apple trees. The main task is not to overdo it, the volume of the smokehouse turned out to be small, so you don't need to put a lot. It is better to find out the norm in advance by an empirical method, from smallest to largest. Experts in this business assure that five small sticks or dry branches are enough.

For those who breed poultry for distribution in urban markets, this improvement will be to the liking. We mean assembling the feathering machine on our own. It works in the same way as the factory counterpart, only it looks less aesthetically pleasing, but many times cheaper.

The principle of operation is not particularly complicated:

  1. A fairly capacious tank is lined with special rubber pins (beaters) with a threaded connection at the end, for a tight and reliable connection with the body.
  2. The bottom rotates at high speed and is also studded with rubber beaters.
  3. A poultry carcass scalded with boiling water is placed in the tank: chicken, goose, duck or broiler.
  4. When turned on, the bottom rotates, the beats force the carcass to move quickly throughout the interior space, as a result of which the feathers fly off in different directions.
  5. In 2 minutes, the carcass is cleaned, only minor residues remain in the area of ​​the inner part of the wings, tail and paws.

On the example of some farms, up to 30 carcasses can be plucked in this way in an hour.

Amateurs believe that mechanical plucking of carcasses is damaged, but in practice, their presentation is 100% preserved.

The tank is located horizontally, water is supplied, as shown in the photo. A drain is made from the bottom to remove water and feathers, so the bottom is slightly smaller than the diameter of the drum. The water supply has a beneficial effect on the entire mechanical plucking process.

The most cost part- purchase of pins made of durable rubber: the cost of one is at least $ 1.5, and you need at least 120 of them, but the costs will quickly pay off.

Interior details

We have listed far from everything that can be made from a washing machine if you have a lot of imagination and certain skills. If you don't need a lathe, that is, there are many ideas for using parts from an old washing machine in the interior of an apartment and a private house - you just have to choose the most suitable one.

Sealed door

The door of the loading hatch from the car can be adapted for a window in a wooden frame - it looks unique and in fact practical. To do this, you just need to cut out the door along with part of the front panel of household appliances - the original is ready porthole that fits into almost any interior.

If you live in a private sector in your own house, and there is a shaggy guard in the yard, then he booth you can insert a door from a typewriter, through which, in severe frosts, he will see everything, but be in a warmer room. With the help of such a homemade product, you can isolate the formidable watchman during the arrival of guests - he sees everyone, but he is not able to bite or tear his clothes.

It must be remembered that the hatch is sealed, so make side holes for ventilation of the booth.

With the help of a stainless steel drum with an abundance of perforations, you can change the interior of your apartment beyond recognition: make a unique coffee table in a trendy hi-tech style. You can decorate it internal lighting from an LED garland to save energy - it is simple, but it looks original and very unusual.

This is easy to do: you just need to attach a few steel pins to the drum body. Fasten the top of the plexiglass or MDF board from above. A piece of furniture made in this way will decorate the interior of your living room.

Unique poufs

Fantasy has no boundaries - with a certain skill and invention, you can make various puffs out of a drum for a nursery. We take a colored pillow and cut out a square of the same size from the chipboard, then fix the pillow on the square with a stapler.

We fasten the halves of the card loop to the chipboard and the outer wall of the drum using self-tapping screws and screws, paint the side surface of the drum with bright paint - a unique pouf with a hinged lid is ready, and inside children can store small toys and things.

Such original poufs made of stainless metal will last for many years, when children grow up, they can be covered with a discreet fabric and put in the living room.

Lampshade in the nursery

To completely change the interior of the children's room using the original homemade lampshade from drum from an old washing machine, you need to do the following:

  • from any non-combustible, non-conductive material (textolite, ebonite) we make a circle half the size of the drum diameter;
  • then we cut out a hole for the cartridge and the connection wire;
  • insert the cartridge into the prepared hole, fix the circle on the rear wall of the drum, bring the wire out;
  • we screw three special hooks into the ceiling, as shown in the photo;
  • we attach special cables to the drum body, on which the entire structure will hang;
  • we hang the assembled structure;
  • we connect the wire from the chandelier to the terminals of the cartridge;
  • We screw the light bulb through the inlet of the drum - that's it, you're done.

To dim the light and create a fabulous interior, you can attach a multi-colored lightweight fabric to the walls.

In the country

If you own a home plot, you can use one of the ideas below. Their implementation does not require special skills and does not take much time.

To help the gardener

Here, the old drum can be used to wash vegetables or mushrooms grown in the garden beds. The container is installed above the gutter, the harvested crop is laid through the linen hole, we water it from the top with a hose, and from below the dirty water flows out by gravity through the perforations. The original design works like a colander in the kitchen, only of a much larger size - at the entrance we get clean vegetables or mushrooms, quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Many gardeners use the drum as growth restrictor fruit shrubs or protecting the root system of rare flowers from pests - not a single rodent can overcome the steel protection, and excess moisture will escape through the system of holes.

You can make unique flowerpot, decorating on the sides with shards of ceramic tiles of different patterns - beautiful and unusual.

We make a brazier

The drum body is made of stainless steel, and it is resistant to high temperatures, so you can make an original rotating grill, especially since the perforations for blowing are already available on all sides. We take old pipes, if there is no welding of our own, then we invite a neighbor - and in half an hour we have a barbecue in our yard for making a barbecue. To prevent the weather from spoiling the holiday, we build a strong canopy on top from the rain.

A brazier on your own is quite simple to make from a drum from frontal machines, with a vertical load of linen - you need to make minor modifications: cut off the side with a grinder, and add a stable support from below.

From a drum and an electric motor from household appliances, you can make a concrete mixer, a juicer, a universal sterilizer for home preservation, a chopper of grass and cereals for feeding poultry - there is no limit to your fantasies.

For the implementation of ambitious projects, anyone can find information of interest, diagrams and detailed drawings with an algorithm of step-by-step actions on the Internet. Each user, when the washing machine fails, can independently figure out how to organize a second life for it.