What it takes to pull up a lot. Types of grips on the horizontal bar

A lot has already been said about how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. There are a number of techniques to achieve this goal. Today we will analyze a few of the most effective ones.

Quality versus quantity

Of course, you can increase the number of pull-ups at the expense of quality loss. For example, by swinging or jerking. But, in terms of the development of physical qualities, this is not progress at all, but degradation. Because you are doing more reps not because your muscles are stronger or harder, but because of the help of physical laws. In most cases, the chin-up will not count such repetitions. The exception is crossfit competitions, where the athlete must complete as many repetitions as possible in any way. This is how the kipping and butterfly pull-ups appeared.

To pull up more times for the benefit of your own body, and not for the sake of a record, you should perform the exercise in pure technique.

There are a few things to note here:

  • When performing the movement, you do not swing.
  • Pull-ups are carried out smoothly without jerking.
  • The chin is above the bar not due to neck stretching or other manipulations, but due to the work of the broadest muscles of the back and biceps.

These are the three main tenets that define the technique.

Learn to pull up correctly. If you do 50 pull-ups, but at random - what's the use? Yes, some exercises on the bar are done in jerks specifically to pump the explosive power of certain muscles. But they are not suitable for training pull-ups.

The speed of achieving the result

So, we figured out the technical side of the issue. But there is one more thing that is very important for any business - it is willpower and patience.

Increasing the number of pull-ups is not a quick process. You need to constantly overcome yourself, make you go to the crossbar.

No technique will help you quickly increase the number of pull-ups. Strength is not a parameter that can be pumped in a short time.

Therefore, take the process seriously and do not rush to panic if your result does not improve after a week. Muscle development occurs gradually, it is important not to abandon the work you have started halfway through.

Training methods

So, the following techniques will help increase the number of pull-ups.


An increase in the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar can be achieved by performing the exercise with a ladder.

In this case, we will talk about the back staircase:

  • First, you warm up and do the first set as many times as possible.
  • Then you rest for 30 seconds and pull up again to the maximum.
  • Then you rest the same amount and repeat the approaches until you can not pull up even once.

This method is designed to fatigue the muscles. With each workout, the fatigue limit will increase slightly. As a result, in a couple of weeks, you can gain a number of additional pull-ups.

A straight staircase requires a longer rest. And it starts with a small number of times - for example, with 5:

  • Pull up 5 times, rest until you feel ready for the next set.
  • Add 1 or 2 repetitions per set until you reach your limit.
  • Take a good rest and make the final approach to the maximum.

Practice this training every other day, not more often.

The program for increasing the pull-ups must be fixed on a sheet of paper. Practice has shown that this way the brain perceives information better, and it will be more convenient for you to control your progress. has never harmed anyone.

Remember to use correct breathing when pulling up. If you inhale and exhale air at random, you will not get a coherent training system. Experienced athletes understand this well, but for beginners it is better to pay attention to this point.

So, once again on how to breathe correctly when pulling up:

  1. We do not hold the air - breathing continuously throughout the exercise.
  2. As we exhale, we tighten the muscles and lift ourselves up.
  3. On inhalation, we lower ourselves back.

If you try to breathe the other way around, breathing will not help you lift your body up to the bar. On the contrary, this way of breathing interferes with the correct coordinated work of the lungs and muscles.

Train yourself to exhale as hard as you can to help yourself. Then things will get a little easier. With correct breathing while pulling up, as you pull your elbows towards your body, your body narrows as you exhale. And when lowering the body down, it becomes wider again due to inhalation. There is no need to interfere with the natural process and torment your respiratory system.

Weight training

You can also achieve an increase in pull-ups on the bar through resistance training. The easiest option is to take a comfortable backpack and put a dumbbell pancake or any other weighty object in it.

Now you can forget about the number of repetitions for a while and focus on the working weight. It is likely that in a month you will find that without weight you can pull up one and a half times more than before.

In this technique, it is also very important to draw up a program to increase the number of pull-ups and record it in the diary. It is better to schedule your working weights a month in advance.

After each workout, the plan will need to be edited. For example, you misjudged your strengths and a month later wrote yourself pull-ups with a weight of 45 kg. Of course, in a month you will be pulling up 5-6 times with only 10 kg (possibly).

First you need to conduct a trial workout:

  • Put 5kg in your backpack and pull up to maximum in clean technique.
  • Now you know how much you can pull up with this weight.
  • Consider this and gradually increase your working weights.

I warn you that the process of increasing your strength indicators will take a long time.

Pulling up to the max will give you a general idea of ​​what you can do. Do not feel sorry for yourself, squeeze everything from your body that it is capable of.

As you work with weights, the warm-up before the pull-up will become doubly imperative. To avoid damaging anything on the bar, you need to warm up well. You can warm up by running, performing joint gymnastics and other exercises. Do not do as many pull-ups as a warm-up - you will get tired.

Here's a sample weight training scheme:

  1. We start by pulling up with an average grip 5 times. For a sample, you can take a weight of 5 kg. Move slowly up and down the same way. If you cannot pull up properly, reduce the burden and rest as much as necessary. Forget about 60 seconds stereotypes and other nonsense.
  2. We do 3-4 such trips. Then we finish the lesson with pull-ups without weight to the maximum until the back and biceps forces are completely depleted in 2-3 approaches.
  3. After a couple of workouts, try to combine the ladder with the weight - for the first 5 times, pull up from 5 kg. The next ones are also from 5. And the last approach, add as many as you see fit to complete 5 repetitions. If you could not complete - do not despair, try the same in the next workout.

Add a little bit of each workout. If you have small pancakes weighing a quarter kg, they will come in handy. Because for many, a step of 1 kg in pull-ups is too big.

Increasing pull-ups due to weights is a resource-intensive process. You need to rest well between workouts - at least 2-3 days. You do not need to exercise every other day - this will not give you an increase in results. You will get overwhelmed, and the maximum number of repetitions will never start to rise.

The main problem of pull-ups

Sometimes people who practice for a long time reach a plateau. Something prevents them from increasing their results. For the sake of increasing pull-ups, they train every day, but in vain.

It is important to understand the following point. Pull-up training involves several muscle groups. These are the biceps and back. You may have strong biceps, but your back is weak, or vice versa. In general, some of the muscle groups may simply lag behind in development. And now, when you get to a certain number of repetitions, this difference can become critical.

Perhaps all the time up to this point you have been pulling up due to the strength of your arms. In this case, you need to increase the amount of back training. You can find a lot of information on how to train your back and what exercises will help you develop your latissimus muscles on our website.

And the opposite situation. If your back is strong but your arms are not, how can you increase the number of pull-ups? That's right, you need to focus on your hands.

The key to increasing the number of pull-ups in this case is training your biceps. It is quite simple to do them on the horizontal bar - in an incomplete amplitude. You can also do additional exercises with dumbbells or a barbell.

It is great when you can feel all the target muscles during any exercise. Then you can easily understand what is working and what is not, and direct the situation in the right direction.

Genetics and tenacity

You should not be equal to others. All people are different, especially in terms of physiology. Someone in a month from 2 pull-ups ran to 15. Someone from 10 to 12. And someone did not learn to pull up (the regime was wrongly built or simply did not have enough patience).

Any of your personal records is a holiday, an achievement. If a friend pulls up 15 times, and you are only 5 so far, you have no problem. You just need to work a little more and the result will definitely appear. Ideally, you shouldn't care how much your neighbor pulls up on the horizontal bar. Compare yourself only with yourself yesterday, as they say.

Even in school, many pull up with jerks and swaying, often pulling their necks so that they can be counted for a rep. It makes no sense to raise your head above the bar - you are underloading your lats. And no matter how quickly you progress in terms of reps, the result in terms of muscle development will be zero if these reps are not clean.

When it comes to pure reps and the rate at which they progress, your endurance limit is highly dependent on your genetic makeup. You may have noticed that under the same load, someone recovers much faster, and more quickly reaches new physical records.

But in fairness, it should be said that diligence and patience play a significant role in such a difference, but physiology also decides a lot. Respect the results of others. Perhaps the 15 times your friend pulls up cost him a lot of effort. Easy to judge without knowing the details.

Look at the record holders, they do 60 pull-ups per minute, thousands of pull-ups per set. It's about the peculiarities of their physiology. Their muscles do not fatigue as quickly as the rest. But the training system also plays an important role. That is, the characteristics of the body are complemented by persistent training, which ultimately translates into fantastic results.

Therefore, even if by nature you are not the most hardy person, genetic characteristics can be compensated for by persistence and competent construction of classes. In particular, in the section about working with weights, it is suggested at the end to finish off the muscles with the maximum number of pull-ups "light". This allows you to develop endurance and experience that incredible feeling when I can no longer, but still do it. Go for it!

The pull-up exercise on the horizontal bar is one of the most effective exercises for training the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms. How to properly pull up on the horizontal bar, and what techniques exist for this, we will consider further. For those who follow their figure, pulling up on the horizontal bar is considered one of the most effective exercises. At first glance, this workout may seem simple.

But any physical exercise must be done correctly. Only in this case will the desired result be achieved. The pull-up is the best exercise for training your lats. How to pull up on the horizontal bar?

How to pull up on the horizontal bar and safety precautions

A beautiful and pumped-up body is the result of daily training. Pulling up is part of a set of exercises aimed at developing the biceps of the arms, as well as the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest. This is a unique exercise. In terms of effectiveness, it is considered to be on a par with the basic complex in bodybuilding.

The following muscle groups work when pulling up

  1. Pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscle.
  2. Serratus anterior muscles.
  3. Shoulder, triceps, biceps, back delta.
  4. Latissimus, round, rhomboid muscles of the back.

In addition, a lot of stress comes on the abdominal muscles. They tense to keep the body upright.

The pull-up will only be effective if the breathing and execution technique is followed. It is important to remember that if done incorrectly, any physical exercise can become dangerous. The same goes for pull-ups.

Those who start playing sports for the first time often make this mistake. They perform the exercise while inhaling, throwing their head back sharply. This can lead to injury to the cervical vertebrae.

Correct pull-up technique

The correct technique is to do pull-ups holding your breath. This will help to facilitate the work of the broadest faces of the back. It will be easier for them to lift the body. Otherwise, the person will experience severe pain in the upper back.

An important point when performing is the position of the body.... You only need to do pull-ups vertically. You can't twist the body!

Pull-up for beginners

The chin-up is the most versatile exercise. Exercise will not only increase muscle strength, but it will also strengthen your ligaments and keep your spine healthy.

For beginners, there are 4 techniques:

  1. Negative repetition. This is the most popular and most effective technique. The exercise consists in the fact that you need to gain a foothold on the horizontal bar, as if you have already pulled yourself up. For those who are just starting to play sports, this exercise is difficult to perform.
  2. You need a chair to help. You need to stand on a chair and hang on bent arms. The chin should be over the bar. Next, you need to slowly go down. The exercise should be done as slowly as possible. At the very beginning, it is advisable to perform at least five repetitions. After that, you need to go down and rest a little. Next, a second set with four reps is done. The last set should be three reps. You need to perform this technique 2-3 times a week.
  3. Training with a partner. This technique requires the help of a partner. The essence of the exercise is that one person hangs on the horizontal bar, and the second from behind is trying to help him pull up. The number of repetitions is similar to negative sets. You need to perform three to four approaches with a decrease in repetitions. It is important not to make the following mistake. You cannot completely rely on a partner. Man must make the effort himself.
  4. Exercise in half amplitude. This technique is similar to doing exercises with a partner. The main difference is that the partner will not be present here. To do this, you need to take a chair from which you can reach the crossbar. Next, you need to jump so as to hang on the crossbar on your arms bent at a right angle. The pull-up must be completed using the strength of the arms. If the exercise does not work right away, you need to try to stay in a hanging position with your elbows bent as long as possible.
  5. Gum technique. In gyms, there are special technologies that help you pull yourself up. This method is suitable primarily for girls. Its implementation is much easier than usual, but the result will have to wait longer.

Performing these exercises will help newcomers to the sport to strengthen their muscles and gain a beautiful figure.

Newbie problems and mistakes

Athletes, beginners are not always able to quickly achieve the desired results. This can be hindered by many factors:

  1. A lot of weight that prevents the muscles from working properly, as it gives them an extra load. For people who are just starting out in training and are overweight, it is best not to start with pull-ups. First of all, you need to adjust your weight, strengthen your heart.
  2. Underdeveloped muscles. Even with normal weight, the effect may not occur if the person has poorly developed muscles. It is imperative to prepare your muscles for physical activity.
  3. Incorrect execution of the technique. An important point in training is adherence to the rules of technique. This will allow all muscles to work in harmony.

The body must be prepared for training. The preparation consists of a simple hanging on the bar. Hover time needs to be increased every day. It is not recommended to try to make the maximum training program in the first days.

You need to start with a light load. Exercises should be increased gradually, improving the technology daily. After the technique has been worked out, you can add additional weight.

How to pull up correctly: step by step instructions

It is very important to remember that pull-ups, like any physical action, if the technique is violated, can lead to injury. To avoid this, you need to use a few tips:

  1. Before doing the pull-up, be sure to warm up.
  2. All movements should be smooth. Do not make sudden uncontrolled jerks.
  3. You cannot jump onto the horizontal bar. If it is too high, a stand or chair should be used.
  4. For exercise, you need to draw up a schedule and try to strictly adhere to it.

Correct breathing is an important factor in the exercise. The effectiveness of training directly depends on what it will be. Beginners often make a mistake.

They hold their breath for a long time, and this leads to very rapid fatigue. As a result, the effect and result will have to wait for a very long time. The maximum effort should be made while inhaling or holding the breath slightly.

Correct pull-up breathing should be as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the exercise, you need to take a deep breath.
  2. Next, you need to hold your breath until you can raise your chin over the bar.
  3. The air is then exhaled when returning to its original position. With experience, breathing will be even automatically.

Never do an exercise if you have been injured and feel severe pain while doing it. In such a situation, the loads can be harmful. It is necessary to immediately stop performing the exercise if in the process there was malaise, weakness.

In order for the effect of training to be achieved faster, you need not only to follow the execution technique, but also to follow the correct lifestyle.... Be sure to follow the rules of a healthy diet. Do not eat before training, and if you really want to, eat only light food.

The main food should be high in calories, high in protein, vitamins and minerals. It is imperative to exclude fatty foods from the diet.

It is important to observe not only proper nutrition, but also lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended that you follow your meal and sleep schedule. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time, and sleep should be at least eight hours.

Types of grips on the horizontal bar

By changing the grips and positions of the hands, you can change the emphasis of the load and begin to train specific muscle groups. The classic grip is the straight middle grip. In this manner, the load is evenly distributed over all muscles.

With this grip, the palms look outward, the width of the arms should be slightly more than the width of the shoulders. At the top maximum point, the chin should be located above the bar, arms bent at the elbows.

At the lowest point, the arms should be fully extended.... The exercise should be done slowly without swinging. If it is difficult to do the exercise on your own, you can use the help of a partner. This will help you learn to do the exercise faster.

In addition to the classic grip, the following are popular:

  1. Reverse grip. The grip of the hands in this case is lower, reverse, the width of the arms is slightly narrower than in the classical execution. The exercise puts stress on the biceps as well as the back muscles. Important to remember! The narrower the grip, the stronger the load on the biceps. This grip exercise is one of the best ways to train your biceps.
  2. The wide grip is an exercise that puts maximum stress on your lats. The main essence of the exercise is that when lifting to the top point, the shoulders and trapezius muscles of the back should practically touch the crossbar.
  3. Parallel Grip Pull-Up - This exercise focuses on training the lower lats. The bar should be touched with the chest, not the chin. Hands should be positioned as narrowly as possible.
  4. Straight narrowed grip - the arms are located narrower than the width of the shoulders. The pull-up is performed until the moment the chest touches the bar.
  5. Reverse narrowed - this technology repeats the previous one, the main difference is that the hands are placed with the palm to the face, the shoulders are retracted as far as possible.
  6. Neutral grip - in this grip, one hand is in a straight, narrowed grip, the other in the opposite. When performing, the hands should be changed. The exercise is performed until the chest reaches the bar.

To achieve their goals, athletes use various types of grips. The horizontal bar can be considered the most versatile sports equipment, thanks to which you can train all muscle groups.

Who is contraindicated in exercises on the crossbar?

Lesson on the horizontal bar is, first of all, large power loads. In case of health problems, such loads can aggravate the situation. Experts do not recommend exercising on horizontal bars:

  1. When an athlete has a herniated disc. In such a situation, doctors categorically prohibit this type of training.
  2. When stretching the ligaments, you can not engage in the use of weights.
  3. With curvature of the spine.

Any diseases of the joints and spine require prior consultation with doctors before class.

Overweight people require special attention. Weight that exceeds the norm by 20% can significantly harm the exercise.

Well, that article has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention! We recommend that you also read the article on how to pump up the press on the horizontal bar. It has a very non-standard way of pumping the press! Also share your impressions of the article below in the comments. See you in new issues.

The crossbar is one of the simplest and most affordable simulators. There are horizontal bars on sports grounds and stadiums, where you do not need to pay for the right to play sports. The crossbar is easy to install in your own apartment, and train your body at any convenient time. The main snag that all novice athletes face is how to learn to pull up.

Stage One: Addiction

The form for training should be supplemented with special gloves that will protect hands from calluses and injuries, prevent palms from sliding on the iron surface of the pipe. It is advised to come to the horizontal bar every day in order to hang on it if you cannot raise your body even by a centimeter. Muscles cannot be relaxed; they must be in constant tension. This contributes to their development and strengthening.

  1. It is more convenient for some to start with a direct grip, while others - with a reverse variety. This does not play a special role at the initial stage.
  2. Firmly grasp the pipe with your hands, try to fix your palms so that they do not slip during training.
  3. Pull your body up to its maximum height and hang. The muscles of the forearm and shoulder region, as well as the back, should be tightened.
  4. It is advisable to stretch the joints in front of the horizontal bar, and pay special attention to the wrists to reduce the likelihood of sprains.
  5. Keep your feet above the ground, they should dangle in the air without touching a hard surface. While hanging, you can raise and lower your lower limbs to develop your abdominals.

Beginners are advised to refrain from excessive exertion in the first weeks. Increase the duration and intensity of your workouts gradually so as not to deplete the body. Some, after the third or fourth hang, try to pull themselves up with a swing. Reception makes the task easier, but you cannot get used to this method, otherwise it will be difficult to retrain to lift your own body with the help of muscles, without inertia.

Stage Two: Negative Reps

You will need a chair or other support. The second option is to find a low horizontal bar on the playground. The body should be shown which muscle groups should be used at the highest point. The negative repetition method was recognized as effective.

  1. Push off the ground or chair, and pull yourself up so that your chin rises above the bar. Fix in this position for a few seconds.
  2. Exhaling, gently descend. The load should fall on the arms and back with the press. You cannot fall sharply downward, otherwise there will be no effect from negative repetitions.
  3. Do about 5 pull-ups. It will take 3-4 sets with three-minute breaks, which the muscles need to rest.

A pleasant pulling pain will appear in the hands if the exercise was done correctly. The body will need a two-day break to recover from intense exertion. Rest for more than 3 days will nullify all achievements, and you will have to achieve results anew.

Stage 3: Helping a Friend

You can learn to pull up in splendid isolation, or invite a friend to participate in training, who has also long dreamed of a slender body. The partner will insure and help accelerate muscle development.

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar, firmly grasping the crossbar. Hands with abs and back are tense.
  2. The partner should come up from behind, and, grabbing the legs of the partner hanging on the horizontal bar, push him up.
  3. You cannot rely only on the assistant who stands below. Then he will train, and the second person will turn into only living sports equipment.
  4. A companion provides an impetus that must be used to your advantage. Try your best to reach with your chin to the desired point, and fix the body at its peak until a slight tremor in your hands.
  5. Do not fall, but descend smoothly, feeling how the biceps, back, triceps and abs work.

The partner does not have to hug the legs. He can sit on the side, and put his hands under his knees or feet so that the pulling person has something to rest on.

Stage 4: Half amplitude

Friends prefer to sit on the couch and get overgrown with fat? We'll have to confine ourselves to a stable chair or bench, which is installed under the horizontal bar. The novice athlete's head should be level with or slightly below the bar. Jump and pull yourself up so that your elbows are bent at right angles. From this position, try to raise the body so that the chin is over the crossbar. If you fail to budge, it is recommended to freeze with bent arms for 30 seconds or more.

Stage 5: Insurance

Newbies going to gyms can take advantage of special machines that support the body while reducing its weight. Pulling up becomes easier, so results appear faster. The device is more often used by girls, but men should not refuse such help either.

An alternative for people exercising outdoors or at home is a wide elastic band that will not break during training. A long expander will do as well. The support is attached to the bar to form a large loop. The athlete climbs inside, and passes an elastic band under the buttocks or feet, if the length of the equipment allows. The elastic belay will nudge up slightly, making it easier to pull up.

Special device

In some situations, negative repetitions, the help of a partner and an expander are powerless. The muscles are so weak and undeveloped that they cannot lift their own body weight. The low horizontal bar will correct the situation.

The bar is placed at a height of 70–90 cm above the floor, depending on the height of the person involved. The horizontal bar should reach the beginner's waist, heel supports are useful so that the legs do not slip during pull-ups.

  • A wide, straight grip is recommended when the back of the hand is turned towards the face.
  • Shoulders parallel to the bar, or protruding slightly forward.
  • The legs with the back should be straight, the press should be strained. The heels rest securely on the floor.
  • Pull up on exhalation, slowly rising to the crossbar, and lowering without sudden jerks.
  • The body remains straight like a stick, rather than wriggling with every movement.
  • Minimum 3 reps. 2 to 5 sets with short breaks.

Beginners who find it difficult to lift with a straight grip are allowed to try the reverse version. In this position, the wrists should be turned towards the face.

Important: Some beginners who are just starting to master the intricacies of pull-ups try to reach the desired point with their chin. You can not protrude the lower jaw or pull up the face. The arms and back should work, not the muscles of the neck.

First successes

Perseverance combined with regular training is the guarantor of amazing results. When the number of pull-ups reaches from 3 to 5 in one approach, the beginner, inspired by success, will try to multiply his own achievements, and make a mistake.

A person who is able to lift his own body 7-8 times without a break should stop at the achieved result for a while. No negative repetitions, and the number of approaches increases from 3 to 5.

Is pulling up 15 times easier than tying your shoelaces? Experienced athletes give a standing ovation, because the results are worthy of praise. It's time to work with the weights. Hang a dumbbell pancake from a belt, stuff a backpack with books, and hang it on your shoulders, attach dumbbells to your legs. There are a lot of ways to develop muscles and endurance, so here a person chooses the most convenient one.

You should try different grips: straight with reverse and combined. Each hand position involves certain muscles, therefore, for the full development of the whole body, it is recommended not to be limited to only one variety.

An obstacle to be overcome

What prevents a beginner from quickly learning how to pull up? Underdeveloped muscles and excess weight. The first problem is solved with additional exercise, and the second is solved by dieting or drying.

Lose weight correctly
The fat layer imposes a limit on the number of pull-ups, so you should gradually get rid of it. Fasting is not the best solution, because then the body will not have the energy for intense training. The best option is a balanced diet, which is high in carbohydrates and proteins for building muscle mass, and no fat. A properly composed menu will force the body to expend subcutaneous reserves, therefore it is advised to focus on:

  • chicken breast, turkey or beef;
  • low-calorie cottage cheese;
  • dietary dairy products;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs.

In addition to avoiding harmful foods, athletes prone to overweight should exclude:

  • bananas;
  • sweet fruits;
  • sugar and dishes in which it is present.

During the period of active weight loss, it is advised to refrain from pull-ups, and pay attention to exercises that help strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase muscle tone. Jogging is fine, you can sign up for the pool or go cycling every day.

Auxiliary loads
Do negative repetitions seem tricky? Is it hard to descend without sudden jerks? It is necessary to develop the pectoral muscles, traps and triceps. One option is push-ups. This exercise should be done daily, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 50.

You can't do without a subscriber to the gym, which has an upper pull trainer. It is useful to develop biceps using dumbbells or a barbell, and also to train the abs.

You can start pull-ups from the uneven bars, because it is easier to lift your own weight by straightening your bent arms, and not vice versa. Legs during such a workout should be straight, perpendicular to the press.

One-arm pull-up technique

Aerobatics among the athletes who conquered the horizontal bar is the one-arm pull-up. Experienced professionals with well-developed bodies should master this variety. The free hand initially holds the other limb by the wrist to reduce the load. After increasing qualifications, you can move the palm to the forearm, and then to the chest.

Important: When doing pull-ups on one hand, you should avoid sudden movements, be extremely careful, and stop the exercise when even a little pain appears.

The horizontal bar is suitable for girls and men, because it strengthens the body, makes it beautiful and slim. Learning to pull up is not easy, especially for people with minimal physical training, but the more enjoyable it is to achieve success. You need to move towards your goal gradually, without overloading the body, and not forgetting that the muscles need not only regular load, but also full rest for recovery.

Video: how to learn to pull up on a horizontal bar from scratch

Greetings, dear readers. Just imagine, the Guinness record for pull-ups in one set is 232 reps! Unimaginable numbers, isn't it? Especially for people who can't pull up at all. You are unlikely to be able to reach such numbers, although who knows. But I’ll tell you for sure how to learn how to pull up a lot!

To dispel all your doubts about whether to start pulling up or not, I will tell you about the benefits of this exercise.


Now you just need to go to the bar and, with the correct technique, pull up as many times as possible before breaking the technique. If you didn't manage to pull up at all, it doesn't matter! We have a solution for such cases too!

Reverse and forward progression method

If during your school years you were fond of horizontal bars, then you are probably familiar with the "ladder" game. For those who are not in the subject, I will explain. Two opponents take turns doing pull-ups, starting with one repetition and each time increasing their number by 1 repetition. The winner is the one who completes the required number of pull-ups last. So this is an exact copy of the direct progression method.

The reverse progression, on the contrary, begins with a large number of pull-ups. Then, in each successive approach, the number of pull-ups decreases.

The reverse and forward progression method can be used not only within one workout, but throughout the entire training cycle.

You need to train according to this scheme 3 times a week, every other day. Do 5 sets of reverse progression. But from week to week, increase the number of repetitions in each set. As you can see, the program assumes that you already know how to pull yourself up. If not, then you will have to devote several weeks to the preparatory exercises, which I will discuss in the following chapters.

Advantages of the method:

  • Simplicity
  • The direct progression method corresponds to the main principle of increasing muscle mass - the load should be increased
  • Not suitable for beginners

Negative pull-up method

Use it if you want to learn how to pull up from scratch.

The essence of the method is to exclude the entire upward ascent phase. You only put in effort when you go down. If you already know how to pull-ups, then with which you will not be able to pull up, but you can go down in a controlled manner. It is easier for beginners, they do not need weights.

How to take the starting position?

  1. You can use a high stand that will allow you to sit in the starting position (chin above the bar)
  2. Asking your partner to help you climb up
  3. Use a low bar just above your head. In this case, jump slightly, take the starting position. In this case, you will have to bend your legs so that they do not touch the floor when you lower

This technique can be used in preparation for the "Pull-ups in 30 weeks" program. You have to train 3 times a week, adhering to the same number of repetitions and approaches as in the mentioned program.

  • Suitable for beginners
  • Put more stress on muscles, which stimulates their more active growth
  • Complement a standard workout
  • Cannot be used often. Due to the increased load on the muscles
  • Requires additional equipment or partner assistance

Lewis Armstrong Pull-Up Program

The training outline was developed by Marine Corps Officer Charles Lewis Armstrong. His goal was to increase the number of pull-ups in one approach to the maximum possible figure. Just what we need!

What did the American officer's training program consist of? It included 5 lessons per week, and after 2 days of rest.

Monday is a hard day. You need to master 5 approaches, performing each to failure. But the correct technique must not be violated!

Tuesday is the day of the "pyramid". Think about the direct progression method. Start with one repetition and continue to the maximum number of repetitions. And after pulling up the maximum number of times, do one more approach to failure.

Wednesday. Your task is to do 9 trips with a fixed number of repetitions. Moreover, every three approaches it is necessary to change the grip. Stretch first with a wide grip, then with a medium grip, and at the end with a reverse narrow grip.

Thursday. It will remind you of the environment, but there will be not 9 approaches, but the maximum. If you master more than 9 sets, then add 1 repetition to each set of each day next week.

Friday is a day of memories. Remember which of the previous days was the most difficult, and repeat it.

As a visual aid, watch the video:

  • A variety of loads allows you to comprehensively work out the muscles of the arms, deltas, chest and back
  • Will help genetically gifted athletes quickly improve pull-up performance
  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Overtraining is very likely

Assistance Exercises for Beginners

If you want to pull up, but you can't do it, then you can heed the advice of experienced fitness trainers. Do not immediately run to the bar, start with general strengthening exercises!

If earlier you saw sports only in pictures or you are a fragile girl, then at the initial stage you can train according to the system of physical development of Evgeny Sandov.


  • Dumbbell Curls - Do 10 reps

  • Push-ups - complete to failure
  • Alternating Standing Dumbbell Curls - Do 25 reps per arm
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms facing up. Flex and extend both arms - do 25 reps

  • Side Dumbbell Raises - Do 15 reps

  • Front Dumbbell Curls - Do 15 reps
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms facing down. Rotate the brushes up and down and back and forth. Run to failure
  • Take a dumbbell by one end and spread your arms to the sides. Rotate the brushes forward, then back. Follow to failure
  • Lying Leg Raises - Complete to Failure

As an exercise for simulating pull-ups, either a dumbbell pull to the belt in an incline is suitable.

In the second stage, include Australian pull-ups in the complex. You can perform the exercise using the "Pull-ups in 30 weeks" program.

Let's listen to the advice of professionals who have gone from zero pull-ups to breaking records and answer frequently asked questions.

What to do if you never manage to pull up on the bar?

Use in exercise machines to build muscle. But do not forget that the key to muscle growth is proper nutrition.

If you are overweight, you will have to lose weight first. By creating a calorie deficit in the diet.

Use half-range pull-ups.

Secrets of pull-ups or how to pull up more

The duration of the lessons should be no more than 40 minutes a day.

Reduce the stress of your workout if you feel like you're running out of time to recover.

What exercises can you do on the bar?

  • To make pull-ups easier
  • Great exercise - low bar pull-ups

A few words in the end

The summary is this: everyone can learn to pull up. Moreover, you are able to bring your results to fantastic values. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

Well friends, subscribe to updates and share useful articles with your friends. See you soon!

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Today we have prepared a special info post for those who still do not get full-fledged pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but who really want to learn them!

Let's start with the most important thing. The only reason you’re not doing pull-ups yet is because your muscles simply don’t have enough strength to do this exercise. It really isn't easy for a beginner, so we need to prepare your muscles and ligaments and make them stronger. And the lead exercises will help us with this.

What are lead-in exercises?

These are lightweight exercise options that reduce the load in one or more parameters. And if the target exercise is still too hard for you (physically, technically or mentally), then it makes sense to start training its simplified version. Let's explain with the example of pull-ups:

If we look at the pulling up person from the side, we will see that first he pulls his body up, and then lowers it down. If you still remember the school course in physics, then this should remind you of something. If you did something outside the classroom, listen carefully. In this case, we need to use the formula to calculate the Work (A) that the body does:

A = F * S

What about work;
F - force (in our case: mass (m) multiplied by gravitational acceleration (g));
S - distance (range of motion).

Thus, the Work depends on two parameters - the weight of the body and the distance over which this body moves. Therefore, as leading exercises, you need to use such options for performing pull-ups in order to reduce one of these two parameters or both at once.

Option A: reduce weight

Of course, it is more correct to talk not about a decrease in body weight, which can only be achieved by losing excess weight or cutting off something unnecessary for yourself, but about compensating for a part of the gravity force that affects it. The principle is simple: reduce the effect of gravity - reduce the load.

This can be achieved either by using the lever ( , pull-ups with a chair), or due to the force of elasticity (pull-ups with rubber loops).

Australian pull-ups

To do this exercise, you need to find a low bar that you can hang from with your feet on the ground (body at a slight incline). Depending on the height of the bar, the load will change, the lower the bar, the heavier it will be.

In terms of biomechanics, Australian pull-ups differ from conventional ones also in that the pull occurs in a horizontal plane, and not in a vertical one. But this version of pull-ups is perfect for both those who are just starting their way in the workout, and for experienced athletes who are grinding the correct pull-up technique.

Chair-supported pull-ups

Everything is simple here: you grab the horizontal bar with your hands, and stand on a chair with your feet. But in order for this to turn out to be a good lead exercise, you need to do the following from workout to workout:

1. Strive to transfer as much body weight as possible from the legs to the arms and back. Since in this version you yourself control the load, it is important not to hack and try, first of all, to pull with your back and hands.

2. Increase the number of repetitions. The more pull-ups you do, the longer the muscles are under load and the sooner they will get stronger so that you can pull up the classic way.

Pull-ups with rubber loops

This exercise is essentially similar to the previous one, but the degree of stress on the muscles of the arms and back depends on the strength of the resistance of the rubber loop. If you are doing easy pull-ups with the loop 10 times in each circle, then you should switch to a less rigid one.

Option B: decreasing the distance

The second way to reduce the load is to reduce the range of motion. To do this, we will divide the exercise into parts and work on them separately.

Negative pull-ups

positive(when the muscles are tense) and negative(when the muscles relax).

If you can't do both phases of the pull-up at once (lift yourself up and then lower yourself down), then start with the “negative” pull-ups. Find a horizontal bar so high that, having jumped on it, you keep your chin above the bar, and then, as slowly as possible, lower yourself down, straining only the muscles of the arms and back.

Partial repetitions

1. Positive from straight arms up to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows;
2. Positive from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to the chin above the horizontal bar;
3. Negative from the chin over the horizontal bar up to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows;
4. Negative from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to straight arms.

Ideally, of course, you need to do the exercise at full amplitude, but this requires a certain strength and level of fitness, so you do not need to be upset or worried if you can do 1/2 or 3/4 full-range pull-ups so far. The main thing is to train and over time the power will come!

The Secrets of the Crossbar Craftsmen

If there are two parameters in the formula, then you can only change them, right? Wrong! There is always a third option!

Bottom grip pull-ups

bottom grip!

Correct traction

you pull the bar towards you, and not yourself pulling to the crossbar!

Imagine that you are moving a sofa from one side of the room to the other. What will you do? Wrap your arms around the sofa and pull it towards you. At the same time, your back muscles and biceps will actively work. To easily and confidently pull up, repeat the same natural movement pattern: pull the bar towards you.

Train on horizontal bars

On your way, you will more than once come across simulators that either completely replace pull-ups, or help you learn how to pull up from scratch. But doing them is a bad idea.

You isolate the target muscles from the rest of the body - easier, but worse. When you are hanging on the bar trying to pull up, in addition to the large muscles of the back, shoulders and biceps, many stabilizing muscles are involved in the process to help keep the body straight and coordinated. The whole body works during pull-ups. Therefore, it is better to pull yourself up on a regular horizontal bar.

Grip training

Well, and the last moment for today. For many beginners, a separate problem is hanging on the horizontal bar on their own hands. If you have such a problem, then we would recommend at the end of each workout (after all laps!) To add a simple hang on the bar for 30-120 (depending on your level of training) seconds as a strengthening exercise for the grip. You can break the exercise into sets if you can't do it in one.

http: //site/uploads/userfiles/2094.jpg Today we have prepared a special info post for those who still do not get full-fledged pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but who really want to learn them! Let's start with the most important thing. The only reason you’re not doing pull-ups yet is because your muscles simply don’t have enough strength to do this exercise. It really isn't easy for a beginner, so we need to prepare your muscles and ligaments and make them stronger. And the lead exercises will help us with this.

What are lead-in exercises?

These are lightweight exercise options that reduce the load in one or more parameters. And if the target exercise is still too hard for you (physically, technically or mentally), then it makes sense to start training its simplified version. Let's explain using the example of pull-ups: If you look at a pull-up person from the side, we will see that first he pulls his body up, and then lowers it down. If you still remember the school course in physics, then this should remind you of something. If you did something outside the classroom, listen carefully. In this case, we need to use the formula to calculate the Work (A) that the body does:
A = F * S
where: A - work; F - force (in our case: mass (m) multiplied by gravitational acceleration (g)); S - distance (range of motion). Thus, the Work depends on two parameters - the weight of the body and the distance over which this body moves. Therefore, as leading exercises, you need to use such options for performing pull-ups in order to reduce one of these two parameters or both at once.

Option A: reduce weight

Of course, it is more correct to talk not about a decrease in body weight, which can only be achieved by losing excess weight or cutting off something unnecessary for yourself, but about compensating for a part of the gravity force that affects it. The principle is simple: reduce the effect of gravity - reduce the load. This can be achieved either by using the lever ( australian pull-ups, pulling up with a chair), or due to the force of elasticity (pulling up with rubber loops) .. jpg To do this exercise, you need to find a low bar that you can hang from with your feet on the ground (body at a slight incline). Depending on the height of the bar, the load will change, the lower the bar, the heavier it will be. In terms of biomechanics, Australian pull-ups differ from conventional ones also in that the pull occurs in a horizontal plane, and not in a vertical one. But this version of pull-ups is perfect for both those who are just starting their way in the workout, and for experienced athletes who are grinding the correct pull-up technique.

Chair-supported pull-ups

Everything is simple here: you grab the horizontal bar with your hands, and stand on a chair with your feet. But in order for this to turn out to be a good approach exercise, you need to do the following from training to training: 1. Strive to transfer as much body weight as possible from legs to arms and back. Since in this version you yourself control the load, it is important not to hack and try, first of all, to pull with your back and hands. 2. Increase the number of repetitions. The more pull-ups you do, the longer the muscles are under load and the sooner they will get stronger in order for you to be able to pull up in the classic way..jpg This exercise is essentially similar to the previous one, but the degree of stress on the muscles of the arms and back depends on the strength of the resistance of the rubber loop. If you are doing easy pull-ups with the loop 10 times in each circle, then you should switch to a less rigid one.

Option B: decreasing the distance

The second way to reduce the load is to reduce the range of motion. To do this, we will divide the exercise into parts and work on them separately.

Negative pull-ups

Any exercise has two phases: positive(when the muscles are tense) and negative(when the muscles relax). If you can't do both phases of the pull-up at once (lift yourself up and then lower yourself down), then start with the “negative” pull-ups. Find a horizontal bar so high that, having jumped on it, you keep your chin above the bar, and then, as slowly as possible, lower yourself down, straining only the muscles of the arms and back.

Partial repetitions

You can go even further and divide the pull-ups not into two, but into four parts: 1. Positive from straight arms to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows; 2. Positive from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to the chin above the horizontal bar; 3. Negative from the chin over the horizontal bar up to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows; 4. Negative from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to straight arms. Ideally, of course, you need to do the exercise at full amplitude, but this requires a certain strength and level of fitness, so you do not need to be upset or worried if you can do 1/2 or 3/4 full-range pull-ups so far. The main thing is to train and over time the power will come!

The Secrets of the Crossbar Craftsmen

If there are two parameters in the formula, then you can only change them, right? Wrong! There is always a third option! .Jpg In fact, these are full-fledged classic pull-ups, but still they are easier to perform than pull-ups with a standard overhead grip. The bottom grip, as well as the neutral grip, when the palms are parallel to each other, allows you to more engage the muscles of the arms in the work. By the way, most people do their first pull-up. bottom grip! We recommend combining the approach exercises with the top grip with attempts to fully pull up with the bottom grip (or neutral grip) for the best result.

Correct traction

If you want to immediately learn the correct pull-up technique and facilitate the learning process, then the following tip will help you. Every time you do pull-ups, imagine that you pull the bar towards you, and not yourself pulling to the crossbar! Imagine that you are moving a sofa from one side of the room to the other. What will you do? Wrap your arms around the sofa and pull it towards you. At the same time, your back muscles and biceps will actively work. To easily and confidently pull up, repeat the same natural movement pattern: pull the bar towards you.

Train on horizontal bars

On your way, you will more than once come across simulators that either completely replace pull-ups, or help you learn how to pull up from scratch. But doing them is a bad idea. You isolate the target muscles from the rest of the body - easier, but worse. When you are hanging on the bar trying to pull up, in addition to the large muscles of the back, shoulders and biceps, many stabilizing muscles are involved in the process to help keep the body straight and coordinated. The whole body works during pull-ups. Therefore, it is better to pull yourself up on a regular horizontal bar.

Grip training

/uploads/editor/2017/03/2017-03-20-16-03-03-g8x.jpg Well, and the last moment for today. For many beginners, a separate problem is hanging on the horizontal bar on their own hands. If you have such a problem, then we would recommend at the end of each workout (after all laps!) To add a simple hang on the bar for 30-120 (depending on your level of training) seconds as a strengthening exercise for the grip. You can break the exercise into sets if you can't do it in one. 100 Day Workout - Table of Contents