The history of semolina. What is semolina made of? Porridge is not so terrible as it is painted

Hello everyone!
Every young mother or hostess has repeatedly asked questions: what kind of cereal is this - semolina? What properties of semolina are useful? With what and how is it eaten? Before eating semolina, you need to know better about its benefits and possible dangers.

What is semolina

Semolina is wheat grits of accurate and medium grinding, with a diameter of 1 grain of 0.30 - 0.80 mm. Produced from durum wheat. Mainly porridge and dumplings are prepared from semolina. It is the favorite porridge of young children. Semolina is obtained from several varieties of wheat, each of which is marked with its own label:

  • "T" - semolina from durum wheat.
  • "M" - soft grades semolina.
  • “MT” - mixing semolina of 2 varieties, the advantage is given to the “soft” variety with a content of up to 85%.

Semolina, marked with a "T" marker, has a translucent appearance, small grains that are poorly boiled and retain their shape well.

The benefits of semolina

Semolina is beneficial - it is very rich and quickly absorbed in the lower intestine. Ready-made cereal itself is nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals, very useful

  • vitamin B1;
  • starch;
  • a lot of iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • a small percentage of fiber (0.3%).

The effect of semolina on certain systems and organs

The benefits of the microelements contained in semolina on the human body are great:

  1. Vitamins of group "B" contribute to the maintenance of a healthy state of the nervous system, vigor and activity of a person.
  2. Starch, as a slow-digesting carbohydrate, is beneficial for people with diabetes and athletes.
  3. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen, metabolic processes, in the synthesis of hormones, is embedded in the connective tissue and transmits impulses from the brain, maintains immunity.
  4. Magnesium participates in metabolism, in interaction with calcium relaxes the musculature of blood vessels, maintains the electropotential of cell membranes, increases the production and absorption of insulin.
  5. Phosphorus is essential for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, and for maintaining their integrity throughout life.
  6. Zinc takes part in enzymatic reactions, forms immunity, sets the synthesis of proteins, determines the metabolism of nucleic acids, ensures the growth of the child and further puberty, is important for the health of men.
  7. The mineral sulfur is a part of the skin, provides respiration and cell cleansing, promotes the synthesis of proteins and vitamins, removes toxins from the body, and lowers insulin levels.

Semolina is high in protein, gluten, or gluten. This protein is not suitable for all people, as it is harmful and provokes an allergic reaction and celiac disease, which is a rare hereditary congenital disease. Celiac patients who eat semolina receive only harm - thinning of the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls. The intestines do not absorb nutrients into the bloodstream, which prevents their synthesis into building molecules and harms the body.

Possessing a high energy value and high digestibility in the lower intestine, semolina is prescribed for people suffering from chronic and acute ailments of the entire digestive system, it is prescribed in the postoperative period, which is beneficial. Porridge is indicated for the first feeding of infants, if they were born with a genetic disease of the body, in which the mother's breast milk is not absorbed by the infant's body, but is rejected by it.

The high content of starch in semolina makes this type of porridge most suitable for athletes who expose their body to strong regular stress: starch is absorbed more slowly than glucose and fructose, leaving a feeling of fullness.

The benefits of semolina dishes are an excellent alternative to a hearty breakfast for people with high blood sugar levels: the use of fructose harms the entire body. Thanks to the slowly breaking down carbohydrate, a person will not want to eat too much food before lunchtime.

Semolina is useful for losing weight, but you need to cook porridge correctly. 200 grams of semolina cooked in milk contains 660 kcal, and this set of calories covers half the daily intake of an adult during the period of weight loss. To avoid harm during a diet, porridge must be boiled in water with a small addition of dried fruits. You won't need to take a snack before lunch.

Can semolina be unhealthy?

People who are careful about their health take into account the harm caused by semolina to the body. In general, healthy people who do not suffer from metabolic disorders in the body are shown to eat semolina, boiled in water or added to the main dishes.

Restrictions on the use of decoys

There are a number of contraindications to the use of semolina in food for such categories of users:

  • overweight people;
  • babies in the first months of life to avoid loss of calcium from bones;
  • people with celiac disease.

How can you cook semolina

Methods for preparing semolina are quite varied. The simplest type of preparation is the preparation of semolina porridge. It is good to combine semolina with milk and water. The principle of cooking "the longer, the better" does not work in this case: it is necessary to cook semolina for no more than 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour cereals into boiling water or milk, not all at once, but in a thin stream, stirring the liquid in a saucepan. If the hostess pours the entire mass of cereal into boiling water, it will immediately stick together - the benefit will be minimal.

Semolina acquires incredible taste when added to it with ingredients such as:

  • cinnamon;
  • butter;
  • dried fruits.

The choice depends on individual preferences. In the East, the famous couscous dish is prepared, consisting of vegetables and fruits with the addition of semolina. It is difficult in terms of cooking technology, but it has a very pleasant taste. Semolina is usually found in many table mixes. Semolina pies, or manniks, are very tasty, satisfying, have a sweetish, but not sugary taste. Dough for pancakes, casseroles does not spread in the pan thanks to the gluten in the semolina, which is beneficial and gives baked goods an even appearance.

  1. First meal:
  • backfill;
  • dumplings.
  1. Second courses:
  • porridge;
  • pancakes;
  • casserole;
  • meatballs;
  • cutlets.
  1. Sweet dishes:

  • sweet porridge;
  • souffle;
  • pudding;
  • mousse;
  • pie.

In some cases, semolina is added to the advantage of minced meat or fish to give it an elastic consistency.

Whole generations of children have grown up on the classic semolina porridge. Despite this, the question: "what is semolina made of?" not everyone can answer.

It turns out that Semolina, or semolina, is a coarsely ground grain from wheat, the average particle diameter is from 0.25 to 0.75 mm.

Semolina is most often made from durum wheat.

Semolina is a by-product in the production of wheat flour, when after grinding about 2% of small grain fragments remain.

Semolina contains 70 percent starch, a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and since it is quickly cooked, they are all preserved.

Semolina is digested in the lower intestine and then absorbed into the bloodstream. That is why liquid semolina is a part of diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Semolina cleanses the body and removes fat.

Semolina porridge is very often prepared for children, which is not entirely correct, since a child's stomach cannot yet digest the starch contained in semolina in large quantities. The phytin contained in semolina is able to bind calcium, which is supplied with other food, thus depriving the child's body of the building material for bones.

Often, children who constantly eat semolina get sick with rickets or seizures. For adults and the elderly, the disadvantages of fiber-free semolina turn into its advantages: semolina does not irritate the stomach, prevents colon cancer.

Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower part of the intestine and only there is absorbed into its walls.

Semolina is a good remedy for the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, it cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina contains everything that is in wheat flour: starch, vitamins E and B1, B2, B6, PP, iron.

There are three types of semolina on sale: the letter "M" on the package indicates semolina from soft wheat, the letter "T" denotes cereals made from hard varieties, and the letters "MT" denote semolina containing at least 20% of cereals from hard varieties wheat. Very often this information is not indicated on the packaging.

An interesting fact - semolina in Russia was produced in small quantities and only got on the tables of aristocrats, the common people did not know semolina. In the USSR, semolina porridge has become an everyday, publicly available product. One of the types of semolina porridge - the famous Guryev porridge was invented at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of this porridge comes from the name of Count Dmitry Guryev, a member of the State Council and the Minister of Finance, and it was invented by Zakhar Kuzmin, a serf cook. Guriev bought out Kuzmin and his family and made him his own cook. There is another version, according to which Guryev himself invented a recipe for porridge.

Semolina - coarsely ground wheat groats with an average particle diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 mm. Produced mainly from durum wheat. It is used for cooking various dishes, in particular semolina and semolina dumplings.

Properly cooked semolina porridge can become your little ones' favorite meal. To do this, follow some rules during the cooking process, and your little manochka will surely please the little one to his liking and taste:

  1. We put 1 cereal only in a hot liquid (milk or water), after adding salt, sugar and stir;
  2. 2 when the milk (water) boils, gently pour semolina in a thin stream (you can use a sieve) and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring vigorously;
  3. 3 for cooking, you need to take so much cereal so that you can have time to add it and stir it well until the mass has thickened;
  4. 4 the finer the cereal, the faster the porridge becomes thick;
  5. 5 after the porridge is ready, close the pan with a lid and leave it for a while so that the cereal swells completely, and then you can improve its taste at your discretion by adding butter, jam, jam, etc.

Useful properties of semolina

Semolina is quickly boiled down, well absorbed, contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina is included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower part of the intestine and only there is absorbed into its walls. It fills the body with strength, is a beautiful remedy for the treatment of all diseases of the stomach. Semolina is a good remedy for all intestinal diseases, cleans the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina is low in fiber, but it is rich in vegetable protein and starch. At the same time, the content of vitamins and minerals in this cereal is significantly lower than in others.

Semolina contains a lot of gluten. This protein is also called gluten. Many people are gluten intolerant and cause celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects about one in 800 Europeans. Under the influence of gluten in celiac patients, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats, is impaired. Gluten can cause allergies. It also manifests itself as a stool disorder.

Semolina contains phytin, and phytin contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. The level of calcium salts in the blood of a person should be constant - about 10 mg per 100 ml of serum. As soon as there are fewer salts, the parathyroid glands "remove" them from the bones. It turns out that semolina deprives them of calcium. Therefore, children who are heavily fed with semolina porridge (2-3 servings per day) often develop rickets and spasmophilia. Other cereals also bind calcium, but to a lesser extent than semolina. That is why doctors now recommend feeding babies with vegetable puree first.

Semolina porridge is nothing but a porridge made from coarsely ground durum wheat. Semolina contains all those elements that are in a wheat grain: it is rich in starch, to a lesser extent in proteins, vitamins and B1, B2, B6, PP. Semolina contains a lot of iron and very little fiber, which is why semolina is usually recommended in the postoperative period for seriously ill patients who need nutritious food, but the least irritating to the stomach.

Dangerous properties of semolina

Very often semolina is prepared for children, however, it should be noted that a high starch content is not required for the child's body and therefore children do not want to eat semolina, intuitively feeling the catch. Moreover, the children's stomach is not ready to digest the starchy carbohydrates that semolina is rich in. The mucopolysaccharide gliodin, contained in semolina, causes the necrosis of the intestinal villi, and phytin changes the intestinal microflora so that it is unable to absorb vitamin D and iron, which are necessary for the growth of a child. All the troubles that semolina porridge conceals in early childhood are not at all terrible for an adult, and in old age, the disadvantages of cereals devoid of protein turn into advantages. For the elderly, semolina is very useful - it helps to avoid hypermineralization of blood cells, prevents colon cancer, does not irritate the stomach and perfectly saturates.

Creation date: 2013/12/24

Historical research, based on the results of excavations of ancient civilizations, confirms the fact that cereal grains were known to ancient people even before the birth of agriculture. In the era of the development of agriculture, long before our era, cereals became the subject of cultivation and trade. Archaeological finds indicate that porridge was included in the menu of ancestors a thousand years ago. From time immemorial, it was cooked from millet, oats, barley, buckwheat, on weekdays and on holidays.

In general, all dishes cooked from crushed products were considered porridge; ancient sources mention bread cereals from rusks, as well as fish, pea, juice (with hemp oil), carrot, turnip. Of the cereals that were cooked without preliminary processing of grain, perhaps only kutia has come down to our time (and then only as a village exotic). Oatmeal was ubiquitous of finely ground cereals. It was cooked like this: the oats were washed, boiled for a short time, then dried in an oven and pounded in a mortar until the grain turned into small cereals, and then sifted through a sieve. Be that as it may, these were the main dishes on the table for both the poor and the rich. Hence the proverb: "Porridge is our mother." But another well-known expression came from the custom of cooking porridge when concluding a peace treaty between the warring parties. If it was not possible to agree, they said: "You can't cook porridge with him."

Porridge is one of the most common traditional dishes among the Slavs. Porridge appeared in those ancient times, when they did not yet know either millstones or mills, and it was, obviously, the very first dish prepared by people from grain grains. To make bread, the grains had to be peeled and grinded, turned into flour, kneaded dough, etc .; The simplicity of the porridge has even become a proverb: "If you cook porridge and a fool, there would be a grain of water." At the same time, however, this simple dish firmly entered the life of the Slavic farmers. Plowmen-farmers have eaten porridge since childhood: in infancy, mothers fed them the so-called dregs (liquid porridge cooked in water or milk), and when they grew up, their main food was steeply cooked porridge made from wheat, buckwheat, barley and others. grain plants. Porridge was used both for the "main meal" and for a snack: for example, krupenik - porridge baked in milk and eggs - Russian peasants considered a tasty dish like sweet pastries. According to the Russian expression, "no porridge and no lunch at lunchtime"; "You can't feed a Russian peasant without porridge." Perhaps not a single important event in the life of farmers could do without porridge, a traditional ritual dish. So, for example, when a child was born in a peasant family, they rushed to baptize him and give him a name; at the same time, in honor of “the initiation of the infant to Christ and his introduction into the bosom of the church,” a holiday was usually held, accompanied by various rituals. One of these rituals in many places was the preparation in honor of the baby and in his name of the "cherished baptismal dish" - porridge made from grains boiled in water in their real unchanged (unmilled) form. As a rule, such a baptismal porridge was either yash (made from barley) or wheat. The midwife who received the child went with this porridge to all the invited guests, and each of them who wanted to eat the porridge had to buy out a spoon, that is, put in a penny; At the same time, popular belief said: "if you give a penny for porridge, the baby will live." The baby's father was also treated to porridge, and coolly salted and with pepper. Porridge was certainly prepared for a feast in honor of the wedding; it was an indispensable dish even when starting a new farm. The hostesses prepared ceremonial porridge in honor of many holidays. So, for example, on the day of memory of Cosmas and Damian, on the day of Akulina-Grechushnitsa, on the day of Agrafena the Bathing Lady, on the day of Thekla Zarevnitsa.

Such large winter holidays as Christmas, New Year, Christmastide, etc., could not do without ceremonial porridge. The porridge put on the table by the hostesses at that time was called kutya and was hearty, very tasty and sweet. On Christmas Eve, on the eve of the great day of the Nativity of Christ, all household members, without eating, waited for the first star to appear in the sky, in memory of the appearance of a star in the east, which announced to the Eastern Magi the appearance of the Savior of the world, the Divine Sower, who would “sow the seed of the word of God to grow the bread of heaven. " With the appearance of the star, the Christmas fast ended, and on the table covered with straw and a tablecloth, the hostess put kutya - a liquid porridge cooked from peeled barley, wheat or thick cereals in water sweetened with honey. The same kutia was served on the table on New Year's Eve and on Epiphany; at the same time, the people called the Christmas kutia Lenten, the New Year's - hungry, and the Epiphany - rich. Various names of Christmastide days were associated with kutia, the Christmastide ritual dish: for example, the second day of Christmastide was popularly called “babi porridge” by the people; the eve of Christmas was called "the first kutya", the eve of Vasilyev's day (New Year) - "another (second) kutya", and the Epiphany eve - the "third kutya"; Christmas Eve itself, or the nomad, was called so because at that time the supper was served syrupy, i.e. a sweetened porridge without a milky seasoning. For the preparation of porridge, grains of various grain plants were suitable: barley (yash porridge), buckwheat (buckwheat), spelled (spelled).

In Little Russia and some other places, porridge was cooked from millet (millet), making the so-called kulesh. In the southwestern Slavic lands, cereals were cooked from rice and corn: pilaf (rice porridge with various seasonings) was made from rice, and mamalyga (steeply mashed and boiled porridge made from corn flour) was made from corn. The farmers also used rye porridge, and sometimes they took unripe rye for it (such a green porridge "was in some places a merchant's whim"). Porridge was also cooked from oat grains, although they were not cooked everywhere: for example, Russian peasants often even felt disgust for oatmeal.

In many places there were also wheat porridges, and the best of them were considered those that were cooked from a special wheat cereal called manna; however, such cereals were little known among the people, since semolina, like cereals from potatoes (sago), due to the difficulty of preparation, was quite expensive and, therefore, affordable only for wealthy people. Of all these cereals, yash porridge (made from barley) was considered the most controversial and tasty. To prepare it, the hostesses put barley grains in a mortar and beat them with a pestle, and then washed them; the indigestible husk of the grains flew off, and pure yashny (egg) groats remained. Dried in a special way, it was called thick cereal. Purified in the best way and carefully selected yash grits were called pearl barley or pearl barley - by the similarity of its grains with pearls (pearls). From the obtained peeled grains, they then cooked porridge, which, like almost all other cereals, was eaten "immediately from the oven hot", since, cooling down, any porridge loses its taste and becomes "heavy for the stomach."

But although yashnaya porridge was revered as one of the best and most delicious porridges, buckwheat porridge was the most beloved by the people and the most widespread from ancient times. Unlike other cereals, it was possible to eat it not only hot, but also cold, with milk, with hemp juice and even with kvass. No other porridge among the people enjoyed such respect as buckwheat. Before boiling porridge, buckwheat grains were by all means processed: they were placed under the millstones in order to free them from husks, and this husk, or husk, beaten off from grain in grain-grinders, in treeless areas was often used as an excellent and cheap fuel that perfectly replaces firewood. After the millstones, the grains were poured under a stream of air directed by a winnower, and in this way they made cereals; at the same time, cereals from smaller, selected and carefully sifted grains were called Smolensk, and porridge from it was considered the most delicious

Everyone who studied at one school or one educational institution is called classmates. Why classmates? How did this word come about? And what kind of porridge is this - one for all?

Porridge - a dish made from cereals in milk or water was a favorite dish of the Slavs. Remember the old sayings: "Where there is porridge, there are ours", "Our mother is buckwheat porridge." But our ancestors knew other meanings of the word "porridge". In ancient chronicles, porridge is a wedding feast. Kashniks in some Russian dialects were the names of the bride's relatives and acquaintances who came for porridge. They called porridge and food in general, remember, for example, the word cook. It means not only "porridge cooker", but generally a cook in a military unit or a workers' artel. The word classmate has a special fate in the history of the language, and it appeared thanks to a completely different mess. In the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl we read: “Classmate, one-cartel man, one-diner, table-mate; grown up together. " This means that at first there were comrades in the artel, and then there were additional students. Since the 30s of the XIX century. the word classmate in the meaning of "old school friend" has become widespread. Some historians hastened to give this explanation. There was a cheerful custom in rural schools in southern Russia. When moving from junior to senior class, the students brought pots of porridge to school, which they ate together, then, saying goodbye to those who remained in the junior class, broke the pots.

Semolina - what cereal is it made from? Composition of semolina, benefits for the body, an overview of the best brands on the market

What cereal is used for semolina

The main properties make semolina nutritious and healthy. This is due to the origin of the product. Certain varieties of wheat are required for production. The semolina is obtained after cutting the grains, the particles are obtained with a diameter of at least 0.5 mm.
The type of cereal has an effect on the finished cereal, which has a different category. Upon receipt of raw materials with a category "M" means that they used a soft wheat variety.
The category designation "T" indicates that hard varieties were used. Sometimes there is a mixture of two cereals, in this case the brand is designated "MT".

Semolina composition, characteristics and calorie content

Semolina is rich in useful and nutritious elements:
  • vitamins E, B1, B2, as well as B9 and PP
  • besides this mineral salts, among them there are sodium and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, there is iron and zinc, cobalt together with fluorine and amino acids
  • one of the main antioxidants in the composition of the product is vitamin E. Thanks to its effectiveness, the nervous system and the human brain function properly. Semolina porridge soothes a person with breakdowns or nervous breakdowns
Groats cannot be cooked for a long time, and after cooking they are quickly absorbed in the body. At the same time, physical strength is restored, the body is cleansed, getting rid of excess fats, as well as harmful substances.
100 grams of semolina contains 328 kcal. In addition, proteins contain - 10.3 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 70.6 g.
Advice! Ready-made cereal prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. With the correct use of semolina, you can avoid raising cholesterol, it is great for people with diabetes.

Useful properties of semolina, is there any harm to the body

Semolina contains minerals, vitamins, it contains starch in the amount of 70%. The beneficial properties are preserved thanks to the quick preparation. Semolina is considered a protein-free cereal, and doctors recommend eating during chronic kidney failure.
The presence of harm to the body
Semolina consists of fast carbohydrates and sugar, foods instantly appear in the blood and a person receives a powerful boost of energy. But it does not last long and is not suitable for normal life. Due to the presence of these properties, diabetics, as well as people who want to lose weight, should not eat the product.
Semolina is rich in gluten, it is found in large quantities, so people suffering from this substance should give up semolina. The product contains a high calorie content, so you should not feed your baby only with this dish.

Semolina porridge with cranberry mousse

Mash the cranberries and pour boiling water over, then cook for 7 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of semolina to the mixture, pour 0.5 cups of sugar on top. Cook the ingredients for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The ready-made mousse is a double-enlarged dish.

Semolina porridge with walnuts

  • semolina - 0.5 cups
  • milk - 800 ml
  • sugar - 60 g
  • jam - 100 g
  • walnuts - 30 g
  • salt optional
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • some vanillin
Mix milk with sugar and a little salt. Stir thoroughly and put to boil, then add the specified amount of cereal and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, cool the mixture and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
Important. Thanks to porridge, fats are broken down, as well as mucus is removed. The product has no properties to cause allergies, but there is an individual intolerance. If you regularly eat semolina dishes, you will not develop heart disease, as well as the vascular system.

Semolina and pumpkin crumpet

Grate the pumpkin with a coarse nozzle, mix with 4 tablespoons of semolina, salt and beat in an egg. Stir the ingredients until smooth. Fry the resulting mixture in a hot pan on both sides. After the dish is browned on one side, turn over with a spatula and fry the other side until golden brown. Before removing the product from the fire, grease with sour cream on top. The sweet crumpet is ready.

Review of the best brands of semolina producers

The best semolina is produced at JSC Aleiskzernoprodukt (Altai Territory).
In addition, there are well-known manufacturers:
  • OJSC "Saratov Combine of Bread Products"
  • OJSC "Rostov Plant of Bread Products"
  • JSC "Mill in Sokolniki" (Moscow)
Thanks to the well-organized work of the listed industries, excellent brands of semolina are obtained.

Pros and cons of semolina for kids

Semolina contains a large amount of gluten, so babies experience severe allergic reactions. At an early age, a child has a weak body, so you should not burden him with this dish until the body gets used to gluten.
Semolina consists of a huge amount of carbohydrates, a child's body that has not become strong is unable to cope with the substance. If you feed a child often with semolina, he will gain excess weight, as a result, you will get an excessive number of indicators of age norms.

Diet recipes with semolina: video

There are many different semolina diet recipes. One of them can be found by following the link: